The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-16, Page 2to Cocleeieh Signal -Star, Thursday, February 16th, 1961 4 -*74,.t (u?it'rittti iii tar --p=-• The County Town Newspaper of Huron --0-- `r K tt•;.p Fi�tahrlis ecl, • _1848 113th year ol` publtcatioir. 4'S Nit p ¢MoNh tr�� APkas Ss NEWSPAPERS CO". • Subscription rates — $3•00 a year. To U.S.A.S4.00 (ln advance) Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.0 Circulation --over 3,400 GEO. L. FTJ.15, Editor ana Publisher 0 • by 0 • 1 t„A�. THOSE ANNOYING The Goderich are has been subjected some rather thunderous blasts in rye- s months which. have rattled windows 4= even .caused buildings to vibrate_Their finite origin remains a ,,mystery. Cracks the' walls of houses and nervously dis- rled persons have been left in their wake. ',atever the eause, it seems to be an un - Zed for one and 'something .should be Ine to correct it. =tri the- belief that these blasts are due airplanes overhead breaking the sound iffier, ti.. h wis- Taylor, --of - Codes -r. h, to iib T E Cardiff M P for Huron. BLASTS •a Down Memory's Lane 50 Years Ago --1911 Dr, A. H. Macklin was unan- imously- .elected •president offlJie Board,,.. of Trade, Other officers H. E. Hodgens; treasurer, Wil- liam Campbells secretary, James Mitchell. A successful "At Home" was, held in the school room of St. George's 'Church. The program consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. Curzon, IL Q. Sturdy, A. F. Sturdy and G. L. Parsons, violin MESSAGES FROM • • • THE WORD BY :fi t1:PER1 34-,41.11 TER1 i,..; ASSOCIATION solos by Miss. Heinicke, and piano solos by Roy Adams. Rev. W. H. Dunbar had tend- ered his resignation as rector of the Middleton-Holmesville-Sum- merhill parish. Years later his soil was rector of St. George's Church. At:Dungannon, the River Val- ley creamery, Fred Robinson, Norman Treleaven and the Mal - lough House had secured their stocks of ice. 30 Years Ago -1931 Margaret McLean won . a championship at the Western Ontario Secondary Schools ora- tory contest in Stratford. A former Goderich resident, Eric _Wilson, had resigned . as principal of the Kincardine' pub- lic school to take over _The Stayner Sun. the - newspaper formerly owned by Mr. D. G. Bell, Mr. Wilson's father-in-law. The Goderich Women's Insti- tute cerebrated its ' 30th an- niversary. Miss Mary Salkeld read a history of the organlz- • ation and Mrs. Gordon Bisset -Throughbtt Ontario another. has been and is being w atehed presided for the meeting. < < .. .. �•e Wesley Fishier was sup and passed on their remarks as follows: "1 clay, may wisht to know' that preliminary li,C,A.F, investigations indicate that no Canadian aircraft were flying at super- sonic speeds in the vicinity of Goderich during the period mentioned by Mr.' Tay- lor. In addition, records of our radar units reveal that there were no supersonic air- craft udder surveillance or control in this area at that tittle. However, owing to the possibly involvement of Alllt'1'lt'all based aircraft, investigation `lty United States Air.Foree_ authorities has been requested,'' Adding to the report' from the Offlee rote L. ' 'ways willing to• serve, his ' t'otlstitnellts of the Minister of National Defence, . r. whatever capacity possible, Mr. Cardiff Clirdiff stated that it may take a little trade inquiry at the Office of the Federal while to obtain a report from the U.S.A. Gnister of National Defence at Ottawa authorities., BROTHERHOOD WEEK 0 1 YOUR life?" Have you allowed Flim to enter in and bring "new life" to your. "old lifo"? Have you found "a difference" since (coming to a profession of faith in Him? There should be a change -7 -in fact, a gigant'0 change! For example, . right down to earth, are your rela- tions with other people on a new level today? .Have you been,. able to forgive them. past griev- ances?,, Or,! should . y iu be w ask- �ing-'pi 1'~ciutt,, sn 11410 'it~ 3S,.itiit. TH '°, CHRISTIAN'S `'VOCATION always oti'r neighbor who is wrong—it is just as often us! (By Rev.' G. L. Royal, B.A.) for' his construction; the other, We are human, and being hu - At - sometime or other the a rock, a sound basis for build, man we err. The Christian is whole matter of holiness con - f his house. Sooi� after the called to make things right with fronts aman-.-etcher to be com his neighbor and is disallowing pletely rejected, onto be whole -completion of the Buildings the forgiveness of God for him- heartedly accepted. It is a'. de- storms, winds acid gales'descend self if he fails in his relation- cision, pure and simple. We and beat upon them. The out- ship to the neighbor.. ".beloved, are either for, .or against a conte is inevitable. One erashes if God so loved us,. we ought question. We cannot sit on the to the ground in utter ruin and also to love one another." " (I fende like Humpty-Dumpty for is swept away; ,.the other stands John 4:11)...a- -if we should fall and fall we the ravage of the tempest and So—build your life structure will—great will be the downfall. is not overcome. Our lives are upon the surest foundation of This is the fact where the Lord like the houses in this parable: all, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus' Christ is concerned: either . either we go down to defeat, or When He enters a life He com- we are His --body, soul, iXiind we stand in victory. It is a pletely" remoulds the old life so and strength—or else, we are case of either/or. The differ- that a thing of ugliness becomes aligned with those openly hos- ence is Christ Jesus the Lord.. a thin�g of beauty. Relationships 'tile to the Gospel. We cannot "Therefore if any' man be in and o iitlooks are changed in the be half a man: either it is "an, or nothing at all.'' In 'the Holy Scriptures (St. Matthew 7:21-29) we read of two men building their respec- scorn, weakness and ridicule, but becomes "a child of Al- mighty God" hi need of the nourishment a Christian is, able my commandments." spending in 1939. 14:15). -- — Federal government espendingh an on social security, d welfare is, now more than $1.8 billion a year, more than three to give. "If ye 'love me, times the total of $553 million (St.John j that was the sum of all Ottawa's ' :mil illis nation. 1 plvintC Christ, he is a new creature: old process. The enemy of yester- things are passed away; behold, l day becomes the object of com- all things are become new." (II passion for today. Why? Be - Corinthians 5:17). cause YOU are seeing the world ,-, Now, the question we are con- with the eyes of Christ"and man tive homes. One builder chooses fronted with is: "Has Christ does not appear as an object of a sandy -bottomed piece of landJesus made. the difference , in t ,n otlrtr-e�tuntrles. rotherhoot`i �'C�f'el� i�� t�eiii aced froth," �•�.�ai1-�. lit, h'at'e within our free and di'lilnt•ratic' '.c uric, ebruary 19 to 26. Celebration sponsored I ll•lt.on. 15 g 1946 , Z. • Celebrations shot ,t tt on R.R. 5, Godertc 1, Years Ago-.4946 the Canadian Council of Christ ictus -anti a most appro- (1r, Arnold McConnell receiv- brotherhood eek is ed a postcard dated February .ews will -be held and special proggranis will hriate tiIllt' for 11> to rededii.'ate•ourselves ed 1815 and mailed by,Lleut.' e promoted by various organisations to tht, principles 'of unity and faith. to konneth Hunter from a prison-' uring this week: • tilt'-. ideals of respect for ,people and hu- ors -of -war camp in Germany.; As the HonoraryChairman'of hrotBrother-,.hall ri_7hts, and by doing so w eThe delay must have been due shall prat' to the disorganized state of Ger-' Pod -� eek. in t he Province of 1 tlitario, ti -e brotherhood every day of the year. I11aR\''S postal system.remier Leslie Frost has stift�1: "It Is During. Brotherhood " eek we should snake Lloyd Steen, Lucknow. shot a friendships a wolf on the lake 'shore north of 'fain my privilege to write, a few words every effort to extend our Kintail. this Mont. those of other ethnic and religious- 'Miss Kathleen Rundle. nurse-'- regard. Brotherhood should bei a matter of «••trop: and part'icipate in the programs In training at the Kitchener-; onstant vigilante and not just for ce1t- taking place. horde with her parents. Mr. and during X11' week of the year' �� I commend to the people .of (liltar MIr� T. R. Rundle. waterloo Hospital, had been at' salon t u11uc t . .ve eonie <a long way 111 recent ;-ears and ire the celebration of Brtvther food -Week At port Albert. the Dramatic he achievements we' have_Inade over the ,an1 I extend congratulations to the t'a'll: club met at the home of Rod- ears ('rick '.McKenzie to 111ake plans ears must be maintained tllrolt}v11 y;',1� ltlli'll Council- (,i Christians and •It'W upon 1 G Gracious for presenting "Good ce, effort and brcttller-Iittctd The stir- ;iliti.lti-ntr -this proi:ram i11 Ontario ane' Grandma.' �lr�lfzed Ezring:swLL...� e' of hatred, placing one group. against 1',inada 10 Years Ago --1951 2iNcO at LEGION -.HALL '-SATURDAY,- FEBRUARY 18 AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GJ,MFS --- $1.00. • 4 SHARE -THE WEALTH Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $90.00 IN ' 58 CALLS. y Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch No person under 16 admitted to Legion Hall umeemesolesollomilmulawalrok T. PRYDE & SON Memorials -- Finest- Stone and Experienced Workmanship 1 A % DISTRICT Frank NIcliwaln REPRESENTATIVE JA 4-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. — JA 4-946 50tf ton. Carlow, celebrate their > -oldenweddin., -den i anniversary., ira. Charlotte Reed. a west at ore -Than In V enc re are �'t`tdsi�th _ were present. _ •- Reeve Gordon Orr, oaf, Gode- rit h Township, was a patient in Fo �O�t ee .,• '116" his Hospital after e ice- ® � � gin^ his leg in a .`all on the ice. With Boy Scout Aek set fori,Son _banquet an Monday, Febru- February 20 to 26, Goderich art" Gth. - Knox Church group will hold finds itself with more than 240' Its Father and Son' banquet to ;�. Scouts,. Cubs. Rovers and Lead ni;�ht, February 16th, and the . ors. .Scouting is more popular , Lions Club group on Februar.. than ever in Goderich and is "'7tb• owin fast. '.here are today � It tl:n. Rot-cr3 and ^ gLeaders will attend their ow n tCnoreAthan tliree`7Ti°ferl*tit• + ?'i c l0rches itl i li'lfitt'iia frac D: P -.J • ,groups. The Gggcicrich scouts �.11t(Ia.. 'and Leaders will be joined by Sunda... February 2611, is "11. ;some 3e0,000 Canadian i' gaud';. when spe'-:al thurrh 'and Leaders for St:outini. ; -e° i es; many of them joint 'Open house Week.'• Boy Scout and Girl Guide events. The •Second Goderich ,.roup ;°t! he held across the count1' t, -sponsored by the Lions CI:1 t , ii.,nor the 11 entory of the ,tthe oldest, group, winder et the :1I1(1 Goiac -operati11 tt contlauo11s' !or 27 t :- its. Lord I adle'n Bey, ell. years. luis group Is t;ib,ell Goderi.h''>� ,cifs ',of a Cub Patk of 32 hobs and a on :;unday. February 26, w Scout troop of 30 boy: under .,t,ien-1 s:•rvict-s at the cllatch of the leadership of two 'Troop tht or choice in God.'rich.. • Scouters and two"Pack Scooters, 11,;_:11li;:htin0 Boy Srf^ut W •ek all of whom have their wood 'will be such exents as father badge which is the award for and son banquets. birth - ',advanced leadership training;' lay parties, window (1i.:pla} s, 'This group- owns four acres of romniunity events including «land near Black's Point and is'''ord turns, service club talks. - 'at present building a cabin. ,hubby shows. overnight hikes. The Third Goderich group is'; v. inter canlpinr.; projects, tele., sponsored by Knox Presbyterian;vision" and radio events. civic Church and has 30 boys in the proclamations and many other', 'Cul; Pack, 40 boys in the Scout activities. 4troop and .16 Rover Scouts, This, All members of the Scouting, ,group is planning to purchase ! family including the boys them-! '50 acres of land near.-Auburrl l selves, group committees, ladies' -for a camp site. One leader has auxiliaries:° leaders' groups, and j 'his wood badge and others are Scout councils from Sea to. sea,, :'working for it." have been preparing for Boy The - Fourth Goderich group, Scout Week and it is expected "sponsored by North Street Unit- that the 1961 observance will • ed Church, is the youngest group surpass..all previous celebrations', '. ;'fn town. It has advanced rapidly , of this nature. :„and has a Cub Pack, Scout troopl Many Scout groups will use' and Rover Crew. It has a camp Boy Scout Week as the occasion Site of its own 'dnd has a cabin`to begin earning funds for their', ;on it. contribution to the cost of the Sixteen Rovers from the two new ' Canadian Scout Headquar- R,over Crews have been trained ters building in Ottawa. The ji Senior First Aid by the Gode• Scouts of Canada are being ask - St. _John Ambulance Divi- ed to raise two hundred thous- - Sion and are prepared to act, as and quarters by their own ef- An" Auxiliary to the Brigade forts, not by 'appeals to the pub- 'silonld an emergency arise. lir, toward the $268.000 still Tlie North Street Church needed towards -the total cost of -itroup started the celebration of $850.000 for, their new head- -Scout week with its Father and quarters. THE NEW BUILDING Preparatton'ff ere under way fru' the Kinsmen Club produc- Mora, of "Goin Places" starring Tohn Marriott, Virginia Lode George Parsons, Jack' Frith and ;Did Worthy. • Mrs. •.1._ .Ji Kinkead -was in- , �i '• I stalled as regent of tine 'Maple 't p.24 Chapter. I.O.D.E., while t �IisA uhra Cleaver was .regent --3aL,_the hn1e_ek Chapter., • Letter To Editor 870 Minto St., Winnipeg. 10, , Feb. 10, 1c01. The Signal -Star, tyt'cric ii, Ont. • • Dear Sirs: Enclosed is Post Office money, order for S3.00. Please extend our subscription for another ear. There is disappointment in the house if the Signal -Star. doesn't arrive on Mondays' mail. 'our older generation is passing,: on but we are always interested in the new and - the many changes takipg place in the old town. Pleased to note the name - of Robert Craigie as having return,' led to the old town. 1 Success to you all and the • i town also. ! Yours truly. 1 - W. E. Davison. - PORTER'S HILL 1?ORTER'S HILL. Feb. 14. — Mrs. MacKinnon and her pupils enjoyed a Valentine party on Tuesday afternoon: • Miss Colleen Lockhart, who has been in Alexandra Hospital with virus pneumonia, was well enough to return home en Tues- day. Mr. William L. Stirling is a ,1 patient in' St. Josepa's Hospital, London, where - he underwent surgery last' week. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Al- vin Betties entertained the Go- ' Getters Club of St. Paul's An- glican Church, Clinton. A false fire alarm brought the. Clinton fire department to the farm of Harry Torrance Monday night. It is not known who re- potted the barn to be on fire. v n 4 etiped to 4neet the vegeta aitd future .needs Of a rapid; lir til g meMbe shiip, the new ,national headquarters ora Ott toy , ottts of f shalt IS situated'car. 11 -acre site rani lltt �'s 1 ` itte' Etb�it . p• fa` At� b�� ♦�4����t�i 4F1M �^� ;;�,ill'iC+ A�g�'• d +d 19 ► ►, a r`ut- 1ofsd, ►1Ces. Iti$lt A distinctive feature 'of the` new ' Canadian Iieadqu;arters li site at Ottawa for Boy Scouts, is this magnificent ,totem pole.' Chief ungo Martin of the t1Cia11ilsluf itci�. tut they :created the clean,► for a this' loft � aspect another �`@(ails vent !aiI&dd`e automobile' Ar aioo" pro tt - �n .flip of the -°hast two, tacit of pole. the pole Is , valuta at, and dealers looking for hich: t new high tatrks txl ' About , ... incl . i' 0 .feeti t W. Denomme FLOWER SHOP ° JA 4 8132 DAY .- or NRRH04 1. . Agent ferir` 24.hr. • MU.,M olaysLop1HG No help needed an atzton�atic Natural Gas'wter heater is four times. faster °than. any other. method! • Whatever way you look at it, natural gas is your best bargain when it comes to heating water for your home. It works four times as hard, four times as fast any other method—lets you get by with a smaller storage tank which means a saving even before you start using it. It's clean, quiet and dependable. Have one installed in your home now. Whether you choose to buy one or us;e the special low-cost rental 1, . plan, your local plumber dealer will give you details telling you how you can make payment on the regular monthly 'gas bill. Choose from a number of leading makes and models—your• automatic natural gas water heater bears the Canadian Gas Association seal of apprai'al—and will bring your home the economi- cal convenience and comfort of hot water' all the lime, SEE YOUR PLUMBER. DEALER OR UNION C46COMPANdY OF CANADA. LIMITED GODERICH =- CLINTON _.__..D. D. MacMILLAN WORSELL BROS. t , AND IEERICi� " PLUMBING HEATING iYt BRECKEN tIDGE HARDWARE , PLUMBING and - HEATING PINDER PLUMBING GOI ERICH ELECTRIC G i NEAR & f HOFFMEYER