The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-09, Page 104
"1,1 Gs()4401 Signal -Star, Thursday, March 9, 1961
4ToN PLAYERS WIN Mrs. Mabel Hawkins, Goderieh. ita-a1:: •-•aaItaA'
The door prize was won by I VI
Verna Robertson, Goderich, andl '0
he annual birthday party of.' the baskets of groceries were .E
Mary Rastings Sunset Circle won by Linen' Baechler and
1V114 at Maclay Hall oll i AnaaMoser, both of Goderich.
Marydith with a good at- Proceeds from the sale of these
Aim% ""WfWaa ee4111Mtatieeta aate-eize,a,adtamea-e-ga eata„lhe 1, a,
, . a.„.
Caintnniala Club wer apecialitatttat, local retarded school. A lovely • ie '
141:44:-.7`a74-aae-aeaaaa•-e''-ae,';' ''''"ailametteace-aipleapeeMithea*rdada..- ..a-eeee
110g0 and euchre were play; cake, baked by Mrs. Jerry (ook, ,.
Euchre winners were: ' concluded the evening.
WS high, Jerry cook, Clin-, .._. __ • ,•.4..4
i; MOWS baw, Tam O'Connell, There are unly two kinds of
ntigif WIDItert'S high, Dorotfiyiparking nowadays ---illegal an
tilers, Clinton; women's low, no. .
Couple of weeks. ago, I sug-! lady who loves Canada, scans it
aa.aa—eiTaiii;maisetetee igested, v, ith the /delicacy of a in Warwick, Quebec, e bfore
gold chrysanthemums and blue ed the many accomplishments of.
land, end Madeline Vander Zan -
:44;11411',1i1E1 By Bill Smiley
a.etMrs. W. P. Abell replied to the Harry Worsell. , ion have contributed much to.
I . ,
AALE*S. H. B. M. Tichborne nitro- dents and members spoke a few tart°.
Women's Institutes of On-
. Itoast. • , Several of the former presi- the
words and, courtesies were ex-
tended by'k'Mrs. W. F. H. Price.
Congratulations were extend-
ed to the boderich branch by
the Ahmeek Chapter of the
I.O.D.E., the Ma' ie Leaf
Anniversary of W.I.
Mrs. 'Wilfred Keays, of H.ydel tuJ7, She? said that the present
fAegtenti-PP, AnYtet16.74.4n 'w4P-014'qa'4"- "94 '449— 41*(:*"44241"4411°'
Park, chairman of the London!members were proud of the re
duaect the guest 'speaker, Mrs,
laea)s, %Alio spoke on the „prayer
or creed used by tie Women's
iustuutes, Tho Mary Stewart
Collect. She stated, that this
collect 'is used throughout the
world and, is written in many
laaguages. Mrs. C._ Worsell
the last six decades. • -thanked MTS: Keays for heireeti`
speaker at the 60t1; anniverSafTi'dulim
A short memorial ser'. .e was spiringammensi,sva;suwe
ri-tilellmn""ile414:44)6223jah'W-Ikliettlifferatiavaneintsees, who had' The
men's Institute held last Thurs- pasged on to Higher Service anct by Mrs. Chas. Young 'who was
day afternoon in Knox Church a moment of silence was obSer,- president of the Goderich
'ed to honor these former mem• Branch in 1911. She was assist.:
banquet hall.
ed by Mrs. J. H. Johnstone who
beautifully decorated three- bers.
storey anniversary cake centred: Mayor 4, Fisher Welcomed thc donated the, decorated cake for
head table.Bouquets of guests to Goderich. He review this memorable occasion.
Mrs. Dale Miller, home econ-
omist for Huron County, brought
greetings from the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture and the
County Office at Clinton.
IPercheron, that it might. be a i sending it to her son in g
iris and ighted candles in crysethe Goderich branch•and spoke
til holders adorned' the tables on their motto, "For Horne and
for the occasion. Country."
Mrs. Norman Clairm,ont, pre- Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson, secre-
sideat of the branch, was rnis, tory-treasurer, read letters of A toast to the honored guests
tress of ceremonies and propos-lcongratulations from other or- N,V9', proposed by Mrs. James
ed thateast to the Queen. Mrs.lganieations in town, former pre- Biaset. Mrs. 'Greer elIislop,
N. McInnis was the pianist. Rev.!sidents, and members, not able Board ,Director of F.W.I.O., of
G. L. Royal welcomed the 160,td attend this diamond celebra Stratford, replied and brought
guests from the branches in time A history of the Goderich greetings from the Provincial
West Huron • District to histbranch in. verse, composed by President and the Department
church and congratulAted the Mrs. A. Butler; was read by of Home Economies Service at
Goderich branch on its 60 yearsiMrs. Bert Mills. Toronto. •
of service to the community. In proposing a 'toast to the The. soloist for the program
In her address of welcome, Goderich branch, Mrs. Otto was Mrs. George Wilkin, . of
Auburn, who sang, "Smile,
Smile, Smile," and "I Heard a
Forest Praying." She Was ac-
companied by her sister, Mrs.
good idea if 1 got some fan
I mail. Just a token—about a
million letters.
We were going to ehow that
Pierre Berton, with his average
;of 30 letters a dab what real
den, right across the continent
in Forest Grove, Oregon, flips
through the Red Deer Adovcate
to get at the column..
It's thrilling that you
!fan mail was. We were going pack enough punch to make
to fill a truck with letters, drive harassed housewives kick the
to' the city,. dump the entire kids out of the way, sit down
, r million -in his office, and sneer, among the breakfast dishes, and
j"There! Howdaya like THEM pen a note of encouragement to
. . "keep it coming.".
Sealed aPplications will be received by the'un- I, apples, Bust!r?'', .1,
,(1240signed until 5:00 P.M., March 16, 1961, for . ; \\ ell, all I can say is that I'l-r•- It's delightful to get mash
positions as Stationary Engineers at the Huron
mg a wheelbarrow full of let- notes from dear old ladies in
their eighties. One of them,
going to look pretty silly, push notes
Home, Clinton ,iduties to commence April 1, iters down that highway. obviously written with great dif-
: 1061. , - i Come ficulty, ended, ". a e and I can
• 'tot thinkdoso boaf d :yt , Be though,ronandtellyou, it's no fun being 89,"
. . 4th class papers, or better, required; salary viedIcn`made beefingme id edeoplZboatstitialt
:43;000.00 per annum; itOith usual employee's ben.efits. writes a column. a day, arid gets
• 30' letters. I write a t4IVIlin a aches and pains.
Application forms must be secure4 from the Week, and I got 151 letters.
, Putting it roughly, I get five . .
. . . .
1—undersigned, and submitted in envelopes supplied.
times as much fan mail as day I w as and likes the birthday
One gal was born the same
JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer. D •
' : , terre Berton. Say, this i
sounding' better all the time. burg, trained, as a nurse, with
-s columns. Betty Hall, of Tillsorit
Who does that guy think he is, un). kid sister, w;io taught her
anyway? to snioke. Margaret Farnell, of
I * _.,... . says her husband
-1,3 - As I-Nkrite, the letters are still was in SITCCiiibp;Boniber Cbm-
corning in at the rate of about mand, and enjoys the air fkce
"4"41"41 10 a day. We topped 25 three reminiscences.
* * *
days in a row. I've 'never had
such interesting mail in in2,, life,. Roger Hartzel, of Neepawa,
Main reason is because it's all Man., along- with about 50
* * * others, wonders how The Old
Munty of Huron,
Court House
God.erich, Ontario.
('hap 5,00O
ter of the I.O.D. .; Mrs. J. Le- national Corp. (a Mutual fund)
$5,000 in Commonwealth Inter-
maire, London, . Mrs. C. John- in January, 1944, you weL114,, ,,
094,-4,, 402444. eaeti,,,ia,.,inezzibesta have .$28,923.89 today and could
61'''the- ngham 'branch of the draw• 1,2894aBaaptt *moniltia'ae ..^,V 4'-'0''• ''
''.101itgg'llgeilL'IFZ'liti*XCIfehril' 41.P4i1t7",•• c'.s. ", ..'_,.,. •,,t . ,,
, .
Service at Toronto, sent con- JOSEPH P. ALLISIRE----'te• ..-:". - /-7.z.......J
WI— •
director of the Home E-conomic
gratillations to the Goderich Phone JA 4-7C1,71 .
that the Institutes qf West Hur- Your King Merritt % & Co.,
representative in Hurpn County.
branch. She elated iil her 1,etter
Mrs. ClairMont told the history
'of the founder, Mrs. Adelaide
'foodless, who organized the first
W.I. at Stoney Creek, Ont., in
Popp, district president, brought
greetings from West Huron.
She spoke on the past, present
and future work of the W.I.
„:-• 41, -- ... • • • • -
. k :.......,?!. :.;•-".'.''':'"•,'-..::'• ''Yi";.'
•,-,-." '..:tri?''..i ...,- 4.1P 1 II 0
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: -.r4;',' 4V.' ‘.4i)pflr .4 i I c!. 71
---- - • . kfat 2.:41,At„,4f-.4..t.,Itio L
.Built to Your Specifications.
92 ,Cambria Rd. — Goderich
Cali. Collect—JA 4-9437
about me.
Battleaxe likes being called The
Mighty flattering. it was when 0.1d Battle , As a matter of
the first letters were from news- fact, she rather enjoys it. She's
paper papers One
One of the first to ar- a pretty sharp -looking doll, and
it makes her glow a bit when
she meets strangers and they
people before, it who gets readinto the their
rive was from Art Reyhdali Of eXclaim, "Surely YOU'RE not
Atikokan, a linotype operatar
who writes better than most amazement.
editors. Four typed pages, lively the OLD BATTLEAxEl" in
CAMPBELL'S DRUG $TOREoperator can be.
and' sardonic as only a linp
Friday,hiar. 10, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Oddly enough, two of the
earliest arrivals were from read-
ers of the most faraway paper
(Yukon) Star. Fred Heck sent
on the list,- the Whitehorse
IS YOUR ANSWER. a pleasant note and Rusty Erlam
-kepteit la a_larief '`I•rn w Reba
Have your 'bearing scientifically tested and bring a
friend along. We service all makes of hearing aids.
Beltone now offers you in addition to the worlds most
hidden' hearing glasses, and the most powerful 'hearing,
glasses, the all new, powerful and tiny Jubilee. It fits in
your hair or snugly behind your ear. See these and other
models soon in the clinic or in your home:- For a recom-
mendation of honesty and integrity, call Campbell's Drugs.
R. Thede Hearing Aid Service
* *
Then they began rolling in
from all directions—the west
coast, the Maritimes, the prairie
provinces, Ontario and Quebec,
and a dozen or two different
places in the States.
* .
.• *
There's a good chance that
she's going to have to he at
her best to hold me, though.
Now that I'fn#a popular idol,
with 151 letters, she's going to
have competition. One lady
wrote to say that ,if I ever went
farming, •'shed go into partner-
shipwith me. Another said I
, _better lookhig than she'd
expected, and That ,she -Tag-
loved me.
. She rather spoiled it by add-
ing that she sends the • paper
each week to her granddaugh-
ter. Still another 'stated flatly:
"Any time yodr Old Girl leaves
you, 1 shall be *waiting here
It's pretty exciting to know with a beer to cheer. Old Maid.
that Ted. and Ruby Midgley" are
reading your column in their It's amazing—but no news to
trailer in Chula Vista, Califor-, weekly editors—how far some
nia, just about the same time.fapers travel. • Mrs.
p ''Lillian
Molly Blackburn of Middle Smyth, of Leader. Sask., sends
Jr csaijudsliiiLseau„___
paper to her children in
le and from,there it goes
Musquodoboit,. Nova Scotia, is , her
have a look at .
' •
ipoTted similar skullduggery.
Mrs. Liles Gillet, a Swiss -born:
I was deeply hurt that I re-
ceived only one letter from. my
old home town of Wiarton. It
was from Bert Sinclair,the town
cle.rk, and read: "Dear Bill,
thanks' for putting your address
ai your column. We didn't have
:t here at the office,, This -is not
exactly a fan letter. it is just to
inforri syou 'that your 1960 taxes
' are still owing, plus, $5.62 in-
terest." I'm Warming to answer
eery letter, and i ran assure
you, that one is going to the
botiom of the pile.
so man
The Red Cross
Looks to You
The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depenc,:1 on
your generosity, -Your dollars provide and carry on the essential
Red Cross services and programmesin your community.
This year—think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you and
your-neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of
your means. A generous donation will do so much for so many
. in 1961.
Red Cross
Needs Vour Help Now
from MARCH 8 to 15
I can't begin to pass alonfi,,_
all the messv!es 1,.received. but
will only add that they were
ecnerous, kind, and interesting.
• There wasn't a scurrilous one
:n; the lot. Thank you, gentle
readers, with all my heart. It's
pretty' nice to know that, while
there may not be any great de-
mand for me in Hollywood,
London or New York, they wait
for me in Watford. go for me
in Georgetown, eat me up in
Egansville, hang on my every
word in Hantsport, and love me
in Leader.
It's the rich man who doesn't
hesitate to ask the store clerk
to show him sorftething cheaper,
X Pt turr3r Chairman
For top quality Dairy Products
and Dependable Service, phone
fof POIME111
m fr."
" 0 YOU '
No help needed
an automatic Natural Gas wafer heater
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Whatever way yau look atit, natural gas is your best bargain when it
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Whether you'choose to buy one or use the special low-cost rental
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a number 'StTeading makbg.• and models—your automatic natural
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gas water heater bears the Canadian Gas Association 7.
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Cal convenience and comfort of hot water all the time.