The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-05-11, Page 1Lea 40, E ti...'e..+ae.y esesersde1 sCT,rec ry-Y'-i' *Auburn Group Plans Village,Beaui-ification AUBURN, May 9.—The ex- Knox W.M.k Meets' `" ecutive of the Auburn Horticul- The W.1VI.S. of Knox United ture Society held its May meet- Church held its May meeting with the president, Mrs. John ing with ,the president,' Mrs- Durnin, in charge. Miss Viola Kenneth Scott in charge. Mrs. Thompson received the offering.. Gordon R. Taylor, secretary, Mrs. Harold Webster, the trees - read the minutes. , Mrs. Bert urer, gave the financial state- ment. The members were re - Craig gave the financial state- minded to bring good used cloth- rnent. She reported that there ing and pieces of woollen coat - are 41 members and a balance ing to be sent in the June bale. male for plenting small ever - of $115.32 on hand. Plans were, A large box is in the Sunday School room in which to put green trees around the Auborn letters at the west end of donations. Mrs. Harold Webs the ster presided- for the program village. An invitation was ac- with Mrs. William J. Craig at cepted to attend the May tea the piano. The Scripture was on May 12 at Blyth. The Society decided to send to Hanover for read by Mrs. Ernest Durein, followed by prayer by Mrs. Pyrethrum plants to plant in Webster. A solo was sung by the Manchester ;Garden. A let- Mrs. W. J. Craig, accompanied ter was read about the Essay on by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. Birds of Ontario and also the Mrs. Charles Straughaa gave a coming competition for photo- paper on Home Missione. Mrs. graPhy. A Rose Tea is planned R. Easom took the study book to be held the latter part of which was entitled, "The Ship June wtth Mrs. William T. Robi- Under the Bridge," explaining son as convener, - assisted by the ecumenical movement. An Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Bert Craig, interesting, report on the morn - Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. ,ing. session of the Huron Pres - Grange. . byteriaie S.','" -prepared -by Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, was Marian sYoungblut presided read by Mrs. Oliver Anderson. for the Ida White C.O.C. meet- Mrs. John Durnin reported for ing in the absence of the pre- the afternoon session. Mrs. Wil- sident, Johnny MacKay, who was ham T. Robison Presented a ill. The flags were held by paper on Christian citizenship. Maryftanderson and the minutes Mrs. Webster thanked all who (were read by the secretary, had assisted with the meeting. Eddie Haines, The Scripture . Guest Of Honor was reed by Keith Scott and the Miss „Ruth Andrews -was. gnest Donald Hainea, folleveed by evening when. friends and • neighbors The missionary story was told her approaching marriage, in by -the leader, Mre. Wilfred the Sunday school room of Knox • Sanderson. Plans were made to Presbyterianetilletireheeigese-Ro attend the C.O.C. Rally to be Deer presided for the ehort pro - held at Seaforth on May 27. The- C.G.I.T. gram. A sing -song was led by WS. Gordon R. Taylor with Mrs. The C.G.I.T. set May 39 for thl Robert J. Phillips at the piano. evening, of their annual, IVIothe Mis. Ernest Durnin gave a read - and Daughter banquet to be ing and ,a piano duet was play - of the chfirch with the guest der. A musical number was speaker to be Miss Betty Marsh, played by Mrs. John Deer, Mrs. KA., Goderich Public School teacher. Rose Marie Haggitt (Continued on page 5) Groulis- Meer At Benmiller oberitb • • BENIVIILLER, May 9. Ben- rniller United Church' ladies met in the church on May 3rd. Mrs. Archie Swain, president of the W.M.S., led the group in open- ing devotions with a Special mo- ment for those bereavedf Ads. es- bY iss at es se, ke et rd d. rs, to er E. he er ed er is a d- s. s. • byterial rneethig was given Mrs. A. M. Straughan and. M Annie 13exter. The latter al reported, as work convener, th a 50 pound bale of, quilt patch had been sent to Nelson Hou B.C., for Indian women to ma quilts. As the blanket proje will continue, donations towa the purchases were requeste Anyone having woollens, °Me or contributions are asked sontact Miss Baxter. 'The lead of the Mision Band„ Mrs. Pfrimmer, sent word that t group had their seal for anoth year. The literature secretar Mrs. B. Straughan, distribut books and periodicals aft whiCh Mrs. Swain closed th portion of the meeting with reading and prayer. Mrs. Howard Veagan ealle for the usual W.A. roll call, mi utes, and correspondence to b read by Mrs. Hugh Davidso the secretary. Bills were a proved including one for a war robe to hold the choir gown Mrs. Frank McMichael, Mr Norma Hazlitt, and Mrs. Be this item. Further plans wer made regarding' a cold suppe to besheld the end of MaYt Til session Closed with the Vette hostesses, Mrs. ATihtir Mailtel Mrs. J. Kernighan, Mrs. Gran MacPhee and Mrs. Ralph Jewell by the ladies to which the C.G LT. members, their mothers, an leaders, Mrs. Frank. McMichae and Mrs. Ken Fisher, were in tilted. -As word. „of thanks wa eirbn-linaT'Vrthe-girls lex Connie Durst. Mrs. Elfth Pfrimind, leader of the MiAion Band, expressed her appreei was in charge of the meeting ation for the invitation to at and Barbara -MacKay presided at WOMEN TEACHERS PLAN tend also. Remarks were made the piano. The Scripture was read by Marian Youngblut and FOR ANNUAL 'MEETING . by Mrs. Howard Feagan, Mrs. Wrn. Treble, Mrs. J. Kernighan; the offering was received bY The Goderich Unit of F.W.T. also by the past president, now Linda Baechler.. Margaret San- A.O. met April 26th with Miss a Clinton resident, Mrs. Milford derson read the 15th chapter Betty Black presiding. Mrs. Durst. The ladies were glad to of Exodus and Mrs. Duncan Mac- Fisher and Miss Black' each ex- have present another past mem- Kay gave the study based on plained helpful drills theyeelteitt. ber, Mrs. Franklin Mitchel, now Bible School - 4, - Plans were made for members . . , Representatives of all the to attend the Spring Conference HURON CROP REPORT, hurches in the village we're at London. The annual meeting Continued wet weather has esent at a meeting to plan of the association is to be 'held further hampered.seeding °per - sr the Daily Vacation Bible at Exeter on June 6th and it ations in Huron County! The School. Rev. R. M. Sweeney is hoped that a number from warm humid weather during the presided. The financial statee„this unit will ,attend. . ment was given by Mrs. Gordon mrs. Stephens, Mise A. Craw- some growth on eaStures and past „few days has promoted R. •Taylare The minutes of last ford and Miss M. West were fall wheat • Although there is year's school were read by Mrs. appointed as nominating com- little pasture as -yet, some cattle Wes Bradnock, It was decided rnittee for the new slate of, of- are outside because ot shortage to hold the school July 24-29 ficers. with the closing exercises ta be • ' of feed. , held on the morning of July 29 ' Donors Totalled 152 t Bloodainic Here discussion followed concern- ing teachers and assistants and anyone wishing to help please contact any member of the ex- ecutive. 87th Birthday Celebrated Mrs. -William Anderson cele- brated her 87th birthday on A total of 152 donors gave The boy had been accidently Tuesday at the home et her blood at t' e Blood Donor Clinic shot some weeks age. , daughter, Mrs. Worthy Fowler, of the Canadian rted Cross So- It was reported that the re- R.R. 5, Goderich. A family din- .ciety held at St. George's Parieh cent can.vass in this area by the ner was held at the •Commercial Hall on Wednesday afterno Hotel, Zurich, in her honor •last and evening of last week. from the Town of Goderich. Sunday. Those attending were Campaign Director of•Middle- ' Mr. end Mrs. Worthy Fowler, sex and Huron counties, Mr. Twelve Red Cross workers from the London Depot, three Donald and Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of London, told erivees, two registered nurses Gordon IVIcClinclemeand John, The SignaI-Star at the start of and seven assistant under Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson the- Clinic here that there had . been an increase in consumption son. Mrs. Anderson, the foam- in,the past 18 months of 38 per with Miss Roberta Heeled, tech - were present at the clinic along er Florence Patterson, wes born cent. .The need ter this area, he nician. Those assisting at the in Auburn,:the daughter of the- stated, was about 7cro bottles per clinic were: Receptionists: Mrs. . late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pat- week - • was married 59 He praised the work of Mrs. card index, Mrs. George Jenner years ago to William Andersnn Frank Curry as chairman at -all and Mrs. J. K. Sully; typists, Mrs. who passed away, 16 years, ago. of the past five clinics and of A. McConnell, Mrs. P. F. Carey, She has two sons, Thomas, Tor- Mr. Leo Walzak for his canyase- Mrs. S. C. Anderson, Miss F. onta, and Oliver, East Wawa- ing for prospective blood donors., Armstrong andelVIrs. E. Stiles; limb s also two daughters, "Mit. 'll'abilfifilig.--th-e-76W--WeirTillig hed"s7e'SareianTh,--fiTiT.-117 Gordon (Lillian) M'eClinchey, done by the blood bank, Mr. 0. Jerry; Mrs. J. Stringer, Mrs. Auburn, and Mrs.•Worthy (Dor- Andersbh 'said a man in Vie- I. Papernick, Mrs. L. Walzak, othy) Fowler; 14 grandchildren toria 'Hospital, London, from Mrs.. J. M. Graham and Mrs, B. and nine great-grandchildren. _Huron County had required 120 Spring; kitchen, Mrs. IL Rivers, She . has also one sister, • Mrs., bottles of A.B. Positive blood., Mrs. N. C. Jacksen, Mrs. E. Prid- Alberti, Shackleton, Toronto, and also that the life of an Exeter ham Mrs. C. II. Graham, Miss of Grand Prairie, a broth r, D. . P e son, Q.C., boy had been saved when he M. Campion, Mrs. W. Legg and wee given nine pints of blood. Mrs. H. Williams. ' -was-a-htma--04-0111X-a-artta-Cadets-wlio presentedi the details -- , sat down to a dinner in th4 Collegiate Cafe- of which are to be found elsewhere in this 10th.* At this dinner the various awards Photo by Hon. Lester Pearson, leader of the Liberal Party, talks to a group following the annual meeting, of the Huron Liberal Associa- tion at Clinton laSt Thursday evening. For details see story on Page II. In photo . above are, from left to right: Hugh Hill, who presented the slate of new officers; Andrew Y. McLean:of Seaforth, who was re-eleeted president of the Association; Mr. Pearson; Harold Shore, of Goderich, secretary of the Huron, Liberal Association. Building Peimits For New Homes Are Up Perinits for new dwellings Goderich totalled $72.800 up tfie `ad Of April oi-this year comparison -ta $59,225 for same period a year ago. This increase for,dwelling p itaesteeeageireeeeeeflectesel dm: the month or May iiiTh p mits being granted last we The owners, locations amounts for these permits as follows: George Turt Hueon road, $12,000; Dan M Deenican Million, Oxford .stre $10,000; Ernest Richards Elizabeth street, $12,000; M borne Cox, Cameron stre $10,000. Town Council Friday nig granted permission to the C adian Legion Band to hold band tattoo at Agricultur Park on August 4th. A, letter to Town Council fin J. E. Huckins read: "I have earneet., desire to retire from activities. Therefore, please Arena Board and Planni Board effctive immediately. Mr. B. M. Ross presented estimated cost of $12,500 have North street widened b street, which includes the pa ing and the re -locating of th hydro line. The United Senior Citizens Ontario, in a letter to Tow Council. stated that Senior Cit zens Week in Canada' was be observed from June 4-1 They asked that Goderich Cou have published a _proclem ation in recognition of the wee A copy of a letter from th Ontario Minister of Publi Works to C. S. MacNaughton M.P.P., was read. It had to d with fire Protection of the On tario hospital being built sout of Goderich. The letter state that provision was being mad at the hospital for fire protec tion but that if the services o the Goderich Fire Departmen were ever necessary, an agree ment with the town would he made at a pre -arranged price per trip. A committee was appointed to look into the planting of trees on Cambria road, It would in- clude planting, of trees along the boulevard fronting the pro- perty of the Goderieh Manufec- Luring Company Limited. This company has ppinted out that struction in the north west see - on of their yard facing Cam - ria, road" whieh neePssitates n open view of the buildings. Craduating. high school stud- nts from various states will ake .up the passenger list of e.. S.S. South American when the boat visits Goderich harbor on Sunday, May 28, between 10 and 11 p.m., it was stated in a letter from the Chicaefo, Duluth and Georgian Bay Transit Com- panv. The Gpderi-N T'rotting and' in Agricultural Association was notified not to use the track on, May -19th- since the- annu al. -GDCI track and field meet was to be held' at Agricultural Park -that The sum of $200 was passed as eesegrant toeetshe Lions Club in Young Canada Week. A special meeting of Council was to be held on Wednesday eyening to consider plans of two new subdivisions, one by Harold -Share -and- the other by A. J. Alexander. to the er- kW- er- ek. and are on, tue et, on, el - et, ht an - a al all 4.1 ac- he ng an of to 0. k. Mr. Doug Whitfield, formerly of Goderieh, has been recently transferred from Windsor to Hamilton, and appointed super- visor of operations for Canadian Petrofina, it's. Western Ontario. Mrs. Whitfield,*eg and Tommy will move to arnilton at the nine years.' Mrs. Gordon ' McManus and Mrs. David • Thorne were dele- 'gates of the Aethur Circle %f Knox Presbyterian Church, Goclerich, attending the Even- ing Department Conference of James' Presbyterien Church, HOLD BIBLE QUIZ Goderich Callegiete and Clin- ton District High School teams were winners of a semi-final Yeuth For Christ Bible quiz Dr.. B. Corrin trophy with 717 GANANOQUE MOTHER PRAISE'S Exeter. Wingham and 'Walker - Lions ladies - Night Tonight The annual ladies'. night of the Goderich Diens Club will be this Thursday, evening at Harbourlite Inn with Vice -Presi- dent Bruce Erskine as chairman In a.lucky drawsprize _some .lady is to win a gift valued at $106 Election of new officers will be held on May 25th with the. in- stallation of the new executive ends on June 27t'h with the an- nual "Steak Night" at Maitland Golf Club ia charge of Peter MacEwan. The Harbouraires have been engaged, for entertaininent and will provide 'music -for the ladies. NEW ROAD SUPT. FOR - ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP Richard West, of Ashfield Township, has been named town- ship road superintendent, la pos- ition vacant since the death of Herbert Curran early this yeer. Mr:--Weetr-eonsineneee his duties tep e There were 17 applic- ants or, the position. • Mr. West is the third superin- tendent in AshfieId since this office was established 35 years ago. The late John Kilpatrick, the first man to hold the posi- tion, served tWo years. The - late Herbert Curran served 32 ther new municipal, of - n Ashfield,is Gordon Boyd 10 who has been appointed teem- fa cillor succeeding John Bradley m who hes not been able to con- . Untie because of poor health. he • ir oo Seen Needed fly rs. J. -Thompson, Vice -President Of Huron Presbytery.United W.A. The. eighth annual meeting Huron Presbytery Woman's .A sociation of the United Chur was held in CaVan Unite Church, Wiothrop, on May 3r The theme of the meeting w "For we are the Workmansh created in Christ Jesus for Goo Works." Mrs. Harold Phillip Blyth, presided. Devotions were conducied b the Seaforth ladies. Mrs. To welcomed the ladies to Cava Church. The secretary's an treasurer's reports were give the absence ef Mrs. M. Bea Auburn, treasurer. Mrs. Gordon McKenzie, Se forth, ..asked that pictures parsonages be sent to Mrs. Ha old Walsh, 4823 Chilber roa Windsor, to be used on poster by the Dominion Board. Other committee reports wer given by: Visitation and ''Chri tian Stewardship, Mrs. Orv Harrison, MOnkton; press, Mr tian education, Mrs. Alex Boye Seaforth; leadership education MeVittie,- Blythe- in the absence of Mrs. Frank Bain - ton; life membership, Mrs. Nel- son R,eid, Walton; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. A. R. Hamil- ton, Goderich; literature secre. sels; Christian stewardship, Mrss Robt. Taylor, Clinton. Mrs. Neil Bell sang a solo, ac- companied by Mrs. W. Cuthill, Seaforth: Mrs. 'Nelson Reid, Walton, gave a report of Con- ferenee W.A., at Central United Church, Sarnia. Afternoon devotions were con- ducted by the Port Albert ladies, InCluding Mrs. Ernest Crawford who read Scripture and Com- mentary , and Mrs. Harry Led - nor who gave the prayer. Mrs. Mel Dickson and Mrs. Earl Bogie sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. Robt., Bogie. A skit describing 'several boards of the church, directed iby Mrs. Nelson Reid W-alton was presented. Mrs. A. Rs Hamilton, Goderich,. introduced the guest speaker, Meg. V. C. Joiner, vice-president of London Conference W.A. Rev. W. Summerell installed the 'officers for the balance of this year, the same, slate as for 1960 with the addition of Mrs. Jos. Thompson, Goderich, as vice-president. e Mrs. Phillips announced that 2 had registered; also that the 11 meeting will be a joint eetinge with the W.M.S. A provisional committee to- lp organize the new organiz- ation "United Church Women" s. will include Mrs. Harold Mit- ch lips, Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Mrs. Jos 1 hompson and Mrs. A. R. Ham- ilton. Those attending from Gode- rich included Mrs. Percy Barker, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. S. C. Argyles. Mrs. H. D. Hobbs, Mrs. Neil McKinnon, Mrs. Len West- brook, Mrs. A. R. Hamilton, Mrs. Horton Talmay.. d. as ip 11 of al s - - ton. The semi-final competition was held in connection with the, 1CONDUCT OF GODERICH TEAM' The memriers reported.. on the progress of their project to read d South Huron Youth For Christ e rally in the Clinton Legion Hall. - Rev. Wilson Ewen, of London, was guest speaker. A film was a th SENIOR CITIZENS The Senior Citizens of Gode- rich met on May 3 at MacKay Hall with 25 inembers present. After the business session they played bingo and "500". Mrs. Noble Young ‘kon the door prize, a set of kitchen tools, The next meeting will be on May 1.7, I eras, Percy Morden, of Hazel ark, Michigan, has returned home after "baby sitting" With her grandehildren, This 'was while her son-in-law -and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Con Baechler, were visiting in Puerto Rico where the Young Presidents Or. ganization was holding a conven- tion. Thisincluded a dinner in exotic ' "carnival" atmosphere. All attending were dressed as pirates, eareplete with eye patches, ashes and rubber REQUEST—SENT IN- ADVANCE BY SAILORS OF THE R.C.N: FOR 'SINGLE YOUNG LADIES' When two boats of the Royal Canadian Navy pay a courtesy call to Goderich Har- bor on Monday, June 12th, it is planned to have a cocktail party aboard one of the boats for invited guests. ' This will take place between maximum number of guests to be invited will be 40. Goderich Tavvn Council has been advised of the plans of the Department- of National -Defence boats to -visite-here - and are making all arrange- ments for same. • little Suggestion to make re- garding the guests to be in- vited. It was all summed- up in the sentenee: "It would be much appreciated if a number of single yoting ladies could be included on the invitation list since we have aenumber of baehelers in the crew." Just whom the Town Coun- cil has appointed to select the "single young.ladiet" has not beeh divulged as yet, but it is bound to be a tigklish job. And so the JotilAtill be a tough one sinee, as the 'sohg 'All the nice girls love a • sailor . All the Nice girIS rove a tar:" Plan Exhibits ' Of Crafts The Margaret Seeger Club of St.....Georges Church held its last meeting ;until _fall on Mon- day with Mrs. J. Murison pre- siding. Mrs.. C. F. Chapman read the minutes and Mrs. -R. Carey gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. R. W. Bell, convener of the ways and means committee, presented suggestions for the fall tea and bake We to be held in October,' including exhibits of crafts and of photography: - The September meeting will be a pot -luck supper convened The members were happy to accept Atm. M. Mathers' invita- tion to her home for coffee after the meeting. A surprise guest was Mrs. D. Challenger, a past president of the- club, - returning -to Goderich to live. UNEMPLOYMENT LITTLE CHANGED . TO YEAR AGO There's only about 30 differ- .ence, between the number listed as seeking erriployment- through the National tinployment Office at Goderieh as at April 30th this year and the same time a fear ago."ThTS-A-Pril there were - 479 males and 190 females for a total of 669. A year ago there were 503 males and 198 females for a total of 701. The Gode- rich office serves most of Huron County. VICTORIA HELPERS.. The Victoria Helpers met at the home' of Mrs. John McDon- ald Monday evening with the president- Mrs. Sam Argyle, in the chair and Mrs. Ruth Hay- den leading the singing., The devotional period was ih charge of Mrs': Hayden and readings were .given by Mrs. Ernest Pat- terSon,' MI's. Charles Breekow and Mrs. Dave Harman. Mrs. Fred McCullough anti Mrs. S. Argyle -Mai Mrs. Joe Thome- Son as alternate, . were ap- o toznrall'organizations into one voman's eroup in the church. eiciety on the Provisional Board Pressed „with the sportsmanship1PROUD of these boys. displayed by members of the; I had two of the boys billeted zzy team and thoge in charge of Wand Uncle Lorne) and I know r during the recent Ontario chain.' can speak for others. that they I pionship series. :were a yery well-behaved group As a result, she has written , of boys and it ta the following letter to The„Sige to have them visit our home. nal-Ster for publication for the; This friendly -feeling was up - benefit of those concerned: Gananoque. Ont.. May 6, 1961. -Editor, Signal -Star, Goclerich; Ont. Dear Sir: your paper to the citizens of Gederieles,eincere appreciation of, the kindnesses afforded our Bantam "117 hockey team and It i g ves me, as one of the par- ents, a very warm feeling of sat- isfaction to 'see the friendliness and congeniality between two rivals in sports. held throughout the series with Parry Sound and Goderieh, and the. boys should be coneratulate ed on such fine sportsmanship and comradeship. in your paper on behalf of a r" sportsroinded mother. Your§ truly. Principal H. M. Shackleton told the Public School 'Board Tuesday evening that by 1964 three new class rooms will be required, basecron the preseit normal growth, and that by that time another new school might have to be built. An extra class room has had to be added every year for about the past ten yeaes. In 1950, there were 18 elass rooms in use in contrast to 28 class rooms in 1960. Enrolment at Victoria Public School in April was 717 while at - Victor Lauriston School it was 275. Saying that a fifeh kinder- garten class might be nebefeary bY next fall, Principal Shackle- ton added that, if this be so, it will be necessary to have al) grade eix classes located in Victor Lauriston School. The School Management com- mittee has been requested to bring in a report to the. next meeting on fees to be 'charged to non-resident pupilse and non• supporters of the Public School. This was feIt advisable due to increased operating costs. Back in 1954 the fees were' set at $100 per pupil attending full time and $50 for kindergarten ' pupils. The Property committee Was: horizedeta equip an addition.. al class rWom at „Victor Laurie ton School to be ready for school opening next September. It will be located on the second floor aveasetheeegeannasium ganizations presently using the gymnasium and the room above. it will be notified 'that the ac- eornmodation will be no longer available after June 30th since. the -School Board will halle T• he School Board agreed to he request of Town Council tc ake available to the Town ertain of the Board's property order that Blake street might e extended. Nine New Teachers , New teachers ,hired by the ublic School Board are as fol• ws: Min- Dorothy Kerslake. .R. 1, Centralia, a graduate. of ondon Teachers' College; Miss nn Alexander, R.R. _1, Hensall„ eraduate of fhe Lo in lo A er le at le fo St Te Sh ye No ye Pi from Toronto Teachers' College i in 1949. The resigeations accept( were from: Mrs Marjory Ilse. titer, of Walton. who aias tauget s' College:. Miss Anne Ma enzie, R.R. 3, Goderich, a gra ate of Stratford Teachers' Co ge; Miss Bonnie ,, TiMani] rockville, graduate of Stratfor eachers' College; Miss Donn e of Stratford Teachers' Co ge; Miss Marjorie Boyd, onths, but now a graduate ratford with her Interim acher's certificateu Mils. Ruth addick, of Londes13oro, with ars' experiences Mrs. Ma ars' experience:- Miss Elam tt, .of Weston. who graduate s. 5 here for two -years: ' Mrs. Nancy Mrs. Lillian flailam. three yean; "Mrs. 'Evelyn Howe, two yeare; R. McKindsese two years here. a book of the Old Testament 'For every month. Lunch was serve oth ed by Mrs. C. Breckow and Mrs. iRhe D. Harman following an auction, , onducted by Mrs. Mamie Sute . joining t e staff of :the. t Erie Public School. iri-re er resignations from Mrs a Jones, Who had taught two years, and Mrs. Catherine Ales- er, for five years, had- been • SORORITY DINNER 4f;.oderich ,delegates were, ner of 'Beta Sigma Phi Sorority:0.P. at Huron College. London, Tues -,119' women who took the "Ritual 'were of Jewel." I Ig were re- ten ,.eived as members of the Sore seve ority AREA 0.12tP. FIGURES uring the month of April. Goderich detachment of ths P.: issued 350 warnings, la d charges and checked 1.3,17 rine- In firarrifonth--fh-cre seven reportable accident - non -reportable accident', n single vehicle accidentr two persons injured. • Faimers Will Face June Census uestio ,,viSllixb enumerators in Goderich , formation to be colletted in the Poses at the Dominion Burfio ; days in connection with the tak- '20', less than that collected in ; The agricultural census shou:d I ing of the 1961 Census inFaCan- !the 1951 census. Many ques not be confused with the year.'ye ' a•da which commerteeseare Thurs-, tions on production and .hei June --and-D-econber surVe:,,!: day, June 1, The job in Goclee useeecollected by the Domihion The forthcoming June. seines, !rich will be completed within 'Bureau of Statistics through reg will duplicate a number of ques. ! about two weeks time, accord.' ular sample surveys -have been tiens onethe 1961 Census. He, jing to -Joe Allaire, census come eliminated from the 1961 Cele ever, the return of both forms. lJrnissioner for Goderich. while sus, in the rural areas it will takei HIM' Will the census be taken? will be published. before census How, it Works is necessary, since the' .hine sue ieonwetoektsbe population In the last week of May. most information can be made ava)l- census in the rural 14rea there I farmers across Canada will re Able, as well as certain inform will also be a census of agrieul- eeive by mail the general agri- "ation not collected by the eCn- ture to provide information for cultural forin.* His being mailed sus. The June survey form is•tv the Dominion Bureau of Sta- June 1 so that farmers will know be returned. -by mail, while the tistics. This 1061 agricultural in advance of the arrival of the _census font- is to be held foe census form contains 186 ques- census taker the questions he the census taker. - . tions. That's in addition to or she will ask. It is hoped When -the census,forms arrive, the queries of the population that fanners will have the an at the agricultural oprocessing• wfoirTdmeo obtain a picture of nation- taker arrives. and Ottawa, the facts will be sy;ers ready when the census offices at Winnipeg, Cornw;A 'patterns of agriculture, the If the farmer is away when transferred to code sheets. 3n. cen.stfe form must make provis: the census taker calls the Yrife formation about individual ion for every type of farming- can then belie the answers avail- farms will be Merged to obtajn wheat,' potatoes, livestock, fruit, able. The time of both farmer a -picture of 'the entire farming and maple syrup, for example. an census taker will be saved. pattern of Canada. :Varibm.c. . ,,,,, 'pRauttinleit'ilsat-rfatripeera7d1Yeefonalylile'a ipnor- secrecy, By law, returns front ed and releas d beginriino in ti* . nsus- takers. Are swath 'to Uhler 6i-fettit -0A/111 '56 'PIMA: - tion of the queations asked_ v3,,:jij ms, ,41(1410.0 fmn_areltelsitt pring.010 2—U6...fina pot- --- he applicable. to Mein. qrleteit confidence:They eon bc Ts expected by the spring. ot Further,. the amofint of in, use only for -statistical pur- the following year,' ,