The Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 7F\1jtEIOEN NEWS,. In the region of Kharkov, Poltava, and Eketerineslavek, Rnesia, the production of wool has decreased by more than fifty per cent. (luring the last ten years, There are within the last mouth or two, and. yet no Catherine II they fled from Russia, and set- thing had been said about it, and so with tied down on the borders of China, \When many other precious stones passing through they were afterward invited to return to native lianas. The other stones included their native land, they consented to do so some valued at £300 to. £500 each. leader the condition that they be inscribed The Lei pz police have made a c'e'er cap• as foreigners, because as such they would be three causes of that decrease, says the tura. A Viennese lady of 17 summers sea- . exempt from limey hardships pressing upon ioo:ltiuq IC rag, a Kharkov daily, Pasture denly left her home with a young man, tak• ,the native peasant. This was grantsd them lands have increased h value, wool has ing with .lter,paper money to the value of. and they ret}u'necl within the ]-orders of diminished in price, and the best ranclntten 8600 florins, the property of her father. P.ussia, occupying vast tracts of land on have emigrated to America, The owners of Her companion was a student of l3rtlmi, atul `he Komsk and (Mamma rivers. Thus they large rt'.nehes of merino sheep realize at ' just 22, The. swag lady heel put on male°l strnte : unmerous commnmty of foreign present no more than about six potluck of costume, and the parr entered then names iu Russians, who are exempt from military wool from every sheep, while under the care . thevisttor' hooka at hotels as the " brothers .finites and taxations to ~melt the native • of good shepherds en pounds and more Hohenfels, The capture was made while peasants are snbleeted. In their belief ' were realized every year. 13esides this the the young mau was attempting to cash n anti ui inners, too, they have be(onic estritng- cloth factor; adulterate their fabrics large- • thousand florin note at a bureau of lnonoy ell ft ut their'`lavoniaubretluen. ly. changers, Seven thousand live heath -0(11 intorestiug case of insurance activity A certain Ivan Nikolaevlteli Zyltoff of St. doling wore found in the possession of the is reported front Moscesv. Tlie agents of a Petersburg has discovered a method of belt- couple, together with a phial containing certain company importuned a well-to-do ing rye bread directly from the grain with- poison, and a revolver. These they hail merchant to have his life insured. After out requiring the latter to he ground into purchased at Carlsbad, wore they stayed for much resistance he consented to take a pol- flour first. By this new method, says Syn eight (lays. 1 icy. The agents took his name, and sub -1 OtelchFs l a a St. Petersburg daily,] the. From tear of being chastised for staying sequenaiytite physician of the company came grain is washed only to clean It from ( est, allay from home since Sunday, Otto StUdd, r and examined hon. The merchant expected and inunedietely afterward is turned into aged 11 years, sen of a well-to-do master , his policy, but it did not come. Afar the dough lid baked in the usual manner, carpenter,living in Rollendorfplatz, Berlin, lapse of a few weeks he became eppt•ehan- Those who have tasted this broad say that tried to kill himself in a most singular way, sive. He applied to the central office, in - it cannot be tliatinguished from the bread Ho catered his father's house by stealth, quiring why they refused to insure hint, made of flour. Samples of the new kind of locked himself in the garret, lay down on: andwithditli ulty begot theinformation that bread have been sent to the Ministry ofWar the floor, piled heaps of old papers and books ' the doctor had reportedhitu unhealthy, with and to the Imperial Teehuieal t'olunission, around flim, and then set fire to them. Ile; traces of the "sugar disease" (diabetes). and a patent for the method of baking has would Certainly have been burned to death I Tho man and his family became alarmed to been applied for. had he not hcen reseued,by the inmates, i learn that he was threatened with such 'Che Convent nfdit.Georgc,situated Mahout whom the smell of smoke attracted to the , a dread disease. The fancily physician was ten verat, south of 'Kherson Russia, will Plae :, The lad's clothes were ablaze, and called, and, after a careful examination said be a thnnsand years old in 1501. ft is the he was insensible. !that he :could not discover any traces of oldest Christian institution in Russia; it was .1 telegram from Calais reports that a diabetes in litnl, Bat the wife of the r'(nrld- established a heodre'l years before Vladimir British officer named Percy smith behaved - be policy holder was not satisfied with this , ! declaration, and insisted that her Misltaud ran t y, )rnmused ids people to accept Chris- 01 t great tare and devotion at the time should subsnift to tbeexamivation and treat - n Dining - t ittlel Omits,. 't • ] t r !t ti _]nes t► l e l 1 tto tit at t, l r r t est o the recent t ac(tdcut the Paris -Calais # e ►Galais g1 meat of a specialist, Aecordin f n ;Tee - years l gy' xices when the the near int t off a e tpel t e of its ca t o v,is th the convent t n s was r 'l i 0 11r t fail" w F (a led Ii ser 1. 1 t t fi 13 n rofficer1 I a stronghold n i so p Y aril h t i n c o the Gla istrau n the 1loathe most e y t nn t l f t r l a niao The I n thn nl p ready end Ilanut5nl> ut 7 «tutldn. In 1475, when Tina otlet anal aaamtance in carrying out the Mena,1 traces of chtthetes hl you, but ,tut neves key pined ll.,wesstuu of the Crimea, the ores required for averting further disaster, are in an m1lleahi cfew 'ion. The poor (creels Christians were driven out and the and preventing another tram from 1?avis than ]las for the last few weeks become a convent wee turnedint.oaMohaluincdattsanc. :mting hart the carriages of the oxln•ess perfeet wreck. Ile does not attend Co his teary..Although it was restored to ('lair remained on the line, business, and submits himself to the tical - tion possessiou by the Tartars, the couvent. I)itrin the other night, on the Pais, ment of pbysicans for all possible Hurl int - has never since exercised any greatinattenee Lyou-Mediterrencc linegbeyoud Lyons, the portibleng this c e askaThe (Is thespondo e drese, nt re. l tnong the (thristiun believes of the (:rintea, night express, whilerunning at a sr;eed of fi0 r(, law a�aittst the iusttttuace cont nnies who The moults there live illgreat poverty, work-1kilometres an lrnrrr, struck n cast of alcohol are the direct cause of such ruination of Sag the lands a •hieltlielongto the ltlstLtllttn,l, that had dropped ?min a goods train close to llonith and w el1•beln'r'" Thenewspaper ]hint of Kharkov strongly ficrve. The eask got enta.slied, and the al, "- advocates that that historical institution coital caught tiro from the l,oeornotive, which be restored 10 e, diguilletl position ort the . was immediately enveloped in a column of Sunday Soho' Lesson. t1Ceasitn of its thousau►dthanuivereary. we name. :The driver mid stoker were IA .\ titter E gives an atecotllit of 14 S'enlarli- badly hunted, The latterjumped from the , ,'les" people gene tit ledge with Turin telat. able figtree growing in Brittany, near St. • aigine before it stopped, anal had several rho pcnple (allotted luta, murmuring at ha -de -Leon. It is not more than five to ` ribs broken, pl hist, because he had gone in to be the guest sig area high, but it, carets an area of j Thei of a despised publican. 1\'e must under - about �4St1 Ft nese yard% The *Treading Mrime t of regular has decided r try sterol that Eastern houses were so construct - 1 1 the experiments of regular bicycle services cd that a crowd of people could gather in branches rest on props, :]rich cense St to in connection with every regiment of the the open court and look in while a host was form avenues, one of which is thirty-four army, and of trained dogs. This year cam,entertaining his guest, and that the guest yards long, \'cry little could be learnt of Panics of velocipedists will be formed at sea could readily speak to the erowtl Tide the history of thetree. Air old farmer s lid : era] posts, and if their service's prove desit -' parable; thoughinsame respects ]rise that he land always l:rown it as it is now, and all 11 nhle in the course of three years, such cons• of the (Lama Galatt. xxv., 14.30), must the information he could glue about the t ponies will be formed at all the military not be confounded with, it. The lesson is yield of li;ettas that for two Or three months pnttta of the empire. So also will the found in Luke xix., 11-27. to each year it gave an abundant supply for services of trained dogs be tried in the ; end as they heiu (1 these things, he added all who teamed alien:, and there were more advance pasta. 1 ares For'tlle training oF' and ppakc a pntttblc, because he was nigh to than were wanted. i the animals will be established at 1)inabe.rz and sales►, and because they he cd that Savory. NOM tt is i'enteiwed to death for or at Kovno. `the kingdom of laud was immediately to ap lwomant • s 1 Cal- ai murder of in the Pas t o o the t t a • 'r el ensu ' l therefore for t of tat m n nl " pear. He sat t le c o t e Iia, was exec -idea 011 "tnItday morning at i t el 11111 mineralogist, ti S. ]4rCl,o ilei, 1 a t f, who has l lt► making researches in Govern- went into a far country, to receive for hint- ed 11Li lir( criminal combat- anent land t, has discovered in south Itnasin self a kingdom, and to return, And he ed lunisif with courage tall he :(erred the ,, a ttiinu of sllirner, the quality of wiieh is called ten servants of itis, and gave diem foot of the r,ufIlutfne. He then turned dead- j sit error to lu►y hitherto known, The main- ten pounds, and said" unto them, trado ye ly pule. When the. executioner'a nssiatunts q eri.l dircutly frail the mine if 05 p.r cant, herewith till I come. But his citizens hated seized hill] he 1!tL'ng let] violently for sever- pure, +ttttl its pint nation trill not cost more hill, and sent an embassago after• him, say- ` al seconds. Ile was, nevertheless, quickly t their hFcy kopecks per pond (fusty pounds), ink,, \\'e will not that this u.au reign over mastered, Irnt* vheu the knife was on the A company is being formed to explore the us. And :it crone to pass, when he was punt of fattinghent the oxeevtloncr's hand. ►mine. ' come back again, having received the king- 'J7rere has recently been shown at Port tl Elizabeth a photo of perhaps the most re- markable cheque ever drawn, It was on. the Kimberley branch. of the Cape of Good Hope Bank, and mance out for the nice little sum of. £5,338,650. This cheque was passed by the De Beers Mining Company at the time af the amalgamation of the Kiln- ,berley Mmes. The announcement that the Australians are on the eve of sending one more cx edi- to the other, but oven hereditary rolls of the five pomids. And he said unto him also, Be bon in •search of some tidings of the long- blood ane the nerves are transplanted.. thou also over five cities. And another (mint, lost party of Ludwig Leichhar(It is evidence he According to the latest reports, the cloven saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, of the extent to winch this mystery icy' on of hospitals of St. Pcteraburg 0011Lain 4,900 whi h. I kept libel up in a napkin ; for I Antipodes has affected the imagination at be ,s. la three of these hospitals there are feared thee, because thou art an austere Ulan; our fellamv(ostntrylrien iu the far South. It 1 220utees fur s cliieal infirmities, which aro then takest up that thou layedst net down, is their nue romance, and they make much always fully cupie(i. A largo number of elle renpesL that thou olitat not saw. H( crit. More than forty-two ,years have pass- invalids of this class have to wait long for saith unto hien, Out of thine own mouth ed since the German explorer entered the Queensland bush, never to :.tura. Party their turn to het accommodations at the has. will 1 judge thee, thou ~relied servant. after party has set out in search of him, and pitals. For contagious diseases there are Thou knewest that 1 am au austere man, again and again reports have reached the 360 beds, and for all other kinds of invalids thatt.1 tupthat oluotsp v;]not the down,eforeand reapesb settlements of hnsilmen having come upon there are 2,530 beds ; a lames(, number r of the traces believed to be those of the vanished latter are set apart for aerate Stirei,al cases. then not mymoneyinto the bank, and Tat There are almost no accommodations for my coming should have required it with Vaccine virus,is very dear bt Russia, and l dont, unto whoiu 1 e had given the uuond these pyrvan , to be for eeonolitie:(axonsaale physicians take the called. to him, that he might know w' t virus from the wounds of vaccinated children they had gained by trading. And the first and use it agein'an the arms of other chili!- ' carne before him, saying, Lord, thy pound ren. One of the most prominent physicians hath made ten pounds more. And ho of St. Petersburg proposed to the Medical said unto him, Well Eone, thou Department of the Ministry of the Interior geed servant ; because thou wast found to prohibit thatpractice by law. He showed faithful iu a ery little, have thou au - that, together with that virus, not only the thornyover ten cities. And the second latent diseases of ono child are imparted came,saying, Tby pound, Lord, bawlmade pioneer?, 'Writing tinder date of July 28 a Sidney correspondent says :—Last week, under the. New Land Act, a very large area of land was offered to the people, and already nearly a quarter of a million acres havebeentalen up. Next week another lot is to be offered to the public, and if onenay judge by the rush last week, a very large quantity w.11, be selected. The squatter must now Move westwards, as the cut tit tivator takes his place over large trees of hind. This is a "forwardmovement" for Now South Wales ; the king lives. by the field, as she Ohl Book reminds us, and the more the land is really cultivated the better for all classes in the community. If we may judge frqxn. the, eager demand for land, there mast be a large number of men ready to till the soil. Baillolet, the little village near Rouen, has been the scene of a terrible tragedy. A family of three persons—father, mother, and an imbecile daughter, who was about 25 years of age, have been killed. No one knows exactly how the deaths were caused, but the story current among the neighbors is that the mother, affected by the misfor- tune of having a helpless daughter, gradual- ly lost her reason. While her husband 'was in the fields at work, and theneighbors were at a village fete,she vsi enjoying themselves g 7 Y g took a revolver and, after shooting her off- s ri ro dead, fired through her own heart. Ti the husband returned and saw what took upthe revolver ha 'masa; done, he also 00 and blew out his brains. All the police have been able to do is to state the feet of the discovery of the body to the proper author- ities. - . Captain Thomas of the Catherine Slidell - which has returned to San Francisco from Siberia, gave a harrowing aecenot of the sufF riut",s of a batch of Russiaan•exiles, whom 'he saw being taken to.. Saghalien Island. They were of both sexes and of all ages;' and manacled, and were driven along by drivers, with heavy whips like a herd of cattle. Many old men fell exhausted to the ground, and were shob by the drivers, who hacl orders thus to dispose: of any who dropped from fatigue. Wives saw tlheir husbands killed and mothers their daughters assaulted without having the power to Inter- fere. Thomas 'described the cells in which exiles are confined as disgustingly filthy. chronic diseases. The lying-in departments interest? And he said unto them that stool' of the city hospitals have been closed alto- by, Take away from him the pound, and gether this year, while no arrangements give it unto him that hath the ten pounds. have becp made to enlarge proportionally the I say unto you, that unto every one that facilities of the lying-in hospitals. hath shall be given but from him that bath not, even that which he hath shall be taken Prof. M. Pozdneyeff of the St. Petersburg awed% from him. Howbeit these mine University has discovered in the National, enemies, which would not that I should not Library of Paris a ns. in•thc Manjoo lan- reign; over tLem, bringhither,-Lel slay them guage,"w=]rich is of great interest to the stu- before ine. • dents of the Chinese tongue. Is consists of (golden Text: "Unto every one which hath 161 written leaves on Chinese paper. It bears shall be given. Luke Xis, 26. the inscription "A Collection of Words," Illustrative readings Monday, Luke and contents a large yocabnlary of Matacl joo xix, 11-27; Tuesday, Matthew, xxx, 14-30; words and roots. According to the op*tion ,Wednesday, Ephesiaus iv, 1.16; Thursday, of the Professor, the vocabulary 'has 'been If Timothy iv, 1-8; Friday, Revelation it, compiled by a committee of scholars at o- 1-11; Sattuclay, Hebrews vi, 0-20 ; .Sunday, Order of the first emperor of the Sixth dynasty, Matthew xxit•, 4(9-51.' -• in the sixth year of his accession to theThough absent from lis in a sense; stir throne. I Lord is still interested in us. • He has -left a In the schools of cadets throughout the partof his interestsin the hands of his Russian empire dancing courses have been people, and he will return in his own. trine introduced and made obligatory. This, says to call his people, to account for the use of Novaya T'rentya, is a renewal of the methods his property. , The penalty for not usiug the of instructing young officers in preserving a gifts he bestows, is their loss. graceful posture in action as well as in re- pose, which was prevalent in the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries, when danc- ing lessons took the place of gymnastic exercises. In Russia it was introduced by Peter the Great. An anti -monarchical Rus - uric marks: 115110[1 in 7 thle Sian paper pub "While under the benign away of the Czar in- dusfry and commercial enterprise is driven out of the country, the coning generation of military commanders is to be taught salon manners and how to' cut polite capers in the presence of ladies." The Ceylon Observer' says :—A merchant 11as' been telling us of some very fine and -valuable precious stones he has just seen ,casually n the hands of a well-known tt1oorman,dealer before he had transmitted the salve for'sale to Messrs. Arbuthnot, Lathom, & Co., London. The finest of all was a splendid specimen of Ceylon cat's-eye, for which the e -:porter had paid £1000, and for which he expected to . get . ;E1.500 in Aurope. This gem must have, been found At a meeting of Moscow merchitnts on the fair of Nijhni-Novgorod thequestion was broached why the Russian cotton fabrics cannot vie with those of Eur lata] in the mar- ket of Persia. It was shown that the qual- ity ity.df the �R,tissranb0oodsttlaysulrcrior t„ of En land, but that the'English manufact- urers know better how to pack and to ship A Disobedient Patient their' goods, so that :they arrive in Persia fresh and oke, while the goods from Mos- Irate Patron—" Youadvertise to cure cow gel, spoiled and unmarketable on the consumption, don't Toil?" , ail when road. To prove this 1 a bale of cotton goods r. Quack—" Yes, sir. I never f was ordered fromLiverpobl. \Vheti the bale my instructions are followed." arrived in Nijhni-Novgorod it was opened «' My son, took your medicine forra year before a `commission of merchants,, and the and died an hour after thelast dose." goods therein were found as fresh and as nice as if they had just come cut of the fac- tory. The Moscow manufacturers have therefore adopted a resolution to pack their geode for the Persian markets in the Lug C�rregory visited This wife m the lying-m'ward style. I of Rath Workhouse, and after a shol•t con - The Russian 'missionaries in the Altai vers =('ion with her produced a pistol. Ms covcrtains iii Siberia bane made the clic- wife fan away screaming, and Gregory was covert' that the original settlers of the but n,hole �rroue ltl seized: Clic pistol was round, to district were not Asiatic Tartars, but eau be loaded,yand on Gregory was found a letter grated peasants from European Russia, i `.1 he bade farewell to his wife. They thorouhbred Slays," as. the Tser1•+ov snit' h which living unhappily together. Viestailo of Moscow puts it. In the time of •had been a Pp Y g JOHN LABATT'S fna'r'an Pole "!e anili Xgown Mut Highest awaras ata a'etlals for Purity azul Excel leuee at Centennial ].xhibition, Phil adelphia, 1876; Cauada,1S7li; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. TESLI310N1ALS SELEOTED Prof. FT Il Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says:—"t find it to be perfectly boned ocataiuina uo impurities or adadter atia s,itndran strongly recommend itas perfectly /MN unci a very superior malt liquor," John n I:du-a us, Professor of Chemistry, kfontroal, says: "Ifledthem to bo remarkably scum ales. brewed from pure :-:alt and hops Rev, P. J.'•:d. P.ige,Professor or Chemistry Laved delver WO. Quebec. says :—"t 1iu'e analyzed the Tniiiu.n 1',tio Ala manufactured b vJohn L tbatt, Ler ni,,-r.Outatio, and have found it a light ale, contracting but1its1 Ale Awl, of s deli - cions favor, and of a vet) agreeable time and sure 'ler finality. and c^rnpares with tiie best imported ales. 1 1i vo also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brew:+ry, whioh is of excellent quality; its idavor id very agreeable ; it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale for it fa a little richer in alcohol, and can ba compared advantage- ously with any imported article, ASK YOIJU GItOCEI liOIT. ET. intznan Co 1V. ANUPACTURERS O Grand, Square � Upright` PIANOFORTES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion. Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The 8eintzman Pianos are noted for: ',Their Ful, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their PerfectlyEven Well Balanced Scalek Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanship The i't e. Seed, For Illustrated Catalogue. W'areroor.ns and Officer, oil. Juictioll)Or todes Tr. tgoo Ft�7 King -St. EXETER TIMES. Is published every Thursday morn ng,at TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE gain-streot,nearly opposite rittou's Jewelory Stoto,Lsoter,Ont.,vy John White dt Sone,Pro- nrietors. aATHS 07i' ADVEICTISZ_VG First insertion, per line ..,........ .,.10 cents Tai oh aubsoquentin ser tion ,per line...,..3 cents, To insure insertion, advertisements sbonld e sent in notlater than Wednesday morning • A Telegrapher's Blunder, " Yes, indeed. Send horse and carriage to depot," was the innocent message' that went to a lady in Utica, from the city not n her hits- trmarried,and e She was long ago. - baud, usually called Joe, hacl been away from home for severalweeks. The wife. had telegraphed a ladymemnber of the family to cone up and spend a few weeks with her, and the. answer. will sent as above. , The Utica lady was prostrated with grief when ,she received a dispatch reading ; ."Joe is dead, .Send bourse and carriage to depot:" Arrangements were made in a hurry, and the hearse and carriage were in waiting When' Joe and the lady stepped out of the train. . OurJOB PRINTING DEP ARTMENTis one (the largest and beat equipped in the County f Huron, All work entrusted to us will rooeiv lr promptattention; 'Decisions ltegar(ling News- papers. Any person who takes a paperregularlyfrore n e post-otlioe, whether directed in his name or ruother's, or wbother helms subscribed or not !s responsible for payment. 2 If aperson orders his paper discontinued aemnstpay all arrears or the publisher may lontinue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether >,he paper is taken from the office or not, S In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be netatutedin the place where the paper is pub - billed, although the subscriber may reside nnudreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to -ake newspapers or petiodicals from the post. iffice,or remo'ping and leaving them uncalled or is prima facie evidence of intentional frau' - ' My instructions were not followed 1 toll him to take it two years." fish On Monday morning a painter maned WILL POSITIVELY CURE. CHAMPS, PAINS IId-TNrSTSMACII Bowel Complaints, Diarrhoea —AND ALT.— . SUTAMERCOMPLAiNTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLD BY PILL. fd 'AL.ERS. EMORY Mind wandering cored. Books learned in one renting. Testimonials from all carts of tho globe. Prospectus POST FREE, dent en tipplination to Prof, A. Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave. New York. DR. FOWLERS i 1 LERS •EXT: OF • •W ..1], Tit.R ' 1H �� ERRY CURES. HOLERA h.olera Morbus 0 I..r II�C'ana i� �� PS WA TERM AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS.. • P -- a e.0 a ;.;rad eky; , PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. E. IN. GILLETT Toito7ICTo,orT. CHAGO, ILL I1aa'f'r ofth. CELEBRATED ROYAL MDT r &SEH. KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEVTMEXICO CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA., OREGON, And all points west of the Missour Rive via the Santa Fe Itouto • FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and ticks s s e your Barest ticket agent, or address GEO. E. GIGS/IAN, Passe iger Agent, 71 Grstcvllcl 1. Ustvii, Mott GtO. T. NLaaoLsOv, Gs neral Pas,. ant Tioket AYett, Tap aka, Kansa-. How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of Dr. t'nlver- well'a Celebrated Essay of i h • radical cure of SrulataroaaitctA or incapacity induced by excess or early indiscretion, The celebrated :author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' suoreesful practice, that the Manx ing consequences of self• abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode of cure at ones simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mat+ 0e, may cure 'himself eheaply, ped. vately and radically. M• This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid,, on receipt of four cents, or two postage stamps. Samples oflifelicinefree, Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New `York Post Oldice Box 450 9t al; ly 1EAD-MAKER 8 0 4NEVFII FAILS TO OWE SAIISFA0116t1 FOR SALE BY %L.L t]EAtSRE Otte of the IVES'S.' Tel- - roc. Item AYE.c. sbows rho stnall cod of the tele. 17051. The :oi.ow-16' oat ••''-es the appearance of It reduced to E the world. Our facilities are unequaled, and to introduce our superior goods we will sandman to ONE rY.kSo': in each loonllty, as above. Only those who write to ss at once.vat make sure of the choke Ali you haveto do In return is to 'show our goad1 to Owe whn matt—your neighbors and those around yea The he - Inning nt this advertisement THE KEY TO REALTY. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of til, 3aweis, Kidno�ys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the ay.- tem, all the impurities and foui humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of' the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt rheum, Erysipelas, Sero-, fula, Flattering of the Heart, Nero vousness, and General Debility all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK 3L00D BITTERS. For Salo by all Dealers. if.I1dRtiRM A CO, i'roeri,iois9 Tante. ebent the fiftieth part of itsbulk: it I, a grand.doable size ote- M:ono, as largo as is easy to clary. We will ohm e1(r r howyou • inn malt. from 1913 to 1$I0 a day at ienet,Item the stargwith- md hexa, level. Better '•r(10 01 0o=•Y 503ruiteLexpress, Ra.lsOn ien. i Addres,,H, tiALLE1.'r 8'10., , At` iY P1AN' Who is Weak. Nervous, Debilitated, whoinhla Folly and ignorance has Tri- fled away his Vigor of Body, tJ1Ind and Vito canning exhausting drains npoa tie Fotintalns of .Life. Headache, Raokaohe, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness f Memory, Bashfulness to Society, Pimples upon the Face and all tho Effects eading to Early Decay, Consumptlon 5Insanity will, find in our apecido ho. 23 s ooitive lure. 1t imparts Youthful 'ger restores the Vital Power fn old ata Dung, strengthens ii1d invigorates the Sin Inds Nerves, builds up the muscular system nd arouses into action rho whole physical energy of the human frame. With our speciflo No. 23 tho most obstinate ease can be cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Bach package contains two weeks treat,. ment. Price $2. Cuanteed. Our spee- ifio No. .94 is an iiifnllibloresGuarCU4+e tar ap Privets Diseases no matterof how long stand- ing. Hold under our written €uarantee to Cele.a Qure. Price 65. Toronto,Medicine . Toronto. Ont. mow LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION S'ILt.S. Bar superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who nse them MONTHLY. Never tail. Relieve pain, INSURE REGULARITY. Pleasant and pp it Effectual. Price, ,_2, Toronto Medicine Co. Toronto. Ont. TEE OF A ;,Y EXE T E R TIMES.