The Exeter Times, 1891-7-23, Page 6a'1R cr reo a• 4 o m y0 h?rte 0 , m a a fi a, te° ,",r ` �r A M ^o„ �"',ISV °,a• �;' tri mCr, P, aL. FA; JF4)N, a °ot° r aii11‘"4,1$:-(# el Square," "The Mystery o 11T, Fel x,'t "" Bread ai cI s o Arsiq tx ° ,g° a° Cheese and Kisses.' Etc,, Etc. • A oas re, t'ti ; A Lnilfi Si>< .Fliietl by lift. llGxliLngton, of SbePliercl's Bush. • OS' "ac' w"°� CHAPTER IV. after paying her rent, With only a baby .e to keep she can manage very well upouthat. A few minutes later I was standing by „after a while it eomes to be understood that the window of the room in which Simpson Honoria is not her own elliid, and that she end I had but partly dined, I was waiting is taking care of her for somebody, It is for my guest, who had premised to return in the course of half an hour to finish his to say about it; and so the woman endebild dinner, and so that there should be no re- live, in the cottage till Hoaoriais seven years proae2e open my hospitality I had put the old. Before she gets to that age something ;sweets and cheese and the watercress back occurs; it is noticed that the eighteen shit- until Simpson'sarrival. There was noperson !lugs a week doesn't conte aa regularly as it in the room but myself, aud. 1 could have used to. Sometimes it is two or three days late, sometimes it doesn't come at all. How that gets to be known is through the baker, who keeps the post office, and who cashes the post office orders the women receives. A year later, when llonoria is eight, something of more importance occurs. 'the woman disappears, and EIonoria is left to take care of herself. She is too young to do that, and so she becomes a waif and a stray, picking up a bit of grub here and a bit of grub there, anti sleeping anywhere and every- where. When the woman disappears she is - in s in arrears for rent, and Ser few bits of sticks are sold to settle arrears ; then the cottage is let to somebody' else, and llonoria is thrown pretty well stark naked on the world. There's no saving what would have become of her if it beau's been fol Missile'. dame, who was no older than Iionoria at the time, but who, riding through Bittern, sees a little child sitting by a hedge, sobbiug her mtYk CIV D DIVIDE. "'",� Am 04.0 � lei tial' rn ".tC nobody's business, andnobody has anything been more sociably employed had I de- cended to the bar of the Brindled Cow and milted with my fellow hien. But there were drawbacks to this course. My fellow man, as he was now represented in the bar of the inn, was distinctly noisy and unruly, having drank more than was good for him, and I objected to his company on dist con- dition. Therefore I was consulting my inclination in avoiding him, and. I was lonely from choice. What lied occurred with respect to the incident referred to at the end of the last ehapter was thin: i1'hepCiss Haldane drew the face of a'to breast,ui Hon ria hesh eldin her,as t were, from the fury f the woman wo was aecnsing her, she looked up at the people who surrounded them. .Not one in the crowd spoke a. word, and the only sounds that were beard proceeded from the sob- bing old who lay m the arms of her protea• heart oat, Down my young ladyinsistsu tor. "resently Diss Haldane, whispering getting, and she goes up to Honoria, just as something fit Konoria'a ear, rose, holding she diicl outside an hour ago, and sits. down Honoria's hand, who rose with her. The by her side, and gives her some sweets, and expression on Mies Haldauo's face its she winds up by bringing Hoctoria into the ear - looked around, was one of reproach and ridge, and riding back with herbero to Chad. pity. Honoria's bead was sunk low upon high. If Misslraldane had been riding with Iter bosom, and she did not oncelift it. Miss ber father this wouldn't have happened Ha?lane's silent appeal to the villagers because he's not given to noticing poor caused them to fall apart, and a free passage people, but there was only the curse in the was °petted for the two girls, who passed carriage with my young Iady, and so she through it slowly and in silence. They had her way. Now I come into the story. walked through the narrow street in the Mr. Haldane sends for me, and says that direction of the park, and in alms -moments his daugher has brought some wretched were out of sight. Only one person follow- child into the village, and asks me to Thiel ed them, walking some distance behind. out wheelie is. That is how I got the panic, This person was Simpson. He hadwarrauty ulars I've just told you of, While I was for his action, bring a servant in the Hat. gathering them Honoria is kept with the. dine family, and to a certain extent, servants at the Hall, and Miss Htaldane as I felt; in their confidence. 1 had no insists upon looking after her, and does all warranty to follow his example ; as a aorta of absurd things. If she bad been al. stranger, my intrusion would have been lowed to have her own way entirely Honoria naturally resented. Nevertheless I was would have slept with her, but they put a more than curious to learn the story which stopper to that, Mr. Haldane, 1 think, saw 1 knew was attached to the singulaa and Honoria once, but Ism not sure about that, exciting incident, and it isn't of any consequence. I came It was au hour before Simpson rejoined back with my report, and Mr. Haldane said me, and he came into the room briskly. Honoria couldn't keep at the Hall, and There was eaiisfactior. in is eyes as he , that I'd better find some woman in the village who, for two ortrec siit i ngs a week, would take care of the ehild. , That wasn't a difficult matter, and Ilonorie goes to live with Mrs. Porter, the woman who says she'a observed that the cloth was still on the table. "That's all o er," be said, " and now I suppose we can finish our dinner." Yes, I acid. I ordered them to keep ! been robbed of her brooch and earrings. the sweets. hot, but the duck inust be cold Till Konoria is twelve years old the steward by this tine."ives me the money every week to pay Mrs. ""Cold duck is .delicious," said the vora- Porter, but then Miss Haldane, who has dells Simpson. ""Let's have it up." more pocket money than she knows what to What remained of the duck was put upon do with, takes theniatter out of the eteward's the table, and Simpson was mainly instru• hands, and settles with Mrs. Porter herself. mens in alt polishing it off. Then sniveAnda'1 hadthe prettypenny 1 TMrs. Porter makes out 1? g sweets, then the cheese and watereress, and of her, if I'm not mistaken, foe though Miss the bottle of port being finished, I called Haldauo bas a decided nay of her own when for another. It had the effect of making site makes up her mind, she's not up to the Simpson mellow—and communicative. asdad es of such a vainestas Mrs. Porter. communicative, indeed, that he opened the Simple -looking as she is, she's only to be subject him elf. turned fro•n her purpose by cunning or b y ti "That was aonriousscene,"beremarked. stronger will than her own." ""It was,"I said. "" hiss Haldane has a' Simpson pausing here to pour himself out kind heart." another glass of port, 1 put in a. word. " A lady may go too far though," he "Mr, Haldane has a stronger will than observed. A grudging comment which led his daughter." me to conclude that Simpson's nature was "" No doubt of that," said Simpson, hold- s" morn... practical t than sentimental. n timeuta , auphisglass to the light • it now 1 Ian ing g, was understand people with third class tickets dark, and we had been supplied with trying to get into first class carriages, but I candles, there being no gas in the village. am hanged if" eau understaud the other ""He's master -0, yes, he's master." way of things. " Why did he allow his daughter to take "There certainly can beno doubt,"I said, this delicate affair out of his hands, she " that Miss Haldane is first class, and the being at the time only twelve years of age?" girl with the strange name third."" He didn't trouble himself about it, I ""It is a strange name," said Simpson, don't know that he ever inquired after " all very well for a lady, but it's handicap- Honoria, or ever stepped a yard out of his ping a common girl too heavily, likely to road to see her. He had humoured Miss turn her head, you know. I wonder where Haldane's fancy, and there was an end of she's been all this time." the matter as far as he was concerned. Then " She belongs to the village," I hazarded. there'sanotherthingitobe taken intoaccount, " In a sort of fashion. She's lived here Millington ?" long enough." " What is that other thing?" " Her parents must be dreadfully cut "Human nature." up," "I don't understand you." " She hasn't any." " Don't you?" said Simpson, winking at " They are spared the shame of the dis- me the liquor he had imbibed at my ex- grace, then," I said. pense was certainly sapping his discretion. " How 2" asked Simpson. ' It won't hurt the steward if I speak my " Being dead," I replied. mind ;. he's dead, and left no family behind " Didn't I tell you she had none !" him. I'll tell you what human nature is. " 0," I said," but that makes her case It's number one. I don't care how you look more pitiable." at it or what clothes you put on it, it's " I can't quite see that. I've my own number one. Picini, to -shreds, squeeze the ideas. A fine-looking girl, Millington," superfluous stuff out of it, take all the said Simpson, becoming suddenly familiar, humbug out of it, and what do you see? which I set down to the wine. Number one. Consequently, when Miss " I just caught a glimpse of her:" Half -a- Haldane, young .as she was, goes to the dozen of the Brindle Cow's best cigars were steward and says that she's going to pay here brought in, at my order. " Do you, Mrs. Porter herselt out of her private little smoke?" purse;•the steward answers, ' Very well, " ]!fiery gentleman smokes. Thank you. Miss,' and puts the three shillings a week As I said, a fine-looking girl. A saucy face into his pocket. That's my judgment, and —and such eyes ! A differentkiud of beauty I'll bet five to one I'm right. Any takers ?" from Miss Haldane's, but some prefer one I'm not a betting man." sort, some another. I like 'em dapper, and " I dare say not," said Simpson, with just -trimmer, not so brunetty." a touch of maliciousness, "-unless youet a ""Is there any truth in the accusation certainty. Do you 'know, Millington, I e woman brought agi.inst her?" think indulge in forty winks." There is no saying. She might have "Finish g inish about Honoria first. Would you ke the brooch and earrings; then again, like a whisky and soda?" I rang the bell. ghtn't. She was fond of finery, and "You're a good sort. I'll finish Honoria, ells against her. There's no fear of and then I'll take my nap. It'll freshen her being put in prison ; she's lucky in hav- me up for what I've got to do at the Manor a ung lady like Miss Haldane on her House to -night. There's a grand ball to be • ite was her father, it would be given there, and I don't intend to be out of .not pa'i f shoes. He isn't soft-hearted, it. Well, then, Honoria grows up, and Ono • 1 eft ffi�t. • He'd give her three months, Miss Haldane grows up, and I never saw a a n . e)plesure in it. Would you like lady take such an interest in a poorirl " to h r e spry before. She gives her dresses and bits of " Their s iests p always interesting," I finery, and she has her tau ht, and alto - ®id : " datly lien they're told over a ether makes as much of her as if they were -e glass.o , �1 n r'+; equals, , That's the way things went on till t ""y� ere's s about her birth," about this time last year.Yes it's as near ae im o sin the humor to hear a s d ah impson, oas possible twelve months ago that all the , Pp b -~., hunself sal <"Seven '• � =s from.here lies village rings with the news that Honoria's villageittern, s . ter the size of run: away." t�4 .enteen or ei a en years ago a "With whom?" woman conies Thin , : •-here, and takes a " Nobody knows. The only sure thing is cottage that's to let t fere. Four shillings a that she's gone ; and Mrs. Porter goes about week she pays for it; three roottYe edroom, saying that, the girl has robbed her. She parlour, and kitchen. She brings with`'ue• makes out a list of the missing things—the. a baby, this same Honoria. No one knows lynch and earrings, a shawl, a pair of boots, anything about the woman, and. as a matter and some i1-of,a,ld china." of course it is supposed that the child is her "In the accusation she brought against own. She doesn't say anything about it Honoria this evening;"1' "I remarked, ""she herself, but it's taken for granted. The made no mention of the lhtter articles." woman pays .her rent regularly, does , no " No, because they were recovered A work, and lives a little better than her tramp who'd been seen in the, village was neighbours. How does she pay her way?taken up a week afterwards, and everything Regular as clockwork she receives every but the brooch and earrings was tracked ; Tree%day n er': ,ig a post office order for he had stolen and sold them.." eighteme .Billings, which leaves her " It stands to reason that he stole the faunae e shillings •i week to live on, missing things as well." "Mrs. Porter says no, and sticks to it that Bonoriastole the jewellery. She never said so in Miss Haldane's presence, so that my young lady has heard of it now for the first time," 1, for one, don't believe the poor girl is a thief, If She were, she would never have shown her face here again, What construc- tion, apart from the missing jewellery, was put upon her running away Simpson's blinking eyes were fixed on my face. " What construction would you put upon it ?" Well, Well," I said, '" wo are always ready to be uncharitable. But after all, the girl. might have left thevillage to better herself." " Honestly ?' asked Simpson, " Yes, honestly," I replied, feeling net- tled with myself because of intruding doubts, and knowing that I was only championing Ilonorie for the sake of her one sincere and sweet e"hampion, Miss Haldane. "You don't mean it, Millington, you don't mean it. Bring your common sense to bear ; bring your knowledge of the world to bear. If she had gone away honestly she would have left the village in. the light of day ; she would have said good-bye to her friends. For she had friends --plenty of 'em ; we all liked Il.onoria, more or less. Bue she goes away in the dead of night ; she says good -by to nobody ; and the clerk at the railway station swears she didn't travel to wherever she went by roil. There's ver}: little traffic atthereilwaystation here, and no one in the village can go away lay train without it's being known.." "Row did Mies Haldane take ber disap pearauee?" " Never said a word to any of Rd about it. She was paler and more melancholy than she'd been, ospeeially when she pas.ed Mrs. Porter's door ; and of course none of the villagers{ spoke to her gbalttll'onoria. It wanldu't have been fitting, with the thoughts they lead of the girl, and the judge. meat theyassed upon her." " Mies Haldane might have heard from Iianorie." "Site might; but if she did she kept it to lie self: The utystery to mu is, why she ever came back. If she'd had a mother or a father I might have understood it, lint being a waif and a stray, with no real claim upon anybody, there's no understanding of it. Are you fond of puzzles, Millington?" I need to be," "I never was, and always looked upon people as fools who wasted their time over em, Whenever I was asked to do one gave it up instanter, unless there was some. thing liauing to it." "Something to your own advantage." "Exactly: Homanntataroagam. Bonm rias rotucn is a puzzle. I give it up. And now, if you have no objection I'll take my fort • ,vinka," ford), lay back in his chair and closed his eyes, with a smug expression of satisfaction on his face. Without doubt Simpson was a gentleman on very good terms with himself. I contemplated it:m a moment or two in ail- euce. W hat he had imparted to me hail increased instead of allying my curiosity. "Simpson," I said, rather sharply. " Hallo t" he cried, evith a start, open. ing his eyes lazily. " Just one question or two before you go ofi" About that girl Honoria?" " Yes, about Honoria." "Bother Rotunda," be said, and closed his oyes again. y " Conte," I said, in coaxing tone, "like a good fellow, now. It won't take you a min- ute." tt I'm not going open myeyes again, Y tell you that, Millington. Well, wha is it ?" Did she have any sweethearts in the vil- lage p' "All the young men in the place were sweet on her," be answered drowsily. " Lyes like sloes, hair down to the waist, cherry lips—" He smacked his own. " Any regular sweethearts, 1 mean e" " Not one that she encouraged out and out. Let me go to sleets." But Iwas determimed he should not till he had answered. ins. I shook hint smart- ly, " Too bad, Millington; too bad," hemina muted. " Where's your consideration's" " When site disappeared from the village did any one else disappear at the save time?" " Not a living soul man or woman." " Did she go to London?" "Not knowing, can't say." These four we,• ds dropped slowly from his lips, and were followed by a snore. Simpson was off. There was no getting another word out of him. (ro L•E t1oNTIntEn.) The ]leaf[ Surgeon Ofthe Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chrome diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms : Mescal depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness el sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in thr kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face otaody, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- ing of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, fwilure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dutluess of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrotutded with LEADEN' CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. 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Toronto, seys; --'"i find it to be p�rfeoty sound oontalning no impurities. es adelter• atloLs,and can stronglyrecommendit as pezfectly pure and every superior malt liquor," John if E4waras, ?retainer of Chemistry, etentreal, says; "Iiindthem to be remarkably sound, ales. brewed iron puremal.t.end/sops. Bev. Pt 3.Ed•Page.Frofoasorof Chemiatry LavalUsiver. sits. Quebec. says :• = "I heave analyzed the Indian Rale Ate mannfeeturod.byJohn Labatt, I,alade a,(interim and have found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol of a deli- cious flavor, and of g very tagrreabls Mae and suuerior quality. and oompares with the best imported. ales. I It the also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the Gama browary, which, is of excellent qusiity; its Sayer is very agreeable; is a tonic moreeaere"etio than tine abaea ale, ,fee it ix etderioherinalcohol, Bl est it etaet,rei 0,1,1r4,35 I. s 1T v ,a air u„ .,i. ..e ASK YQVR GROG1ttR von IT A, ,rill),, Young Husband—My dear, businear re- verses have eaused me tomake an assignment and--" Young Wife (tearfully) Y -e -s. Young Husband We will go abroad and travel for a year or two. Ten Reasons Forthe Wonderful Success of Hood's Sarsaparillas the Most Popular and Most Extensively Solei Medicine in America. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great I medicinal merit,which it pp$t,iti tet:ly demonstrates when fairly tried. 2 It is most economical, being; the only medicine of which Doses One Dollar" can truly be saki. 3 It is prepared by a Combination, Proportion and Process Peculiar to Itself, unknown t,) other preparations, and by which all th"• medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured. • It effects rens :rltab1e cures tvitere other medicines have utterly failed good do any good whatever. ✓ It is a modern medicine. originated. to by experienced pharmacists, and still carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. It is clean e n clear and 1leautifuI in V appearance, pleasant to take, and always of equal strength. I 17 It ]las proven itself to be positively • the best remedy for scrofula Cuta an all. blood disorders, and the best tonic for that tired feeling. loss of appetite and general debility. 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The Mexican government still pays pen rims to deseenclants of Montez:: a, H. , som of whom Iive it Mexico, and o thee s in Spain The custom is three hundred and sixty-five'. years old, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 51; sixfor 55. Prepared only by 0.2.11001) & CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One .Dollar ON can .,a te:ilea at om•NEW lino ofwork, rapidly and honorably. by those of oldies aux, young, or of d, and in their own loasln,u,wl,eruver they live. Any one can do the work. Huey to learn. We furnist, everything. We start y yew, Nu risk, You can devote -yenr spare moments, or all your time to the worn. This is an entirely new leod,und brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginners are earning from $2S -to 05e our weak mad upwards, and more aftern little experience. We can furnish yot the am. ploymeut std teach you HMO. . Sa spare, to explain here. pule mrarmation SIMS. W A IITE : d <10., dt.0t Si(.uMAINE. 9 cords 1N HOURS Runs Easy tl aie NO BACKACHE.s. 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Is a safe, Duro, and effectual nrmt+i^ CbildrnnnrAdune SENOIn stamps tsimpiyy as a u7 E N ® OCs. guarantee of goodfaithl tons, and wo will send you by express, C.O.D. this elegant watch which you can examine,ansj if you do not find it all and evenmore than we claim for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat- isfactory, pays the Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE tOFhe wa$5.35tchSand uchtake . a chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridicu. lousty low price is seldom, if ever be. is a ge fore, offered.nuine COLoliLe WAH m ofFILLED 2 plateTCs of SOLIadeD tion COLD overmotecomItp l, has solid bow, cap and crown, hunting case,beautifullyyen- graved and is dust - proof. The works aro Waltltadn style, richlyswelled jewelled, expansion balance,, is regulated, and we warrant it an accurate time- keeper. It is suitable for eithera lady or watch gontlom. Addan, :A,ress faEO. guaranteeW. WYA71s sen'1with& COeach . Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. OME MAN. W rite for descriptive catalogue h.11telpiont('testlnlOninIs 1't ou. hnndr, 1a arw peeplc whd. rum 4t to Ocords dail . 25,000 now su cess, fully used. Agency can be had where there is a vacancy. A NEW INVENTION for tiling SAWS sent fres With each machine; by the use of this tool everybody canflte their own saws now and do itbettertban the greatest expert can without it.' ldapted to alt eross•eut saws. Every one Who owns a saw should have one. No duty to Foy; we maam,atetarohn Canada. AO your dealer or write FOLDING SAWING MA. CE INE CO., 808 to_811 5. Canal 8t, chlcago, ltlr PURE POWDERED � SEND US $1.00 e V Y size o1'yourflnger, and WO wi11 send you postpaid this elegant PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ready for casein any quantity. For making Soap, Softening Water. Disinfecting, and a hundred other uses. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. Sold by All Grocers and Druggists, ,Tr'. "tile. 'Z X2M.7 ”] , -'S'uroatvs ELDORADO DIAMOND SOLID COLD FILLED RING These rings are now worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best society, and have the same appearance as a ring costing $25.00. We guarantee a perfect fit and Satisfaction. Address Jewellers Peterborough, Ont TnIct lsa alltbe clogged avenues o! the 1 towels, Kidnoya said Livor, earrrryy.. iugoff gradually without weakeningtlao system, till the impurities and foal humored the scrotionaa t the same time Correcting Acidity othe Stomach, caring Biliousness, De s. pepsin, Headaches, Di'noa, _eartburn, Constipation, Dryness 1 of ofo Skin � mn the ees Dropsy, � Ps ' o di �i t Rheum, Vision, jaundice, alt Qum, o d of +Het, las,Neervousness, anG Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints eld to the. harpy influence ofOC. BLOOD Bl'I'1'h1118. To . 711LBM R CO., Provides. Toros% How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new editio at lir. Culvert welts Celebrated Dowty on he radical cum et SrRRxAroRanatA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiecretlon. The celebrated author. in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' suece?stul practice, that the alarming consequences of self. abuse may be radically cured • pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pr vately and radically. tor This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mania the land Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of four cents, or tw postage tamps. Samples of Me iiciee free. Addrei THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Attu Street New York st OIi;: Box 45D 4fiSE 2 wawa; YM Who la Weak, Nervous, Debllltated, wholnhis Folly and Ignorance has Tri- fled awash Vigor of 'Body, Mind and Manhood, causing exhausting ",rains etpoa She Fountains of Life. Headache, Reokaohe, Droadful Droams, WeaElneae t Memory. Bashfuinesa. ii Society, limples upon the Face and The the Effects akadmg to Early Debay, Co `stem_ ption 1 insanity wilt Snddiniooutasgg oiflo o. 23 a oculus dere. p Youthful Thor restore the Vital Power in old and ung, strengthensandinvigorates the E$f8 in I d Howes bu,ldr&up that hmuscular system rani arouses into action the 'whole physical ewerggyy of the human freme. With our specific No. 28 the most obstinate, case can be cured in three mouths, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Eao�h package contains two weeks treat. mIdeatoNo. 24 . PriIsce an$4infeUmllibleeiseGuarauteod.Curefor:rll OurPrivspec•ate Diseases no matter of how long stand- • Ing. Sold under our written Guarantee to effect a glare. Price 65. Toronto Medicine Co.. Taron o.' Ont AffseEs LADIES ONLY, FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal o' Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ale who nse theta MONTHLY. Never fail, Reftbv. oath, INSURE REGULARITY, ' Pleasant anti rffeetuai. Price, $2. Th"•onto rdedietne Co. 1•V'Ponto, lint. 11 THE OF 'qp�,i 't�, 13XEuTER. ''TIMES VIVA "call Ph' d' tial ea, till' •-•va D14 Duo Dud 0nc ap ate mr btu ho Re, Ln a ttc Ila to iL