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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1958-01-09, Page 9
.esa for e#O ffs .ince - splendidattendance eul1i+ an 4,trisit rs, :,Belle, Shad .: wa leader', Or the worship service and4Trai. 'L ' tel 'condncted , the business..T -An in eresti4 ,christ, e' 140 'of e Black"Madonna ' was read .by Mrs ` 1204•.-. 'o•ung'; • of Carlow ' W. This, 'Treading .. mfainect° br »Bach , B rotherhoOd, an; important subject � 1 e` ay•mit` Intaa With a deep, feeling. of reg ret= hat teeburn W.M.S bid farewell to Mrs, $ i:- lows whO-- is going to ''spend The winter with her sister in Kincar-< dine, Mme. T. hunter. <r0.40 an d dress and Mrs. R. Boge presented Mrs; $allows with a jewel . case. Mrs •.,� °''. t M r . ` Elmer er.",re ending Christmas cards to shut-in members and friends and also OA gifts, one for Miss H. Clark; who is con- valescing: nicely at the home..of Mr. " and Mrs. Will Clark, ,and'the other o Mrs.Roy Roy 'LLinklater in the pital, also a flower for Miss Grace,' Hunter- in London. bosp tali. iVlrs. Tait ,Clark took the chair for the election of officers which .resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Terence Hunter; 1st vice-president, ,Mrs -Joe -F.ieerna11; did-'vice-Tresident, -Mrs. Elmer Hunter; treasurer, Mrs. Red Bogie; assistant treasurer, Mrs. itarvey Fisher; secretary, Mrs. Jas -ton;.... assistant secretary, Miss: Belle Shaw; strangers secretary, 1VIrs. Elmer Hunter; assistants;,Mrs. Lock Cook; Mrs. Cree Freeman; supply secretary, Mrs. J. McBride; assistants, Mrs. Lock Ceoak, 'Miss Belle Shaw; p ess secretary, Mrs. Jas. Horton; stewardship 'finance secretary,_ Miss Helen°_ Clark; 'Ms, sionary, Monthly..: secretary, Miss Belle Shaw; temperance a r. liter- ature secretary, Miss e lark; Christiancitizenshi , ' : ' crotary, Mrs. E. Hunter; org. ist, Miss Belle -Shaw; assistant •org ° nist, Mrs, J. McBride, O Sc 1l � r'j : °ed fid, Jill tot's wig 'the ' , cb lltr •. :_ auc rain d'da' g1ite ° ure ll, and iAd Bure'� � + is rsz, �. fo'd, {were%,� Toothe. farmer's siste Mrs. - Y!arvey 4 1!#eM 1„ 4 Maize . nd Mrr `Ma e`e 1 as'{( j �titabv,� e o A ret M r erson fWig'' d sons, 10.0,. ° •t. 'rh+ niers., .. barky,, o ucknow, Lao and ;Alvin,' o -. Mr. ?Carl t gel alter , ►, Calgar , visited the ar ger s dangh- ;vj?s1 , a ' ,bo . r ret ed to ter Mrs. -, +Rare d Mme', hus' an B�C�, 1st week, and ami1Y • onr s u ch -- {� �- s Mr. Mur rav ' Biggan, •o • tSilver a naect _ e heights, Alberta, :also . vier. � -a �11��< at hely •�Q�e' the- Maize..•-ho�n�e• :p,� ,i\IB;�'x'a.. e afterrltoon. Two ve hors "e'e °Day, r , ,� •present. °ford' roz e " 1tiar Mrs S. J.-. patricicvisited 'oil~ ixr eh of M ° Y� der on her son. R ' , 1 rs Subday w�.t1'r :. led wth•, the drO1C�tloxl• Mrs�:'� • Patrick. r Hodges read ° the° .Script `e, , .ey. Mr and Mrs. vin Sherwood Ke. , ,. ,i l cd: the officers. ' n F 0: Day with their uncle and a tr tarY n the ',absem e• of; Ma ,. " Cha#d . Mr. and Mrs..Leslie. Ritchie, Utile; Belfast district. Fowler, Mrs. rdeped4yreoafd aliatteMr. and Mrs. -John Nilson .andconcerning1Wi�'rayel' ' -• the letter's brother, It was decided -to fold .a.n. open:. Bill -Rivett, re-. meeting in the =dvehin withT i8 -p turned to Toronto after the holiday Mre, 'Kennedy giving t e adr r,". season. A film will also be shown; h" Rev. Glenn Hall, Mrs. 'Ball and s-tini" .,of ,$5-"rvas' .don-ated to tss•' son,.. Bob,. of Dalston, near Barrie, Constance Chappell, Korea. ,• ed the former's • sister, Mrs. visit M ..;seed had the study book d - Charles Fowler, Mr. Fowler and Mrs, - H. Finnigan "assisted. Th P Torn, one day last week. Mr. allocation'+'+ $1'85 was meta ~ . Tower has recovered from pneu- x..,and,, rs... T gh .-M Whi � inti monia and able to be alit a `ttle. and. family spent Christmas with `' Mrs. John aytori (nee B. -:.ntie Tag's mother; -Mrs: J. ET oft, derson) and infant son arrived at Farrien's Point. • - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford ,xT returned to Toronto after spend- ing Christmas holidays here. -- • Mr. and Mrs.: W.* Silvertho e and family, of Belmont, were week- end - uests'with Mrs. S McGratten, Essex street. Mrs. , M-argaret -Kennon, of- Tor- onto, was -a Christmas- -guest with: her father, -Mr. M. Carney' and sister, Mrs. J. Marriott. • , t , ' y'i'ury _..._.,. s e ti.;•+rrv,r ,�uT":. r< The strengthening of sera and air squadrons with the `a'ddition of new s%i�-' ,,t, and aircraft, -anti-operational and training • cruises to many parts of the.. -world, .provided some of 1957's m ijor highlights for the Royal Canadian Navy, Aji important' addition 't the -feet,•was the airera�f't aarr'ier,Bonavrnture, left, compre'te with the latest a uipment and de -vices for launching and receiving aircraft. �t. The Bonaventure'si aerial armament consists 'of now anti-submarine Trackers and Banshee -fa: �fl NEers.--"-`" -- Eight destroyer escorts, including four of the new St.. Laurent class, in September took part In the largest NATO naval exercises ever to be held. Five of the ships are pictured, top right, steaming. in formation. • The readiness,' and strength of the Navy's personne symbolized, lowea right, by the guard of honour drawn up on the q.tartei,deck of IIMCS St. Laurent at Portsmouth, England. (National Defence Photos). •- home from (odericb hospital on Saturday. • Visitors with Mrs. Abner Morris during the Christmas season were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, riieee, '-Donalda Freeman, Clfntop, ,;'Vlr. and Mrs. Don Shannahan and son, Kevin, Grimsby, Mr. Charles Drennan, Sarnia, 'Mr. and Mrs. Len Christilaw and Mrs. Elizabeth Christilaw, of Nile. Mrs, Ann Brdwn, Ripley, • and nepl%w, Alvin Robb, Ashfield, were recent' visitors with Mrs. Ethel Mc- Donald. Miss Margaret Joy Durnin re- turned to Toronto 4ifter•-Christmas' holidays at home. Mrs Winnifred W conige R.N.L returned 'to Windsor after a rely - days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. McClure. Mr. James Thorne, who has been ill for a couple of weeks, went with Mrs. Thorne to the home of their son, Jack, at Port Elgin at the first of this -week, ,Mr:, Thorne NW..Nl..l.e..••.Nee•NCsOO.OHO!!!!••••!•N•!•®•aaa•••e• oo���o®••o•!••••• eor�l�/m•of�o�•®•i•o�•���®s��©� o® oOQ®o •® �s •�oNe ! N •••!•N!•!!!�O••!•O••!• .e•!e e have just' finiihed-taking stock and-are:offering the balance 0 ocr winter st.„ ocp us r ken ,1. P " �.,d merchcsn-reon �rhe�h _ �u►e areversPocked at SALE .� o�arr�oos.•�e�l��!•1�►�►•!•�a.g�•ws•2�.��• ..so®aii.°o®�••oNe•.!•llt��a••!•�om•lo�•®•o••�•eo••••oo®•coo O�®••O•••!�••O•••••••!r•!!N�•N•NNOO!•!SN•N•N••••N•+�>A!•!•!•i••, - _ - . _ � .FUR -BACK MITTS COATS J•SAL• � EA , • • • tex Girdles,� _ - • • Navy, black or :brown: Regular $3.95: • Leather palmblack nor` brown. "' :, .Here •is your opportunity to pick up one • '. •^^ � Sizes 10 to 18. REGULAR' $2.95 r - ''.': of these `'popular cant o� = All are the seasons best styles and colors. In keeping with our policy o cleaning $ VALU., ES UP TO $4,95 —'BROKEN SIZES •• OUT THEY GO AT �,• up each season, they 'must be sold. r •Salk Price$1.94SALE $1.84 a 84 ' 84 • • Q 84 8 •$914, $19:84,, $24 !' $39 84 °• °. ••ogi•••••••!••••••••••••N� SALE . 1 Q ft ••!o••o•o•••N••®•o•e•®®o•oo ° • •�••••••o®o • eeees••eeeee•eee- • • rWOOL or ORLON ••i -seesee•• eee•eeeeeo!�e•••eeori e , • •ecceeeeeeto®e•Neeeeee_eeeeei oral•o••oeseo• eee_imeos " NYLON µ ! : •ee•�ro•• o► ! • • • N L ORLO �a�.M. -.. �_ -CAR ANS, OQ or ,.,. � u,�,, ® A few choice patterns in drapery:. LE Tricot -o._ • I ` ice of shades. Regular to $6.95. o< . Gho 4 LOVERS'I'RSC. TO $3:30 YD. $� $4 C� �'n P.s.,wDRESS-ESA shataes and styles: Reg up to $ �/ o Choice of 4 95 ": g o . •• Every dress in the store is sharply reduced -in price. Sizes for juniors, misses w - • IN PASTEL SHADES. - SHORT SLEEVES -6 and half sizes. OUT THEY 'GO. f i 7 To Clear.$384 . 36 INCH DRAPERY9C �/('• • ..Extra Value $1.98 �� • LEAR £► ,• x o �•e•••••NC•••••s•••N•Nt • •N••••NN•,•••N•••N••••K TCS C C 00, Qw•• •i•o••®0•••••O••00•i•N••N0• x : NYLON or CREPE. ®....�__•______________ _d NYLON CURTAINS �' 7 - ° DOVE -S 1 V • Woof or Bengaline, sniar . styles. p •eeeere eeseso!!•N•Nseeeee••Ni•eeeNOOO••••••••i•••••see•• : SLIPS ft '% 411ar style, white. r 1 ver ue o Y1 Regu err Y values $,'I ,95 •• T;icot ,....` �_. ,•OF :,Whit lace trim • � SALE SPECIAL"M1.„41 x 81 -RG. $395 -$2 49 ewh\i/w r REG ND -ns $4.84 •ESKIRTS .- _ , ,... ...,.,.. i ' $3 98 A $4.98.S�8� kirts one in' all ,•wool plaids. More titan 3 -yards' • 61 x 81 - REG. $5: 0 - $3;49GOOD SHADES �--- BItOKN SIVE $ T"wo s in . $2.34 ^` fullness, alltheflewcolors. Sizes 1'0 to 40. 244 SALE - 6 _ , 1 x -REG. , n -: -- BPBCtAL FO �•H,E SA.�E- — 7 S 90 $5 95 :" " "'mom • • a •••Ni••••••••N•••N•N•e•i P• - .. '$1.4• ELETTESFLANNELETTE !••eolna0o•N•oslN•N••s•••••N!••!•e•eN•••!ep•!ee••�a•e!••• • a _ r r' ' Quazttities are limited ser act quickly. TURN4BULL"\S N•!!••O•o• dGowN s ' ' • o••••••••••••NN•••••• ..., W• •••••••••••••••!•• * •• ,• an PYJA lAS �N c� .+� �n _ T ti B Get (y00D PAT -� .,.. .,...' !IN . TABLE "5 s 36 to rifer Vest), to 20. Regular $3"98 to $6.98. he 48, g. $ 4 REG. $2.9'8 -- .$2:38 • In ny+l'on, T,erylene, cotton and fancy I$�e. Sizes 12 Odds and ends throughout the stone. w,Nn � r .tr1°"3i r3nwaee.. �y', 1e ..... Ur'iN' '..smlmn'U REG. ►3.9s $3.18 1 Sale Special. -.84$4.84 25c 49c gest REG. '$4 98 $3.84 • hata• CLEARING AT SIZE 27....g 45.. EXTRA SPECIAL --