The Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 1to 4' VOL. XVIII. NO. 39. Throc Toar: rrol -TN Coming School of Medicine. THE MSTQUEIRM SYSTEM. This system lin complete having different medicines for all the different diseaties. The theory is entirely different kora that of the old echools. The medicines are perfects ly pure, containing notion of a poisoaoue nature ntatever, and are quite tasfelees. For three years thane reeclieneee have been given away free and thoroughly tested in the meet hopeless cagee before being placed on the market. The melt Las exceeded the mod sanguine expec(atious. Hundreds of Meupposed to bo incurable bave been cured, and abundance of proof eau be pro- duced to convince the moat skeptical that Histogenetic Medialues IIRVO cured and are inuring to day DISEASES at a later etege than any other system of medicine jo tbe world. In ACUTE, :moo the medicines fent like magic. Chrouic troubles require a lon- ger time, generally from one to three months, according to the nature of the COM• plaint. in FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. WOMB ruounriEs, eto. the me:Ranee have Wee eel:Wally succeseful. Private EXAMINATIONS in the -e troubles are al- raoet, if not quite, absolutely unueceesary. Call or Rua for ono of aur free Invoke ex- plainiug kite in atm. They abound be he every Ineuee in the land. Rhouraatana and Sciatica,. /41)N "N•APri I 2aSa • r am leaner to acknowledge. mid now testifYi Co tho elneacy of your medicines In vulva Rheumatism. 1 have seamed with this pier ful 4115011".0 rn DIF elleidaltra.knees and. bilis for twenty.ilve years, else with sciatics for ems tims. 1 deckled to try Ristogenetic Medicines as a last resort, as nothing ever seemed to give mo any permanent relief. The Bret week's Mediaine gave me relief. and in two weeks Om sciatica thsappeared 'and hat not returned. X took tho medicine for aix weeks.and RIP eared o thotheumatiana I feel better in every way. I era *Jur yam of ay. and feel (Mite Mart and itetive. I can cheerfully recommend these medioines to the public, and will ho glad to tell any euffereraeout my ease. ILte now nearly two months since I mond taking the teedienn s and the effoot is permanent. MRS. VOEGEt Wed Arable Street. neap been a great sufferer from a female weakness of lams atanding. have been treated by several physiciane and also been under treatment in the Toronto ti coon.' Hospital and all failed to cureme. I saw metbeal book explaining thelbstogentle System and resolv- eti to give it a trial. I consulted Dr Roar, who tires:tribe tbeso remedies, autlassurea me they would euro me. 1 bad DIY doubts but deter rained to try once more. 1 took treatment two wool:Mud am utterly astonished filth° results. I am liesrly well anti no language can describe how thankful 1 am that my life is snared. This testimony is voluntary and I gi ve it hop. in that hundreds of my sex may t re the metli- mos and receive the mum marvellous good that 1 have. They aro good to take and unlike any medicine I over took before leave no bad effects. M Rs..T. FAWCETT, 102 3011IISte oot , Toronto. Juno 5th3s90. SPRINGFIELD ON THE CREDIT.ONT. March 16, 1601. Ilistogenetie Medicine Association: Ggsrzsuss,-Wishing to testify to the su- perior merits of Ilistogenetio Medi aim for the euro of lung disease, I submit the following statement Two years ago Mound myself, as a result of exposure to cold and wet weather, taking frequent colds. 2 took a severe cough and got run down in vitality and had several spells of hemorrhage of the lungs. I coughed a great dealin the morning and some during the night. I consulted two or three physicians ono very clover Toronto physician, Ho treated me without medicine, by hand -rubbing. and didme considerable good, but in tho course of tinfe the hemorrhage returned Two of the physicians I consul ted considered mine a serious ease, and ono of them gm mo to understand it hopeless, and I have no doubt that consumption would soon have caused mY death. I heard about the now system of medi- cine. andconsulted Dr. Rearat the head office for Canada .19 Young Street Market, who ex - mined nae very thoroughly, and thought His-, togenetio remedies would cure mo in about six weeks. I commenced taking the medicine about Tan 1st, In two weeks the cough and 'breathing wore better. The amount of sputa rapidly lessened. There was considerable bronchitis and it soon disappeared. My strength oamo again with astonishing rapidity and:the raoid breathing disappeared. I have not had any hemorrhage since the first lot of medicine was taken. I have gained steadily in the body generally as well as the lungs, and feel almost as well as I ever did. I can walk fast now, or do anything in a hurry, and not get rapid breathing or palpitation, I am now following my usual employment and can stand any kind of weather. It is tho best treatment for the lungs I have ever known, I can conscientiously recommend it to my friends and acquaintances who mayneed lung treatment as far superior to any other system, Sincerely. T. M. IIAIDIOND, OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT EXE1TEIZ ENTRAL HOTEL Monde Au.17th- 9.50 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. AND AT • . 1-1ENSALL HENSALL HOTEL Same Monday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CONSULTATION FREE • HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- qoorAmorr--Roones 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19 Young Street Market, Toronto, Mention Exeter Times. AND HURON 8z. MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "TBW TO TRE LINA LET TI/1 CHIPS FALL WIEMIM TRU NAT.' EXETER, ONTARIO, TUURSDAT MORNING, AUG. 6., 1891 Facts are Fads! And the Fact that McTavish & Co,'s is the right place to buy good Goods at low prices is la -3 becoming established. We have no long prices for long credits; but Cash will go farther with us than with any house which does the long credit trade. No credit means "No bad debts," "No big proets"; but means "Small profits and quick returns. We call attention to our special lima of -White Cottons at 9, IT, and 12C., and .Grey Cottons at 6 - and 8c, A Woe Parasol at worth 76o,, aud atairohrella worth $1.00 for 60o, • Big Values in Cotsets at 811c A. J. MoTAVISH d CO. 'lay Council Cauncil met payment to adjeurnment on Saturday Aug. let, Mt. All reterabers present. Kaltndeleele-Moir-that tho elelm of George Greenelade re the killing of sheep to Januar) last be net paid, and upit.the reeve later the meet:eery defence agamet the garniehee of tarts Pickard estate vs. Henry Cerried. leeelker-Scinuell-that tine rate ed one tune -teeth nulls an the $be levied on ail thexatable property of the townebip to rime the sane et $3387 07 for county purposes and legislative school equtvaleut ; and that 2 mills he levieti to raise the sum of $3442 for township purpoees ; mid that the rate of four-fifths of a will he levied. for general school grant; anti that rates he levied for school purposes according to rapist tons tram the trustees of tbe aoreral aeheol see. tione of the township ; and that the fleece- ry by.law be painted. Carried. Solniell-lealbfleiscb-that tbe following mounts be paid, viz :-R 11 Collins, legal aavice, Si; Geo Parker, work ou 0 B, 013.- 00; David Geiger, work on con IV, $10 00; Wm Jamielion, lake gravenen :Rant Catliele er, gravel and (culvert •on con II, $3; Robt Carlisle, jr, gravel on con II, $22 80; James Sparks, culvert in Heiman, $1 50 ; Mrs Lang, refund of statute labor, 35; Sam. J Latta, drafting, copying and delivering drainage bylaw, 610 90; P Confine, draw- ing gravel, 0 It, es 50; Win Bowman, do, $3; J Papineau, do, $1; E Bowman, do, 31; Henry Theil, do, Si; Peter Sherritt, do, 31 ; Nelsen Magee, do, 54 38; John Hileebrand, do, 33; Almost Flaxbara, do, $1. Council adjourned to meet again on Ootober 17, at 10 a. in, aur3 LATTA, Clerk - OH, WHAT 4. COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach. of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- eelves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it Wo know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails: English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lump andBlemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore wed Swollen Throat, Cougris, etc. Save ee by use of one bottle. Warranted the malt wonderful Blemish Cure over known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. McGinty has been located at last. His name appears on the voters' list of the tp. of Ashfield. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. ...1•10111110111M, Fruit Jars! In all the sizes desired in the Crown, Gem, Porcelain and LIGHTNING JARS, In wine and imperial measure, at Close Prices for Net Cash, UGI -&R In all brands will be kept as be- fore, and we will not be houestly undersold, but do not pur- pose giving them away. -IN TEAS - A new supply and good value. Please call and test our Japan and Black Teas. Our Grocery Department is Fully Equipped. In Raisins we offer 7.6 lbsfor the dollar. In Glassware, Crockerywa.re and Earthenware -a full supply. -Farm Produce taken in exchange and prices paid for same according to their re- spective qualitice. Resp. Youre, Varna,- RatErs,Mr. Chee. Reid, of tine Bayed Rand, near here, started let Wednesday on a trip to t he North Weat. Ho intende re- maining for some time examinieg the coun- try and if it pleesee nine he will probably in the near faturo make it his permanent home, -Mrs. McCounelt and her daughters Mary and Annie. have gone on a visit to Chalk River, where tho Rey. Mr, ilfeCon- , y pas 1' ay e Berne Congregations, is pow preaching, melt forret erl te f BOld Ito el and. St- Marra Strtmea.-On Sunday meaning William Healy, who lives in St. Marys, caramitted suicide by hanging. The unfortunate man had been drinking hard, and it is euprezed committod the terrible deed in a At of des' pondeney fellowing his deheuch. Ile was found banging in the eelltvr, of hie home, with a bag shunt bia head, *hien he had evidently Fut en before adjealing the rope. He leaves a elfin aud aCouple of children :mime/idea for. At one time Healy was in fair and promieiug eireurastaueete, but the 'Vertu/ante habits to Olen be was ailaict- ea reduced him at the not to Et low ebb, - A game of bean hull was played at St Aferys Thursday afternoon between the Blade a London and the St Mary a club, which re.. milted in favor of the alerts by a sore of 17 ke 11). Dashwood. Dezere-SeveraI youne ladies of town got up a large deuce on Wednesday eve. of leet week. It W.59 inel4 at .111r. Glauvilkes, balimilewest of here. The girleepearmally aro linking the lead. -Mr. U. Vstkxt io icx- ;'r.ui:a hie prerelees. The ether day while Paneling the ilael beek tet the stable It broke 410WIS and erunable4 to aleiseeee-e Mr. Charles Lendeneela, W40 i.i teen in Michigan for about two menthereturned home last week. .--Ti;e Davi:weed milt ea being ceneelerably !reproved mud the facilities few produclug good flour will be better 'then ever. --3. G. bas increased hiabueinees by the addition of a bow:icing young son. -Mi*, Ida Cook is still ou the nick Ibit, Rept' the may Boon recover. Her owlet; is mitered ley the young ladies of towtn-Mr. Weeeleh and family raid Mr. John Hall and family a vieit the other Sunday. -Mr. Wm. Eilberof Columbes, paid our town a flying visit on Friday last. -Ur. 11. Roby is able to be Around,- Mr. F. Holbein dealer in tau bark died very soddenly lest week. Only Leek a few daya. He leaven a wife and three children. Ohiselhurst. Brame -Mr. Wellington Wrap gart, son of tear respected post counter, has retnrnea from his trip to the Northwest. He had a very pleasant time, autl is much !reproved in health. Ile was delighted with the prairie province, and siva he never maw such a splendid proraire for a bountiful crop as there was everywhere /bible when he was there. Mr. MeTaggart vihlmnstieate at home until fall, when:: he will return to Toronto to panne his attunes at tbe Uni. versity.--111m. R. N. Gilgan. who for the past few weeks bas been visiting friends and relatives about Iteeliu, Hastings county, baa returned looking =oh improved by her yin:IL-Mr and Mrs. T. Potts, of Detroit, spent n few deem of last week witb Mr. Je Fitzgerald and other friends of this viciuity. -Mrs. Philip leyekmen met with rather a painful accident one evening laet week. She wont down cellar for a pan of milk. Walking moire the floor in the dark, she stumbled and fell, and in trying to save herself broke the larger bone of her arm a little above the wrist. The limb was promptly set and 13 1* now doing as well as can be expected, though very painful. • • • • Usborne. DEATH OS limns= Honezio-Biohard Hunter of the 4th concession of Unborn passed away on Saturday morning last at his farm residence. His death wag entire- ly unexpected as he had been in compara- tively good health but three days before, transacting his usual business. His death came about from the effects of a boil en his arm, whieh, poisoning the blood, terminated in congestion of the lungs. Deceased was born in Dent, Yorkshire, Enpland, 73 years ago Feby. last, and, resided with bis parents until 1846, when he married Jane Butler. In 1848 with his wife, father, and brother .Leonard, he emigrated to Canada, locating first in Darlingron, but in july of same year name west to Usborne township, where he and Leonard purchased farms side by side, etichardni farm being lot 6, con. 4. With energy and. business tact Mt. Hunter made good progress and had succeeded at time of death in becoming owner of several hundred acre farms, wilich are now occupied by his sons, Mrs. Hunter preceded her husband in death some 18 years ago. A family of five survive their parents -three boys and two girls -all married, two having died in their younger days, The funeral took place on Sunday last and upwards of 250 vehicles were in the cortege, it being one of the largest fenerals ever known in this section; the remains were interred m the Exeter cemetery. The de:leaned was widely known and respected by all. He had been a sue. easeful cattle and sheep buyer for 34 years, and his business reiatione with his fellow- men, were oharaoterized with uprightness. In the earlier years of the township of Us - borne he held the offices of reeve and coun- cillor, respectively, at different times. He was an adherent of the church of England, and a Conservative. The funeral sermon will be preached on Sunday evening nest by Rev. F. S. Robinson, in the Trivitt Memorial church. What does "OR" Mean ? It means the only Reliable Kidney cure ever put on the menet. Put up by the OR Company, Box 89, Belleville.-ag.6m3 Always avoid harsh purgativepille. They first make you Rick and then leave you con- stipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate th bowels and make Bmerin-ltfr„ Richard Belph, of Letulon, III visiting friends in hiddniph at preseut ; he is gueet of Mr. John Atkinson, Bid, dulph.-Mr. Joseph /dodging is Emending his vacation harvelting at Mooresville. - The hail etorm a few days inee completely stripped the fields of M. dneeph. Hall, Lucau. Mao Mr, George Efedgins, Lacau, suffered by the hail threshing his oats and wheat. Nearly every bonee in Lucian suffered mere or k>sa by basing their windowe ea:eel:lee by the Lai!. - - -T.. • it • R.:Mr:a-Our fest team visited Alba Craig en Tuesday, July 2-ettsad took pert he the feat ball tournamicnt, tit owing lo the rain thefeet lAit was fieiehee. The bees, hewever, are almost sure of seemed thee at the game withal wive 8. decided on hurelar First and mend are to ba dada - ea between Leeson Elea and vet' bays The bays cerin eatrefied. with eceeuel. Why not try for dree !Nye 2-Wes1ey McGuire took eccoutl in the lee yard zee. Geed for YouWee -Ourecineol has been wider repair. We cant any that we have the beat ventilated chool M the eatinty, Audit woes a big ice. prevoment in the legit& It ISA new thing 311 thle eeDlitY. Every igan elnaula call raid see it, especially BeInvol teachers aud chisel bear:telt they wile to kesp the ebill- rn during the winter. The week WOO donee by w11 regard, of Exeter, el isa CICait to him -Foot hell le all the rage now„ --Mr. Nein sr., thrathed eetue fad wheat ou atrJay which 'le/denied buelteda to the aere. umd tended G lbs.-See:I, enS geed bey, don't 1CFAC au eel hezeuee the elet WOE eaSF away Eeseel of Toe leer "%Vette? is tbinkiug aqui tented ara the athletic snort In ToKalt9 Cita LIC1 and tans stated traioning. Suezees In yen Wed. iSarytteld. DEUEO-Min curie f Luta. vele ley,. .104 on in lay tor Goilerielt ateAmeuied by Gorge Staininery, of hay- field,-Mte. Storey, of Thateeeford, Out:, is vieitintit friends in heyfleld.-A xcat number of vieitors hold the River Hotel spell hawed; prineipally of Stratfor.l end Toronto; they seem to base a large t1ne. ..Mrs. Sheppard, of Toronto, kaa leeeted Inereelf will her son Dr. O. Sheppard, - Min Florence England, of Kincardine. Is visiting friends hertreseMr. Jack August. who has been putting in a few bye very pleesantlytere, left on Monday for the north *berm-340er George Semitones, of the Clinton Coilegiste having tried leis maid - melding exam , we wish Georges pleawant time. -Mr. J. Jeffery, of the atr. Kaulfeich, an Mr, Herb. Oolladay, of Clodench, aptut Sinn:arty Iiere.-A large load el Cemmerend visitors spent Sunday at Drysdale -A. number of visitors aro residing at the Queen's Hotel, tenons whom are Hoffman's of Seafertla-The 1i. A. of hayfield, who wore away at the map meetinge at Seaforth lasi week have returned and the sbeep,akin bender may now be heard as loud as over. -Hely communion was administeredin St. Auareven and Trinity churches on Sunday. Rev. E. Hall, of Bervie occupied the pulpit of Treaty ehurch.-A: large picnic !rein Seaforth upset Jonitee grave last week, and greatly to abs amusement of all proved a success. -Pleasure parties may now mail themselves of a sail with very little trouble. Mr. J. B. Swans is running the yaebt "Dauntless" uuder the command of Captain A. Elliott. 110.4-4114... Goderich. Brazes. -The new Salvation Artny bar- racks is now eomplete.-Master in Chan- cery Malcomson has returned from a three weeks' yachting excursion. -The camp at the Black Hole, which. hes been fairly tenanted the past three weeks breaks u to -day. -Dr. Cassaday, an old Goderich practitioner, bas moved to leingsbridge where he will continue the practice of his profession -Mr. E. Campion, Q C., has returned from a trip to the prairie province. -Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy has been spend. ing a few weeks visitiug his brother Dan. -Captain Holmes requires a few young men to make the Goderich company to its full strength before starting off to the en- eampment at St. Thomas, -The new yacht Norma, of thia port has returned from a three week's course in the Georgian Bay. - R. McLean. Goderich; Goyenlock, Sea - forth, and. Durnion Dungannon each took a car load ot horses to Manitoba last week. - The pond net fishing has improved:the past two weeks, though the catch is not anything like what was enticipated.-The Beatty steamer, United Empire, when in port on Saturday took on a considerable quantity of freight. -The schooner 'Pina- fore is now running between this port and port Frank, her cargo generally being salt from the latter place. -Principal Park, of the Model School, and family are visiting relatives at Chatham. -On account of the formation of a bar :across the mouth of the river, local anglers cannot get a bite. Rumor hath it that there will be an ap- plication from every township for the vacant county clerkship. -The war canoe, eiVIenesutang' proceeds this week toe the Grand Army gathering at Detroit. -The wheat harvested in this neighborhood is reported to be of good quality, and a very fair crop. -Warden Beek has returnedfrom visiting the sessions of the Freemasons and Orange Grand Lodges. -S warner visitors are numerous just now. -Messrs. Geo. Cookman and A. Murdock, of Hen - sale were in Goderich the past week. "Doeem TO Clam Elidd'-It is with the greatest confidence that Hood's Sarsaparilla is recommended for loss of appetite, indigee- tion, sick headache, and similar troubles. This medioine gently tones the stomach, assists digestion, and makes One "real Jumper," Persons in delicate health, after taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a few days, find themselves longing for and eating the plain est food with unexpected relish. Mr. Duncan Zirvitz, of Malatildre raised 61 bushels of velvet chaff fall whettfeerom a bushel aa half Sovrn. e you we/1 1) . ose, Otte and pill. Children Cry for Pitcher_'s Caste& -Eden. Burees-Mrs. Thomas Coates, who wager: badly kicked by'a home eons time ago, is improving and bop, s are intextalued of her recovery. -Our foot ball clue go to Craig Wedueeday to make the final attempt for the cap, and the boys feel Pure of bringing it home with Wenn. Succuss to you boys. Ur. Samuel Eesery threshed of:Friday and the crop yielded over 35 bushels to the sere. -Quite a crowd, of verteg folka spent Tema - day on the chores of Leine Hurea, 4 big day was spent by them. m;tar 11w. Idneers-A couple af deale f called ert one a our citizenerferrthUrilegtQeli purpose 01 buying lireraseKse. araTahe: gedetauslrgitieeila se not liking Wel their passage, nem Ina teeth witb effeet. The Inoue Immo thinklug they would 'get deft' iu a tooth and nail et:it:Met mei their beete In defence leaving tho dog down 'with care.' Grainger get mal vela that he did'ut ahem any man to kick his doge Other wordsefeltewea with more volume :than politeness. And NOW the Grautenitesesay that the Popular Hitters have more respect for doe than for human beluga; and that a wan is newhereeempar- ed with a dog in our CSIIIIIE401). Well, we d0113 think llmoy ehoull get se excited over the affair; they hadn't te pay auytillue for !letting bit. -Tho fall wheat is iseeetly all ta. The yield will be goal. Spring crops have improved wonderfully; serpeesiug the exeectatioue of tae11109k arseibniue. We received tzo damage f07,4 the bait•dma, 4 wish to extentt eur ayeepthy to our g neighbors who have been lees triunate.- delr.JA8. &weer Exeter, ha, jest eels:plc:tell maple at frame buillinge tar Mr. QCOI4zr ani Hem Spirei, As the vecrtz ha* Won dem in a very routinely Mete we shall expect Xe see mare of Mr. B. and hear Tel rived f his shot gun oftener In the gnaw. it Cgawa, litaelchirde. eyerrowe am. 1010- moat among the farmers rzoix emeeital hero. and 'Amnia gun hes &reit* ehere a% makIng them less. Stephen Olin -ell Credittn, Aug. 3, 191. Aid membera present; read and Prouty to see after repairs Mud Creek drain. t..! Moved by Elitber-Sherritt-tinat the wino:hip rate he 3 mine in 3. Genet,: 2, sinking fond 1 and the ameniute required by trueteee. Moved by HIchs-Witerth-that collectors votary be eF15, aati that G. Brown be cello tor. Moved by helber-Slierritt-that a die - mut of 1 per cent he alloweti in the 3 for all Wei pia before the 25th leovember '91. -that all taxon not paid by 4811 January 18e2 shall bo tharged 1 per coat per month, After passing the followaug orders the council adjourned *111 13 Moutlay in Sept.: T. Sweet, cotn L. 11., 65; A. Patten, gap, 73 cents ; W. Winer, in pit. 33 ; White and some from 1800, ell 00 ; W. 3IeGinun, gap, $1; T. Medford, Buldulpis road, 310 00 ; lt, Handfeed, S. B el 25 Leeryalitela lag, 32 00; 3. Turner, woi •1t '22 son. e20 25; M. Winer, 0. R., 311 25; IL Essery, C. R., 589 ; A, Dlehezdar. L B B ete, 34 GO; hinkbiner. 0 B, 66 ; W Thompson, gravel, $1.4 00 ; W. Mitobell, relief, 35; Mrs Newcomb, relief, $3 00 ; interest, G 83 00 ; Glanville McCormiek,N R,S125.00; McKeever, 14th con, $3; P Baker, 22nd con, rep B, $2 ; A Meleachen, 1.4 con, 75ote; J Sharron, keep of Eagleson, 39 ; G Lewis, wort on road, 68 25 ; A Ring, culvert 6.7 eon, 34 00; D Buolianan, 0 Road, 050 00. In the matter of road work returned un. done on 16th eon,; when the conned have been convinced that the work lute been done they will then consider the matter. Prtoexr, Clerk, Orediton. Blum -Mrs. 5'. Finkbeiner, of Morriston le -visiting her relatives here. -Masters Charlie and Johnny Nicol, of London, are here 'spending their holidays with their grandma, Mrs. M. Smith. -Misses Lydia and Christina Fahner are home from Lon- don for a feweweeks vacation. -Hr. Chris. Either left recently for Huron Co., Mich., where he will remain for a few weeks, - Flax pulling has started and the cheerIng of the boys of the gang is about the first thing ono hears when awakening from his slumbera-The wheat crop in this section has been mealy all harvested and the threshers have started on their rounds. The crop expected to average About 25 or 30 bushels to the acre, and is considered by old settlors to be one of the best we have had during the past fifteen years. Burees-Messrs J. H. Holtzman, Harry Dyer and Win. F. Either are camping for a week on the lake shore at Grand Bend. - Word has been received by his family of the safe arrival in England of Mr John Dyer. - Mini Clark, of Hamilton, Lis spending her vacation with her parents and numerous relatives in this vicinity. -A. large number of people from Lunn ;passed through here on Tuesday on their way to Grand Bend. - Messrs Bedford it Co. have been doing some great work at threshing. On Saturday Iasi they threshed 240 bushels of fall wheat for Arthur O'Leary in the short space of one hour and a half: this ie at the rate of 1600 bushels per day of 10 hours' work, - We regret to hear that August Ewald, sr, of Elkton, Mich, formerly of this place, had the misfortune to have his house and mostly all the contents destroyed by fire recently. -A party of local fishermen last week cap- tured 60 pike at the Bend. AT Lasr-The sports of summer are always prolific of all kinds of pbyaioal in- juries, and, for the treatmenteof such, here is a most striking example. Mr. Jacob Etzensperger, 14 Sumner St., Cleveland, 0. U. S. A. trays : "I sprained my arra deb bing chestnuts ; could not lift it; suffered for years, but St Jacobs Oil cured me." After many years he hit the right thing at last. The beet thing first saving iamb. That tired, languid feeling and dull head- ache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver ,Pille before retiring, and you will find.relief. They neer fail to do good. Mark You will find the b est assortment of prints g they are going to go at our eatind0 prices. We hare s lot of them and they must be sold. Call and get our prices, Creaux, Pawn and Grey bress Goods will be reduced 20 per cent. Now is your chance Ladies ? bring the cash and you will get goals at right /vices, depend upon it. The best stock of Boots Shoes we ever hal has arriv. ed and prices lower than ever. Highest Prices Pith For Trade. DA,RGAIN DEPOT. 1. P. ROSS. geneall. Oesee.tee -It la with the :deepest reeret that wo reeere the death et hire. James herry. a fanner resident of Ifienieell. bat new et the thelerne Tconteremitga P .39-71 [7,13 uw.t, aluini by a 1.11q0 Cireo el erieucle, ;was neeet amiable and til, a wetuan exeeetienal eel by her death bzr k11111 53b2mt3 ef me- (lea boring wife. Mr. Berry has the 6e:zee-thy of all in tie cal leertavement. .Ago of elle- ccatel was tie vine. She dial ittelell hedeee.-^The hetet bit kr Maeitelie itril Gawk .4 work,....tio. Caeleman lies left Own to the perentol reet-Mr. Mardi:eh, pined his Goleliela frizzes at that place arid with them goo to Detroit by came. Some 19 or 20 go to ate 'deity et the Itivere."-Mr. Joseph Irvine, brother of llev. Irvine, Lae gene to Mauitobe.-Mr. T. Palmer intends going be Manholna In the german of a week er two. -The farree'a are Welly engagel at present, at aortae are har. vesting and others threahinR.-Zfr. Nage McEwen is fitting and enlarging thee .ou rebool house, end is putting i geed stone fouriastion under it We hear he Lae rent- ed it to A. W. Ring, barber. -Walter Petty. who worked on the G. T. R. cairn at this place, gave up his position and is at present in the employ of his uncles, G. ra J. Petty. -The Trustees hare erected a new hell on the sellool,-11 large number of friends ate tendea the funeral of Biebard Hunter,whose relining were interred in Exeter cemetery, Sunday. Deeemica was uncle of S. Harder and. Mrs. T. Ultra:mit of this place. -Mr. Arnoldet residence 13 being rapidly built. - The fall fide of the Heneall Dominion Agl. Society will bo held on the 15th and 16111 of Sept. The prize lists hare been issueani will be mailed to tbe agrieulturists at ,onee, The fair la a »ow venture, but notwithsten4 ing the list of prizes is large and the awards exceptionally good. If you 4o not receive a liet send. to the Seo'y, It D. Young, for one. W. H. Hutchins' grille elevator at Timed - ford was burned the other night, and, along with it was burned about 3,000 bushels of grain. Elevator insured fax 62,000, bat a policy for $2,000 more had expired at noon on Monday. The loss to Mr. Hutchins above the instiranae wi I probably- reach $3,000, The contents were insured for 57,000. A son of Mr. McLennan, caapenter, of Forest, was drowned in Sauble River, Grand Bend, a few days ago. The boy aged five years, and a son of Breuner's about the stone age, got into a boat, and placing a board aoross the stern, one sat on each end outside the boat, which tipped slightly. When Mr McLennan's little bay fell into the river the board immediately tipped and the other boy also fell into the river, but he caught 08 10 the side of the boat and climb. ed into it and rowed ashore and ran for help, which eame too late, for life had fled before the body was recovered. The court room at the village of Parkhill was crowded Friday with people anxious to hear something of a case welch has excited intense interest throughout the, coantry, Benjamin Barnes, a 'West Williams farmer, and Frances J. Garraway, employed by him as a domestic, appeared before Squire Wells. Barnes is charged with arson in setting fire to his hoose in April last, and the girl was accused of limiting him to the mime. Tee prisoner is pet muddle age, while the girlie an English immigrant, rather good looking; and about 20 years old. Barnes' wife, who was an invalid, died at the reeldenee of her son, Mr. Pedlar, Wed Williams'shortly after the fire. In oonnecitionwiththese two womc n some interesting testimony was given by neighbors. The action was begun in the filet place by the insnranee companies, who suspected something wrong as regards the origin of the fire. Detective Allen was put on the case and worked faithfully in ferret- ing out the fads. Tho girl was discharged but Barnes was committed for trial, bail being refused' .1.••••••••••••••••11.11•116 Mesons 00 RICEAnos ct Co. GENTLEIXEN,-I take pleasure in giving nay testimony to your welt known MIN- ARD'S LINI/ENT, as I feel that it saved my life. In the winter of 1887 1 was at tacked by a severe pain in my left siae (mused by a fall from a building during the previous summer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and even.tualy cured by the use of a few bottles. This liniment hat made some wonderful cures, Sheffield, N B. Themes WASSON, Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. Lim.