The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-21, Page 12E VE Wesillneieday meta is deadlline for Classified Ads. Flee lines or less, Seco 10c for eae.h additl, nal Bina. - 25c extra for ®fit ce box number. IA. For Sale (General) FOR THE BEM, BUY IN USED appliances, see SHORE A.P- PL ANCE , on the Square. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent for CN ". money orders.* 12tf isTIDW AND USFID REFR1GE1tA- ,. TORS, ranges,"washing m h- ines, dryers, home air conditioning. est prices, low terms, goad trade alloV'aiices. See LUMBYS, 39 St. David street, Goderich. -19tf NlEW IDEA CORN PICKERS AND spreaders; used spreaders; Fox forage harvester with hay pickup and corn nose; used Oliver corn - picker, good condition; used M.M. 69 combine. Durina Chows. Leave eggs for collection by Golden Glow. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal street, phone 1285. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP- PING early. Use the conven- ient lay -away plan at Blaekston4e4 Furniture. Hygienic -uppI1es (rubber good~) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Meil Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. RELIABLE BABY CARRIAGE, grey colored, good condition. MiRS• ELMER S'CHU'LTZ, Maitland Concession. 46x r� STEM WINDOWS; TWO -1 combination doors; two chests of drawers, and a pair of night tables. Phone 1234. -46 THE GODERICH ,SIGNAIPSTAB THURSDAY, NOV. +lla$y low Classified Ads on CASH BASISp Charge of 2So extra, if HOY'S HOCKEY SKATES, SIZE 2. Phone 1379. 46x TWO USED CHESTERFIT'.t,i) TWO may be seen back of C.P.R. Express, Hamilton street. U DIN K NYLON SNOW SUIT, size 1; Gendron gray carriage; car crib. Phones 1105 or call at 57 St. David street. -46 STORM DOOR; SIX DOORS; TWO bins; two drawers, suitable for closed -in cupboards. Phone 355. 46 jJPRIGHT PIANO AND BENCH, in god Phone 355. -46 S'AXOPH,ON "C" MELODY Buscher; cornet Long Model Bb, Both in good condition. Reason- ably priced. Phone 1206. 46x 1B. Real Estate `1f+jHITE DELUXE MODEL BATH TUB, new; kitchenette drop- leaf a table; high chair, in good ,fie„ edition. Call at 179 Elgin ave., oast. . -46 HAROLe W. SHORE REAL ESTATE eROKER rand Now, Three bedroom ungalow Just finished, here is another of the fine new homes featured by this broker. Three bedrooms, each with clothes closets, modern kitchen, large living room with dinette and four piece bath com- bine to make this house an excel- lent property to own and econom- ical to live in. There is also a full basement, oil forced air fur- nace and laundry tubs. See it to- day. usinoss lock--Goderich This building contains two stores and four apartments. All units presently rented. An excellent investment. Seven -Room Stucco—As Low As $1,700 Down In good location and condition, this home has three comfortable bedrooms, large living room, din- ing room and kitchen. Good terms on balance. 59 Acre Farm—Highway 21 Just two miles south of Goderi h on the main highway this property has 59 acres of land; large pond, bank barn and partially completed nese. Priced right. Terms avail- able. IRL'S Il' Tl 0 AT BEIGE with plaid wool lining, size 9 teen. Would fit average 12 year old. Excellent condition, reason- able. Phone 616. 46tf GIRL'S WIInm FI(;,UR:E SKATES, size 6; girl's tube skates, size 2. Phone 794R. 46x !'1 TRL'S WINTER. COAT, SIZE 10; —t_w_o-piece red corduroy skating dress, size 8; pair of figure skate's, size 3. Phone 387M or 92 Cambria road. -46 MEWS SKATES AND SHOES, size 7, with guards. `May be seen at 187 Newgate street or phone 820W. 46x SUNSHINE BABY CARRIAGE, in goad condition, reasonable. Phone 1158J. _ , 46x MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFOCE A new small house in nice cen- tral location. Oil furnace, good sized rooms; well .constructed, ),750.00 Many other residential, farm and business properties listed. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED Phone 766; Hamilton Street Goderich 1/. A -ND C. FUECTRIC FEED cooker, good as new; coal and wood cook stove; small Quebec heater; also male collie pup, one year old. WES. McBRIDDE, RR. 1, Varna, phone Hensall 687 r 21. 46x A very well maintained brick honpe in first-class north end loca- tion. Three bedrooms, large living room, new oil furnace, garage, prompt possession. One of the best in new one-fioor, three-bedroom houses in excellent district, All of the newest fea- tures. Ask for particulars. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W Insurance Agens Real Estate Broker 2. Real Estate Wanted WANTED.—I •ISTI!NGS OF PRO PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold MAI,COLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode rich. Phone 115W. -12tf SELLING YOUR PROPERTY ? List where you obtain the best results. List today with HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 766. Wartime house with attached garage, choice location, has large living roam, modern kitchen, din- ing room or bedroom and bath- room downstairs, two bedrooms up- stairs, low down payment and low monthly payments. Modern three bedroom home, liv- ing room, dining room, large size kitchen, three bedrooms and bath upstairs, sun porch, hardwood floors throughout, ttrimmein ta n beau- tiful gin e blinds included, high dry basement with forced air oil heat furnace, fenced in landscaped lot, only $2,000 down, will handle. ,GIRL'S STATION WAGON COAT, size 10; -child's meta doll house, completely furnished.; ; new three -drawer night table with white roxatone finish. Phone 422R. 46 11 PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD, York-Landrace cross. G. 0. DURNIN, corner Blake and Mc- Donald streets, Goderich. 46x" 3. Agents Wanted ( 1 ET THE FACTS. . LET US x show you how we have helped others to become financially inde- pendent selling Rawleigh Products. Good locality now available in Huron County. Write RAW - I aEIGH'S DEPT. K-216-911, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. -46 You can move into this four bed- room 1 storey home, almost im- mediately, with view overlooking lake, living room, dining room, new furnace, priced to sell. Classified Ads On Cash Basis 5 lines or less ' 50e Each additional line, lOc. Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NON of week of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver- tisemont for bookkeeping expenses. TYPEWRITERS — PORTABLES 1. Time is running short. Make and standards. SKEOO'H OF- . your appointments, now for Christ- FICE SUPPLIES, phone 611, Gode- mas photographs. MacLaren's rich. -36tf Studio, 196 St. David's street, phone 401. 44tf Do your Christmas shopping early. Use the convenient Lay - Away Plan at Blackstone Furniture. 44 STORE FOR RENT, 15 X 24 FEET. $25 a month. LEGS. CHAPMAN, 222 East street, ' Phone 154. - -36tf THREE-ROOM A& , ARTMENT, bath, furnished, heated, self- contained, lovely view. PHONE 429W. 44tf FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, IN house, unfurnished. Phone 328. -43tf HEATED APARIrMENI', TWO bedrooms, laving room, kitchen, dinette andbath. Phone 200W, or after 5 p.m. phone 1014J. -45 SET F -CONTAINED ONE BED- ROOM heated apartment, un- furnished, laundry facilities, avail- able December 1. For further par- ticulars phone 1017. -45tf A PARTMENT, TWO BEDROOMS, modern kitchen, self-contained. Available December 10. Phone 1034W. 45-46 LARGE FURNISHED BED SIT- TING room, running hot and, cold water, grill privileges. MRS. 4, HelpWanted KEN. ALLIN, Maple Leaf Cabins, , Victoria Street. -45 A two-story red brick home, four lovely bedrooms, hot air oil heat- ing, two garages, excellent location, priced for quick sale. -DINING, ROOM SUITE; RUG; stove; washing machine, and miscellaneous household goods. 115 St. Patrick street. 46x DOLL BUGGY; ALSO REVERS- IBLE plaid skirt, size 16, both in good condition. Phone 730W. -46 PEE WEE HOCKEY EQt'IP MENS[', skates, pads and shorts, size 942, in real good shape. Phone 561J. 46x GENERAL EL cTR.IC FRTCIU- AIRBE, in good working condi- tion. Call at 98 St. Patrick street or phone 1197W. -46 11O`0VER CONSTELATION Vacuum Cleaner. Regular $94.00, on sale at $72:00. Save $22.00 at LODGE FUR.NITITRE. -46 ,a4.1111:8 FIGURE SKATING skirt, size 12-14, black taffeta with red satin lining and red trim on, skirt. Never been worn, rea- sonable. Phone 616. 46tf R.C. S.S. NO. 2, AS'HFIELD, RE- ,PARTMENT, THREE ROOMS QUIRES a teacher for January, d and bath, unfurnished, ground 1958. Apply, giving qualifications,• . floor, private entrance, Essotane gas range supplied. Phone 783W. . 46 experience and name of last in- spector, to Secretary -Treasurer, JOSEPH O'KEEFE, Kintail P,0. Ont, -43a L IBRARSAN WANTED. STATE qualifications and salary ex- pected. Library open 30 hours per week. GLEN GARDINER, Chair- man, Goderich Public Library. , 45-46WOMAN WANTED AS COMPAN- PON to elderly woman and assist with housework in home of one adult. Phone 72. • 46x Three bedroom frame home, liv- ing room, dining room. kitchen, bathroom, with two valuable lats on Elizabeth street, only $5500. On Huron road. partly furnished, three-bedroom home, all on one floor, with double garage, only 53.800. Located between Mttehell and Stratford, real good 162 -acre farm, buildings in good state of repair, modern conveniences, 513,000. Down payment $4,000. Lots. Stores. Income properties. Cottages. vying or selling contact . JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108. Salesmen: Geo. McGillivray, Lucknow Joe McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld F XPERIENCW FURNITURE Rubber and Pglisher or con- scientious young man to learn Furniture Finishing: o Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment,. group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. a -46 ONE "SECOND CLASS AND ONE third class Stationary Engineers required. Medium sized plant, subsidiary large organization. 42 hour week, usual benefits. Box 607, Aurora, Ont. 46-47 5. Employment Wanted t1PARTMENT, FIVE ROOMS with two-piece bath, unfurn- ished. 108 Anglesea street. Phone 1528'W. CONTACT DONALD SAGER FOR brick work, plastering, dry wall and rock facing. Phone 1045W. -45-46 ',`XPER IErNCED SALESWOMAN wishes part-time employment, ne evenings. Phone 157. 46x aeaseieasasesi 6. Wanted (General) TPPER AND LOWER APART- "- iMENT for rent. Good location, all conveniences. Reasonable rent. Apply JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, 40 Wellesley street. -46 15. Card* of Thanks SHARPENING SERVICE—Saws, skates, cutlery, etc., also part-time farm work. C. H. HOMAR, Huron road. Opposite Store. 45-46x FREE WATCH! FREE WATCH! Do your Christmas shopping at Filsinger's Jewelry and Gifts and receive a lucky draw ticket with every $1.00 you spend. Ladies' or Gents' Bulova Watch valued at $59.50 will be drawn for on Christ- mas Eve. -45tf Red is right --this year for fash- ions. Red is right—every year for Anthracite Coal. So look for the red spots on Famous Reading An- thracite. They are your guarantee of quality, identifying coal that is laundered clean, long burning, of- fering full heat quality. Phone 95, DEAN COAL CO., Goderich, and order this good-looking, good Anthracite Coal. -46-47 L MALL APARTMENT ABOVE - Tots and Teen Shop. Phone 1521W. -46tf 8. Wanted to Rent 1 JNFURNISHED APARTMENT, three large rooms and bath, December -1 or sooner. No child- ren. Reply to BOX 39, SIGNAL - STAR. 45-6x 9. Coming Events OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/1c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1 -ltf I OARDERS WANTED:• IN PRIV- ATE home. Phone 862J. -45 7. To Rent A,lAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a boor pol- isher and vacuum ^leaner from SHORE APPLIANCE3, on 35 the TO -USE FORSALE OR RENT, Squ:,re ' three bedrooms, oil furnace. Contact LEO COU'RRIVEAU, 123 THREE ROOM APARTMENT, Bruce street, phone 1150W. 46x private entrance with two-piece -- -_ _ ' hath, built-in cupboards. Phone 0 ACRE FARM, APPROXIMATE- 1565. -31tf LY 55 acres plowed, spring creek. hank barn, garage, brick TWO ITEA'I ED APARTMENTS, house. hydro in hhuse. WILFRED three rooms and bathroom, self- GR_F,'NN, R.R. 2, f;oderich, 2'- conilained, back and front entrance. 'miles south of Coderich on High- i Phone 90. Evening 328, or Camp- ! way 21. 46x bell's Drug Store. -43tf Reserve Wednesday, ,November 27, for turkey bingo in Legion Hall. sponsored by Goderich Fire De- partment. -42tf 11. Auction Sales 314RTGAGE SALE Remember the Christmas Fair, Tea and Bake Sale on November 23, at MacKay Hall, 3 to 5 p.m., sponsored by the Young Women's Mission Circle of tie Baptist Church. Articles will be display- ed at Lodge Furniture Store, Nov- ember 20-23. -45-46 F NNIGAN.---.I . would like to ex- press my sincere thanks to every- one for cards sent and phone calls and, for fruit sent by Mr. and ‘Mr* Berger and for the beautifiel,plant from Dungannon S.S. The -se things were indeed appreciated while 1t was ill with pneumonia. M:RS,' RAYMOND FINNIGAN. -46 KERR—Mr. Gteorge Kerr, chief engineer of Barge Roebling, takes this opportunity to thank the staff and nurses at the hos- pital as well as Drc,L W. Wal- lace; also those who visited him, or sent flowers, fruit and cards. 46x SOWERBY. — The family of the late Mrs. Thomas Sowerby are very grateful to those who sent ,floral tributes, loaned cars, sent messages of sympathy, or ex- pressed sympathy in other ways. They are especially grateful to Dr. G. F. Mills for his thought- itdness and kindness. -46 JEFFREY. --The family -of the late Francis Jeffrey take this means to express their ppreciation for the many acts of indness shown them by relative and friends in their bereavem nt. They are also thankful for the 'spiritual. as well as the floral tributes, ,the loan of cars and the card* of sympathy. -46 Under and by virtue of, the power of sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered ,fg u, sale by Mr. Harold Jackson, -Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION on THURSDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1957 at . the hour of One in the after- Iioon, at the farm of Stuart Mac- Lennan and Helen MacLennan, near Goderich, Ontario, the follow- ing property: The North Part of Lot 32, in the Front Concession, North of Town Plot, in the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, containing 971,acres. On the said lands there is said to be erected a dwell- ing house and suitable farm build- ings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE — Fifty • per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance secured by a mortgage with interest at five per cent per annum. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to THE ONTARIO JUNIOR FARMER ESrl'ABLISI Ell ENT LOAN CORP- ORATION, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this Twenty-ninth day of October, 1957. -45-47 WITMER.--I wish to express my a sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent me cards and to those who visited me during my recent illness at the hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and staff for their kindness. MRS. HARRY WITMER. 46x 18. Births ods not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of ,pub.fri ri CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" SPECIAL FO THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Cinnamon Coffee. Cakes ma' 35c - SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — Southern Mocha Cake 08' 40c with Marshmallow Pilling and Mocha Creme Icing. Light and Dark FRUIT CAKES Now Available '22. Lost and Found S LOST—PAIR, OF GHJLD'S NEW brown "Thermo" goloshes, size 12, at 'Kindergarten class at Public School last Friday. Would parents of children in Kindergarten and Grade 1 please check children's golo hes and notify MRS: RUSH, phone 1060M if located. -46 LOST—IN VICINITY OF CO- BOURG street, a black and white cat. Answers to name of (See See). Finder please phone 452R. -46 CRAWFORD.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on November 20, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs.' -Gerald Crawford, .Goderich, a son. HANSEN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hansen, R.R. 5, Goderich (Ridgewood -Park), a son, John Howard, jr. LOB$.—At Public Hospital, Clin- ton, on November 16, 1957, to Mr. and (Mrs. Jas. Lobb (nee Verna Millelr),) Clinton, a son. O'Brien.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 16, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, R.R. 2, Goderich, a son. O'NEILL.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 20, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O'Neill, Goderich, a daughter. PROUSE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 18, 1957, to Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth Prouse, Goderich, a son. SHARP.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, -on 'November 17, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp, Goderich, - a son, Ian Glenn. TIGERT.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on 'November 17, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Tigert, R.R. 3, Goderich, a son. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- - EFFECTS at 88 Britan- nia road Goderich, on Goderich Pavilion Dancing every SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd Saturday night. Paul Cress and his ° at 1.30 p.m. h_ orchestra. -45tf Chesterfield suite., 3 -piece; china Euchre and "500" party at L.O.L. cabinet;- dining room suite; vacuum Hall, Hamilton street, each Thurs-cleaner; wardrobe; double bed and mattress; bedding; library table; day evening at 8 p.m. Ladies bring Organ floor lamp hall stand; lunch. Good prizes. -45tf "SPEEDY" SPEEDY SAYS: alllwrasiglitikaatiViriliteartiek by SAMIS MOTORS "You'll save money LATER byhaving us winter condition your car NOW !" Concert and dance at Kings- bridge Hall on Friday, November 2.9, featuring Slim Boucher and His Golden Prairie Cowboys. Lunch at the lunch counter. =46 ATTENTION ALL -CURLERS ! There will be curling Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon and evening. New members wel- comed. -46 Regular meeting of Home and School Association will he held in the Public School, Tuesday, Nov- ember 26, at 8 p.m. Wing Corn- mander Hoodspith, of Clinton Air School, will be guest speaker and pins and awards will be presented to the graduating pupils. A spec- ial welcome is extended to the parents of the graduating pupils. 46 20. Public Notice Bamboo is a grass, nota tree. HYMN CONTEST HELD AT ARTHUR CIRCLE' MEETING Forty-three members were pre- sent at a meeting of the Arthur Circle Monday evening, in Knox Church parlor. Mrs. C. Edward and her group were in charge. Miss A. McGraw read the Scrip- ture and Mrs. N. Hill led in. prayer. Mrs. W. Reed was appointed to'J look after the sending of the Care parcel. Two accordion eplections•- by Trudy Adams were enjoyed. Mrs. C. Edward conducted a unique - Hymn Contest. p n n From 1950 to 1956 federal gov- ernment revenue from direct tak- ation only increased from $1.3 bil— lion to $2.6 billion. ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP . NOMINATION MEETING ,The nomination meeting fof the Township of Ashfield will be held in the Township Hall on Friday, November 29, at 1 o'clock for one hour. DONALD M. SIMPSON, 46-47- Returning Officer. 21. Business Notice ,SID B'ULLEN'S CABINET SHOP. chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kitchen cupboards and furni ture repairs. Saw sharpening clocks; silverware; washing ma- 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. chine and tubs; clothes horse; -38)1 ironer (Thor.); kitchen cupboard, EID'S UPHOI SSTERING, 59 medicine cabinet; dishes; cooking utensils, and various other. items. Terms of Sale --CASH. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MRS. WM. TUCKER, SR. 45-46x Proprietress. AUCTION SALE AT McLEL- I AND Sale Barn, Bervie, on Friday afternoon, November 22, at 2 o'clock: 37 Springing- and fresh Holstein cows and heifers; 6 Ayrshire springing cows and heifers; 4 Jer- sey springing cows; 10 Holstein cows due later; 12 big Holstein heifers due later; yearling Hol- stein heifers; 10 well -marked Hol- stein heifer calves up to 4 weeks old. -46 I)RODUCTTON SALE O'' RiEGIS- TERED Herefords, bulls, cows wilh ealVeL`bred and open heifers, at. Keady Sales Barns (south-west of Owen Sound) on November 29th, from they herd- of John & Eldon Black, Chesley, at 1.30 p.m. On Saturday, November 30, the W.A. of North Street United Church is holding its annual bazaar and tea in the church hall at 2.30 p.m. Attractive articles will be offered for sale such as knitted goods, children's wear, fancy work, aprons, baking, candy and Christ- mas decorations. A Reminder ---Saturday, Decem- her 7 is the date set for St. Peter's Christmas Fair and Tea at MacKay Hall. Watch for large ad next week with detaiis. 10. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and, stove oil frolic) Edward Fuels. tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co products. Phone 08. -39tf Wilson's Delivery Service, agent for Bruce. Dry Cleaners. Free pick- up and delivery. Rugs cleaned 10c sq. fa. Phone 1177W. -35tf I3teligiqua goods, Artist su,iplies; Picture framing, Wedding Bibles and Pra, er Boobs MaeLARFN -42t1 D.fDI : 4647 `1NNUAI, FALL HEREFORD sale at the fair barn in Clinton on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, at 1.30 p.m. 13 females, 10 bulls, four 4-1II Club prospects. Government bull premium on all bulls. -46 hAMILTON ST. — THIRT YEARS EXPERIENCE—WE HAVE COVERINGS OF ALS KINDS ANT COLORS TO SUIT YOUR FURNI TURE — CHESTERFEELD, SOFAS CHAIRS, ETC., CORRECTLY DONE—PHONE 1536J. -22t1 • CARPENTRY BUILDING, RE MODELLING, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel roofing. FRANK McMICHAEL phone' Carlow 1108. 10-13x 14. to Memoriam HOLMES. ----'In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and father, Andrew Purvis Holmes, who passed away suddenly, one yeat ago, November 26, 1956. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory Of oiie- we loved so dear. Ever remembered and sadly missed by his family. 46, POR ALL Dam INS COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or rr�..s ACCIDENT and Pk -deft at Lowest Rates . Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 76f (anytime -11tt 'VOA ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO -CATTLE BREED ENG ASSOCIATION at: Clintor III1 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a m. We have all breeds avail able—top quality at low cost. WHY WONDER ANY LONGER ABOUT THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT ? A relative or a friend of yours now living - out-of-town would ,appreciate receiving A Year's Subscription To The Signal -Star WE SEND A LOVELY GIRT CARD SAYING YOU ARE SENDING THE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. It's a gift that keeps on giving all year it's only $3 a year in Canada and $4 to U.S.A. Drop in to The Signal -Star and make arrangements NOW before the busy Christmas shopping season delays you. long, and DOSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE located in Huron Automotive and Supply building on Huroe road. Phone 1415. Same service as always. - -16tf' - I )EAD STOCK: PICKED UP promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect: Goderich 1433-J 4. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Yngersoll. . -35-47 ee- P I% s a. Miracle. A Duro Softener makes all your water softer than RAIN! - For glorious suds, For that bubble bath, For that Halo look, For Soft shining hair, - a lot us show you how you can have oceans of soft water and save • money too. SERVICE ELECTRIC Duro Water Softeners are made and guaranteed by Pumps & Softeners Ltd., London. PLUMBING — HEATING ONE 808W or 3 ASK AIMOUT OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN yr — WI 1`' ING VICTO °" IA ST. L •,,.1