The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-05-11, Page 10GodeZich Signal -Star, Thursday, May 11, 1901 ar IN SET PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, May 9, --Mr. anci Mrs. Dykstra have moved onto the farm they recently •pur- chased from Peter Van Elswijk. The latter returned last week from a visit to Holland and, ac- companied by Mrs: yan Elswijk plItt 4;44 5 i �eeL a ' for rit4ish Coollumbia. s.:-, liJl.71.`:'J44�i+1F�f',t',ts:R1t . don, was a Sunday visitor at the Betties home. Gift Wrapped and with Mother's Day Card ALL COMPLETE and READY TO GIVE for VALUE ,TO $4.001• s2j • • • •• • •• • • r • Ir••oo••o••••wws0000mmett•o•••••••a alooe••••oit and Mrs. William Cox and fain- Murrayrraw spent the week -end in _Mitchell . with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Torrance. The number. of different spec- ies of birds that exist' now or have been alive within the. dost few hundred, yearn , x§,, estimated ,aa;€i µ; , 0V4 4�'E a'p,At; les cannot fly. As early as the ed 120 million years ago, there were giant birds vrhich could Mrs. Leslie Cox is visiting Mr. not fly. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DINNER .at TIGER DUNLOP INN Highway 21, 3 miles North of Goderich 5-7 p.m. FULL COURSE MEAL Menu — sure to please: • Fruit cup; Soup; Tomato iuike; Relishes and salad. HOT ROAST TUI.IE'E'Y $1.75 HOT ROAST BEEF $1,65 Mashed Potatoes — Hot Vegetables -- Rolls and Breads. Choice of Pies — Tiger Dunlop Delight Ice Cream Sundaes and Sherbet Tea and Coffee Make reservations Mrs. tG. Kaitting, if possible. o- Carlow 2406 We are now open for Sunday Summer Dinners 1!P Sunday, May14 -- IS MOTHER'SDAY —� No Gift Would Please Her More Than a Special Cake —Heart Shaped or Round-- from 3 .. . a 4 tALBE HOME MADE ROOKIES Select your favorites from our abundant variety DATE TURNOVERS ---- OATMEAL --- CINNAMON -- CHOCO(-ATE CHIP — BRAZIL NUT -- PEANUT BUTTER -- SHORTBREAD,— and OLD FASHIONED SUGAR COOKIES FOR THE BEST IN... " Yes , , ,'here's a friendly atmosphere at year local 104. stole. Each {tore ovrner has a personal interest In catering to the cossomer's indi.idual needs. This interest plus Top Ouafitjyproducts and competitive price make the difference between just another business and o true community service,' 1.6 this combination thot has mode 10A'Rawls for friendly service -'ocrosl Caaoda. Experiments on this standard drum drier at the Plant Research Institute of the Canada Department of Agriculture at Ottawa have led to the ,development of a new process for making instant mashed Weddings GRIME -- HULLS BAYF1ELD. — In a wedding solemnized in Trinity Anglican Church here, Freda Diane Hulls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls, Goderich Township, be- came the bride of James Brian Grime, Bayfield, son of Mrs. W. E. G. Bellchamber and the fate MAKE IT A DATE ! ! potatoes. Potatoes that have been peeled, diced and cooked are passed between dehydrating steam -heated rollers. The finished product is below the rollers. Eric Grime. Rev, E. .1. B. Har- rison officiated. The bride wore a white waltz - length gown of peau de soie -styled with a rounded neckline, trimmed with lace and seed pearls with lily point sleeves. Her illusion•ieil was of shoulder ength and she carried a Vic- torian ..nosegay with Pink De- light roses and stephanotis. The bridesmaid, Miss Dianne Campbe 4, Clinton, °wore a bal- erina-length 'gown .of pink or- ganza and carried a matching nosegay of flowers. Douglas • A. Auld, St. Cathar= ines, was groomsman. For travelling, the bride wore a _old colored wool suit white accessories 'an. a corsage o white roses. _The groom is a student of the School of Business' Administra- tion, University of Western On- tario. The couple will reside in Bayfield. PREMIUM FANCY SAVE be SOl A1MON 'ILLY'$ SAVE 8c f BUTTER AYL:MER FANCY SAvgCREAM Bc CORN de wRTU:NA ; NEAP,PLE PICNIC . CRU.SHED ' FFED -OLIVES.. 8 -OZ. TIN ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, May 9.—Mr. Fin- lay Macdonald, of Chatham, spent the week -end with his father, Mr. Dan Macdonald. Mr. Ray . MacKenzie, of Tor- onto, was home for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and Donna, of Rodney, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kitson. Guests at Wm. Macdonald's are Mrs. Steve Elliott, Billy and Barbara and Mrs,.. Ed. Reilly; of . w ` Miss Barb'California.....inlayson, of Guelph, was homefor the 'week- end. Great lBBarrier Reef along the NortheaStern-noast of Australia has the largest coral formation in the world. CONFECTION STYLED DOUGHNUTS IN TEN VARIETIES .Cherry' Custard -- Rum and Egg Nog --- Lemon or Orange Twists -- Jelly or Creme Filled --- Honey Dipped — Buster Browns ---.. Cinnamon Sticks Chocolate Iced FRESH TARTS, AND MUFFINS( In Wide Variety Open Friday nights 'til 9 p.m. CULBERT'S BAKERY West Street -- Goderich -- JA 4-7941 3. In what year was the name of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police changed from the Royal North West Mounted Police? 4. Through the indirect sales tax on manufactured goods Ot- tawa collects an average of how much per week? 5. In whatear were tariffs first used in Canada to build dom- estic industry rather than merely as a means ofprovid- ing govearnment revenue? - ANSWERS: 5. In 1859 when the "Galt Tariff" was introduced. 3. In 1920. 1. Less than five persons per square mile. 4. About $15 million. 2. Manu facturing is the leading industry few days with her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Fairish,, last week. QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. Density of population in the U.S. is about 51 persons per square mile. What is the, figure for Canada? 2. In, net value of . production manufacturing . is the leading wealth producing industry. in what provinces? T V and TUBESRADIO FREE Testing Service a. OPEN NIGHTS Ur'til 11.30 Goderich News Stand D. Fincher - On the Square at Colborne Street 19tf immiewiw HALF PRICE Spring Clearance TRUEST = 'S an May 1,-118 2'0 -- 2 to 4 p.m. r[ S OK OPPORTUNITY SHOP , EAST STREET -- GODERICH MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER --- LO.D.E. 16 -OZ.• JAR 10.00-1.30 1VMUSID BY.' Desjardine Orchestra MODERNS L ROCK 'N ROLL AND INSTALL ACREAGE WANTED In or Near Goderich .. For Option to GODERICH INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION -- SQUARE DANCING Service Electric Gaderiohl" Limited" Admission: 750 Newgate & Victoria JA 4-8581 JOIN THE CROWDS ••••004000••••e•••••••� RIB END LB. C LOIN END LB. TABLERITE•RINDLESS SIDE BACON WHOLE FRYING U.S. 'No. 1, WITH WIDE AWAKE FLAVOR VELENCIA FANCY U.S.. ?RANGES GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1-1b. Pkg. KRUNCHEt .POTATO CHIPS 25 r EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF 5 -Ib. BAG CLIFCHAR CHARCOAL 25 EXTRA • 'GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE, OF 1 -Ib. Ctn. I.G.A. INSTANT CHOCOLATE i•: ,:;:;,;r,{.: • lY:a 4% 'T •,� r of all the -191 models' the X-RayBooks with the complete s o yBefore you buy a Gnaw car, ge 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH YHE PURCHASE OF 1 -Ib. Pkg. TABLERITE PORK SAUSAGE Just looking at a car in a showroom tells you very little, and a hurried demordtration drive does not tell you very much mc. e. To help you separate fact from fiction—to help you decide which car actually is the best buy, we have prepared the X -Ray Books, in which all the 1,961 model cars are co'mpare4 and evaluated. feature by feature. These books pull no 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS When , you pick up your free copy of the beautiful new Gold Bond Gift Book. Simply present thiS coupon at' the checkout counter. punches. They name names, show prices and display comparison photos side by side. There are two com- plete books—one for each of the popular price fields. We belieye that they will help you make the right choice for your requirements. If after a thorough study of these books your choice should be a Rambler, we shall be gratified -but not altogether surprised. GET YOUR FREE COPIES OF THE X-RAY BOOKS FROM YOUR NEAREST RAMBLER DEALER GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE QF '1 2Mpxe •PJcf{, FR;I iZ RYAGE Fl and CHIPS a'w A PROPUCT,,OF AMERICAN taros (CANADA) LiMiTED JA 4-8391.