The Exeter Times, 1890-11-13, Page 8I*1St1BA:� LEST kALLIOT,AGENT F011 TIM WESTERN ASSUneSnE COM- PANY of. Toronto; also fur telema:NI OUt retecE CO3:iP:Atc , or London: Eiselen<L the F>OVALcANADIA.N. ell Men. treat, ere the ONTARIO ett, et. -Ar. LIFE NAST:i;1t;CB, Ct1'Yot waterleeestal,liseed 147.1. seeeuransesintorce,eetneneee, I.aoeusee 'i very year after 3rd year. frilE .41ART,..EZTER: ..a Muco a� o ',tit= alcaeg -..- a 'n r,, ass a �.» l 'lea a .-m 6 a �a c feeltai p elesure ' ,To r nee the incl Arrived to Exeter Air A• 3. Rollins, of Kiltsruey, Man,who ree&utly.l,ur: based MIrWeir's farm, sitnut ed R sheet Histones email of Exeter, with his family arrived in Exeter last week, ane' eau be 'found hi their new home Mr. Rollins wee baugttettetl at the (;rand Oen- tral Hotel by Mr F. Bellies, proprietor, prior to leering that place. Mr $idney _O'Brien,.under date of Oct alst writes :ea "Mr R••Ilins was pteswnted with an address at the banquet area the li:iilareey rand was in attentlaoee• It waS a grand effete, Several of the leading t tdzens;teeumpxnie•1 Mr Bedtime to the railway station, when be took pa+sage fcr himself need family on lionday morning to his old home in Exeter, Out. Mr. Reines made a host of friends during hiss residence at hillauwv for the past twelve years. We wish htrlt� set and family god speed and asafe joaruey to their old home. • 1 i3rexitles to make its name "l'he greatest Overcoat sale of the season w at the Rig liaukrupt Stare. valued Appren,i:•e to l l atitsna6thing watrte,1 teener -Hers , avit.t lit:r.w fae • one. ea: �,......�,•.,..:�--."�....«� '9p➢"➢y to t -- H. 1 at ,e • i rs. Euler. • Ladies' and tit•rats uniierssear et start- - Peng prices at the lee ita,t:kratpt Stora ; air. 1 I3er on Sat.arlay shipped sever;il car leads of apples to Prince Edward Is- land - The pulpit +'xohangea in the different there hes ea efend,ty `aqt were !alapreciate+t _ a by the teen -ire; If vett want to see remething entirely new in mantling, just call at the Big Bankrupt Store. 1 Saturday's uazrltet was an unusually large one. 1'r••due a eettel rapidly luta at high liguaes, Poultry' ales were numer. ons• Ilse R. T. Tr:sleeve% Of St Thomas will preach anfttereery se rats ws in the .i,tme•s St 11eth ebuteh, en .l:tndaay. 14th Pee - ember. .Mr dances Bern hes parehaee•l the house and premises he now urattpies, on William street, from Mr». G. Armstrong, paying $41100 for the sauce. Me e.ra Shillinglew, B allenty ne and Wesel l laipp l Leen Exeter t ten 'lratedaay k cern s yn enee ef el e ln, liege anal tetttle tie ' the aas"vEn at rea¢'3 }Use l tt'ie.^l the '"a ; . tt \a,ar:' tran-1 alt ter e••4tla, t, hare far :Tae tat the Big lianlhralpt gte're. 1 •t.;rtMa h>s,is nnn nwlail pine's tat1 n'1,iress ae 1.e:. dna Le cry $t. Y. Y.. has sent .•tr;.en➢'Ire t;ls4 e.'til Riivttiites t- Tering them cheap litOne4. err E :.t; . e.t t:r ' t 1a:i„:1. .'.,,1t our Alf f:le•i,;ar,d limiters' sada of stoa•la wan be4tit3:ul assortment of Mass (Goods I r.•1,Y Ia't S1 S a 8 W t54. t:'3tt°t1 a0:el II fur Mee to atm, while hones wort' off e,..r kite 'tnlia4t? reaf80n, diet they are , --°:,-;,:::11.-1;;,,,,.,;,1,4-:-,'„f 4aauo :rt t at f,aar I4ri:'e'a, tSaettit t;liteinet, «mee7t. Of course It 1 :itr. W 1I I'r'yna•l.ls, of iiensall. at31 d.. t,,.esitswife °G• i fact :het we tido:, B Q ' t t t �. ,eaK aere•ta tau .•e.. ter las ids lilt an? 4 ) }tallest se the a-eigeee, R.:. t.,ie S the lar.;' -t Maid roost nein :A inert i. r,t the I ,s:er.l of Trade is lr• t s' "+Cl, aa;! lie found in Western the ..-..e. Ica t;.. -to cin,,I pretty g;3at3 V 4 are always away' ahead. \Ve lle :!: view gift'. v: tle a trill range c'1 ti..,sw l�,tvt<ly�' swiss dresses --de. 1.: i ,i t tht rinser and latest stye ,.. 'al �. a a a, fu • 1 si.l.e of o � ..,:,trade --not left het week fur . It. las i two dresses nla1L.. l;^i,ia;cs, stFa+ice she will .care for Ila} 'j.iti4 r$ta;te itr worth set+wg. The ti,itt, Mt,3t--...40„vye' (':,fries \dstteI p• k,.. 'i as lthit'i tht reach ul a 411, t,e?tly t)r inpcvil1t,' lam week r;tl professional hush. :; 7 for the Ores and trimmings nem ce <ttnl l• te. i By the removal to Exeter of '.Ir T. A. tic lutea• toll:404.031 values iu Sec, prfee d • Brown. for the past two year headmaster 13 a •+d Varela A ;.'o;t1 nut, ,a I.b.avy tr•,,,d - <4 I)1,1..:t Pitlelie tirha4,,!,, 1)urhatn county (elects at `f'•, regular 15c geode, analf for listaf loses one id its rnt!st ener};etle, suecesefui te. ea ea, t a ch' ire e.f twenty tiifie to ,t sn•d popular teachers.-ile winauvitle States lines, ail lechers ; bat the best value on. our "icon. rc to ers i•+ a wholesale stock of "teens i At the Die I3ankrnpt Store you eau buy S ryes" ill Iaowus, garnets, myrtles, navies I atar-pierr ToiletlSet, Faintish printed ware ,n •&ttraotiv�e Stock of New Winter Tweeds Worsted and ings. now being shown by q :. GIO Exeter UA11 RW?T STORE EXETER. .. --..., , .uy , . - an:,w*l In i 0a' i`l'. \a t. fret S'arry 4 report. ti, T an t s (i .i.' 3 troop.' of Exeter 1 1 1 ° nonan t. ,alt) NO We sloe?')lel, for we have .at .la. I L yelled ter 1 lt•hte tutdllt. \„v i 3th, in band mom a,f !Own ledl. Let every member pie:me atte,'d. llv order. R. II. AI,c°ittee President. thee: value in Liaises' a.ta 1 t,a'ato Far e, featsis ,t , 4 •a at the 1 1 tri :rat . t l t Stere, re, f'nr (nt•sart but' !,F anal pe;aei;cka, regular 30e, wools, our price oult. 1 lc rais line win certainly go muck. Ile,aretaldeer we can't repeat them, and gone, g. lie forever, as we bought the whole steals. One Seatettes and ::Smile goods are the talk of the tenon. Our stock is largo and prices (a :y fair the buyer. Come and see us and if we t+on't show you tie. best smelt end lowest prices in the town, then d Own comes our rel:utatian. 3. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter; a' UttSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, ISMO LOCAL €llAPPENl 3OS. Too Many Studies. .At t udies.At the semiannual meeting of the Water- loo Teachers' Association held recently in Berlin, the following important resolution was carried, only one cut of 130 teachers opposing it : Moved by Wm. Linton, emit, see-en4ded by R H• Knowles, Hes er, that in the opinion of this as-ociasion, the placing of Temperance and Hygiene, or Agriculture, upon the lists of subjects for the Entrance Examination, will have a tendency to discourage thoroughness in the branches essential to the foundation of an English education ani thus be detri- mental to our highest educational inter- ests. It was also resolved that a copy of this resolution 1!e sent to the Minister of Elneation and to all other teachers' assoeT- atiuns in Ontario. fliooting ittateb. Tho pigeon shooting match an Thanks- giving Day, in connection with the Met- ropolitan Hotel, was well attended. The weather was quite favorable for ~hooting, and some splendid feats of marksmanship were exhibited. Messrs R. Sanders, I. Handford, and W. Sanders, did creditable shooting as the following..gcore will show tip 8 10Sanders ,I 1 6 11 Heywood 9 T0" 1 0 0 1.0 1 1 0 1-•-• 6 Aissett E • •1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1. 1--- 7 Snell A 3 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 .0 0 1--1 13issettwm1. 0 0 1.1.0 0 0 1 0-.4 Walters J 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1--- 4 Cite T .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--1 Hunkie P ...: ,0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1--- 3 34 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-- 3 1 0. 0 1 1 1 1-- S 1010000--s 00 0 0 0 0 11—* 15 o 0 0 0 0,1 1--- 3 (Gillespie J •.• 0 0 13andford X .,.1 1 Sanders W....-0 1 Treibner 1' 0 1 BossenberryE 0 0 Carling W J•••1 0 Eilber B. •1 3 Burdon N D.,0 0 1 1 0 1 0 39 At the close of the pigeon match a glass ball match took place, in which Mr Ben Eilber won the sweepstakes. Following is the score :- Bossenberry B.0 1 0 0 0 3. 0 1•--8 Eilber 13 1 1 1 3 1 te, 0 0-5 Snell A J.. 0 1 1. c 0 1 1 0-4 Oke rhos • 0 0 •0- 0 0. 0 1 0-1. Bissett Ed;1 I 0 0 0 0 0 1---8 for $2 oce regular price wt oil. We wish to draw the attention of our renders to our "Mode: n Pulpit" column in which appears well week an interesting and instruetive sermon delivered by sotue worthy and eelel.rated Divine. In it will be found wholesome reading. A meeting of the Exeter Base Ball Club is called tor Wednesday night, Nov 19th, in band room of town hall. Let every member attend. Those having suits please hand them in at this nesting, or to the Secretary. N. D. Hretno r, Presi- dent, The road leading to the station is in a bad state. The council in its neared). for spots to dump gravel must have overlook- ed station street. Sidewalks, on which few people ever walk, have been coated to the detriment of station street, a thoro'fare which above all, requires special attention. The meteorological authorities promise us at least a week of Iridian summer weather before the mouth ends, and then a storm which will usher in the winter, If it could be arranged that frost and snow should come on December let, and continue for three months, there would be general rejoicing in Canada. There is nothing like the old time winter for stimulating business. A great map in plaid Dress Goods at the Big Bankrupt Store, many lines at nearly half price. Mrs. Smith an inoffensive old lady who conducts a small candy store, opposite town hall, complains of sevetal young men causing her unnecessary annoyance, by. their nightly visits to her shop and pur chasing candy in one cent lots. She wish- es to warn them that if repeated she will have them taken before a magistrate and thus exposed It is to be understood that this i4 a final warning. Mr. H. Levett, one of a party of hunt= era who a few weeks ago left Exeter for Muskoka, returned home on Saturday evg, bringing with him a large buck weighing 236 pounds, and having antlers with , 2i prongs, which was Jointly shot by Messrs Either, Johns and Lev'btt. The other seven huntsmen re- mained to further rid the wilds of Muskoka of its deer,having already shot eight line specimens. They will however, return home in a few days. Mr David Weekes the engineer on the 0, P, R., who so narrowly escaped with his life in the collision between Owen Sound and Chatsworth last week, is an uncle ofllessrs Weekes Bros,marble works of this place. He has been a locomotive engineer for over 33 years. and is well known in railroad circles, for his earnest endeavors to promote christian knowledge among railroad men. Mr _K.yle, the freight engineer, who was instantly killed, 'was a citizen of Toronto and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. Apprentice to blaeksmithing wanted. Apply to W. H. Parsons, .Exeter. A11.disordeYre caused °l by a bilious state of the system Can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills: No rain, griping or dna- comfort attending' their use, Try- them. &tiered Concert. The sacred concert and literary enter- tainment in the James•st Methodist eburclt tent Thursday evg. last under the auspices of the choir was not as largely attended as the excellence of the entertain- neeut merited. The program was quite lengthy though by no menus tiresome,. The rendition of the different numbers was good, while the choir interspersed the whole by eireingappropriate andbeaatiful authems The chairman Rev Mr, Russell, and Rev. Mr. Alattin gave short and hi - is trnetiveaddresses which lent considerable to the success of the entertautnaent. The atdmission fee was 16 cents and the pro- ceeds 530, Thant:strive' Day, :Thursday last, being Thanssgiviug Day, as proelalmcd by the Governor Gen- eral, the day was thusly commemorated. Places of busbies% were elesed and thiegs generally betoketafd a holiday. In the forenoon, services were hell in the Truitt 'Memorial Chura•h, and a union gathering of the two 'Alethodtst and t'reshyterian ehsarches in the Main St, Methodist church, et enela of which appropriate sermons %vete preached. Tee ittteudaree at these n.ietinga was cine fair, and not half what should have teen the case. The tollec• Cons were fairly sated, and in the scatter ofthe union vet—Ts—Nathan will lie gtvea to the peer, the offertory at the service of the'1'risitt Memorial ('lalien. aeeording te Bishop s pectoral, i'eing applied to she Huron College fund In the etternoon, the weather lacing fine, every available arnakct was taken from where it hard hung luting the past yelr, and made to rte service hi the neighhoring wood or at a shooting rngth. In fart, enuring the whele afternoon, from the eon• tinnet reports of rifle anti shot gun, elle might have thought that we had fallen nate the hands of a corp of sharp shooters, On the whole the day was pleasantly spent by all, and by the pleasantness of the Weather one was cepaerally inspired of Isla duty to offer thanks for the l:onntifui blessings received during the year. The Must Interesttn\r Tot, Toren steak:tie than the reemmtie career of Hittitall, and the Il a ru; slitetions of the 4 . mid �+lsin•y showshowe s.l yc«t to he a , worthy ene,eos ning (rent Aelvarese Cranial l Ne t:1s7, Loyal Trmplars of ler pteence. of Exeter, fender whf•se usnpi'es they in - told hflteiinti a putdie entertainment to he ,ta\\ n in inti+ leeetnae rt»?nn of J. nit*a; .:t Metho.list Church on the evening of Nov 176, doure open at 7 30 oelsck, entertain - anent t0 a nanetave ut 'i 5lnirp. A silver collection is kindly asked from all whit. attend. Tide eat'-rttinmcnt pronds .s to he the beat and meet interesting given ley this i.n..iet . An invitation lees ken tendered to Here di (',aauesii :uoi they have pnouise<i to be present, and furnish an ex - eel cut past of the programmer utnong them are Reeds Cook stud CaAann. Also tit invitation fc t!stru•3t'=1 to "Ale nn.1 Mel Beeman" "The heeette Duet," new engaged in temperanee revive' work in Centralia with eueeess. They are human Gtr autl wide as among the most rureeesfni ai' meno n 1 pt r n ling to rice irons tht.ratits . f 'lrunlieueess. They are also t xcedlcnt singers a aiu forth the admiration et the a.).dna+.t, in�ti burets i applause. r f ! nt f whet the night 1 Don't forget the place of meeting l DDnn't forget the collection 1 and, meet of all, don't forget to come. .igneai, 'Times Th:an, Ileteording Fee- rtt_tiry . Wedding hells, A couples of young people of Exeter, in the persons of Mr. W. Johns and Miss Lily Al, Crocker, celebrated Titanhs„iviug Day by being j•.incd in the weslleek. As an act of diversion they drove to Les ---an, and soliciting the assiatance of Bev. R. C. Headers, the happy twain were made one They returned to Exeter, here to reside amid their many well•wialters. At Crediton, on Wednesday, 12th inst., was the scene of a pleasant event. it being the marriage of Miss Laura Heywood, daughter ofMfr John Heywood. lishorne, to Mr Henry Finkbeiner, of Crediton. Mr Bali .Heywood acted as groomsman and Miss Annie Rowtcliffe ae bridesmaid. Many elegant presents were received by the happy couple who are now living at their new home in Crediton. Mr. Geo. Manson, of this place, took the train on Wednesday morning last for Highgate, where lie participated in one of those happy events which is calculated to make happy the lives of two—a marriage —in which he was the principal. In the evening at the residence of the bride's father. Mr D.MeGregor, merchant tailor of that place, he took the hand of Mies Sarah McGregor, and aecepted her as a partner to share with hire the joys and sorrows of this tumultuous world. The young couple will return to Exeter here to reside in a cozy borne which Mr. Manson has prepared. We joie their friends fn wishing the newly wedded couple un- bounded happiness. Presbytery of' Huron, ThePresbytery met in Union Church, Brucefield, on the 11th inst, Rev C. Fletcher, Moderator, in the chair. Af- ter routine business, Rev R. Hender- son and James Scott were appointed auditoes to audit treasurer's accounts. They afterwards reported them as cor- rectly kept. Revd's Messrs McDonald and Simpson were appointed to address the W. F. M. S. at its next Presby- terial meeting. A remit from the Gen- eral Assembly asking Presbyteries to decide, as to whether "The discipline of the church should be exercised in re- gard to marriage with a decoaaed wife's sister, or a deceased wife's noise," was deferred until next meeting. Another remit regarding a ,change in some of the rules of the aged ministers' fund, was . 'considered at some length. The chief change proposed by the assem- blies' committee, was that minister's rates be graded according to age at date ofconnection with fund,and not: as a t present. in proportion tstipend. The Presbytery decided in favor of the old rule. Missionary meetings were ar- ranged for all the congregations. The date of these Was left over until next ;meeting. A minute regarding Mr. McConnell's resignation was adopted, expressing the esteem in which he was held by members of Presbytery. Rev Af D. McDonald was nominated " as moderator for next. General Assembly. Mr John Manson, of Blake congreg; ation, appeared complaining 'that a GRE AT W.Q.1 :74.A.N .. During the conning morph all our Mantles must be saki regardless of cost and in order to effect a speedy clearance we shall offer GR: A ' BARGAINS. INS. in LAWS' SHORT JACKT, ULSTERULSTERS PALETOTS & DOLMANS Also Children's ULSTE"RS and WBAPS, during the next �> two weeks. Re- member eier,°thing in this line must lie elsalred; + °tuol>wlp at glee and makO.. your se ,tion while the stock is complete. DIAMONDS •.+,01.,11,. We make a specialty of DX.A.24.01STZM and the finest class of Jewelel'y. The rapidly rising value of diat- morlds make their a most desirable investment. \Vitlt every di;ramontd Ss,1LJ we rive as guuraslatee to repur- chase same at any tune—les., live int r ct•tit, cafz ince rani' e carry the iarsl4 st siva w s4 oaf.: io atre a1, ab our diamond buskin. :iulladS I, to all mart a of the United States ars ed Caauad3. Goods scut on approbation by express or nlaail to re, i obsillle parties. A. MOi<L F 1. eL CO., Cor. Iln•hennn1 and Dundas tits., Loeilen. that, , O I EO sM:wt.tlali»ila:d 3Sd51, 1 BOOTS AND SHOES We have clx hand one o assorted stocks in the village, r%"oh we are prepare to sell at lamest and best The Molsons tank tt;ii"1WIEl1 1i1'r7 r'A1;I.1AM1 Al tr t0 Pcid nenaal+ital teeetrefe T.ostFuud .." .,. 1,000,01 Item)theice,'Montreal. 1'. It 01.11•1;:, "LA.'S :4141'411 A-.1 r.. tiraunA1 1iANAncl 20 Wane un ce.it tRc. ssanunis•n. Agent -it - ; in the Itettainion,i'•5-A,utad Renee. Exeter Eraxacb, Oren every lawful flax. frl•m le a.m•ton p -ns S1.1'i'I:1ntYS.1taa.m le1p,m, 4 Per( s'nt.per anue rn aIi,we,)ftrsuet ea• or Deposit iteeelete R. B..AECIIERI M•anatyer. motion passed at a former meeting of Presbytery unjuaytly reflected on Itis character. After long discussion it was agreed to minute an explanatory resol- ution defining same of the terms used in the notion complained of. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Wil- lis' Church, Clinton, on the third Tues• day in January. ECM Bumps—Mr. Farquhar, of Clinton, is visiting his slater. Mrs. O'Brien and other friends on the;3rd concession and in Exeter. --Miss McColl, who bas been visiting et the homestead, has returned to London.— Miss Bella Eacrett, of Washington, U, is visiting friends in this vicinity.—Mr \V. IIL Johnston has been re-engaged as teacher in 3 • S. Nu 2, Hay, for the year 1801,witb an increase of salary.—Mr John Reith has sold his farm near Blake, being lot 24, lake road, west Stanley, to Messrs J. and A. Overholt for the sum of $3,200. The farm contains 80 acres end is a fine property. Messrs Overholt take possession, and Mr Reith gees to Saginaw, in which vicinity he has rented a farm. We wish all hands success, It has been sem officiallyf Sarni atated that a reduction of the rate of letter postage to two cents per ounce is under consid- eration by the Dominion Government, The only reason for witholding this concession hitherto has been the great cost of the service as a result of its wide extension into remote parts of the coun- try, necessitating a larger outlay by nearly three quarters of a million dol- lars annually than the revenue. The drop from the three to a two cent rate would entail a decrease of income by about half a million of dollars, but in course of time this would doubtless be more than counter balanced by the in- creased use of the postal facilities There is every likelihood that next year will see the whole of the population of Iceland on the way to Canada. From the official statistics it appears that fully 20,000 natives, or about one-fourth : of the entire population of the island, have already emigrated to this continent. This great disease has had the effect of sending down property in the island, while taxes have gone up, so much so that there is a great complaining and a looking westward to where their broth- ers are prospering and in happy homes. They are said to be valuable immi- grants. Wm A. Slater, Norwich, Conn,, son of John F Slater, the great cotton manufacturer, has given $100,000 for a public hospital in .Norwich. Wm, W. Backus, anotherwealthy citizen, 1 gives $50,000, No shoddy about. our goods ; they are genuine every time. seek for fineness, of to oas(l the All who lova perfection in footwear f w1 o and economy, fit and fashion, finish and luxury a of lightness aid the satisfaction strength. All who want a perfect shop aro call on III ;sited f CARLING BROS. - DOZIiNF. Men's underclothing to be sold at once at less than wholesale price. Having bought the above lot ofEUIfl ^ and I i.j.W: I.S at a job price, will clear them at less than cost of making. TUR CAPS, FUR COATS and ROBES •--IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT— . RIGHT t t PRICES. :0: 200 Ove .00ats, 400 61.3.its—beat �,'i,aa1ity, best fitting goods in the market at 17 sTDAcXMA 1'. —THE BEST AND LARe'EST STOCK Ors -- tri) in the county. GIVE US A CALL. E. J. GSPACKIVIAN■ Fanson's Block, Exeter, cs-o so t CENTRAL Goldsmith St'O Ha ri+ O''Re----. Barber Mh:WATHES,SILVERWARE,-FANSaN'S BLOCK. ;ELRY Hastings, Prop—AND SPECTACLES A tJNEQOOALLED VALUE. 1"Peraonalattentiongiven to repairing of watobes,olooks and ,iewaxy: 6. B, IC E HENBACH,• Opposite Poet Office, PARKUILL Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest style of the art. very attonbon paid to ouiting +. Lames' and Ohil d rens Hair.