The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-01-17, Page 14• • or +0olerieb Signal -Star, Thurgta., " '&uu� 'ltah, 1963. rt• Your Individual Effort .Could Solve Se�sonal Unemployment Problems; in Your Community! r -• t You have probably noticed by the paper that the bali layers are going back to w`nrk ai spring training They don'twait for spring they do it now. Right now there are a lot •of 'tradesmen not working and your _ effort to get them . • back to work by getting those around -the -home and factory jobs done now will' keep our communities' economy rolling- through the usually high u nL ployment period. Pitch in today, don't wait for spring do it -now. , LEAN UP PAI DO •1T' NOW ! FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS See_ Us for Materials and Advice JOHN JEFFERY and- SON Lumber and Building Supplies 163 Elgin Ave. — Goderich -- .JA 4-8171 fOr—IT ,;•NOW !,- READY -MIXED -READY-MIXED CONCRETE Is the economical answer to your planned - project. Made To Your --Specifications - Poured At Your Site. Huron Concrete :Supply Ltd. Goderich — Telephone JA 4-7361 • -Da IT NOW ! NEW FLOORS - RUGS — TILES ] INOLEU1Vi BATHROOM, AND KITCHEN WALLS — CERAMIC TILES PLASTIC TILES — CONGO WALL PAINTS BY C.LL. SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER. , Over 300 Patterns in stock. McARTHUR REILLY Ltd. 36 WEST ST. GODERICH DO IT NOW i PLUMBING and PLUMBING FIXTURES ire our SPECIALTY In our stook you will -find hardware and - `: accessories designed to improve, your project. Martin- Senour Hein -01v-and--Super-*gra Tone Paint: Distributors of Famous Glidden .Spired Satin. 0 IT NOW Season ishere again' The season for improvement jobs around your home, plant &business. a The season when skilled workers are more readily available and, being more productive, give you better -value -for your dollar.— The ollar.The season when many firms offer discounts. • The'season when many other things can be- done to advantage—such things as maintenance of lawn and garden equipment electrical appliances,_. outboard motors and automobiles, as well as dry cleaning of drapes and rugs and replacement of upholstery, to mention but a few. • The season when you can help your community to create employment during the traditional winter - lull. When everybody works, everybody benefits. it this Jit::r For. advice and assistance get in touch with your National Employment Office -of Hon. Micha-3l Starr. Mi'NiSt,2r of Labour - Nr 4.. • PROCL The citizens of .Goderich and District are hereby requested. to `give 'their whole,hearted co-operation in this drive against Seasonal Unemployment which is• being waged by the Winter Employment Committee" in -,conjunction with -the N tional. Employment Service. t TO 'HELP COMBAT SEASONAL UNEMPLOYMENT No matter how small the job is, if it is done now you will be helping this drive. Re- pairs, renovations, remodelling, or just small paint jobs are the weapons needed. "Skilled. men and materials may be at a premium later, on. YOUcan d�'your share- if you DO i-T'NCW. I hereby proclaim the- per oi ' starting January 17th as the 'National Employment Service's PO 17 NONE -PERIOD E. C. FISHER DO IT NOW ! -� - POLE BUILDINGS — A Low Cost Type of Building: Efciently-Suitable for Farm or Industry. • SEE U1S-for'-PLA TS -and -U ATUR•E-Doncernin“ .onst c6iom C•NKLIN LCENTRE 295 'Bayfield Road GoderiohY Dial JA 4-8321 Plywo ds, .Wallboards, Insulation, -Cement Products, Eardware- • DO IT NOW ! 1,ial A'.4-8131 Justci9.11 the .., SHERWIN-W1kLIAMS-PA-iNTS and VARNISHER Hardware 'and Accessories In Wide Variety • WORSELL.BROS. Hardware 122 The SquareDial JA 4=1952 - DO IT NOW, ! l \ J Changing Over to ELECTRIC HEA WE SELL — INSTALL AND -SERVIQE CHROMALQX ELECTR[C HOME'HE WING CONV,lCTIOB • FORCED AIR IANT HEAT ---0ODERIC - ELECTRO --.v 1,38 South ,Str#et / BUILDING A GARAGEREMODEI;LINA ROOM? JA 4.9512 WHATEVER .''OUR PROJECT" BASK -ABOUT-OUR BUDGET PLS. YOUR HEADQUARTERS YR -ALL BUILDING SUPPLIES. Goderich odprich- AllanCo. Lid Top of Anglesea Street. -4 • ' .'hree• Phones - /A 4..$382 - 3 4. • OR VISIT OliTt E -ON TUE' SECOND'LOOR of the F'E'DERAL BUILDING, Rut Streets y . - 4 Spring? UO .,IT NoW ! L VUR BATH R OOM WE NAVE THE MEN HR MOST MODERN FrIXT1JRES HQFFMEYIR, oLUN'G AND HATING - .: 6i Or8582