The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-29, Page 1414 ' Elie Goderieli Signal -Star, Thursday, October 29th, 1959 Stratford Teachers" College Alumni Reunion November 7 The, Alumni Assdciation of. the Stratford Teachers' College 1 has announced that pians have been completed for the annual autumn reunion to be held in Stratford on November 7, The three graduating years, especially chosen to be honored at the functions being planned this autumn, are.1934, 1944, and 1954. All graduates of the classes held in the years: 1933- 34, 1943-44, and 1953-54, as well as. their escorts, are invited to renew acquaintances at the re- union banquet and ball, The class of 1933-34 consisted of 297 students. The 1943-44,c1ass had 88, 'and in 1953-54 there were 133 in attendance. Guest. speaker for the band quet, to be hekd in' the Vict9rian Inn, Stratford, at 5.30 p.m. on Saturday, November 7, will ,be J. B. Healy, B.A., B.Paed., form- er acting -principal of the Strat- ford Teachers' College and now assistant -superintendent of Pro- fessional Development for the Ontario Department of Educa- tion, ,A special. feature of the ,ball, to be held in the Stratford Arm- oury at 9,00 p.m. the same day, is the crowning of the Alaimni Queen, elected by the 1959 grad - uating class. The election was held in May at which time 'the' four finalists were announced, but just which one will bel Queen has been a well -guarded! secret. Not until' the crowning ceremony itself will it be known which of the four finalists will' be Queen. The four finalists, one to be Queen and the other three to be the Queen's Attend- ants, ,are: Ruth Bray, Owen Sound,'now teaching in Owed Sound; Marianne Holland, Waterloo, now teaching in Waterloo; Joan Tank, Kitchener, now teaching iff-Kitchener; and Mrs; Marilew West (formerly Marilew Halon, New Hamburg) now teaching in Ottawa. All graduates, interested in securing tickets Io the banquet and dance should contact the treasurer of the Alumni Associ- ation, Helen Ivals, 271 Glaston- bury Drive . Stratford. NOW TWO DIRECT LINES TO BETTER SERVE ¥OU DIAL .. . JA 4-8331 If the above line is busy you automatically .switch in on our ,second line, .. NALST AT YOUR SERVICE us FOR A GREENER •THUMB By G. MacLeod Ross The time has come, the Wal- rus said, to talk of many things. And first on the list is Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital 'project. As the year draws 'to a close, it is satisfactory to be 'abte.to report that a contract has been let for the .immediate completion of the planting at the hospital grounds which John Weall laid out for us Hist year. In all, some 200 plants will be put in, in five loe'ations. They include a privet hedge border- ing the east roadway, lilacs and berbes at the N.E. entrance, treat street. (Phone 889,T for full low growing junipers in front of the curtain wall at the emerg- I particulars. The society offers ency entrance and ground Cover, no material inducements to in the form of euomymops veg-those who join. Membership etus, ori the west side of the. merely gives an individuarSense new block. Messrs. John Scheel. of satisfaction, a finger in, a er and Lewis Taylor are super -;project for the common weal, vising the work. When this is a small token of interest, of complete the G.H,S, ' will have d,vle pride. In short, member - .pent something over $600 on;ship is the hall mark of good this hospital project in the last citiz.nship.. two years, with the -U.1111? -0f the' "Birds That Srhoke In Bed money being found in 1959.1 This is ,the engaging title of This is a good 'example of the,an article by the science editor kind of town beautification of the Illustrated London News, I Maurice Burton, He explains that in England a number of fires have been noted and care- fully investigated, which have occurred high un'in trees. Fire chiefs and. foresters have been. able to find` no cause other than the peculiar habits of certain members in that area should pay their dues. M,.embers are being notified individually by circular as to the name and ad- dress of their representative. Members will assist the society by paying their dues in advance, now, before the snow Hies and makes coMmunication less easy. They' are also asked to influence their—friends to join and take an interest in improving the amenities of the town. New members may contact the, Membership Secretary, M i s s Frances Armstrong, at 78 Mon - which a society can do when it has a large membership. . The more members,Kthe larger the Provincial grant and eon- Yequently the more money avail- able for landscaping the town, New members are needed for 1960 in order that we may be able to buc1 cat for our next pro- ! ro birds. Rooks, magpies, jackdaws jest. The plifn•ter at the visitors' and jays, amongst others, are entrance to the hospital has well known for a 'propensity, for been gay all year with 11r. Percy glowing objects, just as much i Barker's begonias. It is now to as, for bright reflecting surfaces. by' planted with yellow tulips �i'hilst no one" has come forward which have been donated by the , to attest• to seeing a magpie Girl Guides, and once again we l With a cigarette in its beak, the shall be indebted to Mr, Barker fire a�ithoritie's all insist that a for their planting, •i; 'strong circumstantial case hast Membership been made out against these!. With this project sc�tisf,a•ct9r-:birds. If this sort of thing cant , ily in the bag, it is only natural OCCUI' in ,the high humidity ol'l to set our sights a bit higher 1' nglarid, i't sec ms likely that its for 1960," Once again. we shall I can • happen here even more attempt to obtain more meim- l easily. It would he interesting hers and to - exceed the 300 1 to hear the Lands and Forests mark.. To aid this worthy object, i departrnent on the subyect. The as well as to try to get in dues 'moral 'is the sane, since the in good time, the town has been birds of the -air are ,a law unto divided into 25 areas, each com-!themselves, if you mu'st smoke, prising two or three - streets. I stamp out the' ashes. All of Each area is in charge of a mem-I which only goes to show how her representative.. to whom all very complicated life is becom- k, rng �thC'se days. You cannot just Instal Rebeah ;have a starling in your Chimney as of yore, but it has to smoke. I Plenf° Purchase All the bulbs ordered by me -1 Iodge Officers— tiers have been distributed and - I may well have been planted ere l .,,,,-.r . !