The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-23, Page 4Star Thursday,
ich Si,�n�„I- � Y`> February' 23rd,_.1961c
in, shadows, steel and cement play hide
id • seek as the base of the new bridge
rrer the Maitland River at Saltford takes
!ape. From the work today it will be
ted the big sweeping curve the bridge
resentOld Maitland .Bridge as
will take as it crosses the river and con-
tinues to swerve to make connection ev-
entually with .the 5`traight portion of No.
21 highway heading north.
S -S Photo by R.H.
first One Made of Iron in Huronr
Snail Watching
To members who are tired of
bird watchers, who are frust-
rated beeanse theirneigl�;ai;s.,
lit eft` ll'1` E1 bird. Wh finite
repprted a marked • ciivrgence
from the mean of ,. the bird
watching equation we gave (S.S.
27/ 10:'60) and find that they ,end
up with three unkeen watchers
--to' those members we are
pleased to be able to introduce
the fascinating pastime of snail
watching. It may, of • course,
come as a surprise to many to
learn that once there was. a
snail watching society. whose
purpose was to "promote inter-
est in and appreciation of the
snail for its own sake." And
though the society closed down
in 1947, after it had been ad-
judged that henceforward the
snail could be relied upon to
shoulder his own caboose, it
still issues an annual report,
Judging by the world wide in-
terest in the snail in 1960, it is
clear that the society did its
work well.
For example, several univers-
ities, including Maryland, have
shown by controlled experi-
ments that a snail can pull a toy
truck loaded with 200 times its
own weight, and that relatively
it is a fast moving creature. As
Lewis Carroll said: "Will you
walka little faster? said the
whiting to the snail. There's a
porpoise close behind us and
he's treading on my tail." Again,
a Philadelphia research organiz-
ation concludes dejectedly that
man appears to have a .greater
potential for joy than the. snail.
It' has to be conceded that the
snail is .seldom hilarious but
then is hilarity the essence of
joy? . It is rather a display of
sober delight which character-
ises, the shall a'e instaneee
19t1-1. centiir , wood -Cut" iri a Ger-
man edition of I-Ians Anderson's
Fairy Tales which shows ''snails
at play." So turn not pale, be-
loved' snail, but come., and join
the dance.
The Royal Air Force Institute
of Aviation Medicine discovered
a snail in the Libyan ' desert
which contains a small quantity
of drinkable water and as a fur-
ther welcome addition to sur-
vival kits, a mud snail has been
discovered by workers at North-
western., University, Illinois,
which possesses a builttini mag-
netic compass.- The London
Economist devoted a full page
to the ecenoinics of snail farm -
price between a dozen Burgundy
snails in a Paris restaurant at
$1.50 and a dozen in London for
$1.00, the latter including shells,
the whole gift wrapped. It will
surprise no one to learn that
even our parliamentary repre-
sentatives in Ottawa had, meta-
phorically speaking, a snail on
the. Treasury box at one session.
In the course, no doubt, of the
usual acrid• exchanges, interven-
tions by the Speaker, unanswer-
ed questions etc., a permit to
import snails to British Col-
umbia !was finally" and irreypg:
ably refused and they were ex -
eluded under the ,provisions of
rtiee lase
member who- las received neith-
er a CopY nor an aPglication card i
-should write for a copy to ?. .
Cruickshank Ltd., 1015 Mount
Pleasant road, Toronto 12 at
once. To obtain the 20% dis-
count, orders should be sent to
Clem Gracey, Box 1258, Glade-
rich, with a remittance to ar-
rive. on or before March 51st.
Sheridan's catalogue of roses,
shrubs and perennial plants will
be published about March 1st
and members' , orders should
reach Clem wGracey by Marsh
��'�; #tti: ,ur�,t��l..eix,seasoxr, •
3lsf 'also+ `" , f►• A lr "Tk' 3:: ' hi r'ha n d the musicwas in She ° stated that Christians
ceiving a copy or a card should o-+ytko_wcch<<,rganistr s- � tm
write to Sheridan Nurse;ries'Itd., Mrs_ , J. A, Snider. Represent" and described to different at.
torr.., 8r, ,'I'alixigt tom.;. askingr.: a -ti , . .
' of` the various churchestitudes of prayer, nafningfive
ter a copy. participated in the meeting,.' points to remember how prayer
Catalogues Received Knox Presbyterian Church, Miss in life can be developed.
Burpee of Philadelphia;' C. A. G. E. Gracey, Mrs. A. Taylor and ' The offering was received by
Cruickshank Ltd., Toronto; Do- Mrs. C. Straughan; Baptist the ushers, Mrs. Ernest Patter -
minion Seed House, George- Church, Mrs. Von Keitz; Angli- son, Mrs. Joseph Thompson, Mrs,
town, Ont.; G. Keith and Sons, can, Mrs. H. B. M. Tichborne; Robert Good and Mrs. H. Larder.
Toronto; McConnell Nurseries, North Street United Mrs. Wil The World Day of Prayer ser -
Port Burwell; Sutton, Reading,
inination of which winds to
right and which to left is often
ee .,ea . te!, p t:'avp, a argu
ment, even bets. 11 the point of
,the rve r rheld . away
opening is on the right in the
case of the right handed pond,
snail and vice versa for the left
handed snail. These remarks
briefly record the results of the
1960 snail • tch and whilst
they mrd , anyone to
organize a society in Goderich,
highly organized as it already is,
should anyone wish to learn
more on the subjeet we suggest
they address the Rector, Yat -
tendon Rectory, Berkshire, I+ng-
land, so that they. may, with
shining face, creels like snail,
unwillingly to school.
Plant Purchase
Cruickshank's catalogue of
begonias gladiolus,' dahlias and
• tt) to he 34 feet six inches. With e Canadians in the South African
l rive foot sidewalk.)
he present bridge over the The councillors .who visited
tland River at Saltford, ,he Hamilton 13ridge Company
ch was completed about 1882 Galant• noted that .it .was busy, oh
' t; xh.. a:_xto_;f edi til ?titd` �ork for1the-Wclrant} ana1,,.but
n the tiew bridge under con- teemed to have plenty of capa-
uetion is opened, is believed t take n such contracts
;be the first iron bridge ever
1t ie.'Huron County.
ldthough present plans call
the demolition of the bridge,
effort is being made by per -
`is who will be affected by its, time set for completion. In De-
ppearance to retain- it. The i cember, the warden brought to
L outcome of this will not attention that Mr. Jamieson (for
known until a later date. • the Hamilton Bridge Company)
en plans were being laid had not fulfilled his contract.
e eight decades ago for the; Council by this time had before �ed by Mr. • Joe Hickey, Mr.
etion of the present, old' it the written advice of its sol- Lovett said that he was employ-
:,dge over the Maitland River,' icitor, James T. Garrow (later- ed at a Goderich plant and gain-
Ombers of the roads committee.Judge), in part as follows: ed credit on that position.
the `\County Council visited 'The County should take an Magistrate A. F. Cook sent
dant of the Hamiiton!iinmediate_decisive step•,to showlenced Lovett t tofor, n_courh jail
(By W. E..EIlio
War) requested a grant to the
)ntario Rifle Association.
:BOUNCING: ,tl itgl ES 3 fOR':
rty o n e o A resident of the Auburn dis
as that for the Maitland bridge.
Evidently, howe�'er, there was trice for a week or more, Carl
unexpected delay. The minutes Lovett, 21, was arrested in' Sea -
show that counnil extended to forth last week after police fol -
October 1, "but no later" the lowed a trail of bouncing the
quos through Stratford, Kitch-
ener, Woodstock, Embro, along
'with the business places of
Moving to the farm home own-
ge Company. At that tiine, they considered the contract _ate
to eou t' eaters-� `e"nd .`L fi "re-tdrf eh -t- a c31:s
ted: "We ,believe it Would be tinct announcement °of "refusal
economy to adopt that in a of the County to permit the
leful and. judicial way on the work to proceed under the con pleaded
ithways of this County, as they tract, owing •to lateness of the false pretences and three
r a greater and more cer- season and the great difficulty charges of issuing °false docu-
security for safety." and` danger of establishing in ments.
1880, the wooden bridge the now deep water a safe cross- i
r the Maitland (built in 1853, ing in place of the bridge. The DIGS UP OLD COPY
the second bridge ever to difficulty, and in fact River itv, of properly ,impossibil-
this r... -THE
,,built over the
term in cheque to , purchase a _Bible
among other purchases. He
Mrs. W. X.. ten Hooper),
A. Caopereand s.. were l mus.
r chins. Th. ushers
Ruth Hayden, Mrs. Percy
er, Mrs. 1rlargld Larder and Mrs.
World Day Of Pra"t11 R Sanderson
The speaker at the
Nine district churches were Ages, in Un
represented at Victoria Street spoke of -this world-wide prayer
United Church . on Friday after- service which was started in
noon when women gathered to 1887. Women and girls are j,oin-
observe. the World Day of Pray- ing together in prayer in over
er. 145 countries on the first Friday
often Line." She service was Mrs. (Capta)
Petersen who' again. spoke on
A labor department survey on
the efforts of automation shows
that m the 1948-1958 period the
number of units produced in the
Canadian manufacturing indus-
try increased by 36.4 per cent,
liam Moorhead. Others taking vice held an evening session in
part was Mrs, W. J. ten Hoopen, Victoria Church with Mrs.
Mrs. Ted Gower, Mrs. A. Swain, Mamie Sutcliffe again in charge.
Mrs. E. A. Cooper, Mrs. Geo. The service of song was led by
Johnston, Mrs. T. Sovyerly. A the Girl's Auxiliary of St.
double trio was sung by Mes- George's Anglican Church with
dames Geo. Currell, Earl Craig, their leader, Mrs. W. Craven,
John Meriam, Don MacAcfam, and the C.G.I.T. girls of Knox
Those taking part in the ser-
vice were: Miss Lois Stanbury,
Mrs. R. J. Nephew, Mrs. Carlyle
Gordon Crawford,, Dave Vail.
total employment increased by The speaker of the ,afternoon
7 per cent while the number of was Mrs. (Captain) Petersen of
employees engaged in direct the Salvation Army whose theme
lilies has been pt`iblished. Any production fell by 6.5 per cent. was "Forward Through the Bannister, Mrs. Bill Barlow, Mrs.
this point) was reported un -
e.• Council' ordered the plac-
of wooden supports, and
er thanked deputy reeve t e ow ,
tehq,son, of Goderich, "foricustomers from the surrounding k rich, came acrOss many old
cing his blocks and tackle at' townships who usually market newspapers. including a 1905
there in the possible int6rrup- issue . of The Huron Signal,
tion for months of safe travel
t, e June session in 1881, on the other hand, could let thel
'''At •th e• \s e sae. T e—Cairir —5-1y.,
was once occepied by his uncle,
'Arden John. Kaine, of Gorrie, eohtractors proceed and look for i the late John McKenzie.
Wessed council on varions,recoupment penalty of -$15 a; -Dated March, 9, 1905, The
atters. including the necessilyidav.'; , Signal told oithe opening pf the
! "rebuilding" the bridee. • Whatever course was ta en. d' • ublic library buildhag. In -
season the stone work, abute
ments and piers,. and the great! While clearing out the attic
risk. inconvenience and loss to of his home, built in 1903,
disposal of the road com-
which he brought in to the
Snails are not very common
in Goderich. however, it is
known that the GE.S. numbers
in its ranks at least tvvo Ardent
Imders were referred to the kable.Lon. •a, bridge- ri" d t specter Toro Chairman. .. the Iceen_ers ef .geldfishe__TP_ them ente
_ library board • presided- at the irOTabt. the pond snail is familiar
When Sir James k Ross
discovered the
y{ North
j, Magnetic
Boothia o i w d now is about
a; it is con-
stantlyi,aaa;...Y .ng.
190e miles-• west,.-eeteuteetteee o.�-.
Wales Island.
Sir Robert Borden, Canada's
World War 1 prime minister,
was born at Grand Pre, N.S.,
and was appointed assistant
master of the local school there
when he"was only 14.
In the past ten years immi-
grants to Canada have establish-
ed more tfaan 5,000 small busi-
nesses, and have bought abont
4,000 farms and are renting
more than 1,000.
Two adjoining, towns on the•
Cariboo Trail, built a century
ago at the Writ of the Fraser
River gold ruah, are nained
Whiskey Creek and Soda Creek.
5.iiiiiltori Bridge.i COmpany was ;bridge was built for Huron official opening. Mr. Kernighan,
';yeest for iron construction. County by the Hamilton Bridee treasurer of the board, said it
., amOunt cannot be detere Company. . Then follow the,was 'expected that the $10,000
litie'd from cofiricil ininuteS of names of Fred Johnston (Gode- grant from Mr. Carnegie would
81) Council carried a mo- rich) warden, and Peter Adam -'cover the whole expense of cim-
struction and furnishing of the
n by., Young and Rogers "that ,son, clerk, and four bridge com-
iron bridge be built over missioners: L. Hardy. Charles building. Blackstone's orchestra
t'le River Maitland at Maitland- Girvin, John Mason and A. Gib- provided a variety- of music in
Ple; that the width between up-Ison. the lihrary basement.
4glits be 16 feet and that the, The stonework contractor was. Current prices on Goderich
t ' March 1905 were:
/x),' ended tender of Hamilton
tidge COrimanv be accepted."
'Ater a width of 18 feet was ap-
OVed. (Width of the bridge
pvit under construction by Fin-
e." McLachlan Co. for the On- schools were $100 each. Lt. -Col. flour, $2.40 per c
Arlo Hig,hways Department. is Otter (later commander of the a bus.; wheat, $1.00 a bus.
a man named Hyslop.
The minutes of the Period, chickens, 8 to 10c; turkeys, 13c;
show a grant of $10 to J. Miller bacon, 13c lb.; ham, 16e lb.;
for the Benmiller Bridge. Grants potatoes, 40c; eggs, 20c doz.;
to Goderich and Clinton model,butter, 19c lb.; hay, $4 per ton;
because of proclivities as a
Revenger in helping keep
aquaria clean. TwO species pre-
sent their oWn solution to a
problem in solid geometry. for
one constructs its shell with a
rielft handed and the other with
a left handed helix. The deter -
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