The Exeter Times, 1890-12-4, Page 177-1E TIME8 FROM NOW UNTIL JAN'Y 1891 20 Cants 1 LEGAL. AND HURON DLESE , GAZETTE. "FJEW TO THE LINE, LET TIL CIPS FAL1 WBI'RE TE]`Y DtYA .'1 p . EXETER, OTNTTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1,890 n t)MESON,13arrister, SOH- . citoi of supreme Court, Notary Public, Jonveyeucor, Onmm.issioner, do Money to Goan. Dai eiu Faason'sBlock. Exeter, R H, OOLJ.4NS, Barrister, Solicitor, gouveyancer, Btc,, bX,FTslt,„ ONT. office SamweU s 01o04 feast's old office ELLIO7' & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers ao, t e. i lfoney to Loan et Leweai Rates of lntereat. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. $, T. #r.LIOT. J, ItGr4e7", NTAI.,, 11.IIvGRA,l%1, DENTIST, Sturce°sor to U I, Dillinga. (*Tember of the Royal College of Dental $tugoons.) Anaesthetic. given f(Irthe poiale s extraetieu of teeth. OFFICE : Over O"Neil's Bank. lateen every b relay, KINSMAN,Df'.NTIST..,.D. S inttira+ll24 ltloek Main.ut_ i'taier_ ,.. ' Extracts Teeth withonl pain. 'wee. et Hereserm oil + , first Friday ; Craig, ccacnd . owl fourth 'Tuesday: auti Znaleu on the t Thurs. daveach month. Gila DICAL TF W. BitOWNIN+ U. D., M. (l J i * P. S, trra,duato Viotorfa University. Ottley 'and residence, Dom pion Labora- tory. Exeter. OR. RYNI)MAN, coroner for the L. County of Huron. Wilco, opposite Carling 13rt,s, store, I3xotee. R. J A.RO L INS T� L z ,�z.cl:Y,�: .LF 0. Office, Mein. St. Exeter, Out. Residence, nauae reaeutly ocouried by P. AloPhallips, Eaq, ,. 4.a .. F. CU r'VEN, M. D., 0, M., Graduate Trinity Univorssty, Tor- onto Fel.Triu. Med, school. Toronto ;Grad. Am lust., Craniology t Aietnber N. Y. Acad. ,Anthropology; Member Col, P. S„ Ont.— officio, Dashwood. Ont. T...--41-.1. WOO1)RUFF D1se a i n as of the BYE, EAR, NOSE sten THROAT both glasses and Spectacles furnished for b Aar and Distant Vision, Always at home, except on Fridays. oto. 185 (Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. as AUCTIONEERS. BOSSENBEB,PY, General Li. ■ `J • censod Auctioneer Sales conducted inallparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderato. 1lonsall P 0, Out, EN1 Y EILBER Licensed Ann- L.A. tionoer for Hay, Stephen, amnia. Gllivray Townships. Sales conducted at reoderate rata a. O in a e, a t Pos t-oflice, Ored- iton Ont. II, PORTER, GENERAL D. Auctloneer and Land Valuator. orders sent by mail to my a duress, Baytteld P. O., will receive prompt attention. 'Perms mocha. - ate. D. B. PORTEtZ, Atetionear, VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent EXETER. ONT. qy .. - ---' Graduatesofthe Ontario Veterinary col- lege. come : One floor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, $25.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, 1 INSUttANOE . 1 THE LONDON MUTUAL1 , FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 MN ADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 3l years of successful business, still 1 tonntt,nues to offer the owners of farm property Luk b ovate residences, either on buildings or 1 ;o ' ts,tbe most favorable protection in case if or oma s fire c s d by or Linin at e it g e rases Limns o - liberal terms, that no other respect- lecompanyranaffordtowrite. 42,3 l: c des in force IstJan ,1890. Assets $878428.00 o oilskin bank. Government demist. Deben- l urns and Premium Notes. JAatss GRANT, 'resident ; D. C. M000NALD,Manager. DAvYD AUTIEs,Agent for Exeter andvicinity. v 1, 1113E WATERLOO. MUTUAL f L FIZZ a EIINSURANOE00. h Established in 1863, tl PEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. y This eoml:any has been over Eighteen C ears in suooessful; operation iu Western ll nario, and eontinues to insure against fc lits or Hamageby Wire Buildings Merohan. ise, Manufactories, and all other desorip. one of insurable property. Intending a MUMS bave the option of insuring on'.n :e Premium Note or cash System. During the pastten years this Com- 11 any has issued 57,096 Policies. covering pt •opertyto the amount of $40,872,089; and fo did in losses alone $709,752,00. 01 Assets, $170,100.00, consisting of Cash Bank teovernment Der osit and the nn- 'I iseased Premium Notes on hand and in tb 1roe. J W WALDHNM. D.PreefdeLt O, bt . TAYLOR fleeretar7 J.Is.Hveatts, In. re lector. 0EAS SNELL. Agent for N:eier THE TIM''. TRIAL TRIP OFFER WORTH ACCEPTING Auction Sale Remember our auction sale on Thursday evg 7 o'clock ' Saturday p,ln. 2 to 4 ; evg. at 7 o'clock. This week we are offering a good pair of home blankets lit $1J5. Good "Rob Roy" all wool Shirts and Drawers 75o, worth $1. Job line of ladies' lined cashmere and silk gloves ---none better iu the Iual'ket---20o to 50o. per pr. Ladies' black wool hose 20o per pr. All other lines equally as low. Be sure you do 1:.1Qt make a mistake, but call and be convinced. We are clearing our stock and goods must be sold. BRU'MPTON BROS, The Molsons Bank fplIAftTEEED13YP11 BLTAMF.1;T,t105) Paid up Capital ... SO,000,f0 Rost Fund... 1,OOO,CC Bead OlAce„Montreal. F. WQLFEfST,tl\ TEI0MAC,Eeq„ lisaRa41,A14NAtlas 20'branehofliioeeintp,peromiMon. Agents]a in theDomloton,U,S.A.and Europe. Exeter er Branch, h Orion every lawful day, from 20 a.tn.to8 p.m SATGEDATS,10 a.m to 1 p.m, 4Per0ent.eerannum allowedformoney on Deposit Receipts R. H. ARCHER, Manager. OONDEN SED NEWS From 'Va'riolis Sources Through out the District. lot.. The Glencoe editor is fixed for the winter. He has neared a turnip weighing 21i pounds. Mitchell is to have a night watchman in the person of Thee. Coppin, sr, at a salary of $25 per month. A young child of Mr W. D. Wilson, of Auburn, Was scalded badly last week by falling into a boiler of hot water, It has been so muddy in Clinton during the past few weeks that people were forced to drive on the aidewalks. Orr Jas Cottle, an aged man of Goderieh township, had the misfortune on Saturday last to slip down and break bis Dollar bone. The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by all druggists Mr George Webb has purchased the Sherrow homestead, in Stephen township, at a very redcoad prior, He has also at la his fourteen acre lot to Mr Lewis of Crediton, for $600. The Lucknow W C 1 U is agitating tor a curfew bell to be rung at 9 o'clock and tbat alt boys and girls under 15 be eon. pelled to go to their homes at that hour. Other towns would do well to follow suit. Mr George Morton has purchased abort 70 acres of the Craig property, north of the railway track iu Aliaa Craig, for $4,759. Dr Gunn bought the '' Wang hton property, just south of the town, 710 aures, for a sum n the neighborhood of $3,503. MrJohu McKnight, of the 3rd conces- sion of Hallett, is the owner of a duck tbat Laid in the spring 91 eggs ; after the ]apse of a short Vino it started laying again, and up to Saturday last had laid 36 eggs. This is a pretty good record for one duck. Mr John Aird, who for the past two ears has been manager of the Seaforth Sank of Commerce, is about to be removed o Torouto, where he has been appointed o the assistantmanagersiiip of the Toronto gency. Mr J. A. Thomas, a representative of be Ball Electric Light Company of Toronto, las induced the Lucknow council to accept ight electric 'lights of 1000 actual candle ower, or 4, Ampere, at a Dost of 15 cents er light for 280 nights each year, A pigeon shooting match was held at Myth, Friday. Following is the score, out f ten birds :—G Hincbley, 8; J McMurray ; A Tierney, 8; Dr Blacken, 5; W Foster ; S H Gidley, 7; Dos Perdue, 6; J B telly, 4. An operationthat is not a common one las performed by a Clinton dentist recent- , which was the removal of a tooth Brough a man's aUeelt •the tooth had r: tea ulcer- tea, i o o 1 e f rtni;ng a sore,. that had made a ]urge ole in the man's cheek, and through this be tooth was extracted. -0n Wednesday a Dung man named Stewart, who works udmore's hey; press in Tuokorsmith, had. ie misfortune go smash (bq toes of one ot, by having' them caught in the press. Some, weeks ago, a house belonging to nd occupied by ;MrCarter, of Winthrop, ear Condemn), was destroyed by fire. [rs Chas Delrnage, a neighbor, was ena- cted of the work, and was artaigned be re Justine Beattie, of Seafortb, last week, i a charge of trotting fire to the building be evidence of Joe Storey was to the effect at Mrs Dnlmage threatened to Innis the hiding in' order to keep the Carters from turning io. ;Ike neighborhood. She was !letup Tnrnar, of Luca n, began his 2i days' stay at the London jail on Saturday morning. lie was sent down by the Lucsn authorities for beiog drunk. Nasal Balm, 18 an eapecfai boon to the ladies, who feel the disagreeable effects of Catarrh more keenly than the stronger sex. It never fails to effect prompt a care. Wallace Graham, at one time owner of the Parkhill Gazette and now of San Fran- cisco, lies incorporated the Graham Cos. matte Company with a capital of $50,000. The oat -crop throughout tide section is a. great disappointment. The threahiug halt revealed an immense shortage in the yield„ Sprint; wheat has ileo been unequal to the nromiee;liven at harvest. The Action of Carter's Little Liver Pills Is p'easant, wild said natural. They genti.i' stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels. but do not purge, They are sure to please. T y therm„ 'fir.. John Iaankin has rented the Central Rotel, Granton, to his brother Albert who has taken posaession, John thinks some of alerting a livery to supply a long felt want here, A gloom of sorrow has been cast over Parkhill recently by the death of John L. Harrison, Esq, proprietor of the Park roller mills, lie had been troabled wit heart difficulty for a few years past. The official board of the St Marys Me adiet eburoh, have extended a unanimous invitation to Rev Thomas Mauuhu,t. B. A. of Orilla, to become pastor for the next term. Do not despair of curing your eiek head- ache when you can so easily obtain Carton's Little Liver Pills They will effeot a prowpt and permanent cure. Their aotion is mild and natural. The family of Col. A. M. Rosa have taken up their permanent residence in Toronto, )paving Godorioh last week, They have.: many warm friends in Uoderioh who regret their departure from the old town where they have so long resided, A painful accident happened to Mr A. drew Kidd, of Seaforth, th last N d ue sd morning. About three o'clock he aro from bed to shako up the coal atovo, wh on his return he missed his footing and down stairs sprain+ng troth aroma badly. At a meeting of the board of dirootors of the Ontario Mutual Live Stock Immature Co, bell at their head office in Senfortb, on Tuesday, tho 25th inat, there were about twenty applications for tho cam of general agent of the company. It was fin- ally deckled to accept that of Mr David Mcintosh, V. Se of llrucefiold, at an a eanced salary. i1lr , s To anis Pegtel•, of ZVlJodham, 1 last week for Portland, Maine, en route 1 Liverpool, Mr P. purposes making a tour of Irelaud and Scotland and revisiting the scenes of ` e his boyhood in the west of 1 nglaud after an absence of a quarter of a century, He baa been a resident of Blan- shard for 20 years and the present trip is the first homeward. Ono day lately Mr F. Anderson, jr, of Fullerton, who was to London with a load of poultry, met with n very serious accident, Ile was attempting to stop a team that was running away, and waa thrown down, the wheels of the waggon passing over his breast, inliieting severe though not dan- gerous injuries. Last week as Barton Allanjof Blanshard, was leading one of his horses along the 81h line of that township, and when descending a hill the animal fell resulting in the frac- ture of the right hind leg. The horse had to be destroyed ..nd the owner claims dam- ages from the municipality on the ground that the road was in a bad aatate and unfit for travel. The claim m will be considered by the township council, Seaforth San —" A serious accident happened to a young man . named Chas, Powell, at the furniture factory. He was., ascending in the elevator and he carelessly allowed his right foot to project over the platform when it waa naught between the beams of the floor and the elevator, tearing the flesh from hie leg and foot, Seven stitches were need to draw the lacerated flesh together. The accident was solely due so carelessness.” A large circle of friends assembled et Holy Trinity Church, Lucien, yesterday (Monday) morning at the marriage care, mony of Air, Robfneou John Orr, of Lon- don, and Miss Rebecca Ann Dagg, of Luaus The Rev, R. 11 Shaw, paster. officiated.. After the, -ceremony dinner was partaken of at the residence of the brides mother, Mra. John Dagg. The happy couple left on the 1 o'clock train for the west, amid the con- gratulation' of a host of friends. A St Marys correspondent writea,-"There were 583, names on the public school register for the month of Oct. The avorege attend- ance was nearly 100 less. There are ten departments, making o0 average of about 80 pupils to each tesaher. All the teachers stave beenre-engaged. for 1801 except Mia- sea Oruttenden and Fairweather,Their planes have been filled by the appointment of Misses Nina May Harding and Jessie B1aek. The total amount paid in salaries annually is $3,505, of which sunt the Dare taker gets 9345, or$20 more than the aver. agepaid the tt ':bars, Marton, Ont, Dee 1,—The inhabitants of the township el West Wawanosh, Bruce County, were greatly *hooked on Friday morning when they heard of the tad suicide of Mr George Staples, of con 6. He had hili been in poor health for some time past, h a and often became despondent. and it ie aapposed that during one of these fits on Tburs,lay night be committed the resit act, He placed the muzzle et tea leaded [ gun. in his mouth, and with the lett hand pulled the trigger, the charge pasting through his head, tearing away his right ear and killing him instantly. Ile was in good financial oircuaistanoe5. a, ay se 011 Hensall Bmwrs--Mr W. Ti, Waugh has sold the storm; res ocou ' 1 occupied by McPherson & (Jo, tailor' and grocers, to Mr G. O. Petty, for the sue of $1,800.—:Messrs Berry and Dick are rnaking large abipnleuts of cattle to To- ronto and Montreal, KILLED IN THE sTBSETa,—Joe Watson, a young man about 80, of PellIiluron, and brother in hew of Mir JSd Bossonb r e 1 of. Roma, was found on Wednesday Y, night g last in as alley, , The policeman thought fell he was drunk, but upon their arrival at headquarters it was Lund that Watson's skull had been smashed in; and he died a tow minutes later. A atone covered with blood was found in the alley near where Watson had been lying, and it fits the hold to the back of his head, John AZorrison, proprietor of the Horne Plate Saloon, and Mike Dolan, lies bartender. have been ar- d- rested.It appears that Watson went to UYIIson'a hotel early in the evening and aft romainad ,there drinking, Morrison says Wal arm nto: y a aaglYtcw , Or - W w s al�au�y, horst he does not know, and was thro un a an op oeller in r *Oar room era atn ckk . n his head, 're Mug in that slaythe lu'u r item Y tf1��o� ie 1 d it, It tit PA tain that Watson was thrown into the.. cellar, for Dr Barris was called in to see high at the sdlcon. He waillili sonaible at the titne. Wan Bays he` started to take Watson home and that he booatme wo'1•se on ;he way, and he left hint %o- o and finda policeman, which he did. The affair has an ugly look, and the aothorities,rrn Port .Zuron are inclined to bailees that a at nous rime 'haft been, committed,-=lt:' has since been deelded tl,af' '\ tion got into, row with Morris Powers,au tit both fell down tthe cellar Stairs, Watson ',receiving ; a bad gash ou his head t omiivhich he died. Orec)lton• Rnw AantvAL.--We-take, pleasure this Week in announcing ta,a" hundreds of TIES readers in Stephen township, the rrivalin.town of Dr David M Staebler. is eer of a brother Rev Mr. t3taeblar of this Place, and comes highly recommended, He is s graduate of the University of Toronto, rind has spent a great deal of his time abroad_ During the winter of 1886.87 he took a course in New York' and in winter of 1887-88 visited Vienna, Austria. He is FS -gentleman of ability,and being of genial disposition will soon win favor hereabout, BRIER:—Mr Ezra and Miss Louisa yaiszt have returned from their ttip to Michigan. They made quite a stay and en- joyed themselves while there — We are glad to hear that Mr John Preeter is on the mend, as during, the past week he was very low and at one time -bis life was despaired. oe_mr John Pilber has gone to Exeter Where, he has secured work —The. Royal Templar: of Temperance had quite a house - fel at their meeting on Monday night, Which was held in the Orange hall. They Were reinforced by about- 35 from the Ex - ear lodge, who name back to give them a helping hand is organizing, -Now that e!;aetion time approaches, our village rate- payers should bestir themselves in:. the matter of police protection. We aro sure everyone secs the necessity ot it, as the rowdyism carried ou alinosi every night, ;is a disgrace tothe village, .This must be pot au end to,and the e sooner the better' for all. Surely it is ,worth an effort, and the expense will be 'comparatively small when borne by the taxpayers. We feel 'satisfied the nuisance would soon stop if p few of the rowdies were made an °sample' of. --The fall of snow on Monday and Taesday ha,i made .sleighiug for light oou- veyancos. We want about six inches more and would like to sae it Dome for good. Tbis would fairly boom oar township as some farmers have two years' moire .;• of sa;vlogs end^ cordwood .stili lying iu the woods, and would like to Rot them out and make some Money. ' -..,; Mr James McPherson, a _farmer living about two and a half ranee out the Huron road, from Stratford, was in town last Thursday night with a team of horses hitched to a lumber waggon, and called at a grocery about eight o'olook to make some purchases. White he was iu the stare the horses disappeared. Chas O'Brien and Dennis Quinlan were seen in the neigh- borhood of the store just before the horses disappeared, and suspicion was oast on them, andsure enough, the horses were found opposite Quinlan's farm:; The horses were separated, one lying in the ditch with one of its legs fractured, and the other on the opposite side of the road. Both ° meu were arrested, O'Brien baying admitted the theft and implicated Quinlan,and have been committed . for trial. sal.. On Sundayevening e nin g last while Air, Alfred Martin (son of Mr Geo Martin, 10th line of East Nissouri and cousin to Martin Bros., St Marys) was leaving the home of a friend where he had called, during the evening, he was passing behind the buggy holding the lines. The horse started suddenly and pulled him up between the buggy box and hind left wheel, his arm passing between a gearing, bar and the box; His coat sleeve naught on v bolt underneath the box and held his arm fast. The horse continued at full speed for 2k miles, with Mr Marini dragging behind. By some turn in the arm or extra jolt of the buggy his arm was released, and he fell to the ground. Upon examination it was found that his boots had been torn from his feet, as well as the greater portion of his trousers, and the flesh was all worn to the bone on the side of both feet and about ball way to the knee; the ankle joints also having about a half inch worn off them. The side of one ot his legs is terribly bruised all the way to the hip,by the constant rubbing and thump- ing of the wheel against it. It is almost miraoulous that the young mac :soaped. is is s. $ for weal at ' bhp ,Assuage, bail being as. ibh 6' li! •opt$ is the asaslhaL-S Safra i Salt The Grasbrooke from.Montreal arrived at "Aberdeen Thursaegge8d report's' a loss of seventeen cattle Th, Lake Superlor lost none of het cattle ik Now Riots ri otr �u-13r Frank Palmer, .inona, Out., ,,,Fhhave been troubl- ed with lame boo t�fc; about' ' alix months the" thou ht I would: : 'Ra .ward's Yellow ;rR Oil; will blt allied ;. of now free from mend Yellow Oil very all pa ne,`* 'd' highly; Ckiifd ti } f#? r'X :,r'+ Sr/OOZING droved a fatal shooting MT In AiuGiilivray on Mlonda pears, that a Jewish peddl. elery was refused a night's Gee [lawn, he went away ed and when again or Pula iib rr a d7geg Propr etc moag. vra- HOW to SAYE MONEY WHEN S ABrAtal-Wil SHOPPING: vet ee Jew - by Mr 1eturn- to leave, r'luctanty departed and lie -doing so fired a pedal at Mr Dawn. graging the latter': wrist. He was followed to a neighbor's house and captured, with the weapon on his person, lie has been handed over to the police in Parkhill and pleads iunot,ence, fareenway. B1tIars--Mrs E. Clement is home from Detroit taking care of her sick child,- Jenny..—Mr Jerry Brophey left here last week for Aurora, Ill., where he baa secured a good situation, --Messrs Getter & Wing, of Zurich, borod a well in the Gillis estate for W. J. Wilson. They struck the rock at a depth of 131 feat, and drilled four inches in the rock and struck a porn spring, which arose within forty feet of the top in a few minutes, which cannot be lowered with the pump. They hay's tho con- tract of boring another 'well for the same party on the English estate.—Mr Robert English has enlarged his home, and put on new siding and painted it, which adds very mush to its appearance.—Miss Sarah Pollock Iris been engaged to teach the Salem school. Kirlrton. The Young Men's Union Liheal Con rervative Club was perluanentae organized on Friday laet, The inaugural , meeting wilt be held iri the near futuro —The. plans for the erection of a new ,hotel in the village are now 'completed, and the building when erectedwilt present an im posing appearance,—Tea wife of Dr Irving, ng, wlio baa been visiting friendsh. Toronto and fiamiltrn, returned home an Saturday Inst,—illy A A Doupe lies been indisposed during the peat week:', Mr W Stacey will leaves this vicinity ...lionise having disposed of hisintoreat in the farm, ot wide!' lto waa a joint owner., -;Arrange meuts aro in propose for the bolding of the annual Xmas tree and festival in con motion with St Pani's Sunday Sahoel.--- Mr David stager has left the s;forio•n brotherhood and joined the noble it+my of Bonediets by beiu, united in enar ago to Miss. Biokte, of Stare, Congratulation is tell, Brod by, dfee neighborhood : t r bo oat >~ h at i, surge for the welfare and hs pineal of yonnp murlo-.--n1fo 15opuiation `if 0111 kits was increased last week by a yisune male. Oration a iter•1 1 to1 the sin r tensity of ,, .I Y r `� k1 Vickers---JT,,s Viokera and Sirs Wastes of linable], were uiaiting Monde in the village on Sunday last. ///...00-.1 . 4 + hnzvalle, BRIEws—Tho missionary meetings iii the'church here, was held on Sunday, No 19'th, and on Wednesday evening Nov 22nd. Rev Mr Thompson, of Bryanston. preached an excellent ser- mon on the Sunday evening, and the 'deputation for the week night, consist- ing of Rev J. Wilson and Rev Mr Red- mond, is excelled on the missionary platform by very few in this Proyince. They delivered excellent addresses, and the collections and subscriptions will exceed last year. One noticeable fea- ture at missionary meetings now,' 1s the absence of the heads of families.:—Rev C. A. Smith has been laid up with la grippe for some days and was unable to take his work on Sunday last. He caught a cold while away on missionary work.—Mr J. Johns has graded tt new lane and had it gravelled, as he does not like °leal.iig the mud off his boats every time he comes in from the yard. Dashwood. SCHOOL REPORT—The following are the names of those pupils in each class who received the highest number of harks during the: month of November. The report is based on written examin- ations, which were held every Friday. The naives appear in order o merit. 1Sr Fourth Class—Milton (Sble,H'onry Calfas. Jr Fourth Dan Weber, Wm 'Bean, George Snider. Sr Third -David Beaver and:', Dan Hartleib (equal), Annie El els ,;. Jr Third —Oscar Snell, 4' filler, Laura Lindenfield,. Sr ..Second-Louvada Harbleib, 'Wm Kleinuteiner, Lena Steil ihagen, Jr Second—Emma Hartung, Jacob Kraft, Clara Thow., ` The average e attends nee for the month was 75. 0n Friday, Dec.12th, there will be a public'.examination in the school- house. Parents, friends and teachers are cordially invited.—SAei., M. Rata% Principal.` Rvrr-A-wnr—Ona r. day last week'. � Turnbull's team started 'to run away at the lake. The horses: -ran along ,the town line till theygot to .Dogwood, where they broke several posts rri,their, way. They then turned and rare down the Bronson as far as Mr.' McKeie c's farm. They werehitched tothefeont part of the wagon only. BRIEFS—S v ti e er i inches of snow fell on Sunday .;;`night. --A number from Dashwood attended -the Foresters' con- cert in Zurich, on Friday evening. -Mr J, Kellerman intends to go to Toronto this week. -Mr H. Schroeder and` wife spent Sunday in Zurich—There will be quarterly •meeting, seri lcea.,irk,the E h- gelical church, on Sunday 'next.Rev S. N. Moyer, of.Sebringville, will of. tioiite,—Mr RRoese, of Zurich, has moved to our village Know exactly what you want and what yon don't want. What you do get tet it be good if you have to pay a good price for It. Go to shop where you cat depend on getting good value and honest dealing: $,.Ee,TZt3-d.Sg7• x» Brox for instance. Don't be tempted to buy what you don't need. at any price ; AND LET Afh; WIUISPER IN YOUR EAlt that to avoid this you trust keep away from places that make it a business to tempt and allure by BELOW CO3T belts; for if you beleive then' you are in danger of buying what you don't need, and that is money thrown away. It is too hod to throw moaey away when souse in cur midst need it so bailie and in each enormous quantities; and indeed they must have ft If they give the goods away, and You siwply pay for the advertising. We need money and are willing to make concessions that are .in sour intenet as well's ours, and when we melte you saves, No faking, no mistatements, no exaggerations --,straight business---Lo1'VEST P1ttCEs, Jorge assortment and ens .price,: Polite and easeful attention to rich and poor alike. We cordially invite YOU to examine our stook, and will nag look cross-eyed if we can't suit you, beleiviug you have perfect right to go elsewhere if our soots don't suit you, We also give you the privilege welch the many him already euioYed, viz: returning and get» ting ourgoadi when you discover You cannot equal them. J. P. ROSS, Bargain Depot. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. .Personals. We are pleased to learn that Mr. R. if. J olliekiis recovering from hislate illness. --Mrs. ?'J. J. Mute has returned after several weeks' visit with friends in Clinton and Constance, --We are sorry to learn that Miss Etile Treble is confined to the House throul;)) illness. --Mr. T. 13 I`ol ' 13 principal r A , nr. a) r p f St 1 p Marys Col- legiate 9 )e „late institute, was in town on Sa,tur- day visiting his enusiu Mr. lit Il, Follicle who is ill, ---Mr. Archie Milne, of Mark- ham, has been engaged as book-keeper for tho i'axet.re Milling Co. at their branch in Exeter,.—.1' ,af. Wiggand, who has been making a tour of the oouaty during the., p tst year hos returned to tow—Mrs J. Stewart is visiting her parents in `.ltil'.alito, The farm owned by the late James Oke, Stephen eu tot 'Cliui :ley last. .�na offered i°11, .tog of $5,o(•), but afterwards sold to Mr Thos., Oke, son of the late Jamea Oka, for the a $3,300. ua y of '1 The fart n contains 100 wares an,] is a first class property. '.Che 06th annual report of the Mission- aty Society of the Metthodiet Church bed just been received by us. Frotn it we fins that the total income for 1899.90 amounted to $220,026,43, or a net increase over the previous year of $4,251.02. Of this the Exeter district paid 21,602.01. Christmas comes in about three weeks, and already the merchants are preparing. for their chief holiday. The stores are being well stocked with the usual nov- elties, and the range and variety ofChrist- mas goods bids fair to surpass anything yet seen. The successful merchant who understands his business is already adver- tising his attractions, and people are mak-. ing up their minds where they will buy their holiday presents. Mr. H. Willem, of Dashwood, who is oneofthe largest ar U gest lam buyers in this section says of the McKinley Bill ;—"I am better satisfied that the recent duty has been placed ou lambs going into the United States ; it is better for Canadian buyers, inasmuch as now they know what they have to pay, whereas under the form- er tariff se much per ib. was charged which in the majority of cases amounted to far more than does the present duty on lambs_ The London Free Press is apparently deficient in the matter of geography, as note the following which appeared In its local and district happenings, and which no doubt was meant to refer co our Exeter :-"Lieut. Troup opened a lecture tour at Exeter Thursday. He reiterated his °barges against Stanley, and defended Barttelat and Jameson." This item ]las reference to Exeter, in Devonshire, Eng- land A St Marys correspondent write.:—"It is reported that the Rev Mr Turnbull, paster of the First Presbyterian Church, has receiyed and accepted a call from Toronto. Mr. Turnbull is the longest resi- dent minister in town, and his removal will be sincerely regretted, not only by the members of the Presbyterian congregation, but by people of every denomination in the community The Presbytery meets here in January, "until which time it is scarcely likely that any activesteps will be taken in the matter." The rev gentle. man is a son of Mr. Turnbull, of Exeter. A bylaw has been introduced by the Seaforth council to provide that the as- sessment be made between the first of July and the 30th September, and that the rolls be returuable on the 1st day ofi0c- toba r, also that on the 14th and 15th clays of June the 'hest instalment of taxes amounting to 10 mills on the dollar, be- come due and payable, anis, that the bal- ance be payable on the 15 and 16th of October ; also that a charge of five per cent be made on taxes not paid on these days. Farmers and others who are in habit of 'askinga the year's credit of the tnerchants, will do well to at oncerenare themselves for a cash system duringthe coming year. Owing to the Grocer's Guild having withdrawn the oash discounts from merchants and shortened their time of credit, the merchants will be compelled to urge an immediate return for the 1roo9 s retailers: by them. hem. If therefore, at the close of this year you are informed of this fact by the merchant, it need not cause you any surprise. ,