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The Exeter Times, 1891-2-12, Page 1
k.lm ND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE . "HEW TO TFTs LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL, XVIII. NO 20, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY 'MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1.891 >aPCTA n t )1.L.It. . )St7►�V, Barrister, Snli- e :icor of eaprerne Court, Notary nmane, l:uivevele©r. vswmieetoner. do ])Ionil to Q,n(;it. (ltdce(ra b'm11601a'r,rtlooe.l xeter- II. COLLIN'S, a e ioi l .Beer` Etc. �t,r,rlstwr, aal.oltor, �.cln�e�ta. , l�:ll:arR.. oar, °Mico over toe Poet UQce, E1LOT S: ELL/OT, Barristers, Salters, Notaries ?attic, O(3uveyaucera tS&e, &c. tw"liontiy to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - 9f AIN - STREET, EXETER. , tr, gne er. 1, seem's.. 1)1N TAI,. TR 0.11INGRAM, DENTIST, 1 Suceeseer to IL L. Billiege. Member of the Royal College of nentel Sureeens,) Teeth iuvertea with or without Plato, hi tioldorRubrer. A. satoAneetbetic give* for tbe finleae extraction of teeth. eruera semwee i firmly in the luauth by Y OFFICE : Over O'Neii'a Eau, Ricin every t`rele . KIN S M,O1';NTIST.L.D. • • t~, Females illoelte Muiu.st, Exeter, "Stroete Teeth without rain. Away at]irtteei.r.on :list Veil tY; Oro ig,eea�inti eel heath lnesiiar" enol ante °n on the last Thurs. .l:iv..f Peen relent h. 11:11, DIC'AL •.• w. Di. D., DI. • I. :i, tirmelstere '•'icterin neivevaity: Office nail rteenletice, Rout Pion Labora- tory. bore --- tory. 1':sister. 1 'R. R3,kD'1U3IAN, coroner fnr the • s County of Benoit. Office, opposite' Carlini: Mee. et•am, Exeter. y.Alt. J. &.ltOLLINS,111.0.1',S. Lo.(;, Ot:l:gin, Stain St. 'fleeter. Ont. Residencelrt.,vae r ecoutly occupied by P. lfcrlulli},ta, else. L F. CUT'1'EN, M. D., 0. M., . Graduate Trinity University. Tor- onto • Fol. Trio • Med. echool.'1'urentn ; Grad. Ani lest..erariiolos:,r; Member N. Y. Acad. AnthropolOgv: Member Col. P. S., Ont. - office, Dashwood.t)nt. I'R. DAVID 1 L ST AEBLER, Gj`ti1VERSIT]: or TORONTO) 1'bysiciret.:eurgeon. etc• Having spent the w nter in Vienna,inANow York, and winter of °Men : (I1EIliTO:v, ONTARXO. DR• \ ()()1.aIIITI:'F ',Menses of the EYE, EAR, NOSE Atm THROAT Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for both ;Seer and Distant Vision. Always at home, except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. ...ea.o AUCTIONEERS. J. ROLLINS, LI*;ENSEI.) • Auctioheer for Counties IIuron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mild south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. -n�-� BUSSENBERRY, General Li . sensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. charges moderate, Hansali P 0, Ont. liTENEY EILB t'R Licenser] Aue- C - trimmer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Sales oonduotcd at mod- erate rates. Ofecte, at Post -oleos, Ored- ston Ont, H. PORTER, GENERAL D. AuctioneerandLandValuator, Orders sunt by mail to myaddrese, Bey fsod P.O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate, D. 11. P01'tTF tt, Auctioneer. VETERINARY . Tennent & Tennent EXETER, ONT. The Moleoris (1E»1Y I'A:tlefA IE1t;TeerN) Paid upt tepito.1 ... ,YoUN WHJT1 4$ $01.1 ablishert'u;4 rroprretoe Vele RentFund ... ieteeelf ilea d0ince, Montreal. F. Zy0l,PElt;`TAN THOMAS.Fetx-, Oevarenelexaazr 20 inane :ofiacesh,tee esomtn fon. Agene ie far the Dttnainean.l'-S.A.;oo,i Parove. Ft eta r Branob, Open every -lawful day, fnestle a.m.te3 p.0 S-tF1'RIIA.Ys,10 a -ex to 1 p,m, 4Pereent-perannuw ailowedformoney on Repoi it Reeeipts N. DYER $URDON, Sub -Manager. Gr ' uatesofthe Oataric, veterinary Col- lege cern : One itooxSouth ofTotvu flee!, MONEY TO LOAN. Rodrervilie. Seligson. Reetette--Tefe following aro the namen of the three pupils in aeon class villa obtained the highest number of raarke for tbo month of January in fl S No 1, t7sborue. Tho pupil's position in the class is based upon the general work of the mouth, the weekly examinations, conduct .and pnnetu- ality•'-^-6th class.- A 11ia Jeckell, 13ea.ie Jcckell, Norman Ifeddy --Sr 4th. -Caleb t udneore, Roden ;cotton. Peter Moir -Jr 4tit-dobn Stewart. Alleenes .Reddy, Maud florton.- ..Sr ar 1- Arlen ,Terkel!, Edward McTageart, Lily Illateltford .--Jr 3rd-- dinnie Dunn. Vharlre Dew, Susie Casa. -- Sr 2n:1 --George Hawbine, Luther a.3lte. Ernest Wliite.-31. 2:1.1 ---Roby Harem, Nettie Reddy, Edith Lase. --..fart 2nd-- (ieorgo Dunn, Laura Jeckell, Jammy Stewart. I'nrt 1st --Bert! featly, Harry White, Willie White, i'tseras o attendance, 50. 'Fez. MelLev, teacher. MONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, $25.000 Private Runde. Best Loaning Companies represented, L. el DICKS0N, Barrister, l,xeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNCOalB; Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- Ofllce,Tipstaira. Samwelils.Bloek, Exeter,Ont INSURANCE Blaus1iard, Beenter,-4,.`Sr White, of Glendale, pur- posee erecting a fine brief; ro$d'l.nlee daring the ermine; summer. 3lr Joa Leighton, who, until his removal to Pipestoue, Zlinn„ a fete years ago, was ono of Illanehard'e 1t3Whty esteemed citieena, i'i at present vfeiting Itis son-in.lsiw, lift Tilos Evans, of Prospect Hill. -The suddenness with wiieh the news of the election ltan bunt forth has thrown the p'..10 We a fever of excite- ment. I'roseecta for the sneet'ass of 1fr lliavp are move eucenratging and in many waya better than ever. Many heretofore etahl old l:efortnere are confessing their waywardness and error and intend hence- forth to cleave to that whieln is goad and Ruppert Sir John, he who orderttb all things forcer rood, The general feeling eltenlating in the township is in favor of Mr Sharp and arrangements aro being made for the bolding of public meetings at as early a date as possible. --Air Geo Sperin, of the 4th lino, Iost an entire horse valued at $1,200. Ifo etas insured in a reliable live stock asauraueo company. 138 r1ietd. Baims-Mr Wm Jewett met with a bad aceelent while eoanting and was severely uircd bob is -rapidly recovering. --ler Janie (card ha; removed hie shoe shop to the rho') formerly occupies by Charles Stalks-r,-1dr McPherson and Mies 0 Morrison, of Bengali, were in town last Sunday. -Commencing on Wednesday Feh lttn and each Weduestlay evening during Lent, services will beheld in Trinity church beginning at 7.30. -On Sund'ty eteuing last Mr Yeo, of Goderich Town- ship, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church and preached very sect 'stably to a large congregation. --Mr Chas Stacker and family left this week for the Sault, where they will reside. -Mr George Ring and bride returned last week from an ex- tensive wedding trip. -Fibbing here is very good at present, -The skating rink is the main attraction here this season, and carni vats are well patronized. -Miss M. Routlige has returned home after several months vacation in Hamilton -Last fall there was considerable talk of having the piers repair- ed but so far nettling has been done.- Curling takes place twice a week at the rink and some goodgames aro played. rpHE LONDON MUTUAL 11 FIRE INSURANCI3 COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, stil ontinues to offer the owners of farm property private residences, either on buildings or ts.tbe most favorable protection in Dasa rdamage byfire orlightninr, at rates liberal term s. that no other respect can afford towrtte. 42,375 poli n ,1890. Assets $378,428.00 vernment detaost, Deben- etee. JAtti:s Guam, L4,Manager, DAVID dvioinity. Anderson. Borers, -Mies Annie Lane, of Bowman - villa, is visiting relatives in the neighbor- bood.-Miss Maggie Johnston left ou a visit to friends in Woodstock. -Miss Cora Cornish, of Birkcon, is spending a pleasant time with friends in and around- our lively "burg." -Mr J. Ross, manager of the butter factory et Kirkton, called en the patrons last week and, satisfactorily settled last year's accounts. The average prime per lb. received by the patrons being 16 smuts. - No bible class was held Tuesday evg, the 2nd inst. in consequence of the inclemency of the weather. -Mies Flora- Lane, of the 8th, is the guest of her coming un the 3rd. The . Methodist Sunday Sohool have added a choice selection of books to their valuable library. The books were furnished by H. F Sharp, of $t. Marys, .at wholesale rates. -A large number ofyoung people of the 3rd and 4th line spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr Geo Bentley's on the 6th inst. Indulgence' in parlor a'ousereents was the chief feature of the evening. -Mina Jennie Lane, of .Delaware, is spending; a short vacation under the paternal roof.- Mr Noble ,Tohuston lost a valuable horse last week. -The Misses Wualey have re turned home from visiting friends iu Stratford. -Mr Bat r, of Mitchell, has been calling on the farmers during the past week in the interests of the Ontario Hedge Fence Co. The fenceas represented surpasses all others in cheapness, durability and beauty, and as these are leading character- istics of a good fence Mr B. will, doubtless have no difficulty in securing a large num- ber of orders. • To purify Your blood TakeHood's Sarsaparilla. Haar. ., r 47 :, �iP' Y O. r Tee ff ..otset ;, t see monthly reg . t ft3 S No 2, Hay, The mimes are in order of meet :- Fiftlt-Jit; Campbell, i-hnner Russell, Fred d;e l'ageart. 1•onrth- . Estee. Cbal'tuan, Cecil liege, Nelsen Neill:cott. • Senior Third -Henry Jeeltson, Cerarles Ne.rtheott, .'Frank Roes. denier Third -Tsetse jaekeon.ltalph Chap- man, Amelia Tr -1;iu'n Second ---Nellie Norttfeott, Jas Shit -ray, Dilute, Gould. SrtS,-eond Port --Neel' -Warren, B.•eltle 14ortlarott, Jmo road. Jr Seeoud Pert --.-1? lora Nurtllcatt, Wiltou 11useelI.:tleivin Gould. First PAr t ---];algal O'Brien, Francis ]:a+ie, Rachael Essar, 4.1111111., rxrvlile. :amnion is 03810 in some of the papers of early lambs, once coining on Jan 2001 being called the forst of the emboli, but Mr Al 1:11 - fold, er., has one that was born on Jan 12, 1891. leachers deeirotls of having Iamb for their customers early in the season will remember this .-Several have been 1 rid up with 14 grippe ---Owing to the illness of Ilia children iltr Hobnail was unable to teach ethool last week. Ale, Jelin Detbrndge weighed two cows on the TS iuelleleea aeatea whittle :loped the beam. At nearly 3200 1bet They will be vhoppers by atty. The re. caret mow w38 a blessing to mnuy who 3u- tend budding next mummer, as they were enabled to draw eewlo,s to the milt. great many loge were moved in a few flay last week. --John He: wood left for Olsnto on Wt-lnes;iny last -I;ev, 0. Smith tva< rsetormitended to esinfe'reneo by the Imam - atone vote of the t?ttarterly heart!, Goderiob Children Cry for Pitcher's° Cstorip oememmern Rim:r is-.'ilr Robert Porter arrived in teem on We dnea,iay antt left for home on Friday. The gentleman saw rainy of hie anpp' rtrrn during Iiia stay in tioderioh. lu• ii. Collins, barrister, was iu the county town hest week. -The . Couttervatives will meet in convention at Smith's 11311 to- rnerrttty to nominate a candidate for the cemmone, =-'Tee Return -tem of West Burin met Isere IAA '1'e.lneeelay in convention, lint 1.1111 5 to select a aanditlito adjourned Perone week, --Ifo anttiug commenced here last week, the eat being over a foot in tltieknes'I And beautifully clear, --Mr Cook - man, of IIansell, attended the young people's assembly last Thursday, -It is rumored that if Mr M. C. 08meren refuses to stand Mr A. H. Manning will be next choice, norwithatnnding the strong feeling in favor of alr D. AlcGillicuddy,-McKinnon the n'an under eomtuittel for the murder of hie wife line reeovered from his wounds. --deny residents from town met neighbor hood attended the opening of the naw Methodist 01111•ah at Cameo, Ashfield towns slap, on Sunday. -Lawyer Elliott was in (oderioh on Saturday. tTBb r16, Tho following is the report for 5 S No 3. Usborne, for the mouth of January, 1891, which gives the standing of the pupils in their respective classes. This is based upon their regular attendance, general efficiency in tease work and the marks obtained by them at the examinations held during the past mouth. The number of pupils on the roll is 46 and the average attendance for the month 36 :- 4th elass-Alfred Switzer, Robert Ballan- tyne, Lewis Barrie, Willie Pringle, Nettie Shier, Fred MaOtooklin, Bella Pringle. Sr 3rd -Hester Switzer, Wm Ballantyne, Janet Ballantyne, Thoa ilIcClooklin, Nancy Stinson Ernes;. Doupe, Ella Clarke, Della Clarke, Clara Luxton, Nora Fletcher. Jr. 3rd -Lucy Doupe, Robt Gardiner. Jr 2nd -Fred Marshall, Edna Marshall, Fred Carr, David Clarke, Lewis Fletcher, Maud Fletcher, Arthur Gardiner, James Pringle, Janine Pringle, Chas Clarke. Pett second -Albert McOlooklin, Thoa Ballantyne, Everett Doupe, Alex Duncan, Arthur Duncan, Bella Gardiner, Harold Shier. Sr part first -Ira Mershall, Edwin Gardiner, Arnold Harris, Jas Gardiner, Nelson Clarke, Garnet Fletcher. Jr part fitst-Charles Carr. Robert Dun- can. Br 2nd -Eddie Clarke, Allots Gonrley, Hoax. then, teacher. reeye granted the following orderx ;.- Cicero Wa l's i tun ti to�Vod Ii w stn and o � . h a Granton for plank Layton 1'i.l, 81. repai•frrg nth Creek bridge 0 5 11; Win Eirk, w5.2'1, far grave ; 51..Marya Journal. $2.50. (dvertis- ing ltam3nations; St. :Very.. Argus $?9 8.), balance Drintink 1890, 91. advertising voters lots 1833; (7aptaiu Campbell, 8810. serviet s alnlitur, Wm Roger d > : Il F Sharp, $5.30. stationery 1890; J (.t'Gilpin, $2.20, lowering and cleaning store Pipes township hale ; Citarlea meaararing plank 1890. Council atljeurucd to meet first Mouttay in Mtrelt at the hour of 10 o'clock in the totem :au. J. JAIES t.t. Clerk, Farquhar. Is41311,tNcri Meeeeva. - The fifteenth annanl rnei.ting of the 'Cleburne Hibbert Mutual hire Insurance Company was held in Gardiner's Hall, Farquhar, on the 2nd of Fehrnare, au4 as usual there was a large numberof members present. The Presi- dent., D. Mitchell, Esq. took the chair and opened the meeting be showing tb"e great progress the company had made du.ing the pant year. the fnurc?al standing at the present time and the email exporter) of management as compared with ether companies of a eimilar eine. The tlnaucial revert and auditor's ab- etraet was then saawitteu from which the following atatietfes may bo taken ;- Policies bawd tinting the year, new Ana enewed, 579, severing rialto emanating $Q32,650 aeenred by premium notes to tiwnaut of 911,012.11 making a total Ma policies now sn tome eoveriug Bks amounting to $3.602,160 seenrel by remiom notes to the amount of 463.463.29 and the total au:ete of the company 14 955,473.61 rind liabilities none. Tito two retiring dtrcotora, :deems D Mitchell and 3. Et; -fry were rteeleeted for a terra of three years trftb s1r Jaraoa Giileeppt as Auditor tt. discuesion then arose as to the nivlsabfiity of oomp:liing tbiesbers to nee the iced; or rope drive for tranen0ftttng power from the enuiue to the thresher at a distance of 1c0 feet time rola rine leas risk while tetra'hiug, also the propriety of ontrrrinr ou a Mur year contract of inaatranae. Short end pithy speeches wet0 deliwerrd by etarerai gentlemen pret.eut amnia wham was :1 Bishop, DI P 1', who in an able manner showed the steady progrees the minuet iusnrance companies wenn nnnitiug in the prorinoe and the great advantages to be derived from insuring on thti mutual system. Tee Secretary we, highly commended for the able and thorough manner inwhim he 'tad managed the affairs of the Company, the greeting, which was a very agreeable and rrdeily one, was thea brought to a close. Bianshard Council. The municipal council met in the town hall, Malntyre's Corners, on Monday, the end inst. Present, fall board. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed Sinclair -Berry- That by-law No - relating to appointment, duties and salaries of officers for the year be now read short. - Carried. The said by-law being read the necessary number of times was passed and signed by by the reeve and clerk and the real attached thereto. - St. John- Johnson - that oouncilloa Sinolair and Berry be appointed a finance committee for- the ensning year: -Oast fed. Tenders for the township printing for the year were' opened as rolls) va:-St. Marys Journal, 945,35, St. Marys Argus, 943 Berry--Johnson-that Journal tender be accepted.• --Carried . The auditors submitted their report to the board which was referred to the finance committee. The committee reported that they had examined the auditors' report for the year 1890 and compared the various items with the cheque book and found it oorrect. We further find that the total ex- penditure is $15;164.22, and the total receipts 618,956 95; leaving a balance in the bands of the treasurer of 93.792 72. We. further find the sum of 91,742.98 still un- collected on the roil of 1890. We also find the total assets to be $6,444;31 and total liabilities 95,344.76, leaving a balance of assets' over liabilities of $1,099.55, Johnson -St. John -that the report be adopted and copy given to the printer for publication. on.. On motion duly made and seconded the Osborne Council. Dashwood. PATOONS of I ,00sTrx--- or the pae;t few vrsc•lis a certain Mr Smith. of ;!Michigan hes been t-ay.11ing through this 1 mot of the e.rur,try giving free lectures to the fattnttrs and laborers. Ates object is to organize orders of the Patrons cf Industry. The object of the order is to have a caah bani- nees t :rougbout and to allow mereaaeta to no mare ttlan10 to 12?g per cant. The order is similar to the Grangers- Quite a number tel farmere hero joined and an nyder was reamed at the Blaekbneh edictal house. IAA Tuesday evening he lectured in It e D.•tsh;7oo4 saute but was not sue - meth' in forudug an order. Several mer chants were there who oppaaed Paine after he tree through with his lecture. On Monday everting there was to be a meeting in B'lbalun fiche hitt Mr Smith did not appear. Smoot( Reronx'...-.The following are the names of the pupils of Ft la No tt, Hay, who received GO per cent. or over on writtea work during the month of Jan 'y. Fifth class --a1 Cook, 85. Sr fourth - John Hoffman. 69; lila Cook. 54' A. Geiger, 53. Jr fourth• --G Snider, 74; II tioffPSan, 71; Dan Weber, 60; Wm Bean 54- Sr third -Dau llartleib, 69; Annie Elhore. 77; D heaver, G4. Jr third- Oscar Snell, 65. Sr second -Wm Klein - saran, 72; Teams Miller, 513; L Steinba$.'r, 67t \t .Bader, 52. The average attendance far the mouth was 62. SAN ;11 1hrolr, prinei ral. Iteenre Tltere is ennui talk of a tont bell snitch le wan theDa•bwoad and Bleekbn-h reboot clubs, -A uamlier from brit* attend ed the funeral of the late :ler P (1 -deer on the Bronson Line. --Sir W rleitreiver, of D.11tutn, is home on a vale, while in Dakota Mr K1, -fosterer met with a rely 1=a1uf41 accident, --Be alt a1'pearcmees the fair rex is biecomiug quite seaeaif we ettei .t by what hsp(eenn'l one Sunday nvt•uln„ not long ago. Well done Louie --Last Sunday white Mr and :4l••s ,1ln5scr were driving Irene church the bona started to (tick And broke the ehnft'. Tae bot so aid not gtt array, as Mr Mu -ser tinted hill Jute the feriae a truer. No cue was hart. tar d ti an. 13pxrre-•ihiss Horinle, of I3raa1;1yn, N Y is the guest of Dr 1) it Stnebler.-Mea Gottiob Wucrtll ie seriously ill, -Miss Hatton who has been the gut+ t of Miss Celesta Bode= for some time has returned to her home in Detroit.- Afr and Mrs Knerchor of D.fslttv,,oe, spent Sen6,.v iu Crediton as the guests of Mr Aug Hadar,-- Messra John and Nelson Sahmare, eons of the late Werner Sebmarr, tormerly of this place paid their numerous friends here a flying visit, John is in the tin and hard- ware business in Wellesley, Ont, and Nelson is a dentist running an office in Bat Portage and is dojos a large buaineee.-- Messrs John Either and Wm Motz left on Tuoaday to work an the tunnel at Sarnia. - Miss Jury, of Exeter, spent Sunday in Oredlton as the guest cf Hannah Lewis. -- Air Wm Lewis bas been confined to Lis !rouse for over a week by Meese. we hope to see him around as usual shortly. -The conservatives bele tmeeting in the town hall on Tneeday evg and organized for the coming Dominion Elections, committees were formed and delegates appointed to attend the County convention to be held at Ailsa Craig to day. -Mr and Mrs $ohinohter, of Sebewaing Mich, are spend- ing their honeymoon in Crediton, Urs 8 was formerly known here as Miss Rose Brown but has seen fit to change her name. -Mr V Bertrand has sold bis house and lot to hirs Sarah Sims for a neat figure. Mr Bertrand will have a sale of hie furni- ture on Tuesday next after which he will move to Sebewaing, Mich. -Mx Hobbs and Mies Brown • teachers in the school are getting up an entertainment to be held shortly in the town hath -On Friday evg last Mr McLean a representative of the Patrons of Industry held a meeting in the town hall. There were qnite a number of farmers out to hear bim and he harangned for about two hours showing them how they were oppressed, he showed them the evils of monopoly but no remedy, and judg- ing from a political standpoint it was noth- ing more nor leas than an out and ont Third Party speech, althougb Mr McLean did not want it to bo taken for one He did not advance their pet argument here but dwelt ptincrpally on the monopolies. After be was through with his speeoh he was replied to by Mr 11 FI Collins, of Exeter, and Mr liy llilber; of this place. Both speakers ridiculed the Patrons of Industry and put Mr McLean in a -warm corner. The meeting broke up iu a con- fuaicn and McLean's efforts were useless, and he left the hall without securing any members. We think that there are a greatmany grievancesbutthe remedyfor them is not as these men would lead the people to believe ; they do not break up a monopoly but on the contrary help them along and rain the business man who is foolis1s enough 10 let himself be gulled by a lot of scheming fanatics who are looking to the interest of their own pockets only.-- The nly.-The Hay township Farmers' Mutual .Fire Insurance Co has issued a calendar for 1891 and is distributing them accompanied by the annual reports to each member of the company, -In consequence of this tie.) mail bag 'capacity is heavily taxed and extra sacks have to be put on from Crediton P 0 to the railroad: The council met to•tiay purauaut to ad- journment All the members were pres- ent The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The clerk laid on the table four tenders fur aupplying the township with cedar and elm lumber. 1' Cameron -J Halls that the offer of W Milne to supply the township with rock elm at $10 per m, delivered at Exeter be accepted. providing the amid lumber be delivered at Exeter before the ]0th of March next. -Carried T Cameron -W Kydd-that 0 Hay be assessor for 1891 at a salary of $50. Moved in amendment by J Halls -J Shier -that Wm Miners be assessor for 7891 at a salary of $50. The amendment was carried. W Kydd---T Cameron -that A Duncan be collector for the year 1891 at a salary of $55, and that he furnish satisfactory bonds to this council in the sum of $1,200. -Carried. Moved in amendment by J Shier-jBalis --that Wm Routly be appointed collector for 1891 at a salary of $50 and thathe fur- nish satisfactory bonds in the sum of $1,200. -Lost. J Hails -T Cameron - that a by-law be drafted confirming the appointment of the assessor and collector for the current year. -Carried. The auditors then presented their report -for 1890. W Ky63-J Shier -that the auditors' report as now presented be adopted and 150 copies printed for dis- tribution. -Carried. The treasurer's bond was then duly executed and signed J Balla -IV Kydd- that the treasurer's bond for1891 be accepted, it being satis- factory. -Carried. T Cameron -J Shier -that by-laws 1 and 2 as now read a third time be passed. -Carried. W Kydd -J Halls -that the council adjourn for one hour to allow the board of health to to meet. On re -assembling it was moved by W Kyrie -J Halls- that whereas doubts exist as to -the legality of collecting 5 per cent: additional on taxes paid, on the 15th of Dee last as the 14th of said mouth the limit fixed by, the by-law made pursu- ant to the statute for paying the same fell ,on Sunday, be it resolved that all rate- payers who paid their taxes on the 15th of. Dec, he refunded the 5 per cent. charged on the same Carried. W Kydd--J Shier- that Geo Bell receive $7.50 for keep of T Bennett, and T l3rimaoonibe 95 foe keep of A Carmichael. -Carried. J Shier -eV Kydd-that the council of the village of Exeter be requested to appoint a committee to meet the reeve, clerk, treasurer and Jas Balis, representing ,this council, to endeavor to adjust the matter in dispute between Exeter and TJsborne, as to the indebtedness of said village in regard to the bonus granted by Usborne to the L H' & B R 'R. -Carried, The fol- lowing orders were granted viz. --T Cann; special grant to S S' No 10, 1890. $40; M Samwell. keep of J Hewitt and wife, $13 ; G+ Rutherford, auditing axes, $5; J Del. bridge, do, $5; R Harvey, 5 per cent' re- funded, $2.70 ; T Coates salary, 970- On motion of J Shier -W Kydd-the council adjourned to meet Saturday, Apill 4th, at 10 a m. Goo W HoL>Inx, Clerk. Feb'y 7th, 1F97. No EHanow or DOUBT—No sane' person doubts tbat what we say. of B 33 13 is true. The evidence of its power and popularity is too overwhelm -Ina to confute' besides it is all home .testimony making it certain that 1313' B will cure dyspepsia, bilionsumso sic;': headache, ucrofula and all blood diseases. PRIM We dare just opened out ane of the finest selections of Prints ever shown In town. The patterns tins year aro vert' handsome awl prices right. Good Prints for Ain per 311, Handsome !Tatters for Toc r, The lovely wide cloth for 12ia ALSO Full range of new patterns of Sateans. The chances are they will be mostly gone before the sea- son gets properly opened out. Snot handsome pada some bid oe good bye, Cur, Asn age xxetr, Remember equal values in all ether!foes. J'. P. ROSS, Bargain Depot. ,,,,,,,,,,,,- rrat rooMrnaitet GDNDENSED !SEWS l 'rout Valrious Soureees Through out the Ltlstriot. The Reman Cann e1iea leave retreat casae.. plated the puiclei;t' of to property In Clanton, upon which they ;woe osa erecting a aurae 00 take the plow of the on.: they ,have hitherto used in Hlul;ott. Thouaanda or tertimoniale voiuntari'y givtn le31 t-1 tlln great ewes etlected era Nasal Deka. 'flier•. i.r no ea o of catarrh that it will not euro. Do not de nee. Try it now. A few thou since some men were at work taking gravel froth a pit iu Marie, when the pit raved in. a boort piece of earth fall. Ing on Mr Jae.'b Jayne, of Hallett towuslrip, breaking hie 1. g. The trimmer, of Menlo, 141r James Newci mho hes been cbarre.3 with appree printing township money to his own affairs and his accounts falling two tb.Tnean& dollars short, he is arrested and sent for trial. It sick headache is misery, v:hvtt are Carter's Little Liver rills if thay;\wiil posi- tively cure it? People who have used them tweak frankly of their worth, They are small and easy to take: The Paisley Gazette, says on good author- ity that Wm Clements, and Wm Giles of that neighborhood, sawed 23 cords of wood in 9a hours. In the drat 5 hours they had sawed 12a cords. Titin work is hard to beat. 106 Agnes St., Toronto„ Ont, 11Iay 28, 1887 : "It is with pleasure that I certify to the fact that my mother having been cured of a bad case of rheumatism by the use of St Jacobs Oil, and this after having tried other preparations without avail." Wet H ItloCuseterL, James Warwick, son of the late Thos 'Warwick. met with a seriona accident on Thnredav last, at the old homestead, :con 0. Hullett, where he bad been visaing. While in the act of killing fowl his foot slipped ane the axefell ono his left wrist cutting it so severely that amputation was n ecessary. Brucefieid, Rz roitar 0ol.-vIONTrox.-A meeting of the Reformers of South Huron was convened here yesterday, There was a large attendance. There were several persons nominated, amongst whom M. Y, McLean, D. D. Wilson, Seaforth; M. 0. Cameron, Goderich; John Me- Millan, the present incumbent, and R. Ii, Collins, Exeter, all of whom made speeches A ballot being taken Mr. .John McMillan was made the unanimous choice. PERTH. A. painful accident occurred to Mrs Fred Biddiok, Mitchell, a few days ago. While hanging out clothes, abe eltpped and fell, breaking her Dollar bone. The majority of deaths from consump- tion in this country had their originin neglected cold in the head and catarrh, either of which can be speedily cured by the use of Nasal Balm. Give it a trial. Mr James Cousins, of the Rnsseldale hotel, has decided to retire and will give up posaeesion on 1st March, and Mrs Brown. WA understand, will again take the manage- ment. - Archie Smith, of the 6th con, West Niseonri, wilat passing behind one of the oohs in his stable was kicked in the face by the animal, sustaining a severe laceration of the lower eyelid and a bruised cheek. Pain frcm indi;.estion, dyspepsia, said too hearty eating, is relieved at once. by taking one of Carter's Little -Liver Pills immediately after dinner. , Don't forget this. Mr Alfred Dickson, of Harmony, has sold hie driving mare to Mr James Kennedy, of. Stratford, for $300. r r W W Rieke,. of Mitchell, also sold a driver to Mr George Pepper, of Toronto, for the atm of $225. Not bad prices despite the McKinley Bill. George Crandon, who was sent up for trial by Squire Box and Mayor Poole as a party to the larceny of sheep belonging to Mr J Brine, of Blansharet, appeared before Judge Woods, ontbe nth ult, who sentenc- ed him to nine months imprisonment. The annual tweetingof the County of South Perth Loyal Orange Lodge wos held in Mitchell on Tuesday. The following acre elected officers for the enaning year C W AI, Wm White, Mitobell ;, D 0 W 31, (1 D Lawrie, ]3lanshard ; Chap, B Switzer, Bianshard ; 'Teas, John Robinson, 13'an- shard ; See, W Webb, Mitchell ; Ree See, J Greenshields, Stratford Lecturers, Robt Berry, Blansnard and W Hoporoft, , Strat- ford. The 12th Jnly celebration will be held in Mitchell. Exeter N Grth. Buffs -Tis sale of the Mattice proper ty was held on Saturday. and was very poorly attended. The , property ,was knocked down to Mr Ji,o., Ford, of Stephen. at a hid of 9475 .-The chaser s were tendered a supper on Thursday evg. burnt the Queen's hotel l;y the landlord, A9 r Al d lV,e.1per.