The Exeter Times, 1891-7-2, Page 7i tato p, ,p { (('' {'►, pp. q,`' IS O, aged ti9. 7n lifealwaysbrave, fighting dE £LOUtS LIONS.
`? *UU �Iait}!1�IlUlUlgli �lJ1iSl n L,aonion. In doath like a laznb, tranqui
' In iT=crlanweiz, Belgium, the trustees o£ Combat Between Two Males, Wlatek the
ii .113 1 fiL' FIGHTER'S the church engaged a mechanic for SG' to l'ental.)' witnessed with Satisfaction.
'the weathercock, tower,ud replace zindownA d gildd It was the good fottune of Maeeovoy and
' gSg
ORATE. Imyself t o witness a conflict between jealous
contract to this effect was made out, After lions. And it it but serosa to show the
gilding the tiveatliercock the mecliatitcasked treaoheroua nature of the lion in contrast
A Curious Leval Case f his Th dispute, 'and
i a e, or lis money. ere was a Ispu e, ,. with the splendid ohivalx of the male it is
3 :the churell trustees refused to a before he - Y '
. .. , pay worth relating,.
Here is an incidentfroui the South liolraTlt.iiS9 OP 'rue BlitAllentA ineeS.(ihll'S, replaced it, Therermen he climbed the We were accompanied in this instance by
—Mississippi, ' t . ' Orel 1S o tower, replaced the cock, then removed it my native servant illi an took u : our
it rlt el .lzli April, 9 , Keiser Wilhelm has undertaken to eteotn own Y an , faille F
just after the Grippe had. visited that " a statue to !Wagner out of his own Purse, one was oft course refused him,
and he 1 tlatarters iu (alight scaffolding in the branch,.
eotlntrge.. " I mm a farmer, one of , •rhe Duchess of Fife's baby will be known, has brought suit on the letter of the con- "1nuoh fretall
t entedhi b at other angnisis.aofrthat
those vjio hay e to rise early aild when she is christened as Lady Alexandra '! ct 1 Y
a :. . VICIAIC)�.
�� £ase Duft, , 1 The asylum that,Auarehists of all Puropeani Tile moon rose gradually and we had a
;.,ls n a tripto the City ; The Emperor at Russia's new steam yacht, conntrleehave madeofSwttzerland has never grand opportunity of studying Perfect
Ofinter 1 1 ' o i ,�'olarnaza is of 8,613 tons and 19 knots been regarded favorablybythe Swiss ea• . g y
Of ViChSbtug, Miss where I gotwell , , g P silence, Nothizl can be more deep! silent
rshower of rain. I s speed• sentry. They have been impervious to all than a still night in the desert, As there is
bo e a 4 t Germanys production of silver in IS90 attacks of soGiaiistic oratory and iu order t : •but little vegetati•
on en these Fast reaches
ilonl4 lit? j : aS soon after Selz• • l was 770,000 pounds, about 9 per cent. of the make a more distin t x•..sistaneo against : of sall(l, there is no.insect life, if we except
with a dry, ha"1ing cough. o'1, his j world's product,socialism, peasant associations, cinder the the noiseless but active sand flea aucl for
work late. At the beginning„ o l
n , founded
hours after the moon rose it was all -
to Seri: relief. I consulted Dr, Dixon , exp.-melon.In 1$90 there were only 20 days' p . r solutely silent. We did not speak. There
grew worsen every day, until I had 1 Racing in Vienna has ex erienceda great n•ame ofsevere
is lea ', of G de,=' have been Cosine
eP h to several ;arts of German � (vitzet•'and Z he
ral; , but this year there are 70 y - s movement has twoneayspapera, ons o, avliten was no wind, It seethed as if there was no
advocates this policy for the (government living tiling in the wide spreatl of country
.PheDu::hessofMarlborough has presented "The abolition of public festivals and about as.
her husbnt:il with a large and beautiful Governmentpez:sions,onposition to alisuper- I was beginning to feel sleepy and to nod
n' een with four manuals for hia library at iliumexpenditure of the State, and improv- frequently when the roar of a lion close at
Blenheim. ed education, hand broke the silence. Instantly we were
The Emperor of Austria has given his Miss lfargaret Smith's lately determined wide awake and grasping our guns nervous-
nnalsanction to the illanlioher rifle and the claim for £2t1,000 against the estate of the ly, In another distant the roar was answer -
Czar has approved a pattern of small bore ,deceased Mr, Park almost rivalled the bac-
ac • ed frons a spot below its, and lacking doavn
who has since died, and he told me
*let a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime my cough grew
worse and worse and then the Grippe
came along and I caught that also
very severely. F condition then
compelled me to do something I
!oinfants and Children
Casterfaissowelladaptedtochildrenthat C&storia cure, Collo. Coastipatdon,
I recommend it as superior teeny prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.
known to me," H.i A>:osrR, M. D. lallag. Worms, gives sleep, and promoted di*
111 So, Oxford St„ Brooklyn, N. Y. Withoutinjurlous medientloe.
Tut; CrsTAra CourArlr, 1?' Murray Street, N. T.
o'er >,�xS �•csa . .. s.:,r,•1<:.
gat two bottlesof German Syrup. I known as the Parquet rifle. ,carat ease. Miss both was described as ate saw a lioness crouching at the foot of a ! Q
Irish lad of cutis birth good eines- Dr. Morse's Indian
educe, -
began !!sing thein, andbelore taking The casualty record for the English foot. ^ , an y gtree. Her head was embedded between her
7a , ball season use aver shows twelve cues of ttou, and considerable attainents," 31-' forepaws, and her long tail raved luaturious- `, -
uiuclt of the second bottle, I as " ]Park died tour ago, aged S_, leaf ing l to and fro. Another "'t woof " frota the
death directly attrihtitable to injut'ies •re• Root BBB
entirely clear of the Cough tbatliad i sewed in matches," ,d.100,000, Thereupon miss smith produced P wits direction, and two magnificent I a
ala es Ste c( into view while t the onea3
and v that
contfnucd to putt n wave t i graceful,
have felt that wayever since, !porter. a have not the slightest intention was . r ino failure. a e from sue - o side. as guaranteed to he carp f And there she lay purring gently while as
acmr;to ` t 1l z
'r to The so the Grippe, and 1 tr t whlcl bound
1 rlr X'ark to pay 1 li
htllt FF it Anderson, i 1 1 t 1
all its bed effects. atI felt tip -tap and atT abridge wells, having last eek tolatre- her
f 3!uJ if Sha entyrtlecl ;n marrying •�
his sou Jahn Twe ltythonsan(t pounds t 1 f i t t ra .+.TiQrse S Indian
I'1TT1+iR�.BR2,4La, Jr,, Cayuga, 7 ifltss l of over acting again. I have retired for -
he trial showed that Hiss Smith wits pos. terrific a coufli^t ensued as the eye of pian;
i t ever. `sassed of a passion for litigations. She had everwitnened, and words cannot paint the
41 la 1 formed dretrte to redress their grievances. A leading In 11e case site swore that young,P. Kaci P
g Y o over the two males rolled. after meeting in Dr. Morse S Indian
complaint is that they have to pay as much asked her to marry him and had (,tion hor a lnici•leap with their fangs at each others ,
as from one to xis francs to the proprietors a ring, all of width the young man denied, throats, while the siokeniugaoudamp-
f other - 'j Pills. for tho privilege of sowing. and at Tato Miss Smith lost her case. ing bones filled the air mingled with their Root L l.11se
In the first four months' operation of, In the Governn..ntoof Odessa official fvantierobingand the thrashing of their
(:ertnslry's Old Age and Invalid Insurance reports show that ,nils _a per cant. of the bodies through the whirling sand, D I
aet 111,447 applications for pensions were winter grain was destroyed by frost. In By this time my nerves were so wrought D . Morse's Indian
up that I could stand the terrific spectacle
Root Pills
Roo 1
Root R� l
CO, \IiSS, to ruses waiters have orme( a Syn. had fifteen of them for all sorts .of purposes.•
Y P P icture nor .describe that combat. Over and
nNT> ROOLoNI . 7
R A I _tt./-�.i CANADA;
1jF� 'j"AY
O CA.L't AI A;
The dErect route between the West and all
paints on the Lower St. Lawrence and Rate
des toealeur,Iaruviuce of Queheo; also for
New Brnnawlelt,Novn Scotia, Prince Edward
CspoBre touts Ian ds, udNewton ntllandaud
St. Pierre,
Express train sloava 3iontrealaudHalifax
flatly 1811itnays exceAtcd) and run, through
without change beta yen these point/ilia 'S
laotus aad O, mia:ates,
The through expre: , train ears d 1 be In-
tercolonlel Railway aro brilllaetl'1 gbtotl
by electricity and boatel; by steam from the
locomotive. thus greatly iue+•catr,iug the colo-
fortand safety 0t travellers,
+ ,
e- M. 1 1 S et1 lin 4n 1.
New and 10 A tie 1 d
6 1 t:,
cars tire, nuou.abreugh exprosstraiue.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passer.ger Route.
Plesoupersfor(reit 8eitainor the eoati-
ueutby 1caving Moe Veal on ler idayneerniug
will join outward rani/Stesuxer at ]ialifnx
Too at ton tion a faelifppere is tlireetod totlt0
an 1trolleyed ler fao)ltt le air cred by tUis route for
o' Eon r and general merchan-
(lioe intended fttrtheFeeteirtt Provinces and
Fowt.nttrdlaud; also rorshpmeute of grain
and p"•otltrce inteadotl tar too European mar-
Ttcl;etsmay be obtained audinform athin
about the route ; alno treleht anti paasengea
retesonapplication to
aV. ail: t'TilOitST0N,
Weston Freight itPatsouce Agent
03/teen in Heim etlloek.Xork tit -Toronto
�` Chief e'uperlutendout-
lit ifway 021eo, IIonotan,:i.13,
Jan 1,101
I8000.e0 nyearls brhlgmade byJehng,,ir y,N3:,nt„ml,forusaicader
rpm lull it. :1 mike an 111111 a1, but MC (n
tag! t you rel.. 111f how l., rant from Vf.1
1* U o defy as a r, stoat, nt;d maw a, 31111
111 J ogh'r nes,aR oars. la am pnn.
a7artle,,, y+at eau ecufarotea at home, gll•
ung all ,;tour tlorr•,ur,laro moments mor t
the act 10 am. (le,t 1•s" aaI'IIIi t
(.et, ther. ue start au ihrni,hln
tat lythla,:, EASILY, 81%1:OILY le rrnnt
alI ,O\ Ja is ;ti RTIAAa,� sA1\6.
Cures Burns. Cuts, Piles in their worst form
Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation,. Frost:
Bites, (hopped Hands and all Skin Diseases.
Lumbago. Sciatica Rheumatism. Neuralgia,
Iotbnth e,Pains ineveryf rm.
By all dealers. IVholesale by r. F.Dafly& Co
Drug Store
A full stook of all. kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
-Dyes, constantly on
f hand. Win MIS
'"` Condition
the hest
in the mark-
et and always
rash. Family recip-
ens carefully prepared at
Drug Store Centralo e Exeter.
°hay, Seminal Losses and; Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
Does not interfere wit diet or usual occupation
and fully restores opt vigor and insures pollee
anhood: Prise. y,Lper hos,
Solo z''ropiaetor, H. 50k0)'11•D'GD, Soh
field's Drug Store, ELM STREET., TORONTO,
made ; 59.450 wore granted, 0,31:7 refused, 'some places the fields are ploughed again
and the rest are under consideration. !and barley is sowed instead of wheat and no longer, and taking deliberate aim at the
The barge is rising into favor as is yacht: iYe, 4110 Governments of Cthnea ahow a
in En fen`$. Farinerolpnereof Byers, alnon" record still worse titan that. In ;nnbirsk
them i. Balli, the owner nr ta arat,i . the winter crops are rained altogether, and
have ureha-„ed hares, .in which the put, the peasants havo no grain to sew for the
the mast e'.alwlato fittings. The sail slw-:snuuuer. More than Miall of the fields ire
ly, bt;ttentlfortably, �' y idle. Besides this the Volga and IN tribe•
had is and the timber
Following npaii the nus o of Pnrtlant4,9 cut 'n the winterto be sill tell with the
lioness behind hor shoulder blade, I let fly.
Above the rumble of my smoothbore, sound-
ed the shriek of the lioness as tho heavy ' o Indian
ball crAsiled into her vitals. The two duel
ists at once ceased their encounter, and as
one of them turned, he received Mae's rifle
tellies at no spring rise, an( to mei hall ill the hollow over the Pyo, and death _ --`---
io upon
' n away or t I pt was fust: tutaneoue. The other male with o
agitation. n lin favor or of doim�, tit y a 4th he spring !loads could not be transported. mighty roar and a powerful spring landed
h:alfaalay up the trilnk of our tree, nearly
• '• .. - h ; but As•lla dis- Dr.
Ua u1 la from our sic z i
s k t
bearing or cheek rein from earreige horses This not only injured the woad trade and
the queen has directed him, as her Master ruined many of the forest owner.. and wood
of the Horse, to take o!1 the Dearing ref." contractors, but taut ofi the m oths of liv'eg charged 0. spare gun in hiface ; he fell
from the horses that draw the royal ear•. of hosts of peasants who by this time of the bitch, au71, prolxably only grazed by the
xlages• "year were busy with flu' shipment of shot, di appeared into the daritness toward
Belgian railway oflicialA, after three yoars wood. Famine has made its appearance where the ulo:tliR and cries of the lioness
of investigation, report that under or(linary,among the peasenti of Sinthirek, (and they grew faietet• and fainter ever' zromo 1t,
circumstances the average railway train 111areemigrating in large numbers. .In the morning with a party of Arab
passing over one mile of track wears from A,3 an Illustration of the distress to whieb ; !,eaten; ami ,figs we took tip the spoor and
it two and one-fifth pound:: This natural poverty drives the 'weevils of Crimea, life- tracked the lioness to her lair, and after sire'
. ,. .
destruction of a,t.h nnaanr.:: for the whole ncwspaper'I1rins at Kharkov cites the fol- had ree••ived eleven more of our bullets,
world to about 1,330,000 pounds daily, lowing In the communal store of Oteller0• killed duel disabled four of our dogs and
vatok, a village in thedi•3trlet of I3erd iansk' made 1:t0 determined rull,ea, succeeded hi
Au investigator of tho (Mat of perfumes it was discovered that bread hail been stolen
en animals in the Zoological Garden, Lon- at re gnlar inktrvals. Iluteotivei were placed =hugher elite tits dstat, She had travaled
don, discovered that tuott of the lions and, 6 nine miles before we caught up to her, and
tat the store and caught the thieves, three kept a l,r_avp front to the last, redeeming
leo ppa 1 were very fond of lavender. They. brothers, who had enjoyed a good reputes- herself is a d.'0roc in our eyes (ram the stain
took a #et'0 of cotton saturated with it and t' I n h ori ood " e the vas were " 1
p ton in tl c Plghb t l h t
held it between their paws with great die la ked a in an empty hauso in the villa's,
light. P P
b anti their captors want to give notice to the
In ono of London's fashionable ehhrohes district authorities. WIhen the police nilicera ^_ —
the preacher Inatlo an appeal to the ofleet eame to fetch the an£artunates to the tliatr eta
theta certain baronet With, through no fault bureau, they found two of them hanged to A roanark'ably interesting phenomenon was
of his own, in debt to theanlonllt of £G0, and the ceiling and the third ono boiled !lands shown en Friday afternoon at the office of
had no Meana of paying: Consequently the and feet, senseless on the floor. When tho the Jigllro newspaper, Paris, to a very
congreg !flan were Galled upon to provide latter was brought to his senses he bald that limited umber of specially -invited guests,
influential ntialmedical mon
comprising the :host file t
the amount required. he and his brothers had atO1C71 bread because
Tlta importation of opium from Penis.llalrzger (onlpelletl then!, but that they stole of rho. metropolis. Among the laymen pre-
, P -nothing else, and no more bread than they sent were Lord Lytton, M. Alex. Dumas,
into the i'rans•In Goan districts hitherto body and sold together. M. LuclovicHalevy,M. Muukacy, M. Gervex
has been free, In consequence of this the
needed. to !:cop o y 1 S
When they were caught his brothers would til• Detaille, Prince Roland Bonaparte, Senor
natives have 1teAGme opnlln S1nOkCl'8 t0 a not survive their disgrace and lreenlved to Ruiz Zerillla,. and M. Clemenceau. The
very large extent. A 1 law
asheien oro- hang themselves. But be would not commit phoncmonon consists of twin sisters joined
mu gat(!, therefore, p t l t import- suicide, and tried to diesuaclo his brothers. together at the lower part of their bodice.
ation of opines in any part of the trans -
Caucasian region. They beat him senseless and bound Mina,. so They were llornin Bohemia, and are 14 years
g that he should not prevent them following of age. They are not imited by a Isere liga-
I>alithes�ave became so quiet in Turkey, their resolntiou or to call for help. tune, like the Siamese brothers, but resom-
that the Sultan, following the Mohammedan . .ter..___ ble rather in their formation Mille Christine
law, has been enabled to arrange for the same years ago exhibited all over Europe.
ceremony of eiroumciaing his three youngest Photogreaphing the Stals. Millie Christine, however, had only one
sons. 1 ive tlaousandpoor children, accord- The succoas which has attondecl the efforts' stomach, so that the two sisters experienced
ing to the Mbit, underwent the operation to photograph the stars has led the mind- the feelings of hunger and thirst at the
the same day in different parts of the city. pal astronomers of the world to agree to. same time. It is not so with Rosa and
Illuminations, distribution of sweetmeats, gether to construct a photographic chart of Josepha, who having two stomachs have
and festivities attended the event, which, in' the universe. The details of the plan have distinct taste in the matter of food and
all, cost $100,000. not yet been decided upcn further than that drink.
The Ministry of Imperial• Property is pre- many of the leading observatories of the M.D:auribeLefevre—a member of the F%
the two ladies in a
who introduced
. orld .are to takepart,and that everyor- tiro staff, v
7 ,
grin new regulations forthe fish por- traffic
P r g,
' brightremarks—told an •amus-
of h sic 's to berepresented. few ltief
andbrl i
the principal aim of which according to the tion - the y t Theg
�>:atoye Yrentyi, is to exclude the Jews from undertaking, if successfully carried out, will ing story of how after they had tasted cham-
the business. The fish trade on the Volga be one of the most wonderful and interest- pagagneboth were AL Josephs made up
and on the coasts of the Caspian Sea is ing achievements of this century of wonders. her mind that she would not touch the
almost entirely in Jewish hands': Beside Its importance to succeeding generations of dangerous wine again, and has kept her
this, monopolies of Russian traders. in fish astronomers, for instance to those of the word, whereas Rosa still indulges in the
have been formed of late . in many large, thirtieth o: fortieth century will be psrceiv- beverage she prefers. When one is ill the
cities, of .'avhich the fis'eernten bitterly com- ed when it is reme.nbered that the so-called the other was very angry at having to go to
plain. The new regulations of the Ministry fixed. stars are actually flying in every con- bed, and insisted on feedng in the usual way
will aim to remedy all these evils. eeivable direction, toward us, away from us, They are thus different beings so far as
to the right, to the left, northward, south- sensations, inclinations, mind and heart are
ward, eastward, westward ; but that owing concerned. The children are quite pretty,
to the immense distance and to the brief they are healthy in appearence, and they
span of human life a single observer discerns appear to be amiable, and good-tempered.
no centre of their motion and in " attempting On their way to Paris a curious question
to perceive their change of place gets some was raised. The officials wanted to reckon by
such sense of motion as comes from a ate- )leads Whereas the manager insisted on an
mentary glance at an express train crawling opposite decision, and he gained his point
along a river bank miles away." No - will o they came for a. single fare.
the results be without interest to the gen-
eration now living. Says the New York
Suninreferringto thiagigantic undertaking :
" The small photographic- charts, whose
combination is to form the great chart, will
cover not merely spots here and there in the
sky, but the whole firmament from pole to
pole. We are to have apho(ograph of the
heavens, not as they appear to the naked
eye, and not as the eye assisted by the tele-
scope sees them, but as the magical vision
of the all•penetrating camera, whose eye is
far more sensitive than the human retina,
beholds them. That strange things will be
revealed, stranger even than any astronomer
has guessed, we can hardly doubt, for every
discovery of ancient or modern times in
celestial space has shown that it is the un-
expected that always appears bhore."
A Wonderful Dog Story,
A butcher in Bern was astonished one day
last week at seeing his dog run into his shop
and lay down at his feet the sum. of 250
francs in the shape of a two hundred -franc
He parried the money
note. r t d
to thepoliceoffice but it was not until some
hours lter that the owner was discovered.
h rs
Another, butcher sent notice that he had sud-
denlylost 250 francs, and could not discover
the thief,as it had disappeared while he'
was alone in the shop, and had been in his
hand a moment before he lost it. The dog
thief, accordingto the Berner Zeitung, had
paid a visit to his colleague in the shop of
the owner of the notes, and when the own-
er's back was turned had stolen the money
and scampered off with it to his own master.
Is it possible that the dog had come to his
own conclusions about 1 ho tro',u0, of bank
notes ? _
Root Pills.
Te save Doctors' Bills' se
Morse's Indian Root Pills.
Seep Else Works in good order. C'
W. 13. cousrowc Nraockvi Iee,oat. iaryr ';&ya.
Dean Six, --Your$ Dr, Memo's Indian #loot
are the best regulator for tbesystem that umanit
can use. Lifers as the tiule piece r frail and delis**
are many of its .corks, A tiny particle of foref
substance adheres to the smallest witeelintheworkt,
and what is tb a result?—at first, only a slight differed'Ce
is perceptible in its time -keeping, bu t wait you; a9
the obstruction grows, the irregularity becomO9
greater, until at last, what could Kaye been rectified
with little trouble, in the begitnoing, will ngwrequire
ranch care in thoroughly cleansing the entire work$..
So itisinhuman life• a slight, derangement isntg-
lected,itgrows andincreases, imperceptibly atfir t,
then rapidly, until what could In the beginntn ,
have been cured with little trouble, becomes alma
o purify fatal To prevent this, I advise all t p • y W
systatn frequently. by the use of Morse's Pills, and
so preserve vigor and vitality. �(j
Yours faithfully
II. kr'. ATWELL.
The 4'raseZffers' Safe -Guard.
ANAGArn,1S POND. N.S., Jan. 27, '90.
W. 11. COMSTOCK, llrockvilie, 0111.
DEAR Sm,—Par many years, 1 have been a Sri.
believer in your "Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills."
Not with ablind faith,; but a cpn6.ience wrought by
SR actual personal exprrieree cf their value and
merit. My business is such that I spend much of
my time away from hone, and I would not con -
adder my travelling sine&t esmpiete without a box of
Morse's Pills.. Yours, &c.,
R. Whims.
tl valuable Article sells trail.
1'Toaacilois 1'lARsoR, N.S., Jan. rs,'90..
W. H. Cousrocs, Brockville. Ont.
DEAR $1a3-1hw is to eertlfv that I deal in Patent
3fliirires, lac. ding various !finds cf Pills 1 sell
more et the Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pillsthan cf all
T i sales 1 And arc still ia-
ealfer b` e;d. Derr d
th others .1:
ora,iump. YOn, 5, &Cq i
N. L. N*crlol.say.
THE BEST Cvl1f1H. hlEl}l$iME.. c,
OLD D7 D?F3013' 1 EVt 117t9'EEB1
S. 04 irgilife:41,`
of her cruel behavior of the previous night ""`� °""" ""`" ;
inary Freak of Nature.
Several Jews of foreign birth who have
received orders to leave the country have
petitioned the Minister of the Russian In-
terior to remain until their sons,enrolled
as students of the Russian institutions of
learning, finish their education. The Minis-
ter has decided that they must leave the
Czar's dominion forthwith, and that their
sons, the studeuts, may stay until they are
graduated, but not a day longer. Hereupon
he sent orders to the managers of all institu-
tions of learning that no Jewish student be
admitted unless he presents documents to
show that he belongs to a family that is al-
lowed to live in Russia.
Foreign agents are busy in the govern-
ment of Kursk buying finches and night-
ingales for the English market. They have
found that the finches' and nightingales of
Kursk are the best, both as to their excellent
voices and their endurance. Should they
not be able to procure in that region all the
birds they want, they will go to the gov-
erni lents of Orlov, Tchernigov, and P'ol-
tava in- search of their wares: This is a
godsend to many peasants, who;on account
of the bad crops last year, have no work in
their fields. They earn their living catch-
ing birds for the English agents. .
The report of the - head of the Royal
Hospital for Consumptives at Ventnor,
Isle of Wight, says of Koch's remedy : " I
firmly believe -that Koch's discovery will
soon emerge from the temporary disfavor in-
to which, from a singularly unfortmiate train
of circumstances, it has fallen ; that it has
•therapeutic properties as valuable as they
are unique, and that it only requires to be
employedwith due caution under certain
easily ascertained conditions to receive the
recognition it deserves as an invaluable
and essential- part of the treatment of.
pulmonary. tuberculosis."
The memorial over the grave of Bendigo,
the jlrize fighter, was unveiled two weeks
ago in the .presence of a crowd'compbsed
largely of prize- fighters and Methodists,.
Bendigo having been a Methodist preacher
in the latter clays of his life. The -monument
is a sleeping lion of gray stone, and. is said
to be very imposing.: It has this inacrip-
Sound Advice for Woman.
This whole matter of how woman should.
dress, what sho should and should not
wear, resolves itself entirely into a question
of common sense. Manya woman on a
shopping expedition thinks it necessary to
take a companion for advice in her selection.
My dear woman, use the mind and brain
which God, in Ms infinite wisdom, gave
you, and exercise it in your dress as in all
other things in this life. Take a friend
with you when you go shopping if you will,
for companionship, but don't either ask or
expect her to help you. No two tastes are
alike, especially in dress, and what may
seem "just a love bonnet" to your compan-
ion, may become you just about as much as
a silk•flag becomes a dredging -scow. Do
your own buying, and make your own melee-
tion. If you are in doubt, give yourself the
benefit of the doubt,, and leave the article
unbought rather than that you should par-
ade .the streets unbecomingly attired.
Rather err on the side of simplicity. You
can better afford to have tave it said of you
"How severely simple the dresses," than
that people passing you in the street should
look back and marvel at a costume which
outrages all the laws of good taste. Buy
those colors most becoming to you. Do
not go beyond your means, but have the
best you can afford with a little margin on
the safe side. Dress as well as you can, but
sensibly, and always remember that, after all,
a woman is judged more by her own worth
than by the clothes she wears.
She wouldn't tell it, lie for the world
To the man who was all her own
The total niul,bar - .:a � }; ti.e rai:vL
-.rr1' But at least twenty times through the day
tion In memory of: William Thompson near Bile, �.v;t:;;r, � r,i t � i i r Y
Bendigo of Nottingham, who died Aug. 23, is now placed at one hundred land thee To him would this girl tel -a -phone.
:nn no cornea at out 5Rw nneor.verk.
d r re o
ea e, x, v honorably, by those t r
either r rn o a t[h their
Ir wn 1 are, a t r e rt e 1 1l r.
x1)0105 l0l1110eam ItTJI. rti,ay *01,01 ,
■lir Ys 0 omarag do 7110+ tort:. Lawolt01 to1aarn.
u per•, evaryt11Mp.w0NrarrTan. ilflot uu((1,1,1 to
yourspsr+n 0511,55, exalts weodmfo1 fileoork. •yw (,aa
u,sb,ly000ruadg 1015 ironderfulsueoes- to every
asp nano
areearning from eneto Ve perwert.andnthee,0,
and rrtul.f anera Sol ax 11(15. 3 we can alrnhh you the ma-
permaeeee71ar. Sou +tlt•1R. No siren to ex darn bora. tat t
i !CUE d; Q U., At(IthiA,
Fi tom• tr.m.F ;$F
d1s Ensv
•' NO 13x1 (.lt:1t. F1?r Bits ' 'e cruln'tivecatalogue
containing tcsumonlaie grin. een.i1 or roger NM.
baro 040(4* from 4 to 0 earls d t t 15 .,21.43 100W 800001111/
fully used. A0Cncv cern bo hat (aalere there la
vacancy. A NIX ISVh.ST10N for tililiq saws vent ria
with each M1(51001 by tho sire Of th11t.)01 ever:5110o
eaa file their own sawn now and no it cc, ter thau t�
greatest expert Can without it. !.08thd to yi� 11111
crosscut saws. Every Ono wtln Own! 4 saw 91101114
have One. So duty to pay; we marsStetnro la rooado. AtalC
your dealer or write :01.11.1Nt*- t A FIN(i fit1AL`.
CHINE QV„ 800 to six 5, cutoff 5t.. s blecua
A pamphlet of information and ab-
stract of the laws, showin g Bovr to
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trude .
Marks, Copyrights, sent free.
Address MUNN &
>, 3
G1 Broadway,
New y
� o
VIGOR reign C a: i.F�r•'. TG; IT.
For LOC: ur FAILING 1d4;1100D. General and 1:E5 -
V000 DEBILITY, Wci rota, of Body and hied, Effect, of
Error, or Ercortcsin Old or Young. Sorsot. ldoblc EAR.
HOOD fnllyEttiered. Eoatoenlarge and atrengthen•WEBIC
failing INV. 6 LISNT— tneitain ti
from a0 States sad Foreign Countess.t9ri+o than. Soot
osplanation and proofs nailed (sealed) free. r' d :r crt.
Sole Proprietor, H.
t(JHOFIEL'D, senoneldrs Drug Store, ELar ST.,
TORONTO. The only Remedy which willper-
manently cure Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and all private
diseases, no matter how long standing. Was long
and successfully used in French and English
hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to cure the
worst case. Price,$1
per bottle. Every
bottle has
bel. None ��ffJJit)
y sig-
nature o n 'e- e'other
genuine. Those
who have tried o-
ther remedies without avail will not be disap-
pointed in this.
Mention this paper.
Exeter Butcher Shop
i .DAvisI
Butcher & General DE ,ler
(1 LL RINDS tg.
‘. 1 F -J-1 T
astome resupplied TUD SD AYS. 1't1QR9
AYS AND SATUBDAYS ab tbei isiden
iu.0 Ti'
, w
Ready for use in any quantity. For making Soap.
Softentng;Water,Distnfeeting andahundredotlier
uses. A can equals 20 poundsail;oda.
Sold by Ail Grocorn and Pru(rglsts.
Mr •13rxI.Zsm7C-T. 'a'oroa'¢o.
FREE E0 3' 1,47,N5
t r. lr A7rraneS,
lltEagnEkI„, ow "
ABE NOT a Pur•
gative Medi -
01110 They are e,
ELoo» :4CIr.'nsii,
a ;
TONIC and Its;coN-
srnrcrOD,as they
supply in a condensed
forul the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
from Poon and WAT-
ERY BLOOD, or 1rotn
the BLOOD, and adsd
invigorate and B'CILD
TIP the BLoor and
SYSTEM, when brolceil
F' down by overwork,
clo mental worry, disease,
excesses and indiscre-
tions. They have a
Brum-no Acrtov on
the.Srxuar, Sssxear of
both noon and women,r
restoring 'LOST VIGOR
mud correcting all
IttREGULealv'•;Es and
iktVI GM a Pa Who Ends his mental fala-
rrusug ultios dull or failing, or
his physical powers Slagging, should take these
i lost energies,both
will restore his t o
'PILLS. They
physical and mental.
pressiona' and irregularities, which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
shouid take these PILi,r,s.
eThey will .cure thesultf y 't h re, Titabits, andthes
YOUNDpage $III should take them.
a `f CAGii� ra These lilts will
make thetu'regular.
For Salo 1,n all druggists, 00 will be taut inion
receipt e f rn . C oc. per box), by addr?•sling.
2' EL'dLIid?fw'31231'. CO.
Brockville, Oat.