The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-09-17, Page 2o•
EStablished 1848.
In its 112th year
of publication.
meet of O,oderiob»Collegiate Insti-
tute. Garne,t • aVlathieson Was de-
clared 'the boys' champion.
. A,boabt l,O11O„,,, upi:ls...enrolled in
local -s choois°wwhen-the-new-term
15 Years Ago
Rev. W. H. Dunbar was elected
president of Goderich Ministerial
The sailing yya'vt Oriole left for
Toronto, and" the power yacht Shirl
left for Hamilton. Both had been
here for several weeks as cadet
training ships.
,The local boys' 'band went to
1 itchigami Camp and took part in
a program in which the ,cadets in
training there sang several
Town ' Council 'was studying a
request from the 'Canadian Legion
that MacKay Hall be turned over
to the war" veterans for use as
an ex -service men's home? The
hall was presently being used as
'Published by t.
Subscription rates. — $3.00 a year. To U.S.A., 4,-i.u0 (In advance)
Authorized a sectind-class grail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
GEO. ELLIS, Editor and
Circulation—over 3,300.
THURSDAY, SEIM '17th 1959
A distridt.. daily newspaper reeentl$' pub- IleWS release did -mot add to the deceased tuanjs'
,.lished piettire of a preminent weekly news- alame "Jr.", many yeaclers of the story thought
it was his .father: Even the district 'daily we
paper publisher in 'Western Canada, together
mentioned thought “so since it , published the
with a story tu the effect that he had died. •
• pieture .of his father in connection with the
$hocked-tu learn uf uur acquaintance's sudden „death.
death,' we immediately despatehed. a letter uf When the Canadian Pre,w-was told of the
tu his " widow." it, wo told misunderstanding after the story- had been
mblished the reply was saiti• to have been, -
"There is little we can do about it now."
Commenting on this reply, an official of a news-
paper organization said, '41. don't know whether
that means that once ,CP reports a man dead
However, the man 'who was mistakenly
reported .dead undoubtedly appreciate' the
niee thingg said about hfin in our letter', Most
peoPle have -to wait until atter they are really
dead before they -learn of the high -esteem in
whieh they were held,
of our own high esteem tor her husbant. can
a-dded, we felt eontident many fellow 0117,
uric) weekly editors felt likewise.
: Any day now., W e expeet to hear from the
, whose. well-known sense uf good.
,htimur will likely result in his • informing, us
that, Mark Twain ()nee said, reports of
bis death were. grossly exaggerated.
It turned out that the aforementioned man
bad a son whose full name was 'exactly the
same as his and lie, was also in the, smile pub-
lishing business. ,Sinee • the Canadian Press
Two full pages in this week's issu,e have
been devbted to an' anuouneement by the Town.
of Goderieh which will have more effeet on
many residents later on than they at pees'ent
fully realize.
• It By-law No. 19 \Alia deals With zOning
nf the town, and which was given its third.and
fluid read.wg and then passed by •T.own Couneil
Angttst. 7, 1959. On,Monday, September 2S,
at th, County Court. IIOuse a • public bearing
will held at whieh iesidepts may express
What residents have fo' say at that time, law and to attefid-thepublie-herrringjo-exipre's-s--
either for or against. will influence the On- their views on whether"they think' it is fairto
tario Municipal- Board in r,ivincr the by-law thein.' .„Not to do it now, then later 'raise coin-,
final blessings and therby 'making it law. M plaints' after the by -It -its' is in effect would be.
is stated"in the announcement, "This by-law like "lecking the barn door after the horse is
shall take effect, upon its final aPproval by stolen."
the Ontario' Municipal Board and any amend- - Many residents will find it well worth their
Ments thereto shall be effective only after the .while to read the .by-law carefully .now—not
approval of the Ontario Mtinieipal Board," ' after September 2ath.
a canteen, 1� Yt s'A►gto
Fire badly gutted Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Taylor's store - 4Awburla -
i mage -was estimated at anywhere
4 J3kONNVB4001K, Sept. 14.—The
and WA. was held Wednesday
afternoon at the home ot Mrs.
Stuart Chamney with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. Ernest Snowden
Wm. Hardy read the Scripture. A•
poem, "The Garden," was read by
'Mrs. Harold Woods. Mrs. Tom
'Armstrong took charge of the
study book. Business was attend-
ed to and Mrs. Stuart Chamney
read the minutes of the last meet -
to the barn and house. The W.A. meeting which .fol -
The C.N.R. noon train', was pro- lowed was in charge of Mrs. Tom
fnsely decorate,d! with corn, stalks Armstrong. , Mrs. Armstrong led
when it arrived at Godetich. The in praYer. A reading, •"Forget It,"
engine had been in c011ision with
a farm wagon between Clinton and
THURSDAY, SEPT. dfith, 1959
was given iby Mrs. James Leddy, Ray Hanna and Mrs. Wesley *jet
Mrs. Armstrong closed the pieeting ferson. Mrs, Sweeney invited the
with a prayer. Lunch was served ladies to the manse at Auburn for
by the hostess, assisted by -Mrs. Alm October meeting,
All%company benefits -F
gccellent opportunity for the right party.
Write Box 54, Signal -Star
Hutchinson Radio & TV
Like many.. towns today, Goderitily
dou,htedly needs a ..zening by-law to regulate
:and restrict the iiese 'and location of proposed
luiddings. 'As it. is nol.y,.a`.1perti, can build
just about anything anywhere without respe,ct
to whether, that, building would be in the best,
ever, me believe thefe are those Person's who
will fail,' to take the trouble to,yead'
, to See him they might'be affected in the. future.
with rcvyard-to,.some 'banding which they hope
--their- support -Oz. opposition 40_ hy-la.w. to erect. Now•is the time, to.look over the by -
$7,300 PRI7,.ES
THURS., FRI. — SEPT. 24-15
3 BREED SHOWS: Huron .Holstein,'Perth-Huron
Shorthorn, Hereford Regional.
with Huron County Farm Youth participating.
Only Junior Fair in County,
Huron County's only Class" "B" Fair.
Down Memory's
.This is a genuine.salerwhich means genuine savings
for you. Our stock of re -conditioned sets must be
iold to make room for thore trade-ins on fast-ielling
new 1960 Admiral, Philco and .Electrohome TV Sets,
Your 'old small screen or any set accepted as trade-
;stribra.Iors „arid'Peaiers Coast to Coast
Hutchinson Radio & TV — PHONE 498
308 Huron Road
PHONE 625.
. 45 Yearp Ago
One of the more 'interesting tx-
hibits at Toronto's big fair was a,
pistol hand -made by elderly Wil-
liam McArthur, or Goderich. It
was a remarkable piece of handi-
craft. , From a sewing machine
shaft, ..the •firing barrel was filed;
a 'rat-tail file changed its shape to
a firing bblt; a flat file became the
for -the barrellarake, -white -piece
of copper steam pipe .was c and
fitted for the stock sides.
Proceeds of a social held in the
Agricultural Hall at Dungannon
amounted to $126, Which was pro-
mptly don,ated to the Hospital Ship
-nand. The event was sponsored
by the Dungannon Women's Insti-
tute, which now had 85 members.
The MacEwan Estate, agents for
Scranton Coal, advertised egg coal
chestnut coal at 0.75 per Ion.
The Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem was 'offering Homeseekers' Ex-
cursions, with special low fares for
return trips to points in Manitoba,
, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
' S, E. Hick returned to Goderich
_after a "tw6-,rnonth tour of Europe.
2t *Years Ago
A motion asking for leave to
i,ssue a writ of attachment on all
town Chattels dr, alternatively, to
comthit all the members of Town
Council to jail, was sought by
members of Goderich Collegiate In-
stitute Board. The board took,
this action because 'council had so
far failed to obey an order of Mr.
Justice 'Makins, of the Supreme
Court of Ontario, who instructed
•council to approve the 1934 budget
of the 'board. The trouble started
, when the board refused to cut
teachers' salaries as much as the
council asked.
Fred Weir, of Goderich, was ap-
pointed Justice of the Peace, at •a
salary of, $100 per year, •
There was more than $1,300 dam-
age when fire broke. out in the
•basetnent of the- store, 'pool room
and bowling alley operated° by E.
Drennan on the north side of the
Square. t
Marie Laroque, student from Me-
Gaw Station, won the Costello Cup
in the fourth annual ' swimming
SO01%1 Cold,11Vinds Will Blow
NEXT — VVe11 Have Snow
to^kND THEN' .
Your Youngsters Will Need That
When a mother 'reds a friend
NOW is. the time. to drop in to TOTS and TEENS
while their selectiot is large and select what your
child needs.
Snow Suits and Winter Coats
froth Infants to size 14x Teen.
SLEEPER$ (Dr. Denton)
At a time like this, the best
friends a mother can have are a
modern automatic electric washer
and an electric clothes dryer.
They Make short work of washing
and drying—and they do it
automatically. Just set the dials—
no hea,vy, lifting, no wet wash
to carry—npver a care about
getting clothes.dry for
nother day of play.
washer ,and clothes diler washing
is easy—drying is certain.L-
whatever the weather.
You get more out of life When you
get the most 2ut of electricity.
OW* merchandise._ will be shown at the FASHION
wow, sponsored by Maple Leaf Chapter at-
lIarbourlite Inn on TUESDAY, SEPTE1VLBER 22 at
anti exirutivol, Free 3 manna. '44:"
L. Sated mains. Quiet luxury. Rata'
W1110111411NG WWI MO 1lAr
7#iiritetre-rvitioneWire Collett