The Exeter Times, 1891-1-22, Page 1EFIS"; AND IIURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. <sgEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XV II. NO 20. EX1 TER, 9IgTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1891 4DGAl,. I -: t)IOI SoNT,13e.rri8ter, Soli. l !l. piton of ltnprenne Court, rotary lenbin' , e.,:tveveneor. O'rnuuntabioner..i.e Mone • to Conn. 0 t'-eiu vtusonn'Fmock. Exeter • t IL COLLINS, B"rI•sler, Solicitor, on veyacerlac!, T93i:1•',TI:1L • ONT. Office over the Pmt Office, TOLL/TOT LLI IOT t LLIOT,. 1,1 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?abbe, Wei '(i. Conveyancers , & re'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE. • ]I.UN • hTREET, EXETER, D. V. 3I,1.14T. J. El,a4OT, Di;:4TAL,. 1)R. 0. H. INGI ,AM, DENTIST. Sucee'sor to Ii. L. Billings. (Member of tate 'loyal (college of Dental Sutuoonse Teeth tn'terteo with or without Plate, in hold or Buhlyr. A Rita Anresthotio given for the p:tiuless extraction of tooth. OFFICE : Over O'Neil's Bank. Lucari every Greday. KlNS IAN,DENTIST.ia,D. . 1. Work, Main•st, Exciter, xtracta Teeth et -Intent pat n, Away at IT r xeu.z en Ors Fri ley : Craig* second an fourth Tuesday: mid Rumen on the last Thurs 4113174-4 ketch month. eseretem F ansoe's 1)IGAL T W.13ffOWyiNG M. D., M. 0 P « P. S, Gretduata iriotorie University: Office and regideuee, Dom:nlou Labors, tory , Fleeter. NR, RYYDMAN, coroner for the gnintsoHuron. Office, opposite osi te Carlinlrfttore, Exeter. Iia,mei. A.RO.LrLINrS",:tI,o.2.88. o 0. Office, ']fain St. Exeter, Ont. Residence, 'loupe recently oceupiefi by P. s1iG1'brltips, elsq, r I . CUTTEt, M. D., C. M., .1-4 • t4raduate Trinity University, Tor- ontoFel,°Erin. }ted. school. Toronto t Grad, Am inst.. Craniology ; Member N. Y. Aced, Anthropology; Member Col. P. Se Ont.- otlioo, Dashwood. Ont. DR. WOtoDRUFF Diseases of the EYE,,Alt, NOSE Asn THROAT i E aeflasses and Speotaoles furnished for both Near and Distant V.nston, Always at home, except on Fridays, No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. Ti• BOSSENl3ERRY, General Li • ceased Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. HousalI Y 0, Crit. HENRY EILI3ER Licensed Auc- tioneer for (lay, Stephen, andMc- Gllivray Towuslail's. Sales conducted at moderaterateB. OmeteatPost-oft'eee, Cred- iton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D • Altctloneerand LandValuator. orders sent by mail ao my adfress, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prompt attention. 'Terms moder- ate. D. H. VORTJ;tl•, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent ESETEII. ON T. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary 001 - lege. OFFICE : One floor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. YrONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSUItANOE T E LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAN , DA. Head Office, London, Ont. After S1 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or contents.,the most favorable protection in baso of loss or damage by fireorlightnine., at rates upPon such liberal terms. that no othen'respect- able company can afford to write. 42,375 poll: Dies inforce lstJan ,1890. Assets 0378428:00 in cash in bank. Government depost. Deben- tures 'and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, President D. C. MO DONALD,Manager. Damn JAQvE$,Agent for Exeter andvioinity . .T HE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIR1E INSURANCECO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. This eorneanv has, been over 'eighteen years in suooessfpl operatio.n'in Western Onario, and ooutinues to insure against loss oriiamagebv Wire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip- tions of insurable property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or cash System. During the nest ten years tbis Com- panybas issued 57,090 Policies. covering property to the amount of 340,872,039; and paid n lessee a lone $709,752,60. Assets, 81176,100.00, consisting of Cash 'Olank *overnmentDere eit a and the un- aesesatd etemium Notes cr Lane and in ;orcr. t. W Wstemetl:I. D .Presider t O . TAYLOR Secretary • J. ft , Knee es, In ,spector. CHAS: SNlilJ , Arent fur 10Eotes gait) •r: C29't T• NEW Wry utt Lititm Tile undersigned has open- ed a. stock of Fresh Groceries 1111d Liquors, in i ile store re- cently occupied by S. C. Hersey, opposite TowIu Hall, Stock 1s complete and Goods will Le sold at a small margin over cost. NOW OPEC. A \ Cal! Solicited. F. J. KNIGHT. GH T The Molsons Bank (Cit..RT1:ltED 13 V PA P.'.)ata1E1 T,1850) Paid up tlepita) eleeee,f0 RestTttnd ... ... 1,000,0e Mad Otl)ee,Montreal. `ti OI,I R TAN T1105lAi .Esc., (IEMRRALMANAOEF 20braneboflicesintn...t,ominion. Agenele in theDoutiuion,t.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from le a. m.to8 p.m SATt'RDAYS,1O item to 1 p.m, 4PerCent.perannum allowcdformonoy Deposit ' on D i 0 Ilrcet ., to p N. DYER:HtJRDUN Sub -Manager, Hay Council. The filet meeting of the new council was bell pursuant to statute on Monday Janu- ary 19th 101 when thefollowfnggeutletnen made and aubsoribed to iheneeessary deelar- atfnna of qualification and office as mem- bers of the municipal eounoil of the town- ship of Hay viz ; F. Ties,, reeve ; John C Kelbflc'ieoh, dopty reeve ; and Wni Moir, John Ii Sehttell and John Welker, coun- cillors, Follow1 g these prelitninarios the council became organized with the reeve as chairmen of the Board. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved after whioh the following business was transacted. Kathfleiaoh-Sehuell-that Sam J Latta be clerk for 91 at a salary of $100. - Carried, Meir--7=albfleisch--fhatthe contract of printing for 1891 be let to John White .1: Son of Exeter, for the bum of $50.- Carried. Voelker-Sohnell-that R R Johnson be auditor for 1891 at a salary of 46, -Carried. The reevo appointed D 5 Fanst second auditor. Moir-Voelkor-that Win Stoneman, D Steinbach, Jos Schnell, F I3ess and Sam J Latta be members of the Board of Health and that they be allowed the same ren'uner- ation for each sitting as members of tbe oonncil.-Carried. Kalbflefsch--Voelker-that Dr Buchanan be medical health officer for 1891. --Carried. Moir -Schnell -that John Scott be Sani- tary Inspector for the Eastern Division being that part of the township east of concession 7 inclusive. --Carried. Voeiker-Sohnell-that Henry Greb be sanitary inspector for the western division being that part of the township west of concession 8 inclusive .-Oartled. Kalbfleisoh-Moir-that 'Michael Zeller be treasurer for 91 at a salary of e80. - Carried. Moir -(no seconder) that Bontbron be re- appointed assessor for 1891 at a salary of $60. (amendment) Kalbfieisch-Voelker-that Henry Lipphardt be assessor at a salary of $55. -Carried. The assessor was reminded that he should pall at all the houses in the township. Voelker-Sohnell-that Thomas Johnson be collector for 1891 at a salary of $55 per aunum.-Carried Voelker-Kalbfleieoh- that Mrs Kein- harbt be caretaker at a salary of 015. - Carried. Voelker-Kalbfleisch-that tenders for cedar and red beech for the nae of the town- ship be received by the reeve and Mr Moir at Zurich up till 2 o'clock on February 7th 1891, and that the clerk notify parties to that effect. -Carried. Kalbfleisch-Voelker-that the following coconuts be paid viz ;-Sam JLattaelection expenses $72 25 ; Hart & Co, mun-blanks, 45 ; White 86 Co, bal printing. $25 ; H Well, goods for Currey,_ $4 25 ; F W Fern - comb, engineer, en 50 ; H Randall, wash- ing Curray's bed clothes,. $2 ; Deichert. and Weseloh, $8 45 ; C Oswald, gravel, $6 51. -.Carried. The council adjiurned to met on March 7th at 10 am. Saar J LATTA, Clerk: Asx YOUR ninnies who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive m its favor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia another finds it indispensable for sick head- ache, others report remarkable cures for scrofula, salt rheum, etc. Truly, the beet advertising whioh 13ood's Sarsaparilla re- ceives is the hearty elide' Bement of its army of friends. Children Cry for Pitcher's Casteria, OONDENSED NWS 1r`em Various S ources Through out the I)IStric't„ n pi a.ra .x. 1 Ir'fc1`atts, of Luctan, has opened the betel at Corbett Corners, Stephen tp, ,lel ilotn,big,lis nirh,formerlr of Whalen hoe more',, lute the al 1 blacksmith slt'ep fn sewrrtik, G" unite*. kerosene hum, Nye, accidentally upset at :vir Daniel l.rataal" s, of 'Lienry, last 'l lanreiety night. The oil einesirt on fin hut was :mothered lisfore any damage was done, Bliss Nellie McKay of Ailsa (rratg, Rag units el la ;airtime to BIr T. Ode, of Wa,'a,, ville, en i'ntt„1 ay, Jany 20th, at the rest - deuce et the bride's farther. Mr Will J, Rey, printer, of Ailsa Craip, was marred to Miss WOW. Iteue, daughter of JonkiuT Owen, Esq., banker, of Ailsa Craig, The happy' event occurred on Jan'$ 15th, 1891. Miss Melissa Carter, daughter of Gilbert Carter, who at'enda the Granton publio selaoal, took the cilplowa at the late ex- nminations bold at Lunn, taking 25 ;narks atheaa of all others in the county. In the tp, of Mot1tilivray, at the last sit. thug ot the oanneit, lair John Sanders was appointed janitor. salary „212; Wui Fraser, clerk, salary 2120; \itaian (iriovo,assessor,. $70; Geo. Glendenning, and' OW. Sanders, collectors, 233 each ; tlafrituditors get 610 each. A serious stabbing affair oecnrred at 5, S. Na 12, McGillivray, last Friday. It appears that two hers names, Bennington and Arrant], one 12 and the oth'ar 13 venni of age, got iuto a dispute "ben each drew a knifes and (4. iielco battleigayiahi eau€ pal in Arran) bring stablest ` while Bennington receivirtia r:wtvere• in the back, just beneath the sltauldok b , e which will lay hire rip for 80100 tune, The Biddulptt Ag't Soeioty's meeting was held in the Tetnperanee T°I'tll, Urenton, re - costly. 'rho m1'mlerehip during the past year was 257. The following ofllcere were elected : Pres,,Tas Fester ; Vice Toros, L l nitl ; Tress, Il. D :Stanley ; Seey, r . B Stewart; Dileetors, Wm Dann, S Gunning, A Gibson. T Bunn, P., II Radcliffe, George Fuller, Wan 3ladelleton, J, W Marshall, \V WoodAuditors, Dr II bang, d. Cozen.There Jr.s still it debt of $250 on the ball. What might have resulted in a fatal mi. dent occurred at Atlas Craig on Wednesday afternoon lied. It appears that Mr Duncan McIntyre of the 18th con of East William, was driving into the village and when oppoalte Mr Hector Ounn's residence, his horse shied and precipitated him into the flitch. The animal then ran away, and during its wild race, niet Mr John Darling, of MoGillivray,aud Miss Cameron, Granton, who were at;the time comins up opposite the stables, when the two cutters mot with a terrific force, tossing them both out and sadly smashing Mr Darling's cutter, and breaking one of Mise Cameron's ribs. Miss Cameron was returning home after having taken part in a concert held at Mack's Cerner. PERTH.. Hibbert council has appointed the follow- ing officers : T Carroll, clerk A Ferguson, treasurer ; T G Huribnrt, assessor James Gillespie and John AMcNaughton, auditors. In consequence of W R Davis, of Mit- chell, being a school trustee, he had to re- sign as town councillor, and a new election has been ordered. Mr Caton Willie, of Virden, Man., for nlerly stage driver between Exeter and St Marys. and who some years ago resided in Exeter is visiting friends in this section, While sawing wood with a circular saw on the premises of Dan Hennicke, Logan, one day lately, a farm laborer named Wm Yarco got his right hand caught in the saw and his three fingers taken off. Mr Vs -Meeting, of Arthur township while proceeding along the track near Listowel the .other day was ;run down by an ex- press train, while crossing a bridge, and killed. He was on his way to Wallace. Miss Routledge, employed in Long's store Si Marrs, while stooping to pick up some. thing, her setssors which were attacbed to an elastic, rebounded, sttik'ng her in the right eye, injuring that optic severely. While parrying a pail of coal upstairs at the residence of Mr F H Thompson, of Mitchell, Nettie Elliott. a daughter of Mrs Winter, of the north ward, felt backward, very seriously injuring her hip. Fullarton council has appointed the following officers : John Cole, sen„ tress; Alexander Bothwell, collector ; Richard Ie'rancis, assessor ; John Wilson, clerk ; William Sterritt and John H Keeler, audi- tors. Tbe old officers of the Blanshard Cheese and Butter ,Company were re eleoted, as follows : T Epplett, Pres, and G. Webster secy-treas ; as were also the three retiring directors Meyers W. F Sanderson, T Epp- lett and J. el Cameron. Mr Sanderson was appointed salesman. Tbe whey to be made at the factory during next season was sold to Mr Roeenbargo at 40 cents per pow. Tho annual meeting of the South Perth Ag'l Sooy was held in St Marys Wednesday last. Tile following are the officials elected for the current year : Pres, Roger Hedley ; let Vice -Pres, Jas McVittie ; 2nd Vice Pres, P. S Armstrong; Directors, 81 Marys, R, Boa and T Evans; Blanchard, G, Spearin and Jas Pickard ; Downie, Wm Porter and Thos Steele; Fullerton, John Roger; West Nissouri, Jas Henderson ; • East Nissouri, Alex Wood ; Representatives to Western Fair Board, Jas Henderson and Jos White; Auditors, T. 0 Robson and H. L Rice. While driving home on Monday evg of last week and when nearing that dangerous railway crossing near St Marys, the team ot Mr R. Hayes, of Prospect Hill, took fright at a passing train and bolted. In crossing the track the sleigh capsized, breaking the whiffietreea and releasing the 'horses. Mr Hayes, who was thrown out, escaped ' with a few billing: As the team was ,galloping u p. the hill 1 )t e direction of McIntyre Corners. one of the homes stumbled and • feel, breaking its fore leg. The annual, ; wl:•.cli was value:, at tm 150 had to be shot. R, Ir sValt °r Sfnillitn,;law, of Hibbert, met with shat was is arly n f4ttel aecident tine otf:f•r slat 'tar S , as is well known, is a visite+ dealer, and was driving a nutnher of steers pan thealav in gnestion. when one of tie m peat' r,,n'ezi"' as they call it, and n ole ne.hoo t»r llr S„who Wee to stop him 1'eaa instead a.Rt e4toppcd hitmself. The b•ute ewick. hi a en the hide of the heat and Nee, card Loo,1 -treatnea from bis month, noire, ;tees as .t c:: -.a, Z:.vaa9 a el„a-• pan. The ler ,t eel a .,t r.°=urine bestilttiee upon his ora atr'tte curl vaatgnitllnd opponent, boned was saved. II n le miler me,li cal eat meet. 11.1' a. tit:. Mr 13na):lt Crvstes ll, of T ueltereinith, left tee 1 ata=day last for-Ihacblo, Col , where he w11 spend the wisher It is ra•po.ted that ex -reeve Keily, of Myth. twi`'l Fleet -ire a government otlee,. under John A Maaclouald, At the first ;fleeting of the new council Bal field, efr John Pollock was appointed ek'rhe and lir Benjamin liigl;lns, aiieseor, 0,1 Friday morning, as Mr W :IIeKuwn. of Clinton, was ou his wav to work, he lta,1 the mi.fortune to stip drawn and bre;ai ,ria leg. 0[r Adam Boca, eallee'or of Uses for Meli;illop. has eampli'ted his work. Out ofasum of 813,791 'he has collected every cent except one dollar. Mr Charles Proem+, of the kith ran of :ti.artia, rc"Iltiv emir, 14 ianaba, whil'll as1'raged 117 p''unnts race. The mice' re- ccire,l was $5,35 per 1110 pounds. Tllc inmost, in the population in the. te:lisltij, .,f McRillop, E'er the last sift rnein.11?. tries 27, ate: for Mar 3 ear now closed enbn catnanissiauera for Nest Jlams aresum.' 1 s 51 ern awes Y swig, itnar a 1ttevthr':,• Last Middlesex---tV i11f1'l 13'Seliteliarit,'.lilan Bogue, John Kennedy. Shoe Tire Hui, of Clinton. while oat tehootiug 4i:tartly, bagged a rabbit that had forts ;cell farmed ear, -two in eaeh actio of the ,teal. At a inetiftes of the Seaforth Public Sellout Board, held on Wednesday, Mr W 1) Blight wa- pleated chairman for this year. Mr 11 formerly resided in Exeter. A mad dog visited Woodham the other day, and engaged in a scrap with nearly esery slog in town the ennseq,lence being that all village dogs with two excoptiont were fillet and killed. Sir Cooe•er who has been as-essor of Tuokertmitn for the past two years has resigned and his successor will be app'tiut-- ed at next meeting of the council on Feb ftth, 01r Chas Isaac, of iiay, carries his right leg in a bandage. He Nos sawing wood in the bush last week, when the log in which the saw was sunk commenced rolling, the teeth of the saw penetrating his leg. The Stanley council has appointed the fallowing officers : Geo Stewart, clerk ; J Reid, Treasurer ; John Tough, Assessor ; Andrew Stiuson, Caretaker of hall ; Abel S Weeks, Engineer ; Geo Baird and James R Balfour, Auditors. Mr Frank Blatchford, of Tuokersmith, has the honor or credit of bringing in this week, to the Yorkshire Packing House lien - Ball, the beet pigs yet marketed this season. He had six spring pigs averaging 278 Ihs each, and netting him $100. Mr Geo Stanley, of Kinburn, who died at the age of 82 years, on Friday last, was trnely a pioneer of the Huron tract, having been a resident of it for 55 years He was born in Waterford, Ireland, and emigrated to Canada in 1832. Mr P Kelly, of Blyth, was presented with an address and a handsome gold head- ed Dane by the citizens of that village, tor his faithfal and efficient services as their reeve for the peat 17 years. Suoh a recog- nition of faithful services is alike oreditabld to the recipient and the donors. Ou last Wednesday while Mr Thos Rich- ardson was employed sawing lumber with bis portable saw m1il en the 6th con of Ashfield, his eldest son had. his foot taken off at the instep with the circular saw while engaged as tailsawyer. A general convention of the Reformers of South Huron -as constituted for Dom- inion purposes -will be held in Dixon's ball, BruceSeld, on Tuesday, Feb 3rd, for the purpose of appointing delegates to at- tend the Convention of the Liberal Party of Ontario, to beheld in Toronto, Feb 17th and 18th. By the urgent advice of hie medical at. tendants Rev Dr Ure has resigned for one year his pastoral duties in connection with Knox church, Goderich. He is warned that be must have absolute and perfect rust and to that end must refrain from allstudy, preaching null the duties of his charge, Ile has now been in active work there for over 25 years , Twenty five lambs, belonging to Mr W J Chesney, of the Mill Road, Tuokersmith, were delivered in Seaforth last week, which weighed an average of 137e pounds each, and were sold for 5j• cents per pound. Mr T Annis, of Logan, also delivered at Mit- chell. last week. thirteen lambs whioh weighed 1,770 pounds and for whioh he received $93 81 or $5 30 per hundred. Tho McKinley bill has not entirely knocked the bottom out of the lamb business: The annual convention of S S workers, held at Brussels last week, was the largest in numbers, and otherwise the most suc- cessful held for many years. The following are the officers for 1891: President. Rev J. 11 Simpson ; Vice Presidents, Wm H Kerr, Bruseels ; James Scott, Clinton ; T 0 Kemp, Seaforth ; BLHutton, Wingbam; James Mitchell, Goderiob, General Secre- taries, A H Manning and J 0 Smith; Treasurer, J 0 Stevenson. ; Minute Secy, 1 Taylor; Executive, Bev W Craig, B 'D, Rev A Mc'elillan, .Rev d Stabler, Wm Grey and R Foster. Tne anon m'ittira of the S mu; Barron Agrieuitnral Society was hell at Diser s Ila;°l. Iirueodie-U. on Wednesday last. Ms Faei tv having unit. -1 wtk the Per:kerma tln leaner, f,ir tri' p rlife+?e fi1' it4lia t; a, oar Dn eel:Pater l s,: fall r: k.” :' + t fear( t.. *oei °v a brine; of ?e oil mese, a3 d oat fas a"Fis S ^tw:i"41 rl at toeta'..e-s r,, this, t r- gethe r with :$175 , peet 1 for rriz a tt<.a.rde 5 at the epaispi. show, inekes elles72 pal s i:► i 1• @ - ,v d7ri,e q tat;• s>" i'. Tete t•ej6 *wires 141ae1 91D ,'.'. ''3 ton' a'i ;veva aysr the 0a1 -rent year, vlz ; Je'ab•1 i e"tlls4'ti, Stent' I're sident ; 11 ei ,'r1 Me aln,'t r, Hay. filet S'ie' Presi !feet ; leseea.•I ll:a ,t, r, lee 'Ines Roc 1.,1 Ria ,see lent; Ileeree l: jeeeeen, 3.s,tuenesrllee and 'fermis Freeer, titan i,'., rrndit+ira,' Uir<-et,ers-_ ll;•nry P.*as.on, ti .i orad. tawnahip ; John :iinr•loc't, :tan/e€ ; N Rehm t 11c9i,aalfe, /lay ; tIrerg' a'rtaletle',s St +t hen'; Janine Pte;art] pial Afthetr Ite dine, lseeter ; The"rete lhr Fe 31, 1' -bel net d Alexaittier Koos, Tuclrersuutn Andrew 1'.ung, Soarerth. Farquhar Daum -The people of the Thatanes Read Presbyterian clench, have di -paused with the neual tea meeting thio ye ir, and apps til- ; sal clitt'c'.i « to the a 11li reg,tti:'la fir the farts Daae',:,airy for clrnre l and s1119u1 ptarp„aes. Tit' c. ik'et.,.'tl %eftEll up Ata3anntea t0 11.90 it wap;, however, dreaded to hold a free den tett in the caau' :r on L1risluy ays;, fetattzry: ,salt, tor whieli N bpl"sslt 1 prairitDU st ta, lam %pared. Sodom. OcuaTn-That debate en "W• Iowa Frau. 1 elaiee" 114'14 here vel Re:1r'e•'ite„"r l:;,t Will very atldv di•eata-cal on hi,ih iiia s, a t 1 leas ° decided by the eltuleni u that Sr•:n-tt Mla ,ul,l j not it ere avow. l+u' t' setaoti1 ;'ave a veiny ra.sarnotive r, Citati.ytfrlxl in gond style. She se€r;• t=,1'c+ sev rtlsiee in smelt things. The ia- t isteetiree of the club still be on Wi' btes lay tiger 'ltlt Feb'y, when, it i3 prup esel to have jet n bliti0 l t114.,t.-b un, reC't1tthuts atII'I a"tte'r turtus'ear'ett',•. Th"' bent 111,1, a,.i•'1l i i e le... tcealve'1 that in.c'uct a rare,+ 174 al greater 1.141 thou war" Elul Or'i,nut'iv,' is 1,1 he 11 Iarria ri1ptrnetenirt S:,a rflr. ,i e te "tats' is le t by t'. I'r nty. Roth r: les are asij' s'rt,' 1 Ito rial.'^.• 0,.11 'F iieer alert 61 :. hill house ie e.;pc'r'ttel. B.irisvton. 1.3utes s --The Ladies' Aid of St Nen church intend ho'ding an entertain )lent on Friday evening next. The plowed; to ai.l in purchasing a now hell. -The Lord's supper was administered in $t Pours church on Sunday last, --Miss M Robinson has returned home after a fern clays visit at Hamilton, -Mrs Jos 1)oupe, of Chat- ham, is the guest of Air henry 1)otlpe.- Our village storekeepers Woad holding extensive sales during the coming month. -Appearances at present indicate good sleig; nfng for a while, the roads in the vicinity are daily lined with teamsters, - The young Conservative Club will din cuss the fiscal policy of the Maedonald. Administration on Monday Feb 91-11, in the agricultural hall. Sides have been chosen to support the Government, and the Opposition ; the meeting will he free and a lively time is antieipated. .. Centralia. NOITCE.A meeting of the patrons of tbe Centralia Cheese Factory will be held in Cen- tralia on Saturday Eves Jetty 31st. at 7 o'clock for the purpose of balancing accounts, and bust nessin general. All patrons are expected to be present ; also those interested for the com- ing season, All invited to attend. 0. W. SMITII. ACcxpeee-On Thursday last while Wm Moody, of Farquhar, was engaged erecting a bay fork for Mr Paul Madge in the barn of Mr Robt Walker, he leaned against a loose board in the pable of the barn, and It giving way, precipitated Mr Bloody to the ground, a distance of 25 feet. He performed quits an aerobatio feat, falling head first, he turned a summersault and alighted on his feet on the frozen ground, thus escaping with two sprained ankles. Foix BALL -A very interesting game of foot ball took place' in Crediton last Friday betweeu the Oreditou and Centralia boys. Play began at 8 o'clock and the two appos ing clubs kinked for half an hour without either side scoring a goal. The referee then called half time and in five minutes the two clubs faced each other again. They then kicked for 20 minutes and the Centra: lia boys scored one goal. The ball was again kicked off with ten minutes to play ; in this time Central% scored the second goal. The referee then called time and the scorn stood 2 to 0 in favor of Centralist. A return match will be played shortly. Dashwood. BRIEFS -The long looked for sleighing has come at last. The farmers are taking good advantage of it as they fear it will not last long. -Mr Morlock, Miss Morlock, and Miss Eilber, of Crediton, spent Sunday in Dashwood. -The revival meetings are still in progress. -We are glad to report that Mr England, sr., septi the Misses Winkenweder are improving in health .- A great number of Indians have settled for the winter near Me Yaeger's saw mill. We hear that they intend giving a concert to Dashwood spine time in February. - There is some talk of several business changes to take place soon. -Our Mer chants are shipping a great deal of wood at present. • (Too late for last week.) BRIEF, -Mr J. Graybil, jr., is happy over the birth a daughter.- Mr England, sr, is very ill at present. --Miss el Beaver return- ed home from Zurioli where she visited' friend,. -Miss Brown, who taught in our school some years ago, bat is now in Credi- ton, paid our village a visit on Saturday and Sunday, -Mr Jacob Merner, merchant. of Zurich, was in Dashwood on Monday evg -Last week Mr G. Kaes cher, Sebringville, moved to our village to take possession of the blatsksmith shop whish he bought some weeks.` agn, JOIlee WH)TE, & SON Publishers and aParopraeetar• THE °" ' au:+,'. A .N i , ET.« e are ,hast now hotoling an Overcoat :..irf. to,'e>e'nl k 1 t,, fs our dill' O,tof:k. We do hold Drag nor Illll t op lint make a?5s3Itli-. , a gold COiu, can 1; r 'iH tl Upon. We tiff? 310- 0, -ring a dis- count on regular lot. pl11•0.5, :VW to be 4'!.113i1!:;f'l41 jl Sa"RI-- guile. ':1- g111IE.. Our ,.fit]t.rt A.: new and good, and to Sltve 115 carrying over until another year all Overcoaars will be sold at cost prices, 1id;tFF .. tiatad sivieilin:,' nail business Garish.- \lr T Berry as an 41,,inz large shiplatents eef h.,rees n t:.ly --Mr 11 1;lorrieen toxins; aiiepostel of Ian, protases in l:ayfielll to Ole E,tst'.tr is. for a got burn. will unite Wooly retrain 18 5.61' vilyage. -The 'Ale -yes AlliM,n of !London aro renewing old as: ,paint tripes here. ;re :.t -e Johnson taut wife e:t i;D,aaltf.ea,1 ate ;ueste at Mr. T. Manale•des -Tfaea ”11.3013 talked of riebate between Ila a1:a91 ;awl hurat Literary 9 t_ ietit•3 ' resolve 1 that In iepetndene:e is' pro r r:d,'e tsa stpapa ttian" came all at the Lett a j,3a a trei ldt e.enin , awl woe won 1.y out;; s; ae, who pre,a.•nie.l the Affirmative fat the strongest :tail most eloquent laupn: ag, -.(,''flap?ct of hi OS of Waling fatke at: ( t '•, t n tial. the p:arntv)T ot 1tctrr last cvg;, They y e:ty 111,4 "Maar=t" gnu ;t take Bast place ria as f 15t oktrter. Clinton.. Muter s - Mr W. McKawn fell, last weee•k, and brake the email bone of the lower por- tion of one of his legs. -Mr AU Moore of the Fair farm, whi'e onerating a btra:v entter on Friday lost eat off once of his fins gees. -Tees ley teething about threes o'clock the fire bell sounded an alarm, Thenim- mense volumes of smoke were seen issuing from the tannery of Ole Hugh Moan, The fare quickly made headway and before the steamer arrived the building was irretriev- ably ablaze. 200 rolls of leather ready for shipment next day were consumed; Tho buildings and contents destroyed were pro - habil, worth $4,000. No insurance, Noth- ing definite known as to the origin of the fire, but possibly at proceeded from the en- gine room. -We are sorry to report the con tinned illness of Mr McMurchie.-The wife of Mr W. 3 Stoneham died on Sunday last. Deceased was 20 .years of age. -Mr S. 5 Cooper has been awarded the contract for a new brick residence for J. H White, Tucker smith. -Tho ringing of the town bell a few minutes before 0 o'clock on Tuesday morn ing sounded so much like a fire alarm that a number cf our citizens became earlier risers than usual. It was caused by a man who wanted the lee use of the wealth scalae- and thought fly ringing the troll 11 would be an easy way to rouse weighmaster Welsh, who was already near at hand. Goa_ TEE TRAOEDr.-The adjourned inquest on the body of Rachel McKinnon, who met her death by a pistol shot wound, in Goder- ieh on Thursday, January ,15th, was con- eluded on Friday night• Nineteen witnesses had previously been examined. Dun Me. Kinnon, the son of the deceased, arrived here Wednesday from Michigan. He was the only further witness examined. He testified that when he was living at home there were many 000aeions of difference between his father and mother, as at car-. Gain times they did not dwell iu harmony. On the conclusion of the testimony the coroner gave a summary of the whole evid- ence to the jury, leaving the matter of determining the cause of the death of Mrs McKinnon in their bands. The jurors re- tired at 8.30 and at 9 50 returned with the following nuanimous verdict ;-,‘That Rachel McKinnon came to her death. in the town of Goderich by means of a pistol shot wound, inflicted on Thutsday, January 15, 1803, about the hour of noon, by some per- son or persons to us (the jury) unknown." The verdict was received without any de- monstration on the part of the largenumber of spectators present. An information has been sworn out by Chief yule against Don. McKinnon, who is at present in jail,charg;- ing him with being the perpetrator of the crime, and it is understood that the case will come up for a prebminary examination. before a magistrate. [ (Later) Donald MoKinnon, the survivor of the double shooting tragedy on January 15th, was on Saturday afternoon committed to stand his trial for the wilful murder of Rachael McKinnon, his wife.} : , Nasal Balm has no equal as a oure fot cold ie the head and catarrh No sufferer should bo without it for an hour, • Proem, bottlo and give it a trial. Sold by all dealers. ELOPED wITEI HIB 2IEIGH0O0's 000R. - Philip Swan has eloped with his neighbor's cook. He was so delighted with the bread,. biscuits and cake she made with Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Pow der that lie fell desperately in love with her. He was pro, tnieod however to return to bst wife if ehe will use the same which she will now do as It is ti,e only reliable. Children cry for Pitcher's' castoff?