The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-05-19, Page 10The 'Oodelrieh Signal -Stas, Thursday, lay 19Th, 1060 UNION May 17.E --The May meeting of Union WAIS. was held at the .•px Morse of Mrs, Everett Mcllwailu. 5tr's. Reg. Fuller was leader of the worship service. A—poem (Was read by the leader and the .1.+ord's Prayer repeated in uni- soh. The president, Mrs. Stan- ON - ley 1VIc'IIiwain conductedthe Plan` Goderich SUPERIOR ON (business. The June meeting is � T_e _�a eb� a►. d' 6- It lt Tom Sowerby With Mrs. Wim. Porter as. header. The alrctiorn of donated articles amounted to $3.06. The creed was repeated and the meeting closed with a prayer for refugees by Mrs. K. Van den1ihe hostess served lunch. • ARENA • Parties wishix,g 40 rent the ARENA AUDITORIUM.. .K w :.ol: t, ,ARENA. is1LOn. d.: Qant t one' o;£ thea following. PHONE: REG. JEWELL JA 4-7769. J. E, HUCKINS " JA 4-7276. KEN CROFT „• r° JA 4-7253. , All Goderich boys interested i in playing hardball this season are asked to register at a meet- ing to be held at the Goderigh Arena at 10 aim. Saturday. "� These boys should be in .the patogories okp r,.o,.Pe$ 1 to •ns, midgets, or juveniles.' t4''-pev wee house league will be •form- ed and from. it an a14 -star team will be entered in the W.O.J.A. Mr. Howard Carroll is doing°the organizational work. .The ,i dons Club and also the Kinsune�i Cullb plan, to spdpsor 'Mums inA-s.the 'and' whether., they will be midgets, bantams or juveniles will be determined at a ;later date. don't ,In the meantime, tlhe meeting Saturday at the',Arena, boys, in get baseball off to a in Goderich this season. forget morning order, to good start Final lu Clearance Balance of our stock of S .its and Coats must go to make. room for summer merchandise. SPRING COATS $19.84 Rec„ . values up to $19750 1- '-nrnT,14.0 - y Ota. l 't '^" `A n." tt i.. -..W;...f> z � �� c,. � ass,,.. .� �: •�y j,• 4- Reg. values. up to $49.50 COME EARLY FOR -BEST SELECTION Get your coupons here in THE SHARE -THE -WEALTH CAMPAIGN. p ScHAEFER!S LADIES' WEAR LT PHONE 7232 4 1 n Goderich Boy Seobsts from the QUICK CANADIAN Qic"7„,-pT,i : u.. . ,t . firm which bought the boat for 1. Which Canadian ,province re - salvage purposes, Newman Steel mains fTee of rats? Company of St. CatharGrnes. 2.1n the over -21 age group are - - -�•�- -�--- • • there more men or women in A grain boat which has been 'conning into Goderich harbor for more than a quarter of a cen- (nee Ruby ''1Vlclntyre), newly- ufacturing has increased by fury bid Goderich farewell on 'weds, were recently honored about 46 per cent. By how Wednesday evening- -and head- I with a dance recePtion at the much has the average hourly ed for the steel junk pile a't,Dungannon Agricultural Hall. wage increased in the period? Hamiltonwhere it will be, scrap- An orchestra supplied music 4. What Canadian river has a ped. - .,, y:,u '.4. ,4a,ncing, During .thea even le ' s'- 3�ort�h+wes't Steam- ing, the young 'couple WeI re' alt' ships Ltd., the 71 -year-old Super- an address of best wishes by zor has been laid up in Goderich ,Mrs. Ross—Henry and the pre- har+bor for about a year and a sentation of a purse of money half. It carried its last ,cargo by Mr. Lawrence Black, of grain from the Lakehead into . �n Goderich harbor on December In the Middle East, the baysie 12, 1958. Its owners decided refugee ration amounts to only 3• -By per cent. 1. Thai because..off. i.ti4§p14 :,..:ea 1 +nun red:z aloxle a. day 'lhe Alia R;�;ate came hegeJr.R city .it was not economical to average Canadian cbinsuwes l✓urope on early explorers' operate it for grain carrying, twice as much. Won't you—in ships, have been migrating west this land of plenty --do some- ward ata rate of about 10 miles Towing,. away the Superior thing to help the refugees? Sup- a year. 4. The Mackenzie. 2. It was the tug, Atomic, of Ain- port the Huron County World is estimated that there are herstlburg.' �, crowd of people Refugee ''Year Blitz, May 16-21 estimated men, 4,982,50Q•,re there . gathered at the harbor Wednes inclusive. Campaign chairman day to watch the 'see of the is Rev.. R. "0. MacMillan, Gode- last ,voyage of a vessel which rich, treasurer is Jahn Berry, has for many years been fam- Goderich. The money donated i'iar to them. will be forwarded to the Can- A lifeboat was taken off it adian-Committee for World Re - before the voyage started: Thus fugee Year to 'assist in clearing will be a gift to a troop of the refugee camps, ..,�H'ONt�it::�.t11EiN��1f1r1ER&=���-�,lnacla<.�_...._.._ • �__�.__..w.:.— � .�: DUNGANNO'N, May 17. --Mr.- 3. Since the endue of World War and Mrs. William McWhinney 11, produotiVity—output peer man hour --in (,anadtian man - d it, ssif s CI ped F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallam, of Auburn, wish to announce 'the engagement of their eldest daughter, pbrothy May (Grace), to William James Cartwright, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. 5 r11„g/4-0, `/4 t , 424 -lets. els. •Eght 'T4• $iyth The expor natural `gas from, to take place in Knox Canada`' to the U.S. is permit- United Church, Auburn, at 12.00 ted, is the value of immediate Q�clork, June 4th, 1960. -20 potential sales estimated at $LO million, $bQ million, °$100 Mr. and &lrs. Alden Arm - 'million? strong; Varna, wish to announlie Weil, d;au- ID '''` GE SCORES Six tables were engaged in play/ at the weekly Duplicate bridge games on Monday night. The winners were and Mrs. ANSiZV'EtR6: 5. $100 million. ,,he engagement' purposes. EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND AN OPEN MEETING AT QUEEN ELIZABETH .SCHOOL AT MacKAY HALL ON - Tuesday, May 24, at 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mr. George Jefferson, of Clinton. Meeting spopsorerf by=G•©derich and Distz'i:ct ' Association For Retarded Children. -20 .x�. •;.,,` .�,auw.,�,ytr.aktrstzatia4164477,•r.nn:. •--r `$,•b....x ]r.•rt:�u.:azr.2;+i:.. y�r��' Ladies' Central Region LEAGUE FASTBALL. • • • • ` •. • •' • OLEIN MILLS V5. Goderich Dodgers 1959 O.A,S.A. CHAMPS -- SAT Agricultural Park, Goderich Monday, May 23 AT -2.30 P.M. THIS OPENS THE 1960 SEASON. Come and Cheer the Girls to Victory. NILE of t g ter, `Merle lV1Jarie, to'Wtillnam A. r+ is 4bnry',_ x arae:Airs,_ Haro]d, Stanbury, Goderich: The, marriagewill take place June 4, in Goshen United Church, at 3 p.m, , 20x G. Coming Events Reserve Wednesday, June 1st NILE, May 1'7. — The May for the annual Spring Tea and meeting df Nile Woman's As- sale of home baking sponsored so;ciation was held at the home by' St. Peter's C.W.L. at the of Mrs. Harry Watson. The home of Mrs. Con: Baech}l�er, Keays St., from 3.00 to B.00 p.m. -19-21 ladies spent the afternoon quilt- ing. The roll call was answer- ed by 18 members and one Visitor. The worship service was taken by Mrs. McDiarmid and ,Mrs. Watson. Final plans for the supper on May 24th were made. In charge of table one, Mrs -Edgar Dougherty and Mrs. H. Watson; table two, Mrs. S. Taylor and Mrs. C. Feagan; table three, Mrs. G. Anderson and Mrs. Len Christilaw; table four, Mrs. R. Bogie and Mrs. W. Ru,tledibe... Bo s to pour tea a-r.st, table •ont, Allan , i:VIeNee, Lawr- ence Ribey; table two, Wayne Feagan, Ken McNee; table three, Jamieson - and Glen Ribey; table four, Bud Mahon and John Rut- ledge. The e . aces. with .,the efur °of 1�"'Ti 'e .ciuureb..._ 1,11 ha. arrived and may be obtained from W.A. members. A delic- ious lunch was served by Mrd. R. Bogie and Mrs. H. Johnston. Mrs. Dan ttr 'of -Kincar- dine, visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Howard 'Sproul. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Iltrs, Raymond Haggiti on the arrival of their baby boy. IMr. and Mrs. Orland Bere and family were • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl MlcNee, of 'Belmore. Maribelle had spent the week -end with her cousin Dale also, Sharron and Bruce Sillib, of Carlow, are staying with their grandparents, Mr. and (Mrs. Howard Sproul while their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwyn Sillib, are hi _ a- ,trip out West. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MeNee and-'famuly visited on Sunday with Mr. and •Mrs.. E. Sproul, of Aulburn. TRAP SHOOT ' The annual' Victoria Day Trap Shoot will be held at Kippen on Sunday, May 22nd', at 1 p.m. a.r i PAY TEN PERCENT DOWN 'fit ..:-'i°!1wi..wi•�.?.��n�: }�e.t n HI'1.'eYMYY•M1'.�.MM•.1�• .`W'•f are GET THE BESTDEAL AROUNDtLL TO PROVE IT HERE'S A PROMISE FROM THE CAR "1 GUARANTEE TO Hain and salad supper at the Nile United Church, Tuesday, May 24th, from 6-8 p.m. A'auL'ts and students., $1.00, pub- lic school pupils 50c. Tickets sold at door. -18-20 Bake sale on Saturday, May 21, from 2-4, at Denomme's Flower Shop, sponsored oby Maitland Group, Benmiller W.A. 19-20x , HAR$OURLITE. INN, C rich. Holiday dancing, Friday, May 20, Hi -Teen record dance with Johnny Brent of CKNX. 'Saturday,May 21, dancing to Ron Brown and his oreckestra, • To develop children's talents should be of prime importance to all. Encourage our local children in their ballet andtap dancing by attending -Mad•ame de Kurthy's Dance .Recitril, Sat- urday, June' 18,- at Collegiate Auditorium. -20 Horticulture Society meeting, Friday, May 20, 8 p.m., at St. George's Parish Hall. A`nction Sale of plants, seedlings,' house plants, perennials, etc. Come and bring a friend, money -and supplies. The meeting will also include "Timely Tips on Flower Arranging," by Mrs. Edgar Wat- son, -20 B. Menzies with 912 Points; MrS. D. D. `11ix0Oney and Mrs. J. 4ully with 90 points; Dr. and Mal. W. A. ,Oakes with 891/2 paints, and Mrs, A. A. Nicol and Mr. F. Curry with 871/2 points. The annual Hospital Day Tea this year will be in the form of a- garden, lea --combined with' -a- penny fair at the home of Mrs. C. ,Caayley 'Hill on July 27. Prizes will be on display at Denomme's Flower Shop .begiri- niitg July- 14th. Watch for fur- ther details. -2a By .special request, -the Gode- rich branch of tlhe' Canadian Cancer Society plans a special re -showing of the film, "`Time and Two Women," on Thursday, May 26, at 9 p.m., in St. George's Parish Hall. Rural women, note the hour. This is to accom- treiti and bring your friends. -20-21 Chicken Bar -lb -q, June 8, at Benmiller Church, 5.30-7.30. Ad- mission $1.25, under auspices of W.A.. -20-22 The Home and School Associ- ation will hold its regular meet- ing Tuesday, May 24, at '8 p.m., in- the Public School. A musical program will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Car, ruthers, music supervisor.,( Please bring pot luck lunch. -20 A cancer film "Time and Two Women" will be shown in Ben - Church on 'May 25, . at 9 p.m. by $enaniller C.O.F. Ladies' Lodge. -20 Leave your housekeeping worries and enjoy an afternoon of bridge and "500" under the auspices of the Ahtneek Chap- ter, I.O.D.E., in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, May 25. Dessert will be served at 2' p.m. Novel entertainment provided during dess-ert e - • BUY CILUX ENAMEL AT.. rth.ur Reilly Ltd. Your Complete Home. Decorating Centre .4:.'wr,N+ %M4mil 'lA�-F'M+ a=a? -1•1. W tT 36 :WESTSTREETGODERICi"=. JA 4-8532 W.C.T.U. will meet Tuesday, May 24, at three .p.m., at .the home of Mrs. J. E. Cranston, 1169 -Bayfield Rd. Roll call "Joy."' • -20 ANY CAR DEAL IN THIS WEEK'S SALES 3 CARS IN LONDON 2 CARS IN G'ODERICH 1 CAR IN, SEAFO1 TH 1 CAR IN PARKHILL 3 CARS IN CLINTON 2 CARS IN ' WINGEAM ,+CAR IN LiTCKNOW AND EZETER, 1 ^"CAR IN. GRAND SEND 20 CARS $010 1 ! ! ONT (OR GIVE YOU FREE !CAS HOME) _FROM rr A total of more than 1,600,000 CanVdians have received ,one or more free blood transfusions since the Canadian Red Cross service wasesttablished in 1947. Pe�rson Motors LTD. -- GMC TRUCKS -- BEDFORD VANS — PONTIAC — BUICK — VAUXHALL --• )Nr41N41111r•s• Nt THE,CaR KING ZUKIuI LL HURON COUNTY tXETeR loolimmedwolieseimomirge "THE CAR KING OI HURON OO1INTY" ?NC PREMIUM PAINTS AT R.EOOLAR PRICES I01.10 TS White with Gold poxy Trim JunithmBoats Beautiful...',Stronger.. a Better Built ;ice ���:•:•:••? � : •�; � •.., . , : ' THE Liktrii tag - SERIES "UV You'll love It the minute you see it. Sleek in design, plain finish or brightly painted in white with gold epoxy trim, Thornes Series "14" models, are ex. • ceedingly strong: better built. Utility Models also available. RUN -ABOUT MODEL THE 't •''' •� y •;n ?:, +.� :i� r:iti Y' 4::r�i4 ~,S,;SYNVS n� �}.� :;' C�:.�i,+.8�. orne SWEET "16" Ei tremely beautiful, and exceedingly strong, virtu• ally puncture proof. Available hi Runabout, Ranch Wagon Convertible and DeLuxe models; brightly painted In white with gold epoxy tri Plain t1711ifRtil'litilil�'7tIY3Ztit3"i13if �Y7iilitilif: """" '..-"`°..'...'. `',MQD• TERMS SIF DESIRED SERVICE ELECTRIC •1LUMBING WIRING — HEATING VICT d RIA IST. JA 4-8581 N 1 -JA,Y'CClEE_. TRIP TO BERMUDA 1F DRAW DATE EXTENDED TO----JLLY 9, 1960