The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-09-29, Page 7L. G.ERRARD'S Goderich „A.tca,ocv;,::,dw.r:;: The Square at. Kingston St. G u'htJ •']l!J� i�(.NY,I�,R V.Y.. .��d%•N.�flili�..�,.• i.M'.�.t3.G s .SIS to45,,s .f • Dresses .* Coats • Co-ordinates All . Latest Style Trends as Featured in the ' FASHION and FANTASY SHOW • Skirts • Blouses • Car Coats , •. _L._ i „,,,,,,,,.4 s: ,ffis Wide Selection Popular Prices Int The New Autumn Colorin s 9 a9• 'Dodgers to Meet Elliott Lake in Ontario Ladies' Softball Final (By E. K) pock into the :bald game each The Godericb Dodgers now time. advance to the O.A.S.A. finals In the sixth, Kingston caught pd. . ,sl .. Elllolt Lake, :having fire ,again, picking .up. our eliminated`Eingston on Satur- to go ahead 6 to VITT-We roil day: The Dodgers won the of the eighth the Dodgers took ated4Arl.tleeiclipg:gatm-of the,the bit in;; their teeth and series, play.ed on a neutral dia.- br. t&ghty Sin- .Oxezi , r y, Mond in Toronto, by an IA to The Dodgers. now meet Elliott 6 score. Lake in the )O.A.S.A. finials to be Kingston started "off the scar- played on the Thanksgiving ing by picking up 2 runs in the week -end. Due to the great seeand inning. In the fourth, distance involved in travelling, the Dodgers picked up four the O.A.�S.A. staggers the ,finals runs, three.athem on' a home each year; one year in the run 'by Donna Hopf., In the north — the next year in the three -game Kingston series, south of Ontario. This year it D'o'nna had three home runs, is to be played in the north: each one earning •with the So come en Dodgers, let's Dodgers 'behind, which put them make it two straight. BELL NOW HAS BATTERY POWERED LARYNX READY A battery -powered electronic larynx, for persons who have lost their voices through surg- ical urgical removal or paralysis of the vocal cords, will be available in limited supply in Ontario and Quebec starting in October, The Bell Telephone Company of Canada has announced. While esophageal speech—a method of swallowing air and then releasing it in a controlled manner—remains the preferred means of communication for Laryngectomees,° the new device will serve as a supplem'en'tary aid to them and will be par- ticularily valuable during the extended post-operation period. ,Developed by Bell Telephone laboratories, the electronic larynx will be offered on a non- profit basis. The instrument re- sembles esembles a streamlined electric razor, eont'aureepto-fat-the4ramly ancUies •nec As:Ayezhele-gains, the outside of the throat while being operated. It transmits sound waves through the flesh and into the throat cavity, re- placing thbse normally' produc- ed by air passing over the vocal cords. Speech is produced by forming words with lips and tongue just as in normal con - I versation, OBITUARY: JAMES BRADLEY SHOWED CHAMPION HOLSTEIN COW Ross 'Marshall, . Kirkton, neon both the .Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor honors at the Huron County Black and. White Day, held September 23 in con- nection with Seatforth ;Fair,, This was a,qu]allitty showW of E o steins . 'T..•Wto 'R�.Y3+•' IYt4R.�.,%1'x K,T,'.r.!x : ibitors. ” `'Tile awards were placed by Arnold 'Weaver, Be), ,'agree& -Bradley, Godericrh•; sb.owed the Grand Champion cow and Ross Marshall the •Grand Charrnpioubull. Thomas Hayden So Soy, GGorrie, had the Grand Champion caw, Reserve Grand Champion bull,, terve Junior Champion bull: and the Reserve Junior Champ- ion female. Thomas Tern, Woodham, showed the Junior •Champion female. JOSEPH O. LeMAjf,E Joseph O. LeMaire, of 387 Glebe street, Landon, died in St. Joseph's Hospital Saturday following a long illness. Mr. LeMaire had lived in Goderich for several years prior to mov- ing to London six years ago. He was 'employed as engineer at the DR1VLCO plant. Requiem high mass was observed at St. Mary's Church, London, Tues- day morning. His son, Kenneth, well known locally through his association with Goderich Little Theatre, sang the mass. Iilter- ment was in St. Peter's ceme- tery. Mr. LeMaire was born at Calumet Island, Quebec, and came to Gaderieh 12 yeat•s. ago. Surviving are his wife, the form- er Mae Bourdignon, three sons, Joseph and Kenneth, 'both of London, and Robert, of Toronto; one ,daughter, Mrs. Robert (Theresa) Bradshawe of -H=0., APB —41?wo>T ix�the s anti. lir e sisters also .survive: Ernest and Hector, 'both still living at.Calu- met Island, Mrs. Nelson (Agnes) L a n c e, ofPembroke; Mrs. George (Deliab) •Comley, St. Louis, Missouri, and Mrs. Claude (Beatrice) Grace, of Ottawa. Attending the Rosary cere- mony and funeral services were Mr. -and Mrs. Clare Ramer, Mr. 33 PERSONALS • Mr. Fred Moss, of Sarnia, was home for the' week -end with his parortts, Mr. - and 'J?rs. John Moss, East street. Mr. John Aiberhart was home for the week -end from the Uni- versity of Western Ontario with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Aberhart. :Miss 'Marylin Anderson, of Brantford, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. E. Ander- son, Bayfield road. • Mr, Stanley iMoGratten, of the Nilo, a veteran of World War II, has been, appointed assistant caretaker at, the 'Goderich Post Office. Mr. Chris. Grimoldby, of East Linton, spent a few days last week with the foriner's. cousin, ;VIrsl Ella McClure, and Jim, at Benmiller. Mr. Frank S. Dalton has re- turned from Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, and intends to make his home in 'Goderich. 'rte, irstamoirrs..alsued;:Ior. in Canada were five and fifteen solid silver pieces struck by Louis XIV of France in 1670. and Mrs. W. J. Evans, Jack and Margaret Evans, all of Gode-ifrom Goderich are expected to rich, The remains rested at the take part .in the harness race Killingsworth funeral home meeting. There will be pari- prior to the 11 o'clock plass. mutuels; Fall Srike For Today Today's •the day called for a strike against the lake ship- ping firm of N. M. Paterson and Sons, Ltd. The Seafarers' International Union (fnd)a voted in favor of September 29 at a rrrenting,�,Jast IMp,p,day, ig�ht. Numerous Paterson -boats carry grain into •Goderich from the La rehear . Y °'F12e 334e tl'8pe,' 4, , • Patent/ heat, was at •Goderich last Thursday. On Tuesday of last weep a Scottish boat,; The Mar- wickhead, brought corn from Toledo, Ohio, to grain elevators here., She is a sister ship of the Abbotsford, also from Scot- land, which 'was in Goderich harbor some weeks ago PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Sept. 27. — The Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vice was held, at . Christ An- glican Church on Sunday with a good attendance. Rev. Wil- fred Wright conducted the ser- vice. Special music was sup- plied by a trio from St. An- Idre,w's United Church, consist- ing of Mrs. Mel Dickson, Mrs. George Westlake and Mr. Art 'Dickson. The church was beautifully decorated with flaw- iers`and fruit for the occasion. Mr. Will Vrooman is in Vic- toria io-toria Hospital, London, for surg- ery. We wish him a Speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and Mr. 'George Acres, of London, rspent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Jane Martin. HOISE RAOES..TO CRIPPLED „CHILDREN Horse races will be held at Arthur Saturday afternoon, Oc- tober 1 i •. 6 which II h > n a horsemen. race -=free; there - arae no_ •pur:seat. na.. entire proeeeas-415. ,sa....the- Shriners' ICrippled•' 'Children' Hospital. The races are staged by the °Pal -Mocha :Shrine Club, o, unit 'of Mocha Temple, Lon- don. Colorful Shrine bands will; I he in attendance. Several horses The Godetich Signal -Star Thur'dday, Sept. 2 b,, 1960 ONE NIGHT ONLY Gila Rock and Rall FEATURI1'G THE , o FABULOUS FLYING JETS. ATS GODEERWGR ARENA THIS SATURDAY, OCT. 1 9 to 12. , ADMISSION -- ONLY $1.00 -08 ATTENTION!.. BANDSMEN• If YOU -- whoever you are -- can play a band instrument you dare most cordially welcome to join the re -organized BLUEWATER BAND i., Goderich PIease.7.Co lac .... aye-Wedlayc , Bandmaster at JA 4-'7149 REHEARSALS — On second floor ° of old Post Office, West Street, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5; at 8 p.m. sharp. See YOU there! LODGE FURNITURE WEST ST. • Q.Y�I%J "%/ane kn`'.J �•... u M� D1►L JA 4-i 5 2! . r . -38' GODER1CH uty Comfort Double -D Sute SotaBea• 'RockFamo er-Chair'�hhe�, ulti- for "Sema" guaranteed construction' opens mate in cotrifor't. The sofa the and sleeping bed far two • ' mate sitting r$ckine into a comfortable, comfortable g lounge chair features tailor- - youine ever, fireaftrt. in assorted -colors. .. ed in a rich r , Exactly as shown ... converts your living roam._..i.nta .a"_.corafaci,-.n. .. able bedroom by night . in- cludes a ;luxurious swivel rocker chair. Carefully tailored in the latest stripe and solid combina- tions In your choice of colors. Regular $219'.95 5 wwcs 7R•�:N.aw....,•2 vat All Suites Exactly As Shown chesterfield that ultra -modern full- size u�ltra-►,n into a converts with little efforttNntiih a high fitted size dou'bfe bed • . rnatfress spring-f'illed action . . ctudlity Serpa, and closing opening grade 'Fabric. Matching easy p • top covered �n a lounge chair slightly extra., Pts Chesterfield or Sofa -Bed Suite Sale Pricedliving Room Suite Another Serta special that spells big savings . . available cis chesterfield or bed -davenport suite. Features reversible foam -filled r `cushions .. , comfortable, wide arms with alt, active facings . . upholstered in a rich, high grad* frieze in the latest colors. tw • fi • x.