The Exeter Times, 1891-2-5, Page 5k For 30 Days FOR cas$. Come See Prices We now offer Stock, Tinware land Stoves Away Down. $ cts. No 9 Tin Boilers (made from best Bradley tin). each, 1 75 10 qt Tin Pairs, (do), each, . «, , , , 20 10 tit Tin Pails, (do), each, rim.. 25 12 qt Tin Pails (do), 4 for, . , 1 O0 12 qt Tin Pails (do), rim, 4 for• 1 50 Steamers , , 30 Stove Boards all sues,,,... ,,.,1 00 No. 9 Brilliant Peuensular Cook Stove. , : 14 00 No 9 Woc t,,tlr.'ook, - , . , , . , 17 00 Fine Art Royal Coal Stove 20 00 Brilliant Novelty " 14 00 Second hand Radiant Home Coal,8 00 One 5 Hole Northwest Standard, , 20 00 2Exteo,dedReserviors ,,,,,.,,,- 20 00 4 Gallons Coal Qil, .. , , . 70 " " Water White-1 00 Chestnut Lilaeksinitllt Coat O -x15-Z\157 , Ilorseflails,.,...... ,.,,,,,,2 60 Steel Nails . ,...,,,.,.«, 2 90 No 3 Daisy Churn... , .... , . , . , 5 00 GROCERIES, CER;IES SUGARS, S I TOILET SOAPS',—full line Electric, Russian, London, Digoan ul;E gI's.,,,f , Pliers, WOOL, 11ICSI ro, E-Tt"', :k GOS, POULTRY, Ir: xsans. Exeter Roller Flour an hand at pttt`,`tt �ryT A $,x2135 pertr, cwt. JAS, J4. ROWARB, if ., H,. NONettitt, Froprietor. lana ger. NEWS NOTES CANADIAN. At Winnipeg Sundae the thernaotne- ter registered 32 below zero, and at Qu'.#gp,Mte 42 below, James McRae. a Toronto convtet, received lashes in Megaton penitent• Bary on Seturday, The Oxford County Council has re. solved to erect a county poor house to cost not more than $15 OuU. A large influx et lfennonves t Manitoba iQ promraed by a family just Arrived in W'iunlpeg, franc Rttssttt. TWO freight trains ;let wtth a terri- ble crash on the Oran Trunk car Kingston Sunday reorntng. A fireman named Norton Clow was killed. Mrs, Gibson; an aged lady of New- castle, flat ;was auflbcated by coal gag ,. and her husband, Joseph Gibson, may yet fall a victim. On Monday last Mr. Albin Stayerand wife, of North Norwich, eelebrnted the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. r. Stover has attained the age of 87 years white his wife is 85, Elijah Eaayniian, of the 4th conces- sion of %Variemk, fell from alad(ler the other clay while fixing an eavetrough on his barn, .and was instantly killed, having atruck the alone bridge In front of the door. The annual meeting of the Shire Horse Association of Canada was held at Toronto on Saturday, John Gard house, of Itrghfield was elected Presi- dent; ,John Donkin, Riverview, Vice. President for Ontario; ff. Wade eras reelected Secretary. Samuel Lane, Junior .Judge of the county of Grey is dead, at the age of 62 years. Ile was Warden of the county from 1868 to 1872, tole was the Conservative candidate for the Com- mons in 1878 and was defeated by the late Geo. Snider. The Canadian branch of the Jackson, Mich.. Corset Works, will be Located in St. Thomas. A new company will be formed and incorporated there, coo pr•isintr'several members of the Jack- son Corset Co., who will furnish the larger part of the capital, .$20.000. R A daring robbery has taken place in a Montreal house ofill.farne,the victim being a young man whose name the police are not willing to divulge, 'I'wii women belonging to the house robbed bun of $20,000 in real estate deeds and $400 in money and decamped for Chicago. The Chicago police were immediately communicated with, with the resu t. that the women have been arrested. On Wednesday last Mr. John Hes- lop, of Ancaster, the aged Treasurer of that township, was murdered in his house, and robbed of a considerable amount of money. Although the Chief of Police and his detectives have been workeng,persistently on the case no real clu to the murderers has yet been obt�ted. The County Council have offend a reward of $300, and the township of Ancaeter offer $200reward for the arrest of the murderers. According to an official returnwbich, has just been issued, there are 400,000 milch cows in the colony of Victoria, end the annual value of their milk, ilk,: butter and cheese is about X3,000,000. The Government of Victoria pays a bonus for the exportation of feeds ; hence the great devetopement of the dairy interest there. IA. establishing dairy schools in k;anada, the Minster ofAeriiculture, Hon. aft. Carling, has made a wise move, and one which the Farmers especially will appreciate. UNITED STATES. Hog .cholera is carrying off many animals in several counties of Kansas. The Diemen f Palace at San Francisco i wrs enterer recently and $7,500 worth of'jewellery taken. A Wisconsin mis-ronaryt who is laboring in Asia Minor, reports that ,o00 people flied of .cholera in` six eeks in the town. of Muesli. The consolidated Mutual Fire 'mum `e Company, with offices in Chicago, has made an assignment, The schedule of assets is but $13,295, while, the liabilities are $100,000, The family el -las. Bail, of Dennison, Tex , consiatiag of Ball, three onildren, two hired men, Edgar Reeser and Dickerson, living three miles west of Dennison, were poisoned on Friday by eating bread made with cotton seed oil. Win. Ii,ornuian, a hermit and miser, supposed to be worth $20,000 was found murdered in his but At Argon.. tine„ Kan., on Friday. Not a cent of money was found by those who dis- covered his dead body. John Dayfe,age't 30 years was ar- rested at Springfield, O., on Saturday, charged with murdering his mother. The woman was found sitting in bed with her face horribly distorted and Unger and blood marks on her neck. Thirty-two counties in the western part of Nebraska are in sore distress. The farmers were unableto raise enough on their farina iast season for a ed. To keep the wolf from the door they have practically consumed their entire surplus means. Miss Grace G. Ridley, of Amboy, Ill., who went to sleep about nine months ago, awoke the other afternoon for the first time. She wandered about the house but did not ;peak a word„ At tea time she took her accustomed seat at the table, but could eat noth• arig, and when some of the family at- tempted to assist her she motioned them away with a guttural sound, but ala distinct word was spoken, I Phial! Another fight Ilas occu(red between nattwea of the tlaroline Islands and Spanish troops, in which the latter suf fered severely. The deepest lake in the world, so far ns known, is lake Baikal, in Siberia. While 9,0110 equate miles in area, or nearly as large as Lake Erie, it is 4,0.!0 to 400 feet deep, SO that it contains nearly ns much water as Lake superior, lis surface is 1,350 feat above sea level, send its bottom nearly 3,000 feet !.'slow Centralia. Benxi—Mr Chas Lingard, jr., ]s thinking 01 starting a butcher shop in ur vias e. Charley is quite a hustler. -- dr, Thomas Dearing has left our town, he givt'a it a bad name -Mr. Wm. Boyle who has been an the sick list for the Iasi few clays is around again. -gr It Cohleigh, is thinking of giving up the eattle trade and going into the snap business, --Mani be at home next tune your girl comes to see you.- Thos Boyle is thinking about teking a tri to the States in the spring, --On Friday Task Nell's school toot ball club of 11cGiltivray, came up to p ay our boys a ftiendly game of foot ball but did not succeed in defeating. They lciciced for one hour and when time was called the ecore stood 4 to 1 .m favor of our toys, This is the second victory for them this season, Kirkton. Blum -Mr D. W, Dulmage, of this place has rented his prenznsea to Mr. R eictxmvan who will conduct a gener. al store here, Mr. Dulmage has pur- chased tha dry goods business of Dobie & Co Wallacohurg, and is now in pose session of the same, The well wishes of the neighborhood go to Mr Dulmage for success in his new departure at W•illaceburg -Wo would remind the readers of Kirkton notes to bear in mind the date of the discussion to be held on the evg of the 9th by the Y. M. U. I. C. A. Everybody welcome at Town Hall. 7.30 p, in -Several delegates from Kirkton L 0. L.atteat- ed the county meeting of South Perth on Tuesday last. -Our enterprising storekeepers are receiving a large amount of patronage at the sales they are new holding. -'rhe Quarterly Board of the Methodist churches on this circuit held their business meeting on Monday lase -Mr B. J. Roadhouse has nearly the whole of the wateriel on batt tor the erection of the new Methodist church at Anderson. Biddulph Council. The Council met in Temperance Hall, Granton, Feb. 2nd pursuant to adjournment. The reeve and all the members present. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: -Meredith & Meredith, legal services to date, $15.06; W. Cruise, ditching S B 1890 part paid, $7.75; F Kent, drawing gravel Sauble Hill, $2; R. Cooper, do, $2; A. K Hodgins, work on Sauble [sill, $1; F. Kent, I3 cords gravel, 65c; Jas. Mc- Roberts, error in Reaeasment 1890, $1.25: Jag, Hodgins, salary as collector and incidental expenses in full, $62; R. Keefe, ditching Div. 3 1890, $1 50; R. Keefe, rep. bridge Div. 4 1890, $2; r. Breen, two 3 -inch tile drains Breen's sideroad Div. 4, $5. Mr. Michael. McCarthy addressed the council asking for aid to his road - beat. He said there was an unusual travel on the roiid'through wood haul- ing which made it dif"&cuit :f r the statute labor to keepthe- road in proper repair- Reterred to councillors Toohey and Beatson with power. By-law No. 3 or 1891 taking lot 23; con. 6, from P 8 S No 3 and attaching the same to P 'S S No. 6 was duly passed. The clerk was instructed to procure' plans and specifications for a cedar bridge over River Sauble, con 4, at Armitage's. 'fenders to be opened at the next meeting of the council. The council 'adjourned to ; meet at Forte's Hotel, Ulandeboye, on alamlay, March 2nd, 1892.; W. D. STANLEY, Clerk, • . .W11 be Maud an excellent "rtimody for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this, (Kee. Try them, 511or Roller Mills. 11I111i[LGT 1ZEPOill PS. Wheat . 90c, to 92c, per bush. OUR SELLINQ ettlOI S. Flour, Strong Baker's, do Best Family do Low Grade -- StanStan , ... Middlings ,, ,. Screening .. .,, Chug . ..- t1. 15 $2 75 per 100 2 50 •* 1 75 800, 900, 1 000. to 1 25 '5, (e Chop stone runui,tg every day, ETERNIS CASH. TUE EXETER. MILLING' Von, NATIONAL, PREJUDICES VANQUISH'D TH,u =MMUS or A GREAT DI?COY551C,. The magnetic i"llnei ee of gold attracts the people of avers clime to our shores. Men ash nations, and speaking all the languages of civilization, are to be found congregated on our auriferous plans. Diff- ering in all other things in their customs, habits and religion -.yet there is one point upon which their epiinlone coincide, Eng- lishmen and Americans. French, Swias, Germans, Swedes, Delmore and Chineea admit, without a dissenting voice. that the went remedies introduced to the world forty yeara ago by Holloway are better adapted to the cure of diseases rn this cli- mate than any other preparations in exist. 0n00 This appears, in fact, to be the experience of mankind in all parts of the world, and hence the uuivareal popularity of these medicines, We consider, Inewever, that the boundless confidence placed in their effieaoy by the reprmeutativea of eo teeny nanous at the mines, is a striking plieuoruenon in medical history. ;Many of these peopleiu then youth, and even at maturity, were accustomed to the use of drugs and no*trims peculiar to them several countries, These remedies were connected in their minds with asaeciattona of borne, and indorsed, as it were, by their national prvindicos. *1,•.t, they have been thrown aside and num), repudiated, \slues Boum.. ay'e fills anal Oiutwent have been adopted by a c ranui'ui itutpilsa throughout thn en- tire gold regions. There is only one way of accounting for this movement. Itis the result of conviction-cnnviction grounded en rersonal ahservatien and experience. Tito oiutweut is used with aush wonder- ful success as a dresi.ing for wounds, ulcers, and ewe lege, and for all the external die eases owl, casualties to which the adventur- ens gold limner is peculiarly liable, that ecarcaty a digger's tent can bo found within the va,t area of the gold fields unprovided With n Stook of this Healing, soothing, cool inn preparation, The bard fare of the digger, and sometimes his habits tend to vitiate the blood and develop running soros and perulent ulcers of the burly and limbs. Bail. espeeiully, aro very aomen0n at the digging, and seriously interfere with the labors of the diggers. The worst cares of tide e'ass are cured by the Ointment with extrouidinary rapidity The beet method of ht'aliug sore lege, and sores and Moore generally, is by rubbing the Ciutrneut into the inflamed parts around the orifice, first opening tha pores and softening tho flesh with warm fomentationa, The part affect- ed is then dreaed with lint or linen satur- ated with the Ointment Stroh is the external treatment, but it is also proper to give the patient a few doses of the P iia during the progress of the euro, as they serve to purify tee bleed and.,disoharge morbid matter from the system, while the Ointment IS doing its work on the surface. -The Scientific 1Vitn•sd. BURN. �- r CALDWELL—In Hay, on the 29th ult., the wife of W. Caldwell, a daughter. Mo0enrux-At Mount Carmel, on the 31st u't., the wife of James MOUarthy, a son. Home -At Mount Carmel, on the 2nd inst. the wife of Patrick Hall, a daughter. MAR E U. HODGINS—MODOUGALL—On Jan 21st, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev R Wilson, Mr Adam A Hodgins, of Biddulph, to Miss Sarah N McDougall of London township, CURTIS—FULLERTON At the Methodist parsonage, Fullerton, by tate Rev 8 0 Edmuuds, 13 D., ou the 28th ult., Jae Curtis, to Ruth 13 Fullerton, all of Fell- a, ton COLLINS—JUDGE— TO Liman, on Wednes- day, the 28th ult., by the Rev R 0 Ren- ders, Mr John R Collins, to 1fi,;e S eldest daughter of Mrs Jane Judge, both of Inman. DIED. INoxnnr—In St Marys, on the 22nd ult, James Ingram, aged 66 years and 2 months. ANDERSON -10 Exeter, on the 4th inst,, Stella, infant daughter of George and l'hcebe Anderson, aged 1 month, 13 days. SANDEae-In Stephen, ou the 31st ult, Ann, wife of Mr W. H. Sanders, aged 43 years, 8 months. SELLIN c.a- OFF —FOR - 30 Days at Cost. To make . room for spring stock, I have decided to make the following reductions : Ladies' Ipdia Kid Shoes re- duced from $1.25 to 95c Corde Van Shoes do,, . 1.25'``,1.00 Polished Calf, do„ 1.50 •'' 1.25 Fine ,Kid do., 2.50 " 2 00 Men's and Wotnen's Over . Shoes, reduced from 1.25 " 1.10 All other lines' reduced accordingly. A. large stock of Harness and Harness Goods to be reduced at Cost. This is a bona fide sale and the goods being new and first-class, the public will IfARKET REPORTa. EXIST ER Rod Witaat spring Wnoat,.. Barley .. Cats Clover i3 sod „ Timothy Peas NA Corn >„ RRtt Ber - Fiourperbb l ., Potatoes,per bushel , ApPles,per nag Dried Applespr b (leee per 1b. Turkev per lb Ducks per lb Ohiekensperpr fregs,d ressedperl co .44 wiidesrough, .., dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskin' Wool perils -. gay per t on onion.nerb uC ii Woodperoord NIA 440 9010 e() 92 ^ 9Qto009 40lo0045 49 to 41 37; to42. 25 to 1 35 6010 61 o40to 51 3010 12 13to014 Qotos 16 40 to 040 100to100 0 41o0.50 005 to 0 e 07 to (8 0Otto 007 025 to 030 550 to575 400 tress 200 to 250 330to 390 O Seto 20 050 to05r 018 to 0 2' 5 CO to6 Rr`. osato035 25010 3 00 ST:3[LRTS $ Fall Wheat 090 092 Spring Wheat .., .......... ,,,. ,,, 0 00 0 90 Raney >.,, .. >, . •1 0 40 0 40 Oats ..sm, 039 1.40 Clover Seed 3 t70 4 25 Timothy.-- .... ................... 1 25 1 se Peas, , . 055 0 CO Eggs , vie 20 !cutter. .....,.-. . le 013 Pointe(); per bag .... ,,., ... > ... 75 9i Applesper bneb .,,.. ,,.,, 0 e wool per lh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,., 20 020 Rey person,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T. 5 So 600 Uran per ton . ,l:k 0014 CO o. f8ia me „ , alperbbl,..,,2Q 00 2000 .•.•.e..•,.. 6 00 700 LONDON, wheat, 93e to Ole per bus. Oats,41e to 42o ner hose Peas.63o to Sae per busBar- fey, f slting. Sufi to 57o per bus. Barley Feed, 4e to fie per bus Corn, Olio to 67o per, TQRONTO. Toronto. heli, 4 --Wheat Spring --No 2, Ono toOle a90cto .2 Oro No 3083 to r10e : PE et; aSe to 66e per baa, COATS 45c to46cDer bus, Pr,OuR, extra. e45 to 44.10 per bbl: straight roller. et 20 to S4,25: teronabakor,.e4.00to S4.M. BARLEY No 1. 62cto 62c t 've 3 extra, 510 to 550: NO 2, 57c to IirtrSIZTESS . •.i•,,gyros o ' -TO-- IMCowan TILINE8T"ILLE. Goods at Cost FOR 30 DAYS. No Reserve, Colyte early as the store will be closed lst March. D. W. DULMAGE, 4 When Baty was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta. When she had Children, she gave them CastorIa, All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the Heart, emissions, lank, of energy, pain in the kid- ueys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or pecular sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziuess, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful- ness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tomper,sunken eyes surround- ed with leaden circle, gily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death uuless toured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Thosewho through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently oared. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. Luben, 50 Front. St. E„ Toronto, Out. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numb nese. palpitation, skin beats, bot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, painabout the breast bone, etc., eau posi- tively be cured. No ours, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Lune, 50 Front" Street East. Toronto, Ont. , ADVICE TOMOT$Eae.—Are you disturoedat nightaud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering end crying with pain of Cutting Tenth? It to send at once Ind get a bottle of"hlrs .Wins low's soothing Syrup" 1 or Chil- dren Teething. Its value is inoaloulable It willnilieve the poor little sufferer im mediate!? . /enendupon it, mothers ; there is:nu, mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarriima, regulates the Stomach and Boweis,oures Wind (;olio, sorter's bile Gurus. reduces fnilam,naMoo , and gives tone and energy to the whole system , 'Mr s. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in ,the United States, and. 1 Por sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five conks a bottle. Re sure and ask for 'Arno Wiwsrioow's 80oxrnxe 9'n-inert/id take no 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. get the best bargains ever" given in town If you will send us your addres , we will mail' you our illustrated pamphlet explaining Agent for Sabine Beeswax.,BlackinD all about Dr Dyo!sCol braired,Electro-Voltaic ' .and Oil Shoe dressing. The best hie'. Belt and Appliarces,and theircharming effects the market. Call and get a' bottle. Repairine neatly done; prices moderate. J. TREBLE. upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to Vigor and utan- heod. Pamphlet free. If you aro thus afflicted, we will send you,aBelt and Appliances on trial. Vor,•r,uuc BsLT Co.. Marshall, Mich. RUT BEMICTIONS---•,-,- -*---rn CAE Oa We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods at Great Reduction in, price. for CASH ONLY -- X-CUT SAWS, AXES, LAMPS, and LAM GOODS, COOK and PARLOR STOVES, TINWARP of every DESCRIPTION SLEIGH BELLS, SKATES, STOVE BOARDS, OARDS, E T(a. BISSET OS. N B -We must ask those having accounts to settle to do so at truce -•-1ii B WHAT THE PEOPLE T The Most Economical Stove, The Hest Heater, A Perfect Bak r Jar Pastry or The Best rartnets' Stove n Bread. �' and Equali T3 a. d yI Good forPerson in F TQ N A. a Call and see this and other first-class stoves from E. & C. Gurney Company for sale only by WILL FOLLANDtr ......x...01.... CENTRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- erb the best in themark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C L TZ. Fashionable S1y1! r"I 0 H z 0 V i 0 foe** lituavo. One Door South of Post Office —BB HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE. --STOCK OF— Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON. NOTICE. .g -Fresh and d?Vezv STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A g beautiful piece of glass—. ware given away with ono Ib. Mayell's Baking Powder: Dashwood RollerFlour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A..HYND MAN. DO YOU WANT TO BIJY FIRST-CLA SS tH-4 FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES Lii THAN SHAM GOODS t —ARE USUALLY ,SOLD. —THEN GALL AT— THE BEST' YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET ►' Overcoatings at any piioe ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price Best Ordered Clothingproduced in Exeter q de Gentlemen ! leave ot r or e re early; for with the'best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and' the best Cutting in Town, yen'; ATE) sure of .'setisfec• tion A.. J. ZI:.nLL3 GIEDIAEY'S -ONLY FIRST-CLASS--- Reliable IRST-GLASS Reliable Good 1 At Prices Lower that so -c;+, led Cheap .Ileuses can give Undertaking talon in all if. B • p �I,Ch� S. S' GI LE A Y ($nooessor to C, a fi, Gidley) OD1?FEL' LOWS' BLOC%