The Exeter Times, 1891-4-9, Page 1AND HURON MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. XVIII, NO 20. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY EXETER, ONTARIO, TJHRSDAY MORNING, ARIL 9, 1891 JOHN WHET) & SON Publisher and Proprietor LEGAL. H. DiOKSON. i errister.Srmll- . oitor of Supreme Court, Notary rutin*, leaver&ocer. Commissioner. rte Menev to [,oan. °facelu 1Far#sonatBlock, Exeter a COLL73S, Barrister; Solicitor, Oonveyanser, laltc„ I4alETF;It. - ONT. (Mee over the Post OMce, EJJLIOT & E;laLfOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries abut, Conveyancers (fo, czo. t' "Money to Loan at Lowest Batea of lntereat, OFFIOE, • MAIN - STREET, EXETER. b. v, =awe. $, 1sr.a.tox. WININNO DENTAL. .. VtR. O. H INGRAM. ]DENTIST, Suoce•sor to If, la, Billings. (Member of the Royal College of Dental Snr,eans,r Teeth ineertee with or v:itheut Plate. in p extraction of teeth. Mates seourc:l firmly in the mouth by Teeelee• Patent Valve. OFFIOE : Over O'Neil.'s B u*k. Lucian every Frtday. KiNSIIA ,ar;NTI iT.1,.D. • 9. Fauson'S Blocks Malitest. Exeter, Entracte Teeth without pain. Away atUUENesi.r•an first 1`ri1i '; ureigreecon,l and fourth Tuesday: and Zuntrtr oath° lath Thurs. dav�.f nnehmonth.. SI F D ILIAL 1 W.13Y•OWNING M. D., M.0 ra . I*. ri, firednete Victoria Mitre ty. Office and residence, Dom. Pion I,a"* *- tory. Exeter. RYNDSIAN, oorouer for )e 1- County of Baron. O Uoo, opp etre Carling pros. store, Exeter. rot. J. A. ROLLINS,U.O.Y. S. 0. Mee, Main St. Exeter, Out. Residence, 'Jotters recently 000npied by P. AlePlu111pe. Earl, r. F. CUTPEN, M. D., 0. AL, • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto t Fol. Crin. Med. school. Toronto ; Grad. Am inst.,CranialogY; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Sfombor Col. P. b„ Ont.- °Moc, Dashwood. Ont. J'D1.R]. DAVID M. STAEBLER, .l (UNIVERSITY orrTORONTO) Physician, Surgeon. eto. !laving spent the winter in 1Vl e -S7 in Now York. and winter of OFFICE : OREDITON. ONTARIO. DR,• W(?t)DRUPE' Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye glasses and Spoetaotoa furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at home. except on Fridays. No. 1851 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. AJ. ROLLINS, LICENSED • Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mild south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. ETHS BUSSENBERRY, General Li - • oensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparte. Satisfactiouguaranteed.. Charges moderato. Hansell P 0,044. HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Sales oonduotcd at mod- erate rates. Mee, at Poet-oflroe, Orod- ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D• Auctioneer and Land Valuator. orders sent bymail ,o myndareas, Bayiteld P. O., willreceiveprompt attention. Perms moder- ate. D. B. PO1tTFutt, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. lof3r1 nates of the Ontario Veterinary 01- ge. 0 '3dn : One door South of Town Hail. MONEY TO LOAN. ATONEY TO LOAN• AT 6 AND percent, $25,000'Private.E'unds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.11 DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNCO111B, Provincial . Land Surveyor and Civil En c+X1V3EM .,IITC., Ofloe,tpstaire,Samwell'sBlock, Exeter,Ont INSURANCE. f HE LONDON MUTUAL a- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAN ADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farmproperty andprivate residences, either on buildings or contents .tbo most favorabl a protection in ease of loss ordamage byfire orlightning, at rates upon such liberal. terms. that no other respect- able company can afford to.wrtte. 42,375 poli: pies inforce lstJan.,1890. Assets x378,428.00 in cash in bank, Government dopost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, President; D. 0. McaoNALn,Maniger .DAvrn JAclias,Agent tor Exeter andvio n v' 114 RUSH To theNew' Steib. Many people of Exeter and vicinity are availing them- selves of this grand oppor_ bully to boy good Goods for little money. Now is the time, Big Bargains for every- body. Our Boots ftlid Shoes are all opened ont now and are first-class, and at lowest prices. Special line of all -Wool Cashmere Hose, 20e. Highest price for produce at A. J, MITA/ISH. (iONDENSED NWS Voila Various Souret!tzThrou,9',h out the 1)Istrlet. malt. David (When, of Stratford, spare con dueler can the 0. T R., has died from the effects of inenries received while coupling cites on'Starett 21. ltlra Henry Vieber, con 5, Fullartou. while ;dug '0 the ramp for a pail of water last week slipped and MI, br('akiug one of her lege. To get relief from ivaiigeetion, hidroas nese, constipation or torpid liver without dietnrbiug the stomach or punting the bowel:', take a few do -es of Carter's Little Giver Pills, they will please you. Tito Conservative AWaoeiation of the South Rifling of Pertly will meet in Mitoholi on Friday, April 10th, for the purpose of electing ofllerrs, and the transaction of other important Nudism. The Listowel Fair Asaoeietiou is in a bed way financially. The property is mortgaged for $3,300, and the payments and interest bavo fallen iu arrears. Leet year's money Las nut Lan paid yet. and several of the ehreetors are on a $300 note held by the Bank of iiamilton, GLAi sxoxE-Tho Grand old Gentleman seems to grow younger as the years go by. When urged for the real secret he finally told us, (Not expecting it would be published but here Ma.) Mrs 0 never allows any other kind but imperial Cream Tartar Bak lug Powder used. It's the only reliable. Sold by all grocers. Mr McKee, a teacher in the Listowel high School, was charged with unduly pounding and filusing one of hie scholars, a von of Mr D. D. Campbell. The board dismissed the ogee with a caution to both pupil and teacher. Tho case next went before a magistrate, who fiued Mr McKee $2 50 and COSI*. With Friday's issue of the Stratford Benson, Alexander Matheson, who has been connected with it for nearly a quarter of a century and who has been its editor for twenty years, closed his connection with that journal His appointment to the posi- tion of bursar of the Belleville Deaf and Dumb Institute was approved of by Liberals and Conservatives alike, and he leave, Stratford accompanied by the best wishes of a host of friends, The total number of hotel licenses in operation in 1890, in Sonth Perth, was 31 against 37 in 1889. There were font shop licenses issued id the same year against five in 1889. The proportion received by the Province for fees, fines, etc,, in Perth in 1890 was $2,678,57. North Perth con- tributed to the Government the same year $5,595,98. Mr George Leversage, of Carlingford the census commissioner for South Perth, has appointed the following to be °ensue enum eaters under him ;-Blanshard-George Lowrie, John Jamiescn, Robt Beatty, John Kennedy. Downie -Jas Clyne, Wm Dune - more, John Arbogast, John Lancaster, M. Gourling. Fullerton -John Wilson, Rich. Frannie, F, Ullerich. Hibbert -J A Norris, Wm T. Cassidy, Jas Atkinson. -Osborne- Thos Kay, Jes Clarke, Wm Routly. St Marys -A Carman, Jas Baxter, Justus In- gersoll, James Robinson. Mitchell -Wm Farrant, Root Smith. MIDDLESEX. Ovens Bros., 2nd eon McGillivray, cap- tured a snow-white raccoon on Monday. Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sale of any medicine before the public. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. Mr Geo W. Shipley, of Ailsa Craig, bas purchased the imported greyhound Bob, by Robert the Devil, from a noted dog fancier in the east. The business part of Parkhill is now lighted by four 1500 candle power aro lights€ placed et convenient points in Main and King'Sts. Mr Alexander Brownlee, of Ailsa Craig, has sold his jewellery business to a Toronto gentleman who intends taking possession at once. Mr B. will• probably go to British Columbia. • On. Thursday night lest about 7.30 o'olools the tin and hardware store of H. Collins & Son, of Luoan, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was quickly sounded and the fire extinguished. EVERYBODY KNOWS—That at this season the blood is filled with impnritiea, the accumulation of months of close confine ment in poorly ventilated stores, workshops and tenements, All these impurities and every traceof scrofula, salt rheum, - or other diseases may beexpelled by taking Hood'a Sareaparifa, the best blood purifier ever produced. It is the ouly 'medicine of whioh "100 doges one dollar" is true. Rev. John Anderson, Presbyterian minis- ter at Nairn. lett on Friday last for New Brunewiek where he will reside in the fix- ture. Previous to his departore he was presented with a valaablo tea•Sett, One of Mr F. A.tkinsone. workmen, Ailsa, Craig, had a finger on his right hand nap- ped oft at the end, on rue=day morning, to a stave Machine, This is the :second seer lout in that factory within a week or so. laalpitetiou of the heart, uervouanessa tremblings,nervoaa headache, cold hands or feet. pain in the back. and other forma of weakness are relieved by Dart€r'a Iron, Pills, made specially for the blood. aaervea and c..mplexion The jury, in the case of Robert Murray who recently annsdered W A. Rowe, near Strathray, and whose trial came on at the Middlesex assizes in London last week, re- turned in less, than three home with a sere diet of maw -laughter, coupled with a strong recontruendation to meow. Iiia lordship relieved the jurymen on that exec, sato, will deliversentetlee ou a later day. Two IN A AAdI1r,Y. -Singly instances of cure are plentiful, but when they come in pairs they begirt to show the universal good Mr Julius Sharnee, 07 Burliug St., Chicago. 111,, t' S A, January 1800, Bays: "My wife turd father in hew sutured for yearns with neuralgia, but they were entirely cured by St J'.acobi Oil." Families Oneida not be seithunt it, After liehting:tse fire an the furnaee in Pr t;aw's hoose. lrarhhill, the other day Mr Clete. S&°reouaba opened the door of the Wince to pat in some well. Aa he 514 se what appeara to have been a cha-goof eau ps.wd,'r exploded and blew the lire into lila fa^e, burning hie eyebrows off and singing lite rnousteche, and the tido of hie two and neck harpy, The Ita'Po was shaken from ho'te'l to top by the coneii,*ion. It Is sue - stems evil person had placed a charger of gunpowder MI seta of the wood used. A stabbing affray, which resulted in the death of Benjamin Hubbard, an employe of Geary's dairy, cordon township, vitt or seven mites north a1 London, occurred Sun- day aftornoou ubnut 5 ("cloak. Hubbard and another employe named Hodges got into an altercation over a dipper, when Hodges stabbed liubbsrd over the heart with a knife, winch he happened to bare fu his bawl at the trine, inflicting a wound from which the latter died a few minutes after. Botharenaarricd men with Jauntier'. lnonoN. County ClerkAdamion is still in acritieni condition, hie symptoms not having made any material improvement during the past wee k, We are sorry to bear that Mr D, Grant, marble dealer, of Seafortb, is again confined to hie house. Wo hope he may soon bo able to bo around again. Mr Thos E. Hasa, has purchase,' Boll's betel, Seaforth, for $3,700 and rented it again to Mr Geo Grout, Ilruaefield, for $500 a year. Mr tyrant takes possession on the let of May, Mx Findlay McEwen has sold his fine farm of 125 norou in Stanley Township to his brother, Duncan, for the sum of $7,500 There are 100 acres on the 3rd eon., being lot 28, and 25 acres on the 415, Tho place is in good condition, and is ono of the beat in the township. Mr Samuel Hannah, of Griswold, Man., who has been in Seaforth for a couple of weeks, left for home on Tuesday. He took with him a carload, sixteen head, of as fine horses as ever left Seaforth station, The lot Dost 52,092,50 delivered at the depot. The town of Clinton is seeking from the Legislature authority to consolidate its de. benture debts, which amount to $29,500. and issue debentures to redeem the out- standing bonds as they fall due. The town- ship of Stephen is asking the same power, their indebtedness being $27,500, but they have a sinkiug fund of $15,000. Nature requires aid in correcting irregu larities at this season, and for both men and women no, other remedy equals Dr Williams' Pink Pills as a spring blood tonic. They supply all the constituents necessary to enrich the blood and build up the system Sold by all dealers, or sent post paid on receipt of price -50o. per box, or five boxes for $2 -by addre'sing Dr Williams Med Go, Brookville, Ont. Mr John Allan and wife, of Seaforth, left on Wednesday for Carberry, Man , where they intend to reside in future. -Mr Arch. McGregor and wife, of McKillop, left last week for Fiudlay,Ohio., where Mr McGregor has purchased a dairying business. We wish him success.—*Ir R. Learning, of McKillop, left on Tuesday last for New West minister,B 0 -Miss Fowler, of Tuckeremith, left on Wednesday last for Hillsboro, Oregon where she goes to see her sister who we regret to learn is seriously 51 At a meeting of the South Huron Farm- ers' Institute held at Brumfield on Good Friday, the following offioere were eleoted viz : President, Robert B, McLean, Tuck- eremath ; Vice -President, John B. Hender- son, Tuokersmith ; Secretary Treasurer, John Hannah, Seaforth P. 0, ; Directors -- Stephen, S Hogarth ; Exeter George Sam- well ; Usborne, Thomas Russell; Hay, Wm Buchanan ; Stanley, John Ketoben ; Tuck- ersmith, Simon Hunter ; Bayfield, Robert Mollvine ; Goderich township, Win Wise ; Seaforth, M. Y. McLean: SIT DOWN AND THINrc-Sit down and think lst, that dyspepsia is paused by wronit action of the stomach ; 2nd, that ;Burdock Blood Bitters is designed to correct and regulate the stomach; 3rd,' that . it always cures dyspepsia and posts less than a cent a dose. Can you afford to be dyspeptio ? There are in the County of Bruce 100 male and 109 female Public School teachers. The average salary paid to the former is $598, and to the ladies . $268, while the highestsalary paid to a teacher is $650. be. ing in the village of , Lucknow. 'Phis, of course, does not inoludo the towns. There are only two teaohers in , the county with first-class certificates, 55 with seoond and 132 with 'thirds, one first. class County Board and 19 temporary certificates. McGiUlvray- B>Issa-3fr Geo Gibson, of here lett ler Portage. Alan., lest weak, where heen;aged to farming. lits many friends join in week - hag him success in hie new home --Our egg merchant, llfr Saundeas, and tome of bis family are afflicted with the grip at pre- - Scarf and D, Payham, have returned from Mlebigau where they have been in the roods. -M• A. ilaynton, of the 14th. is eel a ill 41 preeent, Out we ell hope Donald will anon be able to tike Ina piace among the busy multitude. -Mr. R. 11, Patterson bad the wood bee of the season, The boys turned out as eerrees' and worked with might and main cutting about 50 oorda, Ki]'xtos - Barsra-Anr spring fair takes place to. day. --btr e*Aender, received a telegram on Tuesday to the effect that hie son in Virgin- ia, Id. S was not expected to live. He has been anffcrinl; a were attack of typhoid fever. Mr Callender went to sea laitn.•�.. Several of the fanners ora engaged in auger making..-Tlle Conservatives of the town- ship held a meeting on Tuesday. lfesare Juo McCurdy, Wm Jolulaton and Mr Shier, were appeintel delegates to attend the empty convcattan in Mitchell thia week, Awoogat other buslneax the meeting will 'wielder the evid`nce to be given re the Protest against Mr Trow's election. -The aauthoritiea are endeav,anring to dispose of the old agricultural hall -11r •1'syior will comment@ the erection of hia hotel short Iv. Hay. S. The blowing ie the report for Attach of S. S No 2, flay- Pupils are named an or- der of anearit Fifth CitigN—Bower Russell, Alfred Me - Taggart 40 111110S Campbell, equal, Win Murree. Forth Clogs—Chas los Chapman, Rote Chapman, David Smith. Senior Third Class-genry Jackson, Charles Northentt,Frenk Rosa.. Jun Third Class ---Irian Jackson, Ralph Chapman, Annie Northectt, Second Class -Joseph Northcott, Nellie Northcott, James Shirray. Sr Second Part -Deckle Nortbentt, Willie Warr n, John Todd, Jun Seoond Part --Milton Russell, Carrie Gou41, Flora Nora:matt. t fret Part -Rachel Eaeie, Edgar O'Brien, Francis Basta. Biaduiph, 0111'11tanY,-Oiled mora wo are called on to chronicle the death of one of our much esteemed residents, ilfra Ann, wife of Dan'] Neil, Esq , who peacefully passed away on :Monday, 30th March, 1891, at the residence of her eldest daughter, Mrs. Blackwell, Clandeboye, Deceased wire in her 70th year; born in Huutly county, near Ottawa, in 1821, and married in 1839, and lived to celebrate her golden wedding some two years since. She leaves four sons and four daughters, alt married. Her two eldest snug, John and Richard, are well-to-do farmers in McGiilivray township; Albert 11 station agent at Stratford, and her youngest son, Mr F. H. Neil, lives on the old home- stead, "maple avenue farm," Biddniph. Deceaecd was an affectionate mother, a de- voted wife and a sincere ohristian. Her remains were laid iu Nursery cemetery on April let. The occasion was improved by an able address by the Rev: Mr Handers, Methodist minister, of Luoan, from llth chapter of Hebrews, 16th verse : "But now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly." BRIEFS -Mr Swenerton lett a few days ago for Manitoba. -Building operations will not be as lively in Heneall as in former years. although there will be considerable done. ANOTHER ATTEMPT—On Saturday night last another attempt was made to burglarize McArthur & Co's private bank at Heneall, this making either the third or forth at- tempt within a year. The burglars effected an entrance at the front door. There were five in number, two keeping watch at the rear, one pacing the walk iu front and two operating at the safe. They got along nicely with their work, having drilled through the large door, when they were alarmed, by Mr W. 0. Davis. who being awakened by an unusual noise, opened the door and fired off a revolver. They then all disapprared. Mr Davis firing several snots after them. As in all previous at- tempts they got nothing for their trouble. McArthur & Go have one of the best vaults in Canada, and these night hawks migh t just as well give up in despair Hills Green. Brunel -Sugar making has been the order of the day for the lastcouple o1 weeks• Some baying as many as five bun- dred trees tapped. -Mr G. Brown who taught on Parr Line township of Hay for the laic three years, and who bas been ••at tending the Olinton Collegiate Institute for the Wit couple of months left for Detroit one day last week. He will remain there for a:few weeks and then proceed to Wash- ington' Territory. -Mr P. Hagan and his .ister'Mies Mary Hagan intend leaving for Detroit on Thursday next, -Mr Janes Torner, of the Parr Line had the misfortune one day last week to lose a valuable mare. -Mr T. Hogan, Misses Sarah and Kate Dunn left for St Thomas, Dakota, on Tuee- daylast. -i;ev W. Casson preached in the M. E. Church, Hillsgreen, on Sunday last. The following are the names, together with the marks obtained. of those who have passed the recent 5th form Promotion Ex- amination in S. S. No 7,Stanley. Marks required to. pass 475. Joseph Forrest, 672 ; Elizabeth Torner, 513 ; thege will receive diplomas on account of parsing this exam- ination. I. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria I Goderic+t Bobs-...Pepgty Reeve, IT. Either, of Stephen, warred town last Thuraday and Friday, as a member of the County Board of audit. --Tho fishing tug, 'Clams' having had her repairs completed was launched front the island lag week -,The cenaus en nuieratora, Messrs Woodeook, John Stevens and Jim Reid, jr., commenced work ort Mon- day. -The spring assize court eft' open next Monday, with a pretty heavy erimival docket. including the ifeKlunon'murder.- The Division court opeds'4 ou Saturday, and was adjourned to Monday, au action for damages for the shooting of a dog tailing up the w'lole trio of the centt the drat day. - The limber froze over so firmly on Sunday night, that the toga were Illi noon on Mon- day in breaking through it-=Iuspector of Bettie Betook. J. E. Torn, has entirely recovered from la grippe e;tactr --The School Board hetet its regular morrtl'ly sueetiug on 3iouday evening. -The Prof' Jones after having received a new engine and been generally improved i$ now ready for sea --...Reports at the towbar, are, that at present the prospect far marine fin'ititt is not very b ii;ht,--.The Bishop of Algoma. wi 1 deliver au address in St George'seharoh on Thuroday the Sigh lust. -Mr Syilltaau Aloieau, our well known cattle buyer, le embody ]U,• -Coney clerk. Adamann, wire bas been iudisiia'ed the past three weeks is referred to to improving. Uretintoll. Il lags --.We are glad to learn that mamas- ter Christie flebaurr is rccoverieg r.ieety under the care of LrStaehlter.-Sfitei !fertile faebeuer zs able to be Omit again tarter a eeeleaCur 8ta'b.tr visited lluffalo during the pa't wc. l , tea on Sen• day oast preaches to the e•,ngr• erti,n where lax will be etetioued.-1k'v /lotus 8 N Meyer. 1', E.. of Stratton), and Mc Yeager, of Dashwood, held 15" quarterly saevines in the Getman el.ntoh hero en Senday last. - Tho llax ram have prep yea their need for sowing and will have it .or the emend as early as poesibk'.-Tho river has risen Considerably rind hex driven out a great many mu ale:eta uta.. as a result the Wye aro having a gaud deal of sport and hardly aver come home without 3 or 4 skies -Ur John lana, township astmesor was in the village on Saturday in the eepaeity of his ofllce -Mr Ben Briber has been appointed ono of the eoasua euumeratora for this township and started out fer work o8 Mon- day Ile expects to be occupied about 3 weeks in taking ble district. People should cheerfully give auy information aeked for as it will be a great hindrance to the ennw.. erators if people are reticent, there being about 150 queetiona to be asked and nnlesa the information is given promptly the en. umeratora will hardly he able to get through in time. Any enamel's given are atrlotly private and no one need fear that they will be used publicly or in any way in detriment to their interest; any questions asked must be answered correctly as in default the en. umeratot will be compelled to enforce the statutes which provide for a penalty of from 5 .to 2f, Dollars in such eases, -A delega- tion from several lodges of the Patrons of Industry waited on the merchants of Credi. ton nn Friday last and proposed terms to them, none of our merchants could be in- duced to accept them as they claim that business cannot be dune honestly at their figures and they do not wish to do a busi• ness which would compel them to do it dishonestly, The Patrons claim they will build a store if they are unable to get a merchants to take hold of it. -Mr 0, A. Geiser is ereoting an addition to his dwell- ing on William-st which will be used as a kitchen.-islesers Wenzel & Smith have em- ployed extra hands owing to their personal ability being unable to supply the featly increasing demand fer their celebrated road carts. -The Royal Templars of Tem- perance Society here, is growing rapidly. They intend to have an entertainment in the town Hall, Crediton, on Meade), even- ing 14th incl, The concert will be one of the best ever given in Orediton. Zurich. BRIEFS—Over 150 of theschool children had their photos taken one day last week Mr. Barclay, of Dnart was the photograph. er -Master Emanuel Faust had the mis• fortune to cut his foot on Good Friday - Tnere were two runaways in the village last week. Mr Swatzentreuber's team took fright while he was loading a grist et the mill and ran away. -The teat' belong- ing to Appel & Zeller ran away while the employees of that firm were unloading some coal oil at their ware rooms, at the rear of the store They ran down Victoria street to D. Steinbach's, had the wagon not caught on a post in front of the store, aeriuue damage might have been done to the window. -Mr D. Derstein will leave for Saginaw on Tuesday. -Mr G Holtzman has been appointed agent for the Perth Mutual Fire Ineurance Company. -Mr. A. Roth was visiting friends in Listowel on Sunday last. -Mr John Hicks, of Mitchell, visited friends in the village last week. The following is the report of the recent promotion examination held in the public school here. SENIOR DIVISION., Entrance to VI class -William Hess, Eddie Steinbach, Laura Williams, Lydie Strempfer—To Sen IV -Reuben Becker, Edmund Sippel, 'Minnie Doan, Edna Holtz, Edmund Geiger. To Jun IV, - Wesley Sehoeing, 'Clara Sippel, Martha Strempter, Lovina Prang, Tillie Johnston, William Deratein eseeetereoraTNN DIVIS1ON. Entrance to Sr III, -Rosa Lippert, Ida Lippert, Katie Treummer, Lizzie Dumart, Lydia Zimmerman, Norman Buchanan, R. Hideman, Louis Foster, Ephriam Holtz- man Wm Geiger, Peter Haberer, Calvin Williams, Albert Smith, Herbert Hardy, A Hess, John Weber, Simon Sararas:. To Jun III. -Sam Becker, Ed Snell, Ed Mor- itz, Waiter Dumart, R Strempfer, Lovina Deiehert, Mina Doan, Joseph Schwalm, E. Hoist, Louis Prang, William Greb.. To Sr II -Victoria, Johnston, Wesley Kibler, FreeTradeDead NOT Q 8!T OF IT! It is true at therecent elections the nlajortty* tlid not 80003 to favor free trade with the V. S. But we present to you a trade policy which can -wt fail to meet the apprx,val of ail, viz : 'the privilege of selling your produce in the highest market 444 at the same time buying all your supplies in the very lowest market (Bargain Depot). We lop off all high tariffs and unnecessary expenses, thtls ah,'►rtnd, our prudes with our ceetereers, thus you see we have unrestricted teeipro• elty and at the came time maintain a patriotic and true loyalty. 4 simple solution of this vexatious question. To wove the genuineness of oar intention we issue *.'prize sagiiter which entit'es our customers to a discount of from 12 to 15 percent on cash purchases. Call and see the beautiful presents we give away to this way A lovely lot of dress;pods just in, also the last consi€rnneuts doer beau- tiful prints. J. F. ROSS. Wm Welter, Alt Pfaff, Louis* 1Vurm, Iiil is Strempfer. To .Tran 11 -Clara l;asdhanan Lun-asa Lippert, Arthur liii.ler, Beet lee Steinbach, NettieSarara.s, Emelie :ext. JeeIsar; AtvieIraq, To Sr Pert IL--A"it Rel dent, El. Rupp. Nettie Demuth. Willie Porter, Et. more Magda Greet Manes Mary Siraras, George lit".e ('bma S4 sarin Xdsun Worm. To jr Hart II.-•-Etiret Williams Susie ,Johnston Jaynes Becker, fart 1)um:trt, .Tnhn Brown, Mary Wessduh. Annie Otte, t;enrge Tolland. Ts, Sr fart I.- -Melvin'', Keohter, Thereet Ant, E for Seiguor. Geo Smith, Arthur Well, Oliver t5'iger, Aif Peine, William Beaver, Nelson Reichert. (et tat. .f, Lerr't. I'rinoipal. Teachers intim .muni, lst Assistant, Lai. r .t E. II trey, '2n•1 Ass't, Dash -woad. Rr.:sra—JIr $ebert is at present visiting his brother-in•htw Mr J. Vz'itzcl -Rev J. Yeager is 031 the sick list this week -Mr J. Kellerman hasengaged Alias oacallum, of Dutton, as milliner for the season -ale J. Hall has engaged Hiss N Woodhall.- 11r Ehnes, of Zurich passed through our village on Monday evening -Last Thurs- day Mr Barclay, Duart, took a photograph of the School. -The Advocate correspond- ent must possess great literary talent especially when be uses such expressions as sow-kop. meaning pig head etc., when referring to certain of our citizens. Charlie should not abuse the german language. The following is the report of the pro- motion examination held in our school in March. To Sr. IV, -Total marks 750. -George Snider, 432. To Sr III -'larks 650• -Ed Miller, 443; Oscar Snell, 338. To Jun III -marks 460 -Wm Kleinstiv- er 278; Wm Eckstein, 268; Louis Miller, 265; Mary Rader, 253; Nic Stiller, 242; Elia Weido, 231; Adeline Miller, 280: Jno Nadiger, 230; Ed Restemayer, 230; Lev& Steinhagen, 242. To Sen II- marks 550 -Dan Eckstein, 319; W Lindenfeld, 319; J Kraft, 313; Clara Thon. 309; Em Killerman, 284; L Bettschea. 277; Emma Hartung, 275. To Jun II No 2 -marks 550. --William Baker 385; F Gossman, 303; Charles Eidt, 282; Edmund Wolper, 275. To Jan II -11I Ethers, L. Schroeder, T. Bender, Fred Genttner, Henry Rhode H. Kraft. To Sr Part 1I-Rteka Fisher, Lnrinda .Walper, Bertha Baker. Emma Wolper Susan Restemayer, Conrad Miller, Sam Witzel. C Gossman, Jacob Brenner, L. Bender, W hurler, Tillie Ruby, I Faust. To Jr Part II -Heman Eidt, Ida Weber, Ed Bearer, Clara :filler, Sarah Balla The following in the fifth and Sen. 4t1i, received 50 per cent or over on written work during the month. Fifth -:Tilton Cook, 58, Sr 4th -A Geigar.85; Ida Cook, 67; Fred Geiger, 62. The avera ge attendance for the month was 82. Teachers Saar. M. Home. MISS N. T'ULTON,} Centralia. BRIEFS -Ma W • F. Boyle, of Ailsa Craig was home for a few days last week. -Miss Rebecca Robinson, of Grand Baud, is the guest of Mrs T. Handford, of this place. - Miss Rau is the guest of Mrs Geo Essery. Mr Albert and Wilbert McFalls paid our town a flying visit on Sunday last -Our school foot ball team intends joining the tee county league in the spring. -Mr Sam Davis our Life 'Insurance agent says he can saw, split and pile a double cord of wood, in 1 hour and 41 minutes. -Mr Windsor saysthe patent trap doors leading to his cellar are of the latest fashion. -On Sunday night last some of ouryoung sports went to Biddulph for the purpose of taffy ing off in Stewart Hodgins' bush and when coming home late at night, met the Eden dude, Jim, swinging his yellow walking stick and he told them Stewart had made. over 100 gallons of syrup this spring., but the boys say this is a fish story as Stewart don't get up early enough to boil down. - Mr Geo Brown and Mr Wm Pym, of this village, intend going to the Parkhill saw- ing match on the 18th of this month. They are practicing every day now and feel con- fident of victory. They intend using the racer saw. -The Patrons of Industry are going to start their store in the village in a few weeks: They intend getting the old school house now belonging to George Brown. Farmers should sow oats at as early a date as possible, andwhen harvested thresh them at once: Those who get ahead this way generally realize a good price for this grain.