The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-14, Page 14M.,'d,E VO
THURSDAY, NOV. 14th, 1O 7
t !I `-', Nov. 11. — Anglican
Gold SNIMti ts,—The November meet-
37f1j Of St. Marles Anglican Ladies'
GU Id was held last Tuesday after-
oon at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Ragitt with a good attendance of
illenabere and visitors. Mrs. ling -
tit had charge of the meeting.
le Scripture was read by Mrs.
Cord Brown. Mrs. Gordon R.
Taylor sang solo accompanied by
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips on the harp.
A reading was given by Mrs. Ed.
Davies. Mrs. Etliott Lap and Mrs.
Geoage Schneider sang a duet.
Mrs. Vei wey, a new Canadian in
the community, gave an interest-
ing talk on her native country, Hol-
land. She compared work and
food prices in both countries. The
birthday hymns were chosen by
Mas. Schneider and Mrs. G. Taylor
*or George Beadle onis 91st birth-
day and Mary Anne Make, accom-
panied on the harp by Mrs. R. J.
Phillips. The program closed with
a hymn and prayer in keeping with
Remembrance Day. Mrs. John
Doer, president, took charge of the
business period. The minutes were
read and the treasurer's report re-
ceived. The committee in charge
of the congregational supper gave
owt ttihe;:slips. This supper is to be
held an the Orange HallonNovem-
ber 1'3. The December Holl call is
to be answered by eaehh member
bringing treats and candies for the
Indian soho51. The hostess thank-
ed everyone who took part in the
program. The hostess, assisted by
her sister, Mrs. Clifford Brown,
served a delicious lunch. A suc-
cessful, auction was held. 'Phe next
meeting will be held act. the home
of Mrs. Sam 'Daer,
Auburn nnettos Organize Again.
-The first meeting of the Aubw :i
Annettes 4-11 Club for the "Work-
ing With Wool" projttct was, field
last Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Ed. Davies. Those attend-
ing were Audrey Machan, Thelma
McDougall, Mary Machan, Marilyn
Doer, Donna Powell, Beatty Young-
bl ut, Bernice McDougall, Johanne
Hoogenboom, Rose Marie Leather -
land, Barbara Baechler, Jean Craig
and June Buechler. The election
of officers resulted as follows: pre-
sident, Thelma McDougall; vice-
president, Betty Youngblut; secre-.
tary, Audrey Meehan; press re-
porter, June Baechler: A discus-
sion period followed with -the lead-
er, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, showing
the proper way to measure to buy
the correct size of pattern. Mrs.
Davies demonstrated the wool test,
so the girls would know the proper
material to buy for their skirts.
W.M.S. Meet.-4Mrs. Oliver An-
derson was hostess to the W.M.S.
of Knox United Church on Tues-
day, November 5, with a large
crowd of ladies assembling as Mrs.
William J. Craig softly played the
piano. The president, Mrs. Earl
Wightman, iS14,oke on "Aims and
Objects," uniting all women of the
church for Christianny. The treas-
urer's report was given by Mrs.
Harold Webster. The roll was
called and the minutes read by the
assistant secretary, Mrs. William
T. Robison. The nominating com-
mittee was asked to bring in the
1958 slate of officers at the Decem-
ber meeting. The Christmas boxes
for shut-ins are to be packed by
Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Fred
Plaetter and Mrs. William T. Robi-
son. An invitation to attend the
open family night on November 8
at Westfield, was accepted. Mrs.
Alvin ,•Plunkett presided for the
program and opened with prayer.
The Scripture was read by Miss
Margaret R. 'Jackson, followed by
prayer by Mrs. Bert Craig. Medita-
tion was given by Mrs, Plunkett.
Mrs. Lloyd Walden, of ,Westfield,
brought a report from Alma Col-
lege Training School for leaders, -
which proved most interesting. She
said that 150 women and 60 girls
had registered there this year. Mrs.
A. Plunkett thanked Mrs. Walden
for her informative report. Mrs.
Fred Plaetzer favored with a solo.
The literature report was given by
Mrs. Charles Straughan wiho has
been a member of the W.M.S. for
60 years. Christian stewardship
report was given by Mrs. Fred Toll.
The offering was received by Mrs.
William Straughan and Mrs. Bert
Craig. Mrs. B. Craig thanked all ' CLUB GRILL i , CELEBRATE
who had taken part and who had '1�T �1 ANNIVERSARY FRIDAY
helped to make the meeting a sue•
cess. A delicious lunch was sere I Mr. and Mrs. , J. C. Banter on
ed by Mrs. Sidney Mct`linehey and Friday will celebrate the 10th an -
her group, assisted by the hostess,
Mrs. Oliver Anderson. Aliversary of their operation of
tda white Group of C.O.C.--The ClubsGilrill in Goderich. Free ree birth -
Ida White group of the ChildrenI day cake and coffee will be served
of the Church of Knox Presbyter- �•it hours meCittioned in an advertise-
Church met last Saturday after ;
noon. The meeting was opened by mlent elsewhere in this issue. There
the president, Marie Leatherland. is' another special mentioned, too.
Darlehos and Sherrill Stewart held Mr. and Mrs. 'Banter came to
the flags. The Scripture was read Goderich from London in 1947 and
by Margaret Haines and the ex- ' took over the restaurant operated
planation given by the C.O.C. lead- by Vic Bert. Two and a half years
er, Mrs. Donald Haines, followed ago they opened up in the smart,
by prayer by Linda Andrews. The new restaunant in which they are
offering was received by Gordon ' now : located.
Govier. The roll was called by
Jannett Dobie in the absence ' of
the secretary, Marilyn Daer, and
answered by naming a man men-
tioned in the Bible. Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson, assistant leader, eon'
tinued the story of the little boy,
Carlos, who compared his own life
to that of Moses. A singsong fol-
lowed led by Mrs. Haines.
__Horticultural Society Meets._,
The November meeting was held
last Tuesday evening in the Orange
Hall with 'the president, Mrs. Gor-
don R. Taylor, in charge. The min-
utes of the previous meeting were last Saturday.
read by the secretary, Miss EIma Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Raltlhwell
Match, and adopted as read. (Mr°. and Michael, of Dresden, spent the
Williafn Straughan and Mr. Gordon week -end with her parents, Mr.
Taylor were appointed to place and Miss. Gordon R. Taylor.
Mrs Payne has secured a nurs.
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. William rT. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilton, of
Tillsonburg, were recent visitors
with Mr. and 1Visrs, Ed. Davies.
Despite the ,Mheavy rain a good
crowd intended the clearing farm
sale of Mr. John Daer last Friday.
Mrs. Charles Straughan visited
over the week -end in London with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan.
The Tyro Boys held a home-made
balling sale in Knox United Church
Santy and his reindeer on the An-
glican Church lawn in December
and the lighting of them to be in
charge of Mr. Bert Graig. A com-
mittee of Mesdames William
Straughan, Gordon Taylor, Bert
Craig and W. T. Robison was nam-
ed to assist the men in placing
them. The treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Ed. Davies who said
that the Society had purchased sev
eral hundred bulbs for the eociety's daughter, Lila, and grandson, Wil -
lower beds and that they had "all liam Humphrey and Mrs. Cranston, •
been planted. A questionnaire ail of St. Helens. They also visit -
from the Provincial president, John ed Mrs.!h.r•ey's brother,
Clark, was discussed. A nominat- Ezekiel Phillips, and Mrs. Phillips.
ing, committee was appointed to Mr. and Mrs. tHumphrey''s celebrat-
being in the 1958 slate at the De- ed their 65th wedding anniversary
eember meeting. They are: Mrs. last Saturday and held open house
Wes. Bradnock, Mrs. Fred Russ and for -the many friejtds' who called
Mrs. Herbert Mogridge. A sing- to congratulate .this couple.
song w-- enjoyed followed by the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen,
reading, '`Plant a Garden," written Jane and John, of Port Dalhousie,
by Edgar Guest, by Mrs. Ed. Davies. visited on thee, week -end with' her
Tne district president, Clifford parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robert -
Epps, of Clinton, was the guest son.
speaker and stressed the contests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin and:
in photography and the essay 'con- family, and Miss, Dorothy Cham -
test which is open to all societies, ney, of Wingham, visited on Sun
He ga'l`e an illustrated lecture on day with her parents, MT. and Mrs.
flowers and shrubs which he.grows William Straughan.
in his own garden; also taking us The Auburn Women's Institute
on a trip to set nny• Florida, with will have Judge Frank Fingland
its most beautiful tflower beds and as guest speaker at their lovennber
scenery. The next meeting 'will meeting on •Novermber-49
be the Christmas party in charge Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Toll, of -
of Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Robert -Hamilton, visited on the week -end
J. Phillips, Mrs. Ed. Davies and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Ad ex- 'Fred Toll.
change of 25c gifts will be held. Mr. Jack Beadle is visiting his
Lunch was served by Mrs. William brother, George Beadle, and Mrs.
T. Robison and Mrs. William
Several members of St. ,Mark's
Anglican Church attended early
celebration of Holy Communion at
Trinity Church, Blyth, and were
entertained at the rectory with
breakfast by the rector, Rev. Bran
de Vries and Mrs. de Vries.
Nominations for Trustees far the
Village of Auburn will be held in
the Auburn Public Library room
on Friday evening, November 22,
at 8 p.m. If an election Is neces-
sary, it will be held Monday, De-
cember 2, 195'7.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, of
London, visited recently with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Raithby. Canada, with a turkey banquet.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Clayton Robertson, The mild fall weather has given;
Douglas and Karen, of Copper Cliff, farmers an opportunity to harvest •.
visited over the weekend with his
parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. .T. J. Robert-
son and =ter parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Straughan.
Mrs. John Sclater and Miss H.
Murray visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Lawson.
Mrs. Robert J. Craig, Carolyn,
Vera Jane and Jeff, of Ilderton, I investigating.
ing position at Bl
Mrs. Marguerite Blyth.
of Wing -
ham, visited on Monday with her ••••••••••41111411•••••••••••• ..•411..•••o
.parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz.
_Met. Chopin attended the meeting
of Secondary School Teachers' Cons
vention at Arthur 'last Wednesday.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Taylor on Sunday were 'Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Humphrey, their
KINTAIL, Nov. 11. ---Rev. Wil-
liam Matheson, .pastor for 40 years
of. the Free Presbyterian congrega-
tion of Lochalsh, Chesley, Newton,
East Williams and Cambleton, died
November 9th after a brief illness.
He was the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Matheson. He was
born at Dunwich in Elgin County
on February 20, 18122. 'He was
raised in Lochalsh. After attend-
ing Glencoe High School and Gode-
rich Collegiate he taught school
foe three years in Kintail and Hemr
lock City. He then completed his
preparation for the ministry in
courses of honor philosophy and
English. at the University of Tor-
onto and theology at Glasgow,
Scotland. Atter serving in the
pastorates in Scotland he returned
to Western Ontario in 1917 where
he 'continued to serve his peopie
Until October 2'7, the Sunday pre-
vious to his death.
Mr. Matheson leaves to mourn
his loess, his wife, the former Bar-
bara Ross, a daughter, Mrs. Bain
Stewart (Mary), of Toronto, and a
son, William R., of Chestley; five
brothers, Murdoch, of Ashfield,
John, of Chesley, Peter, of Calgary,
Farquhar, of Vancouver, and Dun-
can, of Sarnia, and three grand-
Mr., Matheson was active in
public affairs and was chairman of
the Chesley hospital board. A
we buy
old gold`, silver
platinum jewellery
n '
Beadle. -....k...... N•l•N.����o��No�I��NM
Mr-. William Smylie, of Oatkviile,
spent the holiday with his aud'ts,
Mrs. William Dodd, sr., and Mrs.
John Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald King, of
Strathroy, visited on Sunday with
hid ,tether, •Mr. Russel King, and
Mrs, King.
Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt is attending
,night classes at the Clinton District
High School.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradnock
were guests at Kingsbridge hall
last Tuesday evening when the
Kintail branch of the Women's
Institute celebrated their family
night and the • 60th .anniversary of
the founding of the Institutes in
A native of Coder%h, Mrs. How-
ard F. Collins, formerly Lena
Nevllleedied in St. John's Hospital,
Detroit, on November 4 following
anillness of eight weeks.
She was a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Neville; of
Gaderieh, and was once a member
of the Goderich ladies' hockey team
and was also organist in St. Peter's
prominent Liberal, he had- nonain-
ated Hon. Walter Harris on each
occasion he ran for a member of
The funeral was held in Chesley,
conducted by Rev. Murray, of
Philadelphia. interment took
place in Lochalsh cemetery where
a large number of sympathizing
friends joined to pay their last
Church here.
In 1905 she was marine.; to Wile
Rani' McCarthy, of Goderich, who
predeceased her in 1010 She later
moved to l I e troit where she
ried Howard F. Collins in. 1917.
He died en October 7th of this
She is survived by one daughter,
l rs. F. Van. Den Branden (Dvelyn,
cCnrthy), of Grosse Pointe, Mich-
igan; three grandchildren; a bro-
ther, D. J. Neville, of Fort Lauder-
dale, Florida; a sifter, Mns. George
Robinson, of Detroit; several nieces
and nephews, including West Rev-
erend T. J. McCarthy, D.D., ;: isho
of Nelson, B.C.; Captain Frank
McCarthy, of • Toronto and Miss
Helen McCarthy, of Goderich.
The funeral 'service was held in
St. Ambrose Church, Grosse Pointe.
Father John Hurley, of Windsor,
was present lin the sanctuary. Mrs.
John A. IBrennae, of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, and Miss Helen Mc-
Carthy, of Goderich, were among
the relatives present at the funeral.
from 9 to 11 A.M. and 2 to 4 P.M. on Friday. -
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beets in this district.
Hallowe'en has come and gone.'
Auburn had many little visitors in',
costume for trick or treat and a "
few visitors in the early morning
when some damage was done. In
some cases Provincial Police are
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Why not trade in your small set now.
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Space contributed in the service
of the community by John
Labatt lt.irhhitec:
You are in fora pleasant surptise when you look at the
price tag on. this popular set.. Never before have you had
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Why not trade in your small set now.
Tickets are available from club members or
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b North st.. PHONE, 69
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Space contributed in the service
of the community by John
Labatt lt.irhhitec: