The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-19, Page 6NEWS OF. AUBURN A.I)BURN, • Sept. 16.—Mr. and I Clark's work at Moose Factory, was Mrs.. Duncan MacKay, Barbara and read by Mrs. Nesbitt. - A_solo was Johnny were week -end visitors with sung by Mrs. Gorden R. Taylor, .Afr.. and Airs. John R. 'Weir, Joan accompanied on the harp by Mrs. and Bobby, at London. Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. Friend, of Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly visit- Dublin, gave'a reading. Mrs. (Rev.) ed ID Simcoe with their daughter, linen tie Vries gave an inspiring Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Brown on address on the work of the church the week -end. and how everyone should strive for Mrs. Gordon Staples, Mariam, World Peace. A duet wa.s sung Carol and Susan, of Bwnuller, by Misses Monica and Charlotte have moved iuto the house owned Nesbitt, accompan,ed by their mo - by Mr. William Moss. Mr. Staples, ther, Mrs. Frank Nesbitt. A Bible who is employed on the S.S. Barrie, quiz on the ,Book of Ruth, conduct - visited here over Sunday. ed by Mrs. de Vries, was won by Mrs. John Graham visited friends Mrs. Friend. The President, Mrs. in Simcoe on the week -end. John Daer, presided for .the busi- Mr. Elmer Sproul was, under- ness period. • An invitattion to at - going medical care in Lcndon last tend the Belgrave Angliciai Guild week. at their next meeting was accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Gormerly Thomp- A successful auction was conduetce son, of Braitapton, visited her par- 'by Mrs. George Hamilton. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mog- An 'executive meeting of the ridge, over the week -end. Auburn Horticultural Socitty was Mrs. Emma 'Martin, of Goderich, held last Tuesday evening at the ; visited recently with her sister, home of the president, Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Bert Taylor, and Mr. Taylor. R. Taylor, with a good attendance.' Master Norman Hannah, young Plans were made for the fall sea- son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna, is son and also discussions on the fall • a patient in a London hospital. order lists to be sent to_ all mem- • His many friends wish him a bers immediately. On October 15, speedy recovery. the district representative, Mr. Mrs. John Graham retuiued Clifford Epps. of Clinton, will be - home last Wednesday from De- present. At the meeting in Lie , troll where she visited with rela- Orang,e Hall. pictures of the flower Lives and friends for two weeks. ,show :Jot other local views were 4" Rev. and Mrs. JarneS ElLott :shown by Mr Taylor. The hostess Margaret, of Chesley. were guests served a dainty lunch of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor Miss Elm Much attended the on Sunday. funeral of her cousin. Mrs. Her. Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh. of bort Thomas, „t Galt last week Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thomas was formerly Miss her sister, Mrs. Herbert Mogridge. !Hazel Itennett. tit Blythwho was and Mr. Ntogridge. , one time telephone operator at the Mr. zeid Mrs. William J Craig Blyth Exchange and was well - were London Fair and Ilderton ; known Ai this district, Her hus- visitors over the week -end. Master band. the late 'Herbert Thoma. Jeff Craig returned with them. • was CPR agent at Blyth for many Mr. and Mrs. George Millian and years. Ruth. of Stratford. and Colleen, of o - o London, were United States guests last week-md. Mr. William' Stoltz. of Preston. DUNGANNON and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stoltz, of , DUNGANNON. Sept. 16.— Si. Galt. visited on Sunday with the Paul's Anglican Church will hold , former:ill. brother, Mr. J C. Stoltz. their .,:nua: -Harvest Home.' se: and Mrs. Stoltz. and Mrs. Maruer- vice in the church. Sunday. Sep- , — - !tember 211. at- 2.15 -pinr---w-rt-h-th: Mrs. Ronald Ra:hwell and Mike, ' rector. Rev 11. L. Jennin;s g,ving of D:esden. are visiting with her the address. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorda; R. .NIL,'S Myrna Hanson and Mrs. Taylor. Douglas Brown. Goderich. spent - -Narvest Homet-Services will be :he 'Aeek-end with the latter's par - held next Sunday at Si. Mark's ents. Mr. :lid Mr, E!don Culbert.-: Anglican Church. The rector. Rev Caro: and Bonnie. Bren de Vries. will speak at the Mr and Mrs. Harold Maize.; morning service and the guest Wilda and Sandra spun*. the week- -, speaker, Rev. F. E. Jewell, of end in Gn:lph r.nd Kitchener.. Brussels, will speak at the even:1:v! Mr and Mrs. Sam Swan. ,3eirooro., service. ,Special music will be ''.•x! Mr and Mrs. win }Love-.. supplied. Services win be at 12 Zion. were recent viz.:tors with, neon 7.30 p.m. Mr. :Ind 1-101.-,ert Bere The sY-mpathy of this communi:y Erskir.e Preshyterian Chu. -Ch' Is extended to Rev. Robert Hiltz oh -ere anniverstry service, whJse father passed away a: Tor- 7. Sunday. September 29:h. at 11 onto on 'September 12. sur- :no .::d 7 60 p.m. Rev T A vived w„fe and th,:ee ht ' Rev. Robert.•of Auburn. sp=akCi-: Car.i4- also one sis,er. Mrs. Ths W', vaneou".„.... :17.(1 Mrs_ Robert E.11, • \L- and Mariam at7endt..1 the I .st. \- took p:aec at PL.\ii-D .ne }is s. . 5-- F.ne, cemc:ei' 11 Colin .0 ot iorm- Wini_nani, supplied the pd:pi:s of c: -i 1Ceci, the Auburn charge -las: ( - , • The September rneetr,.. Ki.'; Presvteri..ii W.MS _. Lein- . Thur -day a: the hone 'of Mrs_ -.• sp,i:..7.4 a ft -A at• • :Angv.in Fred Ross_ •The. mr Wes. Brado,ek. (-veiled no.t.:- .;,.,. \v„.„.r, A hy:nn w.l. sun:, w.:11 \I..- Dancan Ie::„.; 7he. 7t, piano. , :ecep7.. in the devot.(liai period A ing by Mrs Herbert G,..y.er The roll call. w;i:; ;inswe:cd by con: Ni: „ she mant'ment. secrti.ry. ,,: IS, •- :'t -A.-ht Lo.,:herland. and .:ne T. r.•_y pr--,- urer. Mrs. Fred Ros.s. each , .e The their reports. Plans 14;77 7:IL. •i.r. M: Mrs ILy- Presbyterial were mad(. I: rn. : meet on Tbur,clziy. Septcm.b,.: '.• hcr.11C- tiniix Church here. The b3ok 1A -as capably taken by- M: and M.s. Sianicy Wilfred Siliderson. A prayer 0:c o .pe n he :,veef;.end -ncrt. given by Ms M. Wagner. ,:::r7.1ng :he M:s The kia V:h,te group of :he Hughes. children of the church 'Lie-. ::st Mr. Victor Err.r.g:iin. who was Saturday afternoon. The on trip to the Western Coast for Marie Leatherland. was in charge a month. returned home on Mon- _ Joyce Leatherland and Sherril; day via bus from Moose Jaw. where Stewart' were ilagbearers. Toe he was joined :iv his brother -Ln - leader, Mrs. Donald Haines. led .r. law. Thomas Webster, who went the Scripture lesson. ,Litell An- by pane a week ago and retuiiied drews led in prayer and E,idie with him. Haines received the offering. Marg- Rally Day Service of the United aret Haines gave a short ac;-:)unt• Church Sunday School was held of the Girls' Camp at Kinta.l this in the auditorium Sunday morning. summer which she attended Mrs. Teachers with their class of pupils ' Wilfred Sanderson told a story_ occupied the centre seats. Jim Barbara Sanderson led in prayer. • Blake led. the .sTrvice with respon- WA. Meets.—The regular mciith- sive readings and gave the child- ly meeting of the Auburn W.A. ren's story. Mrs. Cecil Blake an- csf Knox United Church was held flounced the promotions and Mrs. last Monday evening, September 9.. Omar Brooks presented the cer- with 38 members and 12 visitors tificates when the pupils came for - present. The Happy Hustlers group ward. Rev. R. Kennedy gave a was in charge of the program with s fine sermon and stressed the re - Mrs. Gore presiding sponsibilities tnat both parents for the devotional period and Mrs. and children have. Norman Wightman at the piano. Mr. and Mrs 'Will Cook. CheAey. Scripture. was read by Mrs. Jack spent Sunday with their ur.cle. Armstrong and Mrs. William T. Bert McWhinney. and Mrs. Me - Robison led in prayer. duet was 7,-:1'--ey rendered by Mr.s. George Wilkin .Mrs. Mathew Shackleton and Mrs. Harry Worsen, of Gode- spending a while with her rich, accompanied by their mother. Benson. at Crewe and has not been Mr.s. W. .1. Craig. Mrs. Gordon feeling the best lately McClinchey ntroduced the guest, Rev. D. IL Gallagher. D.D.. Tor - speaker, Mrs. D. W. Thitter,-on. of ci.ito. wh.le at their =tirnx.er home Grande Prairie. Alberta. She gave at Port Elgin, called qn his aunt, an interesting talk and dz‘ser,bed Mr,. Will MeC'annell and Beth. re - various points of interest of a trip cently. she and her husband and son had i Mrs. T. C. Anderson retuze.cd taken to Europe ra:J the Old home after a week visiting her Country. sister, Mrs. Arthtir Altberk, Mr. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall thank- Altberk and daughter Arpi. The I ed Mrs. Patterson and presented -I latter. -wheti on a visit with her t - her with a small gift. - A piano ; paients, observed her eighth birth - duet was played by Mrs. James day on September 5th, at the An: Jackson and her daughter, Miss derson home. It was the first Margaret. The offering was re- birthday they were all able to be ceived by Mrs. Jack Wilson and together. They are natives of Mrs. Harry Armstrcsig. Mrs. Turkey and have done extensive Maurice Bean presided for the ' travelhig. The Altberic family ar- rived In this country last spring and after spending a few weeks here, have since established a hard- ware business in Toronto. Visitors with Mrs. Minnie Jones and Mel last Weenesday were Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan, Miss Bessie Jordan, Mrs. Sarah Jordan And Mrs. Ann King, of Lueknow. Mrs—Eva Elliott, of Fagran's Point. near Co,"will, visiVng her daughter, Mrs. Hugh MoWhin- hey. Coming from pisit in -Hai, rirburg, Pa., she was met at Hamil- ton by•the StcWhinney ' Mrs. A. Voices and •Chinese Mrs. „ev.) J. amcs, compan.on, Hal Fong, have re- of:40aforth, led in prayer. :Scrip- to Toronto after spending .:Itutevis..fead by Mrs, 'Thames Hag-I:the summer here. Dr. Vokes spent 'gItt,'71'he ;,tummary of Bishop a week here before they returned. • , • od,r, • business period. Mrs. Jack Arm- strong and Mrs. Gordon McClin- c.hey Were appointed delegates RI attend the Fall Rally of the W.A. to . be held at Nile. Benediction pronounced by Mrs. Bean. Lunch was served by the Happy Hustlers &MA social hour enjoyed. Anglican Guild.—St. Mark's An- ... -..glican Guild held their September *meeting at the home of Mrs: Al- fred Nesbitt. The ladid. of - St. bfary's Anglican Guild, of Dublin, ,,t‘e were' guests. at this .mecting which 'ever 30 ladierattcgded."- Nes- bitt*Warircelsitegb. -f the 4 °new k.! 40' GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR ;4, ,:,--",-',fsir'r'•••• 4 hr. THURSDAY, Spin., leth, 467 '$,•• -,Mstaar Through the years, thouscnds have learned that they can put their trust in WI' They have found that whenever they shop here, the values are consistently fine . . . end the quality consistently highl Come, put us to the test ... you're sure to agree with the rest. SUPER-RIGHr -QUALITY MEATS EEF BOAS BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST 1 Sli EXTRA -LEAN MINCED BEEF b29c PEAMPALED COTTAGE ROLLS ICRY-°-VAC 16 6 3 C SIDE BACON Super S:naed.Rindiels " Pkg. 87c HADDOCK FILLETS Sea Sealed • 1 -lb PkgS 59c, S_ LE FILLETS - Sea Seled 'lb MEAT PIES swfiNs Frozen, Turkey, Chicken or Beef DEEP -CUT SPECIALS! Salada -Broo.rt Label TEA BAGS Mbnaren White CAKE MIX T'ne Oat Cereal CHEERIOS Skim Milk Powder Reg. Price $1.09—S -AVE 10c box of 90 99c Reg. Price pkg 35e—SAVE 5o 2 16 -oz pkgs 65 Reg. Price pkg 27c—SAVE 4e 101/2 -oz pkg 23 c Reg. Price 99c—SAVE 10c 3 -Ib pkg 8 9c A&P INSTANT MILK CANNED GOODS SALE Standard Quality Reg: Price 2 tins 37c—SAVE 7c iONA PEARS 3 2°-.".49c Standard Quality IONA PEACHES Reg- Price tin 31c—SAVE 7e 2 28 -oz tins 5 5C Standard Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 31c—SAVE 4c IONA GREEN BEANS 3 20' "4 3 c Lennox Fancy Reg. Price 2 tine 39e—SAVE 110 APPLESAUCE 3 213' ns 50c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2rous25c • %••••., 3 for79c ENTER TIH E $20,000 DOMESTIC BAKEFEST CONTEST 411111111NMEMMININIMISIM THIS OUTSTANDING ENCYCLOPEDIA OFFER NOW AVAILABLE AT A&P STORES FUNK & WAGNALL'S 'UNIVERSAL . SIANDARD ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME No. 2 NOW ON SALE. A NEW -VOLUME EACH -WEEK r. UNTIL YOUR SET M2-5 IS COMPLETE • for only ..‘, wrn - any purchase FRESH FRUITS & VEGETA LES Ontario Grown Fancy Grade, Hand Selected Quality, Finest For Eating McIntosh Red Apples cello bag 3 -lb 3 9c 6 -qt_ basket Fancy Grade, Finest For Cooking 69c Wealthy. or Scarlet Pippin Apples cello bag*29c 3 -lb Niagara Grown, No. 1 Grade 6aktet 59c b ' California No. 1 Grade, Vino Ripened BLUE GRAPES Hea4nnund 5 9c CANTALOUPE \\).. , Fresh Green, New Crop No. 1, Wash ed, Trimmed, Ready to Cook California Fancy Grade Sunkist ORANGES each 25c d.zen4 9c • SPINACH celiosbags 29 BAKERY SPECIALS! Lowest Prke In Years. Jane Parker Reg, Price 49c—SAVE 40 . RAISIN PIE , .645c Jan* ParCe7Gfoorf. _ 1140. Priv' 54*-11AVIE 441 8 O'CLOCK 'COFFEE utrt SI-------4ELLY— ROLL - BREAKFAST ROLLS , b7 JC . MILD AND MELLOW -- CUSTOM GROUND PICK CLARK'S, THE WILL WITH THE SAILOR WY I CLARK'S oviNatocx BEANS IRISH STEW CLARKS STEW 23 LS-Crz fin 29c 25 -oz tin 43c CLARK'S (ONE PKG SPAGHETTI, ONE TIN SAUCE1 Spaghetti Dinner Pk 947c c Jane Park« Price toe/ 21c—SAVE lc Rich and Wine; Ib 83c 2 16-02 loaves 35C BOKAR RAISIN BREAD OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. NITE UNTIL 9 P.M. • "# P.6 '.41, ' 1 1