The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-08-04, Page 2The Goderich Signal -Star, Thur a .tat 4th, 1960
--0- The
bi its 1,13th year of publication
nderirk� tignal-O#ax
County Town Newspaper, of Huron
ee of�.�ks �Ft . cN
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a ,aCt' �'!',,Tfi" _lY`S,' ,rTt�i,,...
Subscription rates $3.00 a year. To U.S.A. $4.00 (In advance)
Authorized as Second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
Member of C,W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.0
Circulation -over 3,300.,
, m,:,-.5,;',, lit;-,e:' ,,,A -t^ w ':mss - .., w n.a
• PtUU s
Published �► 1�
by cr k�
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
50 Years Ago -1910 Donald MacMillan, of Gode-
Tt Town Council "`i i�ially de,llded'rich, was given the opportunity
to give the C.P R. the.. privilege
of laj-ing a switch across Harbor'
street to the site of the Western
Canada Flour Mill's new ele-
e attar.
-r�5+z•euxv,•x,..,]....,I'.4-";'-t'xS:i?,U, ','z ,..•
,� ,
t• r ' 'for Bruce �ot�i�t
e�re.ay. �`
tati;ti that 26 were camping at
i Camp Snohomish near Sauble
• Fabs,
A ---p ty in a band -wagon can
their way to lenesetu,ng Park
t �aat'rnd.�,a..rpieiuc of Odddellows
GEO. L FTJT.IS Editor and Publisher- •
minion governmenta are to finance a report Ontario ,le vein) have not travelled
'later this year on the feasibility of making ' on the Ontario Northland woul(12 be as`ton- Moosonee a 'salt -water Port ancl a traits- ishea zit the quality pf it ts (11(11 nue nt and
shijmietit eentre for iron ore from tho_b Bel- aervice, and the extent of the Coininiasion's
"Ocean port blea has been a dream for iiiteee--tiiree boat aervieea Atin1 a telephone
and•1ie'be,k'lhs ran into a vioTeiit
storm. The to and seats of the
band -wagon were blo'wr� off, and
the occupants off the rig thrown
out. The horses ran away and
collided- with a rig driven by
J. H. Simpson Who 'was
to .Goderich ,with a load, of
butter and eggs.
30 Years Ago -1930
James B. Reynolds had secur-
ed the services of Charles Hal -
years, a11„,.1 the •1'emiska11 Ing & Northern 5v•,tt'ltl. ' I t'1•tItly lllltl' Tomorrow' of Ilett, matchmaker of the Shaul-
_ Ont111lt) Railway, it \Ca5 tllell cillled did 111{' I11't{V•iltriII1\ {\enetl sv,teltl are \V'i'ii at'tii•ock Athletic Club, of Toronto,
t0 assist him in ata' ,ing a ,box
reach MUt,onee ill 1912, lrtlt little truftil' 1 )1.111 ilt U booklet lav 0. '1'. ll. 1W"illiamsull. Ing tournametlt at Goderich. It
resulted nor vvas lllttt•h t'sIvet to{i. 1 itl it. l'NIt Ittll{lieity _ttttit•al. • Ile yi-rite,: "Thewas to be in aid of the crippled
• art:.frtint-Ntrrtli.Kii,\'''"1the linty in its first 1 lorrer--terni tvt•itltutlYt fur (hitti.tio. Nu.rtItriiIC ehlldr.en o'f . Huron County.
year o.p,;'Bell up the ( lili;t;[ mineral arta Llai Iway olid :tom altl•Mar\' service., i, ititleet,l
and latel'-s;'1•V'1'tl many oilier 1ltlli:ll2' t'111t'1'- v'i't'v' ill':"11I. It flit• faith and optimism
prises, ,Ditto ttf 111e1t1 much Itttlrt' :'iitportant which inspired the 1ul'11ino tit 1llt' iirSt 5f )ll
than t,{{Lalt. It developed the ttlav belt Hai 190 2' ha, not !well lo.i, Northern 1)11,-
farlllill!_• area, served Several hydro -cu'f'f rie tar:u will x1{1{11 be elttel'ltlt! an -era a llf pros._
power tIeKelultlllenta illitl made t'. iiirt'k'tittlls Itei'ity" unequalled lit the hast."
Among the boxers signed was
"Frenchy" .Belanger, ex -champ-
ion of the world.
The studio of Mary Howell,
Spadina street, Toronto, was a
meeting place for a number of
Younger ex=residents of Gode-
rich. .. Among those present
were: Misses Leolla Hern, Helen
Moyer, Agnes Fraser, Evelyn
Reid, Charlotte Panzer, Mary
Farrow,' Mrs. Gitson• (nee Laura
Brown), Dorothy Westbrook,
Olive Anderson, 'Marjorie Heth-
erington and Messrs. Doug. Wil
(Continued from page 1) watered chicken. and rice, Ma-- settled down. John hugged the son, Reg. Williams,MessrA. M. Ro11-
looked a bit different. from clr:\s tyle. But there were o, driving wheel while L.z>ras fox.-son,
E_._...Pritchard, Morrison
•r Ke., ter'elatzmd.�'q'Bu Zt.:d�cd.�.lo:cam. loo.e= f'• lrrtarl�,�rdol?r -1 t•2ng establish titled .!i ith• dire.. El insteatupsI Kay 'and-MilsWeir.
$y. - We spotted towns .and I mcriits specializing in particular of rural England and a most 15 Y Ago -1945
cities and obviously they were
Much largelt-
-tha- the- -Irish
villages and had row on row
of houses packed closely tuaa."..a.e .y. .-.ming,
gether. Yes, it was merrie .'
England. At exactly 9 a.rn., Sunday morning wheaded
4British Summer Time) on Fri- far famed Petticoat . Lane.
day July 8 (Five hours differ- Why it -has that name we are
ence in time between Toronto `C not sure. But there on a
and London. England) we ,a Sunday Morning carts are
tame 'to a smooth landing at lined up and filled with all
'London .Airport. As we stip- kinds of gaudy, goods. all
ped out of the plane every- i cheap material but claimed
thing seem -ed so strangely dif- the best of materials by the°
d'erent. Even the air! And, . men who sold them. The sel- seemed to hit you in the face..
• of course. as forecast. there i tiers were cockneys -sharp -
was a gentle rain falling. tongued. witty. fast -talking If you're not too weary • fca
..lesmen who are capable of losing this lengthy epistle of
' se'lini even refrigerators td ••Two Innocen Abroad" to the,
But here we were in ;ng-. tli:� Eskimos. We were w�:rt:. .•colaiies•• we:'11. take you far-
-land after a 7'' hour trip (Only, e l in advance to keep our Cher i.ext week into rural Eng -1
seven hours coming back). It} hands on our pocketbooks for land. But we have o write it',
seemed incomprehensible,aea ec- -(lie .salesmen tx'ere only . inter,- anvway. for-certainreasons, to-
;ially when we remembered that, est.ed in getting your money justify our trip. So, skip it if
it took 41;; hours to' travel- h, i„ whatever way they could. woo wish, and "when we have
foods from all parts of the helpful Automobile Associa-
-wot'id and served by natives of ; tion members annualhand--
the respective countries. It \vos book provided by a cousin,
Tor11 ,Ulric: ewlh •.w4h--_the..
RCAF at Clinton, Ontario, and
who spent his wartime leaves
in England touring the Eng-
lish countryside. However, we
fir.i d the English roads so
well marked that. we esperi-
Robert .Muir, former Goderich
resident; was a member of--t-he
crew of the i1,1 -fated steamship
H'amztnie-wrhielr'bur ne i to the
water's edge at ,Sarnia. Bob
lost all his tools and personal
effects in the fire.,
A news deatch from over-
seas stated t t F'L, A. , R.
eoced• surprisingly little dif- Pinder, of Go' erich, was suc-
fleulty in making the right cessfii}» in sinkinr, a Nazi sub -
turns. ev:.en . though some of marine in the Irish Sea just be-
fore V -E Day. It' was the third
be -
'them came up so fast they JJ -boat to be sighted and attack -
by >'. L. n
for lead Vivi-famous "Swing and
Sway' -Band" of Sammy Kaye
while' attending a downtot�vn
theatre in Detroit.
10 Years Ago --1950
X11; a .meeting of the Masonic
i,,ia'OktZ g' '' r"O'tit4UiO. at. TOT
onto, A: #t., Scott, of Goderich,
was elected district deputy
grand master f,�r South Huron.
The Public, School. Board de-
cided to • lease Ce�ntf al School
to Huron County Council so. that
FKtt-=arri}acui is gilt ' .0 started.,
-Mr. L. E. Dan�eey, K.C., went
.to Alexandra Hospital with a
broken hip as a result of a fall
at his home. '
Huron County ' Council held
their' picnic at Harbor Park.
The sports program was. con-
ducted by N. W. Miller, A. H.
Erskine and W. C. Attridge.
1. In 1880 Mrs, Etn,ity I -toward
Stowe of Toronto gained 'fame
for what achievement?
2.Offt•cially, who appoints the
lieutenant -governors of the
3. Family allowances and old
age security pensions are paid
to .all C'anadians in the 1-15
years and 70 years and over
age groups. Combined, do
these two groups represent
8.3, 22.1 or 38.3 per cent of
the total population?
4. In the past 10 years how manyyys�
Canadians ha,,emigrated to
Pie United St'dTes?
5. On the average, engineers and
architects are Canada's high-
est earners. What is their
average annual income?
A'NSWERS..„ 5. Their average
in c o�tne-z I "'$itt4;581 1:`" year. 3;
They constitute 8.3 per cent of
the total-poputtion. 1. Mrs.
'Stowe was th-e fist 'woman auth-
orized to practice medicine in
"Canada. 4. In 10 years emigra-
tion from Canada to the U.S.
has totalled 345,000•. 2. Official-
ly, - lieutentant-governors a r
named by the Governor-General;
'in fact, theysare selected by the
provincial governments.
Mr. Jack Barry and Miss Ber-
nice'Fuller, of Hamilton, spent
the holiday with. 'Mrs. Reg.
James Richardson & Sons Ltd..
"Serving the Feed Dealers of Western OntariO",
----a-distance,of about- 13o -mile?... oar tour we 'cltecked-OUr- 'couple •-iif 'weeks froin no‘V-We'll
wallet about every three min- gently wake you from your,:
We made. nd reserVations wr; to see if it was still there. slumber and advise you that i
Nviratsoever in. advance. De- -In fact, we kept our money in --It is Finished::
spite that, we were fortunate thfere different pockets to
. in getting accommodation in a‘?bid having -all our, eggs in
Merners Hotel near Picadilly one basket." We managed to .
Circus where we ran intci Mr. survive running the gamut ueath
Kir.gsmill uf the store of that of hocksters' stalls with our
name on Dundas street, Lon- money still intact and no pur- .1
heard that if you tatid for ways remembef, Petticoat_ nquest tindl
'don, 'Ontiirio. We had,. often ch,ises made. . But• we'll al-
t. ce'oss between the
canadian National Exhibition,
malway and Covent Garden
7\laeket at London, Ontario.
any length of time in Picadil-
ly Circus in old London you
are bound to meet sonleone
that All we could see
.were -people of every nation-
.ality in the world, many 'in
native cOstume, 'going past us.
But sure enough, the maxim
proved true. We were ,there
but a inatte,r of minutes SA hen ,
,we ran into someone with
whom we had gone all'
•ithiougli high school together
was Father John NAnin, now ,
-the parish priest at the large ,
Roman Catholic church atop
the -hill at Guelph,,,, Cintario.
We hadn't seen him -for •
years and our reunion was a
Next, We startcd touring Lon.
don. So many places in so short
go in -to detail. In St.
Cathedral our guide was ex-
plaining the statues. At ore
point he was talkingealene tae
Duke of Wellington and his
horse. An. American 'tourist
couldn't make out what -he was
saying so he_turned around and
a&Ited a' _lady what was being
said. UnfOrtunately, the woman
he asked was an English woman
who dropped her Hs and she
explained: "why, 'e's talkin'
about the Duke of Wellington
Fascinating was the Tower
of 'London built by the con,
q uering Normans with stones'
brought up the Thames River
,in barges from France. Why
bring ston_es from far -away
France "Aiirlien England had
plenty of stone? Merely con-
venience! After all,, the
Huron County 'Jail at Gode-
eel', we are told,, is built of
stOne 'brought.. over from
-Michigan. Why not stones
;from 'Huron 'County? Simply
fbeeause boats took cargoes of
salt from Goderich - to IMichi-
(ballast on the way back they
brought gone from 'Michigan.
In a like manlier; The Tower
of London it made of stone
tfrom France. We got .a kick
out of the ravens on the
'rower of London , grounds.
The story goes-. that, once no
raverrromains in England on
'that day England *ill fall to
an enemy. Hence, the ravens
are Zealously gnarded by the
teefeatera (who tot u,s.guardx.
weird (World t)if
but%titand there areno finer
‘all of London than hero. We
"tent into. iene tgablisliffnent
terVing food from India.- We
Di•oppin4 into our first pule in
oodon, we had our first taste
,f "bitters." •At room temper -
Hoe, Nva a conaparat•vely
beverage. Seated at our
was ,a visiting American
moisi. He was a geophysicist
alie teaching. staff .of Colurn-
ia Univeraity„ New York, and'
eas on his way to attond a,
.onventiob in Finland. Strange -e,
y enough, he, was well acqiulint-
'd with a friend with whom we
l'oronto. The latter man is Dr.
John Tuzo Wilson. of the CM-,
ear was president of!
eide organization of geephysic-;
st,z. We had an intefesting'i
hat as we si;p0P"tretters" and;
igrk_Td they were "not bad"
Many were the historical
pl,,e•e.; we visited in London'
ontil we carne to the conclu-
sion ,,thal just. about every
boi:ding in the city wa'S
'end- if we stayed,' there for‘ifl'al years -let alone three
..vecks-ove could .never begin
to visit all the famed spots.
But we will mention one-'s Old Curiosity Shop.
It .was there we caught up..on
our card wTiting obligations
to folks back home. We fell
down on this job.' There was
entirely too much to see to
.waste valuable time in 'maid-,
ing cards:
A coroner's 'fury at ensall
decided July 21 that Sheriff Nele
son Hill, 70; Goderich. had been
asleep at the wheel. when his)
car crashed into a concrete
bridge near Kippen tact May 22.
Testimony showed the aeci-
dent.victim had been travelling,
north on Highway 4 when his
car veered out of control and
crashed into .the bridge. He
died of multiple injuries.
He had been en route home
from attending a baseball meet-
ing at Simcoeo
Four witnesses. including OPP
Constable Cecil Gibbons,•Exeter.
e)caiiiinggLak Jim la -repeat,
by Crown Attorney J. W. Bush
field, Wingham. Coroner was
Members of the jury were:
Orville ,Workrnan, foreman;
Lloyd Lovell and Dunean C.00
er, all of RR 2. Kippen; Hector
Forcier, RR 4,„ Zurich: and Jos-
eph Cantin. RR 2. Zurich.
"What a lovely(day, let's cause accidents"
For Staff Holidays'
We will be open this Friday and Saturday until_
9 p.m., to fill our customers' needs fdr next week.'
JA 4 8662
Notice of By -Law
guarantees. most' for your money. No extras or
hidden costs like service contracts, tank insurance,
burner motor to operate.
2. CLEANLINESS. Only. GAS burns cOmPletelY,
without smoke, soot, or oily grime. Saves you
money on cleaning, painting and -decorating, too.
'3. DEPENDABILITY. GAS is' always there when' you
need it,, and you, pay for it' after it has been used.
4. EFFICIENCY. Tests show GAS units are more
efficient than those using other fuels. ,
cated moving parts to wear out, ts become noisy --
so no expensive repairs or part -replacements.
6. IT'S COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC..A simple thermo-
stat does all the work. Automatic cab:6Th ensure
carefree,, safe operation. Inatant heat, is available
when required. o
TAKE NOTICE that By -Law Numbered One of 1960
of the Board of Trustees of The Roman Catholic Separate
School' for the Town'of Goderich, was passed on the'27th
day of May, 1960.
AND TAKE FURTHER -NGTICE that the. said By -Law
was passed for the purpose of borrowing moneys to pro,
vide for ,erecting, equipping and' furnishing -a- three room
AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the ,amount of
money to be borrowed for the provisions aforesaid, is the
sum of Eighty Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollar's in be secured
by fifteen 'year debentures of the 'said Board dated the
15th day of July, 1960, and that the said surn 'of Eighty
Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollars to 'be borrowed pursuant
to the said By -Law, the interest thereon and the said
Debentures shalt be and are by the said By -Law made a
char-ge -upon. ..the4_said_.schnal_housel_proparty_anci_all. _the
other real and personal property in the.said Board and
upon all 'separate school rates of the said Board until the
"said Debentures. -and eachs*and every 'Of „Ahern together
with interest thereon shall have been fUlly paid and
AND TAKE °FUR• THER NOTICE that the said Deben-
tures 'will bear interest at the rate of six and one-half
per cent (61fi%) per annum from the date thereof and •
shall be repayable in accordance with the" following
schedule 'of payments.
"'Phe time has come," the
‘VaIrtis said, "To talk of many
things . . . of cabbages and
kings " And so it was time to
leave London and see the beau-
tlful rural parts of England -
fire fields *here the cabbages are
arown, the friendly 'fanrn folk
who grow them, the places
where kings flourished in the
where they have lain entombed
for centuries. To -do this we
needed a little car so we rented
a Ford consul courtesy of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce's
manager in Berkeley Square,
London -B. W. Dashwood. He's
)11 old friend of Art "vVaters of
:he Canadian Bank of Com-
merce, Goderich, dating back to
Winnipeg days together.
John Thorpe took the wheel
arid for the first few hours
'clung so, cautiously and ten-
.‘acioualy to the left 7111 the
WOuld wear out the left ettnbs.
But as we headed north into
rural England and John be-
trame more accustomed to
being right by driving on the
left hand gib of the road we,
$4,000 $4,550
$5,000 $3,705
$5,000 $3,055
$6,000 $2,730
loterest, Total
7. LONGER LIFE. 30 year-old installafons still 'work
perfectly. There is little, or no depreciation with
GAS heating equipment.
8. NO STORAGE PROBLEMS/ft messy tanks or bins,
adds valuable living space to your home,
10. NO DELIVERY WORRIES. GAS travels in under-
ground pipes, safe from weather hazards: No
damage to lawn, shrubs or basement from spilled
-fuel . . no:damage to your driveway by heavy
delivery trucks. .2je„
11. GAS IS PLENTIFUL. Huge storage faeilities right
here in Southwestern Ontario ensure that plentiful
supplies of Natural Gas are always available.
__EY. One of our heating ex-
perts will make a lya.senient-to'-attic surveY. of your
home, measuring every room, .radiator or, duct,
window and door. A heating technician will analyze
and approve the results and recommendations of
this survey. ,
on this survey, a registered heating contractor will
install Test Proven equipment, guaranteed ' to
match the heating requirements of your home.
The installation will be supervised by one of our
v-iho gives patient attention -to
every detail to ensure the best possible performance.
14. Alt EQUIPMENT GUARANTEED. AII local i.athor-
ized henting contractors and Union Gas Company
sell only quality e4uipment that meets the require-
ments of the Canadian Gas Association and has
passed rigOrdus laboratory testing procedures. ,
15. COMPLETE FOLLOW-UP. After installation, a
trained inspector chec16 to ensure conformity with
all Ontariolauel Board and tocalyegulations.
16. EASY TERMS. No payments on equipment till
September, 1960. ,Low monthly paythents, 5 years
to pay. Cost includes delivery and installation. •
17. EASY BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN. You can equalize
perienced service staff provides free Service every
. day of the year to ensure the peffect operation of
your Gas Heating System. This service costs you
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said By -Lao
Numbered is on file at the Office of the Secretary -Treasurer
of the said Board, Goderich, Ontario, and may tie ekamin-
ed between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and
five o'clock in the afternoon, Mondays to Fridays, inclu-
19. FAMOUS BRAND EQUIPMENT, Only equipment , •
of lea-dingurawallettrrers is used; and all -equipment
has to pass 'the renuirements of the Canadian
20. FREE' ADVICE. A trained home economist is on
the -staff of every Union Gas Office. A telephone
call is all that is needed tb bring her to your home
to advise you on how to get the best out of your
Gas appliances.
21. POPULARITY. Throughout the entire country
more people are switching to Gas than to any other
fuel. In Southwestern Ontario, Natural Gas is
serving more than 219,090 satisfied customers.
, 35 Colborne St., Goderich
Phone JA 4-8317
DATED at Godericii, Ontario) this 8th day of June,
PHONE JA 4-8331