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The Exeter Times, 1891-2-12, Page 3
DR. W . . G-RATIAM 198 Kind Street West Toronto, Ont., TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES—and gives Speodal attention to. SHIN DISEASES, as Pimplea, Ulcers, etc. PRIVATE DISEASES --and Diseasese of a Private Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, Nervous. De- bility, etc., (the remit of youthful folly and ercess,) Grleet and Stricture of long standing. DISEASES QF WOMEN—Painful, Profuse or Sup hen pressed Menstruation, Ulceration, Leucorrhoea, and, al )ffio" !lours --9 nen to 8 p.m, 1)ieplacemente of the Womb, fiundaya,1 D.M. to$p.la. For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use O PERRY DA.VIS' 9 l�R teed lath internally and externally. Itsetsaiokly,affordincaimostinstsnk relief from, the severest pain, $E SURE to GET THE GENUINE 25o per bottle. • MEDICINX and FLOOD CONININ1 D 1 EMULSION 001IVLR OIL 4Thfl at Civ ass t0.4) Increeaea Weight.Rtrengthena Lunen and Nerves. Price 50o. and $1,00 per Bottle. Minister's turd Public Speakers use SPENCIEWS C'lOramine _Pastilles For Clearing and Strengthening the voice. Qure•,i£oareeness amt Soreness of Throat. Price age per bottle. Sample fres on application to Druggists. TO MOTHERS PALMO- T4R SOAP 1iuurr'eotyai 'loaning �the ScalBath. 'skin. oilet or TRE BEST agars SOAP KNOWN. f Prion 2Oo. 'A Pbysielane atrontln ra enneeend Wyetll'S Malt Extract, (Liquid) . To patients suffering from nervous °sham Ma; toimprore the Appetite, to assist D)i» lgoation, a valuable Tonle. 40 aunts per bottle. mgainumgogg Tho most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER!, Channing's Sarsaparilla, It is a Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will euro tbo teorat form of skin disease; will pure Rheumatism; will euro Salt Rheum. l:.exgo Bottles, $1,00. sossuartioussemoomomoommessma ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUMPTION, Conte, neglected Colds Bronchitis, Aathme Ind all diseases of the Lungs. In throe sized bottles 25c. 50c, and $1.00. FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, ,M H OLPLA5TR; For Lumbago, Sdatica, "Cricks,' Tic, "Stitches.* Rheumatic Pains and Chronic Rheumatism. Mach plaster in an air,-14$ht tin box. 25c. smenmeieramirsumnr DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Lim., 4 MONTREAL, Proprietors or General Agents FOR MOS -POP THE POPULAR Proprietat y or Pharmaceutical Medicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery RICORD'S SPECIFIC (TRADE MARK REGISTERED.) Sole Proprietor, H. 3CRO1•IELl Scnorfeld's Drug Store, Ems ST., TORONTO. Tito ally Remedy which will per- manently cure Gouorrhtea, Gleet, and all private diseases, no matter how long standing. Was long and successfully used in French and English aiospitsls. Two bottles guaranteed to cure the worst case. Price, $1 per bottle. Every bottle -has nature o n(, .� the el aa - g. bel None other genuine. Those who have tried o- ther remedies without avail will not bo disap- pointed in this. Mention this paper. SENO `° Intaps jmopolyfaha) to us, tend we will send you by express, C.U.D. this elegant watch which you can examine, and if you do not find it all and even more than we claim for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat- isfactory, pay' the Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE O $5.35 and take the watch. Such a chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridiou. lously low price is seldom, if ever be. `fore, 'offered. This is a genuine COLD FILLED WATCH,made of 2 plates of SOLID COLD over compose tion metal. It has solid bow, cap and crown, hunting cate,beautifullyy en, graved and is dust - proof. The works are Waltham style, richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is regulated and we warrantit an accurate time- keeper. It is suitable for either a lady or gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each watch. Address CEO, W. WYATT & CO., Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. SEND US se opai.daslipafpaperthe ■ size of your finger, and we will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADO DIAMOND SOLID GOLD FILLED RING These rings are now worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best society, and have the same appearance as a ring costing $25.00. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction. ';;Address Geo. W. Wyatt & Co. Jewellers Peterborough, Ont. In the Winter Woods. High -flung' at coon. in chili anal hombre state. The naked woods uplift their mighty arms, Silent and grim, to meet the ravening bate Wit,h which the winter scourges wastes and farms, And chills and nips and blows insatiate. High -flung and grey, athwart the frozen lands, Wind -caverned- stark, the winter forest stands.. Here I have wandered all a frosted day, In facry dream of sheeted ice and snow ; Great tattered branchesstretching, mussed and grey, Ice -hidden pools and driftedsnows below, With formless winds that creep from faraway. Steal in and moan across the fading light, While with great stride gleams in the lonely nigkt. The lofty maples shake their tops and sigh, Tho snow -messed beeches stir their beards of leaves, Still efIn in&• from the autumn long gone by. And alt tghe woodland dark the night receives, Into ttaanowy-cavernod sanctity. The shadowe darken, lower slants the sun. Bright beams the moon when scarce the day is done. With one red gleam the sun bas vanished down Over the icy forest's bearded. rim, Low eroon the winds, biacleer the shadows. frown. Across the eerie twilight, farand dins, Come a faint gleam from out the twinkling town, Steals in the night, the grey weed bends and si hs. Pale gli*its themoon in frosty reveries. .leen grows the air from froats that creel) anear, Night's icy bests that all the grey wood thrill, Far overhead the stars growsharp and clear. :ce.rending sounds the tingling silence 1111 From the tar river cold in marshes drear. across white floors a shadowy phantom flows Front wind -swayed boughs and smoke et drift- ing snow. flatn back I tura mo hotnevraid, wading drifts Ii. oddllad hallows, skirtins toy ponds ; such rastice man • to x a^"on lets no hatisin - with huu shies thtrig a n m}rile, ! e. Awe it Aiettmtng red ltcarth)oga through the frosty else }tat of Sonia rieray snow drift The tine most lovely and most ai•ented.ewer while o'er my path the moon throws ley gine; whore overhead the forest's gloom uplifts Its shadowy bars against the glinting light.— The awful silence of the arctic night. WILLIAM WILFREO CAMPBELL, . .C.a'RICULTU dR A.L. tain from the person who had hint irk charge why he was wanted ; for some went into the Few Cows Beat. secret place under the control of the Govern- melt and never came out ; but no satisfac- A dairyman writes to the National Stock- tory answer could be given. After being de- mon that " we aree all auxious to do a big tailed for a long time in fearful suspense, business, to 'spread' ourselves, and we are he was at last brought into the presence of apt to think that our capacity is equal to a very high official, and detained there. our desire. Many of us make the big Finally, he was taken into the very mistake of undertaking more than we can presence of he Sultan. The Sultan was carry through successfully, and in dairy- astonished to see the Inan, who had ing this holds good with more force than in been covered with filth a short time before, some other branches of farming. A dairy so well dressed and intelligent in appear• of say ten clews may be very profitable and mace. He said to him: " Are you the man the owner of it thinks that 20 or 30 cows whom I saw at work in. a cesspool!" would be proportionately profitable ; and so "1 nut." they would if they received the same "How is it that I find you dressed in this amount of care per cow as the ten, but this way F" will rarely be the ease. If we have the S' 1 ant well paid for nkY work,; which la feed, the labor, the customers for the larger very hlthyand disagreeable; end afterward dairy, and have the ability to operate it, I cleanse myself and take mine ease," then we can go ,head with a fair prospect " But what did you mean when you sliid : of success. But for a beginner to start with <I'orsevere, my soul, or I will plunge thee a large herd, failure will be apt to be the into deeper filth than this",' " outcome for the first few years. The safest Therrien trembled, knowing that at a word way to increase a dairy herd is to his head might be smitten from his alioul- raise the heifer calves from the beat ders. Speak/said the Sultan. lie answered cows : we are then pretty sure of thata than often says in anger what his one important point, and that is the quality heart willnot acknowledge. of the tools we have to work with, The old " But what dost thou mean!" saying, 'A good workman does not quarrel He hesitated, and the Sultan reiterated with his tools,' will not apply to dairying his command : " What dost thou mean'i when cows are the ` tools in question ; if What gleeier filth is there than that in which they are not good the work can't be well thou dost work *" done. There are few large dairies that He still hesitated. The Sultan assured average very high in the yield per cow, and him that no harm should come to him, and we must bear this in mind when we are con- the man then replied : templating an increase in the size of our t0 3Iy work was disagreeable, and I was herd and natcalculate that 20 cows will give almost tempted to leave it wheal thought, twieo theyield that ten cows will, Seine• c I aur still free, I am obliged to flatter no tithes the st way to increase the herd is to one ; if I give up this work I may be cam - increase the feed ; instead of adding three or pelded to take service under the govern,. four cowa to a ten•cow herd, ;iso the ter* mens, to live by flattery and falsehood," anis the feed designed for the thirteen or four- so 1 said to my soul : "' Persevere, or T will teen. Again, it may be better to reduce the plunge thee into deeper filth than this,' „ number; dispose of the poorest ones and' The Sultan, according to the story, was give the balance as touch feed as alt re- so pleaMa with a answer that he gave ceived. And we meat remember that the hint a handsome present and allowed hint to greater the number of COWS the wider meet away unmolested, bo Saored Trees. Winter Gore of Farm Wagons. The palet, the oak and the salt aro, ac. During a great part of the winter seaason:carding to a timely and interesting article the heavy farm wagon is not in use, When there the Juno number of the :1)eutst-he Rand• there is snow the sled takes its place, and in;srltati, the three trees which, since time ire - the absence of snow lighter vehicles are Irietnorial, were held to he sacred trees, The used for for the fartm wagon during this perhehhiod ofghee tntonarn ufirst s and pictures them whieh figures thonthe Egypt aest na there. In spite of rest is under ail that hbut as teen said get d 4.n -tuition Assyrians a latter period paint �a that when written concerning; the damaging effects of iA'-last left Paradise he was allowed to take the margin for losses, The Stranger and the Toronto Boy. Stranger (to seven-year-old Toronto boy) ---"Say, hub, where's Jarvis street?" Toronto Boy—" While your mod of ad- dress, sir, seems to me to savor of undue, not to say unwarrantable, familiarity, you shall have the information you seek. You will perchance descry some distance up the street an imposing structure of comnungled Renaissance and early Venetian architec- ture. The street for which you inquire is mmediately contiguous," Ten Reasons For the Wonderful Success of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Most Popular and Most Extensively Sold Med.icine in America. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great II medicinal merit, which it positively demonstrates when fairly tried. et It is most economical, being the 6 only medicine of which " zoo Doses One Dollar" can truly be said. toIt is prepared by a Combination, Proportion and Process Peculiar to Itself, unknown to other preparations, and by which all the medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured. A It effects remarkable cures where 'Er other medicines have utterly failed to do any good whatever. 5 It is a modern medicine, originated by experienced pharmacists, and still carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. It is clean, clear and beautiful in appearance, pleasant to take, and always of equal strength. It has proven itself to be positively the best remedy for scrofula and all blood disorders, and the best tonic for that tired feeling, loss of appetite and general debility. Q It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia, a+ sick headache, biliousness, catarrh, rheumatism and all diseases of the kid- neys and liver. 9 It has a good name at home, there being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, than of all other sarsaparillas and blood purifiers combined. oIts advertising is unique, original, honest, and thoroughly backed up by the medicine itself. A Point for You. If you want a blood purifier or strengthening medicine, you should get the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and insist upon having it. Do not let any argument or persuasion influence you to buy what you do not want. Be sure to get the ideal medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, 51; six for $5. Prepared only. by C. 1. FEOOD.fc CO., &potliecaries, Lowell, Maas. 100 Doses One Dollar common excuse is that rafter farm imple-sou arnttit I"("I'te ear" t''''''"" vk suint', 4'td tlhse menta and other wagons aro wooded with it els the most glorious fruit of the earth. shelter utero is do room for thed!lig sure is'The date from I'arallisi w s in sante marvel - The greatest damage from such expaeure is anis wa biota lit to slats Pe'.tr Froin it to rho wheels ; and those who ewe tot y I: find stoizapo roam for the whole wagon have come all the elate palms to the world, eau surely find room for these, No *heel, au'l Allak destined it to ho thz fond. of all no wagon ; but so long as tate wheels are gond true br ties rl" who shall ana , 113 t' every one has afeelinz of confidence in leis vehicle. ' 1 g It is but a very few minutes' work to raise The oak wan always eoitstkdele:1 u yyholy the wagon au inch or two and place prom ttroe a oof the • dearth a o£ nbr,v 411, b1'lthe under the axles to hold them u , The nations of d)t north tf)yl rope A. to n wheels may be removed and ,placed under , mouths later when the wagon is wanted for tetany to preach the deeps! one of his first use the axles will be elevated ready for oil. actions was to cut down the giant oak in lug and the replacing of the wheels, The Saxony which was dedicates! to Thor and wagon will need oiling anyway after a win- ter'sand reat; hence the removing of the wheels Dui when he hall nearly felled the oak aid iii advance adds hut a small'scut of l alcor. while the people were eurnint and threat. While the wheels are under eover at,ll well enlrg the saint a supernatural storm swept dried is a good time to examine then) and over it, seized the summit, broke every attend to any needed repairs, SR when tite breech and dallied it, quasi (amend,motus, spring work calls them into use they will be solaris, with a tremendous gash to the ready to respond in good. condition. ground. The heathens. aeknowledged the The housing of wheels only is not reeom- marvel and many of [hent wee cnnvertetd there and then. Butthe saintbuilt n mended for those who cul make room for I null ' the whole wagon. It is here given with the chapel of the wood of this very oak and belief that the best way is of no use to a dedicated it 10 St. Peter great many to whom a "second best" The (nits andt,ermottsandSeandinavians, might be of great value.—[Colman's Rural again, worshiped the mountain ash, and it is World, especially in the religions myths of the latter that the "Asl:r Yggdrasil' plays a promin- Shee and Thriftgo Together. Vitt part. To them it was the holiest among P g trees, the world tree," which, eternally In 1841 there were in a certain town in young and dewy, represented heaven, earth Connecticut 2,492 sheep and there were also and hell. According to the Edda the ash at that time 18 farm mortgages. • In 1853 Yggdrasil was an evergreen tree. A spool - we find 1,584 sheep and 25 mortgages ; in men of it (says Adam of Bremen) grew at 1869, 604 sheep and 37 mortgages, and in Upsela, in front of the great temple, and 1887, 309 sheep and 42 mortgages. Now I another in I)ititmarselten, carefully guarded do not saythat by railing,a mythical t 11a the decline in sheep hits- a for it was in, mylhre al w, y, hnndry has had all to de with the increase of connecter. with the fate of the country. farm mortgages mentioned above, but I can. When. Ditbmaraehen lost its 1i1.erty the tree not forbear saying that it is suggestive. In withered, but a magpie, one of the best contrast to this is a locality lot, much larger prophesying birds of the north, canto and than a school district in which the inhabi• built its nest on the withered tree and hatoh- tants have always kept sheep and quite ex. 'ed five little ones, all perfectly white, as a tonsivelyy, too. The returns from a flock of ,sign that at some future time the country 110 Michigan ewes kept upon a farm in this would regain its foresee liberty. locality were as follows : Cost of 110 sheep in September, 1888, was $385, sales in A Glorious River. 1889 of 100 lambs $400, and of 11550 The St. Lawrence isa phenomenon among pounds of wool $165, or a total of t,,. ailNo other iv :+,76x7 and the original capital as rivers, says \ a.aert s I,E n. of r r ri er p yet uuiln• is fed by such gigantic lakes. No o other river paired. The lams were contracted for on duce 1 at $4 per head, to be taken from. the is so independent of the elements. It de. pastureat the rate of ten a week until all and Millike raM, d may be said snow oand theonlysunshine. tIce e were gone. This product was marketed eas- that affect its mighty flow. Something al- toand it did not require a daily trip of eue most as phenomenal as the St. Lawrence it - to five miles to a station or creamery. There self is the fact that there is so little general - was no longer of au oversupply and a re- ly known about it. It might be safely af- tura of the goods in a damaged condition, firmed that not 1 per cent of the Americas. bu middlemen were required sad the whole public are aware of the fact that among all business ot done on the farm. the great rivers of the world the St. Law - annual another flock beenof twelve$11.sheep the rencis the or-ly absolutely floodless one. annual receipts have $112.75 per year Such,however,is tiro case. for seven years, and with a steady improve- The St. Larence despised rain and aun- ment in the grade of sheep. To you who shine.Its greatest variation caused by have never given the matter any thought drouth or rain hardly ever exceeds a foot or it will he surprising to learn how quickly fourteen inches. The cause of this almost a flock may be established. I know a man everlasting sameness of volume is easilyun- who in 1882 owned three lambs and derstood. The St. Lawrence is fed y the he said that in five years from these mightiest bodies of fresh water on earth. three sheep he would have a flock Immense as is the volume of water it pours worth $l the The plan he adopted into the ocean, any one who has traversed was to sell wool and male iambs and all the immense lakes that feed it, and for buy ewes with the proceeds. This course he followed for four years, when he found the surplus waters of which it is the only that his flock was becoming too large for his channel to the sea, wonders that it i not farm. He made sales to the amount of even more gigantic than it is. Not one s $262.17 and had twenty-seven sheep remain- finddros its of way to he erse ocean save of the etigrough threat is Mg. Two years after dogs troubled his igantic, extraordinaryand wondrous! bean - Sock so much that he closed them all out. tifgul river. No wonde, then, that it should From three sheep in six years he sold $505. despise the rainand defy the sunshine. 84 of their products. There is work in this business and at certain seasons of tho year they need and must have the closest at- tention in order to get the best results and when this is given success is sure to follow. —[F. Chambers in Farm and Home. .) cover in some unoccupied corner, . fes: deist forth on his iaanalerines through. f,er- A. Turkish Diogenes. There is reason to believe, writes, Dr. Buckley in the " Christian Advocate," that except in the supernatural elements, the story of "Arabian Nights' Entertainment" has been paralleled over and over again in the history of Constantinople. One of the A Muoh-Named Family. There is a family living near the fair grounds in Athens, Ga., consisting of seven hildren. The parents seem to like a super- fluity of names. The first child isnamed Mary Ma alina Mandy Mectuln' Elizabeth Betsy Polly Mack Barrett. The second c'lild is named Alice Georgia Ann Yorecc B 'nett. The third ...ia is named,.tllattie Francis Anna Tranna Barrett. The fourth childis named Emory Seper Sultans not so very long ago was in the habit Walker Buster Barrett. of going about like the famous Caliph Har- I The fifth child is named Tile Cory Costen oun-al-Raschid in disguise. On one occasion, Estelle Liniment Ettle Isiduler Barrett. passing a plane where a man excavating a The sixth child is ,named Efice Boma cesspool, he heard him say to himself in a Mondenay Virginia Barrett. loud voice : "Persevere my soul, or I will A crowd is not company and faces are bu plan thee into deeper filth than this." p y agallery t toe unf rrtunate mi as odEcer approach- ombal, whre pictures,therand noallove.--[Bacon.t a ed h i3r lusts man and said to him "Colne wifli' ine," Rarertools possession; Berlin usually spends about $25,000 in of the laborer, who, *hen fief li by the of- ' celebrating the Emperor's birthday. Em - taking was drgss'Sd like - ge tl jan, and was • peror William has forbidden the expendi- taking his ease iiia cafe, Ho tiled to aster- Lure thisy ear. e Zs !a o i ese, e e.`, ; :..-'i .•0\\ 'estee n: , esese•..-• for Infants and Children, ""CastorlatssowelladaptedtocbildreaMet1 CastordRrds cuColic. Constipation, Ereeoenmeleliteneepe dews nypm:am-prion Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Erne -ratio; Ellis Worms, gives sleep, sad ,promotes dt- TE'#oirtitttioilll medfoatlga. known to roe. " H, A. Alter, 3L D.. >R Bo. WordSt..Iiia, N. Y, Thee en simt'Co,natav, :T ma r'ay street. N. 1 Farmers and Threshers --SHOULD USB— McCall Bros.' Laarf ine Oil, ayTANDF4R, 'WOOL, BOILER, AND ('URGER 0)18 SFE TU41' THE BARRELS ARE B,RA4S,DED .t M'O LL BROS. BDINE _ 'OROIs FOR SALE B'( H1SSETT BROS., EXETIGlt, hienttf-acreitel enky ut Tt1R?Inti 1' aIrgAWA a 784 :l`T731'w. QRI? f . l`ZJie.', LQI3I,IQZT. 0\b ,.�v et. a 10. GNP- Q,o� 4 pt;�r. �." r4 °e f n or et'� ne ", } se e$ 4w Oh ° a e� Lei .eo ,,F�. v �o ,c Cp X04 O1* �e t* V Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pot'. If tiro an. rens to not ABS, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Tho Boy's First Grouse. The boy of fourteen, alert, but ton full of life to move slowly and eteutionaly, is walk- ing along au old road in the woods, a road that winds here and there with meanderings that now seem vagrant amd purposeless, but once led to the various piles of cordwood and logs, far whose harre.nting it was hewn. Goodly trees have since grown up from step. lin)s that the judicious axe then scorned. Beaches, whose flat branches are shelves of old gold ; poplars, turne.l to towers of brighter metal by the sauna alchemy of autumn, and hemlocks, pyrtmitls of un- chnngiug green, sllntlow the leaf -strewn forest floor and its ineonspieuo'ts dotting of gray and russet stumps. How happy the boy is In the freedom of the woods n proud to carry his first own gun as he treads gingerly i but somewhat no` over the fallen leaves ' isit • } and dry twig©, scanning with quick glances the thteltets, imagining himself the Last Mohican on the warpath, et• Natty Bumpo scouting in the primeval wit'Terness. Cruder his breath Ito tells the eunii,tikkg chickadees and woodpeckers what undreamed danger they would be in from suc;i a brave wore he not in pursuit of nobler game. Then he hears a sudden rustle of the dry lea, es the quit! quit! of a partridge catches a glimpse of a rapidly -running brown ob- ject that on the instant is launched into a flashing thunderous flight. Impelled by the instinct of the barn sportsman, he throws the gun to bis shoulder, anti scarcely with aim, but in the direction of thesound, pulls trigger and fires. On the instant he is ashamed of his impulsive haste, that fooled him into wasting a precious charge on the inanimate evergreen twigs and sere leaves that come dropping and floating down to bis shot, and is thankful that he is the only wit- ness of his own foolishness. lint what is that? Above the patter and rustle of falling twigs and leaves comes a dull rebounding thud, followed by the rapid. beat of wings upon the leaf -strewn earth. With heart beating as fast he runs toward the sound, afraid to believe his senses, when he sees the noble grouse fluttering out feebly his last gasp. He cannot be sure that it is not all a dream that may vanish in a breath, till he has the bird safe in his hand, and then be is faint with joy. Was there ever such a shot? Would that all the world was here to see, for who can believe it just for the tel- ling! There never will be another such a bird, nor such a shot, for him. He fires a dozen ineffectual shots at fair narks that day, but the glory of that one shot would atone for twice as many misses, and he need not tell of them, only of this, whereof he bears ac- tual proof, though he himself can hardly ac- cept it, till again he tests it by admiring look and touch. Mrs. Hire (to applicant for cook's place) —" But how am I to know that you have had experience? Have you any recommends tion ?" Cook (producing a paper)—" Ex- perience is it ? Look at that, mum : it's a ist of the crockery I've broke in the last twelve month." 9 Cords NOBACKACHE HOURS ..D n 1 ; 0 co ONE b5 N. Write fo^ descriptive catalogue oontatning tostinionials frolc bu�dreda of people who hate ,awed from 4 to 0 cord, dap . •b etO now success fully used. Agency can be had where there is a vacancy. A NEW INVENTION for Sling saws sent free with each machine; by rho use of this. tool everybody can filo their own saws now and do h.hacter than the greatest expert can without It. A. acted to all crosscut saws. Every one who owns m saw should have one. No duty to pay; we manuraotnro in Canada. Ask �our dealer or write FOLDIN SAWING DKA. "G JIUU1 CO., $03 to Sll S. Canal St., Chicago, JUL Exeter Butcher Shop ill.DL IS3 utclter & General DE�a1et —IN t.Lt. AUNDs VI A TS ustamorsaupplied TUESDAYS, TIIURS A1S.awn SATUBDAYS at thei :esiden ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CLIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. M 0 canto earned et our rb y.1ine of work nuttily and u,tgerbty, by thorn of either sex, young dr old, and in *hely own lorntitlea,wt,rrerer they live. Any one conset d the work. o t„rk. lisey relearn. tvdfan,L.¢rrrylhlne Westartyou, dorisk. r, an*lian your,p w� to moats, oral!ynurtlmo to the work. Tbdals nn entirely cowl ad.and brings wonderthl success to every welts. Brun -tort nr• earning from Rex to 460.par week and thte ess. end hiss , t, •ra tittle axppedeace. We ten furnish you r,. em- pinym •n. and teach ycu El EE No spacer, explain bare, Fon DM 20111011 NIL Auu. elL CO, Al4CSTA,,=um. -5a=� c t"' 'PO R THE $EST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 56000.00 a yearIs being made by John L Geedwin,Troy,N.Y.,nt work fur us. Render, you may not .mehe as much, Let we can teach you quickly !tow to earn from Si to $10 a day at the start, and mote as you go 00. Both sexes, all ages. Iu anypart of \merles, you can commence at home, giv- ing all your timr,or spare moments only to the work. All is nes. Great pay SINUS for e\.Ty worker. \re start you, furnishing u•rything.X.58108 SPEEDILY learned• inericueenS rime. Address et once. STINSON a CO., PORTLAND, SIAM Cures Burns. Cuts, Piles in their worst form. Swellings. Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, Chapped Hands and all Skin Diseases, MISTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR —OuRxs— Luniltare. Fobit iea Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toth w, a pains in every form. By all. dealers. Wholesale by F. F. Daily &Co ERRORS OF YOUTH. Nervous De- bility, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay, promptly and •ermanently cured by Does not interfere with die or MOM °ccupe, ion and fully restores lost vigor and insures,neefeot ,manhood, Price. $l per boa. Sole Prop.ietor, 13. SCBON•1ELD, Soho- tlbId's Drug `•' ^s. Bait STREET, TORONTO. Ment.....!. Ibis pa ler. Snug little fortunosharebeenmndoai work for us, by Anna Pogo,Austin, Texas, and Jno. Donn, Toleo, Ohio. See cut. Others aro doing as well. Why not you? Some earn over 5500.00 n month. You can do the work and live at home, wherever you tau Even be- glaners,aro easily earning trete $6 to Ill a (ley. All age. We show you how and start you. Den work in ,pare time or ell the time. Big montF k:.,rork- ers. Vellum unknown e, ong them. NEW and wonderftl. Particulars fret. H.Ilallett dt Ca., Box fI 80 Portiassisa