The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-06-23, Page 5ses-- - Mrs. Cora Bitchanan. More. Than 112 Entries Jessore 2nd, We. Mund,ay; ard, ClaSs 12, Columbine, 3 sprays -1st, Mrs. •G. M. Ross, Mrs. B. • in June* Flower Show The sGoderich Horticulture', 'Mass 2(a), Ra- Tea Rose, 1 „ Society held its Sipe Flower iroworma;e:st,in: Willis; 2nd, Howell Mrs. ..e-is.4.-ez1--,14.40't*1115t1'4°424'''?"311-4214.):alliie-OverililLlit; I'd; `Mrs. A', on gaturdaye Despite the cold, Harper, Mrs, E. oeverholt. wet weather, the' past few Class 20), YelloW Tea Rose, weeks, more than 112 entries 1 bloom ---3rd, Mrs. Willis, J. were received. Warre. Several classes had no end Mass 2(e), Pink Tea Rase, 1 trice, As the plants had not de- :bloom -1st, George Buchanan; veloped suffl.cient4 to bloein,„'2ncl, 3. Warren. .theesludge.ealiked,„Otleees=s1.,, bless. 2((d)„, Tea.eltesee _ether o y 0 as second. dolor, 1 bloom-siet, Mrs. Sparl- , Those who displayed roses said ing; 2nd Mrs G Ross; that' these had beeri growing alentg Walls exposed te,- the south and protected from the north and east winds. The judges were Mee'R. Morke, of Goderich Flowers, and: Mrs. Edgar Wat- slon. The results Were as follows: 'es 1 , George Buchanen. Class 3, Tea Rose, 3 bledms-- 2nd, Mrs. 4. Overholt; 3rd, Mrs, J Warren . . Class 7, Floribundas, 1. spray ---and, Mrs. Willis, Mr. 'Foreman. . Class 13, Floribundas, 3 sprays stems, 1 color -east, Mrs. (M. H. Mrs. Gene Ryan. Class 13, Delphinium, 1 spike -2nd, Mrs. A. M. Harper. SIS 15, :Dianthus, 3 • ste s - 3rd, Meg. D. McKee. Class 16, Foxgloves, 3 spikes -14, Miss Mary Howell; 2nd, Wes '91:g"In'An• • viagelay " (Tiger Lily) stem -1st, .Mary Howell; 2nd, Mrs. Geo. Bowra. Class 20, Peony, 1 color, 3 bleemseelet, Mrs. M. H. Martin, Mrs. Lewis Taylor; 2nd, Mis. G. M. Rees, E. M. Robinson, Class 21, Peony, 3 blooms, elifferenteccilosse-4sti snrse-M, Martin; .2nd, 1Vfiss Class 22, Pyrethrum, stems -2nd, Mrs. Stele, Mes, Lewis Taylor, Mrs. Sperling. ' Class . 24, Shasta Paieies, 3 double blooms -2nd, Mrs. D. McKee. Class 25, Sweet William 3 --1st, 'Mrs. Lewis Taylibr; 2nd, Martin; 2nd Mrs A M Ha i • • • rPe OPEN BOWLING EVERY EVENING DURING the MONTH -of JUNE • • LITTLE' BOWL 204 HURON ROAD • r• Class 26, Sweet William, 5 Fitgans, different colors - le, IMrs. A. M. Harper; 2V, Mrs. Gene Ryan. Class 27, Any flower, not Est - ed, 4 different flowers in vase-, let, Mrs. A, M. Harper; 2ncl, Taylor, Mrs. Sperling; 3rd, Mie. Class 28, African Violets, col- lection of 3 (one .crown each) - 1st, Mrs. IM. Morris; 3rd, Mrs. D'ortitiT3AMOCanzielI. - Class 29, House Plant -2nd, 'Mrs. S. Argyle. Arrangements .Class 30, Mixed Garden Flow- ers, basket - 1st, Mrs. M. H. Martin; 2nd, Mrs. Sperling. , Class 31, Mixed Garden. Flow- ers, vase -.1st, Mrs. J. Warren; 2nd; k.Mrs. E.' Overholt. , Mass 33, Arrangement of Roses for Buffet-11st, Mrs. .E. .25 Overholt. zenuaemealepseassemereinueseseCitess, Arrengement seof Mrs: G. M. Ross, Mrs. Lewiei Pansies for card table centre, - I let Mrs D.11/1eKee• 2.04 4..5 J. ,- • , , • Warren. . dress 35, Arrangement of Violas for cinvalid'e tray -1st, Mrs. Lewis Taylor; 2114., Mrs. 1)e,' McKee. • Olass 36, Floral arrangement for small living room tab -. Mrs. Sparlieg; 2nd, Mrs, Lewis Taylor; 3rd, Mrs. G. M. Ross. seassesens snessal esseeasigemelet for large living room Cable*: dist, Mrs. G. A. Ross; 2nd, Mils. Lewis Taylor; 3rd, Mrs. Spar Mass 38, Arrangement for small table jy a pupils of Public or Separatei School-4st, Doug- las ,Overholte 2nd, Larrys.Fislier; Dee Fisher.-- • - Mess 39, Arrangement of table centre for, a baby's birth - stay party,- by pupil of Public or Separate ,Schoble-ilet, Dee Fish- er; 2nd, Douglas Overholt; 3rd, Sareh Hays. Twe special prizes were don- wted by Swift's. These were drawn from the meirnibership number's c,aeds, and Mr. Lewis Taylor 'won the bag of Vigoro and Mts. Caley Hill won the package of rose dust. New Salvation Army Officer B. Petersen, of the No Dame Corps 01 the SaJ vtaione- Army, ilVflontreas, wisi move to Goderich with his fam- ily on June 30th and be the new officer here. Capt. H. Cross:land, who has been stationed at Goderich since December, 1958,'has been named assistant at, the Men's Social Service Centre of the Sal-. vation Army in Quebec City. He will assume his new pest on June; 30th. 'Capt. Crossland eanitr- to Goderich from Red Deer, Alberta. eseese essesess.,;es--., JANE PARKER Bakery Feature JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE 3 5, 'Reg. 49c - SAVE 14e YUKON CLUB 'GINGER ALE •••.•••• OtNGE ft ALE 30 -oz btls. PM DEPOSIT • - 1 44' Regular 2- Mr25c •a•i•••••••••• c maegameimegmememmemm i • .- • I Mr. Wilfrid* P. Gregory, Q.C., lExectstive vicrepresident and' managing director of British Mortgage & Trust ComPany, Stratford, has been elected pre- sident of the Dominion Mort- gage and Investments Associ- ation at the annual meeting .held recently. The Dominion Mortgage and laves trnen ts Assaci a tion, , admin- istering assets of nearly $10 billion, is composed of 46 Can- fdian trust, loan and insurance 'eat14116141Artholne4.' Mr. Gregaryeleftsithe e practice. of law to assumethe position of 'Managing , Director of British Mortgage, he is still a prominent member of,. the ,gaverning ibodies of the legal profession. He is a Bencher of the Law Society c,f Upper Can- ada, the Honorary President of the 'Conference of the Govern- ing Bodies of the Legal Profes-, sion in Canada and a member of the .Council of the Canadian tr:4a.Y.d thiltila,tP,.,F'IMf.4G-- re;771;:s 'filled rpaiy civic and charitable .pbSts. Ile served' as an Alder- man of Stratford far. three terms and was Mayor sin 1955 and 1956. President • of the Stratford Shakespearean Festiv- al Foundation, he is also im- mediate past chairman set the Stratford Induifhal Commis- sion, Mr. Gregory is well-qualified for this important post as he serves on the boards of a wide range of 'Canadian 'business firms. He is a Director and Vicepresident, - -Kist Canada Limited; Director and Secretary, Pram Canada Limited; Director and. Secretary, Fischer Bearings Manufacturing •Limited;,e(Direc- torand Secretary, Canadian Fil- ters Packing ',Company Limited; Dir- ector, Atlantic Acceptance Cor- poration Limited; and a member of Executive, Trust Companies Association of Ontario. Stock up the Cottage Extra Specials at A&P OB I TUARY --,9raper:Oraostor,iarty-Punch " Reg .i 3 for 950--$AVE:4i .Rqg-. box -R, Ar`.1,-E)Ci' 1.11-C DRINK 3 48 -oz tins 89c SURF • CASE. OF 12 TINS $3.56 Aar Choice QualitY TOMATOES - CASE OF 24 TINS $4.27 Choice Quality Halves A&P PEACHES CASE OF 24 TINS $4.27 Choice Quality Whole A&P BEETS • CASE OF 24 TINS43i5 giant size box 1 - SAVE 24c Aylmgr Reg.2 btls 39c -SAVE 4c 2 11 -oz btls 35c Chef Boy-ArDee • Reg. pkr51c-SAVE 60 PIZZA PIE MIX 151/2 -oz pkg 4 5C Fancy Long Grain ' Reg. plCg 35c -SAVE 6c' SUNNYFIELM RICE 2-16 pkg 29C Reg. 2 tins 39c -SAVE 9c 5 20 -oz tins 89c. --SAVE 41e Reg. 2 tins 39c -SAVE 1-oe tins 89 - SAVE 41e Reg. 2 tins 29C -SAVE 13c 715 -oz lids 89c Mandarin KETCHUP Heinz Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 31c -SAVE 170 2 20 -oz tins 45c TOMATO* JUKE Deodorant Gold ' Reg. 2 cakes 33c -SAVE 4c Reg. 2 for 37c -SAVE 4c DIAL .'SOAP regular cakes_2 9c ORANGES. 11 -oz tins 89c Nucoa Colour Quick ,CASE'OF 24 TINS $.4.27 -- SAVE 17c qL r,• Reg. g -lbs 57c --SAVE 70 MARGARINE 3 ocgs 79c Garden Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Features WATERME LONS LusciousNo. 1 Grade Red Cutters 6 LARGE SIZE ' each 9c " Tropical Fruit BANANAS NO. 1 GRADE 2 I6s 29c Vine Rpened, *California No. 4 Grade Salmon Flesh, Jumbo Size 36's California No. 1 Grade, Best Fo,- Eating PLUMS SANTA ROSA heaping pint box 25 California Fancy Grade Now At Their Best ' -CANTALOUPES ' - each1-9C- 'ORANGES VALENCIA 5 -lb celigkegaell C • Fresh; -No. 1 Grade Nw Crop Yellow Flesh Texas Fresh, New Crop, - - ' PEACHES .. ' . 116ping quart' box 35c ONIONS NO. l GRADE 3-lbcello bag 23c Weekend Super -Right * Quality Meat Specials BEEF , sHouiliciTDER Ib R • OASTSBLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED Meaty, Short or CROSS RIB ROAST Lean BoilingCuts BRISKET, PLATE- _f!iort Cut PRIME RIO ROAST LEAN MINCED BEEF BUTT PORK CROPS SAUSAGE RINGS VAC PAC, at:56'4'6 CHUCK • --4b 49c • bl7c lb 9c lb 3 9C lb 49t lb 54, lb 5 9c THi O010.?AtANTIC b. FACtote 1IACOMPANYIb , APP MANDPE,NbABILTY *to beets* let This Ad Guirrantei4ed 'through Sato Juni 26th. 160 BURNS SLICED COLD CUTS MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF MOCK CHICKEN LOAF PICKLE & PIMIENTO LOAF Your Choice - 1 -lb pkg 53c Super Right, Smoked, Rindless SIDE BACON - STEWING BEEF Boneless, 'Solid Meat BRISKET POINT BOLOGNA RINGS CANNED HAMS EX 1 -lb pkg 5 SC TRA LEAN Mild Cure CORNED BEEF "Fancy Quality VAC VAC PAC 04, 5 lb 69c 9,43c 11/24 6n 1.53 PAC lb 79c ib43c SLICED- BEEF LIVER WEEKEND SPECIAL I - 10c OFF DEAL Vigorous & Winey (Custom Ground) Reg. $1.95 BOKAR COFFEE 34b bag $1.85 Mild & Mellow (CusQi Ground) ' Reg, $1.71 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 -lb bag $1.61 - The death' occurred at South Huron. Hospital, Exeter, on Sat- urday of Mre. William' Foster, 84, of Hensall. She was the former Wirinifred Rathwell, of Goderich Township, but had re- sided in Hensall for the past 2,5 years. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon -,with inter- ment in Dayfield .cemetery.'. Survivors are: 'Sisters, Miss Mabel Rathwell, Clintarre Mrs. E: B. Squires, New YOrls; Mrs. Robert Deekert, Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Annie 'Verne, Winnipeg; Mrs. John Todd, Souri, Mn. CHARLES S. YOUNG • Charles S. Young, 66, of Gode- rich, died Sunday in Alexandra Marine and General. Hospital. • IMr. Young was barn in Gode- rich Township, a eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young, and farmed in the township until his retirement 13 years ago. He eias a member of St. Peter's Raman •Catholic Church, Gode- rich. Surviving aiehis wife the former Alta Glazier; . two sons,' Vincent L. and G. Raymond,I both of Goderich; one daughter„' Mrs. S. (Vera) Bedard, of Wind -I sor, and feu grandchildren. Requiem high mass was sung Th St.-FTrChlircei Tirade morning by Father Raymond Monalian. Interment was in Clinton R,ornari -Catholic ceme- tery. Mr :Tolin Edward (Ted) Ho- well has ompeted his studies at Osgoode Hell and received his call to the .Bar on Wednes- day. Mass Mary B. Hawell was in 'Avant° for the occasion, You Can Benefit FINANCIALLY IN CANADA'S FUTURE GROWTH BY INVESTING -IN Mutual fund Phone J. Allaire, district manager, at JA 4-7671. KING MERRITT CO. LTD. • CANADA -25tf• + AUBURN AUBURN, Junes21.-On Sun- day, June 29, special services will be held in Knox Presby- terian Church, Auburn; -to obe serve their 1,00bh anniversary... tvtrileyl. bi:Outtasautatt onf Atwood, Bert/tett' ste --11: "e'SVirend' 7 ;35' Piiiie In connection with this ceie- Ibration, a special centennial ;service will be held en Sundae', July 3rd, at 11. axe to mark the close of the first 100 years of 'Presilsyterianiem in this cone !Intinity...A fermer .modereter of ilise, ,,Genegaledessenthtlye. efe.tbs, IPresIbyteriae. Church ,in Canada. Wm -F-indirg", G. Stewart, DD. of Kitchener, will be the guest speaker. The guest soloik will be Mr. Harvey McGee, of North Bay, a former resident Of this community and the service of song will be led by a choir of former members. Fallowing this special service an July 3rd, Sabbath hool room when a a reeePtio will be held in the noon luncheon will be served to which eve yone is invited. A book is be g published, to mark this miles one in the history of Knox end ill be for sale at the time, af e Centennial service. The tip oriel service at Ball's celnetery will be held on Sun- daYs'July;3rd at 3.30 p.m. Miss Winnie Thompson, ' of Minton, visit lest .SeturdaY with. Mr les- Straughare Mrs an Mrs. Ed. Davies were guests a her sister, Mrs. Bastla, aAci Mr. ,Bastla, of London, and attended; memorial service at Dorchester cemetery on Sunday. 'Miss Marjorie Young has re- turned tome after spending s few day with her aunt, Miss Bertha Webster, of Torontd.'-' The Sunday echool of St: Mark's Anglican Church honor- ed its superintendent, Mrs. Stan- 1/4leys.Pesliche, last ganday• sesiven MiRS Shirley 'Brown spoke a few well chosen wards of thanks to her prior to her departure for Saskatoon where he has been_ stationed with the RCAF. Miss Eileen, Schenider made the pre- sentation of a bronze plaque. (Mr. Sohn TurbervilIe is a pat- ient in Clinton hospital. His many friend's wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Marjorie Young has re- turned to her'pos•ition at the Canadian Bank of Commerce; Gedersch,...after spending a two weeks' vacation with her par- ents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Meredith Young. . Special anniversary services iwe-re observed last Sunday 'et Knox United Church with spec- ial services both morning' and. evening. The Rev.'R. M. Swee- ney spoke at the morning ses- sion and chose to speak on Consecration. The service of song was under the leadership of Miss. Margo Grahge, ,the church organist, Due to the ill- ness of Rev. Trevor Richards, of _the R F „.6.f Iseelitesbeee, jiiicii*.rlit ...the le-I/ening message. Mrs. Emmer- son Rodger was the guest solo- ist. Roy J. Barr. - Funeral ser- vices were conducted on June 6th for Roy J. Barr who passed sway suddenly in Detroit on June 4th. The late Mr. Barr was born on Nnvemiser 21, 1901 at Blyth and was the son of the late William Barr and Margaret Wilson. He lived in this dis- triot with his uncle, the lafe John J. Wilson lar some years and attended school at U.1S. No. 5, xi/mi./lett. 'He has resided in Detroit for many years and is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Leroy (Shirley) Wagner, Mrs. Robert (Lenore) Knell, and Mrs. John (Marilyn) Burdah:an, all, of Detroit, and also 'eight grandchildren, and one brother, William, and two sisters. -Mrs. Glen (Rena) Carter; and Mrs, Leroy (Mary) Shack, also ,of , Detroit. Rey, John Slater, of St. Yfieliael s Episcopal Church conducted' the funeral services which were held in the -church with burial taking place in Miehigan. Memorial Park. • The Guild of St. Mark's An- glican Church held: its June meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Polich with a -.good at- tendance. Prayers were offered Nles-GeergeeSchneider and 'Mr. John Daer read the Scrip- ture. The study book was taken by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell ,and the topic, "Why 1, go to Church," was eery capably given hf Mrs. Polich. In a few well chosen words, Mrs. Gordon 'R. Taylor thanked Mrs.' Polich for assisting in ' the work of the Guild and presented her with a parting gift. Mrs. Polich thank- ed the ladies for the gift and gave the reading"The Church la teacher too." Mrs. Frank is,eitilsby read the farewell ad- dress that Padre Young gave to the graduating class at the OAC at Guelph. The president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt presided for the business session. The min- utesewere approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Davies. The financial statement Was given by the treasurer, Mrs, Gordon Taylor. The roll call was 1 answered -'by naming an apostle mentioned in the Bible. Mrs. George Schneider was ap- pointed to, help with the Ssinday t. NOTICE SUMMER 'BUS SCHEDULES Effective June 27 Obtain your copy frotaym 1104.4geoPt. SAMIS MOTORS ThWestern Ontario Motorways Ltd: KITCHENER ONTAKIO -246 !wheel work and to ise a teacher. Rev. Robert lineally closed with prayer. A succeesfu1 a uct le n was; held and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Polich assist- ed by Mrs. Frank R'aithlby. Mr. David Hamilton is a pat- ient in Clinton hospital where Surgeree' VtieViiee`z day morning. The ladies of the Beletist Church attended a shower to honor the bride -elect of their minister, Mr. 'John Jgul9, at Minton lest Week. She arrived recentlyfram Lebannen." L. gets,AnsK,4rs,e.tolusg.ktateglleAtt. 'auk Ste. -Marie, and. "filnie$ Mabel Hickingbottorn, of Gode- rieh, visited, recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asquith, ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ives, of Brussels, visited last Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Kenneth Staples, and family. • Friday night is shopping night in Goderich. Large and varied selections in the stores make shopping a pleasure. Shop in Goderieh during the day and on Friday night when all the stores are open. Shop in Huron Coun- ty's largest shopping centre. -23 and 25 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutledge, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Mr. Gor- don Rutledge returned to Strat- ford after visiting here with his sjster, Mrs. J. Taylor. Messrs:- Roy igisemseatWIfi'eed" Sanderson, Robert Armstrong and Thomas Johnston attended the L.O.L. church service at Brussels last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Ben Hamilton and Mr, David Hamilton visited at Ailsa Craig on •Sueday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson, of Mitchell, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Daer, and Mr. Bob Daer. Mx. Ed.. Steltz,..A.s....and, nese nu esel Gteltz,- Mr.- 'Kenneth - Stoltz and sorr, Bruce, of New Dundee, were regent visitors 'with the former's brother, Mr. J. C. Stoltz, and Mrs. Stolle,. Many residents of this com- munity attended the chicken barbecue held atBenmiller last week. Mr. and IVIns. •Arnold Craig entertained in honor of the 47th wedding anniversary of his.par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Oraig, when all the family were pre- sent: Mr.' and Mrs. Mel. Craig and daughters, Kathaleen, Mary, Patsy and Margaret, 'of Blue vale, and Mr. and MrseWilliam L. Craig, Allan and• Brien. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Miller arid son Jimmy, of Windsdr, were recent visitor e ;with his brother, Mr. Gordan Miller, Mrs. Miller and Miss Gail. ' Miss Lillian Stewart, of Lon- don, is visiting with her mo,ther, Mrs. Wililam Stewart, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Michael and Janice, of St. Cath- arines,.spene het. week-endewith Mr AtA.Nr.S.*-0_ ograan Donald H. Ross,•-for-merlyo bunigannon and Auburn, hes resigned t1i Principalship of Westwood, public school at Oak- ville to accept an appointmcnt in the department of eeecial studies at Lakeshore Teachers' College. .Mr. Ross has been in his. present position for nine years. , Goderich- ---"ign4.1.Star,-"40iuvraY, Air.iy..4rai.A0y4,7.7,6,..".. PORTER'S HILL P0RT4IR'S HILL; June 20 - The WA. 'of Grace Church met 'at the ham.e of Mrs. Ernie Town- shend with the president, Mrs. Sowerby, in charge: The Scrip- tuie was reed by Mrs. Bill Cox. Mrs. Sowerey read the topic and led in prayer. The secretary's and treasUrer's reports were read and adopted. The roll call was anewered with a tew towel howerier_ the church kitchen. Plans were madesfor"e 'Nam supper to be held -in July • in the basement of the -church. Mrs. Blanche Cox and Mrs. Bill Tewnshend donated talent ar- ticles, It was decided to dis pense with the July 'meeting as it falls on the same date as the supper. The hostess served a lovely lunch. -Feide-yenighteiseshoppingnight. in' Goderich. Large and varied selectionsin the stores make shopping a pleasure. Shop in Gaderich during the day and on Friday night when all the stores are open. Shop in Huron Coun- ty's largest shopping centre- • -23 and 25 The S.S. No. 5 school picnic will be held at Harbor Park, Goderich, next Tuesday evening, June 29. Everyone in the sec- tion is wlcoine. 1960 Custom 100 Wringer Washer complete with Automatic Pump, Regylar Price $179:00- NOW _gig with • - -trade. " 00 AUTO- MATIC Ry 1'. Regularly priced from $279.95. NOW ONLY 419.7 .00_ • FREE 10 -Day Home Trial intro- ducing the all-new 16e ingils Automatic Dishwasher -SEE Canada's Newest Refrigerators 1960 vtimsesowoom• 4 Beautiful Models Our Prices Start at 199 00 IT PAYS TO BUY . APPLIANCES SAWED BY SERVICE APPLIANCES - ELTON'S West Street Ph. JA 4-7732 °liver Mowers $3 6.9, up TRADE-INS WANTED SALES AND SERVICE FOR TORO - EUREKA - TRIM -ET JOHNSON IRON HORSE Bring Your Mowers in Now for Repairs and Grinding USED MOWERS PRICED TO CLEAR from $8 UP • • New "Scott" Outboard Motors from $16 3.00 up - SERVICE to all types of Outboard Motors'New "Springbok" Aluminum Boats New and Used CHAIN SAWS REPAIS and PARTS - -for-all-typee.of-SMALTIAMMIN THAC DIAL JA 4-7922