The Exeter Times, 1891-2-12, Page 8INSURA OIe - { lirevtttea, Exeter NLumioipa1 Council, The spring assizes wilt open at Coderich _ --^— 1?'1i TEST vALLIOT, :GENT +'cm THE WES't'ENNJeSSUI;ANCT COli• p' ANY of Toronto; Also for the Pif(E..ti1K FIRE iNn3U1t3NCF o0ellat nt, oz aenaloe; England. tae RurAIt aele.DIalal, of Mow treat, area the ONTARIO Atte t'tM 1t L1I Ati8U1iANOF,CO'1 of Waterlooeetaialielled 1'711, teesaran:esinforoe,$1S,t_Z.tt +, t.e,l:zxses ©very year after aid year. e to e • a1 to Wake a.1,lw.;f V alto e Dueet 1, i vi, Stook of Now\ x t�.' TAI,,Yyyi` Q�"stQa. balm. ro." %: rtrU`s- hen ge. n c v h�1' :s 11 t . , `, `m . rivia by GRIC; Au Minion e :stock of Carpets just jO�nj]:;3r171'd. STORE. t7th BIG BR�NKPUL S•1 OP ' Remember the choicest pat - tans g(i firs:; ; ,t best values. No better lllaeo to buy CARPETS, CURTAIN S, OIL CLOTHS f�T+5 WINDOW CTt `T�7 �. O .'11. C i+ iQi I: DO �ti SII4DE 7. J. A. STEWAET, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter. roe THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1801. 1.UtAL 'HAPPENINGS. on. April J:3th The council met puesuant to adjourn- ment at the town halt, lsxoter, lith Betsy:, 1801. Ad preset±t. The minutes of the cheap. first -eines Btaultet, If you avant e. good eett of Iiarue•s, cheap, call at J. Trel;te's. The license eonimies1ouers for Sola ll Trillion nue Robert Spier, Peter Douglas, and John %Veil•, Only a few pairs more of the $2. 50 blankets left. Vet them while there is ifnie, at the t' molten lulls. New black Deese Goods and telexes just in at the Big l;caukrupt Store, Saturday will be $t. V aleutil.e's Day arae' the windows of the village stationelc etre full of the work vi the scion: aatiste. l.t•Irairiug in nail its bra:ne-hes promptly attended to and satisfactiou guarauteeai. Gave nae a cele til tito Ci..'ata .. :diode and Bove' e>v e reor is 'for ',early hell le ices set the liib 1,..1llil'llllt : ature previous meeting were ttonfiruled. By-law No 4, :I and 0, 1SJi, were duly read and passed. D. A Ross ---T 11 Carling=that orders be granted for the following, suns,. viz: -- Jonas Creech. r1 charity to Mrs R Me - Jeep e; dv, $2, 1 Grilliu; do. $1, Mrs• blciutosl,; do, y276, wood for MIs 1 ut,•hinson ; do, SW. wood for town hall ; do, St.u3, lamp ehimniea, a4u,; do, SSat, bel.oa safely IS90 -1 ; the o'er/L, $17, tela( eteetionexpenses; : D.Batumi, tat, ground relit of eu„me 110Uet, and the clerk S4, `til l below Bost postage, Cel t ee ill(, school trustee* to be ;:ranted the 1A e• Of the berm rebel on al s iirat tiluad.ey of • every mouth • 're Carltua•-1 . Christy - S Staulake's testier for hendock, being the interest, be. nee prey%.• --harried. GREAT RE DUCTIOS TN PRICES ii1;'11=i11` Itit 1t'll 't eltli ft 11:u ui;11',w Ilhlii;9tr WHAM' 19:1131311313111:1113511313111111901.1311111j 41.1 zaier Coo4s to bo , b'%`t have ,just finished taking stook and fend that we have about $7,999.00 worth too ranch on hand. In odder to reduce this amount me will clear all winter goods at for thirty (30) days. Note carefully the following reductions Ladies' , LTlsters, regular price ;12.50 for $9 00. Ladies' Ulster , regular price $12.73 for S'),25. Latdies' UIsters, regular price $.,6.00 for X12 25. :L?lilies' Dolmans, regular pr&ce 514.00 for $13 00. Ltadif,s' Ziolln9ns, regular price S16.00 for .810.00.. Men's Overcoats. regular price $13.00 for $10.75. Men's Overcoats, regular price '$5.50 for $4.00. Ddu€t'o'ts arcs only a few samples of wheat we are doing, and all other •dater. ;Dolls will be sold in same way While letting hay the other de; bir. Ats.,tc:la fo, ced,ar .:fief iia ea for (dot' a►"ek. waggg, ittegs amal,:ntally stitch Alae tinge ( The eke h to notify this et13. Eels of the Fire of a fork into his fu: t. The act.1 kut leid `"• tet 114)thi c1 "'"nn ::nil laron.eneml a inion up fo a week.dila't'e pmeon tete chief cu heir. l ii t e. 1 ng -1). •1. i. z s.-th�et Jos. Mr d. W. Fengough who had intended l' Ant, Jas mg tr and Pieh41 utak a►i.h , shying an t'nt,rteinrneut 1EL Exeter at -au k etre rr6.' t .:net ...Yr a tire. t: bL :r.i of ilealtb cads meta: hes witll'ir.euaLis to agement '.for 1sii'1 --C.at.ieel. indefluitely, on ae:iouut of the elections. i %V, i3. 1, . rt, --T. 11 t.`::n u;:;---th.t Br. 1 otters are out announcing a meeting ofAAntrs be Molieal lIe itth Officer for 1t91. ti.e Reform is;:ceiation of Exeter to ke of, --Parried. held in the teen hall on nuts ley evg, T. b. (.4rlitt;—p. A. lies—that Weee 1 by nth, nt;a'.'cloelt p n1. ,.1 nal tat- a t1- I ieeetti IV Road Clainnieeion r ft r IS,"1 erried. The oouneli adjourned until Friday, tlne 13th Inst, a 7.3u p.20. 11 1A4'1;::ST, Clerk. cut hese ra ➢e,inmtt'd. Stole:. ,x'11 Se alette far .:; 25, and EIS Sealette for f$1.75 at the Big Bankrupt More, • The Pteebeterieu ;;rd Metho- diet church Paste's exehaugeai pulpits u0 Sunday moraine lasts%n Sunday,Itlie •?,and, the ltev. D. Cnrrle, ll A, of Glencoe. wilt ple:eil1 in 'the (`even Presbyterian clinch. The Returning officer for the feast Renting of Huron is Mr 1. L. ihekinsou, R"inghain ; for the :'until Riding, "ire Thomas flays, Seaforth ; for the West Rifling, Mr W. T. Whitely, Clinton. The monthly steed; fair held in Myth. s:►ys the heed raper, watt as uteri ugh tint • cess. Iu about three weehe would be an oppeutune lime fer the Exeter Beard of q Trade to held its feat. Al etut Mererlh let stu_k buyers ea:•.lm.tree to noose. Make a start, Annual Meeting. A meeting of the Senior Liberal Conser- vative Club was held in the town hall on Monday evg. There was a large attend- ance, the hall being comfortably filled. Dr. Rollins was elected to the chair while Mr. M Eaerett was appointed secretary. The elution of officers took place the old ones being reinstated viz t—Dr Rollins, •pres. ; 1a. Mills, vice pres. ; M. Eachett, sect'y. .A very able speech was delivered by the chairman after which ten delegates were selected to attend the convention at .Ailsa Craig to -day. Mr. L H Dickson, as President of the young men's associa- tion, was called upou to give an address,. He spoke of the object of the meeting an,... asked every young Conservative to put his shoulder to the wheel and work un- failingly to the eud for the grand cause of Conservativism. The meeting was an en thusiastie one, and teugurs well for the snocess of the forthcoming campaign. Personals. Mr Joseph Holman, late of the I17cO1ary works, London, and brother of Mr G \V Holrnau, the affable clerk of Usborne, has decided to take up his abode in British Columbia, and with hie falnity will leave for Victoria in a few weeks,—Mr A F Manning, of London, is visiting frieuds in Exeter.—Mise Tillie White, milliner for Mr Peddie, Sarnia, is home spending a ;short vacation.—Mr Oaten Willis, of Virden, Man., is spending a few days in town. Mr %Pill's is not so robust as of yore. He says Exeter has improved wonderfully since he lived here.—Mr W. D• Weekes has been very ill for some time of inflammation of the lungs. He is now able to sit up, but his appearanee depicts a strong struggle with a serious illness. -'dr H. Fred. Sharp, the Liberal Conservative Candidate in . South Perth, was in town on Tuesday renewing ac- qualotenaes. Mr Sharp is on the canvass and is quite senguiue of election. The Conservatives are all with hint and many Reformers who have tired of Mr Trow.— lYlt Wm. Graham, of St. Marys, was in town Tuesday. kr Graham made the re- mark that "things seem to be lively in Exeter." It does the St Marys men good to getinto a 'live' town once in a. while,— Mrs Russell, of Petrolia. who has been visiting at the James-st Methodist church parsonage for the past month, returned home on Saturday last. ---Mr Geo. Davis was on our streets for the first time in several weeks, having been suffering an attack of rheumatism—MrJohn Speakman who has been confined to the housethrough illness, is convalescing. An: WAS-UV—With fair etieeatien to learn priuting. Apply at once to Tit: '.1'151 As, cl nagger, Alma twenty-five or thirty of the mem- bets of Leb uron Forret' Lodige 'net at Mr At+el %\ wipers dote' a& an a7 stet supper un 1•hersafay evsmiug lest at tt+9tify the wanner iu width they re;;anl the genial host as a member of file eeratt. The sup- per was rquitc at1 fufmn,al u➢➢0, being er gauged, as we - nu,lei'`ataud. outside of Elie lodge by n few o: the meinlle rs anti the hearty respa+ntti the a Who coal i.e. reeedied tea l t± inti:e l tee itis' fitly the regard they entettaintel for Mr %Valper, A leondiful Flipper was prepared and pertal,en a4 wath tial .ln en- 81.0.1-08:, n- l`.1g.;v A_, ta"1 %'titin Lay 11a re..eavcd toyneot and the r.argh npp a ei.,tiaan by :t3 e. telegramfroin i1a➢.l;h.aua.hea,iiv. thein. d pre,eut. After the vieuii-.vole ale atr;sed t lillcelta'e` ad L' death of 1119 s➢ste'r, t'?era. WO the taiele 4 -'eared to tooele'r of to .a les ;e 1' etre there Mies Plinveing vivre nrageetl.•1 Earl le tic tii°e• nalLady re' `1 �a,c,aa r, V,. many in Exeter, who will ' vended to. when tie. eht part of the inert•. to It• ern o4 her d matt 17te a 'au=e. Pt her decant uta lingering coneneopti?ill. .i 'goy in Ate of the gui'l'e stela ells woe nl'aeoly .,eit d 1n hie t:,.enani"tt.,n ill i t.aiuluar to de'nnte the diV3'. rout :ase'% ,•f tic name genus by the use of an attrih:➢ter of dietinetien. He liana .a. in tld't tee - man Pte1e.lnt meie1 servant le* goat she 'tett y,'trs ±and 9 months 101 1. at time of cook r chit Alen zoa:lt dreolt. there survive her a hull<;tn'l 3n11 National Anthem tit a ititpeetable 121010 l•rutag;ilt u mut t 1 j•t,' eh'o eve.1111!7 to a inarmoniouttel ee. elMt t➢arlt.4. 1: it-theth :Anu. bilteo r1 wife of Mr ;lotto Ctalnunra, tiled 14('1'hllr ,lay lent, She had bertt 111 for suite time of eoilaetn,ptiotl, and 1',.e fist n* of the l'erle.u.3 e.t.a'. on tite lYEarth side of tete lieer was sold tat Sutura day last to Mr. %Vn, Bowden, of (;"sleria�h, fur the sum et eft: a(1fl, Mr. ihaw.le'n will Use it as ie s'.o.ek foam, it being admirably adapted for suit, the river el,tuble crossing the south east ettener It is piobab1e that Mr. Biwd.n will move hie family to Exeter. The Leali,ed ;lid of th • Jatneess•st Meth. ah arch held their monthly meeting, for Fchrnary, at the parsonage. on Thursday the 5th int. After discussing the temporal and spiritual welfare of the ci➢urell and paying dheir "dues," some of the ladies took possession of the parsonage anal served up a nice ten. Altogether they bad a pieaaant time, and adjourned, at half past seven, to the church to take their place iu the revival meetings now in progress. The debate which took- place at Sodom nn Wednesday evg last, "Resolved that Intemperance is a greater evil than \Vert" was very largely attended and much interest was taken in the affair. The debaters. led by bir, C. Prouty and Mr Harris, by their weighty arguments showed that a good deal of research had been done. After several hours debating the referee's gave decision in favor of In- temperance, which was led by Mr Harris. The Rev R. Hurley, one of the oldest ministers of the late B. C. Church, died at Port Hope on Monday last. He has re- sided in Hampton since his removal from Welcome, but a few days ago went to Port Hope, on business While there he was taken ill and Mrs Hurley was sent for. Everything possible was done for hint, but . it was of no avail J3e was a in his 80th year and leaves one child, Mrs .T. Elliott, of Jfanitoba. His many friends through. nut the province, will ,regret to hear of his death. He was known to many in Exeter. It has been decided to allow deposi- tors in the Government savings bank hereafter to deposit $1000 in one year instead of $300 as at present, and $3000 in all, the present limit being $1000 ; and to issue 3 per cent. stock in sums of $1 00and multiples thereof,redeemable in not under five years, dep.lsitors being at liberty to transfer deposits at any time to this stock. Postmasters as yet have act had <official instructions con- cerning this however. The entertainment, and promenade concert held on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the busy bees of the Trivitt Memorial church was quite suc- cessful, the proceeds amounting to over $35. A rather good joke svgs played on one of the young gentlemen present. Mr Bobier had auctioned off the large cakes remaining, and held a plate of ginger cakes and asked "what do I hear a piece for these 1" They were started at 4 cents and were knocked down (three dozen) to Mr Remington at 5e each. Of course the purchaser thought he was getting the lot at his bid. The Association known as the "Patrons of Industry," a branch of the "Farmers' Alliance" of the United States is making inroads into the rural sections hereabout. The Association has some goods objects in view and very many poor ones, It -affects to burst combines, which is commendable, but when it seeks to "discriminate against the honest merchants by forcing upon them impossibilities it is doing a work which cannot and will, not stand. The organizer pockets $l2 for every lodge forined,whicb. judging from their addresses, as recently beard by us, seems to be the paramount object. Some of .the older lodges are dos- ing as clid the Grange some years ago, finding that there is too much trouble and hard feeling connected with its workings. two *4111alren. Her remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery 011 Saturday last. lie ee ascii was a member of the :Methodist einireii end died poeressing a. full measure of faith:hi her S;avinur. 'I'ilelmay end the numerous relatives and friends have the tivmpathy of the comma mity in their sad l.ereavenu'nt. She was a thug hter ,)f Mr Diehard Stanlattc. There died in 1 lhringtuu, Del,ota, ori F'ohruray 21x,1, Maggie Miller. wife of :Air Jeremiah Kt•lland, formerly of Exeter, ter, and eldest slaughter of Mr ll.lviti Miller, of Hensel!. Deceased hail been married but two years and not long Sinnee accompanied her husband to !tektite. Very recently site contracted to severe coli, wlriell devel- oped into consumption with the above results. She was aged 32 years and leaves to survive her a huaband caul young child, Ile remains were taken to liens:dr and on \londay last were interred in the Exeter cemetery. Maggie Miller was well and favorably known to many in Exeter and Hensall, all of whorl will regret to hear of her sudden demise. The husband, parents and friends Lave our sincere sympathy. Lent began yesterday. The town auditors are getting in their work. For a good pair of hand made Boots for $3.50, call at J. Treble's. Mr A.Q. Bobiertr is makinregular ship. ments of eggs to the city markets. p \ Men's fine all -wool Socks only 15ets per pair at the Woollen Mills, If you want boots and; shoes repaired, call on Mans Cntz,.i:. Men's Fur Coats at 'your prices. The Bier Bankrupt Store is the spot. If you want a good sett of Harness, cheap, call at J. Treble's. A meeting of the . young folks of the Main•st Meth. church will be held on Fri- day evg next for the purpose of organizing an Epworth League society. The West Huron Teachers' Institute will be bold at Exeter cn Feb 19th and 20th, to he conducted by J. J. Tilley, Model School Inspector. Drew's Opera House, which has lately been in the hands of several western yankee speculators has reverted to the original owner, Mr. Ed. Drew. . The editor of The Grey Review, , On sel- ling out and leaving Durham fon 'other parts, states in his valedictory that he heel' made acquaintance with "many people so darn mean that dogs wouldn't follow them;" A. car load of horses was sent from Exeter on Tuesday. The load comprised animals of :various value, ranging from $100 to $250. McDonell d Co were the shippers and the animals are for the Canadian North-west. . The firemen held a meeting the other evening to consider the holding of their anuuai entertainment, It was decided to. give an entertainment at an early date, but m . as to the nature of the same, i it wes not decided upon. We stated last week that the call by the Main•st Methodist church people to Rev. MrLancely, of London, was not unanimous. Through a misunderstanding the vote be. tante mixed, but upon an explanation and a second vote taken the call was made 'thoroughly unanimous Try the Big Bankrupt Store for Boots and Shoes You will be surprised at the values . There was a Royal Arch degree meeting in the hall of 924 Loyal Oraege Lodge on Friday evg. last. County Master Todd occupied the chair, and County Chaplain Hanley that of the chaplain. Bro John Cook of Manitoulin Island was also present Two candhdetes were advanced. At the close the brethren of Exeter provided leech and a pleasant lour -was spent. lila above Inory anti Liquor f The undersigned has otic li ' eel tt :;told'. of Fresh Grecor1113S4 1111f1 Liquor's, in the store l"a Iltlt occupied by S. , Ilcals ,y, Opposite Tuavu Haill. ;itA:.efa 1: c1.r ttpe ,.e ..nal Citte is lc•. Sepal at 9. Snail margin over enS1, A CUTTING TIME! Though our withers trade has been exceptionally good. and are not to be touati among the mourners, yet we have a few goods v e want to sell, and the sooner they are soled the better we shahl feel. N€1 14V 01'..1 <N. r3? Solicited, atlrf\9a➢li F. J. KNIGHT s_n Corlclelec1 brews. e %tar+ a:sax. Mr U. Miller, (linuiebovta, has dirpesed 0f a final Ceuailiau bred, ht'ii v draught mare, to S. Nowell, M. 1)., of bromism ('entre, Meet., for the snot of ,210. 'Ilia work of re-lmildi'1g Plewra' 31111, London, recently hunted, has been cum. ruenced. The enntraets figure up to $3(00, and the wallas ltd: standing aro r.•ortli $504. There is no 0110 article in the lieu of mid. Woes Ibat gives no lame a return for the Money as a ;;0411 ro.018 strew:dot in(, piaster, ruck as Caltt:i'e Swart Weed and 13nllatiuone 13aohaelle Ploetcr, Wirer o Chalet; is wrought in people who suffer from rheumatism when they talte Hood's Sarsaparilla. The acidity of the blood, width causes the disease, is neutra- lized, 1110 blood is verified and vitalized. the ar..hing joints and Bela rest easily mud quietly, and a feeling of sereno health is imparted, hood's Sarsaparilla has morn - Oohed wonders for thousands subject to rhsuuiatihm. Try it yonrself, The Quarterly Boned of the Methodist church, Parkhill, by a unanimous vote tendered Rev Mr Ford, L.L B., an invita- tion to nontinue in that circuit for a third year. Mr Robert Bostou, late Warden of the. County, was tendered a social in. Lobo village a few nights ago, to mark his re- tirement from the Reeveship which ho has held for nine years. He was presented with a testimonial from the ratepayers of Lobo, in the shape of a beautiful gold watch, suitably engraved. Mr B. Steele, ere, of .Brinsley, Inet with a very serious accident on Saturday morning last, while working in the mill, In some was or other he missed his footing and fell, when one of bis hands came in contact with the saw, mutilating is in a horrible manner. A peculiar incident occurred last week on the road between Clandeboye and Liman. While the remains of Mrs Manning, of Oempbellford, (sister of Mr Jcbn Bice, Lon- don West), were being transferred from Clandoboye to Lucan, the hoarse upeet,and the coffin aud body fell out into the road. Mr. Murnsy, the undertaker, procured another hearse, and the body was laid i its last resting place at Liman.. As a general renovating tonic and purify- ing family medicine useful at all times, but especially so in the spring, Burdock Blood Bitters is unequalled. " "Its like a bag of our in a poor man's family," says Mr John. Maunder, of York- ville, Ont, '`the oftener you take B B 13 the better you are," It is expected that the Sarnia tunnel demonstration will take place about June 15th. FAMILIAR rams mops—The family store of medicine should outgo a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Mrs Hannah Hutchins, of flit;sway, N. S., says t "We have used Hegi a d's Yellow 011 in our family for six yearn, foru he colds, t ai o0 burns, sore throat, oil nip, etc, and-indit so good we cannot do witha,nt it." OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed the, warning The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. 'We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fella. Itch cured in BO minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. Low. Children Cry for _Pitchei'rs Castoria We must b—gin to f,Y1agi for our C PAID a (till and money 89 Carry out the s tr To secure thzesle two essentials we shal CUT THE HEADS OFF the prices on our entire whiter Stock of. FURS, O- I:MOATS, CAPS, GLOVES S, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS E; "C . They must make way for our staring purchases, and now is the time to buy these cold winter goods. CARLING BROS. UF]\'1 OVAL :0:. -----Old OR ABOUT-- MARCH BOUT--- bIAhC-IT IST. Dora orget 'This E. J. SPACKMAN will remove to SAIVJWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, (one door north of Farmer Bros.' Grocery) where he will open A NEW & COMPLETE STOOK ---OI' DRY -GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, ETO. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, RTa: k%' t .AAs i r Fanson's, Block, Exeter. ' ,,,,J LUMBER EXETER The undersigned wishes to inform the Public in general that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of • MATERIAL R�BUILDING- SATTE YARD Dresa.ed or ' attires cad. PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER. SHINGLES <A. SPECIALTY, 600,000 X X and XX X Pine and Cedar Shingles now in stock. A call solicited and satisfaction g slanted. ala p �+�a �J�.r�T, �+ �� 'e��i I Ja6iviVldu�'r� VV �d�a •i.a