The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-26, Page 11• At the recent melting of North StreetVnited''Ch'� Church evening Aux- iliary the preside t, Mrs. J. Walls, prQsided. 'Mrs:- Ski,nner,1 Whose group was in charge of the meet- ing, read a chapter from the study book on Mexico. This was made more vivid by the showing of colored slides of Mexico, taken byo Britnell on a recent trip there, and shown by Mrs. 'Britnell, The auxiliary is continuing the sale' of hasti notes with an aerial view of Goderich and these were distributed among members,...._A, collection -was taktenr for theKor- eAn Orphan fund: A neve member, 1VIrs. C. Sockett; was the 'presentation of a Mob wedding to honor bride -elect, Miss Florence Paterson. Providing the hilarity were Mrs, R. W. Hugh s. M..rs? 1.ompson% Mrs. W. Cave , Mrs. C. Anderson and Mrs. H. Bettger. Following the ceremony the guests' were invited to • the tea room, in charge of Mrs. G. Ellis, where tea was poured by Mrs. A. E. Eustace and 'Mrs. J. Walls from a tea table centred with a "Best Wishes" cake, surrounded 'by tulle caught with pink rosebuds, and candelabra with. lighted pink ta_pers, To get your prospect lukewarm, you have to get yourself red hot. PHONE•• 85 April will mark the 113th anni- versary of the founding of , the RCAF Station at Clinton. There, the first radar training establish- ment in North America came into being in 1941. fIn April of that critical year of World War II, a team of experts searched for a .suitable --.location; Among the re- quirements were .adequate power facilities, reasonable proximity to good sources of supply, transport- ation and, preferably, a not -too - prominent location. ' Last but not least, it. was essential that it be' located near a large body of water to approximate, conditions .:in be- sieged England. And the require- ments were met in •,a location• two miles south of the town of Clinton in 'Huron County and construction was begun immediately. A picture taken !May 27th, 1941, shows a .gently rolling area : of farmland bisected by a highway with a .concrete silo prominent on a farm. By June 30th, an Air Force station has arisen and only the silo remains to show where the farm once stood.. This silo, incidentally, still stands 'cin the edge of the Clinton parade square and is 'well -remembered by thous- ands .pf •personnel who trained, at the • station during and after the war. During the initial days of the Bettie of Britain, on July 2O,th, 1941, Wing" Conunapdar Cdeks' QRAF) became the first Com- manding Officer" of No. 31 Rbyal Air Force R,adia`•Sehool at •Clinton. Oddly enough, although Britain's need for trained technicians in this field was so great, the first trainees to .be put on eourse were .m n of the. United States Navy and Marine •orps. Thus the -role= in the out= come of the war of graduates of radar training At 'Clinton was 'play- ed on a truly world-wide stage. Although complete historical in- formation is not on hand with re- gard to U.$.'A. forces, it is almost certain that graduates of Clinton took part in every major campaign of the Second World War after 1941, from the South West Pacific to the North Eastern Arctic. Soon after its inauguration, a steady gow of trained radar tech- nician -Mt -as being graduated by the • • - -mor Quality And Economy OMPLETE on your lot for as lowas Down Payment 2-, 3- and 4 -BEDROOM RANCH STYLE T. AND 11/z STOREY MODELS Kernohan Homes Include .. . Full Poured Basements Automatic Gas or Oil- Heating Lifetime Copper Plumbing Oak Hardwood Floors Completely Decorated to Your Color Choice Concrete Porches and Sidewalks 0 Combination Doors 'Filed Bathrooms and Panelyte Counter with Stainless Steel Sink Kitchen Exhaust Fan , Available in Brick, Clapboard, Cedar Shakes or Automatic Hot Water Heater and Laundry Tubs Asbestos Siding Prices Start at $ ..00 • 25 Year N.H.A. Mortgages with low monthly payments are available on approved lots CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY -..�..�� Free + Kernohan Cafalogue . (NO OBLIGATION) HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton Sit., Godr�eerich Please supply me without charge or obligation ONE FREE GA'tALOGU'E OF KERNOf�l7AN HOMES and prices. • . (PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME,. ADDRESS, ETC. PLAINL%) ' • •,Namer et Address .. • .;• to dd s Town ........... .. r....., ... Telephone Number i Dis'triet Commissillner Olaf Lodge, of Goderich, is seen presenting 'a Scouting av;►ard at' the annual Scout -Cub Father and Son banquet held at the RCAF Station Clinton. The 'Seelig receiving the award was -Sgt. R. 1 'Sibbert.' Seen in background is Sgt. C. R, Collier, RCAF Clinton, assistant district oonnanissioner for Scouting. Clinton N -R school,. most of whom were Can adians who subsequently served with the RAF in all theatres. Be- cause of, the secrecy attached to thebase and its work, it was after the end of the war before most people knew just how important the station ' was or its accomplish- ments. But after the war the plaudits came thick and fast. In a release from. the. United 'Kingdom Air Ministry in 1945, Air Commo- dore. _ P. ...Brown, ..D-ir-ectar of Radar, 'revealedJust how desperate Bri•tain's need had been and how ably the new station had filled it. .Shortly after its establishment as a regular peacetime 'station., the -training phases were again rede- signated and No. 1 Radar and Com- mu•nicationS •School came into being. This designation still exists On the principal unit at RCAF Station Clinton.- The first post-war Commanding Officer of 'RCAF Sta- tion Clinton Was Group Captain E. A. 'McGowan who served in this. capacity until 1947. Subsequent Commtitiding .Officers have been. Group Captain A. C. Hull, DEC, CD (1947-1950), Wing Cornmander R. F. Miller, Al• C, Cil (1x5071951), Group Captain E `A. D. 14'utton, .1 t a:951.-" 1953), Group Captain II, C. Ash- down,i,"E,' (1953:4956) . and Gr tip Captain 'K. C.Y. Cameron; MIiE,,,SCD, the present CO. in .the period since -the-seeencf World War, :Officers Commanding No. 1 R &. CS have<,been Wing' The 111th' annual hockey match, between the Goderich Lions Club and the Ontario Police D*triot No. Six at the Goderich Arena on, Fri- day evening saw the Police register 5-3 `win. This placed the annual series at three wins for the Police and -two -for the Lions.' - At the door, favors were handed out to the children, of whom there were many, and candy was tossed to _,,the ,crowd between the first and second period. The sum of more than S'2,000' was realized from the effortwhich is, to ,be distributed .between_ the "Police and- lie- Lions Club for Wel- fare 'work. ' ' The players engaged in: some- what serious 'hockey rather than the ustial• burlesque type which is more crowd -pleasing. A bit of im- promptu free-for-all fighting was injected into the game for the amusement of the crowd. Goal getter§for the Police were N K• .. !a Ross' Cranford with hyve, arad'VOA Armstrong, Alexx. Twaddle and Bill Reis: each getting one. Por the Lions the scorers were Bill Schaaf,' er, Allam and Bruce tlifeeDonald. Tile' referees mere Johnny Brent,' df Wingiiain; 'and Stan Stokes and Alex --Kelman, -ondoit..� .._., A total' ef� iv '8 prizes were handed out at the game: Winners were announced by Arm' McConnell. Constable Jack •, Parkinson was chairman of this • ye'art's game,. Coach' of the O:P.R feaM was Opt .Hank, „Sayeau while the- eoaeh for the Lions was 'p",Wh„tston cloWns a'nd' a •Germair band froM Seaf orth were ached : et to take' part in the program but they failed to show up. r Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 'Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, David and Velma, all of McCord,, Sask., spent Y. the week-erid with Mrs. L. L, Walter. 'Com mander... .R. D. Carter, CD (1946), Group Captain. S. 'R., Bur- bank, MBE, CD (1947-1951), Wing Commander B. G. Miller, CD (1951- 1954) and Wing Commander R. R. B. Hoodspith, MBE, CD, the pre- sent OC. ON ALBERTA RANCH Writing,' to renew her Signal- Star subscription, Mrs. Frank Sweeney, of Menburn, Alberta, says, "Vie farther away from.honte'..; I get the more I appreciate getting The Signal -Star. We are 90 miles east` of kd lorrton now and living on a ranch'' where ' any usband is •' employed „ Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, St. George's Rectory, is spending East- er with her son and daughter-in- law, Lieut. 'Cmdr, and Mrs. Allen Taylor in Ottawa.<.., ORATORIO AT KNOX ENJOYED • Many attended the Easter Ora- torio at Knox Presbyterian Church 'Sunday evening. It was presented lay the choir of St: Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Stratford, with three _•.guest.soloists .who - are _doing -advanced• study at the :Royat 'Cori servatory of Music, Toronto. It was -under the direction of Mr. Frederick G. James, A.Mus., „;'Nibs., G., Paed.' Accompanying the Sing- ers to "Goderich was Rev. F. d: Barr, of St. ' Andrew's Presbyterian. Church, Stratford. The large gathering thoroughly enjoyed the orat.oria,."The Passion of Our Lord According to St. John," which started at 8.15 p,nt, and finished about 9.45 p.m. ' The lead parts were taken by . the, guest soloists, ,Miss Marlene Vance, Mr. Danny Tait and Mr. Joseph Macko, with choral ` presentations by the .choir. The Oratorio ,was completed at -Ha mburg_-in -1704," aril first, per formed- there the same year. It was,, the first oratoiit* of the 'then 19�ydar old''G• F: -Handel. The pre= 'sent, edition -was edited by ,Harald i nit,• o ,,iipiclelberg•. Univers- ity. -` , i. RT ALBERT...•. PORT ALBERT, March 24.—.The Port Albert United Church W.M.S.. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Mel Dickson for the March meet- , ing.- Mrs. R E. Crawford was' in charge of the meeting, the theme being "Goad Loves All People.'' The study book, 'Concerns' of a Continent," was taken by. Mrs. Bogie. Canada. was the topic fdr this. nzordk All members were asked to attend' ',14.esbyterial at North Street United G`iiurch. Visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dickson and family over the week= end Were Miss Minnie Dickson and Mrsl.. Gladys Jewell, -of St. Marys:. - Visitors with 'Mr.� and Mrs, Geo. Westlake and family were Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Quai'd`-a-nd ,two: boys. ' For this year's breeding Season have you considered what bull you wilt .use? • • Our Artificial Breeding Service is the answer to this question as it has-been for many others. The constant and continuous growth enoyed by this farmer - owned and controlled organization has prompted considerable increase in staff and we areable too look after, your breeding needs. - r Servi• ce is available from all' breeds, dairy or • beef, and'•' the cost is low. The best bulls that can be _:puxchase'd_ are_ in, use here. We have nothing to sell except servke. You can become part owner by ,,,Aq ,ay g..,the 'life' -member' ;h fep o $5.00. -Cost per cow is. $5.00. for a member and •$6.00 "fora non- member. • For service or more iiaforma,fion phone —. Between: 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days. 6:00 and 2:60 P.M. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on' Sunday morninb, da pot caW until Migiday morning.' ' `� '- '^ BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING ' The raising of, STANDARD bred horses could be a profitable sideline in .this HURON -BRUCE area, if• fair, government regula- tions were in effect. Present rules favour the THOROUGHBRED group and interests, and are very unfair. Farmers in this area are capable of raising good horses. Surely asking for equal rights is not asking too much. t asked some of the present Liberal members aboutthis and have been promised support. R.R. 1 LUCKNOW Haventit time to get to the bank? Then you need the B of M banking -by -mail plan. You.can'get full details, uithorrt obligation, at your nearest B of M branch. Why not calm l or *rite today? • p YOUR Liberal candidate for•'the next provincial election. Acclaimed ` DETROIT'S best ... Our Canadian friends like the TULLERLThki beCauSe ".. Better Still -- Come, into our office for °complete details of construction and financing. ' • 1 V`,I•a1My N • , Free Parkinin Parking Lot) • -Economical Rates • Family Rates (No Charge for Children 1 2 or under) ^' • • Cafeteria add Coffee Room • Radio and Television • Air Conditioned Rooms in Season 800 ROOMS with bath from $� Nothing could be simpler . • , The 11 of \1's new mail dcposit•form — made of "no- �gig carbon• required" paper -- eliminates the need for repetitive writing or'rnessy carbons, 0:_;1'ou make out only one ,yjpj.tigi,r ,,esto, there's a rr second copy which,comes back from the hank as your re- ceipt ...anal ;a third copy which you keep for your records, We supply a pre -addressed. envelope with our form 4 4 which you can use for your nekt dep osit'It comes back to you by rctfarn mail with your reccipted deposit slip. It's easy to save when you hunk l>y mail of "MY BANK" Mk for one of bur tank- ing -by -mail folders. 1t can serve you time, trouble and rhbe leather. 3 8 Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 766 Representative in the Goderich District for .PACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROT