The Exeter Times, 1891-2-5, Page 1AND HUR- ON cV MIDDLESEX GAZ 11aTT tai VOL. ;VIZI, NO 20. tt V 1r.GAL. T OICRSON, Beri'ieter, Soli. 1 4 •r :*to) of Supreme Court, Notary Publi7e, Jonveyaneer, 01mm18610740r, ,$c Money to fman. Ogtceiu Fanson'aBloek, Rxeter. R COLLINS, S Carrster, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,, '4XETER. - ONT. Office over the Post Office, ELLIOT ELLIOT,. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, eGe. VirMoney to Loan at Lowest Bates of Interest, OFFIQE. - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. A, v, etareee. 7, TILTi ar. DENTAL. R. 0. H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Successor to H. L. Billings. (Member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons.) Teeth ineertea with or without Plato, in Gold or Rubber. A eats, A, neeetbetic Wen for the pa 'Mesa extraction of teeth, Plates aeoured firmly in the month by TOMO au' Patent Valve. OI('F1UE : Over O'NeiJ'e Bark. I,uean ever]* Friday*, KSN SAI AN , D 1+; NTIST.1u.D. lh't1118un'8 Elea, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth witbou,t )rain. Away at Hemmer, on tire t. Fahy • Craig, eocond and fourth Tuesday; and Samoa on the last Thurs_ day of (mob month, }iSDIOAL W.BROWNING NI. D., M. G P • P. et, tlreauate Victoria University: Once and reaideuce, Dom.rtfou Labors.. tory. Exeter. )Ii. D.YNDMAN, coroner for the 1t_^ County of Huron. Office, opposite Carting Bros, store, Exeter. B. J. A. IIOLLINS, 111.0. Y, S. 0. Oftloo, blain it. Exeter, Ont. Residence, h -.nee recently occupied by P. Ifoi'bAliprg' Sae, r. CUTTEN, 111. D., C. M,, • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- ontoFol. Trin. Med, school, Toronto ; Grad.Am Inst.. Craniology; DlemborN. Y. Acad. Anthropology;. Member Col, P. S„ Ont. - office, Mathwreod.Out. TR. DAVID M. STAEI3LER, I1JNIVE1tSITY or TORONTO) Physioiiu Surgeon. oto. Having spent the winter of 8RG-8r in Now York, midwinter of 1837-83 in Vienna, Austria. Orrice : O1lEDITON, ONTARIO. *:DR- WOODRUFF Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE ANn THROAT Eye lasses and Spootaoles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at home, except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. A J. ROLLINS, LIiJENSED • Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter. 1'. 0.. Exeter. E•BOSSE1VBERRY, General Li• • ceased Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satisfaction. guaranteed. Charges moderate. Remail ? 0, Ont. HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Sales oonduatod at mod- erate rates. Office, at Post-o&oe, fired - ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL • . Auctioneer and Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail to myaddress, Bayfe]dP.0., will recefvo prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. PORTE it, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent.& Tennent EXETER, ONT. Graduatesof the Ontario Veterinary Co1- Ondncl ?t: One door South of Town Hall, /' MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND .., per cent, .?125,000 Private f'nnds. Bost Loaning Companies represented L, H'DICJtSON, • ,Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. ' R EDW A 0 . k' NC M R B,` F Provincial al Land S urye p or and Civil En- Ofce,IlpetCNF7e11Bl¢kCzeter,on t INSURANCE . .` HE,; '. LONDON MUTUAL T Ms F itt� INSURANCE COMPANY I At7F. 'CANADA. Head 0fioe, London, After' 1 -years et;Successful busipees, eta llr continues to offe the owners of faran' ropertp ` andPr'eate residences,' e ther on, buildings, or cententa.tbe moot 'favorableproteotionnease,; of,loss or damage byfi'reorl iirbtninp,'et,ratee; u o •such -liberal teri�ms. that be other yea ect. a °company na'nafford'to write. 42,975 polis 1 A .. plea xn forab 1st,Jsn , i890: '- Aa eta #378,428.00,. e in •n;ba " . 'Govoram nt ppe `oat-: 15e n' I sit nk d p be.... tiere and Premium, lgote8 Jeues Gaixe, President;D.0,McDONALIU,efana er. Da Ib, 'JAques,Auent for`Haetei andvtoigity r.; „ `THEW TO THE LINE, LET THE amps FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1891 NEW Ornery and Liquor STORE:, Tice undersigned bas open- ed a stook of Fresh, Groceries and Liquors, in the store ro- oontly occupied by S. C. Uersey, opposite TOWiI Hall, Stock is complete and Goods will be sold at a small margin over cost. NOW vV OPEN. A Cal! Solicited. F. (I, KNIGHT. The Molsons Bank (CUM TEBBEDItYPABLIAIENT,1855) Paid up Capital .. ,., 8•.,000,(.0 RoetFnnd ,,. 1,000,00 goad Office. Montreal, F. IVOLFERSTAN TIIOMAS.I:eq„ aexa atAlaNA6Rr 20branchoffieesinta..uominion. Agoneie in the Dominlon,U.S•st.aud Europe, Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day. from 10 a.m.to8 p.m SATLsRDAYS.10 a,m"to 1 p,m. 4PerCent.porannure allowodformonoy on Deposit Receipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. Stephen. CotNcir. idnunno -The council met on 2nd. Feby. All the members present, tninutes read and eigned, On motion of H. Either and J. Sheritt the auditors' ropert wvar aeccpted, I.«:tllved that the following orders be granted : Wm. Mitchell charity, $10; H. & 3. Kellerman nails, 80e.; J. Schroeder etatate labor refunded, 83 ; A, Brown error in dog tax, $1 ; gravel road coupon. $3 ; A. McCormick, gravel, $10.68 ; A, Sutton, rep, culvert, con. 19, $o ; W. Eagleson, 810; 0 Brinkerper contract con, 22nd, $3 ; W. Holt, election booth, $3 ; J. Gaynon, P 11 0, $3 ; blanks for Treasurer, 51.20 ; auditors, $1.4 ; Engineer, $16.46 ; W Bissett, livery, 86; J. Schwartz, culvert, 55;50 ; P. Sullivan, gravel, 51; Jno. Fen- wick, S L refunded, $2. Council adjourned to meet again on let Monday in March at one o'clock p m. C. Ynotrry, Clerk. •••• Blanshard. BniEFs.-Mr Chas. Hardy, of the 3rd, intends moving to his fa+m in Niesonri shortly. -Mr Abram Johnson, of the Base line, purposes building a stone foundation under his barn during the ensuing summer. -Considerable complaining has been beard during tee past few months throughout Blanshard and Nissouri concerning tho stealing of sheep and poultry of all kinds, in consequence of which not only a few farmers have been the losers. Although no person bad been actively engaged in hunt- ing the guilty parties yet strong evidence created the suspicion that the thieves were located iu St. Marys. And this suspicion was fully confirmed Sunday morning, 18th ult., when Mr. J. T. Brine, of Shoebottom's Corners, while looking after his stock nuticed that four of his largest ewes were missiug, and on further observation die- coyered`dood stains ou the snow, which showed'that the sheep had been stabbed in the yard. Mr. Brine traced the blood marks along the Base Line to Qneen Street and to the residence of Mike Handrihan and thence to the house of Geo, Crandon. Crandon was immediately placed ander arrest but when the officer called at Handrihan's he had find leaving his choice pieoe of mutton cooking on the stove. After a short search it was found that 2 carcasses were in Crandon's cellar. The prisoner was arrainged befor Squire Box and Mayor Poole who after the examination of a few witnesses decided to send him to Stratford to await the Spring Assizes. Handrihan is still where hope and mercy may never reach him. -The concert given in the Preebyterian Church, Kirkton, Wednesday evening, 4th lust., by the choir of the "Presbyterian' Church of the towuline beteeeen Biddulph and Blanshard was "a grand success, All present appeared to highly appreciate the, efforts of the entertainers. Joseph_ Wren, of the Base Line, purposes erecting a brick residence during the teeming summer.- The choir of the St, James' Church, ;Sts Marys, gave an entertainment in the St. Paul's Church, Birkton,.on Friday evening, 30th nit. ; the proceeds` are to be utilize - in purchasing a, new bell, •-+0+e. Mr Wm Ford, son of Mr John Ford, of the township of Tuckersmith, left this week for Repon, North Dakota, where he has secured a goodsitnationas school; teacher. A OifIEF or POL1OE-There is no body, of men more liable to .suffer from exposure than the police.,; But as an example of how they get rid of their maladies, the following is cited.'. Green Island, N Y, U A ;Feb ll 1889: "I suffered with.n ural i in "the ,e ga head, but found instant relief from the application of S! Jambe Oil, which ' cured me ' -E P BEr;LINOEn,'Chief of Toffee. ' G''flildr$n for Pitcher'R ry R Castor!? QONDEN SED NEWS torero Various Sources Through out the DiStrlet,. IfrROi tIr A, S. Carie formerly .of Bettsell, bas pprohased a stook of dry gootia in Sault Ste Marie, Miele and has opened a store. Wm Date of the Huron Road, Tucker - smith, has a last spring's horse colt which weighs 933 pounds. I1fr R R Deitwlller, of Stanley, near Blake, from a teacupful and a half of need Bcwn. by him he reaped 81 pounds of good clean wheat. T Woadcook, of Wingbam, waa charged with using eestage etatnps which had been previonely need for the repayment of post,.. ago He was fined 515 and emits. The electric light limit in Ooderieh every night except Satre day ie new eleven o'oleek.. The ringing et the curfew bell at 8 o'clock sharp is under consideration, Philip, the eldest eon, of Mr Charles Gravel, of Eolaeesvillo, accidentally fell down the cellar one day last week, fractur- ing some of hie ribs, The Wingham council oolsista of afar. Grits and nine Toriee ; there several re. ligions persuasions are Methodists, seven ; Presbyterians., five ; epiecopaliane, three. Ur John O'Sullivan, of McEi)lop, deliver- ed a grist of fall wheat at Caad ck Oo'e mill Seatorth, last week which weighed 64 lbs to the buebel. It wired' the democrat variety; A reformer who don'n't like annexation said yesterday that the Globe and Mail were talking of dissolution in order to work uptioniutereet an the owning Liberal conven- , A few days since, while some men wore at work taking gravel trona a pit nu Morrie, the pit caved in, a large piece of earth falling on Mr Jacob Ieyaz, of this toxnahip, Lreakiug hit leg. Mr H Moore, tanner, of Clinton will ask the council of that place for a loan of $1,500 to be pail hack in instalments, to enaulo him to rebuild bit tannery recently burnt, and continuo his business, Tho anniversary of the birth of Robbie Burne, Scotia's greatest bard, was aelobrat. ed by a supper at the Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth, on Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of :Ito Caledonian Society. The brick residence of Mr McNamara, cBillop, was burned to the ground on Wednesday morning of last week about .two o'clock. This was one of the best residences in the county and cost about $1,000, Rev Father Boubat, of Walkervilie writes to thauk the many friends in Huron w'ro contributed to the success ot'tbe;bazaar recently held in his parish, and stater! that the enterprise was a decided success, Alm Robert Hamilton, of the 12th con Ashileld, departed this life on Sabbath, 25th ult. She was in the primo of life, being just 35 years of age, and was beloved and rospented by the whole community. Mr Alexander efoi;won, one of the early pioneers of the township of Hay, intends moving to Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, this coming spring, and has rented his fine farm 01 150 acres to Mrs Jane Laing, of the township of Hay. Oscar, the second eon of Mr Byron Forster, of Holmesville,fell one day from the barn a height of fifteen or twenty feet, and was so severely bruised as to lay bim up for some weeks. The 11th quarterly meeting of the Stan- ley, Tuckersmith and Hay Sabbath School Association will be held in the Methodist church. Varna, on Thursday Feb 19th, commencing at 10 am. An excellent pro- gramme has been arranged. A. very pleasing event took place last week, when John Dennison, of Stanley, was united in matrimony to Mise Bela McMur- chie, The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's mother, in the township of Vaughan, York, by Rev Mr Watt: It was said some time ago that, owing to his eyes troubling him, it would be necess- ary for the efficient and popular clerk, of Tuckersmith, Mr S Smillie, to retire from his position. He many friends will be glad to learn that his eyesight has materially improved of Iate, and that the council has wisely decided to retain his services. A. very pleasant event took plane at the residence of Mr Angus Livingston, Town - line, Wyoming, the other day, being the marriage of bis youngest daughter Lizzie M to Mr James Walker, of Milton, Dakota, The happy couple are spending their honey- moon at the residence of Mr. Walker's Rev J' W Taylor, of St James' charoh St Marys is seriously i11. Mr Thomas Ballantyne M P P, of South Perth, has been made President. of the Western Dairymen's Association. George Crandon, of St Marys has been committed for trial on the: charge of steal- ing four sheep from the pens of Mr J T Brine, of the MitchellRoad, Blanshard. An accomplice named M Hanrihan has not been captured. Death has claimed another•viotim in the person of Mr Bernard Mulligan, of Dublin, who departed 'this life on Friday last. De- ceased was a man of extraordinary physical strength, and his death was totally unex peeted until quite recently. He was in his 59th year, Old Mr Woods for man ycare deputy post master in Mitchell, died at the residence of W; W Ride, Esq , postmaster, on Wed - neediest afternoon, -.Mr Woods went to that ,place from Wales 45 yearsago, and: he was deputy postmaster for about 30 years, "' About nine yeare ago he way on account of old age and infirmity firmly oliliged%to retire. At a in es, riI t g of the town .council Of 5! Merys last week the following tenders for the different trades, for the erection oft he new town hall, were ' accepted --Mason work, John ; , Elliott 5.849 $ , Carpenter work,./nook Near ,000 ' Painting �4a f , $ an d ,lazing, J Willard, 8575 ; Plastering; to Patterson. $575 ; Galvanized .iron, J 0 Gilpin, 8225, malting au aggregate of 510,. 724, while the by Ia+K parried by the people only asked for 59,000. The well kn own arengtheniog properties es of Ire», combined w111, other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are fotind in Carter's Iron. Pills, which strengthen *lie nerves and body, and improve _the bleoa el complex ion. One day recently the entree of the Oen- gregational eburcb, Listowel, discovered that an attempt hal been made to hire the Wilding. Investigation being made it was found tbat Are had been applied to one of the °nations in the choir seal. County of Perth officials are as follows John Schafer, Warden ; W Davfdaen, clerk;. Andrew ifontoitli, treasurer ; J Jones and G G -Swart, auditors ; McPherson a DIM. idson, solicitors ; Alex McLaren and W D4vida0n,auelitors of criminal =omits ; Ar Shaver, jail surgeon; Fred. Bronson, caretaker court ttouae and grounds ; W Blair. messenger ; Jahn Corrie, county road inspector. Purify your blood, timid up your nerves, Restore your atrength, Renew your appetite, Cute scrofula, salt rheum, Dyspepsia, tick headache, Catarrh. riteamatlsm or malaria- Tak a Model Sareaparille, 100 Doses One Dollar. At the Perth county contrail a memorial was prepared by a epeeial committee aetting forth the absolute unready of amending and simplifying the Braivano Act and the Pitches and Watercourses Act, and after being adoptee by the council was ordered to be transmitted to the lineal Leglalatnro, in response to a telegram from the Huron County Connell, it was decided to co-operate with theca in motnorialieing the Govern- ment to ask for the appointment of a come missioner to regulate traiiie, etc., on rail- ways. The question of dispensing with the December session ad'theground of economy was debate;] at seine length, and finally laid overt Thomas 13 C,irrothors who recently wout to Ilat Portage from St 1Iarya, allot him. self the other dor. At the inquest the jury dieagreed, and there the matter rests. Canso unhappy domestic relations. The affair has since culminated in a Manitoba Government detective visiting St. Marys on. Saturday and. arresting Mrs. Carruthers (nee] Ellen Sleek, of Blausbard,) on a charge of murdering her husband, T. 13. Carruthers. The woman Ilaa a largo circle of r•ienls in St. Marys and the neighboring township who feel keenly for her iu the unenviable position in wbioh recent events have placed her and who trust she will be able to (dear herself of the suspicion, which has been aroused. Another old settler passed anddenly away last week in the person of Mr Charles Ready, of West:fisseuri, at the ago of 69 years, wbo was found dead in his barn It appears that on Monday he was around as well as usual until about two o'olook, when he wont out to the barn to do some work, and n few hours afterwards he was found lying dead in the moev. The cause of death was stagnation of the blood, and it is sup- poeed that he died instantly. Air Ready went to West Niesouri about 40 years ago, and has sinoe rodded on the present home- stead. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his sudden demise, one of whom is Mr John Ready, of St Marys. MIDDLESEX. A fourth oounoilior has been found in Lucan, in the person of Mr 8 Gibson. Mr John Bawden was appointed assessor. OnWednesday night last Patrick Milli- gan, a brakeman en the G T R fell from a freight train, near Lncan, and was killed. The death is announced of Mr William Amos, sen., of West McGillivray, after a short illness of two or three days. De- ceased was well known and highly respect- ed, The oil boom is on in Forest at present. A section of land near the town has been bonded, and stock to the amount of 53,000 subscribed for the purpose of sinking test wells on the property. If the company can not procnre oil they will compromise on salt. Fred Webster, employed in McCann's mil! at Dorebester Station, met with a bad accident on Saturday last. He was crossing over the main shaft (a necessity which tail sawyers have to do) when his boot caught in the belt and drew his foot in so that it almost took off two of his toes .and lacerated a portion of the calf of his leg. A. very unfortunate amide it happened to Mr Dan Campbell, a highly respected farmer of Adelaide, while teaming wood into Strathroy on Friday morning, He was sitting on the front tier of a heavy load, and when coming down Scott's hill the supports gave way, causing Campbell and the wood to fall between the horses. The wheel 'passed 'over Ina left arm and right leg, making two very bad and painful breaks, and besides, being generally` out and bruised by the wood. Parkhill 'Review': -"Mr Thos Ticknor has on exhibition at his store,'. the smallest steam engine on earth. It is 'a sight worth seeing and has only been putout for pub- lic inspection at a recent date; The Di- mensions and capacity of. the "Little Jumbo" are as follows c -Diameter of. cylinder, 1-48 Of an. inch ; stroke, 1.32 " of an Inch ; •weight, ,k of ,a. ' grain ; bore . of cylinder, -3125 of square inch revolution, .1760 per ;minute' horse -power: ,]2490 part of h -p," The "Little Jumbo" is . qo, small that it cast easily be covered with the shell of a 22 calibrecartrid$e, being .' two. thirds smaller'than the famous Waterburey engine that;`attraoted so much attention at the Centennial. Tex O N' T .nA ekar N E KILLED -At a pionio by eating foodmade with impure baking pow- der.' The Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is the only sees one to use. Abso- lutely pure.; : All gropers sell; it. Exeter N,.rt . Balers -Bir Herbert hat purchased .the residence of Mr 0 Dorward, paying there- for $1.9.00 --.Tile ,property of the a -.ate of John Meatier. o tn rts t h residence and bleekneith shop, will be sold by auction on Satnraay next - efr. Frown ie Ferioualy i11. and 'tis doubtful whether he will: recover, his old age being against the chances. -_A young Mr. Noble, of Seafortb, la visiting fi aenda here. Balm -The farmers suit others Um been making goad use of the few dart aleighiaeg we had tide week. Hauling logs and grist° to the mills, hoe made 11 quite lively iu our village.-- Mem* Abray and, Edwards, of ttiia place, have recently put maebinevy into their naw mill for the manufacture of stoops rand are doing a large bneiness..-Mr Nixon wale hie been for some flues in the :north West so over seer of bridge building is apeuding the winter at his home, and is looking well. He speaks euoouragingly of the °rope and prospects of that country, His daughter Ellie was home from Detroit last week for a visit, and has returned again tine week,--. Miss Victoria Copeland returned home thiel week after a three weeks wait among friends in Stratford and elsewhere, -,Its an ill wiud that, blows no body good. The little or no Weighing and hard freezing this winker has given aur eaaraetio blackamikhs, MessesFord Jo Stewart, pleuty of horse shoeing. nTardala yet. Betsrre-MrW 11 Blackwell has just Sniebcd p wktiaig up abaat sixty tans of ice, taken off the Saul& ricer. --Mr I' Logan, hat returned to (Ilautleboye again atter an abaenco of several months, --We are glal to be able to state that Mrs I. Bice, who has Nen ill nearly all winter, is rapidly racer- ering.-.Dire J W Blackwell, of Tyre, Mich, is floe:Winsr a few weei,e with her relealree in this vicinity.--.3fr David Carter, of Port Albert, N W '1', is visiting frieuda in this locality. He intends taking beak a car longi or two of horses with Iiinr,--Dltsa Ethel Lovett, of Exeter. is visiting Aliso A. Hodgins. -Mr It 11 Hodgins it making preparations to er,;at a hands MIS S brick Limo as sone as sprint opens up. Wo bear that DA Win Williams is cantem- p;ating a similar net. -Tho farmers of this vicinity had it meeting a short time ago to discuss the building of a grain etore About $700 was subscribed tint night, and a large number have subscribed since, They mean buameat. and es soon as spring opens they intens to start at it. Zurich. BRIEF" -Stella, the Tittle daughter of e1r Latta, luta bad another severe attack of inflammation of the throat, -Wo aro pleased to lenrn that Mr D. $ Faust, who was lately robbed of acme very valuable papers, has succeeded in recovering the greater number of them -Dir Emanuel Merner is in the village on business at present. -Mr 0. B Latta, teacher in Hills green paid us a flyiug visit on Saturday last,-Considerale amount of snow fell is this vicinity on Monday and Tuesday last. -Quite a rumber of our vi,lagors attended revival services in the Meth church in Chiselhurst which were being conducted by the evangelist, Miss Williams. -Mr F. Hess, reeve of Hay, and Dir J. Kaibfleisch, deputy reeve, have returned from the County Council meeting in seoderich- The members of the Lutheran congrega tion have begun work at the new parsonage which they purpose erecting this summer. Poplar Bill. BRIEFS -The infant son of Mr Alfred Gunning, who has been ailing for some time, died on Tuesday, 27th ult. Mr and Mrs Gunning have the sympathy of alarge circle of friends in their bereavement, - Mrs George Foster is ill at present. -The petition for prohibition circulated here by Messrs Hooper and Ginning was very ex tensively signed, exceeding the expecta- tions of the most sanguine. -Mr Horace Jermyn has sold to Mr R. Beamisb a span of matched bays for $250. -Mr W Lawton of Granton, has succeeded in persuading Mr Parkinson to dispose of his beautiful coach mare, and now Mr Lawton is the possessor of a driver of which he may well feel proud. -In the absence of the minister last Sabbath the pulpit was very accept- ably filled by Mr George Westman, of Granton. -Mr Rd Hoin, blacksmith, has moved into the shop vacated by Mr Wilson in Granton. As Disk is a creat favorite with the farmers and horse owners, we predict a rushing business. St. Marys. BnlErs-Wier Bros have almost complet- ed the erection of a large flax mill ou the side of the one recently destroyed by fire. - The Maxwell Works are still enjoying their prolonged repose, -Mutton can be had for an old song now.We suppose it is from the fact that suspicion would rest upon "him who loves the sheep," and in pones-. quence the purchasers of that kind of mean .Are few. -The Literary Society in connect- ion with the Collegiate Institute held their usual itf•wgekly meeting' last Wednesday afternoon., Mr Len Pollak, Vice' Pres executed the duties' of ehairman in a very humorous and highly creditable manner The'sfngfngrby Mr: Ferguson, B A, was highly applauded and the witty manner in which the encore vies responded to, afforded the students much pleasure. -Messrs Grant, and Stephen displayed much ability as violinists; Mr Gardiner contributed, a well read Essay on "Edmund Burke" to the literary part of the: programme. Mr G't production was characterized by thorough- ness g ness and originality, But `she crowning w ng: feature of the entertainment wast the sing- ing ing_ in by Mr T H Folhok M. A $As Mr Tia, one of the choicest sin' ers in or around d St" Marys it is uselese to state that . the ?upils were unable to lufficiently manifest their appreciation;' of his efforts. -Time etudenta of form 5 under epeeist invitation JOHN 1YIiI'rlC & SON Publit,berand Piopriete - THE BARGAIN DEPOT. 'e are just nova holding au Overcoat sale to reduce our fare stook, We do not brag nor bluster but make assertions, which like a gold con, can be realized upon. We are now • offering a dis- count on regular low prices, and to be convinced ,just ,on- quil•e Our ,,took is new and good, said to save us carrying over until another year all Overcoats Will be sold at cast prices. 410 front 5 K Martin. B. A., principal of Call bat., niet at his residence last Thursday evening to spend a pleasant time together iu social enjoyment. The Ieindneae anti entertaiudng ali7ity of Ur and Mr* Martin deeply impressed the I+ulils with the thought that the erer-fnttusifv'ipg interest manifested by Mr 5[' in bit welfare rrsa for their satcceas and happiness. ...._ .Lerwall Brume -Mr F. O'Neil, who went to Sudbury A week ago bas been forced to return on account of ill heahh.--Special revival services aro now being held in the �IethtxlitztChnreh.-.Tho regular meeting of the Y P M I Aesoeietion was held on Monday evening, when the ebief attraction was a debate on the subject "Resolved that the printing press` has benefited, man- kind more than the attain engine." The aill math .%) was led by Mr John l etteraon supported by Mr J. Keith, and the negative by Mr 0. Randall supported by Mr W• Carlisle. The judges, after conaieleringltho arguments, declared it atie. These debates are proving very beneficial in bringing out the talent talents of thoso young men - A meeting of the stock holders of the Hensel Elevator Company was held at Mr. C„:tworth'a en Friday evening last when a very gratifying report was given. r. -.+►ate - Biddulpli, BRI$Fd,-Tho social at the resitienee- 1 - Mr, Richard Hodgins. 4th con. I3iddnlph, on Thursday night last was a success, It was given for the purpose of raising funds to buy a furnace for St. Patrick's Church, Bieldulph,--Mr Carter, of Manitoba, pur- chased a fine brood mare from. Mr Joseph Casey, of 13iddnlph, last week.- Dfr. Walden, of London Township, whose services have been secured in the North Middlesex cheese factory, Lucan, has been working up or organizing that institution the last week and expects to have a big trade next summer -Died on Thursday last Wesley McFalls, son of Mr Robert DfcFalls, 2ndcon BidJulph. He died of inflammation of the lunge. He was buried at Nursery Cemetery, Mooresville, on Saturday last. His parents have our sympathy in their trouble. -The barns of Mr D. O'Neil. of London Township, was burned last week caused by the upsetting of a lantern. Thia is the third barn from this cause in a few weeks. Mr. Boyds, of McGillivary ; Mr Essery's, of Usborne, and Mr. O'Neil's, of London. It is time more caution was exercised or something substituted for the coal oil lantern, Greenway BRIEFS.• -Mr J. A. Wilson, of Wale - burg. Washington, wrote to his friends here that they are havingibeautiful, warm, dry weather over there and he is delighted with the country. -Miss Lydia Basch visited her parents last week and remained over Sabbath. -Dir O. McWilson who left here a few weeks ago for Chicago sends word back that he has secured a good situation and likes the place well; -About 40 of the members of Boston Church at- tended the quarterly meeting and mere - mental services at Salem' last Sabbath. - Mr W. J. Wilson, solicitor of the Bochand estate visited Grand Bend last Saturday with official papers from the Surrogate Court at Goderieh ; he also visited Messrs Alex. Aitken and Y. Sherritt who moved from here last fall: -Mr Richard Elliot, of Bayfield, who passed through here last October on his way to Michigan returned home last week and reports tithes very dull and many men out of employment. - Messrs. R. Hutchinson, S Harlton, James 13rophey and a number others attended the County Orange Lodge held at Exeter last Tuesday. -Mr John Dickson, of Claude be ye ,is visiting friends in this vicinity -. Mr. John Beinger bas been very sick dur- ing the past week ,h is some hotter this week. -Mr John Billing has offered to give twelve poles towards the erection of a telephone line between here and Parkhill. A few more such generous offers' as this would induce some company to put up a' line which would be a great savingof time, money and life. If youa children suffer-with "snuffles" fles, use Nasal Balm.' It willive in g stent relief and saves the little ones much suffering. Sold by dealers. Tryit; A0 un man youngnamed James Them, of St. S Helens met with a sad accident: in the woods near Whitechurch n: fewdasg ago, y He was engaged with others sawing timber whena fainter tree crushed him beneath its weight, cansang luck lean ie its to result in his death on Monday of last week,