The Exeter Times, 1890-12-11, Page 6STRANGE COURTSHIP.
Situated in aglerions park, a
slid Tr- i strained here'elf, ad6tte.t1—"t'ittite lost in
, though the family of Winthrop more vociferous tones the remaining hours
Stuart as
which she had allied herself, being not one th Last rft511.
be thrown away, The day grew . darker
and more tempeetuous, b " Ten o'clock, ant'. allas well," called the
exeserrs. tress. "But' I have been accustomed to this picture and tbat, as though t ays tom Liverpool, bound for 13oston.
%riling . much smaller rooms, and 1 fee" -.--.she was else were the muse a History., "So =dour " 'rell that man," said Cept. Hewitson to
es • aboet to see" .1. ii•tas frieatened but she re Tudor Hoe," ske would say, •or, "So our Ins first officer, "to call has " all's -well' in
Vape tot ' slats este o had been a sovereign house. of his watch. I like to dr, oft' to sleep with
na out-, ells. alerthyr smiled graciously at this,
The great chimney -piece iu the centre a those assuring evot•de reagent; in my ears."
ae though it Ilea ;seen a pereonal li 1 t
eosnp n 011 . the gallery, with its glorious wealth a car- Aa hour sped by, while the noble ship
ees of „,
e It tea a. , int tam to get accustomed to
le n, .4.3 . it . ven flowers, was generally a great topic with moved steadily onward through the night
eaee °I ! Waste:Slot Insane " e
id see . "but . her, but on this occasiou she passed it bever a Plael'a Sea'
.,VOR 0011
• 1 G,c • • e•
Ma she
man on the bridge of the Samaria. three
.swept sloa-ly on, dilating garrulously upon f
ahnoet every denription of evenery
rounded by a clean of mountains,
Hall bad great picturesque attraetio
side its walls, while within it Was a
ledged to he one of the " show-p/a
the mirth. Fortunately for the p
erand of its present proprietor, tour
• however, throag it very atanerotesly,
even in the tourist months. It did not bor-
der. urea any of the greet arteries of travel,
nor was there any rival objeet of interest iu
it e neighborhood. mantled coals -ram -
lies stood teear it, to mark. where Dane or
. no fl it In the end.—If you leave
no other cosinteinole, will leave you. for the
present, a/lawman-ten your on -n sid."
Aed oil' the cad dame stalkea with a state
rueale such as Autumn makes 0.11DONI her
tallest leaves.
The evening was mild, arta, forthet north -
moan had totreueeed taqu'elves 00 eliznate. even warnabut alabel shivered;
turaralas, with its pos$ibtics of hero's testes ehiniea sense of keeheess, absiost ufde-
or vseapons ; iaor dhl any heary legends in I. s,olatiorwsves ereepleg -upon her. Ali. if only
yartieuler cling to the awing Hall itself. she „ram ;me o ilex, le:witted ausaa from
at wee tov fw: wrath to have sufti•red from i tee melee). to teed h now, and keep her
border ravage ; perhaps too eolita.ey, and company in this alien place, amidst these
theta -fore mirernonerative, to have test -tested teteonalata apzetaioora
If her lawn:mid
it ; it was ir, too good repair to atintit of -
wiz ineem denbug 'lawns; t one bee= lnyo Eleven o'clock, and—all's—well 1" ceme
agein—for the pietures were arrangedin t° the eal)Mhes
0hro11ologleal order—with the less remote " Drat tbat fellow :" said. the dozing cap.
ancestry. tabs, "he began the 'eleven o'clock, all
Here was a knight of the shire, girt with right, but ended the' an's war with a 80'114
hie javelin -men ; and hema quaintly appaml. more like a gurgle, I'll see to that fellow in
led gentleman, who had ratsed a troop of the morning."
yeomanry at his own expense, and only re. Ten °um° 'ihmtes drifted en.
served to himself the right of inventing the Thump, 13thump,,claileattats thitec0N7natittelleaan
ed the Denham beanokow,
uniform. From this latter worthyltadforla the eahin`hmer°
h of tee/math, ...They 1v]1V Mall Ave you lost your tongue?"
bad great hopes, those people, fift;en vara " Chtptain, captain I There's blood en toy
ago, of corning to Wapshot a' remarketfale. hands r said the fright -stricken sailor.
alerther triumpLantiv - " but -1 1 •'
hauntea wing.- „ , ,.o a as ab.vaN b to give her pleasm e, um -with Master Horn secured the Ric-
, 3
lake the, family whada ; had but thoeght of safe, or if she had lia,a easaien to the right line.—That is my last
pmeecesed it, Itiapeattot Hail lied never, in it tee. eenta.„,e, to sneeest `it to hen ! But she lady painted in Paris, by a French artist, and
fact, been reanaritablefer liZyth!ng„ and yet '; bed not. •aaht, tlee6pc,,,,,,,..i_and „i; ,atemt said to be very like."
. .. •
was ieterestasg, if not instruetive, froin its ' t. e , ,4, m an,,at kwo taken sum a re_
"Said to lie I' el: toed Mabel, gazme
e nnon
betaan'2bat its a:relates-tr.:re teats varisessand 't tc"!°°' his V"Par:1415'4':'I'dP" v.-er° u°t suf" a very beas3.t ifular,d young brunette. "Why,
.rrezn.„Ir. — eag, - _,_ , ___, __,aa.,_,..imia It fl..ent for her ; that though Manila, elm still caulk/ you not judge tor e•ostraelf? You
Ica 1y I very tty° Uhltrizt,.z:t7:i '„11"4 14,4 fet Etrioge read HI at meta with him. What must l'Are see° her often.
.,,, 0i, n_as
ro,zilt. imieea. on c4fit,,e 2,,amiatil ; wonhl she not Laves:tit:en for tae sight of a !tare. Merthye dropped her voice, and
tie eetzeral eayle of the litZsese a -as Man, quest ata heing a, pieios teat hie lee,, eis pro_ t.,e poi tea, In queeSion, which represented
s, • t. •
}part of wbich in front
iseeneee ear:travel as to reeena
maga:fide:it astral:fel toren. 1•adaa
of CO1DD'.•1•.', front the Wind:Owe that COMD1
- ea it, tieore was a Itcene view'
rive:de:I.. The well-nenaled Ansi MAO:
park eloefwa dawn to a gteat 'hike,
51101illa atiehtut tee, or n inteide steely
tile ee-e wes never tirel gazine. Hi
a lees; stately heinlit than these lehist
Hall a,. inapasEeti this iendasepe. The
esusie WiaS eamplettel eelatront
,astliettalt it heel leen creatcd apart
' the seta ed the warlde and eent eissea :se
one eletnerate oft Itesestye--in hal and
in at.: ea and veltereesaa a Vatar
ExteLsilv ea it was, mai
L1 wee the is:cisme yas alea, the
large for it9 r.ww. i hough the teen.
terials fee hs eeratien le,y mar
wee a suers -el bow neat sto retired am
popuiees :Tot .3esital leave L?I't r- r'
ticir;V Igtupb,:ri Itaild it. Tat, oaa
desianer =At have lael the redi ass
- tress of a Pint -eels. Tae. meet l --
is teen, the family asid their reteitee
vane preehelolv. ne watele 4
tiiin!Ls tg mei in eal time:nee:I
ilitnea-retent—tatold leave
D,C.Dil1DZi7r,t, Ail eats septs lada
attaltasltenanseetteenot els, a al,
nese sea Inileacsieeet. '
asel easel DU 1i:it. deatinda _
it 611D,1•1, DiLe 2,ttteta watt asas O
itzdf the enraticate into gailee arel :anon ht
it etneaal natat tae lenek asal atany 'el
1:t1 akin -eat: dae t enalatis:eni o
hee mitel, the ant,
t s
the t31,1t f
at tei the upz,er
$hp Lei been istaide ta a
rCas.t: wee the ela, ef feta
leaalte. lett even there elie Nati nee nee
lerge :wenn:mt. or. if ette,
c4:40.,.(,i,!,-01 of it tie: beteg, rettra
• to dine La Yet Lere. in the teen
a. it weenie. Wisithrop's imbit to t
bia1 prD1.4i41 in'. d, with three or font.
vents stealing alatet the imartl, leleve
ectude rather Leased then diminished
seine t3f :relit:sty quo.. It woull Lave
(panel half 3 f,C11111111`ti retaistera, with
resmy ilmaltemes, ii;vve &sly pet.pled
saele3, and lit up thoie areat Iva:Laths
It wart in tido etetely room, after a lo
railway aoureasy, and .tni time) OS1O
earriageeirave, Orem& a wild but plat
ainsiet, taet airesett iomel kern!
lite waislt was net leas Oats the ted t
Igitle of the LetsI of Ilitrlehrit upon her d
introit:01mi to greatnese, Owned it$
in her features, and IT no means olisploie
Ler Luta and. It was a fitting triaute
that social poeition Ilea tonferred np
her, anti width was evidently so
superior to the highest *ape:datums the h
entertained of it. Wait seliasatisti
smile, Ise touched her Lamb and aointed
the honeekteper, who :toed eourteeying
the do,oreivay.
Mrs. Merthyr is accustomed to see pe
pie astonishea at the size of my diniag-roo
Mabel, and she -willexcuseyaurreinisenese
- With a llusb. and a mile, alaael held o
her hand, and warmly acknowletigea tl
old lady's gt.ceting. She was a stately dam
in 'silk as stiffas tarpaulin; and SUD•11 si
was ber °Ely wear. She had 'slimier' Wa
shot to visitors for a quarter o: centur
and if she had taken some of their compli-
meads upon. it, as well as the gold pieces
ffor silver she never took) to herself, it was
but natural, for she identified herself With
the house, as completely as though she were
stone and mortar instead of flesh and blood;
hence her magnificent deportment, now
slightly t mitigated and toned down in the
presence of aer master and his beide.
"We have to thank you, Mrs. Merthyr,"
said Mr. Winthrop, "for having arranged
for us so quiet a reception. MM. Winthrop
is naturally fatigued after so long a journey;
and it was better, I thought, to
dispense with all welcomes, except from
the tongues of your church bells." The peals
from the belfry of the hidden vinage church
were tilling the evening air with their com-
plaining mirth; else no voice had wished
them joy. The tenantry and villagers were
given to understand that it was their lord's
wish that they should abstain from alt • de-
monstration, but they were to come up to
the Hall on tbe morrow, when there were to
be great doings.
"It WAS not, sir, for want oathe wish ,to
honour you and your lady, that our people
wave laara cvb home to-nigtit," replied Mrs.
Merthyr respectfully. Then, turning to her
new mistress: "Dinner will be served as
soon as it is your pleasure to order it. May I
have the pleasure of showing you, madam, to
your room?
This apartment was tlie state sleeping
room of Wapshot, and might have been
used, as far assize was concerned, by all the
generations of the Wiuthrops, from the Hep-
tarchy till then, at the same time. Rushes
had once strewn the floor, and tapestry hung
from the walls, and. though thick -piled car-
. • pets and elegant paper -hangings had been
sabatituted for these tae vastness and the
gloom- affected Malik The daylight had
fled, but the curtains of the great hay -win-
. dew had not been drawn, and she walked
quickly to it, as though to seek cheerfulness
• from withoirt. The scene was fair and pla-
cid' enough, but scarcely cheerful it was on
the contrary, solemn and lonely,: The
t. Whole of Martha Barr's establishment, in.
chiding the front garden and its mysterious
hack yard, might have been pladed in that
bayeeendow. -
"I hope you will like your rooni and • its
view," said. the 'housekeeper rather stiffly.
ec Both are most beantiful,"t replied poor
Mabel, anxioust tcapleitsethis foemidable per
. sone who- called her—se incongruously —in
eanonee enee inneeeetgeeuaine eas.thesoma looked lets -sly about her: " Yes ; hut
,,, of a velee that /ma affeetasu in its tone, ie eagnot like that. Direetly after her Marriages
plra?0, slate nteasisredeeemits of wespect tag Igr• witttbr°P, without even Tisitimg WsP-
▪ aen her ear at Wapsitet Malrel heti had ao l'aer '114°3 r°un'l
: attendant of her own in Lentlom peefeGring 1:::af " t• ; ""•tere—if
enee to ase my
tae eerieeee of one of t 144,siiis ,,f the aat r aranot taia you, it aces not beeoe,t,
eareasa: q hotel ; len Mrs. Merthe-r been euaweca ne ApeaR: of sueb matters,
lIs of toilet ; and she had &mese.
blue t" furnish her with this nrequieite for the Nt•a?elles.inlilplyn,t1tro, epxviespast 1011131 risitea haa,1,31,1:,aeid
n the Caroline Vallee bad emersated ol'o°37;earenactsuf rheis8iiitelfuel'uesItielelauvteeabn...I1111;,at a giori-
lune from that great emperinni for maid -servants
; at the rough, the villa:en selvad ; but she had An't 14Ithe P19'.'"iefileinist' there
from "taken a ;dam" early, and having. " given Ps We'410$8 10 those pertingl psamilaugh-
sari. great ,..-:atistrwtion,,, ima be proraated from ug ey0S, tO the ()Miner,: oleerver they did
wee, the nuasery, where she had been "Carry, ta aid gaiety to the elnil of her charm,.
te, tee- at„iy•ii eaanaae, setae e sae 14-1, " told was alte 1741W.tyd tnielt and 1/11811t " Vases'," (1 10 tower whit+ elte - tha`
u t .rtaitala no aerate-a—namely, the beak. 3„ Merthyr lo3b1 op her banale. " Like
et • eCi up of hie establielomat ; mai .''t;Irs she adl" elnietIS rea4aull her
ra,rolim returned to Wapshot, just Ine„tI,Irsee s.(. hoaa'a 1;teri haoala InY raent."
&&& in time, as it so imprent.d. h„,,„te engin SCO
'aides:ea,' again in 3Its. Witaiartaas eervase. " hae soot had, Isis teerinnende upen sne
preeent, lek naat Sueni we'll have been to' keeper., as if ingiang with heseala—" Yee,
(15'aaana ;nu sae leceeeet ware Lee a ,,,eagealitiea au, if yon pleee3 t benour
at s erei waye, whale were veer w rior {Ala:AM"
seen rr'fi. and adar•el did i Mrs. alertityralways vete as though Ate
;a P•4 th.e ;;11,41^,y grtrd Peiks int, were arling to a 1/13111.;•veivv. play of the
it " 3a. a rem Fax, sel:3,th malty weinass —man iiiiadenisan epeela ; for in palm prose her
olds :42.; arQ pretty a "testa, ste.',ves bath en. was nig.t only a nal -tame (me, but,
it atal ran V.,1;1;f1 41 VIC?... %wt. 7 7 enea few otc,t,.; hat ate were, j
Luly,s ef.; hm, as if evahlenli recollect ing her -
• :410 el 4114 ern of eastree, et all evt. las .uot to ehow it," puttered the old house-
" Speak, ye hdiber I—dont stand them
like a fool. 1Vhat is it?'
"011, sir, something awful has happened'
I went on tbe bridge to take my ware& after
the call, and while crossing to the end of the
bridge stumbled over something. There was
no light but the stars, so I stooped and felt
for the object- My hand touched a cold
white face, and—well, it was tin Jen -
A remarhable performance in trap shoot-
ing occurred reeentle- on the grounds of the
Carteret Gun Club at Bergen Point. One
f the best trap thootere of New York
squatted on theground g 30 yards rise with
Itis back towards the traps, his adversary
giving the signal to pull the trap for hula
His opponent shot in the moat fashion at
2S yards rise. The result of the match was
I killed for the squatter an440 for the man
For the Wonderful Success
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the Most Popular and
Most Extensively Sold
Medicine in America.
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
3. :43 .•^11 elit10421.3:•1:111,r1„4"' Fauna Daring tia• leug ;dames demonstrates mhos fairly tried.
medicinal merit, wilich it positively
±L.,..; a; 4,1 ii)f it Lai na,41-4., It is most own()
,f,tro r-:,:afsatta ei all ,e tbyr : testi lice ate:tido:ere re a ivel, ns A. the eilmte• of the ' 2 In ea , )e ng t
s ,Mr. WW1 ii‘ r.,:o°4., WWI iliq laUitt:1?-4, ,quvirifi,D4, tia• at 1,t4artigo f.y, al.11 ale ,inaior antintlee °WY medicine of ALL ....,
. 0.111k ft 111111s II Ito pses One Dollar" can truly be said.
„ ,•
„. . 41
r3r- tratla an3 1.01 liif ;14 4 1104.....,, kt:141ii:it aluN'Irt:ppilitni iple 10:, eall3r,-1, '1' Lem wavi It is prepared by a Combination,
31. : ie. With chiairen t43 waize pietuen whielt attiai Ira 1 igen brosight to Well, unknown to other preparations,
eeei : !Le t alseee of it a eg esnet les es ah teem ,-. en Thil 11mA nr,inie ow irg.rze,t5e, aboo-A and by which ell the tnedicinal value of
little• asealec r,antl to, pet tog over t IwInota llref si4t, p.u.i 11.1,1 a littlm eartrii0 ili'Av.Ii
& .,, , r at: 114,,irs with their lively Se:I ; with plenty,' leross it. the various ingredient:cis secured.
.ver 1 ,izeteful '.4nejt4 to e"A'avi 0 it'' Plaillao!„)”. I " Th0r0 12 00 eaett alhaat 't," eeplaineti t A It effects remarkable cures where
leer. the letyawintlowe when the moon atreamea." ranee every one on the egate ilis...srelt the
oe.s. Asa a few sesopiee of eeenee veva, to wilts,: alre. Merthyr, still in a : da'-justifyieg t me, ei- other medicines have utterly failed
• throtsalt them, end rhange their ghtiatly at. t'sriziteil : hut it -------------
-- ;rit a eteatiear's
cvde lwr 1,NEM • vorAr.rge,. lair : .,ty °of the firm of Leaden win "
ro of 3, a mar • 11;l1 nethinn retaarhaVle alanal it, lalwavvr, be. 3
r le hut siewlyeaatititel ,yond aentilite eatti tessniert. eave the Proportion and Process Pe.culiar to
riy goo w•latever.
ear. ova phew to one of !eve. it wesaill have leysi!eye. soul exalte etwitaity. h't I keep it It is a modern medicine, originated
0011 , 4wing; but as it w.el. the frail WOS WIC eta tenet. The poor dear 10 ly id a tancy 1' by experienced pharmacists, and
the oats; 11011, hart deprtesing,
have it taken, and my master lotenettreol her;
rie itera eame os course _limunatos of the . but iw ttie., me neree let him Nets it. A am! still carefully prepared under their per-
mit their the Imrd of ),Y t til'e dHel
• lauat, who brought their coagratulatiene Inc elianee, is it not, from her you 2..iw t nom sonal supervision.
of eyed Mabel with considerable intervet, not laraas ion of aetoniehmeatt and burran
ap to , and a. a a 1^ mil tit tenet an ev,
It Sensitiveness.
a It is clean, clear and beautiful in
th., aNrwaaypspocafraecintleil, strength.
to take, and
t v7I One of the prettiest, if not the prettiest,
t. • - of the number is tbe least Attractive, be
.7 It has proven itself to be pOSitively
OM It the best remedy for scrofula and all t:4caTuusiteplseh:stitsres,elafipsillie. al sIletro own Acorsmtfolallye;
She will make an engagement and break it
lair blood disorders, and the best tonic for withoat the sitgbest hesitancy, Her beauty
that tired feeling, loss of appetite and gives her not the least advagage after the
general debility. first week of acquaintance..
Another girl, whose best friend could not
0,6 It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia, call her pretty, is wonderfully attractive.
"U'al sick headache, biliousness, catarrh, The other girls turn to her suggestions,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid- and they are usually followed ; if she makes
neys and liver. an appointment sbe keeps it ; if she takes
the responsibility for any part of the work
n It has a good name at home, there the girls are attempting to do, she does it
being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla - g Y• .
gorl comes into the circle, sits
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, down, folds he hands and does not even
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood take tbe trouble to look interested. Not
purifiers combined. . long ago there was a picture in HaTer's Ba -
car, representing a young society girl and a
let Its advertising is unique, original, girl friend. The following conversation was
I 44.0' honest, and thoroughly backed up supposed to be taking place:
by the medicine itself, " What do you find to talk about, tneeting
the acme people so constantly 1 How do you
A Point for You. managa ?"
"1 just sit and smile and try to look in -
If you want a blood purifier or telligent 52
strengthening medicine, you should get The girl who tries to look intelligent must
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla, have a desire to please strong enough to
make her put forth some effort, when she
and insist upon having it. Do not let meets people, to interest them Ibis a ques-
any argument or persuasion influence tion whether a thoroughlyselfish girl is ever
you to buy what you do not want. Be ttractive one.
anTahere is another mistake we make that
A Sure Cure ::for
Great Blood'
-.Purifier 00, -
Medical Triumph IIA very Bad Case
Remarkable Cure of Dropsy RYA
UR. sewn. T. Casey, Belleville, writes;
"In the spring of ISS4 tbegan to be troubled
with Dyspepsia, which gradually became
mere and asare distressing. 1 used various
domestic reatedies, and applied to my pity.
Aida; but received no benefit. By this time
my twouble assumed the furnt of Dropsy, I
was unehie to Use any food whatever, except
toiled milk and bread ; My limbe were Swol-
len to twice their natural sieo; bkves oi
my recovery were given up, anti I quite eX-
peettel death within a few weelta. Nendrition
ANT4 VzorrAnn Dzsconnv having
been recommeuded to me, tried a bottle
with but little hope of relief ; and TilOW, after
uaing eight bottles, my Dauspepsia and Dropey
are cured. Although aowseventeanineyeare
of age. Ion enjey my mole as well as ever,
and. my general health is good. ara well
known in this section of Canada, having
lived here tifty-aeven years; raid you lave
liberty to use my name in recommendatioa
of yOur VEGETABLN DI-Wm:Au; which has
done such wonders in my case."
Ma. JANES' JousSroisr, • eon.,Apth
Amarantha writes ; "Two bottles Tit Nott-
Trir,on okt 44YHAN'S VgoVrAnr.R Discoviner
cured me of Dyspepsia. Mine was a bad lase
and I had. tried a number of other preparas
tie= withoutgettingauylaenefit from them."
Dyspepsia Rad to Go.
Um, W. J. Daraaa, Winghana, carpenter
and builder, writes: "nrco years ago I was
greatly troubled with Dyspepsia; a 'pain be.
tween mv thouldere was ao bad that 'thou ht
Twon1410.vo to quit work altogether. No
medicine gave me ctiee until I gate bottle of
grArovhieh gave me eeliet I continued nsing
the medicine until I had taken three bottles',
when I was perfeetly well, .1 consider it
valuable us euro for Dyspepsia. I know of
several persons who have used it with the
saw laeitett,"
• .,j41.T.' .,....::Fi..i.iiiaiTair.i*.t.,:„. ...,.1..-:' ,-... - . . ,,, .•.1.1."
n4r41;102.... aniarT and eaaienee-e*aanita . _
ineere. _Sacesteentente,wit.atartaellteareeetense.
ire garrantte aaat 1".40•4,7ZE.DDD. l'illt3 raftws
.,4 .--romm. nao-eare.enenet'eseteevoseteeoPible.)
xeter Lumber Yard
etc umiqwignea wbh. tu inform the public in general thet he keeps
—constantly la stock_
A large stock of Hemlock always on band at mill prices. Flooring, Si ,ng,
dresseol—mch, inch end.a.quarter, melatintaa-ltalf and two inela Sash Doom, Blinds.
Mouldings; and all Finishing Material, Lath, &e.
Sin r ' , ALL V—tiompetittott cballenged. The hest and the large'a
stock, aud at lowest prima. Shingles A].
A o 11 will bear out the above.
All Our timber thoroughly settsone and ready for use. No shrinkage asatsed.
Tas. Willis,MaiLT St
ii tuindscil, she somethnes thought, with pay ;: Waal lum been quite Harsail'!" to Mao
ng '. 0.1111 asked—always with effort', and at the two porttaits —011(4 0144 WO% reprove
bl; !! certain awl:ward:less— after Mr. Horn, 'youth, and the other 0 pre:memo old ag
liur- It was evideut that the young gentle; 1(441 iftr :,11*.9. 3dert1;Yes rem 0 k ; ltalt w
te: ? cur WaS not a favourite. :Stahel return- ni,truel: toe pr.ectit speettiog sauelt nt
theee calls in company. with her I°r";13: then the eubstitution et' white I
Lit : huoband ; and dinner parties given and re- . f"r 1.1-ede, anti wrinklea palentoe foe plus
Of . tented, teak place 10 41110 course. These were Ilea" alld Iaileur, was the 80041041 lo" uf the
al i tlown upon the rooms they had pertiallyl
on ed, a deeper melancholy seemed to settle
ed ;lull and heavy in themselves, and yet, wben, oolltl; alai ayes.
to [ they were over., and the guests hati depart -I
asked :Mabel, with an iuvoluntary ellutitler.
4,n), madam, If any one has told •
" Was she frightened out of her wile ?"
:al filled, it not enlivened. So far as her bus. OM -I don'teare who it is I" exelaineal the '
ea band iv,p3 conetrued, she had no reason to old. laity with eudden intlignation—"ti
to complam of solitariness. He liked her to be have aPokell falael3a 8110 knew what 14110
l'n with him at all times. He took long rides dithayaana eaid, Lathe very last If it should
with her over the country rounds ; he would coot me my place, 1 would never WrOng 1:110
0. have her sit by him in the park for hour s dead by denying that"
m while he sketched a view,or make "study": "It is a sad sight," said Mabel pityingly.
." uf some noble tree ; in the evening, he would! " Yes, madam ; and perhaps I have 1iten
at read aloud to her a play or poem, for he pos-
se sess wrong to show it you." She ha, 1 replaced
ed considerable elocutionary pea ers, awl the curtain over the picture, and once more
a1 was very proud of them. He sometimes read spoke in her customary measured tones.
IR her noems of his own, to 'Which it was tie- i "It was imprudent of me, mydear." The
In cesi:ary to pay extreme attention, tbat she pity in her young mistress's face seemed to
Y might anplaud Judiciously, :,ince indiscrim- touch her heart and smooth her stateliness
mate praise offended him even more than away. But Mabel scarcely heard her, the
silence. Well, it was no great hardship. picture so engrossed her thoughts.
Rekpectable persons who read this hisi.ory " And was Mrs. Winthrop always as she
will aver that if Mrs. Winthrop was not is painted there, since you remember her?"
satisfied with her position (considering inquired she. •
what it was and what it bad been), cae • 'No, madam. When she Mat came home
and thankful for it, she deserved to be with her child she was very different, though
whipped. There is no need, however, for not more imlike to this portrait than to the
so sharp a judgment ; Mabel never ex- other. She was still young, but neither
pressed dissatisfaction and a time was blithe nor bright. Let us not talk of it,
coming when she wasciestined to sliew her- madam, if you please.—This is a, pretty
self not unmindful of her husband's consid- sketch of the Lower Fall, my master was so
eration and regard. Moreover,
remembered that she only enjoyed these
, it onset be good as t o present me with, and to write his
own name beneath it. —And this a silhouette
last at the pleasure of another, who permit- of Master Horn when he was a child. A
ted her to do so, through no good will— pretty state he used to get in at the sight of
notwithstanding the prevailing fair weather, it, because is made hun black; and so you
it was always within Horn Winthrop's see it was hung high, out of his reach."
power to overcast her sky, perhaps for ever (TO BE CO.(TINVED.)
That he had made noattemptto dose at pre-
sent, was no evidence of safeguard for the
time to come; it only proved that Horn How to Roast a Turkey.
had had good luck at cards and billiards.
Matters were in this state, when -an incl. Select a large, fat, tender turkey, and
dent took place at 'aVapshot, slight in itself, have it nicely dressed, drawn washed, wiped
but svhich was destined to eventually affect dry and well singed. Rub it' all. over, inside
the whole future fortunes of its mistress. It and outside, -with pepper and salt. idake a
was late autumn now, and a wet and windy stuffing of the following ingredients: One
day, so windy that the vast window -frames pound. of light bread-ornmbs, half a pound
of the Hall, made in old time; when ma, . of butter, a heaping . tablespoonful of finely
siveness was held of more account minced-ouion, salt 44041 pepper, one raw egg
than a neat fit, shivered and shook, i and enough water to mix rather soft. Stuff
as though human hands were im- i the breast first, and sew it up, then stuff the
- patiently beating for admission, and yet 'hotly. Rub the turkey all over with melted
so wet, that the wind could not drive off the butter, and dredge well with sifted flour.
rain, that fell in sheets, and hid the moun- Lay it in the pan on its breed, andpour in a
tains with its living wall. Mr. Winthrop quart of cold. water. Have the oven well
was in his study writing letters, and Mabel heated but not too hot, as the turkey must
had taken the opportunity to as], Mrs. cook slowly to be done. Allow a quarter of
Mertbr to shew her the picture -gallery : she an hour to each pound. Have some butter
knew such a request would please the old in a plate with a larding mop. From
lady ; and since her husband had t volun.
notime to time baste the turkey with
the gravy in the pan, rub over with the
lardingmop and dredge again with flour.
As it browns turn from side to side, and last
of all brown the breast. Frequent basting,
dredging and turning, will insure perfect
cooking. When clone it should be a rich,
dark brown all over, and when 44 fork is stuck
deep into itno red juice should run. Re-
move it to a hot dish and, if the gravy is not
quite thickenough, stale teaspoonful of flour
creamed smooth with some of the. grease
skimmed from the gravy. If while cooking
the gravy in the pan boils away too much
Merthyr told the story of the house to casual more water shouldbe added. When the tur-
visitors ; thia chance of informing her young key is done there should be about a pint of
mistress of the ancestral
greatness with gravy.—•Ladies Home Journal.
emed his own services as cicerone, the al-
ready knew him well enough to be sure that,
for some reason or other, he was disinclined
to do so. Imagine, then, the old housekeep-
er, stiff as her silk, fingering with one hand
the heavy gold watch -chain, the only orna-
ment she wore, and with the other pointing
out to her young mistress, here a cavalier
with slouched hat end plume, and gaily rib-
boned sword -hilt; and here a Jacobite wily
smile, drinking "Across the water" to the
king. Their progress down the long gallery
was far slower, or course, than when Mrs.
sure to get the ideal medicine,
H d's
Sold by all druggists. 51; six for 55. Prepared only
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robs us of both power and pleasure : :We
think ourselves sensitive when we are sim-
ply self-conscious. We go through the
world expecting people to notice us to the
exclusion of others, to take extra steps to
greet us; we decide from some trifling act
that they do not think 01 118448 we do of them;
make ourselves miserable by a thousand
fancies that we should never entertain for a
moment, and actually thfnk ourselves super-
ior to others because we entertain such
thoughts, "because we are so sensitve." It
is not sensitiveness, it is out-and-out self-
consciousness, which is next doer to selfish-
ness, and, when nursed and cherished, is
much more pernicious in its effects on the
"So you don't take Jones' house ?" "No,
he wa,ntnd two hundred dollars a month, and
we split on that." "I see—you were rent
Appallingly sad,
• Of all sad words a man can far
fi l to frenzy doll incline,
Is wcen she says, instead of beer
"Dear Cholly make it wine."
Dolittle, who had edited the "Wayback
Tamper" for several years, says that while
the pen may be, and doubtless is, mightier
than the sword, still for rapid and satis-
factory work there is nothing like a pair of
scissors and a little mucilage.
A funny case was that of the badly distress-
ed bridegroom who stared blankly at the
minister until askedif he took "tins woman
o bo Ins lawful, wedded wife," when he
started suddenly and in the blaudest man-
ner said : "Ab, beg pardon were you speak-
ing to me?"
A fair proposition :
He loved the widow and he loved cigars;
She hated them, though they were e'er so
When asked to marry. "If you give up
your weeds,"
She answered. " I will gladly give up mine."
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Even if they only cured
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But after all sick head
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CAnTsn'e Tams' l'Avsn PILLS are very small
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please all Who Iv%) nom. In vials 4155 catty
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