The Exeter Times, 1890-11-6, Page 2R �-1 T of similar sound);"perhaps you. Won't let A STRANGE COU R! SHIP me ;o," • Horn wtiad Tint 'se mall as that, but drew aside ; and they all trooped out luta the CHAPTER XXX.. -A Loa-Ilme Argil ITS ed. His manners, indeed, were odious ; TENANT. >ntcreover, he shirked his work, Wide the veterans did not approve of ; and played too Small as is the tenement inhabitedby Miss well at peal to please the youngsters. Per - Moodie Derr at Bract unere, we are about to haps he would ao etleely lieSe been tolerated be intr.adocetl to ,a. still .Quil'er:-'' It is a log- even in the 'Fast. 41tOth,' had it not been for hut situated in a last plain in the at west t hi,, weeny. He never denied itiulself, any- --eof S . urrey I, Lea very lough Noei:imen of F thing aspen the seoae of expense, and moonlight. He yearned to take his sword and fait Ippon the lot of them, and (though they little guessed it) was not very far from doing it too. Re contented himself however, with elannaning the door upon them. *' Nice gentlemanly agreeable young mean —a most abontiitable club, I call him,' he heard the captain say as he passed by th ton �t `niltling, and consists but of tia-on happily ewe cannot spend vast stints upon 'vmdox•, daotleeimo ap ar;rents, that would open ones self wit/tone indirectly benefiting ares I've bled hila for once, responded the duet fly iuto one smother sale for the inter- fellow-creataues. At the same time, lir, ensign cheerfully, n stn eoneicalittle lobby four feet square, Horn \Winthrop\was by no means averse to He 1'14 bled flim, Hornwvasgnashing Lanai; :`-s :rinse rooms are, however, . tliey " make money. and be el'ith make a good deal lu teeth over the list of his losses, ashen' are i r iishel frith a certain savage spleno- K of it eonaetimes at cards anti billiar,ls ;cot a uttler tiocwtuient attracted his attention. dour ; not. elegantly, by annymeans,buf every others, Ile lost, to his immense disgust. Ido It was the letter from 1u- father wvhich bei obiect e 1 gond, or at least • expensive of its - had no other pursuits, to speak of, sane had stuck on the mantel -pieces .a,atwnonung, band, anti ao ultnecessarily costly, that evert these two amusements, at wench he newer unread. Now ho tore It opeu savagely, as a rro eetwoman would exclaim. "dols ex- ° lost au opportunity of perfecting, his skill though he did not care what was in at; t ove:put r"at the sperm of them,. and a The spttrta,bti'eetetl ice;most Englishgentle- ;chat were seoldings anti peevish remora - he past'expenditure compared y gu ,, tan: " Holy folly r" }':eery artiste ;� men in one revert --he hada grievance ; str L es about ex enldltu in the .i r4 m a a on the leeirol ni table, aa, anew er tircal of inveighing a aaihat the it such ill-lnek as had befallen him that for exam:pie. as of `•ilvergilt; the huge 1,rltstn- 1 monstrous inaistice of elosingtheregimental evening ! The note, however, centand es ore r,t ivory. with a�.uat Ut arnasen^r,.wed ; billiard -mon upon Smulay, ed neither scolding Ilor retnonstr.unce and onth their ks;aeiear-case ofsolidsilver. ; After breakfast, by which time it was yet what it did say affected hint far u P notes than his I tf 17 s. His sur rise and }int ttii teal trach an ontt t• Tgii tl.r.g lies afteruat *, ,,acre n.i , tl:frac seouncOn.Seien- t1t-•'gat for tine anonteat overwvhe erledh}In ; Izesadt: thele ; stint aspects it a IanatEln-leas hoc; t.uaa31a1/ " el .d 11 t1' t " even a :nose s sole- nectar, set with precioals lietleu an atm Solara o£ ca c:tun brat play breathed hard through his set teeth. Thee, wet a Iewnn ' stoma. n .*ea � et4 is ria drink t tt. '} e. ., ant.'. billiards arid rt beer. _' r pp__av m 'Wen- 1 a t r ;I,Hr .with pictures. rifle stemmas oa %tint -tt rRrep p'ayeol and drank without trm.alehr wit,► u violent_ execration, he seized his cap, uud hu -reed out to the mesked , arc 1 r r,.tn, but t.1 ti,�„n m l &'i-lu ec'In.ngln 1 ninplf to invent t tau es ; when the tables " Is the colonel here's'" asked he of one mei an l:^sift kid the m antel-pieee is .a chanced to leengaged e alevoted himself to ale was smoking in the porch, raw \ t,.l r t T...1 nun , a'i1 as 'i, dainty trailer i }teratura,In the Drape ¢ f the S7.1., tie;R Tim, 4', ,: in sat, '. ':}tea ee ■,' .,a a ii. -s1, in, bid a~bnitt•R`ine mud missed the ei«tt'r of t~tt�C.L.;far pi., or the? 't e9 r bed ! 1 e s.: ilittlll Lave been elf long ago. had not old Pottinger ferrel: asleep ,t,,,,, , _ ,,a;d.t :tie carious rather than won = owe ltttther of 1a� % ":o r-r,t, acannliii'* to „ fair e> r €pteme,gtea tel«tier almost for touch, met great "event" cavae ori; sand flew in u :mod grey eyes, was just abetting Bands but at : a, ,go a.itlered from careless handlau„ �:tic t,1ce of their u►alie rnnniu He had a o e�l n. y s:ae , res y no Itng; e his lips bye1une pale and pinched, alta 11e any hole) of Nelle; it was once to wonder of . three. butes over the eattlq l eircaant,t L'e3 •they call eat°eeivetl la'Itu ielleal �`h 1 1 h 1 f li I i that i•,s tletsvers are bloss:tnlless, its figures marvellous knowledge of the "previous q with aq;Sela t"monger} t11e guest of the even - rt wee evidently brea q. l o ,breaking for t n the. fluor, r, whit°h is earinetcd by a � Ilerformti a t," of :,acne crrattires, and, in- up, party g 0 lI to stood outside, biting his moustacheimpatieutly, mut waiting for his chief. At fast he came, struggling into his cloak, and evidently in a great hurry to get home. "Iloilo I toilet do you. want 1 It wild pada Lieutenant Winthrop was not one of the vo1one's pets. "Not leave, I trust ,at this time of night V' the -kilt atut patieuee of a Mlachiaveloi, At 44 yee, if you please, sir, leave." son It Young fellow enough,with au immense Y poet he ni nife•sted en intelligence whiel, The veteran laughed i nten ptuously and clo i1 e t ut tl, 3e :n, ww a In a th :defend ideas was �almoet Inttamtlou, lit :,new the 1 t' 2 UIUL % ee the street is Iaatiutesi e_ - r l t � 1 clothing, e a e.t t a art Qtr e e r'n frail elress untf ern} evidently east off with rloleue ?--3 word leaf out of its *beetle; and. a broken brau,lp :male. Let its isope it is to drown the Nome of the esee,t,l !bluer (het the owner of all these sp,elldout•s is ialdul it.g in the bad babit e'f stool:lug in bel. The morning is far advamre d, yet there !ge tie,, a swarthy. band - deed, p , .•-sett mute a mine of ww orthleaa in forma*ion upon similar t•a1li,:a. lie ttncly tate year whim n Cerise first appeared (though it • was 1 wti .he- geattr.iiiat i•+i-ftec hA 3'vait*ii-tial her exampled. and how raiser: the don, Hilly neigheal at 11.ed;Ite of his celebrated. per- form:mem He• Wtelrld also scheme to get 4` half a Irvin" in the elide of a friend, with ss t'r.:me a in les inoritia. and. I.i. eyes roving I:Alen t.ontrasted with the shallowness of his walked hastily on, followed by 'form as a' wr ata it :astern c xpre a,,on tis them, ;, of ante who • etrenuth of the table toa hairbreetith ; email; tie a tea earn e 4 t;'ta hmerzel, wa `; D_, witt.:lir ee; .1: ¢ ape * i mgmo tear allele;u inions areneo1 what en : 3"Z iga fist urgent private atl'airs. she. } , at a_ nc e o rfa, it to , h D t get angle w\a ie1.o the greatest nav'e't,1• , emir ar11114 ,,You be hauge"tr (and worie)said the , td asp. n tioi his tlnaot strolled It 'Ar of ne^e sere) onel. He also had had his losses, antouutinl; to nineteen sllalhjnga :rod sixpence, mei had been kept up beyond his :ileo by a Atollsla olti fU...4 . "I don't eau*. to ,tear any 1nere,h your dead suits." This was; a reference, inratlaerplain term,, to a Habit wlticln Lieuteneot Wintlurp lied. F4 g• fang reta s he presently in ..n jai* tot lie .lu£im e, L nlczltidil r, however, • it grow, %osis: ;at whrale from beneath the :fraena hajmmtel1 terra .alt. Horn Winthrop 1 ;bore creeps out 1l' "wvly en tavern -ems ; lost his to aaaltee tante his money ; acid then ll i tie. Ae tine ct aa.,l;, 41 41L the trht t $i11 at• wee greet :-port to the (Milner spirits to h�+ate arpian brute ---with inns fussy hey, and ; nee this:tem , 11t,ena In et arms and rive Idrl~e•tl.hting head, his tikeuaess to late mats- assn brtrala laza one nerese haaa knee. fin one air&rile n, wrl(44 he t hat.rzsl to nails has fat- of evolving dead aunts out of leis moral eon to;rite t( ha;.-'. u, he alt-ewv ottt fits llauhnife, hrlousness—or want of conscientiousness= and 1► r ultl lmlk teally have eat the Spot eat whenever he wanted lease. of the :;Both, belt fhtr the renionytttnee) of "We worse than that, sir, this time ; and his compicnione t°at'y foal: ltitn by tint' iap1 upon app soul its true," pleaded th eyonng °•f the Reck:amine ep..etetl 141411 frim the. gentientan earnestly. ter to Mod« remarkoltle. fd«• lees oleo to dui - 1 tiefie=tl cants m.,14. 0 expreeeekno fns of one who neei.n to quarrel ; i . eyes are red anti eneillea] ; Gi,:::moth ItSte a twv;t4. 1 in it. ' l'a.l I°' and the reiterated name 't] ac- es mp uars.•t:i by an exceratifna ; '' c.Dnio here,,' the t Ia^ttwiwordl.I1t: IIRexlauli*wVoile, trate h i , however, by no means a coretlla- tory one, soil are aecompanied by a pat ti t the s les;rsterpane. Finn, growls dmeaatiefac- tson ➢1h,anierpressure n e o r motto - they, mere proem even than the last, springs on the bed. ai,l e>t,Intle there, oppo.ito aur; of the e 1 rat 1 nt t .. nt.ttt,d eeeeftttauali} veneer ;hie frightful face one trowyn, ins good 144havi"ter .orad snot restraints are hews •Ie ;;s quivering with rage and feat. „ galling to aye,utll of :1iit'it. After dinner, ' Now then. prepare 'o receive caw airy. too, it 44 4. tle t i," a 10 amt in an appcar- 1 ane fails on Ins great chest }for he hats no spec in the drawtnter.ann ; and oven, if a hneeeto'.11leap (of). and )fazes at his :paster vacancy required it, to stoop to shilling' with, dumb horror. He knows by experience whist :such Was the unwritten cede, and it lrhat is emnlinlj. I had to be obeyed. Even in the pool room, which opened into tltisapartment, a certain Mammas of the lookers-on. The whole affair was simply intolerable and preposterous ; so Lieutenant Winthrop dropped a hint here, 200144. "\1.'i.. aw it, then?" asked the colonel, trodnccd tm Isanl, fortune laa4l not been far- '. irritation, "But I can't believe your worm. Upon the day on wlisetlt we heave been in- stopping short. but speaking with great (nimble 1 uan.t nth a3"1 cul .• „ n int i r p, t,lr, and that's a fact, t, temper had been deterie+t i.e ti accordingly. • Morn drew kis bother's letter irons his It was a great. night at mos ; the presence , llorkct, and put it into the colonel's hand e , , the ;noon was bright, and the old mane eyee were clear and sharp enough to decipher the contents. When he had done so-'tBy- Jove r"`said he, "that ie the deuce 'and all. So your father's going to marry again, is he ?"• ee So he says, sir, and wishes mo to be, preaeinioY.�'s $1quite a young girl, of course.' How can he be suelt a fool? How old is he?" " He is barely tive•aud-forty, sir." " 0 Lord 1 I don't wonder you look down in thennouth._Vei good ; you may ,rave your week's leave.' And off he strode to ids quarters. In half au hour, Lieutenant Horn Win. tltrop, tecompanicd by Munk, leis man, and Fang, n through the 1 an his do teas driving it �,� s b 44 Stand tire, sir ; if you move,. I'll kill you." The lighted cigar is brought slowly nearer and nearer to the brute's cold nose; a low snarl breaks from him, a quiver passes through his limbs ; at last the hot and a whisper there. to those who could be point touches him, causing the most ex- • relied upon, and organized " a little loo" quisite anguish. In an instant the brute's : in his own hut. This had to be done witli body, which has by this time become a ball, eaution, because the regimental authorities hurls itself at: its human torturer. So Burl- were "full against" loo --es eeially when den is its ontslaught, that one would hope played in a private room. It was the con - et email not fail to catch loin by the throat, vitamin of these 'old buffers' tlrat four out :lark lines of t o tamp, upon his road to anti pin hint to the pillow, But his master of live of those officers; who are eonwpelletl to Ifraekntere. is quite prepared, and inteposes a giantarm, i leave the army in disgrace, have loo, or (To ]al: ooNxi,TrEzt.) swathed t)ntekly with a rough towel ; with some similar game, to thank for it- -so full the ether hand` he catches the animal by the' of croteltets is senility ; and, unfortunately, _ Six Minutes° Stop for a Wedding, Leek, sold compresses it until his teeth lose their hold ; then Ire replaces his cigar, whie-h has fallen on the pillow, and burned a hole in it, and regards his victim with grins Malevolence. "You re a tail dog, sir, and must fly." Wit lit hat he whirls the brute about hitt head, and discharges him—like a boomerang, ex- good soldier, and almost the oldest officer in cept that he doesn't come }melt again -eat a t the regiment, but a !ambler to the tack - beautiful ballet -dancer, who is executing a 1 bone), and Ensign Colt were the select four bria "A on the opposite wall. Down comes' invited by Lieutenant Winthrop to his ull -deg, and picture, andall, like Baby !quarters. There was scarcely room for alt Bunting tool her bassinette in the ballad ; at five of them in the little parlour, and the which 'conclusion to the performance 14ir little table was so limited that they had to Horn Winthrop nods. and perhaps, nmler the impression that Toro Is atipanislnfor bull- dog, nuunurs : " Bravo, Toro 1" Presently enters Murk, his man, with the letters • one of them from "the governor,'" -which Horn throws aside with a disrespect- ful e•jaeulation, and two others, the contents of which being " bills delivered," make him swear. How's the dog?" growls he, for Murk has been endeavouring to resuscitate that animal. Pretty much as lie usually is this time in the morning," answers thatworthy. "You'll kill him some day with your little atten- tions:" "• No, I won't, replies Mr. Horn, not at all disturbed by the man's familiarity of speech : " I'll teach him to stand. fire, and win a thousand pouncle by backinghim to do it." one has to respect them- so far, at least, an to keep these little matters dark. There are divers lauds of loos by which you may ruin you -self, brat that which is called a unlimited' is the most dangerous and therefore popular, Lieutenant Forbes, Lieut- enant Fordyce, Captain Stonethwaite (a put their brandy and Seltzers on the car- pet ; arpet; the loo, on the other hand,was somuch the reverse that there was sometimes fifty pounds, or its equivalent for we have not all got ready money in such plenty—on the table. It is not our intention to debauch the young by describing this attractive game ; let it suffice to say, that he who Lias a long purse is commonly successful at it but even with thisadvantage, one must have reasonably good luck to help one. " You'll want it all, sir," was the quiet reply. Having doctored Fang, and picked up the broken fragments of the picture -glass and bottle, this perfect treasure of a servant pro- ceederl to administer to his master some brandy and iced Seltzer -water, and to get ready his bath. Mr. Horn Winthropas adaintydress- er, P and perhaps expended more thought in the operations of the toilet than he was ac- customed to use in any other transaction of life ; his hair was anointed with unguents till it shoneagain, anal his moustaches waxed to a point so stiff that it would have putyour eye out, it was quite curious " to see him shine so brisk, and smell so sweet," knowing what we did of him, and what a rough and rotten kernel lay beneath that shining shell. The gallant' lad was off duty, but still it was necessary, since lie was "in camp," to wear his undress uni- form, which limited his sphere of choice as to cut and colour. If ithad not beenfor the trouble of it—for Horn hated trouble he would always have liked to be on guard, to wear his. full-dress clothes : even in mufti he was a splendid spectacle, An intimrrdad before breakfast would have marred the appetite drama men ; but Horn performedprodigies, in the: mess -room, first partaking of all the hotd' p g isles on the carte and then devastating the meats upon the sideboard. His demands were like a Prus- sian regiuisition, only not so civilly express- ed. His servant Murk had his own reasons for putting up with his young master's be- haviour ; but Lieutenant Winthrop was not ageneral favourite wits the mess -waiters, nor with the soldiers over whom he ruled, z.ar, with the officers with whom he associet. " The devil has got the cards," cried Horn Winthrop in the present instance, which was a euphemistical mode of stating that Ensign Colt had got them. That plucky lit- tle fellow, incited (let us hope) by theremem- brance that his father, who was a clergyman of small income, could with difficulty pro- vide for his expenses in the army, never hesitated to play, no matter what the stakes, and his consequent responsibilities : he backed his luck (as the captain confessed, though he suffered by his courage), f0 like a good one." But Horn (who made no such admission) suffered much more heavily. In fact, though his prudence always suggested his keeping considerable funds in hand, he had to set down little memoranda upon paper. At twelve o'clock the ensign rose." T Play no more," said he ; "I am on guard to -mor- row." "0 yes, Ilike that," said Horn offensively, and meaning that he abhorred the idea : " to cut away after you have won i That is very fine 1" The ensign, usually pink and white, be- came quite pink. " I will play one round more, and that's all; that's flat." Theround was played, and largely increased Lieutenant Winthrop's obligations. The ensign put on his cap, and Horn his ugliest look. " I'm hanged if you leave this," said the host, with his back against the door. "You'll be hanged, at all events, if you get your deserts," said the little ensign : he wculd have stood in front of a loaded can- non without winking, but he was weak and small of stature. t' Come, you let me go." The captain, who had been ruefully cast- ing interven- ed.uphis own little account, here terven-. ed. What ! you won't let afellow go home because he has won your money ? Let the boy pass." He began to swear, as his forefathers (for the Stonethwaites had all worn the scarlet) swore in Flanders. It was like a niiitrail-, tense, whose ammunition is inexhaustible. "Northumberland i Cumberland ! West- moreland !and Durham I" cried he (or words The twventy-lninutes-divorce-railway stop of trains in Indiana was beaten in Washing ton W ashington county, Pa., one daylastweek, Mr.Will E. Robinson of Beallsville and Miss Lou Jellrey of Bethlehem boarded the train at West Brownsville and contrived to get mar- ried on the fly while coming to this city. The party did not wish to be married at the home of the groom, and Mr. Robinson could not get a leave of absence so as to get a marriage license in Pittsburg, and how to got married away from home, take a trip, and be back for duty on Monday morning was the question to be solved, and Mr. D. M. Watt,superintendent of the Monongahela division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Col. Chill Hazzard helped the interested couple out of an interesting dilemma. 14Tr.. Watt had the train stopped at 'Monongahela City. Editor Hazzard had secured the at- tendan'ne of the Rev. J. T. Riley of the al. E. church on the depot i latform. Mr. Robinson and Miss Jeffrey stepped from the train to the platform, and the Rev. Mr. Riley pronounced the ceremony without wasting any time. The train stopped at 5.14 o'clock p.m., and was again on its way at 5.21, the cere- mony occupying just three minutes. An immense crowd had assembled at the station, and a band was playing the wedding march as the bride and groom stepped upon the platform. As the happy pair stepped back aboard the train the crowd showered rice upon then} until they were literally cover- ed. JOHN .LA: ATPS Indian Pole 41e and XXX Brown S! u1 Highest away as ane efeelals for Purity and Excel lenec at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia, 1878; Canada, 1876 ; A ustrelia,1877 ; and Paris, Prance, 1878. TESTIMONIALS SELECTED; Prof, 11 H Croft. Public Analyst, Toronto, saya:.:. 6•1 tach to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter- .atio: sand can stconglyreeommendit as perfectly pure and a very superior maft betnor,' Min Ii Edwvat'os, Professes of Chemistry, ilontreal, says: "Ihodtheln to be remarkably swami ales, brewed from puremalt end bees Dov. P. J. F.d, Peso. Professor of Chemistry, Laval ifaver sit), Quebec. say's c—•,I ha vo analyzed the Indian remote ma nufacli.red 1, John Labatt, Loucton, Outman and have frond it a lightale, eontaining but little alcohol, of n delt- a; cions flat et, and of a very agreeable tanto and surevior quality. aid competes with the best imported ales. I 11 Iva also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the sale brewery, wshiciiisofeteellent quality; its flavor is very agreeable;. a. it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is 'iadvantage- ously little richer in alcohol, and can be compared advantage- ouslywith any imported article. ASK YOUR GlIaOr bila .4"(31I ET, The Autumn winds are chilly As they blow O'er the grave of many a lily That lies low With the dust upon its whiteness, , And the shadows on its brightness ; But the heart feels still the lightness Of the summers long ago. For the harvests, overflowing, Heap the fields; There was reaping after sowing ; Nature yields Rich gains for all our losses, And comforts for our crosses ; Green leaves grow where the moss is, And love the lily shields. Atlanta Constitution. Painter—I assure you, my dear sir, the portrait ofour wife will turn out a speak iing likeness Customer—Speaking? Great heavens ! can't that be altered? A man should never tell tales of himsel. to his own disadvantage. Wear your learning like your watch, in 'a xi t va a pocket,an not P d pull it out and strike it merely show that you have one. If you are asked what o'clock itis, tell it, but do not proclaim it loudly and unasked like the watchman.—[Chesterfield. An Irishman was told by a teacher that liis charge for tuition was two guineas thf first month and n one guinea the second. "Then, be jabers," said the pupil, °I'll begin the second mouth now." intz: an& Co MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square � Upright 1'IAN017ORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion, Seven Thousand Pianos Nov in Use, The HeimanPianos are noted for Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Even Well Balanced Sts} Their Full, Ri The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Moet Thorough Workmanship Send. For Illustrated Catalogue. illi 1Narer4onns and Office FactoryJullotionl .. 11 7 King -St. Wes T�.eJ.L�er�.eJ..Lsi TQ, THE EXETE,B TThi.ES. Is nublisnoaevery Thursday morn ng,at "I MES'STEAM PRINTING HOUSE at estreot,nxeariyooppJ alto Pitton'e JAm/elmt ,E otor,llb., y ohnWh to d; Sone,Pro ^.ro]riotors. 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Any person whotakesa paperro ulariyfrom aepost-oMee, whether directed in Ilianameor noMier's, or whether he has subscribed or not a responsible for payment. 2 If aperson orders his paper discontinued temustpay all aureate or the publisher may routinue to send it until the payment is made, Ltd then collect the whole amount, whether he paper is taken from the office or not. 3 In imitator subscriptions, the snit maybe at:Muted in the plane where the paper is pub shed, although the subscriber may reside .nndreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to ake newspapers orpaiiodioalsfrom the post• ffice,orremowiugand leaving them uncalled r is prima facie evidence of intentionalfrau" WILL POSITIVELY CURE CHAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH Bowel Complaints, Diarrhoea —ATD ALL—. SUitFAERCOMPLAINTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. soul roe n e a fa 51". Ai �?S Rlf Mind wandering curedBooks w alsfromnall in one reading Testimonials all ' parts of the globe. 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The celebrated author, in this admirable assay, clearly demonstrates from. a thirty years' yauccerstul. practice, that the alarming conae4pienefs of self, abuse may be radically cured • ppointing out a anode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition Inas be, may cure himself cheaply, psi. vately and radically, tar This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mania thelaud Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of four dents, or two postage stamps, 4amplesof Me detective. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York Post Office Box 450 4185 ly THE KEY TO HEALTH. 'Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying oft gradually without weakening the sys. tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness'of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero fills., Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and many other similar Complaint; yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Salo by all Dealer's. HUM Toront®. ®Ai'Y 1°r�AN Who is Weak. Nervous, Debiiltated, who in hie Folly and ignorance, has Tri. away his Vigor of Body, ifs rad ane t4alanhood, causing exhausting ins Upon rho Fountains of Life. 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Ont. 6B eeeopes a i �s li,. the world. Our will sentioa are LADIES ONLY. unequaird, and to ntroduoe our � A}� supm'iorgoodeu•e will esbdFRRa to 050 reason in each locality, estiq Si us at Only makehsure o FREF401i RECWILA f 103+1 �!i-LNt_ return is Docscan makesureo r IIO M the chance Ayou have to to Far su _Tier to Fr P 1 o,. Tans en4w o a o dei is to show our Dods to p E ' o, , l those who call—your neighbors Ovide. '.them MO by the thousands e, fairies and those nmund you.. The be- who rase thew MONTHLY. Never :Wt. ltalieva ginning of this advertisement ppain. INSURL SEG DLARI1T, Ptnt�tssent and trectuai. Price, $2, Toronto Medicine Co. Toronto, Ont... NEVEfi 41 Yoe IARRHc A i g '�p@R g g��( �' AYE., �It/�r�.�,,�eap,4'���y■1 pp���■+ i'• shows the ,mail end of ehe.tote- A iadENTEIl l• Y „tope. The :w•ovc :o out ^c4 the appearance 0111 reduced to AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND. RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. ,ataei�One& ,bout the fiftieth: part 0114.1115414,0(4504, its doubleviaetele- acopo,ns largo as ie easy to carry. W e wi Il nteo eho,v y°,11:,7,;(4r can make from :83 to.$,16 n day .:10001, from rho . Out assailants. Better write at on0e, We pay all express ctlargei 4iddrese IL HALLET'r as CO„ Hoz 88Oe POttTLANn, MA:N6. FE XE T 0' ,lIME9ER.