The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-03-07, Page 2r
2 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, March `7th, 1963
�nhrrirll ftnuti—ft
—E1-1,— The aunty Town Newspaper of Huron --0--
Established "�\4c B r PRIZE FIN
1848 "Published
CM 1.10VN
Signal -Star Publishing Limithsf
- to ftp 118th year of publication
Subscription Rates -- $4.0u a year. To U.S.A. $5.00 (In Advancet ,
Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for
payment of postage in cash.
Member of C.W.N.A.. O.W.N.A. and A.B.C.
Cir(''ulation — over 3550 • GEO. L. ELLIS. Editor and Publisher
h1 t)al•1•;l!g•e t,l \'iviu11s attacks allld (•1)llll-
t"r•-attat'ks tlllt)r('t•t'tl('llt('d ill l'all;lllinll
1potitieal hitt,('\ '1111 1)t' exl)el;ted as the
present federal eleeti(-tt t•tt-t•lrl.)ttigti cloves
into high ,call \\'hile this general atrllo-
sl)it.rt•e of a 'irha!,•((ilisnl vvitt he felt in the
federal riding. or •Iluro1, it vwill not he 111-
Lhil\- inn:luled 1(\ either of the t\yo lu(•ill
i•anditfates now in the field. Neither
t'a.,ediff nor •1.,(l(lydo i .1let;iivin is the type
of -politician ft t1ese('II(1 111 the level 01 per_
gerltle111e11 vv•ho vVil1
vol (111('1 \vit11 a (1eeell0y
11!;(t 15 t•llstl'to li'1•ist0' of'1)ot11 of thelll. ..\1.1\'
t't'elillg in llltru11 \\ ill he created not by
hem hut 1•;a lien h\ tithe- •lieal.ers.
1`u111(seei as to d( Iitalte oeuvIellints of
t :i, apices iii _encs( still seems to le, a
'e1)arl, ��;" till. � le('t,ull. AV'heli 11t('.dil;l\
l,(,litie;tl Wash i, hung out on the line with-
in the tie•xt f(''v \\('t'ks, it \viii resltli ill the
ovefill( (';tlladtrtlt ])olitleai picture being
knoll iltt into sharper fueli-i. We shinlder tO
think of the shattering implications which
will result if another minority guvei'11111.1'Itt
goes in at Otta\va ull :1pril iSt1t. It could
really ''1 (1)10 ally
chit jive
fur (le'isiwe ae-
1 i()11 on hold 111et1S111 es vv ll i(•11 iS so sorely
Ileeiled at the 1)r('uent tilde to spur ('at1-
ad is eeono11i'. g1_Ovvt'i1. 1 iiless elle of the
1ll;t•lol' cum vent 0)1101 parties gets at \work111g
11a•jurit\ and effective leadership, 511h-
stat11iat \\ it of capital fru,11 (';rll;l.(l;t
011 ,1 he parr' of ful'eigit investors are ltrevit-
alde. The eyes of a lirtrl,'e -pact of the woarr }i
will 11e (,I1• ('spalls .\t)ril sot. \\•e ilop►e
('<itin(lian j.'Ier'[ r•s eau (make til)' Blind
in l tr„rinite \Vit' oft that (late. -\'e think
1 he Heed ren 11 is re;tll� l)res,in!,'.
sal(,\\ and ice \\ ere melting i11 t;Ilk 111;1y be ilecessal'\•, Plans. are alt'e;uly
i'•:''1'lell o1: 111,, week -011,1 under ;t strong 11101u1' Wily to purchase curling stones to
pr,-Spt•ing son. all t'lltlill,l;t,tie Local group have then( all ready for ;1('tiuit when the
(1 taco \\ ere )0l lestIv 1;1,611!-': 1)1;41, fol' 1 he• •.1,•0 is 1V;li1i11)1) -
('1'e,i11o11 ((1 wore fee. Ibit the\ were ('1111er-s \\hilt' all unexpectedly enthusiastic re, -
1110i the ire hoing (,(shell \\•;ls for the 1)ro ,pulse hal, greeted the sale of shares to
1,us (1 curling rink to 1)e 111 01101:04'14M 110xt Matte ill 110 planned new 0 11 1' l l 11 g rink,
tilt 111('11('\' over and above this Is needed to get
Iiepurls- presented to. the meeting 1'e- the ])i'u,leet• under \way i1 the spring. This is
V•e:ee(1 wbles1)0 0(1 'interest in the new where -l)t11)1ie •duitatiutls to the eatlse ('011es
curling rink. Already, , there is a definite °i1. It is hoped 10 seems. such -donations
list ut ;tpproxiittittely -200 t e r est ed t' r u in industries, business establishments
curers. "There is. every i11(1il'altion this 81141 pl'11•ate citizens. 1 purling rink in
,1nn;1wl• will il.e increased c•'ollsinlerably . (iow1erieh• vmild ielefit this.;nniniripality
' \V',h( 1t the 1'oalr11t" game actually gets under 111 Malty ‘vat's. We '(10 not propose to list
\\ fly loeal,lv•. Evert ali*e11 fanners have ex- these benefits at this time but tilerely to
l)re,sr(I a desire to form a -farmers' zoning say= th;4t they \vonl(1 hc' reol..,\Utether you
(ter!,. AV•it{l the to tilting' staff a1 live in (io(11'1•il'll o1• district Or acre a former
1 1111:x1 11)ro1 Seeomlar,N,• School at ('lilt- resident or (`;lode -rich, your financial t;ttp-
.eien• sche(lllle(I to he greatly enlarged this port of this project is'sottgllt at this„tiiile.
fall, p105144015are bright fu(many of the will yut hll) . Your chequeshould he
male teacher, there becoming (milers at . made,' payable to ":1laitland (golf and ('ttrl-
(in(lel•ieh', He\\ rink. Although at foto' lade iiia.;• (`101)`411rtist h'1i1d" >a1(1 mailed to Mr.
rink \vas the J riginal ]haul, prospects loom I)at lInrl)hy, chairman of the eirling cont -
as .liftit'01 11,- rosy Ila y that ('ven.11 llteger 111111) 1.
)iy Rev. C. W. Lewis, Minister.
of Auburn United Church
Luke 21:1 -4 -What a cene
this Was •— this poor, stoop-
l'shouldered woman dressed to
unstylish threadbare • clothes.
Yet in making her offering, she
could hold her head high be- ward the sellers of cakes,
cause she had given honestly. aprons, and trinkets in His
Father's house today than He
did toward those who sold pig-
eons, in the temple of His day.
There is another way. It re-
quires discipline, a sense. of
adventure, and a faith in One
who will not forsake us. Chris-
tiane stewardship begins in thin
heart. It involves the honest
giving of ourselves in all our
parts to the service of Hiiu,,who
gave us His Son. Stewardship
is a matter of dedication, yet is
that not what the Faith is all
about? A mark of that dedica-
tion is, the sacrificial giving of
our time, our ability, and our
treasure. The key lies in the
concept of "sacrifice." - For
some, what they give to the
Church are merely the scrap-
ings off the platter of ajJulid-
ance. But God bless the "poor.
Christian stewardship.
No' Church can afford these
schemes. The Church of Jesus
christ does not exist on the
principle of profit, but on the
principle of sacrifice. I find it
rather difficult to believe that
Jesus would act differently to-'
Hers was an offering in spite
of her poverty, while men of
means gave a tip of their
It has been the topic of con-
versation in many churches as
to how the Church should"
ceive its money. In any Church
with a breath of new life in it,
money is not a dirty word. We
might bear in mind that
money was one— Jesus' fav
orite topics of conversation,
simply because He saw main's
use and' misuse of it as a pro-
In the Christian Church to-
day, I• believe that many of us
are. being just plain dishonest
about our stewaradship of money
to the Church. Oar- money is
part of us, as much as our
clothes, our attitudes, and our
personality. I believe that the widows 'still in our congrega-
ancial giving habits of many tions who give in spite of their
of us need a drastic revision in own needs.
the light of our abundance and For a . minister to advocate
our conscience. Unfortunately,; tithing is not the piping of fan -
many of our Churches have re-' atics, but rather the challenge
sorted to gimmick schemes such ',for Christians who mean busi-
as bazaars, contests, and box; ness. There is another religion
tops ,as sources of revenue. i in the world which means busi-
This is a lucrative substitute ness, the religion of Comr]lurt-
for Christian responsibility. but ism. .It has loffg" erne entered
in reality is the narcotic of ; the battle for the hearts of men.
GOODWIN — BRERETOiN- vertitai' ruffles, and a baby blue
In a setting of pink aiid •vei1M-e'd crown. Her flowers were
white snapdragons and lighted Fnosegay of blue tinted mums.
cathedral tapers marriage vows Kenneth Dunn of Goderich
were exchanged' by Barbara was groomsman and ushers
Faye Brereton and Charles Rob- were Richard Harrison and Ted
ert, Goodwin in Knox Presby- Avis, both of Goderich.
terian Church on Saturday, Feb- The bride's mother received
ruary 23. -Rev. G. L. Royal of- her guests at Tiger Dunlop Inn
ficiated at the afternoon ‘sere- wearing a peacock blue sheath
many. The bride is the daugh- dress with white accessories
ter of Mrs. Albert' L. Brereton and•, a corsage of pink carna-
and the late- Mr, Brereton of tions. A flowered crepe dress
Goderich and the -groom is the with brown accessories . and a
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. corsage of yellow carnatlbns
Goodwin of Goderich- Tradi- was chosen by tl1e groom's mo-
tional wedding music was la - • o ass"
es x ' erman de Jong who also For trave kto the United
accompanied the soloist, Miss States the bele cran'ged to a
Joan Crawford of 07 t h
Winter of 1.16_-(1.1 has .either made the grain trade • last wee(: •vv'as informed
a (r cerc double knit suit of charcoal
a liar of one of this emitinent's host sehol- all- Lake Superior Was frozen over---ek"(ef)t when she. sang "The Lord's grey, the jacket of which had
rl- and allthoritatiwl' 1iuuks of else (!ame a sola(( area off Ilse R iyal, just silt from Prayer, , horizontal stripes of Banff blue.
,he,„„b isje .given in 'marriage 11 r areesaories w.e,1_e kybi,te and\'iT1TfI ct
cat.-7whiskers Ot 11. (nits c1es- The ,Lak{`iTheati1 4f"he :~aloe tioit't ce adilitll (i bys her brother, Davi l�I3rereton'she wore a corsage of yellow
cr•ipt1) 11 (>i' 1211ko Superior, the hook Mates i4 might hat've frozen over in the Meantime. of Goderich, wore a knee-length rosebuds. Upon their' return
. . the lake twver freeze:; over.' From oml .\.tit horiev for the ',tatenlellt that Lake gown of white nylon organza. the young couple will reside 'in
Iti'2':; \\-hen Etienne Brule diSOvc'rt'd Lakit. Mrtperior• _never freezes •over is "Eneyelo- Appliques of Alencon lace ac- Cornwall.
Supeei01•, it Ilew('1 froze Over ill three (•('ll I 1e(lia Of ('allada edit -V(1 by `'\• teW-atrt cented the basque,-oodice which Among thea-gnests_ from :1
t )11 1 — (moi' t et.ear(r (1 histury. . 11u\rr ver, if all \\"till)( 11:1 (Oxon). The I+.111'4 101)aedial was' styled with a sabrina neck- 'distance were 'Mr: and Mrs.
ne\� s reports this Willi er are cornse-, a1 Illritatlluia says t he same ihirlr(r. " line and lily -point sleeves. The William McLean, 'Sally and
bell skirt was side draped with Tommy of Clark -on; 114r. and
amendment 10 the iu)1(l 11t1\ have t.) lie it .\viii he recalled that, in (>11r area ,it crystal -pleated -floating„ panels Mrs-. Claire Lambert, Petrolia
1ttae, for these reports state the ln`ke isr least, there Was ilo :January thaw. in fact, inati back into the caught by .
.g c Y eY,. •Mr. and Mrs. .Iohf1 Lambert,
11)1/.• 4 over. t lore • \\•ere et'eii no thaws • ill 1 (1)1 uary-- ing roses. tier. shoulder -length Watford; -•Mrs. F, M. Goodwill,
1 1 01!) Y.i• 1 1e\\•: suttr,e \\•hieh Ira°seli ,just steady eul(1 \(ither. \u 1nisUike about veil of silk illusion was held by Blenheim, and. Mrs. Peter I3ake-
•• ret t 4t<a•r••el s s q -m -rd ri"i'rrr tsi rev rz eir-• `^ i i , •rr ; -•tarn'r•r r^°rrn a•r l l- 1•rr•rr•�*; e°rl-c-v-irtxtr t 'rr g<rrrra-rt -1 r•r °ar-ir•e1-1 z ” zt'° vrrr't l 61,Yifi'C”" '"d " i"
a crescent bouquet of. yellow,Prior to her lnarriag,e the
' Gloria roses .bride was entertained at show-
' i ` William •McLean ' of ens gisven,in her honor by Mrs.
Clark'on was her sister's mat- Harry Bloomfield and Mrs. Carl
-non of honor wearing a knee- Yassella. Iter fellow employees
length r gown of._ gold' peau de of the Ontario Hospital present-
• sgie wether ateh ng .keiled crown' ettT ls�t' �vit'lt a: et 'of`'C rnin;
and,aecessories.. SIm earpied••'it ware- -gifts. were given.. her
erescant bouquet of ,bronze by hc-r- Gub lack and Sunda
'')''1 winsome flower girl school class,
It is the most. ]personal
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mleltt you \rill r v e'h
.Appoint British Mortgage '8z Trust Your Executor
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1; isle Mortgage and discuss this important platter With one of
tlr trust officers. There is no charge or obligation for consult-
ation. .
At the Stoplight,
w• as Sails tti°ToLar of eiark-
son, niece- of tilos brid.c, ,who
i'F ,.ieS `
. vor.oT �'''e `.. wih1te4 41,Ylatt.
ol4gtrriiza �viill� T( ixffaht'lcirt ofr
1lc n your home now
`Z,e, 7r how you save
when you build a .
Queenstsin $4,913
Like hundreds of -thrifts
homeowners you can Save
The Halliday "Way , ley
acting as your own cml-
tractor and applying some
'finishing touches yourself
THC: H't.l.Il)AY COMPANY limner)
Burlington" Ontario
Send me a rnpy of you,' '5') Homes Catalogue.
I enclose 354.
Check hes Cl 'boa own a los.
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. Your Halliday Dealer
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Victoria St,, GOtI.I,TCT-1
Phone: J 44253
Some disciples of this so-called
"new society" give 'ia of their
time and MI of their income to
their faith. , Surely Christians
have a more important cause,
and a greater challenge.
One man said, • "If you tithe,
you don't have to worry about
being pressured. You know
that what you're giving is a
start toward being right. You
give until yeti feelgood about
it Returning a fair share of
God's generosity not only takes
faith, but it is a mark . of our
own spiritual honesty, since a
portion of (4wea1�#t be;long>
to GU. anywa,Ye. Christian tee,-
ardsiiip is like a -mountain
streaki, the longer i'i flows, the
sleeper it cuts its impression
into the heart ,of the mountain.
"Everyone to whom .much is
given, of him will much be
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sut-
cliffe ' and daughters, ` Joanne
and Karen of Wingham visited
with Mrs. Warrener and Mrs.
Mamie Sutcliffe over the week-
Mernorials —
Finest Stone and ' Experienced Workmanship
- JA 4-7861. or 200 Gibbons St. •-- J A,- A-9465
All Brands With Purchase of $'1.00 or over.
LISTERINE with 9$c
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J.andJ..BABYOIL a=9 ";$9c
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Reg. 98c- 79c
PHILL1PSC,O.F...MAGNESIA,ll;g...TABLETS-._.._ .Reg. 1.29109
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We- D
V sc ~ARE -.
This is a high' he,el full tension pump made
over". `a combination last, all to give you the
ultimate in fit. The two shades of calf leath-
er arcbone acid tawny. These shades are in
'vogue fpr spring as well as the colors for
this summer.
Jet Illusion and High Heels from 8,95
F _
whichever you choose,.
i#'s smart to insist on
the 'one and 'only
Supp -hose
stockings by
* KAYS E 111
SWIM! &ipp-hose are the fashion sheer all-
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relief froth leg fatigue to countless women,
everywhere! They're the first - and still the,
favorite Supp -hose Stockings.. With THE
important support; features, including:. pro-
portioned fit for better support at the ankle
and calf ; special comfort top that won't bind,; ---
nylon action foot_that won't squeeze toes.
Recommended for women.who are on their
feet a lot !
SeamkSs Supp -hose a're especiia11g created'
for you who like gentler support and prefer
the look of -seamless. The name "Supp -hose''.
your -assurance -chat-this-i-the^r. ht -sea n- --
less support stocking for "you . - . a gentler
version of the stockings -that hale become
'Such a favorite with smart women every-
verywhere! And seamless Supp -hose is the .per-
fect companion to your seamed Supp-hose•.i..o
complete your wardrobe for every occasion.
-Either Supp -hose style, only "'pr
1 Ca
s W(
e to
ill it
d it
e, a
f b(
Il' t
Again shown here 'are' he twofseason colors
of tawny and bone. 'The stack heel. and cern:
bination last combine to .give you the ultim-
ate in comfort and fit.
-•-Stack N'els.' frorn 9.95 ..
Have you ever seer• a smarter looking low
heeled, low priced • shoe? This time brown•
bone and tawny combine for smart appear-
ance. The instep piece is in dark brown,
and. fully elasticised for a sure fit.
flat Heels from 5.95