The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-12, Page 8f $ZNESS DMOTORY Amu ante - Ropmy -- Comfortable Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal 'St. Goderich A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343.1 33 Hamilton Si. House 343W doderich • • FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business Insurance. • Mutual Life o1 Canada Phone 346 Church St. George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance Association 351 Huron Rd. Phone 1184 F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment. SQUARE r GODERICH Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC, •A•CCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478 Phone 1011 GOD MICH. ONTAR10 CTTTROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chirupra'ctic. Office flours: • Mori., l'hrtrs:._ 9 m to' S p m Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed. an,;,!.- 0 'fi 11 Vitamin , Therapy Offirp• 1 r.,, a,.i',) swim yt r) 1 Britannia Iir:vl. ,1'ht.,r:; 341. T. Pryde & Sorg MEMORIALS , -Gordon Linds4r Smith-- �,DCI•Y� Remember They Grow Seeds and - seedlings are tiny things at 'first but like puppies they will grow—J..4-1s most importaint that we keep that fact inw nriiicl in our garden planning now, In the seed catalogue and on the seed packet are printed details of 'na- ture ,height and how far certain vegetables and flowers should be thinned. Like.-...tr,e ....a is shrubs, all plants require room to develop, even tiny things like alyssum and radish. Either we should give them room right at the start, as with beddingr plants, or we should be prepared to thin rigorously after the seed has -germinated, We must do this if the ,Plants are to. grow properly and be strong enough to resist wind and rains or if our vegetable are to grow quickly and be crisp and tender. So in your .planning remember to leave plenty of room. • It is a garden you want, not a jungle. Don't Overlook Vegetables A lot of people who have for- gotten or never knew what' a really fresh vegetable tastes like neglect . this interesting and satisfying part of gard'enin.. They think they can buy vegetables more cheaply at the store or that growing them ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Gcderich. Phone 24-, A. J. Alexander, Res. 860 0: F. Chapman;' Res. `18. ' means a lot of hard work and ex pense. or that they can't grow really high class vegetables. Ali of these assumptions are entirely. false and especially .the last one. Actually the only ‘vay to get real freshness in certain vegetables such as peas, corn, and lettuce, is from a garden right at the door and they should be picked only a few minutes before they are to lt(.r used. Sugars in many vege a matter of hour$ after harvesting. That is *hy the best canners take their portable •plants right into fields, And vegetables are the simplest things to grow. Simply get some string, lay out the rows at widths suggested on the seed packet,,culti-, vate 'once or twice"' and dozens of tasty meals are assured. The be- ginner is advised to start with only half a dozen kinds and a small plot.. Pt, is surprising what one can do with a space of only -10 feet by 20 feet. Junior, too, should..be given'his or her little plot and a few packets of seed. ° This will keep children out of mischief and give them a real pride of ownership. It will start them on the road to becom- ing good gardeners and provide them with an interesting and fas- cinta ing life -time hobby. Many Grasses To Make A Lawn • Many. people- may have •Awonder- ed why some grass mixtures are priced higher than others and why there are mixtures at all. There is no mystery about this once we understand that a good lawn grass seed, like good tea or tobacco, Is a blend of several different kinds of grasses and different blends are used -for different purposes. More- over someof the varieties are com- paratively rare and experisive and niay have been imported' from the other side, of the world. A 1 -awn -is not a -'hay field- and what we want is somethithat will be green all through the sea - , ea The girl who keeps ,hers 1f and her son. For a sunny position we will to les start to turn to ,starch in ,THE GQD1RICI3 SIGNAIJ-S'TAR lnvents, A Better Trap Bll Some men strive to build a bet- ter tnouse trap. But Jim Culp isAtoo much of 'a fisher"ma"n to waste time qti non- sense such as that. He has invented a combination minnow trap and bucket that -beats anything going: Other local fisher- men who 'have seen it think he's got something. • Jim himself says: "I think it's going 'to be a crackerjack!" Ails invention has been displayed in -the window of Goderich News Stand where it has attracted a good deal of attention. Snow- boitnci 'anglers. have been seen lmooning over it, faraway looks in their eyes. "I was watching TV one night when I saw King Whyte with a hew plastic minnow trap,",expla-ins Jim. "I thought I could improve on it." He did. A handy man at things meehani al, Jim came up with the combination trap and"bucket after two or • three days of work. "This is made out of- quarter inch mesh wire with four cone- shaped entrances, " says Jim re- ferring to the minnow, trap. •••••••••••NrN•••••••• "The pail, is a 25 -pound grease pail that can be obtained from any service station.” ' Smartly painted by Jim, the fin- ished product looks like a pro- fessional job—which it is. ' What are the advantages of the combination trap and bucket? "It's easier to take out of the water when the minnows-, are caught. You're ready to go fishing the minute you take it out of the water." Has he any plans to manufacture or market his invention? "I just made this for my own use," insists Jim. "I wouldn't make another for any price!" • PtRSONALS Brig. a,nd Mrs. G. M. Ross, of Goderich, visited in -Toronto for a couple of days recently. Mr. John MacKenzie, now living at the County Home, Clinton, and formerly of Goderich, writes a letter of rernihiseence to The Sig- nal -Star. He invites any Goderich people to see him in Roam 12, Men's Ward, Mr. D. , J. "Pat" Patterson had the privilege of initiating his sec- ond son, Douglas, into the Kins- men Club at' Georgetown on Mon- day eVenipg of last week. He also initiated ''his .."son, Don, into the Kinsmen Club ht Goderich some years ago. , SALTFORD 'YOUTH GETS AWARDS AT O:A.c . Mr. and` Mrs.. Albert F. Riehl, fa"§4044.44;4414, 41040.0.. - the Veterinary College, O.A,C., Guelph$ on February 24. They also attended the College Royal on March 4, when their son, Ben- son Riehl, received his award as Grand. Champion of the Ontario Veterinary College Division. The award was a silver cup preseut,ed by the Pitman -Moore Company- of ('lanada° Limited, a replica of which was 'presented to Benson by Mr, 'Doug. Sanson, o -f Guelph: He also received .surgical equipment to the value of $35 presented by the Kirschener Manufacturing Co, Limited,' Benson was a • former student at ',the Goderich Collegiate Institute. If You're TIRED ALL THETIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition causekby urinary irritation or bladder discomfort.: That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue, box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodds. so FILM FEDERATION TQ TRAIN ,PROJECTIONISTS 'etre Goderi:e'h District Film Coun- .44 tr t i 1Giiss dire -hat ers presiding. The Goderioh 'Dis- trict Filar Council decided to join the new Federation, to be know as the "Blue Water 'Film "Fi,'der- ation," which comprises Grey, Bruce and Huron Filni Council s' Corps. The fiscal year is to be extended THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1959 to the end of Au vst or' to Coiilb' nide with the other q`nits. Projectionist 'Training classes will be started after April 1st. It Y was s �&t8�� _w g�:y�ry y _. , ir...7in�^i.7e able .tiiL tretti 't4litic'r= he projection work of their owl local organization. o Almost 900 housewives and busi- ness women are volunteer mem- bers of the Canadian Red Cross 0000.0000••0000•0®0®000 1®•••14.0000 • 0 i • ilil TAKE IT EASY 0 e411 ` with step savings 110 • • extension • • • A ' p . phones ' t • e • ' P. • • • °•' �•• • • • • • •• • • • • • •. 0•• • • Tp order—call your telephone • • business office. •" • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• � n;.2:iiµ'.,`.k:!-:^�:i'..s.�t>�..,•�.;;hi+.il.�+caau�.:�._-L.� .�� ,:....,,' ... tt\ e ,:,�1'.'2,y^'-,2 He He had family medical' bilis 'to clean .op use one 'type of, niixtur'e, for a wardrobe immaculate ?►', flower. lawn that be''largely chicle(' we use another. For a lawn 10 sweet always has a flock of ad - must carry a lot of traffic o- i '-mirers hovering aiouwnd at a party. �• used for � a speci'i,l 'purpose like "fat hr,,at'li!r'� or tennis• �!.1�• '�le 'we use Tostill :tn ►t;. r'rt' Have you been sending you t'ti'1• 1:1a',�(!. :) ,_ Gaderich..Representative.-_ MR: FRANK McILWAIN ,,.CARLOW 27 Eventide and Rock of Ages registered memorials. 18tf HoTEI DOWNTOWN AT KING AND YORK Sys. _:Mesa)gn. and enecutl`ves. Free 5 channel T.V., air conditioned sound insu- lated rooms. Quiet luxury. Rotes from 57.00. Spacious Sample rooms IVERYTHING NEW. but the ,Iocatio* G. R.Grepory, Gen. Mgr, FOR RESERVATIONS WIRE COLLECT 3-37 .BORROW FROM THE,.LARGEST,- MO,ST RECOMMENDED' COMPANY OFITS KIND ti Backed by over 80 years' experience When a loan will help—large or small—borrow with confidence at 11 FC. No bankable security or endorsers required. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GQDERICH. Acclaimed DETROIT'S best... Our Canadian friends like the TULLER1 because .�. • • Free Parking (in Parking Lot) • Economical Rates • Family Rates (No Charge fol Children 12 or under) •'Cafeteria and Coffee Room • Radio ,and Television • Air Conditioned Rooms in Season 8O0 .ROOMS with bath from $ 1u\•tri,il.t all thrott::h rhe ' r((001(' frocks and suits to us regular- ['c.i-'iJll, we n1U',,t 1'1.0.0 �i 1'ar-i('i�. s,110e !hat Ft ,.r.t to ' rot'.' ly,? early, :some.that do not rrow 'tin.il In lh: \',` S mt' of ih. l)r•- • .• i !'1. i:• it . Elrfl 11V 1: p( 1 ( (;1 i'.r•r ` 1h:ti 10J' 1 1';" )„'(!I,)')or from early now comes. Now that the s(`a,0n JS in'' we will tallZirl,(; g;a tJ,L 1j,i1;,„,',, - • prirflinzs next week. 1 He needed cash 'to modernize his, kitchen' • • <�<fA r4 o�,<Y�'N<bw �♦�'�<to2u':4k'br'°•.-�Yy � "4 • �e00ID@t®® I• • 0 0 !0•. I• I0 1.0 • i• 0 The March session of the Huron County Council •m will be held at the Court House, Goderich, on • Monday, March. 23; • 1959, at 10 A.M: NOTICE • •o •co Z • 0 0 A • • • 3 • •0 • • • • •• •• • e All communications and accounts to be in the hands e of the Clerk by noon, Friday, March 20, 1959. • ..vN•.•••1100•6 0600,'i0••p•••O•m0000000••Op•0114ovo i Mr. and • Mrs. Goderich ..: PLEASE HELP Young Canada Week (Mar -ch 10 to April 4) by offering "your home- for one or more nights •• �i^'^�.FILLET r OUT-OF-TOWN HOCKEY PLAYERS If you plan' to billet players 'please phone in the hit - formation -without delay to any one of the following: Home Business DAVE ALLAN EBB ' :ROSS BOB ., -- FRANK HIBBERT LEO WALZAK 6 75 )7 37 367 f'• 8 1441-W i 1O'tF „�; °'gin.° Y• r.�rh• of<wf• •., • ....so both 'are borrovetrizag from a bank 'aced with unforeseen household expenses? Want to make some special major pur- chase? Need money for taxes—or to meet a family emergency? Personal loans to help people meet just such situations are being made by the chartered banks every day. You're not asking a favour when you visit a . 'bartered bank to arrange a personal THE CHARTERED BANKS SE loan. The manager welcomes opportunities to make loans, repayable out of earnings in convenient instalments. And at a charter d bank, you can always count on privaeynd-courteo't,s considera- tion, whether you are arranging a lohn or using other valuable services the bank provides. RVING YOUR COMMUNITY 13 Full-length Movies Each Week . On CKNX TELEVISION • Winner* of the "LIBERTY AWARD” for Local Prpfgramming. FRI., MARCH 13 "The Net" Phyllis Calvert (Mystery) MON., MARCH 16 "Blanche Fury" Stuart Granger Valerie Hobson (Drama) TOES.. MARCH 17 WED., MARCH '18 "Srovanee River" Don Ameche Al Jolson (Musical) "A Boa, A Girl and A Bike" Diana Dors. Pat Holt (Comedy) TH.0 R., MARCH 19 "Pokes of Harrow" Rex Harrison Maureen O'Hara (Drama) FR1.J. MARCH., 20 "Thunder in The Valley" Peggy Ann Garner Edmund Gwen (Scottish Drama) SEE these Features on . . "Ml, dy 's Matinee' 'Mondy ihru'Friday .1.00=2.30p.m.' MOVIES ARE BETTER ON =MIMIC TELEVISION CHANI1L 8 n SEE THESE FEATURES ON ., "STARLIGHT THEATRE" EVERY NIGHT --11.25 p.m.- FRI., MARCH 13 `Black Sleep" Basin Rathbone Lon Chaney • Bela Lug osi (Horror) SAT., MARCH 14 "1VIr, 'Skeffington" Bete laa,�is Claude Rains' (Drama) SUN., MARCH 15 "Tall Texan" - Llody Bridges Lee Cobb (Western) MON., MARCH 16 "Four Days" Hugh McDermott (Drama) TUES.,t MARCH "AWED., 0" fat p, 1* Humphrey Bogart (Irish) MARCH 18 "Neanderthal - Man" (Science Fiction) 'THUR., MARCH 19 ' '''He Walked ByNight" of Dragnet ' (Mystery) FRI., MARCH 20 "Hollywood Hotel" , o'w•. Benny. Goodntan (Musical) • SAX.; MARCH 21 "Broken Star" Howard Duff '..• . Lita Baron (Mystery) , SUN., MARCH 22 '',,,Prime , r Against Joe" l" . ;O.,., John Bromfield (Mystery) 10 Clip Out ,This' Ad For Easy Reference • ;RI 9