The Exeter Times, 1890-12-11, Page 1ast THE T1 E8 FROM NOW UNTIL J,'7 1891 ..0 Cents AND HURON w MIDDLESEX GAZETTE “HEW TO i1144 LINE, Tin THE' C I1,'$ - FALL WHERE THEY, MAY.' VOL, XVIII. III. NO 8. EXFTEB,, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1890 HE TIMES" TRIAL TRI~' • COFFER WORTH AcoEf= 'IN JOHN WHITE As SON I'ubiisleera' and Proprietor LEfa(AL, H, fnICKSoN, I3a.rriater, Soh. • otitis) of Supreme, Court, Notary Public, ,iAnverauoer, C•,tnnal.aioner, a Q Money to roan. Cadoein Fansa>t'aMeek.1?.seter. R. Me (�'.aOJJLINS, Bolster, Solicitor, Heavoycilcet, Etc., tltlloo Seneweil'a1 tilosk, flatll'as old adage. LLIOT E),TIIQT, Barristers, Solicitors, notaries Publ�o, Conveyancers &c, &c, w. R t t�Alonay to Loan etLoqui , Batee of Intere tt. QIQB, • MAIN. STREET, EXETER, it, Y. ]t1. MY. I. 14LLIOT. `.INGRAM, ,1 • Seccentor to I. It.Billings. tAlenaber of the Royttl College of Daniel lint goons.) Anaesthetic given for the pniuless extraction of teeth. OFF,IL;E ; Over Q'N"eil's Barak. Logan every Friday. 1 N * S. Sautweil's Man.st, Exeter. • SEtrecta Teeth wltiiout pain, Away at RENIAr,t; ari rirat Friday: Crain, tlecoud and fourth woosday; anti Zerxtcu on the last Thurs. day of eaehmlonth. 1 ,DJ NTIST,14 D. a FI.DICA ll T W.11tOWNINU At. D., A., t; rl P. !i, aradnaco V(otorla University. Orrice and remittance, Damsrton Labora- tory, Exeter. HYNI»'iA 3, coroner for the gsent• of once,. Office, opposite CarlinRees. store, Exeter. �I iv M . O. i h. '�B. J. 1..Id.4LT S, , r%). Orltco, Alain St. Exeter, Ont. /te:Veneo, atones recently emended by P. A[ol�l;lltftle, t;aq, F. CUT'L'EN, M. Ta., C. M., L.f. Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto • Fel. Trio, Meth school. Toronto ; Gad. Am Inst., Craniology; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Member Col, 1. S.. Out.— ofiice, Dashwood. O nt. 4R. W001DBZTI'J.' Diseases of the EYE, EAU, NOSE AND THROAT Esmegresses and Spectnoies furnished for both It ear and Distant Vision. Al vas$ at home, except on Fridays. No. 1$5 Queen's Avenue. London, Ontntrio. ATJOTIONEERS. BOSS 1'N.BEBRY, General Li L1 • comma Auetioneor Sales conducted in *linnets. Satisfactiouguarenteed. Charges moderate. Haueall P 0, Ont. HENRY EILBI B LicensedAuc- tioneer for Flay, Stephen, andMe. Gllivray 'Townshhja. Series conducted at moderaterates. Otaco, atPoet-of9ee, Grad. iton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL • . AuotioneerandLandVainatar. orders sent by mail to myadiress, Bayfield P.O., will receive prompt attention. 'Terme moder- ate. D. H. 'PORTER, Auctioneer. alissmistmisset VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary col- lege. Osrros : One door South of Town Hall. a..1111MMOWN111111111— MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, 826,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. HDICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . HE LONDON : MUTUAL •; M TIRE Ch COMPANY OF ID INSURANCE CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm proportY and private residences,either on buildings or uontents,tbe most favorable protection in ease 'gloss cr damageby fire orlightnine, at rates neon such liberal terms. that no other respect- , a t 'L 75 olid te. 4 an can p lecomp y r 378.438.00 cis e letJan 1890. Assets $ eosin foto in mesh in bank. Government deport. Deben- tures and Premium Notes• JAMES GRAFT, President ; D. C. MaDoz &an,Manager. DAVID JAQQrta,Agent for Exeter andvioinity. HEWATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE .I17SUDAN O E C 0 . E9tabltshed in 1883. HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. This aomfany has been over I8ighteen years in successful operation in Western (Mario, and eoatinnes to r;nan'•^ emetsiet Jose or EamagE.eby,8'.re.D,iildhnge Merchan- dise, Manutitotorres, and all other descrip- tions of insurable property... Intending insurers have the option of inenring on tbe. Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years dais Com- pany hem issued 57,096 Policies. covering. property to the amount of $40,872,039 ; and. paid in tossed alone $700,772,60. Assets, N178,100.00, oonsistinp of Cash inBank Government Deposit widths' un- assessed' Premium Notes on hand and in force, J W Wentt31eal. D.Preside'.t C. aw. TArnoa Reoretar J. i. Hs sae, Ia- tweeter: CHAO:619'HLL. Agent fee Motor and vietttti, Always '(�7 to pth e r7 Front W I ..4. B�AI. ATI.]I S. This is our motto, @theft if we can sell you goods cheaper than any house in the Made Wily this is tbe spot to deal lost uta nation together, spot Yon always pay 30 to 4('0 for good Black Rode, and we sell them for 200 ; 3 peira for Mete. NO shoddy gttotile but genuine, erttoles Latiies' Black Uaattnere+ IIose 50e, for 3Ge; Goode caahrnere (ilovea25o, worth 50o ; all wool Shlrte chiles; G"niotl�dv.1 25o; Military Flannels ',:data. ;36,0(1 Drees Goode we are overetaoke4 in, and we will ,give you thetth at lam prim yen pay far lu#erier goo(]ss ou know broken packages A of Tea is a hard article to move so we are offering 50o Japan. Tea for 25ets. Collate and get a sample lb. Mone refunded Tea, 1, d s not suit e if does BRUMPTON BROS. The Molsons Bank (Q1IARTE1tF,1) I1 V PA RLiAAt1' NT.'E'.rl Paid upCtapitad ... &el;ieSCO Rest Fund ... 1: A,tiC Bead 4)titee, Montreal. 1r. WQLFRRSTttNTHOMAS,Eten, GEWItaALMAYAOxa nfi a h ,o r10 A. far nc o3icosint yominton. A o io w R C In thoAominlon,[..-S..l.and Europe. Exeter Branala, Open every law fulday .iroml0rt. m.te3p.m SATURDAYS„10 nem to 1 p.tn. 4 PorCe n nt psrannum allowodforwon v on Deposit Receipts R. H. ARCHER, Matin er• ()ONDEN SED NEWS Lorain Various Sources Through out the District. Mr Chas Oke, ot Benmillor, left this week for 'reroute to take a position on the Police force there. Dave you ever tried Imper:hi Cream Tarter 13aking Powder r .Ito so; it is the purest and best, always reliable. A wild brown bear, of enormous size, was aeau ou the premises des of Dr J. Warren, Vestminiator, on Wednesday last, Air Mourn, of Ashfield, has emu ed a school in Biddulph townebi;'1, :Middlesex. We wish the young man success. Rboumat]am is caused by Moho acid in the blood, which Hood's Sarsaparilla nem trelizett, and tune ewes rheumatism. John Shannon, who was tried ou suspic- ion of having shot School teacher Damm, in East Sorra a few weeks ago, has been acquitted. Mr Henry Drake's farm, Port Albert, which. was put up at 38011011 fu Goderich last week, was purchased by his brother-in- law, a Mr Miller, of Staffa, Perth Co,, the pride paid, we are informed, being 33,150. SINCE Cn3LDEOOD'S DAYS—Sira,—I Can highly recommend Hagyard'a Pectoral Bal- sam. It cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is now twelve years old. The cheese from Walton and Winthorp Factories .was shipped from Seaforth station the other day. It was purchased by Mr. Tbos Ballantyne, of Stratford- There were iu all 660 boxes for which w as paid $4,500 Mr John Blowes, who has been fiveyears in 1rIitahell, gaits 'or England, with a view of spending Christmas with his parents in London. He will be accompanied by Mr W Britton, who intends spending the winter in his old home in the city of Chester. We are pleased to see M. C. Came eon, ex -M P for West Huron, home again from Mount Clemens Sulphur Springs, whither he had gone for medical treatment for the illness with which he had beeu so severely afflicted for the past two or three months. His many friends will rejoice to :learn that he has almost attained his oidtime vigor, and hide fair to shortly be his old self. Mr Samuel Hannah. a former Hnronite,, who is now extensively eon ngaged .n farthing near Griswold, Manitoba,writing to a friend in Seaforth says that be had 550 acres under Drop this year from which be had 18,000 bushels of grain, 13,000 of which was wheat. It took four steam threshers three weeks steady work to thresh out his orop. A peculiar accident roaurred at Wood stock, ou Monday night. A man named Ben Vanatter, residing near Erebro, started • about dark. He nu Woodstock a ]e {it hon was in nn advanced stage of . intoxication, and when he reached the W 0 P R, instead of going straight 'along the road he turned southwest down the track.: The horse and buckboard kept the track for about. 30G 3'aide until the iron bridge was reached. Tho horse travelled two or three yards on the bridge before its feet went through. Vanatter managed in some way to Scramble from the rig and started back towards the roa, but steel only got part of the eay when he tolled down the embi,nkweutinto a pool of water. After a time he pulled himself out, but the water had frozen into a sheet of ice around him, A couple of young man who dame along eudeavored to extricate the animal from the bridge, but just then a train came along, and one of the young men was compelled to jump into the river below, a distance of 25 or 30 feet. tosays his life: The poor horse was oars rigid about a hundred yards 41- the cne:ue tend of some was killed. %amaren fury for Pi set QastPrki T. H. Race. editor of the Milohell Re- corder, is confined to his bed with a Revere attack of bronebitio. Dr Coleman, of Seafortb. had another alight touch, of paralysis laot week. but but been able to eta out again for a couple of (lays. Farmers report that the wheat crop in Huron, never looked better, and the only fear lies in the feet that the plant has made too rank a growth. Tha Otefor4 County Counoll very propp. aerty refused to pay for a &pring bottom chair, ordered by Birchen, and also t10 alai ped her hie cook Rud waiter. What neat? St Marys tree holders last week voted nn a lay law asking $9,000 for, the erection of a new town hall to replaoe the one recently burned 'wined; carried by a majority of 1$$. Rev J. 5, Cook',) term se pastor of lien. rill South oireuit, trill expire next June, and it is eepeoted that stall will be exteud• ed to Rev Dir Ferguson, of Londeabora. Why ge about hawking mid spitting when base) halm will speedily relieve and per. manentty cure the won't oaae of Catarrh and. Gold in the bead? Sold by alt dealers. A requisition has been circulated and largely signed in Seaforth, asking Mr F. Helmeted to allow himself to be put in uomrnatiou fur the taw of zuayor for next year. If there ever wart a specific fur any one Oomplaiut, tbep Garter's Little Liver Pills Lara a apeei6e for elok headache, and every wentail should know this. Only one pill dose. Try thein. Alert d Merlin, the victim of the runaway accident 08 the evening of the 23rd nit, particuiare of which appeared in our last moue, died front the etTects of the injuries ,. suatatntd, at the residence of Ilia father lR. East ieso i i n n' as . N un an Frt la e,3 r 3e, 1 t Y 8 Mr Chas Lee has purchased the GO acre farm of James Bare, 4111 con, West Nis - pearl, for $3,150. Air Wm Leo. township clerk of Nissouri, has purchased 25 urea adjoining his farm,from hia brother Charles, for $1,075. There is a mortgage of $1,000 on the Listowel fair sooiety'a property, and to pe- rentlore o n 0diversionf the f neo oro a d th o prize money t0 satisfy the mortgagees, Oma hundred of the business men of the town will donate $10 emit to cut things right. The bandeom0 :dominion flag presented by the Torouto Empire to tete school pupil of each conuty sending to that paper eho best written essay, has,in the matter of Huron County, been won by Miss Josephine Iluehanan, of S S No 0, West \Vawauosll. We complement Misa Buchanan on her success. Competition was very keen. TLa lietto eve year old eon et Mr Hugh Pritoharil,of Asblield, met with *terribly cad death in bre fatbor'a mill one day lately. 111s clothing beoatno entangled iu one of the cogwheel?, mid d in an Instant the little fellow was drawl) iu the wheels, bteaking both his arms and crushing his head in a frightful manner, and when the machinery was stopped, portions of the skull were found imbedded in the cog'. Z,al�?t? ley. l,-. Weipine Bs.as --The residence of Mr t Ties Glenn of iiibbert was the seeno of a hrdlient event on Wednesday afternoon, 10th inst. We refer to elle marriage of their only daughter Miss Mary, to lir Time Jackson, a prosperons and respected fanner of .Lrstowel. By two o'clock the handsome and comr o4ioue residence wee crowded with invited urreSte to witness Bev Colin i'letelaer tie the nuptial leant, The bride itete alu;isted by .tries atirre `, of Hibbert, tel Mies Maggie Glenn, her cousin. while the groom was supported by Die Win Wenn: brother of the bride and lir Sohn .iioatrie,echool teaol1('r of Letaley. The wedding unmade was played by Prot. Nawar. ins, of Stella. atter the ceremony the wedding dinner was nerved, and we might 88v that the spread wart one of the beet aver seen in thonoirhborbond and reflected great ere(lit upoa Mies Glenn (the bride) under W11080 il.etr8CtiOne it wart prepared The dinnor over thea Howl; wedded couple took the traiu on a honeymoon trip, after whieh they will locate ea AU laekeon'e beautiful farm near Listowel. The bride who wad one of the most estimable young tediee in the Sneighborhood, ono will be greatly pained 1n 800141 circles. - The con- gratulations of ell ecoowpaty her to her new home. We might add that the pre dente were g.ngeoue. Bayrletd. :airs It, fiesta's has returned house from Sault St Marie accompanied by her two daughters who bave been ill for some time with tspltoid fever, but are now fast re- covering, --Mr, Audrew Elliott who has spent the hummer on the lakes teterned home let week.--Me:lera F. Burgess.li. t Rom 1 if t,l 1 1' C1 !le, .1 t . It I 1Murray QO U ,t'A 4K R , , t and W. 1''er;nHau, art dicing Brow she !M- ug lands.—Missee ishuglands.—Misses Annie and Nell King have lesnoved to the mums over the store formerly occupied by 0. Tippet. —On and atter Sunday next until further announce. meat et twice will be held m the Methodiet chinch each Sabbath oveniuut commencing at 6:30 p.m Rev lltr'Fhibidean pastor. -- Mesa s Pi'ahale and Perdno iutend locating their portable paw mill in our vicinity for tiro at iuter.—The e 3 yenhment engineer ver was flora a short time ago and with a -num• bar of our ci'i<enamade an ivaptction Of :aur pi.•.t; It le intended to have the bar - Lor repaired daring the n:r .t'r and spring. --DIr John \\'hiddon hes ben quite i11, but le now improving. --.Tho y 'tun people o the Presbyterian and .I nelierll clutrchee are :lmeily preparing for their minted Christ - mat trees and inrettainmcnta --lir William and Jahn Jewett returned Lome East week Alter a few months' vacation in JLluttob;t, { ' TAGkersu tit . • fi Usar3t e,1' DAVID W.tr.rtze, 70.Q,—One of he pioneer 'e , t tan tt rt ld 1 rs 't k ttR of Tooke mt h in the perttan of Mr Daviel Walker, died on Saturday last at she nge of 73 years. De- grae•ed bad been ill for smite time of a stomach ootnplaint, which oaueed his retir- ing Them eetil%dufiel) of any kind. De. teased wan a native of I erkondbriglltshire, Sootland, having been born there in the year 1817. He tame to Cnuadn in 1839, and in the year 1840 settled in the township of Tuokcrsmith when Chia eea110u of country teas n vast hired. IIe worked hard, was upright and was rcepect'tl by all. in tbo yea 1871 he was elected to the Oonnoil Board of the Mentcii'ality in the capacity oftieputy reeve wbiolt office be held for three consecutive yearn, when he was elevetod to the position of reeve. He oeeupied ink position for fonrteeu years and during the last year was elected warden of the county of Huron. He wag one of the lions* commissioners for the South Riding, in which capacity he rendered his duties to Ute satitactjon of all. Deceased was a staunch Reformer and always took an active part iu politic+. There survive him four sons and tour daughters, two brothers and cue sister, his estimable wife having died lit May 1889. His brothers are George and Tohn and bas sister Mrs Pnyno, of Seafortb. The IRneral took place on Monday, and was attended by a very large concourse of people', his remaiug,b,ing iut,4rre1 in the R' gisondvilla Oernetely. Mr Walker was Lela in the highteat a teeln by 'every 0111 .and his demise loaves a Week iu public ± affairs, which will not Loon he tillers. Oeutralla• Tan HousE110Ln rnlz].-185 Adelaide St., W. Toronto, Ont., Tour reliable pre- paration, St. Jacobs Oil, has proved a benefit to me in more ways than one. I have used it for quinsy (outward application) with very beneficial results, and for a case of rhontnatism, where its action was swift and sure, and a perfect ours was perform- ed. I eonsider it a remedy to be prized 1n every household.” Taos PisnnoN, With Johnson tk Brown. The auditors' report of the Seafortb Creamery for the year just closed shows the following:—lnchea of cream delivered 35088; No of pounds made 43497 ; the average price 19 50 and to patrons 16o per pound, This sum was calculated at 4o per pound for staking, but as the make was over 4000 pounds it was to be 34e per pound so that the sum to the patrons was $6734,- 30, with the half cent per lb. added, $6734,30 and $217,48, making total eotaal amount $6951,78. Mr John Hannah is manager and secretary of this creamery. .A Mitchell paper gays:•—It does seem strange to ns that so many creameries should exist in the county of Huron at such a profit to the patrons, and the one started in this locality had to go the wall. There is but one butter faetory in the county of Perth, that. at Kirkton, which belongs to the Hannah system and whieh.is in a moat flout lathing condition. There stands "orate about half a mile out of this town, in the township of Logan, a factory well egnippa't and capable of doing as good work and as much of it as any one of the Hannah tao- tories in Huron county. Whv should it stand idle? Will the Wooten reported from Huron not prompt some one to move ill the matter ? BREWSTER BBnizrs--Our fishermen have lifted' their pondnete and intend in the future to prose- cute ease fist=ing,—,Toy belle ring -no sleigh belle, we meal,; at least have done ao for few days pant.—Some farmers in this vioin- ityare drawing gravel from the lake to beautifytheir remises. p Grand Baud Presbyterians are preparing for their annual Xmas tree. The prograul will consist if speeehee, dialogue recitations, readings, kindergartens; rounds and ting- ing by the beat talent, Erna ~Ilei A serious nceident Happened Mr. Joseph Connolly, of the 4rh 0ou. on Sund,iy even- ing 1e -t. He wee leading a mare from valor to the stable when two colts came n behind her and she kicked at t p hem au.l. struck Mr. 'Cencoily in the bowels whin!' knocked dim down in the entrance to tate stsble when the two colts jumped upon 1. i mu iu trying to get into the stable atter the mare. Ho is progressing tavorahl ai- thongli his eaoape from; instant death is miraculous. Dr. Williams' /'ink r ::a cera Suppress. ions of the periods, Female Weatnes., Nenoneness, ifeadashe, Moe They Bever fell; good for botit ' mea ant women. A trial will oonylusg. Rttrrra—Last Thursday lye wore favored NitB;ovet. 1t foot of snow, welch made sleaze -rug goon. re.., .._ r431.,,. outwith w'n tI and grain it1, gle81 nufahere.—:1fr. Tho�l,.arrpclaim4 to hnve eontirlttously live! 1 '';rears, on 1110 ter10 On which he was born. This we, believe b -alt 1.1, Wm Baak• ,wail o reC1rd Next ?--One grain buyer is rnsi3LP 'hinge. Lav/ week grain ',f all kin( 1 t i '• a , can r la , u 1 mm_u ( a `r' gnat) It tl IH and. the highest , �i P t 11i(•na a•1 1 w,ir paid. , Donn or lliruard. Naar: Ott Wednesday night 14t, t death ended tlr' •ufferinga of Mr RC1~ Nile ot .11oGillivray, who had been ill fol lie at tiro,• of inflammation. Lest win - tar Mr.Nsil in-tar'1Lr'Nril hied a Pavera tatted, of la grippe, illi 1i selth„1 meet hie constitution, and t' ' tin h gradually w . ,I t t, al itself into uh•'( a b l i e 1 Y P' 1 1 V:R I• � i' 1 11 1 1 1 I r. a 1 ,. ( 111,1' V.' � 1 1. tilt') aHrll Ila 111urua, Net„• Itllstendn(; til: a,meta nt 8 313 (11(111 1(1(3137 a the 8ledic.1 ma's, and bin strong een'aitelio3 he succumbed to the .a,y-t4-'3 o,I (1113rna", 11 gril.ii+t,, Deceased w178 a7 ,f11nn5 of attn. was Lure, nit the fa, m 0(1 ti1,icil 1 c di'Il.atld 1raVee to (3(11(1x8. their 105', it din awl 1(10 (11111 3. (', N'rt, ,A111,0: —Thor., lives In the townsihip of litll(lnlpll, 1I, George Hoagies,' "the ^father of thew al." tee) Dan lay claim to being th•' cheat reevl' nt in the} di -tried. Oo 1) "cloy lad, ler Iiu.leins u' ihhrn'e1 his Brae 1 be tlhi(0'. an,1 wolf: d o ('• 11(31f a mile to bsee bi-, hotel .l sine 1 . fle is quite h.'nl•Its.to) I ..spry .191 11.111N 71 arly a 'mile 10 1)ile of his itoies'- W, 113(0,+ lir 'rend '.the daily news t., him., s.' i,linnse 1, the interest ou what is going on alnnnd him. He has a BiatduIpli I3an:t4-.31r McMillan sold tbe farm known as the Flanigan farm, 2 can, Me- i (iillivrav,to efr T Otesin, for the entre Ot `r, $1500 for 60 cat's, which is con idered n veryoneap farm.' -Pu the lst of December the wlater sl't in in earnest, and now we t have beautiful sleighing once m' • e,--3fr p W. Wilson. ot Uaborne,pnrcttasesi a Clyde's. dale stallion from Mr Petrie!. Curtin, Bid - pallet). en alanldav late.-- r J El [Quoit. arts, of Luean, has pin elitists' the Civdca- y tail.• brattiest *Work 'Welt Farquhar. BgiErA--A meeting of the creditors of the Outliners' estate was held at Mr. Duncau'e othoe on Monday to wind np the affair Tho whole mater was inveetigatted by Mr (3oodeve, of Mitebell, and it was found that the estate had paid every cent possible The creditors lett perfectly sat- isfied with tete meaner in which the estate had been disposed of. --Municipal tall: is beeinning. although there is no likelihood of th re bring any, opposition this y.at' Everybo.ly le satisfied that the council has done exceptionally well this year. 0llipelllux' t• I3a;t!•»Fa...Mr Henry blend -on, of ~lits!1.'11 wee in the villein. last, S,tur(ay,--Mr Jas. e'tuaithent. Taylor, jr , is atteulling the bu-mace Cele : J. P. BOSS, logo at Strsaford —lir Samuel Cenea is ' Bargain Depot. taking up f,rst erase t(.➢rade Ir.) wore, et ! D Stratford Vellepi toe, in4(tut a e '\f..eara Miller and ]parish u.re taking a e tine... at 8110 tJ 0rue• Tbenlofiieol College Murtre:tl (a.)'ut'c+ili a 8(1110 reeigna11(10 of M. Alex :'.c1m,.•t 1,•, ett':8.t•t. itert,asr--=lino l'rt or i' S. No. ,, teacher of school a'etiaat No IA. Mr h. t'sb.lun, for .November. Names appear 1:: ' to .� •. .^ ,1 . , , 11 h t Reid l been engaged d f i t r Reid"h nate ott r• 1 tmt merit ' tr elects � •, 1. dt,1? r h I. � t r o wa e c Ida �. rt s e, ti tit regretted three-tientu tete et -t C F�dt 1) 4d t•u;t,IAyutnu 'McCord. ;3r thirds . tion, as he was a ver; popular teacher. 1, iota llassell, 19rgs*cle 1%,.pte:ut, equal. Jr -•4.•- t third— Lily Mca) u•ud, Eillo lllchnr,tson. ;Sonata. 1 Sr 1I--,`t•1•on Prone, Hermit Frayne, Willie F at nes: Jr 11—Violet ioiet Willie, Emily Wood. Itnt :r:t-llaltilt,•.( ii) the village hurt btu,n 4 Nurrnnn AICDoalal(l. Pt,II-..lfagt:it Russell good for +t'•13-4 •'l.c^ •• 1 aril°, that rlei„lllal,r � \!ne<nt Wood. ,10s -le ItiOlinr l t 1--t;Po Susiluf fa'tten'' (t'•-Is'1•^rr til 1u,1171 out their ' ttt'sts' tet Ii1FV 11 lt.254•liffa•, Edith McCord. veld a l;l I ger eel It filet) ;shin„ t out't:u 8 s Fred V (,let 1r 'Willie R6weliffe, David ge , 1 411 J,t 4 , C t r. the tali 1* v"11 •t'a. ilk a j!^]o+liv WINO oI; � a i) ]. tr t INNfoe no -''o .(da.,4'•+ otter:atienet— tee, 44 .d ito4 ^Y, 11 , ' (Yr» Tit 1 f,..;' t'ri'r:* 730110rt nlir ss»h.' .h ne tit :Nit )e.'rsn'i of Mr thee base,~ 1D,,n 31 .A g.'t1r+r„1 t'tllcietl,',i .+f tilt 1Ser,'r nt'i':iia%a•,t'ai-(1 it' M1$4 Sipa of 3. t nen in the 4' 7 ( 1151' r.,•?r l70 l(1tea,l i P,' ;♦ h ,P , „atu lea (10(9111781. w1-itt:el,is telrweeel on Thur -,lay l at 0i(1,na.1, noel the. me lot (411191i4rd at the leen x1.1 Int tit., lid, .,f 11. v \l" lb.e,gort 4 etia•iitr4ti..ne held .ht i...I t1he Itl('nett t,° we' t4 (halo ^Mate, 881 tvif••- .\ 0 extend y. 7(47 nil« •r• c4,ngrattllntiune to the }tela,,; ('01173.1•', ati(1-t 4,11'e'eies - Alfred t twis<:.-, Lett Is if welt, trust that, their lite tally 1:e 0130 of happi.. ' Nt'ttiO3 $ &14 r, net+,a and prospt? it:, ' " 3t' 1 ('1-11'ill(0 13 ill tut3lh', Brute.: �, , ,,,, . t Pn .l•e, Janet 17011ant • un, Rosner Seltzer, 1 Thos. clay el.Iial, Nancy n 1st>nil. Nen a: XIai;-:.. 11y 1'le teb'r, Ella t flatIre. Clara i. utt4'ic If 3, t1i.? . t:l '--lt.ibl•1 t 4':trlnrr. I,'t0; ENTERTAINMENT—..1. very pleasant time 1 Dntt e Was spent on Tuesday evening ]aat,the ;1tb. t sr sea O't104(" 1,ll0e Gentian I ddie (-; u' ... The event being a literary and musical Jr l31'c ante- •]:•user, Marai4afl, Vied \fat• entertainment given by the Literary Club, shall, Arthur irardnOr, Fred (:err, Janne ( Of thisplace,in the schoolhouse, No 6. - Pringle, Jennie fi nl Pringle, (equal) Maud g t ] ) t It was a very sUCCfl93ft11 Affair, elle deice,- Fletcher, David Clarke, Lewis F'leteller, dance large. The house was well filled, Cbas t;lyrko and the programme well rendered. bin dart 1"060114,-1311111 Gardner Albert E.oss, toaoher, of lllaekbush school, filled ;1fcOlocklin, Arthur 1)138000 Everett Dou e the chair quite • "'+a+. jy3celleut Alex Protean, Tumult' Ballantyne. p music was given 1t the evening Sr fart 1 --Inde .,lrgbali, Jas Gardner, by Miss Leets, of t -:'reduce,, on file organ, Edwin Gardiner Arnold Harris, Nelec'u and Mr English on the violin, and Me- Clarke, Garnet 1 fetehey, Isaac, on the bagpipes. A large number of Jr Part 1—Laura Marshall, Mary Mc - the school children tank part with recitat Curdy, Rt.11 1t Duncan, Janet Gardner, ions and songs arca did their parts well Chas Car. The affair wits a grand success. The en- The nvaiagl' daily attendance 31•, or 80 C. tertaiumeut broke up at a late hour, of the pupils on the roll. and everybody went home well pleased. Dose. Mons, Tea t.ter, EOVI to SAVE MONEY WHEN SHOPPING: 1? now exactly what yon want and what cult don't want. What you do get Iet it be gore: if yeti have to ply a goad price for it. Go 730 e shop where you enc depend 08 getting wee' value wed honest deeding: 9. etG-..T 1 13m1 't?T for instance. Don't be temp tel to buy wlr*73 you don't need. at any priee : AND LET ME WHISPER IN TtQI:R BAR that r,.. avoid tide you must keep away from place-- hat l :ce-- that matte it a basiness to tempt and allure bs itEL()W ('Orly baits ; for if you heleive neat:, son are in danger of buying what you don's need, and that la money thrown away. It i- on bad to throw money away when some in cur toilet need it so badly and in such enorm0ur Quantities : (oil indeed they .oust have it i f they oLve the goods away. and yen (ianply vas for the advertising. We need money and are willing to makecanceseions that are in your interest as welt .s amts, and when we mako Yet~ fIAS 1;, No f,)lting. no rnesl3tements Ds. exaggerations ctrnight busineee LOWEST P1,It fret, largo ate:ertraent and 0%13 price. Polite acrd careful Attention. to rich and poor tllike. We toenails- invite you to examine oarstftek, and will not look cross-eyed if w'' can't weir yon, beleiviug yon have a perfect right to g,1 et ewbere'four good ,don't atilt you. We oleo siva you the privilege which the mane bare a3relly enjoyed via: r.'turning end get ting raw goods when Feu discover yon cane.,• Ailsa Craig• j Clredlton. Blanca—Dire. Minoan McAlpine broke her arm on Tuesday afternoon by aeoident- ally falling down stairs:--1lr .Toon Morgan, our well-known apple real] has purchased the coiner shire now occupied by Mr. D. W. Bell, also tbe store and ro;idence occupi e,1 by W. M. Sboebottom, from the H. esttite.—Mr. 'Ilros. Hoy has sold ont his drugstore to Dr Stewart.. In the future it is understood Mr Hey will devote hia time to the breeding and raising ot standard horses, in which business he i3 en acknow- ledged expert.—Harry Shoff our popular Principal of the Ai1»e Ornig Pnblio School, was Laid up with a bad 8tt4tck of indtgeetion on Teesday.—Samu11 Butter has rented the old crystal l)13'',1ea for the winter. lie intends running a eating rink there.— Harty Arnold nod t i ', of Heneall, spent Wednesday here visite friends mud ae- q•taiutauces. 'Buten—Messrs Chas and Wes Bert have returned from their trip up north and report good sport. --A large number of persons from here attended the inaugur- ation services 111 the Tri:vitt Memorial - church Exeter, 011 Sunday last. -Mr. \Vm. Hey Hares Reale-et -On Tuesd.ly afternoon while Mrs Win, Not tecott and two outer ladies were driviug Aluug the nth ooh, and when pas-iug ;Mr John Cothett's two of hie dogs ran at tho 1i7 ear Atta(,kiI)g the horse's heels, the other jumping in the back of the entter, causing the It lyse to run :twee. Thu ladies were thrown from the antler, one re- ceiving slight i1jnl7. t l'ltn rig was badly 5noh dues should be kept lied, as they are a (111'n904 to the safely of the- travelling pubbe. Dl,a•• o ^ .lr b 13E\ Ai J .r]Nl)AfiE—lit r '.r —There Cite t l a. hi s i,rsidenr London ndon Ro d �. A t wUahl p( Hen 08 Wed 1 array, 10th inet , Dor, Benja- min Ces4, in the 7011* year of his age Deceased ltxd tman ill for over 11 year, au(1 during the p114t tow 171wrihs was catt(08,1 t0 the hence,. 3Ir Case 4088 one of the ;emitter setlloea ; beim; born in Wicklow Coeuty, 1:•elun(t, in 1820, he came to Canada w iter his be others in .1836. while quite ,t eon IP.: 81511, and settle(' o(1 the tart! 1m 9vili0,1 11(' (118,1. In 1S5'3 he visited 9nstralite is etis.t Ot.petter chines, but failing in realize les notioiest.irns het T(1(1'110.1 in'Cyuada it1 1854 ,n11 Cin ;, ro-part,d (e,(1 ,;ornln0l,ited *1'.1 . v b tn'n•timl 1)1 ib,i (9) (Pa t{on'l'1, 1f( (v3,) :, brnth4r of the lee' err lr•,7( Case, of Sseforth; Woe (Sse, Exeter; .7.11111 13(8,), Pranit 0784 Rich Cate; itis) brother tf Mrs. Hawkins 1 f lmdgerville. Tlsiue survive hitt au estim- ble wife, four sons and a daughter• Mr. lived on the farm on W!1:Ch I.': 13 Low :cu.:.' Case wa Ay-,.:, nuo.....•••,eaerouan,lookea Id for over 60 Tears and has givoa 68 voles, ani rays that if be lives until next election he will give another conservative tote. Mr Hodgins is quite convergent and enjoys e conversation with any intelligent pennon. oarefally after his own affairs and wast highly respected by all, His remains will be Interred in the Exeter oometery on Fri- day, 12811 inst., the funeral leaving his late residence at 2 o'clock p. m. Banes has returned from Calgary, N W T, and looks greatly benefited by his trip.-- Mr 13 Brown, hoot and shoe dealer is holding a special discount sale and is allowing a discount of 20 per cent for cash, now is the time to get cheap shoes. -On Tuesday last Mr I Smith and his apprentice Albert English, fitted and put on 62 horse shoes in Less than ten hours, They claim this is fast work and would like to bear of anyone who can beat this record. --Preparations are progressing for the Xmas festivals in the churches here, and the Germans have altered their ar- rangements somewhat from what thaw' were last year, As heretofore their festival: were free to ail, but this year they wilt charge a small admission fee Lir all except 8 S sole -dare We believe it is a good idea, although there are some grumbling about it, if it is seen in the right light. we are sure others will be of our opluton. --Ou Sunday last some of our gir'.s took a drive around the'block, the horse became unmanageable and for a while made mat- ter.' live,y when it eventually was stopped by a wood pile, We would advise the. girls to take a gentleman driver with then in the future —We have had gone s:eiehing for about ten days and it has made things lively. 1 1 e ..l v yah - b a►e considerably more snow 0 than t there ' r r s a few miles es east of here. --The stores have opened out some of theit Xmas goods, and the small buy is wondering if Santa Claus will bring hien any of the many pretty things be sees,—Now is the time to renew yoiir subscription, leave your dollar at the peat office and the matter with be attend- ed to tut once. Curet Waves _A.e predicted wi,h reliable 80onr8073, duct p3( p e liable to tee, pains and aches of r+1eve men en eretd eve' chance to dlnnp orate 'ivy wen titer. A'thoughHet's Se snipe -11a 18 ne.lattned ot i i to re a positive epe(ilie f,•73 rhoe inseism, the remark„ blo °tires it ties , ff, 0737 1 teeny thee, it, unit- be • anS 1I fur lac :;;1•;nplstint. ' with reasonable ' o etaiuty of benefit. Its aotion in n ut a-. lizuifl the acidity of the blood, which is the oane0 of ;thence..::,,.n, constitutes the acerb of the enooess of Hood's Sarsaparilla, I! yen suffer from rhenmatit-m, give Rood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial; it will do you good. Childres er fr PitfFteem CoPtor1�