The Exeter Times, 1891-2-5, Page 4Established 1877. E. a, ollmxzi, BANKER, EXETER, ONT. Transacts ageueral hankie g business Iteseivels the aceounte of merchants. e.n hors on faverableterers. OSers every accommodation consistent with sir e andeonservetivebankin A:principles . Fivers? tiOut interest allowed ca deposits Oraftsistmeet neyehte woe' oil ee or the gerebante Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, StOle.:EY TO WAN NOTER AND. MORTGAGES eseeeseeseseseesieseesse ?tiro .0tettr Vint THURSDAY. FEBRUARY alth, 1891 DISSOLUTION. The Sixth Parfianient of Cat.? da is at an end. Acti- g en the advice of his responsible Ministers, His Excellency the Govrreor General has been pleased to dissolve the House of Commons and issue his writs for a new Parham nt, on illations *elm place on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26Tn, polling OR THURSDAY, 5IARCII 5th, The wrtts are dated February 4'h, alai made returnable on April eeth. In this eennection the qurs.ion will eaturithy be asked, What are the Dulf had a eery pea eale un the hum reasons which have ledeeed the* of Mr. 'lin ACMllafl, jr.. McKillop, Ooeeri inent to appeal to the con n 111"11(13Y lift sold 24 stock steers, try at the I resent time ? It is coming, three years old. They were underetoied that the Dominion 1."1"1..11 11t rallgva Gcrenrnment levee. through Her in 1!"ce fru`9•"`' t" I mtvd Seers surplus eettle were allow - neighbors, the Reform party ask tbeGovernmeet of Sir John Mac- donald to humiliate the country by making another appeal to give 138 reciprocity under such condittons as would disernice us in the eyes of he world, an offer v:hicb would in volve a direct discrimination in tavor of American as against E' g- ish productions. We ta, cy that the s' If respecting people of Canada aire ng them thousands of Reform.. ers will stand by the Government of Sir Joint in refusing to discrimin- ate ag aimthe Mother Country and in :hell, ing to again lower our natural pride ley maiming the twelfth appeal for free trade uutil we have assurances from the Sta.es that the appeal will not be scorntully reject- ed. Th re are things Canadi4n$ can sacrifice. but they cannot afft rd to sacrifice their self -respect. and tF at is safe in the hands of the Cousetwative partv with Sir John and his colleagues at thetr bead. NOTES ANL) COMMENTS - In Teekerstuith the other slay a "for horses during the past few weeks, "so that it will be seen that good horses "are as high in prices as they ever were. "If they become a drug on the Canadian "market we can quite profitably ship "to England. This is one of the many proofs that the price of good stoolhas not gone down. And as it is as easy to raise good stock as bad stook, our farm- ers are not to be injured but rather their condition bettered. 1 t The Reformers of Ontario will assem. ble in convention at Toronto on the .1.8th and 19th February. It is no seeret that the leaders of the party are at wits' end to know what to do to unite the party on a policy acceptable to all elements. Even the leaders themselves are at sixes and sevens ou the great questions of the day, and the coming convention is held not with any hope of securing unity but to prevent, if possible, the utter collapse of the party before the elections come Huron County 0ouncil The first session of tb.e county council for the year 1891 opened ou Tuesday, all the members being present. Joseph 1$001C, reeve of Colborne, and Win Milne, reeve of Grey, were moth "'manatee for the pmilien of Warden. Ou a ballot Mr Reek was declared elected by 2 to et, A committee ot eta was be"! to 1 for, to strike the standieg committees of the year. resulting in the oludee of 'Merles E,ilber. Mooney, Ray, tfoldiern and Beacom. it Redeliffe, of Goderiela, wee appointed auditor by the coeval, and the Wardell appointed James Fatten, clerk of Goderich, e,aanship, as the other auditer, Jae Scott, of Clinton, &bit Aoheseica. of Goiderich,..and John Finles Seaforth, were appointed trustees for the Respective Collegiate Institutes. Peter Adamson and Henry Either were eppointed on the board of otheinal audit for the year 1891„ 8 P Hells, of Goilerich, und Jainee Turn- bull of Clinton, were re-aptichaced en the heard of county examiners, On Wedneeday the following report of the on. The task is a hopeless one.. Blake selective commstkee was reed is &dent. MacKenzie is hostile and 1.* ,,,QATALIZATIOX .-13eaCkga, Brittqa, TaYlat, Leerier is put in the background by Cartwright, who is the real leader and who has for some months been stumping the country on the trade question. While some may be allured by the pie tura drawn lay Sir Richard of the Ovate Evdd, Mooney, Torreuce. Biased, Ssunders, iVebber. Shirrett. UePherson. Kathfleiselo Benne - wise, Nay, Kerr, NI Y McLain. Idateiltoe; Brfane, 1136; Errett, Cattle. julinston. Griffin, Scott. Coletnen. Proutifoot, elites of a stew of thine which is hut a „ Boao,„„„As0 P.U.IDCM-^Blib'et Ntilue, Key. " ^ . step removed from annexation the bulk "er°1,. "ivor4 NoouoY. CrakkallAult, Bewere, re f arra belonnine to Mr David Walker teite a depreciatiou in land values. In of the Liberal party will be iound true t'ulq,, t4eott, Arleen. (Tuolcersmith) atm Pareetete-Vannlog, Cole seld for ekucto. TMs would not lien - this connection we might state that it is to their colors as loyal sons of the Blum Leese, Gavin. Sherrill, SW:there, MoKeezie Empire. it is to reconcile these con- mil7i,4trlt. Webber. t 'ook, Morrison. Howe, singular that when such sales are made flicking elements that the convention is, Reeneee Fr thfl i -i-- -, . -,4--••••SObt Stewart, Anderson. not v. word is heard from the Reform to assemble and it will be interesting to 0 if, 4.51k?cn.irtir Tiouse-SAundera. Nay, low, there would then be a half culume enforce the enamel . which i has as- r' 'Tie"' Eenne4" thld°44haak` press ; but were the prices seemin 1 g -Y see whether Sir Richard will be Able to 130wera, (reek of la anentatior. anti derision of the mimed, and thrust the Wunan eche-meld ereluilh) Stealers, Anderson, MY MeLean. _ 1 ho rvt eleineion, Dontiltion Government. anneeatien upon his politicel confreres, Seleallice-Betz. Halt, Ste veal Ker, 0 IP, or be by there eaIled down (tom the Eyed, Bassett, Urittou. Menniug °heir, Toe .eafotth Expoeitor says "Mr, rich from which he has been airine his Srecimee-Caords, Promitoot. I • :Majesty's (love:lane t, made cer- tain pro i osals to the Lined stai, a for negotio.tion.. to an ex. tension ot our commerce with that erieee eeien-re. Theee pro osals have Rod a great lowernet ben ud to OP Preskkut for his COrlsiaoratioui and the Cariadiao The renierks made by Prof. Shaw at GaVernlinerit is ol the oPilion that the South Lanark ranters' Institute il the negetialiol $ are to result its deserve the attention of farmers all over a treavy, which must be ratified by the Province. Prof, Shaw is eetistleil the Parliament of Canada, it is ex- that the era tif growing grain for sellinpedi g at that theGoeseemeut should 's gone, and that the hope of the farmers be able to deal with a Perltament fresh from UP people rather than with a moribund House It is un ierstnod that Canada will send a delegation to \Vasbingtou after March 4th, lite date on which the lito of the present Congress expires for the purpose of discussing in- formally the question of the exten- sion aud develepment of trade be tween the. United States and Caeacla and the settlement oi all questions of difference 1,etween the two countries. This delegation will visit the United States capital, it is said, as the result ot a friendly suggestion train. 'Washington. STKA.I.G11P ISSUE, ell to enter Canada, tes Lay:alas could not reelizis priees for their be.ce. Antl the adeptioi, PreeTratle moms simply an lailimited cienpetitien, The issue for the approaching Dominion elections will be a straight one and clearly defined as to the two sides. Sir John Macdonald's appeal is for the mamtenacce of Canada's independence, commercial and po litieal, o the United States, while at the same time he is willing to settle all outstanding disputes be- tween us and our neighbors on the for the future lies in etoek and stuck precincts. With proper attention to mercial union or unrestricted reciprocity this matter he believes that the value o i which these men aim at, that is the eur live steck oatht be increased from adoption by Canada of a tariff made et $100,000.0dd to $20000,000 and. the Washington which this country could Ileonesiee, Mellhereou. Bellies, Beacom, ieloyal aspirations for the past7few Wanere.-Taylm, Castle, Torrauce, * * Howe. Kos'Graham Co, Graffiu The terribly tragic death of Mr Win- The reiort was etu'endeCi by faaing Mr dom, secretary of the e:Feitet1 states Joletston, (flowle14 to the road and bridge colureittee, awl Mr Mennieg to the Eqnaliz Treasure', ea the dinner of the New anon York Board of Trade on Thureilay night, A. letter Non Mr Totten, Pravitieial which must have been a NUM 4110ek ‘44'er"tarl`'131(41kn', in n'I`rea° to lb° b°1' o of *Ince colleeted under the Scott Am. those present. Pat an end te the pro' was rad, and OS motion. of MesetaeSaau- ectlitigs. Mr. Entstus Wineue Mr, dere and Cook. the commit ['greed to WI- Laurivr. leader a the Dominien Opposi.- "v"" LIabiliIy f.ornd Caneathat mss inn t5un' and Mr Langl.e.Y` " Nuva $e"tia' tuotnutlie'tionat:r:t 61i1g;eir th'cktuilardneeil."' o:e were present hy invitation and they the couuty trva„arer. Bream, months. NEW MrchLnt Tailor I MR. J. J. GRIEVE (Late Cutter for R. Pickard) has opened out a stock of were sot eltswit fur speechea, What they 4 peethel tem the eoenty euipeee of would have said will, of couree, not be oxford, protesting against the eoverrimeut known, but it is inferred that they all assuniug entire coterie of the couute woukl have made strong appeals in favor as recommendea by the prises) eorneneeme, of closer trade relations fur Carmela with was referred to the special committee. the United States. Reciprocal trade A petition from the county of Middlesex find many supporters, but the com- in refo'eueo to the appointment of imIt'ett ors ot chime laCtOrit,N, was referred to the special committee, The report of jailor Dickson was read and referred to committee, Tim report shows that at present Irmo are Ili prieoners confined in the jell, 10 male and 8 females. Milue-Oltaham-that iu view of the miens Joss and inconvenience measieued Woke° and producers of grain. lumber stud other products of the coutitry, through the neglect orinability of railway companies to supply cars when required, this mama is of °mien, that the Railway sot should bo Ineetaled, Bo as to make it compulsory on the part of railway eompauies to supply nave upon reasonable notice, and. that the leaden and dere memorialize the Dentin ion Government asking for the appointment export, of live stuck from the Dominion could be inc sed to e7o,000,oeo. +1 The virtual agreement of all the ac- counts of the Indian uprising in Dakota leaves no room to doubt that the Indians have been shamefully treated by the agents appointed to look after their wel- fare -that in fact they were starved into rebellion. Referring to the Indians of the tnited States and Canada, and the treatment they respectively receive, the New York Times sail recently • "In comparison with the whites the Indiana are more numerous there than liere,aud could make themselves much more troublesome. They do not wish to do so, simply because they have been treat- ed with justice. The Canadians do not appoint discredited politicians to "oper- el-e" in Indian supplies, and when they make aconipact with the Indians they keep it." basis of freer trade relations in natural products. If they are will- ing to open their markets to our products we are ready to make con- cession in regard to the fisheries oe the Atlantic coast and to concede something toward their Control of the seal industry in Behring See. But Sir John will not sacrifice the Caitadia.n N. P. He will not adopt the McKinley tariff. He will not discriminate against Great Britain. The Libsrals under Sir Richard Cartwright and Ras Wimae are prepared to do all these three. That in a nutshell, is the issue between the two patties. Thousands of Liberals all over the country on this issue will vote with Sir John and against those who would sell Canada to the United St ttes. Canadians are not willing that their country should be wiped off •• the face of the earth. ELEVEN TIMES AND FAILED It has transpired that since the alarogation of the reciprocity be. tween Canada and the United • States iu 1866, at the instance of the government of the latter coun- try, no less than eleven distinct eff erts have been made by Canada and England to have the treaty re nnwed in some shape more or less satistace)ry. In each instance there was a decided refusal on the part Of the States .Yet after all this, and evep in spite of the fact that a statt tory offer of recite ocity stand ing (.1 our statute book for several yesrtha.s notben accepted by our 4. + A few deys ago a bulletin from the Department of Inland Revenue announc- ed that out of 95 samples of mustard in the Canadian market, only seven met the condition of "pure" and. nine the requirements of 'compound." All the others contained adulterants to the ex- tent of from 20 to 80 per cent And now again front the same department comes a "pepper bulletin" in which itis stated that "at least two-thirds of the peppers sold in Canadian towns are adulterated, some of them very grossly." The great number of these unprincipled vendors and manufacturers renders it difficult to take legal proceedingsagainst them. It is to be hoped, however, that the publication of their names, which is done in the bulletin, may have the re- sult of leading them to mend their ways, that is to purify their peppers, * * * ot alter even if it wished to, would meet with little favor here. By it Canada would he practically under the government of Washington. Canadians would not be likely to submit to such a thine, Yet Sir Richard Cartwright and others are continually assuring Americana that the people of this coun- try would accept such all arrangement; in fact, are extremely desirous that it should be offered for their Acceptance. There is no doubt that free trade in natural products between two countries would be advaettgeous, but if there was absolute free trade they would swamp us with their manufactures and put au end to manufacturing in this Province. That would not suit the bulk ef the people, which they would speedilyrealize should they carry such a proposition into effect. The annual report of the State asses sore submitted to the Legielature read as follows: "Our investigations during the year verify the statement that there is no improvement in the value of farm lands or in the financial condition of their owners or occupants. Everywhere we are confronted with the statement that farming lands are depreciating, that sales are infrequent and the industry continually growing less profitable. in many instances mortgage liens upon farms represent their full value, and un- incumbered farms are -unusual and ex - motional." If the United States is such a superior 'market, as our annexationists say, why is it, that the farmers are in so low a financial condition, They are of same blood as Canadian farmers, and just bow our farmers are to become rich by annexation to the U. S. we fail to understand. t t The. Clinton New Era is still troubled about the horse market, and says that "Canadian breeders cannot get as much money for good horses as they ever did." The New Era is blihd to the truth, arid even its truly good Reform brethren are net believed by it. At a rneetmg of the Farmers' Institute held in Exeter re- cently, Pruf. Greensides of the Ag 1 College, Guelph, and a Reformer, in answer to a question, said. "Good "horses sell to -day atfrom $175 to $250; "he ba seen these same paid Ministerial Association. The Ministerial Association met on the 2nd inst in Carmel Church, Hensall. The attendance of members was small. Rev'd. Messrs Achison and Simpson, who were expected to read papers, were prevented from being present and in the absence of this regular work the mem- bers spent a few bours discussing Stanley's . "In Darkest Africa" and other popular topics - The Rev. J. Wilson was appoiuted to read a paper on 'Tho History of the Doetriue of the Person of Christ,' and Rev. W. Martin 000 on Dawson's •Primitive Man' at the next meeting, which was appointed to be held in the Main -at church, Exeter, on March 2d. Public School Boc.rdMinutes. The Board met Irelfer 2nd in the town hall, Exeter. All present except Mr. Treble. The minutes of the previous mewing we e read ..,23a signed. Dr Lutz -H Hueston-that a suitable dictionary be procured for the use of the school . -Carrie& 11 Rueston-• A G Dyer-- that the Princi- pal procure chemical apparatus required for use in his department. -Carried. It was unanimously adopted that the monthly report system be continued, sub- ject to any change in its working deemed desirable by the Principal. Dr Lutz -W Hoskin -that the thanks of the Reuel be given to the late Pried - pal, Mr G. EL Tont, for his efforts in secur- ing and handing over to the Board, free of cost, an organ for the use of the school. ee.et cAlsTADIAN aND Imported Tweeds, SUITINGS, Freeelr.--.Worsted COATINGS, and all the new- est things in PANTINGS, made up in the tate:t Style --AND- A good. fit Guaranteed or no sale, Special attention giveu to Laaies'4140K5T and MANTLE Making STAND: One door North of R. Fish's Bather Shop, of n railway eoramission, with power 10 regulate railway traffic ; aud futher that the clerk teleran:1th at once to the other -county lumenthroughout the province, requesting their co-operation.- Carried. TnurcePaY-A motion by Messrs Rollins and Manning that the sure of 1112,000 be granted for the erection of s County House of Refuge, oa the term by which the Ontario Government will grant 21000, was referred to the finance °eremitic°. The name of Mr Hese was added to the Salaries committee vice Mr Manning, trans- ferred to Equalization Committee. FRIDAY-Sohnaton-May-that the report of the salaries committee be amended in reference to the per die allowance of tik$ ; reducing it to U. (Lod.) Manning -Miller -that the special com- mittee appointed at the June meeting of last year of this council to report on a re- vision of the rules governing the proceed Inca of this council, be revised, and that Messrs McLean (Seatorth) and Prondfoot be added to said committee in place of Messrs Kelly and 'Wilsom-Carried. Britton -Torrance -that the council has learned with deep regret of the serious ill- ness of Mr McMurchie late reeve of Clinton and hereby express enr sympathy with him in his efflietiou and desire to plaoe this motion:on our books as a mark of our es- teem aud appreciation of his services as councillor and express the wish that he may be speedily restored to health and useful- nesa and that the mak forward bim a copy of this resolution. --Carried. Proudfoot-Bissett-that Clauses Nu's 2 & 5 of by-law Nu 7 of 1880 be repealed and the following substituted in lien there- of. That auctioneer's license for tbeconnty Huron be the sum of twelve dollars and that the license year shall end on the lat Dec in each year, and that this by law shall take effoot from and after the 31st day 41 January 1891. -Carried. lielt-Manning-that the petition of school section No 11 and 12, township of Hay, be not now dealt with, and that the matter be deferred to the June session of the council where it be reported ou by tbe school and printing committee, and that all parties interested be notified by the elerke-Carried. Torrance -ft B MoLean-that the War- den and Clerk petition theLoeal Legislature to so amend the Assessment em, that township councils may pass by laws, to extend or continue the same assesstnent over a period not exceeding over five years. -Lost. Cook -Oliver -that the report in refer- ence to the Boundary Line appropriation be amended and that the sum of 23,000 be granted as per motion. of Messrs Nay and Johnston that such grant in future be paid to the treasurer of the respective munici- palities in the county when the clerk calcul- ates the amount coming to each atter the' assessments are equalized in June. - Carried. Marining-Bissett--that clause 58 of the Finarme Com repot t be struck out and that this council agree to provide the sum of $8,000 towards the erection of a House of Refuge, as sem es any mun'cipality or person agrees to give a like sten 'Deluding the government grant for the mune pur- po(ie.--Oarried. ' "Who said Hood's Sarsaparilla?' Thou- sands of people, who know it to be Via bot blood purifier and tonic medicine. English Spavin Linuneut removes al hard, soft er calloused. Le nips and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Spelote, Ring Bone, Sweeuey, Stifles, preins, Sore and Swollen Throat. Coupes, eto. Save $50 by use of One bottle. Werrauted the most wonderful Mendel) Cure ever Leuven. fluid by C. Lutz, Druggist, 0000000000000010MOV., 1R\1 TO 1tENT.--10n ACJUiS in the township of Molittirrays Lot 3 Con. 3. about 2i miles from 4'eutrale. Good house aud barns Oa the premises, well fenced. eel( udid location Wilt be rented for a term of rears. For further particida,6 lively on the premises to Janis FoliOrd. .-3t Ceti twill a. P,0 W Hoskin -A. G. Dyer -that the follow- Carrted. ing accts. be paid :--J: P. Ross, 2.38.;$ G. Heitman. $1 ; Carling Bros., $1. 2i: Rich- ard Pickard, $2.85.- Carried. Dr Lutz -A. G. Dyer ---that 11.Hueston, W. 'Hoskin and the chairman make ar- rmigements with the janitor re truants. - Carried. Dr Laz-H Hueston-that the Board cancelled irt the present company and morning of the same day. -Carried month with official school visits on the a Tlueston-Dr Lutz --that policy he hold its meetings first Monday • of •eaci" rieDdr Lutz - ($5,400) in the best available company, the be a committee to carry this resolution farnaces amounting to $281 be paid -Cer- chairman, A. Cr, 'Oyer and W. theston to in- surance etfected for the same amount into force.- Carried. Ti., llueston A. 0 Dyer -that acct. for W. doskin-that a suitable ledger be procu red, --Cart led. The Board adjourned to meet lst Mon, d by in March. J. Garco, teeey. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caste& ESTATE Wit. WHITLOW{ Tenders will bo received en to 7th FRB - 11. ear, for the purchase of 5vo sham of stock cf the aliciiter Salt 0o. nt $0,0 a Attire 'fenners to he addr, and to The Toronto Gener- al Trust's Company* Administrators. Or SlesstsBLI.10T A ELLIOT. Roth:hors for ethuivistrators. Date this ?7th day or January, 1Set -12 _es T° IJET.--FIRST CLASS DRY Pickard. 25s7o, three stems ane bantivallt, aolidbrith, o leading business of the eoun ts' has for years bece done in this stand and no FARM ER BROS Wholesale and. 11041 GROCERS WINE and SENT MERCHANTS. GeoDSSer011.8.formeele owtedhe Anne more desirable premises eon be found for tin aetivo,eripable MSS desirous of mumitineinfi bnsizztss unofexteni1iile one already estab- lished, Possession let eb'y A PPIY to BoNalm MAcwr, Gordon Maoltarits Co.. deutr Termite' AUCTION SALE --OP-- VALUABLE VILLARE PROPERTY. STAR G-110CBRY NAIR-ST, ExaTan. REM EMBER OUR GREAT SALE ••-•••••WiliChCOMliteliCCO.^,* jAN'Y 30th '91 ern continues -- For 30 Days, DUPE & CO Under power of sale in a Mort;inge to the Vendor, there will be sold by ,,Publio Action, nt Wolper' s 110'0. Exeter by John Gill. -mot- ioarer,on 84TURDAY, the 7th BAY of FEB- RUARY, 1691, at2.30 o'olock. p, in., tlao follow mg valuable propertY,; being composed of lots Numbers 8 and 9, on the west side of Main at un tbe village of Exeter fUrnannstowli eurvey.3 This is a desirable Property, hiving a nice frame bonso and and Blacksmith and Van - nn e Shop erected tbreon. There is alsu a good Older Mill on the Premises. Property will tumid subject to a reserved bid ,eid snob tonne and conditions as will bo made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to JOHN GILL. R 11 COLLINS. Auctioneer- Vendor's Solieitrr Dated this 27th day of Sanuary,1891 Pork Packing House Having commenced business for the Fail &Winter Trade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulatims We will take off two pounds per hundred. if dry, and three pounds if soft. ahoultheei stuck tweuty-cents, It any of the lug gut is left, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No Pork will be bought at aTtSr price ir warra. We want all Hogs Cuttings right through breast to bend, and Hams opened out to tail. SNELL BROS. 8c CO( 'lMLE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSIMANC P.0 0 . Established ln 1808. HEAD OFFICE WATER100,ONT. This compsny has been over ,ilighteen years in successful operation in Western Onario, and aontinnes to insure against loss or flareageby Wire Buildings Morahan. dise, Manufactories. and all other descrip- tions of insurable property tribendiuli insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Not. or oash System . During t 'le oast ten years this Com- pany nao issued 57,096 Policies. covering property :o t ne LIM ount oi 840.872,038; and paid n tosses alone 3709,732,60. Assete. tee.roo.00 , consistin c of 0 ash )Bank Government Del -reit andthe in - .seas' d Plemium Not is cn tan t and in W W.nniislh. D .Presidei t it. 1.• &VAR. Secretary. . 3, is . FITIGRES, In- spector 3 EA.S. SNELL, A sent for Exeter and uieinitv. INTERCOLON IAL AILWAY OF CANADA, ----- MP direct toute between the West and all points on the Lower St. La-wrence adBaie des Ohalenr, Province of Quebec; also for New Brunswick,Nove, Scotia,Prince Edward OtipeRretonislands,antiNewfoundlanc and Pierre,x•eplastrains leave Montreal OM d Halifax daily (Sundays excepted) and run through without change between these points in 28 hours and 55 minutes. The through express train care of the In- t oriole nial Railway are brilliantly ...slated by electricity and heated by steam from the locomotive, thus greatly increasing the COM - fort and safety of travellers, NOW aud elegant buffetaleening and day Pars aroma on through exPretat trains. New Fall Goods New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. Flannels. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Trid Gloves. Corsets. • Underwear. Canadian -European Mail and Passet.ger Route. Passengers for Great Britain or the conti- nent by leaving Monti eal on loriday morning will loin outward mail steamer at Ralifax on Saturday. The attention of shippers is directed to the sup erior facilities offered by this route tor the transport of flour and generotmerchan- disc intended fur the Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland ; also for shipments of grain and produce intet.ded for tne European mar- list . Ttekett may be obtained and information about the route; luso freight and pa ssenger rateson application to N. WE T fiERS'UJN, WeaternPreight SiPassengtrAgent 95Boss1ntiouseSlook ;York at Toronto D POTT/NGER, ' Ohief uperintendent, Rftiii7My Offfee„Monctan, N.13, Jan 1-t 01, -:.4,4440;an tr t St c tS ct 4 J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH, 1890. 1890 A FINE ASSORTMENT Fancy Goods . Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc., 71 BRQW111[1,1,