The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-03-12, Page 5• • THURSDAY., •MARCH• 12th, 1959 Warn Owner Can a ay • Dog Runs At Large <, It is against thds/aw to let Rover run at large, dog owners are re- minded in a notice •published by the Town of Goderich in this "It is-, not necessary to impound dogs before a charge inay be laid," states the official notice. Town police are eo-operating in an effort to enforce the by-law, and they have already investigat- ed some complaints. Town Council was told Friday that dogs were continuing to run at large after the amended by-law, prohibiting this, came into effect March 1. • Deputy -Reeve Frank Walkoin da4ygs4ald vane_ f ,02C.40,0,4te were five dogs playing with 'the children out there at one time." Seeing that the school board has written to council about the situ- ation, he thought council should ,do,Sornething. . Councillor John Huckins had talked to Police Chief Fred Min - hall and was very pleased with a suggestion the chief made. The chief said that two officers could spend so,me time, at least on one day a week, looking into com- plaints re dogs. The police would deterniine who owns the dog,• then advise the owner to tie his pet up. Tf there was another later complaint about the same dog, then the police would take appropriate action, ex- plained Councillor Huckins. , ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH MARCH 15 -5th SUNDAY IN LENT. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. ' Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. Thursdays in, Lent 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. 8 p.m. Midweek Lenten Service and Address. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, . M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH'OF CANADA rth- Street .Aknited-7-Church- 10 a.m. SUNDAY- SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "A 'TIMID FRIEND." Junior Congregation and Nurser REV. A. E.-EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. RONALD KLINCK, Music Director. resbyteriart kGriurch 'REV. R. G": MacMILLA.N, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF; ' Minister .Deaconess MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. - .0 (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 'p.m'. EVENING WORSHIP. 'A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT KNOX. „_. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1 ami. A FAmity. WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation for the Boys and Girlsr. 7 p.m. "OPEN YOUR BIBLE!" TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Hour.* REV. S. H. FINDLAY, B.A., S.D., Minister; MRS. R. GOOD, Organist. WEL00111E'TCYTHE CHURCH THAT CARES SUNDAY, MARCH 15-' 9.50 .a.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. REV. J. A. ROBB, CONFERENCE SUPT., Speaker. • CYC Singers. Monday, March 16-8 p.m. -Gospel Service -Rev. Robb, speaker Wednesday, 8 p.m.' Prayer and Bible Study Service. FRE METHODIST CHURCH.--,VERLYN R. SNELL, B.A., Pastor • a • 'thE GODERICli, SIGNAL.STAR, DONNYBROOKIrgaea0agrttige relatives whoeat- gratulatiOns to, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong on the birth of a son, William Terrance, on March 5th, 1959, a brother for Marion, Marlene and Noreen. We are pleased -to 'report that Mr. John A. Thompson was able to return from Victoria, Hospital, London, on Sunday. Miss Elaine Jefferson was home from, London for the week -end. Master John Thompson visited last week with his grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, Wingham, Miss Betty Devereaux, of, Strat- ford Teacher's College, was home *over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tdorripson and family were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson, Wingham. The euchre club met on Saturday evening at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jefferson with nine tables playing. High scores were held by Mr. Harold Woods and Miss Betty Woods and loW by Mrs, Wm. Purdon and Lorne Woods. KINGSBRIDGE KOINIGSBREDGE, March 9. -Mrs. Blaise Martin returned to her home after a week's visit with rela- tives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Knoop and three children returned via plane from Holland where they spent the past three months with relatives there. They were guests here at the home of Mr. andlMrs. Maurice Miltenberg over -the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martin and son, Mr. Eugene O'Keefe, and Mr. ----------- -Uni4.944MA.ilaarfiL.! 'Hussey. We are very sbrry to hear of the sudden death of Jack Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Albin Griffin, of Detroit, who was killed in a car accident in the' Southern States recently, And whosefuneral took, 'Place last Friday in Detroit. Sur- viving are his wife and five young 'children. OBITUARY JOHN MULLIN The funeral was held at Simcoe or( Monday of John. Mullin, 78, of Simcoe, who lived-in Goderich for years and drove harness racing 1 horses for the late Dr. Whitely. Interment was in Oakwood ceme- tery, Simcoe. He then last Friday .at Norfolk General Hospital after a brief illness. A horseman all his life, he was active for many years both as a driver and trainer and competed all over Ontario and else- where in Canada and the United States. Born at Riverdale, near Kin- cardine, he. resided at Simcoe since 1940. Surviving besides his wife, the former Irene James, whom he mar- ried at Detroit in 1927, are four sons, two daughters and one sister. Attending' the , funeral from Goderich was Mr. George James, SIDEWALK PETITION Classified Ads 20. Public Notice 23. Used Cars ra io, ires. an cash for quick sale. .:Phone 543 or 1398. ,lix . - A GOOD USED CAR is one of the biggest bargains modern busi- ness has 'to offer. The unused value always exceeds the pur- chase price when you buy from a •dependable dealer. '58 FORD Ranchwagon, 6 cyL, like new, '57 CHEV. Delray, .with automatic and radio. '57 PLYMOUTH V-8, with radio., '5,6 PLYMOUTH V-8 Sedan, radio, automatic and sportone. '55 DESOTO Fireflite, with pqwpr seats, windows, steering, brakes and radio. ' '55 DODGE Hardtop., 55 PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan. '55 HUDSON Wasp, with reclining seats. '54 DESOTO Powermaster.' Must be seen to be appreciated. '54 DODGE Regent, with radio. '53 FORD Customline, bharp black with whitewalls, overdrive and radio. '53 DODGE Mayfair Sedan. '50miDleESagTOe. 0, fully equipped, low "The complete line for '59" DODGE, DESOTO, RAMBLER REG. McGEE & SONS Goderich Open every evening. A petition for a sidewalk on the 'west side o'f -Albert street; from St. David street to Park street, has been received by Town Council, Another Reason Why VOLVO Is The Best t • Mr. Motorist, ,if you are fed' up with weird whines and howls from -your -card sWitch to VOLVO - a quiet -running- car, practically free from engine and wind -noise. The engine and transmission are effectively sound -insulated, he gearshift lever passing to the transmission through a rubber sound and, vibration eliminator. ACIECUESIVI, ,SEE US FOR Best Trade-in Values ALLOWED ON VOLKSWAGENS AND OTHER MAKES. & W MOTORS (MacPhee and Watson) 80 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH 41111111.11111111.1h. THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street 1st LIEUT. AND MRS. H. CROSSLAND 11.00 a.m.„, HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m., . DIRECTORY ,AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 p.m. SALVATION MEETING. Missionary Film. Tuesday. 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Wed., 8 p.m. - Home League Thurs. - Youth Group Friday - Men's Club. You are never a stranger at the Army. Victoria Street United Church "WORSHIP 'CHRIST. THERE 'IS NO. OTHER" "10.00 amt. Church School. Adult Bible Class. • 11.00 a.m. Family Church. Junior, Congregation. Nursery. Series: BEING CHRISTIAN TO -DAY. (4) With Money. 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church after School. 3.00 p.m. Union Church after Sehool.. -RE-V.-STANLEY, MOOTtf °Weer" • ' PHONE 20 TREASURER'S SALE OF FOR TAXES Town of Goderich County. of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a. warrant -issued by the Mayor of the Town of Gode- rich under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 30th day of December, 1958, sale of lands in arrears' of taxes in the Town of Goderich will be held at the Council Cham- bers, Goderich, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 13th day of May, 1959, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given • that the list of lands. for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The On- tario Gazette on the 7th day of F,ebruary, 1959, and that copies of the said hst may be had. at my office. Treasurer's Office, this :1(lth day of February, 1959, . S. H. BL7A-KE, Treasurer: -7-19 LAND IINIIMIN111111MINIE. 21. Business Notice. IIIIMICTAMINO10111.1■1111. -11 ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, MARCH 12- . Learn to Skate ' 1.30-3 VISIT OR PHONE REID'S NEW, ' Upholstering • Shop, 48 East , street. Phone 1534 'til 9 p,m. for an estimate. We have the coVer- ings and the know-how. Pick up "and delivery. -9tf ' ,.• • saw: hand and :ectric; Cutlery, SeiS- ;•OrS, &te Part-time 'Linn work. t „!;S P'( 14J)1:. (': IL • llom,J, Huron road, opposite 5-10x CARPENT,In.". Intildin;4 remode1. dealer in Fpps pumps, water - ,„ofteners, bathroom fixtures. plumbing of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. 23-30x WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION - "Where Better Bulls are USed" supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith' 9-5650. Ifit is a local call, use our regular number Clinton HU 2-3441. For service or mare in- formatiun, call between 7.30 and 10 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning" do not call until Monday morning. The t_qiality....is COME and HEAR Rev. Henry G. Adams Who Spent 12 Years In A . , Monastery. (Former Fr. Hilarian of Basilian Order): Director of the Evangelical Mission of Converted Monks and Priests, Stouffville, Ontario. Editor, Converted Priests' Evangel. Mar. 17 to 22 8. P.M. Members of all Faiths, Come, Hear, Learn! - Roman Catholic Students, Priests, Nuns are especially invited. In Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle ELGIN AVENUE AT -WATERLOO STREET, GODERICH Sponsored by Pentecostal Tabernacle and Victoria Loyal Orange Lodge No. 182. Interview Ex -priest Adams each afternoon in The Pastor's Study. . - TOPICS - Tuesday, March 17 -Who are those Heretics -the PrOtestants. Wednesday, March 18-"Mirrorl Mirror!" Thursday, March 19 -The Living Rock. .Friday, March 20-1'11 Dance at Your Wedding." (Mixed Marriages) Saturday, March 21 -"The Living Dead, Roman Catholic Ghosts!' Sunday, March 22-11 a.m.: The Need of the Hour. 7.30 p.m.: From Monastery and Priesthood to Christ. -11-12 NOTICE w, EGGS. 'Make the most of your feed and labor by selling your eggs to Reid's,Produce, 73 Hamil- ton street, Goderioh. 9-13x SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kit- chen cupboards and, furniture re- pairs, 184 Gibbons street, phone 1/14. -19tf Experienced, Licensed " AUCTIONEER ALLAN MacINTYRE Lucknow Phone 10,r-24 Ripley, Colleet, • (Can be contacted each Wednesday at Lucknow Sale) -9tf SHARP? ARE THEY? Saws: hand and electric hand filed for fast cutting, scissors, cutlery, skates, ,etc.Part-time farm work, etc. Call evenings preferably: C. , H. Homar, Huron road, opposite store. 11-13x ATTENTION OAR BUYERS. 'Our Low Cost Financing and Insurance Plan Will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy, talk to ugft. ,Harold W. Shore, General Insurance, .38 Hamilton street. Phone 766. STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington street, Stratford, phone 170. Agents for all airlines and steamship companies, CNR ticket office. rAll cruise, tour and hotel reservations, German 'and Dutch spoken. NOTICE To 0000 The Blue Water Band is practising_ at the ,old collegiate gymnasium on Brifannia Road EVERY WEDNESDAY from 8 pm. to 10. p.m. " If you can play a band instrument, come along. invitation is extended to New Canadians. You will be welcome. A special It Pee Wee Hockey 4-6 , Junior "B" Hockey St. Marys vs. Goderich 8.30 FRIDAY. MARCH 13. - Town School Skating 3.30.5 Pee Wee Hockey P.O. 7-9 SATURDAY, MARCH 14 - Hockey Tournament 9 a.m.-2 _ Figure Skating 2-4 Hockey Tournament 4.30-6.30 Listowel • Benefit Games 8 Detroit 'vs. Goderich' SUNDAY, MARCH 15 - Children's Skating 3-4,30 (12 years and under) Adult Skating 8.30-10 (Adults and Teenagers) MONDAY, MARCH 16 - Learn to Skate 1.30-3 Pee. Wee Hockey 4-6 Bantam -Midget Hockey 7-9 p.m. p.m. p.m. - ••••••••.x4ww• .'". • ••• P.m. P.M. p.m. p.m. M P.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 17 - Learn to Skate 1.30-3 p.m. Hockey ,Practices 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 - Curling 2 p.m. • -"*•.,411 We're choosing - °cause • Modern'people proud of their pos; , sessions, know there's no substitute. Wallpaper. . To -day's Canadian Wallpapers possess Chart and Durability. They're beautifully interesting 'an'd fashion -wise, Will give a ,warrn and gracious beauty all through your. Horne. PLASTIC. COATED WASHABLE SUNWORTillf ON SALE HENDERSON'S • The Square Goderich OFFICE HOURS As a service to the public, 'tfr'Th'niaYiMifwdi be it the 'Town -Hall daily, Monday .„.. MPBE day, from 4 to 5 p.m. 'Anyone . . wishing_ to_discuss,„ nutnimaLmat,.. ters with the mayor is requested to do so at that time. March --Drug ALE 10 DAYS ONLY March 11 to 21 SACCHARIN TABLETS M GRAIN 100's 500's j000's 14c 39c 59c GRAIN 100's - 500's 1000's 17c 49c 79c HEAVY GRADE I.D.A. Wax Paper 100 -ft. roll 12 inches wide. REGULAR 31c 28c; 2 for 55c "GOLIATH" Writing Pads BIG VALUE 200 sheets per pad Note size Letter size Own r 25c 49c Bath Salts "JEANETTE" A bathing treat - 5 -Ib. bag. Reg. 98c , 79c Manicure Set In .stnooth-fihish leather .cases of assorted colors. Moth Crystals -Positive rotection, Residents are warned that It is contrary to local By -Laws to permit. their dogs to run at large. " It is not necessary to impound dogs before a charge may be laid. 11-12 New olasses are now being. formed for adults and junibrs: If you are interested, please apply on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m, at the old collegiate gym, or write The 'land master, Box 535, Goderich, . Instruments are suppEed. • • I.D.A. BRAND HEAVY RADE 5 C-OMBS MINERAL OIL Odourless and Tasteless. 16 -oz., reg. 55c 40 -oz., reg. $1.10 43c 87c NiMailniMminimair StuPENdous, Bargain for Everyone ! Ball -Point PEN only each II Plunger -Action. II Retractable. Complete with Standard Refill. II Assorted Colors. BATHROOM SCALE Accurate and smart -looking. e495 Regular $6.95 . 14P . COLD CREAM SOAP Bath -tub and Complexion luxury. 2 for 25c 6 for 73c, Hot Water Bottle "MINISTER"' ' '4 - Good qualify - English made. 89c PAPER NAPKINS Nylonpall different, in 'polyethylene bag. .a 49c Build resistance to Colds! LD.A. BRAND _HALIBUT LIVER OIL z ---CAPSULES Excellent source of Vitamins A.., & D. 100's reg. $1.15 89c 250's reg. $2129 $1.89 500's reg. $4.29 $3.49 Save 10c on Every Tube! I.D.A. BRAND SHAVING CREAM Reg. 49c 3 9c tiAlm.D.E„,AmossiA TABLETS lOVs 30O's 29c - 59c Wash Cloths 12,inth Square Teri'y Cloth 25c Value. white - BoX of 70 •-•-• Reg. 17c 2 for 25c ToiletTissile 41.4)11AND AeolloWOr hite 2 -Ib. bag 5 9c ."CAMPBELL'S- YOUR FRIENDLY LOA. DRUG MR Phone ?Cl ;.` f 44,1....A. • ,••