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The Exeter Times, 1890-10-2, Page 10
INSURANCE IINES'I1 kiLLAO I .A.GENiT FOR - THE eC W STEttle Aa 3ti£'!CiAPir:`F, M. !.'ANT e£ ncr...utea s,: for the £'!!iE`•IS. d?U I p"rS .ta1'tiCE ckeureeNT.of lemioon; E n;land. the EuTAL o eNi.I)l4.N. of nee - tree!. arid the )NT bio UL AL FriS'.E ASSURANCE, cee T of waterlooeetablissied lo.t: siesuraei-esinforao„$1$,127.44. Bora rice every year e.?ter 4.2 year. GRIG G' : REPORTER —Exeter Fair Monday viii Tueslay next. —Oar Eaney Gerais Fair will be held on the carve days, —We would like every boy and girl to .enr oathese djaye, —The first intimation of cls: Eg Christ. rein eeneift wwiii] he visible on our "1 stfut t oemers:' —1 very cane will les tzllel with choke a � 3 vis ital gee1s c•na toes'a d acs. wanted. A smart bray to learn the printing, 15 years of Age. Apply at this office. \\' A: T.I+.—Servant ir1 to elle general !housework. Apply cmt lii_sett Eros' hard- ware. Personals. 'Rev. lir ^ Redmond, of Crediton, preached in the James-st Methodist. Church on Sunday last, two very saccept- able sermons.—The Hisses Jackell, of London, Eng. aro in town, the guests of their sister Man N. D. Ilarion.-Mr.:1l Rosebtvuegh, a Toronto, is at present visiting friends in town. His opinion of our fair is that it has improved great- ly of lata years.—Sirs« Muir and Mrs. Stephenson,of Constance, are the guests of Mrs. W. J. Clarke. —hiss Maggie White has returned front a visit tt Windsor. ---J. E. Toni 1. P. S. Goderieh, spent a few slays of last week with friends in town.—II. F. Sharp, Get•. Moir and ladies, sof St. Marys, visited —t► r nt* fd's-d their best to make the Exeter fair. --Rev. Mr. Russell. has w .$tars fee, et i ona and win be ptea-wa returned from Montreal, where he has ?ra%'?6, tA.e.ra� to e; -;h tb:c Et'4'4 for 414 beenatrenisfng the conference of vie expression o: Eepini.in, as to its merit ear n- are?li 1 arida city et: acs. cthe,aisG church.— Jas Beer lits gone = —We ee.ssee;t to epee c rev! traces s)f Nen- tS ti ie west: a -herb wilt lee then en eit t ^Yn to bouton to work for one month.—Mr \l. Down left fuer Weedsteck, on 'rues - day. Me Russel 5I•anning has gcane to t Toronto to a^rend college. lir. Arm - t -,� a „*, rwhet we Geta : stralE2,,, of Bey City, 6,11'x3+ has been Si$ir- ti p t :,+. tit rte:+it^ lits hie brother It'ti n$$d, IA this ipleete rc>. S,r;tet 6a A"t'•1t• if rw:`n?fSE"� 1: turned Il3aY$7k xt3 N;nrt°:'aF�r. rlaldIlaB 1? a wain in tic a visit to t. ai tl$i3 nes.'; l"5,. 1 Ferguson, L"etation, and Itliss Da)naglY, GRIGG. t;tttleritali, etre the guests of the Misses t.i of lel.--Mi s foie}, of London, 13 tbi ..... .. _, ants" of Miss Spicer. An Att motive e Stook of New Sl,;�l�'i.IgTW'OOdS 7,7 -)ti e++cisn LAmi..�. TrouS •^.1..:•. s. L c• Rei Y�t� i Y; shown ii u `6-ir a , ,. a I O. Gam,. . t+�k' iI.i-ij7:1 rl ! tea BANKRUPT UPT In General, San Francisco s population is now 197,999, an increase of 64,031, or 27.37 Fer cent.., since 1tien, The Jackson (Tenn.) woolen mills have assigned ; liabilit.ies, 51Q0,000, assets not yet ascertained. John Temple, of Petrolea. was killed on Saturday at Marthaville by the failing of a derrick on hint, and F. Wills very badly hurt. A petition asking the Council to light Tilsonburg by electricity bas been circul- ated through the town and has been largely signed by the ratepayers. A liver movement in 3'4 innil�eg real estate is taking place, sales one day last week ranging between tltxee and four hundred thousand dollars. One deal on Purtage avenue amounted to $.17Q,- 00. In view of the going into operation of the McKinley Bill on October 6th barley is being rushed across the border in greater quantity than ever. It's ex- pected the total of this season exported before that slate will amount to aeiatarter of a million bushels. MILLINERY ANO MANT]E8 The opening of our Millinery and MVC'ant1es show goons has been a grand success and in order that grand display, it will nobody may miss seeing our�`"` yf be continued until Saturday evening. verybo :y is invited to come and inspect our stock. S.mples of two -rowed barley grown in Ireland were received at Toronto the t•tvit r day fia�in Thus. Connolly, of the P«nciniontaaerernnentafgencvinDublin, Connolly writes that • it is solicit sixteen iahillinba per b acre;l n 2'24 pounds. Lighter a:aiuples sell as low as thirteen J shilling;. i ]WaSi. NOTES Brevities' At Listowel Thee Wale was injured by an explosion of .gas at the Listowel Mr. I-log•arthhtaa been e.sit°.agetl tea truck Gas i\'orks, t°ostsi+I$g;nbtedatllag;swas 5, 1:411'114'' 1.-r x,5..1/:.1; done to the building. The body of Airs 3IeGlarle, wife of The t ,~w r t p t ” Is;wa-t $f.anori 1 '; Miehnel l.eOlaaie, shoetuaker, »St _.:anuli i l vet -G' Itrc &) ve -i t,a Atet 4v t t' n Catherine .,, who has been missing alaatA ra. for the past two weeks, was found MG. &lin tstefit•n ass, aw,ar't""d ;Ioating in the canal Friday morning. iia p.i, r cit the L nilen uvea eat its 1) Dr. J. y. .B'own, of Brantford, a i:AR died Friday. Peceased was an ex -;$i« i r n pr.iyec meeting aria 1 e Le!I an: ; I lice for to nttuber of yeer>s repres- t: e ...a '..etc":l: t:aa a f lint l tg entesl North !:rant to the Vonses' ative eve at t1i w a s,orsf tla* 1.xct�r 1• Ai li luIresstr,a.nrotraQ tLhaoasi tiaicapIpAarnayi, teeaintt« 4 uGGi c>4, It id 4. w'r`it' alai' ] i•± Eead Oat some of i'et.'olia"s business i :,t tr ,t• men. have purchased a piece cal oil n t i s t t "zi of trot'. s.mlw'.Atittia ,travg rrrviaerty. consisting of 37, acres near 1 .n.t ae. ?rAiw< 1'4'1 F.A4e t :la:194,3We, for the stall of 4:l^a 2 n4. • C, J�- seize w - • ° Colonel icor John t£artiasvo Herbert 4 >.+nt . Ina',.! a,: the I'i a :ar.a of the oren:adior allude, is said to tr t Y€:t. t l,. -t fta, i:a' m-Itt. A gar -i liars+ accepted that etvminanclaney of e ... i t at •. Y ue A43,d ,rpr x1eity-. the, t eared an 3tilitia, vice. eirueral 1 It t. ta;'*lx,ree t!htt. Mr. 1.i be it's s ts15bb;sa itli•ldteton resigned. • i'j "A' 4r i - Ile 'mei very tnneli insure:'t The death at Ronald Archibald Mae. ;,.,4.1„-,..:„ 1',t it i'+ ti :,,,'iidt ,4itl ra'a°evt'n•. 40,1a1.1. eldest son of ;Ir. F. W. alae. 3r..'nf, t +." ee le tiailling a vary liar,;; - : (11wn:A1<I, of St tett h rites, is announced , Ixria ca.iditi )ni t.a etre n.a:tairv, tohfeh he after a long illness. He was a barrist• a•�l^ t,• t.a 1 '"' "1"'E''''-'1""" ° n ,tlnaant . er of Blenheim and was in his 5th tin.t•. � . �' leer. Mt. l,riinleranaate has tooted to the t \'!ethanol.$ t 1.—Eugene fiuilivan, 5Ia i'a n+.'cit• 1 r+ 't*y. linter Nein. wlniah • an elderly than, was tailed here yes lie rt • ntiy !s a, ;:..,_:l oaf tire e4tatt+ cif tilt• tevlay I y a cow which ho was leading .` lite J.,rana Lia a throwing bine down. Although it was e ,'t )i a F, Enetf'r, for the ' The l';anei a :t ";uIIV evt'nit>g rtete43'it• l not thought to be enough to hurt hila V.".} str vita.!*ty. �. t'. lioaralrm: anti on seriously lie was dead when his .lal.,,'� ; c't. INlioiltt». t .slid Best 'l'hu 1,ay rreuhY,; l.t; « rl)tart.aiuttl Ir. sinal alaii4 lita*r reacher! his aide. ro.. Yrn Ata;, t ^nl,t•. William Duvis,t& welt known resident .7';a;il "till -1,A in Western Ontario. Fred It hnaigut Ilan tafcen charge of the t t Ombra township, whose farm is on `i'rfvitt rit'n ariat Church edits, and pre. the Ward line, died suddenly the 3arel .At the Eadie bar the bast time 00 other day of heart disease, aged about tuitizy !nett, with remelt as eeptanee. 62 years. lie was seen to leave the Mr. A. Q. Ilol,ier shipped an friday plow ant walk to the fence near by. • lave', two carloads a4 c.+ ,, to New yore., seize it, and aisuast immediately reel Mr. B. aca'.tnpanied the Lshipment lie and full ton the ground. Mao stint large consignments to other elle notorious Sandwich gang that 1+1 Lt. has earned for that little burg the Pt r nu a wielding to i itr first class hnygit •Y name of being the hardest place an or a nttete, ii ia' ntt tlsisv interests ley Essex county, is again to the front. tx:ainin ;t,•h cd the estate of John Joseph t)ueliette, a lawyer, was going Matti, e, Can '6IY bebe sten on application to J. 1'. Rees%, ntarl:tit store, Exeter home, and when opposite James J , A. STEWART. Pet:farulst Steek leeelte. 1snieter -•� 111. a«rewlwUT MUM. Mr. R. P. McNamara, buyer far Saunlev to Co., Lucian, oilers for sale a ennui LC Ref i.1Y, OCTOBER •lttcl, , 590. Piano, goo.! as new. Intending purchasers will foul this a rare chance and gooney aired. lawny lly call at my home and see it. The various millinery openings during r,PPCN1C1G8. r ortea to a Tann. C is Friday mt•rning last a young child of Mr. Fink's, c f Exeter North, was 01.-e,raitd in ;. tank. While playing about the yard. it took a !,all and went to the tank, and inquisitively removing; the ei..ver, alkee ed the pail to fall : and it is thought that while grasp- ing for the buckets the child also fell into the tank, the cover closing after it. When the child was found some time afterwards, life had faded away, and the body with the pail at its side lay at the aottuni of the tank. Oar E -Z -Page Edition. What did you think of last week's issue ; Tho Times contained 12 pages instead of ten as announced, and was the only paper in the County which gave a full report of the Burchell trial. The report embraced Wednesday's pro- ceedings, the day previous to publication. The edition entailed considerable time and expense, butthen, it was in keeping -with the Testes' motto : '`Ever anxious to please subscribers." The TIMES from now till Jan. 1891 for only 20 cents. We lower the price for the p.urpose of having everybody give the TIKES a trial; and once taken and read, we can gen- erilly count on a trial subscriber be- coming a permanent one. The Canadian lteportoire Co. The concert given by the Canadian Repertoire Co. under the auspices of the Sons of England Benevolent Society m Drew's Opera Hall on Tuesday evg. _est, was one of the snidest eutertain- idents that was ever foisted upon an Exeter audience. From the first num- ber on the programme, until "God Save the Queen" relieved a patient and much enduring audience, the whole programme with the exception of the "Cuckoo" song by Miss Carrie Steven- son, the two solos by Miss Maud Steven- son and the duet by the two ladies, was a hugh disappointment and a gross out- rage upon those ladies and gentlemen who paid their money under the un pression of being at least fairly treated. Professor (2) Alfred Trevor, the celebrat- ed (1) English Tenor (2) made a laughing- stock of himsel€,especially in his extem- poraneous speech, and quite disgusted every person in the audience, while the Basso, MrBrazor, has evidentlymistaken his calling and lost any reputation as a .vocalist he may in the long past ever have possessed. the week, from point of visitors, were sue- t:.sful lseyoul expectations. The dia- p:uys were grand, and embraced every- thing new, beth of domestic and foreign gybe Credit is due our town milliners This week :lir. R. S. Lang shipped a carload of apples from Exeter and one from St. Marys to the Eastern markets. Mr. Lang has purchased a good many thousands of bushels of apples in this county this year. The Times this week again contains an extra number of pages. giving a readable summary of the concluding days of the Birchen trial together with the address of counsel and judge, as well as the finding of the jury. Now is the time to clean your back yards, so as to have everything in good shape before snow falls. 13y the exercise of a little forethought, the disease germs of the spring, which are so aggrevating to the health, will be checked. R. S. Lang commeucee this week to bay grain on the Exeter market. This will make the fourth buyer. With such an array of anxious buyers the Exeter market will be a success this winter. The highest prices are always paid for all kinds of cereals. On Friday last death suddenly removed from among us, nrr. John Keyes of Exeter North. air. Keyes had enjoyed compara- tively good health, and the Tuesday previous did a day's work. Wednesday he complained of chills, which causing in- flammation, culminated in death. He was a much respected resident. An agent for the Reliance Electric Lighting Co . is in town, endeavoring to secure a sufficient number of sub- scribers to warrant the Co. in placing its system in Exeter. Already several have signified their intention of adopt- ing the electric light. At a special meeting of the council the Co were given permission to erect poles along Main street. The power will be fur- nished from Verity's foundry. Richard Jones and John and Edward Hicks live on the townline of Biddulph and Uaborne. One night this week,the two Hicks' visited Jones' bush and to get at a bee's nest proceeded to destroy a large tree. Jones ordered them off his premises, but they refused to go,and assaulted Jones, besides firing off fire- arms, On Tuesday Jones came to Ex- eter and laid his complaint which em- bodied trespass and assult, and unlaw- ful use of firearms, and yesterday the ease was ventilated before Squire Snell. After examining several witnesses, the the ease was not concluded, and was adjourned till Friday. !Children Cry for Pitcleer'Castorit Smith's residence be was held up .hy three men and relieved of $41 and his watch and chain. Dr Fisher,of txoderich, 3 Gibson, of London, and .T 1:ssery* of Exeter, Ont, had on exhibition at Toledo a fair sample of Canadian draft horses, and had the pleasure of taking with them nearly all the premiums given at the Taledo show. defeating every horse there that had shown in Detroit taking premiums in da a't classes, Of the entire human race 1300,000, - Ono well clothed, that is they wear garments of some kind ; 250,000,000 habitually go naked, : and 700,000.000 only cover portions of their body , 50.,000,000 live in houses ; -700,000,- 000 in huts and caves, 250,000,000 virtually have no shelter. Owing to the reinstatement of Rich- ard Burns as superintendent of the Union Pacific yard at Denver, Col, sev- eral hundred switchmen have gone out on strike. The men aver that unless the order is immediately revoked all the switchman on the Union Pacific system will be asked to join the strike. Manager Pearson, of the Toronto Gas Company, have stated before a committee of the city council that the cost of street lighting could be reduced from $126,000 to about $51,000 if gas alone were used, it has been decided focall for tenders for gas lighting so that the assertion may be looked into and verified. There were 284 British stallions' ex- ported to British North America dat- ing the seven months ended July 31st; against 446 in 1889, and 163 to other countries, against 349. It would thus appear that the falling off in the tor- ,eign demand is chiefly in that from South America and Canada. The to- tal number of horses exported was 5,948, against 6,94s in the corres •ond+ ing period of last year, and 6,582 in 1888 ; the value having been £323,831, compared with £429,689 in 1888. Chicago's World's Fair is already doomed to failure as a universal ex. hibition, 'France, Austria and Ger. many have signified that they will not send exhibits i as there could be no possible object in doing so in view of the United States tariff being designed to exclude and prohibit all importa- tions from foreign countries. It does, indeed, seem absurd for a nation to pass alaw practically prohibiting im- portations from other nations and then invite them to take part in a World's Fair. The French- Exposition was a success although France is s protect ionist ministry.but its tariff is con._ sonent with the European continental system, not like the McKinley tariff, which is in many respects prohibitory of foreign commerce. UtSSSIC OUR eaertt ale Of Gold Watches has been a most gratifying success and we return thanks to our Exeter customers for their liberal patronage. We have just received a large consignment of tine present -160n goods in the shape of gold and silver head- ed Canes and Umbrellas. Send for prices. A. MORPM4 Cor. l:tvhnion-1 and Dundee Sts., Loudon. Ont, A Present To Our Subscribers. It is with pleasure that we announce to one many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide awake, illus. trated farm rnwazine, the Aau:niet;: F.tnwirn.. published at Fort Wayne, Incl., and read ley nearly 5ile,00() farmers by vhi.elb that great publication will lsulnctiled direst, to the address of any of our sub. remitters who will come itt and pay up all arrest -ages on eula,wription and fa 15 in advance from date, and to any • new sub• scriber who will pay $] 15 one year in advance. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a Drat -class farm, journal. The AMEIYICIN 1"$nsl:It is a large 10 page jrurnal, •of national mediation, which • ranks among the leading Agricultural pope's. It treats the question of economy in agriculture and the rights and priei- a body --.#u�erl- ic4,ka of that t s est y s eau Farmers— whose industry is the basis of all material and notional prosperity. Its highest purpoie is the elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of risen and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription price of the A31EIGie.wN F.tt.atlm. is $1.00 per year. It costs you little. From any ono number ideas can lie obtained that will be worth tlirioe the subscription price to you or members of your household. Ca11 and see sample copy.. BORN. HERTzxz—In Crediton, on Sept 24th, wife of George Hertzel. of a daughter. HeerienELL—In Stephen. on the 30th ult, wife of George Hetheroll, of a daughter, MARIiIE Coiconax—Kimonew—At the R. C. Church, Seaforth, on the 26th nit, Mr L H. Coroorao, of Cairo, Mich, to 'Miss MollieBilloran, of Seaforth. WOOD—liceXNsoli—At the rectory, St. Marys on the 22nd nit., by the Rev. W. J. Taylor. William Wood, of St. Marys, to Sarah Robinson, of the township of Bien. shard, Frscm—Loesnxs—At St. James reotory, St. Marys,on the 23rd ult., by the Bev. W. J. Taylor, Hugh Finch, of St. Marys, to Mary Lookrey, of the county of Oxford. Fxscs.—CAnrenere,—At St, .games rectory, 9t, Marys, by the Rev. W. J. Taylor, on Tuesday, 23rd ult., James Finch, of St: Marys, to Mary Campbell, of the county of Oxford. Comm—Greer—In Parkhill, en Wednes- day, Sept. 24th, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Mr Malins; Mr Stephen Collins, of Strathroy, to Miss Ceperona Gray, daughter of Mr Abraham Gray, of Parkhill. DIED. SAY—In Godericb, on Thursday, Sept 55, Euphemia 0. - Kay, - daughter of Wm Kay, aged'35 years, Piss—Accidentally drowned in Exeter, on the 23rd ult., Charles, youngest son of Mr Henry Fink, aged 3 years. MonxLAND—In Tuokeramith, on the 25th ult., Martha Trueman, wife of Mr John Modeland, aged 65 years and 5 months. - HnRviax-In Stephen, on Sept, 29th, alt.. son of Mr James Harvey, aged 17 years, and 3 mos. - NxxoN-In Hibbert, on the 21st ult., George - Nixon, aged So yeaie. - Q'naNT—In 8t. Marys, on the 18 ult., Alexander Grant, aged 81 years. KEyse-In Exeter. North, on the 26th alt,, John Keyes, aged 70 years.' London, Oct.- 1—The police of White -chapel district have .received a warning from "Jack the Ripper" that he is about to kill another woman. The handwriting of the letter is identical -with that of the other letters.. Woodstock, Oct. 1—The excitement over the Birchall trial is fast subsiding. Everybody appears to be perfectly sat- isfied as to the correctness of the verdict and universal sympathy is felt for the young wife, who, however, refuses to be comforted. - A GRAND DISPLAY A GREAT STOCK G!ENEROTJS BARGAINS. We invite your inspection of our new and extensive stock of fall and winter goods, with the certainty that you have never yet seen anything that will +compare with it for variety or genuine ext dente. ----•--:o: JUST WHAT YOU WANT It has been our endeavor to provide just what you want in Quality and in Terme. Wo aro prepared to suit any customer. All are invited to see what they think of our goods. - if there is anybody dissatisfied witli pur- chases in the past, this is their grand opportunity to- get satisfaction, - Think What We Offer You • 1 Wo offer you the widest choice for taste or fancy's GVW offer the newest goods, patterns and styles in the market. We offer you the best values you ever received. We offer you the lowest prices ever evade. This is no highfalutin offer; it is no empty boast or brag; lata l Emilio Darziin: tionino If anybodyyers Xoffers you more than we do, or lower prices than we do, take them tip quick. But nobody can duplicate the goods we show for the prices we make. The goods must be sold. We mark thtm low to SELL THEM QUICK. \Ve don't ask you to lake our word, but to let the goods speak for us. Come and see them. CARLING BROS. EXETER'S Fall Exhibition —SEPT_ 29 8z 30— When visiting our Fair do not fail to see the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Stook of Boots&Shoes and Clothinq in town. 400 Men's Suits, 200 Youths' Suits, 200 Goys' Suits, 300 ©vex';Oats. :0: $5,000.00 worth of Boots & Shoes to be sold cheap. Having bought our stock of Fall and Winter Boots & Shoes before the recent rise will give our Customers benefit of our early buying. Our stock is now comp!, We have about 200 pairs of Lace Curtains that we intend cleating at less than costa Now isthe time to buy - your Curtains for the fall house cleaning. r 1r PK A.�oa� r Fanson's Block, Exeter. . CENTRAL Goldsmith 't. Hall! , 073 R,M Barber Shop WATCHES,— g CLOCKS ELRY -- FANSON'S BLOCK. SILVERWARI;— —AND SPECT aiastIii �r Prop g UNEQUALLED VALUE. yalrPersonalattention given to repairing of watohes,olooks andiewelre:- C. REICHENBAOH, Opposite Post Office, . - PARER. ILL Shaving and Hair nutting in the !abort style of the art. Everyattentien paid to butting Ladies' and eh/ldrens Hair.