The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-30, Page 11SECOND SECTION •y .,,.•C n.10•Orjx. , •>.u.1 w -..K °x6.f u'k h4Y;a1"�!ti.a '..A*.'S^• ,4414.1 LL •' ..1l.4th Year No. 13 MRS. R. GOOD PLACES 2nd IN CARD CONTEST Sixteen ladies of the Legion Auxiliary chartered a bus last week and attended a card tour- nament ournament in the Durham Arena. Over 250 Legion. Auxiliary' mem- bers attended from Owen Sound to Preston and the surrounding territory. Mrs. Robert Good brought honors ,to her auxiliary by winning second, price for "500". A buffet luncheon was served to all at the close of the evening. .FLu4v' ir+a erit� I na 4,04:. CIITlt'i.3', t : d Sr•" r T Sr 1 ¢G ,F ?Sgs+!" "b 1o�" d' `^4p;K 1C'�iY`ial"•6141 IA, .-rutr-• i . a1f-eorit ..aut.,•J:.W 'n „31.m,v-• 1d i xf#tr a: Ti-42mr .0 PAGES 11, to 14 sr .spe,5' � aR .4 '1S cuusgl ,� .r Mr. Wm. H. Prest attended the 15th annual series of special lectures at Osgoode Hall last week arranged by The Law So- ciety of Upper Canada. Nearly 500 members of the Ontario Bar attended the post -graduate in- struction. ANNUAL MEET HELD Colborne Phone System has Surplus of $114' CARLOW, March 24.—Only 25 subscribers of the Telephone System of the 'Municipality .of the Township, of . Colborn9rmet last, Thursday evening in the Township 'Hall, Carlow, Chairman, of the Commission- ers, Fordyce Clark, presided for the annual meeting, and Mr. R. J. Moore, secretary -treasurer,. read the minutes of previous' meetings which were adopted on motion of Reeve Ralph Jewell and Councillor Harry Watson. AT THE GODERICH PARK THEATRE JA. 4-7811 NOW PLAYING — DEBRA PAGET IN `JOURNEY TO A LOST CITY' COLOR also Russia's most famous "Circus Stars" MONDAY — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — DOUBLE BILL - BOB HOPE and RHONDA FLEMING -In Which Hope .joshes the. story_ of a notorious_ gun -slinger' "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" Don't- miss -the truedife adventure drama ---'DESEitT- FURY? T'eci aculof~ _ Adult- THURSDAY — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — Steve Reeves, Primo Camera and Sylvia Kocsina bring to life the tale of a mythical strong man "HERCULES UNCHAINED" In Sc ie and Technicolor COMING — "THE SUNDdWNERS" In Color The financial statement show- ing the operation of the System resulted in a surplus of $1,147.44 compared with,, the, surplus of. $5,953.77 for the year ending December 31, 1959, as presented by the auditor. It was accepted on motion of R. J. Moore and Hume Clutton. "°"' The Commission had met with the Township Council and Clerk Ben Straughaxi stated that to comply with the requirements as a result of the recent vote, a letter to this effect had been sent on to the Telephone Auth- ority. - A discussion followed on the future of the 50 -year-old system, in regards to telephones, lines, subscribers and renters, A de- cision has been, reached as to how the purchase money of the proposed Bell transaction would be divided. The election of commissioners for the coming year took place. On motion of Bob Jewell and James Prest, the present com- missioners are to carry on the business for another year. For- dyce Clark, Alfred Moore and Jim Feagan were re-elected un- animously for another term. Among those present at this 'meeting was Mr. William. Marsh, of Goderich, who attended his first annual-meetzingof the Sys-; teal, •_4f years :ago. --He haul -id the office of Chairman of the Commissioners, a Commissioner and__ lineman for many years. Of Canada's 4,303,000 house- holds, 97 per cent have electri- city, 89 per cent have mechani• cal refrigerators, and ' 87 per cent have powered washing ma- chines. PtET5E;Huron,., Don't Stop Now! Cancer research has come a long way toward solving one of our generation's most baffling diseases. We're, on the threshold of victory but we must' not• ease up. Euron citizens have given strong support to the cancer gilt in the past: Let's give even more to reach our increased objective of $16,000 in,the coming April campaign. -13 . GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 3Oth, 1961 -„- TWO eM1s...- 3.., '�� t' ^ WCL r-'�-�= �•,s:=.� L;r;."�d� TWO STUDENTS ARE NAMED TO THE LEADERS' CCLUB rfrrr f/r fnnyfyr . q�` „' -15-7 CALI.YOLJR INSURANCEAGENT :BEFORE. YUUiU.YACAR!; • that's right -your insurance agen Yes, you will, need insurance coverage for youw car—new or used. But, did you know you can arrange to get the cash you need to buy a car—in advance, through our Agent Automobile Finance Plan? Low rates, confidential service, 1ifc-insured contracts, convenient terms, of course. Contact us before you buy your you did. next car. You will be glad Phone,: Phone ALEXANDER AND HENRY HARTOG 7121 CHAPMAN 9662 PETER MacEWAN 9531 HEN CROFT .. .......... 7253 HAROLD SHORE , 7272 6 1 2TF Frizz miffiroi TEST YOUR OWN TV AND RADIO U-TEST'M TUBES ON OUR `- IMPLE TO OPERATE • TUBE TESTER Your TV Set is not working at peak efficiency if.roni. single tube is defective. Check them without charge on r Tube Tester and bring your set up to par. 1 We Have A F11► Range of Tubes •in Stock -- AT REGULAR PRICES OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 11.30 GODERICH -NEWS ON THE SQUARE AT COLBORNE STREET A. PAT BOUTILIER Goderich District Collegiate Institute A university course in arts and. physical and health edtwa- tion is the next goal of Pat Boutilier, who represents Gode- rich District Collegiate Institute in the;_ Free Press School Queens' Club. In line with her ambition, Pat describes below the role ;of phy- sical education in the school. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew P. Boutilier, of Goderich, Pat has gained first class honors throughout her high school career. She has won the honor school letter, is past president of the Students' Council, president of the Glee Club, captain of 'the school basketball team and a member of the drama club. Last summer, she was swimming in- structpr at Goderich swimming pool. * (By PAT BOUPLIER) A of school life that in the past was not considered im- portant, but is now being stress- ed more and more, is the role of`''athletics in the school. Over the past few years, the decline -in physical fitness of. Canadian and American youth has been discussed in forums, by committees and. leading pub- lications. Two American doc- tors, after 15 years of research and physical fitness ' tests in- volving • 11.000 children, showed in their findings that American youth lagged far behind Europ- eans in physical fitness despite our unparalleled standard of living. A look at the packed parking lot of the average high school will tell us what has hap- pened to the traditional hike to school that heltsed to build young bodies: and the television set, the movies and many con- veniences of modern life "lure your young people away from activity which would ,make them fit. Physical fitness is one of the most important keys to a sound body, and intelligence and skill can only function at their-• hes,. when . .he body is healthy ano strong.- This is one of the rea- sons that the Department 01 Education is taking much more interest in this field arid` p'rovt-d- ing schools with better equip- ment for athletics. If -has also led to a great demand for tea4:h, ers of this subject. By' studying for four years at university `in - the combined course in orfs and physical and health education, one can obtain the degrees of 'Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Physical and Health Educa- tion, which give the neees'sary qualifications for teaching, All students get some benefit from the physical education course in the school curriculum —but those who benefit even more are the students who take time to join in the organized sport provided by modern schools. Playing games with others not only gives the student good exercise whichr helps to promote the best functioning of body and -mind, but also encour- ages fellowship and in every way . adds more enjoyment to high school life. Finally, the training received and 'the opportunities given to indulge in athletics will be of priceless value when the student leaves school. He' will have learned to be a participant rather than merely a spectator of sport, which is the only way to maintain physical fitness so necessary tor a healthful and useful life. The only two countries in the World 'that could feed all their people without having to import any food whatever are the Uni- ted States and Canada. . HEATHER BEAUTY SALON LIGHTHOUSE STREET OFFERS YOU THE TOPS IN BEAUTY CARE 3 GRADUATE OPERATORS TO SERVE YOU Harry Colcl2ugh Len Pounder Elizabeth Holton FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL JA 4-7461. EVENING APPOINTMENTS—LEN and ELIZABETH - -25 BILL BETTGER Bill Bettger, a grade 12 stud- blems without an adequate edu- ent at Goderich District Colleg cation. '1'0o many ydung people late Institute, -was selected by of today drop out_of school the principal and staff to repre-; when of earning' the see money e opportunity and becom- sefit hit' school as --a rriember of j ing independent of their home." "But twenty years later, we will take -another look at these drop -outs and see how far along the road to success they have managedc.to struggle." The students who remain in school and complete their edu- cation will always find a suc- cessful place in life for them, Bill believes. "If they have a strong desire and set their mind on a goal, success is inevitable. Our school motto, "Palman non Sine Pul- vere', meaning no success- with- out effort, signifies a . student must have a strong desire to accomplish successfully what- ever may stand before him." "Often quoted as being the best years of life, the teen-agers' days will not be wasted if they are Spent in schools and colleges throughout our Dominion." A classified ad in the Signal - Star brings quick results. .the Leaders' Club. , Bill,• who will be 17 on April 5, is the son of Mr and Mrs. H. W. Bettger. I He achieved an average of 68, per cent on his Christmas ex- aminations and ' is active in school,groups including the Stu- dent's Council, of which he is ( president. He is a former mem- ber of the Glee Club, editor of the school yearbook, a member of North Street United Chti'rch and a Queen's Scout. Active in sports, he partici- pates in football and hockey, and is captain of the school basketball team. His ambition is to become an engineer because "such a person has a brilliant future awaiting him." . "The development of our coun- try and the growth of the en- gineering profession," he states, "are inseparable. This field of study provides the students of today with a wide range of choice from. farm to factory which cannot fail as an outlet to a brighter future, for them." "With our mode of industry and development changing rap- idly from day to day, " I feel an engineer has a brilliant future awaiting him." - Bill also feels that education plays a "most important role for the. youth of Canada." "This factor will determine Canada's status in future years. Her youth' must be made to realize they will son be thrust face to face with this over- growing Dominion and its pro- blems." "As surveys have shown us, people cannot face these pro - NIXDN ICI PELLACRE 13 -fop ask your DRIJ C/ST for. DIES AT LUCKNQW Wilmer R. Howey, 62, maize xer of the Silverwood Dairies Ltd. branches -at Lucknow and Car- gill and president. of the On- tario Creamerymen's Associa- tion, died at. his home at Luck - now last Thursday night • follow- ing a heart attack. THE JOLLEEE PHILOSOPHER BY T ANDREW DAI Y Mr. Howey joined the Silver- wood company at Luckr}ow in 1923 and had been associated since then with branches Ikt Cargill, London, Woodsteek Stratford and Kitchener. Signal. tar Want Ads Bring Fast Results 1 . If your thirst demands a lively lager, reach for an Old Vienna— it's a move in the light direction. lqc ! !!!!iii,€°i€€!!!!!:!ss =sic?ss€!L€?psi#€i€ s11 a€=?€=i ilh .*i'o reach for an Old Vienna MERE'S � (: ie ONE THING ,l time,' CANT BW:• 1 --- ,, • ,5'a t-klinq le STOPS' SCOURS V' PREVENTS IRON DEFICIENCY 11/ CONTROLS SCURFINESS le INSURES TOP WEIGHT GAINS PELLAGREX PAST THE SAFE WAY TO IRON YOUR PIGS. NIXON LABORATORIES LTD. OI,ANORYtLLL. ONT. IRieckPharmacy 14 Square (Near Colborne St.) Dial JA 4.7241 GODERICH • Sidewalk Slabs • Bumper Blocks or poured to your specifications RIGHT AT THE SITE. When tht• Forms are in and you are ready for CONCRETE, for that WALK — DRIVEWAY — TERRACE — STEPS -= PATIO or FOU �,�� ATION, CaII Us. We Will Deliver Promptly. Huron Concrete Supply Limited Distributors for Calcium Chloride JA 4-7361 or write R. R. 1, Goderich The whole family will enjoy a glass of our delicious pep pro, ducing Chocolate Milk. Order from Our driver to -day. Phone 7951. 1 J. THORNELOE'S Barber Shop - ON THE SQl1ARE • (Mernber Ontario Barber Association) . JA 44271 WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED OF COMPLETE SANITATION. C01VMPLETELY REMODELLED SHOP • and Introducing the Addition of a Second Chair with GERALD DOBIE as Barber. STARTING APRIL let. -- FAST BABIABI `G -ON BOTH CHAIRS Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m; Continuously --- Open Nights Tuesday and Thursday. APPOINTMENT BARBERING AVAILAB'L'E—No waiting. Telephone 3A 4-1271. 1t G Cl LIAR RIOB $1,00—Appoicntment Price $1.25. Childrin 12 years and Under 1541 oteof Saturdays when adult priest, will be charged, 12-1Sk