The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-09-24, Page 5, l'HURSiD! .„ AY, SEPT. 24th,.. 10.59 THE GODERICH -SIG GEORGE'S C UkCH September. 27th -6 -10th Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. H01,..Y COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. ' Junior Congregation and Nursery. Tuesdafr, Sept. 39 -7 --St. Michael and All Angels Holy . omMunion at 10 am. in the Chapel. REV. KENNETH- E. TAYLOR, M.A.;-"114i, Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M,A, Organist and 'Choirmastii. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 'a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP.. , "THE CHURCH IN THE EYES 00 GOD." Junior. Congregation and, Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. GEO. INGHAM, Mus. Bac. Musk Director., Knox Presbyterian Chtirck REV. R. G. MacMILLIAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister Deaconess MR. HERMAN DE JONG, Director of Praise. 124th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES GUEST PREACHER: The Rev. Prof. O. V. Wade, Ph.D., Knox College,' Toronto, Ontario. GUEST SOLOIST: Mr. Hendrick Smith, Sarnia, Ontario. 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. • 11 am. Sermon: "THECHURCH IN ToDfirs, WORLD." (Nursery and ,Junior., Congregation). Sermon: "THE SERVANT-.LQRD1ND HIS SERVANT PEOPLE!' A,K,FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT KNOX.. AmisialmMININIMOINSIMMINIMINIMM mmism6N.Ermiii. 7 P.m. THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street , 1st LIEUT. AND MRS. H. CROSSLAND 11.00 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m. DIRECTORY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7.00- "p.m. —EVAN -GEL 1ST I Ce-SERV1 CES. • Tuesday, 8 p.m. Mid Week Meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Home League. You are never a stranger at the Army. AismommuimmomminummOmmil ,AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies return- ed on Monday Ivening from their vaqation spent in Illinois. Sliver Wedding.—To the strain of the wedding _march played by Miss Margaret A. Jackson, Mrs. J, Ciaig ushered the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, J. Phillips to two prettily decorated chairs. " The Orange Hall was dec- orated with lighted tapers, auturnn flowers, and the bride and groom of 28 years entered, by candlelight. IVfrs. T. Robison pinned corsages on them and Miss Marg- aret R. Jackson read an address of good wishes froth, the friends and neighbors assembled to ob- serve this occasion. Mrs. William Straughan presented 'Mr. and Mrsa Phillips- with a silver anniversary money tree. Mr. Phillips thanked everyone for the gift and Mrs. Phillips also thanked the friends' for this 'surprise party.. Mrs. Wes. Bradnock was chairman and •Mrs. William J. 'Craig led in a sing -song with Miss Jackson ,at the piano, A humorous reading was given by Mrs. !Roy Finnigan, followed by a s,olo by Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. .Dunean MacKay pleased everyone by playing one of • the first selections that she. learned ,when a mirtsie 44010 of Mts. Phil- lips. Misses Jung and Joan Mills sang two lovelyduets and Mr. and IVIrss pverett :Taylor played a har- intorno duet accomp4nied by Nip.. Kenneth McDougall.Mrs. Craig gave a musical reading and Mrs.' G. Taylor, sang 'Sweet Atthurn,' Revs, R. Sweeney played twis fine violin solos and' wordS Of con- gratttlations were , expressed, by Raymond Redmond; Amos Andrew, Goderich, Keith ' Arthur, Frank Raithby, .Adain Hamilton, who was banker here in 1913, and Harry Sturdy, of 'Clinton. A 4plicious lunch was served, and during „the lunch hour. words ..were expressed to the honored conple •by William J. Craig, James Hembly, William Strau.ghan, 'Atirs_Aussel Shaw, of Alliston, and Rev. Mr. Sweeney., The evening was closed by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." If you own some land containing a watercourse or bounded by one, you have what are known as "rip. arian rights." The rights of an owner adjacent to water extend to the middle of the stream; those of an owner whose land contains a strewn:are' absolute unless they in- flict injury on other riparian own- ers. . • gall GODERICH BAPTIST' CHURCH ' "Where you are a stranger only once" 10 a.m. CHURCH SCI40L. 11 a.m. "DIVINE FELLOWSHIP." 7 p.m. "MAN'S MISTAKE." REV. EGON VON KEITH, B.A., Minister. MR. CHAS. MERRILL, Organist. Viiii11.0111•11111111.11 1 BENMILLER UNITED. CHURCH HARVEST ANNIVERSARY 11 a.rin. REV. GEORGE WYLIE, B.A., B,D., Wallaceburg. ‘,"MORE THAN THE GOLDEN RULE" 12.30 Fellowship Luncheon. VictOria Street and Union will worship with Behmiller at . 11 a.m. REV. S. A. MOOT, MRS. B. STRAUGHAN, Minister. Organist. NOW IS THE TIIViE TO CHOOSE . immour FREE METHODIST CHURCH, WELCOMES YOU. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School.' Promotion Sunday. 11 a.m. "Dedicated- Christians—Channels of „Blessing." 4 -p.m: "The' 'Gceat Dividing Line." WEDNESDAY, p. P.M. — PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY. Wt. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. INTER COA OR COAT SET„ for your girl, Convenient, Layaway plan -- no egtra charge. .LADYBIRD The .underwear guaranteed to keep its shape. Replace- ablp elaStic too—boys and girls. • BE SURE TO VISIT OUR BARGAIN ROOM GARLANDS CHILDREN'S WEAF8 ,ALMOST LF! DURING OUR SEPT. 24 - OCT. 3 ANNIVERSARY SALE Almatex, makers of Canada's finest, most colorful and , durable paints, offer you a complete range • of ' paints in modern, up-to-date interior shades and tints. , Alpaateg, d,9eS not produce second line of paint oi. a special paint for this sale ! There are no discontinued lines or colors offered. • All Almatex paints are top quality, first line products — all contain a high percentage of solidi ensuring maximum, coverage and durability, "ALMATEX" HOUSE PAINT -Durable, high quality! Does a smooth, attractive job on all your interior house painting needs. Includes Extericir White Undercoat! COLORS 10 "ALMATEX" SUPER SATIN Self -priming, 100% rubberised 'Latex paint for interior walls and ceilings. Single Coat covers- most surfaces. "ALMATEX" .PICTURE-KOTE (FLAT) Self -priming, 100% Alkyd base paint with fine coloring pigments for a soft finish! One coat covers most surfaces. For interior use. ' "ALMATEX" PICTURE-KOTE (SEMI-GLoSS) Self -priming. "For use on interior walls, woodwork, furniture, kitchen or. -1., bathroom. One eoat co'vers mosrsurfaces. 22 . COLORS "ALMAPLEX"ACRYLIC- LATEX_ PAINT Use on interior and exterior plaster walls; over wallpaper or wallboard. Also basement walls and stucco! NOT for concrete floors! 14 COLORS Additional Classified 13. Personal sl). Public Notice WWI FEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic riblets .help thousands of men, NVomen past 40 feel younger. Only 69c. At all'.druggists. -38 , 14. In Memoriam LARDER.—Iri loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Shirley Marie, who passed away Septem- ber 23, 1953. Six years have paSsed and gond, Since one we loved ,s9 well, Was taken from her'home on earth With Jesus thrist to dwell. —Always remembered 43y sister Jean ni e, brother-in-law Clem, nephews 'Billy and Bobby, niece Vera.. 38x LArtDER.—In loving memory of our daughter, Shirley " Marie Larder, who passed away Septem- ber, 23, 1953, Six years have passed sine that day, The one we loved was called away; God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. 'Sadly missed by Mom and Dad. 38x 15. Cards of Thanks BOGIE. — My sincere thanks . to those who sent Me flowers, cards and gifts -and who visited me while a patient in Goderich hos- pital; also to nurses, staff and Dr. J. W.. Wallace.' ' Bert Bogie. 38x PATTON.—The si\Sters or the late Mrs. John Patton wish to extend s_their,Siecere thanks:Jo, those who sent floral tributes, loaned cars . or expressed their sympathy by cards or in other many ways. • -38 . • ---- THE MAPLE' LEAF CHAPTER; , LODE., wishes to thank those Persons who donated to. The pp! portunity Shop durihg ,the sum- • riser. Your generosity is deeply ;. appreciated. Any donationare gratefully received. -38 16: Engagements Mr. •ancl Mrs. Amos Andrew, of Goderieh,swish to_annoUnce the ens gagement of their younger daugh- ters Mary Evelyn, to Dalton Gary Suchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. . G. Suchard; of London. The mar- riage will -take place in North Street United Church, ,Goderich, on October 17.. .38x 18. Births 130WRA:—At Alexandra, Hospital, Goderich, onSeptember 18, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. William -Bowra, Stratford, -a. daughter,' Deborah Lynne: : BUCHANAN.—At Peel . Hos.Pital, Brampton, on September 20, 1959, .to. Mr. and -Mrs: Fred Buchanan, Brampton, a son. CRUICKSHANK. — At Ala exandr Hospital, Goderich, on Septem- ber 17, 1959, to IVIr. and Mrs. . Douglas Cruickshank, Goderich, a datighter. , • PATTERSON.—At Brampton Gen- eral Hospital, Brampton, on Sep- tember 23, 1959sto Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Patterson (nee Pitblado, R.N.), GeorgetoWin a son, Scott Douglas. SPAIN. --At General Hospital, Fort Erie, on September 18, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Spain, (former- ly Lorraine Thompson), a son, Nathen. SUCH. — At, Alexandra H1ospital, Goderich, on September 19, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 13. Such, Goderich, a daughter. ,VANDYK.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on September 20, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Vandyk, l R.R. 5, Goderich, a son, Henricus Petrus ,(Henry). i • , NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Muni - Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich intends to pas s a Ily-larv ,stopPing up and closing Ash Lane •antic'the North half of Loeust, Street, Mc- Lean's Survey, 'Plan 17, Gode- rich, and that the said Corpor- ation intends to convey the same Ltoantdhe.AcDti.reT ,etori, The Veteran's AND ,Fuirrara TAKE NOTICE that the municipal council of the Corporation of th.e Town of Gtiderich will hear, in • person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any prson wile, claims that his .lands will be prejudici- ally affected by the said by-law, and Who 'applies to be heard; on Friday, October 23, .1959, at 7.30 p.m., in the • Town West sStreet, Goderich. DELIVERED AT GOERD ICH t,his 18th day of September, 1959. • S. H. BLAKE, Clerk. Certified a true and correct 'copy of the Original By -Law. S. H. Blake. BY-LAW NI,TYIBER 27 OF 1959 OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH A By-law „ to ,authorize the stopping up ,Of Ash Lane and the North half of Locust Street in McLean's Survey,. Plan 17, Goderich, and con- , veying the 'same to The -Direr-- \ tor. The Veteran's Land, Act. WHEREAS pursuant to the powers contained in the Munici- pal 'Act i R.S.O. 1950; Chapter 243, Section 469. the Council of every municipality may pass by- laws for -stopping up or selling'. all or part of any highway with- in the limits of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS by McLean's Survey. registered in the Reg- iStry Office fer sthe Registry Division of. the County of Huron as Plan 17 for the Town of , Goderich, Ash Lane and Locust Street were dedicated, as public ' highways. -AND MITA 'ENS -The 'Ah Lane...and Locust Street have never been opened. 'AND WHEREAS the Separate School Board of the Town of Goderich has made application to The Director, T.he Veteran's Land Act to 'purchase certain lots in said Plan 17 for the pur- pose of erecting thereon a separate school. H' • AND WEREAS for purpose of the said Board it is requisite that Ash Lane and ' the north half of Locust Stteet be closed and the said Goderich Separate Schbol Board have made applic- ation to the Corporation of the Town Of Goderich that.the same. be closed and be cenveyed to the abutting owner. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNI- CIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF GOMRIC:1-1 ENACTS AS • FOL- LOWS: 1. THAT Ash•Lane, according to Registered Plan Number 17 for the Town •pf Goderich be Atopped up and .closcd and that the fee in tho same he conveyed to the Director, The Veteran's Land Act. 2. THAT the north half of Lo- cust Stral according to Registered „Plan Number 17 for, the said Town of Goderich be stopped up and closed and the fee in the .same be Conveyed to the Director, The Veteran's Land Act. 3. THAT notice of the proposed Bylaw shall be publisched once a ,week for four successive weeks . in the Signa+zStzir, a newspaper published in the Town of Goderich, the first of such publications to be made on the, 24th day of September, 1959_, and that said notice shalrcontain notice of a time and place at which the coun- cil shall hear any .person, or 'by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land may be prejudi- cially affected by the said by- law. ' 4 AT before the said bylaw c nes into force and takes effect riotice of. the passing of the said by-law shall be posed in six of the most pnblit Places in the immediate neighborhood of Ash Lane and Locust Street for a period of one month. READ a first and second time 11.1)9i5s9. 18th day of September, (Sg,d.) Ernie'C. Fisher; Mayor, (Sed,) S. H. Blake, Clerk. • -3841' • .11111111MOMMIMININIMMINI "ALMAPLEX" NO 630 CLEAR SEALER For use on exterior, thalicy surfaces we recommend No. 630 Clear Sealer before applying the Acrylic -Latex paint. "ALMATEX" .FLOOR FINISH, ( ia High quality! Durable, beautiful finish for all exterior and interior wood, linoleum or concrete floors! l COLORS • • "ALMATEX" WHITE ENAMEL UNDERCOAT QUARTS , 1 .59 Reg. $2.30 and $2.70 EACH . $ 495 GALLONS . ' . Reg.,$7.50 and $8.89,.--- EACH "ALMATEX" iXTERIOR TRIM COLORS ., . Beautifully blended 4,gats to perfectly comple- ment any outside has*, paintihg world '" 1 COLORS 1 7 Excellent, smooth basic for exterior and interior use Enamels! "ALMATEX" HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL if 1,1 Plastic base gives tile -like finish on inside ,or I 13 outside work. High gloss, chip resistant surface -1 , COLORS tb Walls, boats arid cars! "ALMATEX," SUPER -WHITE ,ENAMEL "Non-Yellowingl Apply over most surfaces., Dries quickly to a super - gloss, durable plastic finish. •• GALLONS $ 5 .95 Reg. $16.80 and $12.75 EACH "ALMATEX" VARNISH, "A)maiex" Epon Clear provides a very durable clear finish for hardwood floors, VC.,, QUARTS $ 1 .89 Red. $3.15 and $3.55 EACH 61 HAMILTON STREET 1PHQNE 914 1.9-, Notice to Creditors ALL persons having claims against the estate of Jennie Youngbluts late of the Town of Goderich, • in the County of Huron, WidoW, who died on or about the 3rd, day of September, 1959, are required to file the same with full particular4 with the undersigned by the 8tli day of October, 1959, as after that date ,the assets of. the estate. will be distributed. • Dated at the Town Of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 10th day of September; 1959. ' HAYS and PREST, Barristers & Solicitors, GOderich, Ontario, 37-39- Solicitors for the Estate • WATERLOO -CATTLE latEXIMO ASSOCIATION — Better Bulls are, -Used" supply 41'00041 breeding service for all- lyped4 of cattle If phoning long &Awe, simply nak for Clinton Zelah 9-5650. If it is 4,.loeal--•call, us our regular 'number Clinton HV 2t3441, For service or more in- formation,. call between 7-30 and 9.30 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 840 p.m. Saturday eveningsu For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. SHARPiS ARE THEY? Saws: hand and electrie hand filed for fast cutting; acissors, cutlery, hand power lawnmowers, etc. Part- time' farm work etc. Cal evenings preferably. C. H. Bomar, Huron road, opposite store, -17t1 Experienced, Licensedl AUCTIONEER ALLAN MacINTYRE • Lucknow Phone 10-r-24 Ripley. Collect (Can be contacted each Wednesday at Lucknow Sale) -9tf •- SEWAGE Disposal—Septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and, clean!) ed with modern equipment, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, phone 42 a 6, Brussels. , 34-46x Riverside; Mr. Gerald Garvey, of REPAIRS to furniture and refinish- Toronto; . Basil Reynolds, r. arid Mrs. Jack Hussey and son John, Mg. Phone 64:3-R or call at 132. • of Lucknow; Walter Kelly, of Lon- • don. Congratulations to the Port' Al- bert ball team on winning the John Hanna Trophy for the third time in their recent game against the Lucknow ball team—score to 4. • anTd .��rs. Hugh niiger. and $0. Benedict, of -pal) visited wftJi -friends. in AP- Shb0#9.94'. dur- ing the past'Weet,'' Mrs. ikras, Sinnetk of CtrerrIA,Nisl;t,!, ed With the.,:cmeli • and gOwa1rd. farrfiiies during the 140,,Weelri • Mr. 411d Nfrt.ZWelly, Of liatehenert are week -end guests With Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eckert; , • . Mr. and Mrs.. 4011,Qrm..034.1sin, ily„ of Buffalo, and Nisi Vraneet Gilmore, of London, spent the• week -end here, and 'visited with Mrs. Ed. Gilmore who is convalesc- ing in Wingham hospital._ Mr. Jim Gilmore, who had his hand severely injured in .a machin- ery accident, is now able to return to his home here, from Wingham hospital. Mr. Lawrence Austin,' accom- panied by .his sister, Mrs., violet „Austin and daughter. Marilyn, of Detroit, are visiting at the, Cyzil Austin home. . We are sorry to learn that Mit. Jerry • Dalton is a patient, in Ste Mary's Hospital, London, following a stroke. - Several from this district at- tended the Western Fair..,in Lon- don last week. Mrs. Andre* Martin is .conv,alese- ing at her home here, after,one week's stay in Goderich hospital. - Other week -end visitors here • were: Miss • 'Frances D-altrin • of Trafalgar street, Goderich. 35x GODERICH Plumbing and Heating, New and used furnaces, spacedieet- ers, new Moffatt ranges, water tanks and dryers. Geo. Chrysler, 146 Palmerston street, phone 1166-J far prompt, oourtcous service. s • • 35-38x UNLIMITED Money boans—to. City and Farm Folks., Money for any- thing and anywhere. Phone or write now. DIALLING LNVEST- MENTS LTD., 380B Bloor street West, Toronto. WA 2-2442. 138 23. Used Cars TOP CAR' VALUES • AT HURON AUTOMOTIVE 1957 ZODIAC (British -built Ford) 4-deor, 6 -cylinder overhead ,valve engine, radio, two-tone paint. 1957 FORD, "300" tudor, new auto- matic transp ission jug installed_ five new tires, new he'avy duty battery, new pdrit — $1850. 1954 STUDEBAKF.R Champion; 4 - door. 1953 PLYMOUTH 2 -door, new .paint and slip covers, mechanically good, $695. 1953 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 - door. 1952 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 - door, radio, overdrive, side mir- ror, body completely rebuilt, new paint. $595. 1952 STUDEBAKER Commander "V-8, autothatie, radio, body re - bunts -new paint. — $595. 1951 CHEVROLET. HardtOp, power - glide, new automatic transmis- sion just installed, :engine, ci d y , paint andtires in excellent con dition, $595, 1951 DODGE 1 -ton Express, 4 -speed . transmission., long box. — $595. DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Sept. 1.. --;Mrs. Wm. Hardy and Jean. attended a miscellaneous shower at the Nile in honor of her sister, June Nivins, last Wednesday evening: Mrs. James Murray, of Meose" Jaw, Sask.; Mrs. Viney Heffron and Miss Addie Walsh, of Blyth, • visit- ed one day recently with their aunt, Mrs. Patrick Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Wiser and baby, of Port Albert, and Mr.- and .Mrs. Bert Fitzgerald, of Kincardine, -visited - one day last week with _Mrs, „John iThompsearesand-Hbward, Mrs. Cecil ,Chaniney, of Wing - ham, spent Saturday and Sunday with her, daughter, Mrs." Sam Thompson, Mr, Thompson and fam- .- ily. • Miss Elaine Jefferson, of London, spent tihe week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffer- son, Mrs J. C. Robinson, of Wingham, visited with her son, Mr. Edward Robinson, Mrs.. Robinson and fam- ily. .. Mrs. John Thotripson. and How, • ard, visited in Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferien and Debra, were at TObermory and Midland over. the week -,end. 'Mr. and, Mrs. George Aeeves, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. HilLiard Jefferson and other rela- tives. Mrs. Morley Johnaton 'was in London .on Sunday to see her youngest son, Grant., is a HURON AUTOMOTIVE *a patient in Victoria Hospital. She expects him home in a few slays,; We are glad to hear Mr. John A: Thompson has returned home after " being a patient in Wingham Gen- eral Hospital this past week. The name of the Mississippi liver in Ontario ,somes from two Indian words—"missi" meaning great, and • SUPPLY ' 263 Huron 'road. Phone 1165-W -38 One of the most important. re - ,cent developments in television, is Magnetic video tape.. It holds out the proMise of news and special events telecasts of a higher quality Than have been isnewn beforg. • ___sfLnie,ajailig _rimer .. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AD 1 I WILL not be responsible for any OTHERS 'I debts incurred by my wife,' Me4. In the Estate of IVAN PAPERNICK Dianne Fuller, after this date, late of. the Town of Goderich, in ; September 22, 1959. Deceased, V ,. 1 ' 13840x Ronald Fuller, the County b f Huion, Merchant, I - Goderich. All persons claimingagainst the I ' , _____________ eState of. Ivan Papernick, are re -i---- quired to forward full p-a'rticulars 1 zl. I3usiness Notiee in writing' to the undersigned on or before the 15th day. of October, 1959.after which date the assets of the esrate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich this 10th day of September, 1959, by Donnelly & Donnelly, Goderich, Solicitors for the Estate. - '' -37.39 LAWN SODDING AND LAND- SCAPING — Fre& ostimate, You have the lawns, we have the sod. * Cork iss the finest natural insul- Top soil delivered, G,en. A. Baird, ator made by living -cells,. It is a Clinton, ITU 2-7176. . ' 2324 combination of wax and wood, with 4s- _ VISIT OR PHONE RELD'S NE14 Upholstering Shop, 48 East street. Phone. 1534ti1 9 p.m. foi an estimate. We have the cover ings and the know-how. Pic ii and delivery. -9t1 ttr, ilooF DEMONSTRATION!" Let's -face it mpst tractors are pretty much; alike. But get a Ciselo-matic 'tractor proof demonstration and you'll feel a POWERFUL difference! Case-o-matic Drive tractors sense changing loads instantly. . auto- matically increase pull -Power up to 10.0("0 without clutching, shiftink or 'stalling. Try Case4miatic and you'll never Want to be without it! GET 'YOUR some tannin. Usually the cork CARPEN-MY,hil1ding, emod under th6 bark is.only a thin layer, line, dealer in 17.:pps pumPs, but fihat is enossgh to cax.ry a tree softeners. bathroom fixtures over the vvinter. plumbing of all kinds, steel and ; asphalt roofing, Frank McMichael A terrible hazard for Antarctic j phone Carlow 1108. • 23-30x travellers, fortunately a rather rare , onseownis-41.6.;,-I-tuduiteau.W.6„*At...4s.44,4051.Builents-Cabinet.,Sbop; dhests milky overcast, far worse than any ! desks, etc. custom made; also :kit city fog, which makes all objects chen cupboards and furnitura re appear, to be floating in the air Nit's. 184 Gibbons street; phone removes all sense of distance. 1234. -191,1 4111111111116. No RAINC42AT It's our ...thank you" for the privitege,of demon- strating, Call us right away and let's Make. a demonstration -date. No obligation, of course. is the time tor TRADE and get our t Special extra generous allowance!. 'SEE US TODAY; 'ROBBIE BURNS' GARAGE -Phone- Myth 4445- Londesboio „