The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-06-27, Page 8GE mire June Flower Show� Emphasis On Roses • In ,rite of the heat, many people attended the flower show and tea huid by Goderich Horticultural So- eitVy 113 Naeaay Hall on Saturday. e There was a fis: display of flowers, and the entries were judged by Fred. Gregory. The emphasis was on roses, but there wer-r lovely dispiays et SweetWilla��n, t' d L hiniuraa and ntsny gather flowers and plants. John Warren is president of the society, Which plans to libld an- pther show ir#, August. Ffille elpel le the lista awards: KT. rose, single—Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Averholt, Mrs. ibuchanan. H.T. rose, three — Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Overholt, leers, Argyle. Perpetual rose, single—Miss Robinson, Mrs. Willis, M>rs, Pridham. Perpetual rose, three—Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Willis. Climber rose, single—Mfrs. oss, Mrs. G. allays, Mr. F Clark. Climber rose, three ----toles. Ross, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. G. Hays. Hybrid Polyanthus rose — Mrs. Pridham, Mr. O. Foreman. Floribunda rose —Mrs. Overholt, Mrs. H. Erskine, Mr. Foreman. Best rose exhibited • ---special prize to Mrs. Ross for Peace rose. Irelphinium, single—Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Overholt, Miss Armstrong. ILilies, one spike—Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Ross. Shasta Daisies --Mrs. Pridham. Violas, centre piece—Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Gilbert. Pansies, centre piece—Mgrs. War- ren, Mrs. Willis, MTs. Overholt. Coreopsis---Mr. G. Bowra, Mrs. Holman. Pyrethrum ---ICs. Argyle, Mrs. Martin, Mr. Holman. Dianthus ---.Mrs. Pridham. Sweet William --- Mrs. Overholt, Mrs. Harper, Mr. Holman. Foxgloves — Mrs. Moor- head. Best mantle, mixed ffowees — Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. -Warren, Mrs. Holman. Best basket, mixed flow- ers--iMrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Martin, G. Bowra. Best vase, mixed flow- ers -Mrs. Sperling, Mrs. G. Hays,, Mrs. Ross. African Violets—Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. McCon- nell. House plants, foliage—Mrs, G. Salkeld, Mrs. Sperling, Mrs. Gilbert. House plants, flowering— Mrs. Gilbert, .Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Davis. House plants, seasonal— Mrs. Davis, Mr. F Clark. News of Dungannon DUNrGAN'NON, June 25. — Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Wayne visited on Sunday and Monday with relatives at Dundas, Toronto and, Kitchener. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger, Bob and Ruth, of Gerrie. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Errington spent the week -end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson, Toronto. Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick had visitors Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Han- son, East Tawas, Michigan, and 1Vl.'rs. R. T. Kilpatrick, Long Beaele California, wife of the late R. T. Kilpatrick. ;'i_;itors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake were Mr. and Nies. B. F. Comfort and son, Ennis, St. Cath- arines, and Mrs. D. S. Fines and daughter, Suzanne, Toronto. Mr. -and Mrs. Sam Swan, Bel - more, visited' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Errington one day last week. The June meeting of Erskine Presbyterian W.M.S. was held Thursday afternoon in the church. Mrs. Irvine Henry was in the chair. Mrs. Henry gave a short reading. Mrs. Wallace Wilson gave the topic, „Christian Love." -- Prayer was by Mrs. Will Reid. Mrs. Wal- lace Wilson gave a report of the May meeting in Molesworth. Mies Elizabeth McMillan gave a reading from the study book. Prayer by Mrs. W. McClean concldded the meet- ing. The ladies retired to the basement for refreshments. - -- -Mrs. •Ben Mole held the Ladies' Guild meeting at her home. As president, she opened the meeting Reading were given by Mrs. Sarah Errington and a story by Mr. Tom Young. Mrs. Robert Mole read the minutes and roll call. Mrs. Trim Young assisted the hostess with afternoon tea. Mrs.-.' .las. Sproule, who under- went -an operation at St. Joseph's hospital, London, five weeks ago, and was on her road to recovery, developed pneumonia two weeks ago which has delayed recovery. S,: C The community was shocked on Sunday evening to hear of the drow'ninrg of Richard (Dickie) Cur- ran Sunday afternoon. He would be 17 in July and was the ..son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran, St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sproul and daughters, Mrs. Harold McWhin- ney and Vers. Elwin Sillib, and hus- bands attended the wedding on Saturday of Mrs. Sproul's niece, Shirley Robinson, of Point Edward, near Sarnia. They also visited Mr. Sproul's ,brother, Andrew Sproul, and wife, at Capac, Michigan. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Culbert last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton, Lucknow, and Mrs. Culbert's sisters, Mrs. George Book, Loreburn, Sask., and Mrs. Robert Krogon, and children, Allen and Colleen, of Elbow, Sask. Dr, H. A. S. Vokes and Mrs. Voken, Toronto, and Chinese friends.. Harry Fong„ Bert and Paul, are enjoying a week at the Vokes' summer home. The Woman's Association met for the..Jwie meeting in the United Church with Mrs. Charles Fowler as hostess. Mrs. Omar Brooks, president, was in the chair. Mrs. Nelson l'earson opened the de- votional. Mrs. Raymond Finnigan rc'ccl an article. A. di-cus-,ion tock place on arranging for catering for a wedding. Mrs. Everett Erring- ton gave a humorous reading. The hostesses for lunch were Mrs. Everett Erringtc n, Mrs.-- Omar Brooks, Mrs. Torn Young, Mrs. Rory 'McDonald and Mrs., Herb Finnigan. SPORTS LENDAR HARNESS , THE GODRRICR SIGNAL -STAR COME SEE MP'S WIDE, WIDE SELECTION OF DELICIOUS FOODS... =WAY, WlE?►al-, a= 4. U'MM, WY OPEN Thursday and Friday NITE TILL 9 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 1st TAY R'S.,CORNER, June 25.— Mrs. C hester McNeil, Diane and John, oils Waterford, are spending the summer 'holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'McNeil. Mr. Chester Mc - Nall, who is assisrtseat principal of the Waterford Public School, is attending an extended course for principals at the University of Toronto. • Pte. and.l'lr.. Watson, of Wilson, New York, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder' last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Gould end children, of Montreal, •are enjoy- ing their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eike. Mrs. William Elliott and child- ren, of Port Colborne, are holiday- ing with Mrr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc Cabe and. Don. . Mr. and Mrs. Lcnie Oke, of Tor- onto, visited last Friday with Mr. (eke's. eeusin•s, Miss Nina and Mr. CharlieWalters. , Mr. Sam McN•all recently attend- ed Grand Lodge at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, as a delegate of. the IOOF Huron Lodge, No. 62, Goderich. BRUCE MUSEUM GROWS Though a bit late in starting, Bruce County Museum has ex- p.Ed rapidly since it was set up at Southampton. It now has a new department, the Southarrip- ton School of Fine Art. The eehool's instructors are Bert Hen- derson, _Douglas A. Wood rid Eric Sari. While young in years, all three are established artisL. , 0 Signal -Star Classified ads get results. AT e Goderich ON MONDAY JULY 1- 2 p.m. rvo BREWERY LIMITED BUS SERVICE CHATHAM COACH LINES SUMMER SERVICE to Forest, Sarnia, W'ailaeohurg and Chatham' colt 11, macer Thnrtlday, June V. South bound Daily, pO porno connections in ,Cht tIiani for Windsor and„ !retroit, ci a and Toronto. . 2fi r-aarrt:aor latforrmafiotia todophano Cue Depot, Soc;rai,) Motors, phots 344. 1 �l JT'S PICNIC TIME! Jane Parker FRANKFURTER ROLLS Yukon Club (Contents Only) GINGER ALE Cold Drink Cups LILA( CUPS Duchess Plain While 8" PICNIC PLATES Nap -Rite ain SERVIETTES Hamburg or Hot Qog �IIEINZ RELISH Makes Delicious Sandwiches" SWIFT'S PREM Fancy Solid Light Meat TUNA FISH , A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Sultana PEANUT BUTTER Jane Parker,, Daily Dated SANDWICH LOAF pkg 01 12 3 5C 2 30-o4 btl 2 5C pkg 01 28 3 5c pkg 2 7€ pkg of 7016c - 12 -oz tin 47c 7-oztinp39c Vas tin 47c 16 -fl oz jar 3 3 c 24 -oz loaf 21c CANNED GOODS SALE! Standard Quality Rog. Price 2 tins 87c—SAYE 70 BONA PEARS 320-0.t649 c A&P Choice Cut Rog. Price 2 tins 35c--SAVEMp --.st r. I4ew Crop, White Table Stock, �r #0,1 Grade GREEN BEANS 20 -oz tins5s,,,,,,, _ : 9,K #,r. ' � Choice Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 27c—SAVE 8c A&P PLUMS V 3 15 -oz tins 35 DEEP Ci/T SPE(IALS! Dr. Ballard's Regular, Chicken, Liver DOG FOOD 4iortin49c, Royal Lemon Reg. Price 2 pkgs 27o--8ANE 8o PIE FILLER ARBAGE BAGS CORN RELISH, AaP TOMATOES .• 3 pkgs35c Reg. Price pkg 29co--SAVE 90 2 pkgs of 20 4 9c. Reg, Price 93O--i8AVE 40 15 -oz jar 31 C Price 24c -SAVE 30 28 -oz tin llc 0 e, BAKERY SPEC/ALS! Jane Parker APPLE PIE Jane Parker Giant JELLY ROLL Reg. Price 59c—SAVE 8© each 53z Reg. Price 69c --SAVE 4a .ah 5 5 c Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. Price 29c -SAVE 2c BREAKFAST ROLLS e,•h27c Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 29c—SAVE 5c MOLASSLS COOKIES log's 5 311 SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY MEATS! GRADE "A" OVEN-READY. SMOKED COOKED Holiday Special l WIEIERS Sliced BEEF BOLOGNA Portioh 1 -Ib cello pkg 39, 1 -Ib pkg 39c 1 Y BROILER TYPE 41/2 to 7 -Ib average NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED !hitt Ib Portion Wheatley Brand, Cooked PICKEREL TS FILLES 12 -oz pkg 4 3 r Russell Brand - SMOKED FILLETS 2'59c .1 FRESI! FRUIT and VEGETABLE VALUES c Choice Cream Styr Reg. Price 2 tins 25O—SAVE 80 4P.CORN 3 15 -oz tins 35c NON !OD FEATURES! 7 -piece Reg. primo. $1.49----H v E 50c STRA1NER$ET. 99c Cannon ` e,g. $1.713 SAVE 80c FINGERTIP TOW RAINCOATS Salad Dressing 16 -oz 99c MILD and MELLOW -- CUSTOM GROUND $ Otlock Coffee 1e83c 3 -Ib Bag ,$2,43 PINK or WHITE CAMAY SOAP 2 b8th s'ze 31c 3 reg. size 3 -lc Your choice of the New White Camay or the popular° Pink Camay. iloth packed in foil wrappers, TIDESPECIAL PRICE PACK Giant size 69c �PREMIJ'M SPECIAL PRICE PACK DUZ 73c Gasnt size ;PIC St SPAN A 79c iwg, 41c JOY LIQUID „ge4Zc CRISCO I FLUFF 3 7 3409 [ ff29, Large Size, Sugar Sweet No. 1Grade a ermel Carolina. Dixie Reds, Fetish Yellow PEACHES eee Fresh Cal ;ternia Seedless or Red '1 ers�4o. 1 Grade or*�r APES A 10 -Ib bag Flesh, No. 1 Grade heaping quart box 39, Cardinal, Luscious Sweet Large lb29, each Cali'a-nie Santa Rosa, Juicy ..Sweet, No. 1 Grade, PLUMS °heaping quart box 45, California Valencia, Now at their Bost — Buy a Bag for the Cottage, Fancy Grade ORANGES 5 -Ib cello bag 59t TWIRDWEEKOF A&P's BIG BUICK CONTEST ObtajEntry Blanks at Any A&P Store in Ontario' CLOVER VALLEY CREAM\ CHEESE pimento, pineapple, - Relieh esee $ oz pkg 29c WHITE SWAN TISSUE 2nos 25= gt BURNS MEAT. BALLS 154)z tin 3 3, JULY ISSUE OMAN'S DAY caw e WOODBURY'S DEODORANT and BEAUTY SOAP 2 +mikes c lei -ices Effective Until Saturday, Juno 2ATh, 1057. a cI.HAM' ttrtANUUC !! Imei tC ITA COMPAaaV