The Exeter Times, 1891-9-10, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
The Entire Revolution New GOODS!
I. Of Medicine,
All alseeses successfully treated by a new
system, of noepoisonous and tasteless mail.
eines. SPna for free book explaining system
and testimoniale of the most remareable
cures on record, All lettere anawered same
day received.
Gentlemen.--Inow wish to bear my testi-
mony to the magic powers of llistegeeetie
biedennes in the cure of lung disease. Three
years no 1 had a severe attack of intermittent
fever. which shook my constitution very set. -
booty, espeeleil e ray tungs,liver,and bronchial
tubes. A year ago I took la grinoe, which left
me in a bad condition. I had a very hod cough
and profuse exneetelation. tlould not sleep
for coughing and pain n me lungs, I hod night
sweats and other evidenees of a estructive
process going on i'u»' sestere. MI 1 took and
jJ.ldIr) liver oil and other eeosumpo
tire remedies, did me no permanent good. I
finally became discouraged and reelized that
e ensutoption would soon carry MO a UM1OS$
4301110 unuottl tratment was brought into use
▪ roy ease I got worse and still worse, until
about the middle of Besember last when I
noticed on advertisement In the Toronto News
giving tbe testimnuy of amen named Hoperoft
having been cured of consumption. Also the
teetimony of another Toronto citizen named
Sir. cured of bronehitis with Iliotogenetic
laledunnes. I eoneulMd Or, hearone of the
medical exareiners of the association. Hewes
positive of ter a carefit 1 examination of my COn-
clition, that Illetogenetie 2i1edieinee Persever-
ingtv taken would effeet at least an arrest of
the disease and very probably s reolient eUre. I
commeneed treatment at once and began to
gain rapidly titan. unfortunately. f tee k
severe cola but persevered with the treatment
and wao 000n better man usual again. I pave
rapidly improved till my eough, expectoration,
Pena and nutlft sweots are entirely gone. I
basest:tined mote since oemtneacing the treat-
ment than 1 badlostduring my illness (fif teen
poupdso In fact,I .weigh live poundo more
than I have for years. I ant able now to follow
mg usual employment all day and feel splendid.
ono actien of these beautifully prepared, toSte•
Jess medicines is miraculous and permanent,
and they. leave ea Injurious effects. I wnib, in
thistestunony to tender Ins' hearty thanks. and
also those of mY own barmy wife,to the Mato
genetic Assoelation for the di
eep nterest they
took in nit* ease, whielt has resulted. through
(10d, in tuY lifebeingoaved Whonall elsofailed.
shall Madly answer any inquirles °oncoming
the facto in my case
1:ours truly, THOS. WILtIA:I18,
IQ Bobcat St-. Toronto.
District of Nipissiner.
Matheva. Dee, fifth, 169).
IfisrO5)loort0 511MICINE ASSOCIATION' t
Gentlemen, -I received your first package of
raedieine two weeks .ago. and have faith I ully
use it over eine°, I now wish to boarmy test/
511011Y to exeellence as a remedy for chronic)
diseases. With unqualified joy I declare, that,
during My long years of ill -health I never ex-
nerieueed such benefit from any remedy I used,
In the year 18G0, thirty years ago, ray health
P Monty collapsed in the shape of violent
inbinms, dizziness, nervousness. having
ny groundless fears, greet palpitation of
heart, depression of snirits, and so unable to
study that I had to give up my profession of
t000hing. God only knows what MiSetY I en-
dured in those years. I soon found out that I
was raying for some of MY youthful
As NM natural, I began using 01 the patent
medicines el* tlie day. but all to little purpose,
I also consulted "specialists" of every school,
and though scan° helped1110115) for a time, yet
I was never cured. Under ono course, I scrubb-
ed and washed so much that my skin was nearly
worn through., and it only made Inc weaker,
So I wont on 151 51 partially broken down on-
dition for years; InY intellect blighted, and
manhood snared, which of late years has been
about lost entirely. I had about given up all
hope. when ono day last July, I was reading
tho Presbyterian of Toronto, and my gyp
caught the words "complete revolution in
medicine." Ah, thought I perhaps a gracious
God, to whom 1 have been praying far help,
had something for me hero, be 1 road, and saw
two very honest like letters from two ladies in
Toronto. who had been cured of long standing
complaints. I obtained the book and not only
read, hut studied it. and thought about it as
well asi could at the time. I hod faith to
believe Dr. Jordan's theory to be:the true one
And nit. having tried the refnedy for only two
week • thaVIM ever God that I VIever directed to
it; fo ,vertainly believe it was providential,
am, so far, fully aatisned with it as a simple,
easy to be taken, safe and effectual remedy. I
felt almost as Well as any man could wish to
feel. Low spirit all gone, get up in the morn-
ing singing -could sing all day -beginning to
feel that vigor and lightheartedness whieh
makes life so pleasant, ;My head is splendid.
Oh what comfort I have in reading now. I do
not expect,stis true, to be niade into a young
man (being now 55). but I firmly believe 1 wil 5.
be cured of My ills after using. the remedies
for a length of time corresponding to my ago
and long standing complaints. The medicines
I had taken in the past were dreadfully strong,
and many a wry face I made in USirIg them,and
always had to increase the !dose' I often felt
myself injured by them otherwise; and no won-
der as I took so much. But not .so this medi-
cine. It is perfectly harmless. onerating so
gently and yet with such wonderful effect, as
really to make one such a simple
looking, almost tasteless substance could have
such power But it is a builder up of the poor
broken down body, and brings joy to many a
heart. . So I advise all who are afflicted with
si okness whioh baffles all the "old schools" not
to allow any unreasonabi e prediudiee to hind&
them from giving ,these remedies a fair trial,
and I am. sure YOU will not repent it.
to This is no "blow merely to he I p the Histoge-
netio Association, but I am speaking what
solemn,y believe to be true concerning inyself
so far asIhavegone, and for the benefit of the
suffering, for whose aidI believe 0 od has raised
up and prospered Dr. J. Eugene Jordan.
Gratefully yours.
-Tuesday, 8ebt. 8th.
9.20 a.m. to 5.10 pus.
Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
t 1
eOCIATION-Rooms 2 tied 3 Albion
Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19
Young Street Market, Toronto.
Mention Exeter Times.
Our Stock is now Complete, and in-
tending purehmers will find it to their
advantage to visit our store and inspect
OP e a the ATM COMPLETE Stoelie
ever opened in Exeter. The new Drees -
Goode are all that you could desire
The immense Stock of CO1TO1.
FLANNELS are all as low in price
as the loweet. Note SOITIO prfees :-
Grey Flannel, 100.; .Allswool Grey Flan-
nel, 140.; Heavy Twill Sheeting, 100.
Our Motto is: he Low Casi. Pk for At
Big Value in Ready -Ingle Clothing at
. MoTAV 8 a CO
WOodlea'rrl. ^ '
BUTEEs,,Mr. John W Abray expeas to
leave this week for Biltish Columbia for a
short time;he will de a little proepeeting.
., It
-Mr, Ford who has been in the
employ ot _Mr. Long, enerehaut, of St.
Marys has been home for a couple of weeks
volition. He leaves thia week for Cononer
cial College.-Dietriet revival eervices will
be held, Di V., in the Methodist elearcb,
Kirton, to begin on Saturday, 261h inst. at
2.30 p m,, and continue over Friday of the
following week. There will be three eer-
`'iqea bela on SundaY, eue at 10,30, a. m
2.30 end 7 le, re, and each day of the week,
Setnrday excepted, likely at hewn of 10 a.
xxl„ 2 and 7 p. m. Two or three refulgent
of the dietriet will attend the Salabatla
vicea and ell the minteters of the St Marys
(Hetrick May bwexpected to be in attendance
chitin the week. A cordial invitation fa
swell to all minietere eed preeebere of other
distnete, emigratiosa and churches, and all
enelatien worker; and 01 people who can,
to attend these meeting& And the raye
era Of all elitistian people are eolleited that
Clod raw abundantly pour oet hie opted up
on them, that 'hoe may be times of great
epirituriteeiwer ansierace.
Baxers.-The Thanksgiving eervices and
harvest supper of Orace Church, held on
Wedneaday. Sept 20, Was not very welt -
James Pickard's Old Stand.
attended. It Wafi a deeided mem every
Sodom, other way, the Meer WAS good and very
The Sunday Sohool now eujoye a now
library which le eatisfaetoryv and greetly
appreciated. There in alea a new cupboard
in width to keep the books; Silae Stanlake
and J Carrick are the Liblariane. The
be well-atterteel, and all are olden,.
tive and try to make the eohool ee attrael-
lve aa poesible.
Bemee-Jim Emory and Frank Coates
visited Will Bowden of Stephen an Sunday.
-Aubrey linewell left on Twang for
Detroit where he will work at his trade as a
tailor. Wo ;wish Milner every Eamon. -
Mr. a. Born and slider of Zion were the
gusto of Man Polly geralalte of Eden on
Sunday. -Our foothell team will meet an
Exeter team in the near future so 11 5* said.
-The picnic to the lake on Wednesday
lag was a grand mom. Everybody lied a
good time eapecially going end comiug.
ACCIDUNT..-01.1 Friday last Wm North-
cote, eon of Mr. Wm. Northoott, sr., met
with a bad accident. They wore engaged
drawing in peas, and when about to lift the
load into the mow, something was found to
be wrong with the fork. The young man
went to the peak of the barn to adjust ono
of the ropes, when a loose brace, onto whielx
he held, gave way, precipitating him to the
barn floor a distance of 28 feet. He sustain
ed serious internal injuries besides breaking
the thigh of his left log and dislociatiug his
right Imo.
•5 4
Bram-John Beacom's Tom Burk won
money at the Goderich, Clinton, and Mit-
chell meets of the Lake Huron Trotting
Circuit --There died in Clinton on Sunday
last, Edmund Corbett, aged 51 years De-
ceased had been ailing but a ahort time,
and his demise is quite a shock to his many
friends. He leaves a wife, two daughters
and a son to mourn their loss -Mr Wm
Mason is still dangerously ill and very
little hope is entertained for his recovery
-Rev John Gray, Baptist minister, of
Kincardine.has accepted a call to a church
near St Thomas and will remove there
Acornexe.-On Monday of last week
Michael McLaughlin of beaforth met with
a bad accident while assisting witu the har
vest at JIM Morrison's, jr. They were ;draw-
ing in peas, and when lifting the load into
the mow with a rack -lifter, the dog of one
of the oog-wheels broke and allowed rack,
load and all to fall to the floor. McLaugh-
lin was standing on a beam about 14 feet
high, and the rack in its descent strurik
knocking hint to the floor ana failing
upon him. Ris right leg was badly injured,
his right ankle sprained, his shoulder die-
piecesi besides internal injuries. Dr Thorn.
8051 of Hensel] was called who fixed the
young man up so as to allow of his going
13nues-Prof W A Fried paid his native
village a short visit last week. During
the summer he has taught classes in phren
ology at Hamilton and Grimsby Park He
intends to go to England in the near future
We join in wishing him every sucoess-On
Thursday last, Yearly, daughter of Mr F
Wurtz, had the misfortune to fall down a
flight of steps, -which caused several lumps
on her head. -Mr Elliott, formerly teacher
at Blackbush, was in this vicinity on busi-
ness not long ago -Mr H Ross paid our
village a dying visit last Sunday -Mr H
Willert of Michigan left here last week;
he intended to make the trip to the other
side on his bicycle. -A number from here
intend to visit the fairs at Toronto and
BATTALION NOTES -Lieutenant Taylor,
one of the six braves, wants the public to
knew that he has landed on terra firma
again. Major Rattler seems to be offend-
ed that his name did not appear in the
paper last week- Will try not to forget
next time they liez.ttsL_a encounter.
A NAUBOW ESOAYE.-I would probably
have been in my grave today had it not
been for Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. For two years I suffered from bowel
complunt and became very weak and thin,
but after lasing halt a bottle of the Extract
1 was completely cured and have since had
no return of the complaint." -Miss Hilton,
34 Huntley St., Toronto.
ettrective. The supper voom was beallti.
fully lighted with eltineee lanterns. The
muelo by the bend, wee donning. The
cholat services in the (thumb were very im-
pressive, the einging by the ehoir gnawing
that they Inui been well -indeed. The ago
mon by the rev. Prof. Williams, M. A. of
London wee interesting and instructive.
Proceeds $10,-Allesi Wavy Balling oad
number ot her friends from Detroit aro Tie
Menet Air. John Itallingin-W 3 Wilson is
engaging to buiM a brick store, to replace
theme recently burnede-C. 11 Wilton is
offering his property for We. It is agood
burinees stand. -31r9 NV 3 Wilmn end girls
visited friends in Baytield lag week and re-
turnee home on gotsday.-10r. Henry
Either, deputy.reeve of Stephen bee bt en
engttged to act as chairman of the 17th.
ssual harvest home Thank -offering dinner of
tho Boston Methodist church, Weduesdan
ova, Sept 161h, -All ranks tudebted to W.
J. Wilson are requested to call and nettle he
fore lat Oct:, as after that date the buaineas
will be earned on by Wilson tk Co. -Anima
leo of aportsmen Iptur Comb here every
few days ainee the season for duck shooting
opened. -Misses Eliza ond Neale AlaPher-
aon left hero lea Thuesday for the city of
Beaton, Masa., where they have Wanda,
and intend to remain.
TUE Teem Ununcir.-We lesiva that the
Methodiat church at Zion ia about finished,
after being thoroughly overlmuka. A new
roof put on, all freah painteth replaetered
ond weinscotted, ana celled over with Nor-
way pine. A. more snug little church you
wont find in a day's travel. The people are
to be congretulated for tracing hold. in so
hearty a manner mid working together so
haernoniously. It is intimated to cost $400
The painting especially deserves praise,and
it was done by Mr George Davis of Exeter.
Thera will be a feather in Ilia cap if it does
not 'stick', for this seems the weak point
with church work of painters generally. If
the rumors of good work prove true we
would advise him bare the fowl ready for
plucking. The re.opening is on Sunday,
Sept 27t5, if it does not rain anymore. The
frosted windows preyents the boys from see
ing in, the new roof is proof against leak-
age, the destruction of the 2x4 platform
saves the preaeher'a life, the absence of (ba
plaster prevents a murder, the prison doors
are gone, the forest of posts has disappear-
ed. bringing the !speaker in view, the front
seats are reserved for short people, the
mallows can no more build between the
brioks or the mice crawl through the wall,
the worshippers are no more in danger of
their lives' from falling plaster, and alto-
gether the little church at Zion now throws
in the shade any other on the circuit, even
Well done Zion, you don't need any
more educational sermone.
NOTIOE.—All who rlesire to purchase a good
Organ. come to the Zurich Show and see my
oallection of fine Organs.
II. WELL, Zurich.
BBIEEd: -Why have Chicago girls only
one foot in the grave? Because there is only
room for one. This is apparently applic-
able to at least one of the Dashwood fair sex.
One of our cobblers showed us a pair of slip
pers a few days ago wbiah were 'busted' and
had only been worn onoe ; and informed us
that he has never yet found a No. 5 slipper
that could be worn on a No. 7 foot. -Miss
Edith Steinbach left last week for the Con-
servatory of Music, Toronto, where she will
take a course in harmony and yooal music.
Miss Steinbach will be missed as organist in
the Evang. ehuroh, a duty Le has credit-
ably performed for the past few years. She
is accompanied by Miss Lizzie Hardy of
Ezeter.-We would like to ask the business
men of Zurich whether they ever considered
the advantages of organizing a Board of
Tirade. There certainly has never been
such an organization here, and why is it
What is a Board of Trade, anyhow 2 It loan
organization 61 the business man of a town
who meet once a week, not for personal in-
terests directly, but for the general interests
of their town, to consider the propriety of
inducing manufactories to locate in their
midst, end other matters that will tend to
bring the advantages of their town before
the outside world. As popular as Zurich is
it oonld be made mu& more so by a little
ambition on the part of our citizens. Here
we have two of the best hotels in the west,
and whioh are acknowledged by the Com-
meroial travellers who come this way, to be
as we sate; we Wive a flouring mill which
is second to none between London and God-
erich, and is patronized by farmers within a
radios of 20 mike around, besides the wool -
len mills, flax mill, and tannery; and yet
our bueiness men are apparently asleep es
to helping She town's Peogrese. If we an
so easily and' succeesially laold oar own
egainet alt other towns within 15 or 20 miles
of us, what would it be it we were to put
our shoulders to the wheel and about
"Zurich to tbe front ?" Why the ober
plaeea woule be far behind in the race-.
It is, rumored, that Mr Dezetele, formerly
an; barber, boa moved train Saginaw to
Cairo, Mice, where he win do businees in
his own name.--Onr teachers aro.attending
the teed:eraConvention at Minims thia
week. -.-r C. Frartleile haa blo eider Prega
in full runnieg order ; be luta put ha a new
grater with a capacity of 200 leas/gig per
Imer.-Esther, the little daughter of Mr.
Ed Apel is not very well. -Ain Fred Ideas
reeve of Limn .hatt returned from a SUR to
Detreit.-51r0 Grebintende having agreed
hall in connection with the opeoleg of hie
new ball-reora on the aftemoon end eveu-
ing et the 150e,--0 Heppe' at Berlin te
town en busioess thle week. -34 Eli Hen'
hater who bee been for souse time in Stan-
ley townehip has Interned to city life; he
leek* as 0 the fresh coentre as; agreed with
bine NVeleoree home,. Ell.-Alr Free Kib-
ler left for Toronto on Tuesday lag. -Mrs.
Benedict is ammennutly ill in Leedom
THE F.I.Ifft.-Tbe 270s annual exhibition
of the Hay AO Socey will beheld. be Zurich,
on, Meaux and Tuesday next, The list of
preeeleree is large and the fele will be
aneeeee. Special prizes are offered by lite
busioces men of the town whittle are an et:
treetien in themeelvee. Them will be a
Ing of war between ten men of Stanley end
ten men of Stephen townehipe. Also a
pimp glitetie eenteet in eemplue.,
the stone and tossing the cater, between. C.
Fritz, of Zuriolt aud lents et Parkhill.
Tide will he worth seeing The Dalton
Phowagrepli evifl oleo loe exhibited. The
fair is raider the manegereent of Dr, Buch-
anan, Pres.; TJohneton, The -go; end D.
S. Peng, See'y. (rem whom any leform-
Atka may be had.
Osborne Council.
Bneees.--.Ure. Jas. Alkenhea4 telt for
Carbeny, Man., lag week. -Wm McQueen
returned home from his Old Country trip
last week looking bale and bearty.--Bev. J.
H. Simpson is taking a montheelveratien,
ttie church duties are being EPOOljed 53'
Bee. Mr. Bette of Chiltern -06o. lied,
grocer, who Item been in hnsinese for the
past tiTO rears, has geld cut to Geo Simpson,
lately an employee of Rieliard Pickord
Son of Exeter, who will commence business
this week. -The city fathere should look ont
awl get the new aidewalks dower in the good
weather, as they are in a very dangerous
coneitiea at prmot.
The Conceit met an the 5th lest, men -
ant to adjournment, All the membera pre-
geet. Minutes of previoue meeting were
read and adopted, Moved by 3. Shier, see
by T. Cameron. that 1.25 mills in the $ be
levied on the ratable property of the Mun-
icipality Monier to raise the elate ot $2341.26
for local purpottea for the currant year. -
Owned. !dorm' by J.. Balls and W. Kydd
that 1.832 mills in the $ be 161,14 on the
:Mettle property of the munielpelity to
mete the sum of 03429.86 for county rate. -
Carried Moved by T. Cameron and I.
Shier that .48 of E mill in the dollar be
levied on the ridable property of the Muni-
cieality to raise as a mantel rate for mixed
empties the sum of $900, as provided by
eta 109. chap 55, Statutes Ontario, 1891. -
Carried. Moved by W. Eydd and 3, Balls
that the several aums legally required by
the trugees of the various ethool motions
of the Municipality be entered on the Col-
lector's roll and collectee with the other
rates. -Carried, Moved by J. Shier and T
Cameron that by-laws legalizing the levy-
ing of the aforesald ratan be prepared. -
Carried. Moved by J. Shier Ana 3. Hells,
that the Collector bo instructed to prepare
his bond in the sum of $12,000 and lay the
same before thia Council at its next =eaten
-eCarried. The clerk was instructed to pre
pare the Collector's roll by the 15th Oat.
Moved by T. Cameron and J. Shier that T.
13rimanombe he paid 810 for keep of A., Car-
michael. -Carried. The following orders
were granted on motion of W. Eyeld and J.
Halls :-Geo, Hawkins, three underdraine
$4.50; T. Brimacombe, keep of A. Carnaielt-
ael 10;$ P. Madge, rep bridge, 75a; Geo
Hogg, do. $3.62; 3 Hewitt, speeding gra-
vel and cutting thistles $6; W. Dinnen,
covering bridge, 4.66;eE. Cornish, clean-
ing watercourse 81.25 ; A. Dempsey, culvert
and ditch 83 ; T. Veal, grading, culvert,
ditch, rep approaches to bridge, 24;§ W. J.
Cave, grading on 4 and 5 oon. §9.85 ;
Samwell, keep of T. Hewitt and wife, $26;
T. (J. Redone, rep culverts $2; T. Ogden,
gravelling $30; T'p Stephen, culvert, our
half, 113,80 ; R. Skinner, outting thistles,113
The Council adjourned to meat on Satur.
day, 8rd Oct., at 11. o'clock a. m.
Geo W. flowiate, Clerk.
Mmes. -Miss Kate Hawkins of Sharon
spent Saturday and Sunday, as the guest
of Miss Bedford.-Mesers. John Winer and
Wm. Harvey are out to camp with No 6 Co,
33rd batt., at present in camp at St.
Thomas. -Miss Bertha Gebauer who has
been sick during the past two weeka is able
to be about again. -Misses Pearl Rollins
and Jane Gould of Exeter spent Sunday in
Crediton, with their friend Mit. Bettie
Trevethielt.-On Saturday night Last two
young fellows thought they would like a
drive and went to the hotel shed and took
out a friend's horse and buggy. They im-
mediately struck off at a lively pace, but had
not gone more than ten rods ere they came
violently in contact with another vehiole
which. Dr. Staebler was driving. The col-
lision gave them rather a hard shaking up
and did considerable damage to both rigs.
They will have to fool a large bill for both
outfits as the dootor had given them a wide
berth and tried to avoid the collision. Per-
haps they will be more careful in the future
-Our attention has been repeatedly called
to the shameful manner in which the boys
are stealing fruit of all kinds. They
evidently do not consider the rashness of
their acts, and are becoming quite bold
about it. 1( 1* a disgrace to the neighbor-
hood to have such a pilfering set of hood-
lums, who, merely for fun's sake, (for we
fully believe it is not for the Belie of the
fruit) so shamefully strip the trees and even
go so far as so destroy there. Some of
them will be caught and we trust a good
example will be made of them.
If you could see your own scalp through
an ordinary magnifying glass, you would be
amazed at the amount of duatglandruff,and
dead skin thereon accumulated. The best
and most popular preparation for oleansing
the scalp is Ayer's Hair Vigor.
StePt101). C01.111C1f.
:Crediton, Sept 7, 1891,
AA the membera present; minutes of lost
meeting read and signed. The mem and
clot eigeed byelaw Na 3, for 1891. The
reeve to lite te execution of Collegoes bond
Besolved that the following onlert to grant
ed esern J Kellerman two au/eerie and plank
$11,17; Or Mantel, brick beta for road e2.0
E Williaansa, (BUM woes road 32; W nein
neon, gravel. 54.20; lied e. Ve. 1.43.71 ; 11
Hodges, rep lst, side road 30o; W Mitchell
relief 55.'Mrs Neweombe, $,3 ;
Sheeran, keep of one W. Eag'extou. 0'00;3
T Keyes gravel. 54; J fiesenan, L R,$2.1:0;
0 Mitchell Warm for iiitchieg Nth ou,
$1; 8 Monism, contrag 8. 8. $21.3e. The
Conucil sdjouteed to meet Main ata Lt
Mader in October, in the afternote
Beiere.-There Was Holy Cenicaunien
St. (home% on Suieley.-Tim
Wets geee it lawn steeial exel concert on
Fritley evg, an the grime& ot Ali. Won
AleLean. Tim atteinlance was fair for the
cool ovation and the meek by the Cadet
bend aud the vocaliets, exoilleet,-,orhe bet
of our Annual summer reellents leave for
their houses to -Jay. -On Saturday there
was an exceedingly large /*teethe of cats in
the fields about here. but the weather the
present week has allowea naost of the out -
@tending crops to be llama Lon
Gibson ems gone on. au extended trip to the
Northwett, where she will visit Meals for
a time. -The Oinlerielx Sunday Sdio‘A Aa.
SedatiOn will bold Its first mutual meeting
ou Motley, 29t5 last, Tlae teem mine of
the past twt weeks have railed the ;Mait-
land river to Re usuel spring proporteme.-
The C. L. A, Judiciary committee having
consideree the protest made by the Junior
Hurons Realest the junior Dauntleaa' of
Clinton, leave ewerded, the match to the
Ocelerieti boys and sespentlee the Clinton
team- It will be seen from the alien, thet
lionestyin human, as in other things pays.
-Liverpool lodge, No. 140, S. 0.E. B. S.
meta in thia town On the second andfourth
Wednesdays of each montle-Fred. Elliot
of Exeter was in town last Thursday. -The
Schooner Zephie of this port put into the
harbor for maim last Thursday aud saike
on Saturday for Parry Sound. -The town
council held its regular meeting on Friday,
and ha& quite a lively time over a protein -
ant local question.-liessrs. Alex. and T.
Murdock and J. E. AloDonell of Hensall,
were in town on Moneay attending the As-
size Court, being interested in the cue
O'Neil va. etnrelock ot Co. -B. R. Collins,
barrister of Beater, accompanied by MTS.
Collins, are in town this week.-Messre.
Grant and Batty who had been in camp near
Port Frank, returned home this week on
the schooner Pinafore.- The schooners
Berlina and Caroline brought ebingleti from
Golden Valley on Friday. -The reports of
the threshing ao far are of the most cheer.
ing description,-Plama bare been so plen-
Wel in this neighborhood as to cenaeta glut
in the markets -Several substantial redden -
cos aro being erected and so far our build-
ers have had a busy season. -The alter-
ationa at the High school necessary to make
a Collegiate Institute are finished, and all
the classes have bean organized. -Several
residents of Exeter and neighborhood are
attending the Goderich Modelite elan.
THE Assxzes.-The Assizes opened at
Goderieh on Monday before Justice Falcon -
bridge, -The doket of civil eases numbers
12, and of criminal eases there will probably
be three; of the latter two of aggravated
assault and the third a larceny
Following are the Grand jury :-Wm
Aikenbead, Stanley; Wm Bearden, Exeter
John Blatehford, Hensall ; Mark Cardiff.
Morris; Wm Cline, Seaforth ; Jno Cope-
land, Usborne ; W. E. Davis, Hansell; H
Dawson, Stanley; Robt. Honey, Hayrick :
Wm Davis Turnintry ; Wm. Hazelwood,
Usborne; Rich. Irvine, Cliuton ; Noble
Johnston Ashfield; Toe. Kirkpatrick, Ash.
field; John Keine, Gerrie. 3. C. Se Tomzel
Goderioh ; Thos Prier, Exeter ; Alex. Bob.
ertson, Colborne; Chas. Snell, jr. Exeter ;
David Scott, MoKillop ; A. Strong, Sea -
forth; Sam'l Schwitzer, Stephen ; Alex
Treleaven, Wawanosh. Hugh Girvin, of
Aslifteld is foreman.
Following is the civil list of oases. to be
tried with jury : vs. Murdock, at al ;
Hanna vs. Atoheson '• Dale vs. St. John
Mason vs. Vanoamp et al; Willis vs Drake;
Morgan vs. Yeo; Polley vs G T' R'y el al;
Rogers vs. Banes et al ; Hodgins vs Tierney
et al,
Te following cedes to be tried without a
jury :-Riddell ye. O'Neil ; O'Neil vs Me-
Laughlan ; Carter vs Ransford et al.
awns" WHITE fez SONS
Publisher and Proprietors
Market &ore Exeter,
You will find the best and cheap,.
est assortment of prints going, aud
they are going to go at our reduced
prices. We have a lot of them
and they must be sold. Call and
get our prices,
Creani, Fawn and Grey Dress
Gcols will be reduced :to per cent.
Now is your chance Lathes bring
he cash and you will get goods at
right vices, depend upon it.
The best stock of Boots
Shoes we ever had has arriv.
ed and prices lower than
Highest PricesPela For Trade.
_1 P. ROS,
Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills remove all
obstructions, purify the blood and give to
the skin that beautiful oleer and healthful
look so greatly admired in a beautiful and
healthy woman. Al certain periode these
Pills are an indispensable companion. From
one to four should be taken each day, until
relief is obtained. A few doses occasionally
will keep the system PO healthy, and the
blood so pure, that diseases cannot enter
the body. Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills are
sold by all medicine dealers.
If you are tired taking the large old-fashi
oned griping pills, try Oarter'a Little Liver
Pills and take some comfort. A man can't
stand everything. One pill a doe. Try
Children Cry for .Pitcher's Castorio
Fall Fairs,
..... „ ....S'Tt Ir4G
i. . . SfI 16-17
rici • . .... ,spt
on Wetztrria ........... 17-48
Exeter, .•••• • • - . ma•o• ... 17,31 t 2 '1,29
.. Set t 24-30
Ait5a .„ ..6441:3240
Seaforth .... -
Stratferd .. . . - ..........0et 1-2
Santis Penh. St .11arye Sep 29-30
Induetrial. .Sep9-21
Mt demi, Kiekten.... Oct 8.9
n e'te 9ept 141
Sept 29-30
Ante ergs. ....... . -Sept 29-30
Wingharn Sept 2J-30
Baytleld ......., .0et 0-7
Stella ....... Oat 0-7
JOHN POPE,tho fashionable todier,Ints roe
turned from purchasing his fall etock. Ile bee
visited the best markets and selected the guest
stook over shown in Unron mete. Mr. Pope's
good testa is known to all, and if you ere in
sited of n now suit it will pay you to see hie
new atoek. Gentlemen's Arnishines-a full
line of the latest novelties.
AleRwee's Blockalensell.
Tux Beesetn Fane-Everythine la now In
order for (=Pall Fair. and notInnic him been
left undone to hnake . it the most successful
Seely of the/mane, weather being favorable.
Tile following attraetiona will he werth seeing
by everybody. Those vrho ilo not see them will
mire a treat i The Footballmatch to be played
on the grounds between the'llevers' of Brussels
and the &Merck team, will be ono of the
raudest matches over witnessed. Alen the
ouluer's Trot, 1st prize Se, 2rftl,St,Irtio92.
Stallions and all horses having competed for
public money, and horses having been handled
by any prefessional man aro barred. Pour to
enter and three to start. A VOW WV waiting
tug-of-war ill expected to;take place by a num-
ber:of good teams. The football match will
start at 12,30 on th 4,Show grounds. Admission
to Football match. Tug -of -War, Show and Ex-
hibition Hall 25o for adults,15c for children.
Bmers.-Miss Maggie Morrison is again
in the village teaching music. She spent
her holidays with her parents at Shedden.
-Mr. Jas. Coxworth, proprietor of the
Centennial hotel, was visiting friends in
Detroit last week. -The Hensel' Mills are
running night and day, to fill large orders
from Montreal. -Quite a number of our
villagers are in Goderich acting the parts
of Plaintiffs, Defendants, Witneeees, or
Jurors at the Assize Court. -.\1r. Ed. Bee-
senberry, owner ot the trotting colt 'Frank
Wood' has taken him to St Thomas races.
-Mr. Thus Berry, proprietor of the Lien -
sell Sale and Exchange stables, has return
ed from his trip to Manitoba, whither he
went for the benefit of his health. He
speaks in the highest terms of that coun-
try and reports excellent crops. As Mr.
Berry is a thorough business man and
drove extensively through the country pur
chasing cattle, he is in a position to ex-
press an opinion and his opinion may be
relied upon. While there he met many of
his old acquaintances, many of whom are
doing well. Mr B brought home a large
number of stock cattle. -Rev J. S. Ander-
son, of Goderich, preaches in Carmel Ch-
ou Friday at 2:30, p m, and Rev Mr Fear,
of Efensall on Sunday evening. Both are
forcible speakers. -The R T of T purpose
hold a basket social on Wednesday even-
ing next. -Miss Mattis Norris has secured
*iterative situation as heed milliner ab
Wyoming, on the Sarnia branch of the G
T R. Merit wins. -A number of 'business
men had their windows!painted ; the work
was well-done. -The Christian Endeavor
and Epworth League had a union meeting
at the place of meeting of the former. ,end
it :was most successful ; the subject „was
"rhe Model Young Man." 2 Tim'8 911, 1
to 17 verses -Don't forget the 17:aw on
Tuesday and Wednesday next. Vigra gill
be a foot ball match tug of war, speeding
and one of the best Lows ever held beethe
neighborhood. Come to HeneallvotiesMues-
day and Wednesday next. AdrnisSioua. to
everything is only 25o, children 15o. -Mr
bJaTs proved
hasbe eeiefanenv eseiya.gioevid towatt,ealc,h,tehr.
lientall school for another,. ye'; ,Mr W
-98 cents was paid for ttao
s ta,mar-
ket this week. --Mr Kip wvaisi Jealy44he
nicest store in town,-Thegeseseill9rggenet
players have accepted ihe chall ege sacthe
Exeter brethren, and, 4,3E040 Ad that a
match ganie will balkalyetilia", eese:11 on
Saturday of next weer-TNIii% eisippleerdt
of Zurich is the guest Of her sista:Milli
Cook, -R ManqingllegIntRevhd the ap-
pearance of thi' '1Vinr A
iiIffi,' '.'re-
painting and rTepka it14T
etel' lind
" Ye"p
is expected • teleP p?eee,laihrt'lit Rt. on
.Sin no too.;.,7:,
Wednesday next
Hood's Sell'e'la;ari5114a'n" a's*Lal'stte";;Sit4,i'ii'erieas
ing popularity,..whiehlease onityribli WM] by
on article of resalImeriebe. :Give it leuealee
• ,. eeei vm 1 Ji s 3,.. 1 in ).; u ,.
i.w 0'3 ' . le de; e:e e :ieee ,:rets
, seeesle., ez,4•"mot, - ac...9 is 1:1Ili1:c no-,