The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-11-14, Page 12IP -40.
Huron CCounty Folks Lauded BBy TThe HURONNPR5YTERYHWA MEET
EAS For Their Helpful Kindness
Seaeenal unemployment always
•grilakg.5 more problems since it
with it idleness, discontent,
ISWeti nerves and hardship. These
affect the attitudes of parents
'isesteb in turn reflect in the child -
hil 1 -
So stated Mrs. Mary Chaffee,
director of the Huron County know how to accept change, kind- •having fewer applications for sadop-
Ct iMren's Aftd Society in her re- ness or punishment, A little eight- tion. We sincerely trust we will
port to Huron County Council. year-old openly wept when the not revert to those days when it
Continuing, Mrs. Chaffee stated: foster father kissed him goodnight was almost impossible to place a
his year the type of problems along with his own boys and yet child unless service could be secur-
ive been more acute; outside he had let the pigs out three times ed from him. Again, our people
communities have brought us fam- that day, to say nothing of over- of Huron County are to be com-
s who came "as to a last ditch" turning the tractor. Don't let any- mended in their ,taking children
and here disintegrated. We have one tell you that we have not the who are handicapped and giving
Phew again and again in court a finest families on this earth in to them security and love ---,a far
Imo . er say — "I can do boating. our own Huron County who have cry from those old days we spoke
Yes, you may have the children. come to our assistance this sum- of.
In and around these definite
avenues of work we have had re-
ports for the Official Guardian in
divorce. We have had brief ser -
children cannot help but be emo ;cars can be erased. Yet we real- vices such as securing for a child
ttional problems, physical problems ize we only touch the surface of placed many years ago a birth
end impossible to cope with as a our County and these are only the certificate when his birth has not
family group. We have had to problems in our Protection field been registered: Here we found
seek the help of the psychiatrist that Mrs. Ewan Ross has worked a boy who had never been a bril-
and psychologist, the doctor and with. 1:ant student, •but who had stayed
.also one foster home after another, Unmarried Mothers by his foster mother, had worked
The problem of the unmarried her farm for her, as well as his
mother remains very much the own and who, to our minds, had
same. Though this past year it, mads a "Success Story" all for
too, has brought us a different himself. •
type of situation and we have in •And now we come again to
several cases been able to assist Christmas with our wonderful Air
until such time as the mother mar- Force station wishing to do more
ried and accepted her own child. than ever before for the children
This always gives to us an added in Huron County and so are in-
viting 120 children this year. We
are again asking your co-operation
and will make similar arrange-
ments as we did last year with
your permission. The party is to
be on Friday, December 20th, as
far as is planned now. They will
endeavour not to draw it out and
even hope to have a magician. The
entire personnel are anxious to
make it a time to remember for
every child.
It is my desire to make our
atatistips more meaningful. You
will first be interested in our hav-
ing 221 children in whom we are
interested — 59 ,of whom- are in
foster 'homes. That we had 40 new
applications far adoption during
the year and even with our place-
ment of 34 for adoption, we have
30 homes still awaiting children.
There were 65 homes where we
have tried to work with , the par-
ents to keep them together rather
than take the children. Nineteen
unmarried mothers sought out
help and we interviewed 12 men,
Go that we have been 'working with
'45 unmarried mothers and 20 men
throughout the year. There were
It is a continuous miracle that
foster parents can have under-
standing and patience in their ef-
forts to help a child and they do
so almost voluntarily as our board-
ing rate is very low. They also
understand punishment does no
good. The child has never been
loved or cared for and he does not
sense of satisfaction.
Through the Adoption Pool
which the Department of Child
Welfare sponsors, we have been
able to secure a child for many
homes. We have 35 children on
adoption at 'the present time. We
also find, due to the tightening of
money, we believe, that we are
ii do not want them " Under such
&Dine conditions vt•ith, h an at-
• 1it l'e on the pert of tide usually
ratable member of a home, the
W,e have had some very distress-
ing court cases, one of incest in
which you wonder if ever such
tlryang to find - some spot where
the children could remain long
enough to adjust. We have had to
&ear the problems in the foster
.homes where the children in re-
volt have torn the paper off the
wall, eaten toothpaste by the tube
and, of course, broken anything
they could handle.
On all mail, always include
0 Your name and return address in
upper left corner.
• rD Name of person` to whom you are -
CI Street address, rural route num-
ber, or post office box number,
0 Mame of post office (city, town or
tf village ).
;$4044'n ationiany Province, - etate (or equivalent)
and country. 57- PO -IR >
Loewe Opto with the latest
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with 5 keys, including pick-
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6 valves, 16 circuits (6 AM plus 10 FM). Low -noise
FM -input stage and FM ratio detector. Power end
valve (EL 84). Trine -compensated volume control.
Continuously variable tone control. Bass and treble
boos, by reversed feedback. Aerial -reel on back
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Brown hardwood cabinet with patina colouring,
highly polished, with ¢ maple -coloured decorative
frame. 13 x 9 x 7 in. .•
Type 2910 T
An elegant and attractively priced radiogram housed
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formance superhet, 4 -speed -record changer of latest
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RADIO reception
that one would expect
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this calibre.
Hi-Fi reproduction
by powerful push-
pull output stage
and 3D sound sys-
tem of 3 dynamic
speakers. Greatest
ease of operation.
Tilta'ble receiver
dial. Dual piano -key-
board with 6 selec-
tor -and 5 tone reg-
ister keys. 4 wave
that will challenge
the connoisseur's ear
with thrilling 3D
PRICED FROM $119 TO $1300
that will be
enf eyed through
the year.
107 brief services of which three
were Family Allowance investiga-
tions and nine were investigations
for the Official Guardian. These
brief services vary from a few
hours to a few days of worst, yes,
even weeks, in an effort to etraigh-
ten out a problem which is urgent
but does not need continuing ser-
'We made 4901 visits and had
4606 interviews, an average of nine
interviews or visits a day for a
worker, and our 40,587 miles trav-
elled in carrying out the work
rneans,on an average a worker has
travelled 260 miles a week. We
have sent out 2098 letters and re-
ports and there have been 175
court attendances.
As one goes over these figures
one wonders how we have accom-
plished this task and we know we
could not have done ' so without
the co-operation and assistance
from so many. We,do thank you,
concluded the report of Mrs.
Mrs. Chaffee expressed sincere
regret on the resignation of Mrs.
Ross, due to ill health. She wel-
comed Mrs. Ross' successor, Mrs.
John Lauder.
t1------ 0 ---0
Looking for a Christmas gift
which the receiver will remember
the year round? Your friend, rela-
tive, neighbor would appreciate a
year's subscription to The Signal -
Star. Only $3 in Canada and $4
to U.S.A. We send a gift card on
date requested telling person you
are sending the paper for a year.
Why not make out a list now and
attend to it before busy Christmas
season? 41tf
NUDE, Nov. 1i1.—Mrs. A. McTag- tributed a lovely solo, accompanied
gart, of Brussels, presided at the 'by Mrs. Gerald d}uystow- Mrs. K -
fifth semi-annual meeting of Huron , Yo.Driie, •000nf Lonelont , a memberest
Presbytery 'Woman's Association of
of Couazeil was guest
the United Church' at Nile last
Mrs. Fred Barker and 'Mrs. E.
Pa'ttenson, of Victoria Street Unit-
ed Church, derich, conducted
morning .devot>, ni, Rev. Roy Ken-
nedy, pastor of the Aura, wel-
corned the ladies to the church.
Mrs. R. C. Pooley, of Exeter, read
the minutes of the last semi-an-
nual held at Goshen Church last
fail. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, of
Brussels, gave the treasurer's re-Kingibrid-ge
port. Mrs. Welber' Reed, of Walton,
gave the report of the nominating
committee and also told of the KINGSB•GE, Nov. 11. -- Mr.
meeting at dive Oaks last Septem- and Mrs. Jas. Reinhardt, of Detroit,
her 30 and October 1. and Sister M. Ursula, of • St.
Mrs. K. G. Yorke, of London, a Joseph's 'Convent, Windsor, were
member of 'the purchasing comnnit- week -end guests at the home of
tee in charge of furnishing McKin- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton.
non House, told of th'b important Mr. and Mr's. Clarence Doherty,
project. There are four boys from . of Toronto, spent the week -end
Huron Presbytery living in Mc-' here.
Kinnon House who are; Congratulations to Peter Lie,r-
Western University. I man, now ettending the University
The ladies were dividend into two of Western iOntario, on being
discussion groups and the various chosen one of the five students to
secretaries gave instruction regard -1 receive a Bursary, by the Huron
ing filling in annual reports. These , County Scholarship Committee,
included: 'Parsonage, Mrs. R. Me-� Mr. and Mrs -.Clifton Austin re -
Clare, of Blyth; devotional, Mrs. turned to Toronto with Mr. and
C. Higgins, Blyth; Christian educe- Mrs. Jack McConville, who spent
lion, Mrs. Geo. Pot -ter, Clinton; the week -end here, for a week's
Christian stewardship, Mrs. C. visit with their family there.
Lnsdd. Blyth. 1 Mrs. Gilbert Frayne spent last
Mrs. S. Argyle presented' avail-' week with relatives in London.
able literature. Lu.neheon was Mrs. Desmond O'Donnell return -
served by the ladies of the.ehurch. • ed from Wawa, near Jamestown;{
Aftern000n devetio'ns were in N.Y., after visiting with her hus-
charge of Exeter ladies of James band who is a patient in the hos-
Street Church. Mrs. N. Coates and pital there. We wish him a speedy
Mrs. Earl Shapton took part. Of- recovery.
feeing dedication was made by Mrs. Mr. Edwin tMeyer, of London,
C. Ladd, of 'Blyth. spent the week -end -at his home
Mrs. Orville Ribey, of Nile, con- here.
speaker and took as her theme,
"What is that in thine hand?"
She described the opportunities
and responsibilities of worsen in
the 'church.
Mrs. S. A. Moote, of Goderich,
ably thanked everyone who ,had
helped to make the rally such a
The next semi-annual will - be
held in Bayfield United Church.
.NIlGE, 'Nov. 11.—The Thankoffer-
ing meeting of Nile W.M.S. was
held in the church with the ladies
of the congregation as guests. The
meetdtg opened with a devotional
period led by the president, Mrs.
W. Rutledge. The Scripture was
tend by Mrs. J. 'Clements and a
solo -was sung by Mrs.' 0. Bere. A
nominating committee composed of
Mrs. R. Connell, Mrs. W. Rutledge
and Mrs. J. Clements was appoint-
ed to nominate a slate df officers
for the annual meeting which will
be head on December 4. A clulzz,
based on the study of Japan, •was
ITERIRSDAY, NOV. 14th, 1957.
conducted. by Mrs. J. inlet a t5. Achapter of ave. study book was
presented an dialogue, dorm with
Mrs. 0. �I ere and Mrs. S. Taylor
taping part. Rev. R. Kennedy
showed a dim eat Japan At the
close of the ` meeting - lunch ams.
served and a social thine enjoyed,
The winners at the duplicate
bridge on Monday night were Mrs.
J. A. Sully and Mrs. Geo. Jenner
with 53 points, Mr. J, Cameron and,
@ Sr. F. Donnelly with 50% points,
Mrs. A. A. Nicol and Mrs. F.
Saunders with 45 points and Mr,
and Mrs. E. L. Dean with 433A_
points. Four tables of players en-
joyed the evening's game. ,
Nomination Meeting
will be held at the Township Hall, Carlow, on
Friday, November 29
at 1 p.m.,
to nominate persons for the positions of reeve, council-
lors and two school trustees. „
If an election is necessary it will be held MONDAY,
DECEMBER 9th, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Colborne Township Clerk.
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