The Exeter Times, 1890-10-2, Page 4Establited (877. s. T3A.N i ER,, EXETER, - ONT. Transacts aseneralbankiug business. Deceives the accounts of morehants and others on favorable terms, Offers every aecorwodatieueonsisteutwith afe andeonservativebankin:;principles. Fireper:oent interesta,ilowed on deposits. Pra fteissuei payable et sun office o£ the Merchants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, S MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES .AND MORTGAGES IN Tutu Vilro. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1890. EDITORIAL NOTES Reports from the large fairs now being held in different parts of the Province show that the attendance is larger titan for years. This is because the Canadian fanner has money to spend and is not the im- poverished, despairing aortal he has been pictured. ---- Pehretel.TIONS are early beteg Meade for taking the census next year in England and Wales. Something like the work to be done by the Somerset House authorities may be inferred from the fact that about 8,000,00e schedules and ece- oao enumerators are required for the work for both countries. As there will be an immense amount of clerical Bark involved in accur- ately taking the census, a small array of temporary clerks will also be appointed who will be elected ley public competition. Sunday, 1tlaril nth, is the day fixed upon as most suitable, and the collection of the papers wilt be name on the Monday following. Tac Springfield Republican bears testimony to the prevalent desire in New E.zgland for freer trade relations with this country. Even Re Dtb"icaus, praise the reel• F t , ..+.1 t . Iz...l.c and s • that . a S lla It l 1 would be a 3 excellent thing to eh: :dish all the custc,nys houses on t 1.c. Caaratban frothier. Tliey be• lieve. that it would be greatly to the advantage of the United States as a whsle to have trade between then and Canada as free as it is between the different States The Ilepltbiican backs this up by quot• ing several delegates to the Mass- achusetts lzsctts lteplztl]ican State Con- vention z u Silo ,lar ed upon eu - n g the moral and social benefits from closer neighborly relations" with the people of Canada. The fact of the platter appears to be that New England is in a worse position, included by the McKinley tariff, than Canada could possible be, excluded by it. Since, therefore, it is admitted that the new tariff will be disastrous to New England, how would unrestricted reciprocity improve matters in Canada, whose position is, is many respects, es- pecially in the east, analogous to that of New England ? The Week, discussing the recent speeches of the Premier, . the Min- isters of Justice, Agriculture and Finance, in reference to the Mc- Kinely ]3i11, observes ; " The sum of the whole matter is that, grant- ing the premise from which all the ministers reasoned, no Canadian will gainsay their conclusions. That premise, as assumed by all and f ormally stated by :more than one, is, in effect that Canadian statesmen have at all times been favorably disposed towards recip- rocity with the United States and have from time to time done all they could with due regard to the dignity and self-respect of their country, to secure it, but that Am- erican statesmen have either per- sistently declined it, or been wil- ling to grant it only on terms which could not possibly be ac- cepted, and that they still main- tain that position.. If this be so, if it be true that enlarged trade with the United States cannot be. had on any terms, or can be had on terms, involving compromise of independence, or unfair a.nd. dis. honorable discrimination against Great Britain, all true Canadians will be agreed that there is a l n end to the matter, and that, at what- ever cost, Canadian independence, self-respect and honor must be maintained. Mr J. Henniker Heaton, ?.L.-1?.,fo England, has visited America with the purpose of advancing his pro- posed scheme for the establishment of oceau penny postage, He be- lieves this rate would be adopted by Great Britain if the United States and Canada consent, The idea is a good one, but the majority of Canadians would. be glad to first get peony postage in the Do. nunion, Tia London (Eng.) Times pre- diets that the McKinley hill Snit cut both ways, and in a manner surprising to its authors, It will do grave harm to America and aislocate the general industries of the world. Alllerica will be the ohnef sufferer in the end. Things z elsewhere will adjust themselves in course offline to the uew course of things, while America will be left permanently paying higher prices for iuierior goods and wasting her labor in industrial energy in vain and misdirected efforts in regard to national economic laws. As a race of gamblers the Chinese are without equals, and theTis- sissippi poker players on more oc- ca.eious than one found more than. finely match in the "Heathen Chin. ese" m a quiet game. In the Chinese quarter in New York and San Francisco, numerous gambling dives flourish and the game of "fan -tan" ruins hundreds of Celes- tials and -whites yearly. As the villainous dens with the habit of opium smoking are on the increase the police ot New York have thought it time to make an attempt to put down the vice, and arrests have been made of proprietors and fre- qucuters. This is most laudable, but the police should not stop witu "fan -tan'" and the pig tall Mougo- lien, but follow up their crusade on faro, roulette, English hazard, bac- carat and other games played daily and nightly in dens in more fashion- able quarters by those who affect to contemn and despise the shrewd "Celestial." Are the Federal general elections' coming on before Chrietmas ? Is the question most alive just now with shades all and degrees of 1 �ol- itieians, The Liberal party lend- ers think so, but are not certain, and in view of any sudden Surprise from Sir John A. have warned their organs and supporters to get their war paint on and try some perlinl- inary skirmishing on the McKinley Dili. This they think agood man. oeuvre to make Sir John utamask himself and give them an idea of the ]ireCf action n he puintendsr- sue to ur- sue w n. lie the day of battle arrives. But the Premier remains as silent as a sphinx, and keeps his inteu- tensions to hiniself. The truth is that few people know what Sir John's views and designs are re garding the McKinley Bill, and those who pretend to Lave some idea and make the greatest exhib- ition of the information know the Ieast. Until the McKinley Bill is passed and made law, the action of the Government on it will be kept .a secret with the Cabinet, and. Sir John will amuse friends and foes with " glittering general- ities," and take comfort in puzzling Sir Richard Cartwright, Hon. Mr, Laurier and other leading Liberal lights as to his future move. ments. BInOEIALL has been found guilty, and will be hanged on November I4 Although . there AI ou h .was no evi- dence that he actually fired the shots, the circumstances connect- ing the prisoner with the shooting were so strong as to justify the jury in inferring than his hand and no other committed the crime.' The weakness of the prisoner's case was that he produced no evidence to show his movement on the fata 1 r7th of February. .If the law per- mitted alleged murderers to give evidence in their own behalf, as i a S theractic p e in some ot the States of,the American Union, he might have been able to put a different complexion on the case against him. m. Whatever doubt there was in the case, and there was room for doubt, was dispelled by the jury, , which unanimously held that therison r p e was guilty. Council on either side presented what they had to present clearlyand full and if t y he prisoner be not actually guilty the jury has assumed the responsibility. The prosecution had a strong case from the first, while the defence was ) CURE fiichlieadacheand relieve all the troubles dent to a bilious state of the system. such as i)iiziaess, ;nausea. Drowsiutess, Distress after eating, Pant in the Side, &o While tbeirmost remarkable success has been shown in curio; SICK Headache, yet CART4re- Lira a Ln ea Pius ore equally valuable in Constipation. curing andprevenimgtbis annoying compiaint. while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver aid regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost pricelese eo those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but tortunetelx•their goodness does not end here, and those eche once try theist v411 and these little pills valuable in so many ways that, they will not be willing to do without theta. Dot atter all sick head ACHE I thebane of so many lives that here is where we mske our great, boast, Our onus cure )t while others do not. Cawsen's Ltrri,r Ems Puts ar everysmall and :WIZ' eisy to tape. One or two mile make a dose. They are strictly vegetal -Re and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action 1 F tctst', al ►olio use iso therei. In vials. at -S cents: live tar G1. Sola everywhere, er sent be Mail. CAA= V..EpIGII;tE C?., stew Test. W mall Duo. S111211 EON FARMER., OSs< ........... • STAR ortocErir Just Received a die Heonesey's Brandy in Casks Also other grades Brandy WHOLSAbi1 Feet Importation of a:ua'Otzses. Gorky Whiskey French Domestic Wines, AND RETAIL LakeUuron,.Dobrador White Fish & Trout 1-2 b1s Just received- a consign- ' ertt of This Season's Teas Our Grocery Deiartment is Complete NEW. FRED W. 1 M-V.10O'SM Mcrant a IVIR, J. 1i. GRI l;t Y , (Late Cutter for It Pickard) has opened out a stock of �leakeued by, the inability of the prisoeer to give a straight state - meet of his dealings with the vie. tint, who, he said, had been hand- ed over to others to deal with. It he intended to murder him, and did so, he should long since have died an ignominious death on the gall - onus; but Hite intended to swindle him, and others bettered their in- structions by killing him, it W 4s ion him to adnut it and take his chalices with his accomplices, it be had any. Hamilton Sept0 John Palmer of liilltrove, one of the jurymen at the ` Hamilton assizes, was driving into the city to attend court when he nnet a wan- dering Italian combination of bears and ragged men, Mr. Palmer's horse, a tine an mal, became frightened and re- 1 fused to stir, and giving a snort it dropped down and died. SAU,E REGISTER, Tuesday, Oct 7th, Farm Stock, IWplo. meets, ete, on lot 23, con 14, t'p of Stephen. 11. Filter, auctioneer. Saturday, Oet 11, Farm, verist Stook, they prr.erty of Mrs Wadlin, lot 11, con 4, U. borne• 11. Brown, auctioneer. Tuesday, Oet. 14. -Farm, farm stock Hutt implements, on lot 27, eon. 0, township of Hay. II, Brown Amt. Monday, Oet. 13 --Farm ataok and int. plemunts, the property of Ii'y. Collins, Lot 2, Con. 2, gay t'p. Sale at 1 o'clock, 11'y &meat, Anet. Fgtonv, OCT. 17 -Farts stock, imple- ments, etc., the property et Thos. Tay:ur, lot 20, S. 13. Stephen. Sale at one o'clock H Either due. Friday Oct. 10t11-trarm, farm steel;, implements, ete., the property of John' Pedlar Tobias Rs ax and lobos urtx, lot 4, eon 12, McGillivray. feel at ono o c 0Soak, lianr Eilber, Auctioneer. y Saturday, Oet 4, farm, stock, impic- meats, household furniture, etc. The property of John Ramseyer, Lot 2;,, con 4,I3ay township. Sale at one o'clock, Ed. Baasenberry, auctioneer, NATIONA.LPEEJUDIULS VTAIIISHED THE TRIUMPHS OF A GItEAT DIS - COVERT. The magnetic infiueuoe of gold attracts the people of every clime to our shores.. Men of all nations', and speaking all the languages of civilization, are to be found congregated on our auriferous plains. Differing in all other things in their cus- toms.'habits, and religion -yet there, is one point upon which their opinions ooinoide. Englisemen and Americans, French, Swiss, Germans, Swekes Italians, and Chinese admit, without a dissenting vnioe, that the great remedies introduced to the world forty years ago by Holloway are better adapted to the cure of diseases in this climate than any ethos preparations in existence. This appears, in fact, to bo the experience of mankind, in all prrts of the world, and hence the universal popularity of these medicines. Ws consider, ho wever, that the boundless eonfidenoe planed in their efficacy by the representatives of so many nations at the mines, is a striking phenomenon in medioal history. Many of these people in their youth, and even at maturity. were to accus- tomedthe e u.. ofdrugs atr a e and 'no nostrums peculiar to their pe aret several conntales These remedies were connoted in their minds with associations of home, and indorsed, as it were, by their national prejudices. Yet they have been thrown aside and utterly repudiated, while Holloway's Pills , and Ointment have been adopted by a common impulse throught the entire gold regions. There is only one way of recounting for this movement, It is the result of conviction- conviction grounded on personal observation and experience: The Ointment is used with such wonder- ful success as a dressing for wounds, ulcers, and sore legs, and for all the external dis- eases and casualties to which the adventur- ous gold hunter is peculiarly liable, that scarcely a digge'r's tent oar be found within the vast area of the gold fields unprovided with a stock of this -healing, soothing, cool- ing preparation, The hard fare of the trigger, and sometimes his habits, tend to vitiate the blood and develop running sores and purulent ulcers of the body and limbs. Bad legs, eapeeially, are very commies at the diggings, and seriously interfexe with. the labours of lho diggers' She worst oases. of this class are oared by the Ointmeui with .extraordinary . rapidity. The best method of healing sore legs, and sores and ulcers generally, is by rubbing the Ointmeut into the inflamed parte around the orifice,, first ;opening the pores and softening the flesh with warm ` fomentation,. The part affected is then dressed with lint or linen saturated with the Ointment. Snob is the external trcatmeat, but it is also proper to. give the Patient a few doses of the Pills during the progress of the cure, as they serve to purify the blood and• discharge morbid matter from the system, while the Ointment is doing,ite Work on the surface. .., -The Scicntifie Wititese. G:1N.ADIA'tN AND ported Tweeds SUITING ©0d Civil a� Surveyor Cl �'rE+vincial � n Sura y 0-II•T�TER, Ff1'0 fJ(See, rtpstairs Samwell's Block. Exeter Ont 1. .,-!-j fee.••`,MEN. -oneT`T 1'Frp• cloud S a1trs and Expeesess or Canmns5ia n paid to the right men. 1 want ;leen na to 50. years of age to eels 4 full tine of a:st class Nursery Stock. Ali stock guaranteed- Apply et once, stating age and refences. 0. L. Rau 1`IIl . itoehester, N. Y 1 ANTI 11 t ,-'t l Irl loeal or Irayelhrr.to sell D:eg goer. 'inked;�URSEitk sitMlt t aiarr or tom. mission. paid weekly; Outfit foto. Speciatl attention Riven to biginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wa;,ee, 1s'rtte too at , once to, E. uu. GRAHAM.. Nl>'11,SE1;1 MEN. (This house is reliable). a'eronte, Ont. rellch.-:Worsted COATINGS, and all the new• est things in PANTINGS, made up in the latest Style A good fit Guaranteed erne sale. Special attention given to Ladles' JACKET and MANTLE Making STAND : One door North of E. Fish's Barber Shop. EI.r .rnGGlh]G.-.MR, TUGS. h1fAI,T i3 ppr* arc+l to dig irelis at L0 cents per foot for i5 feat, *cuts on every additional ten feet. to dirty feet if required -- bricking auit boring included. THOS. S3IALi., l limeille P.O. OlI 1': -.. . C . 1 1 C'� ilZ 1G1• . ,� T AND i.' wagon Makers' , c lard for sato or to rent. situated in the village of t)naanarty owned be the late W. F. J"hneton, beings chop and 'Panto combined. Theshn to be rented with or without the house. inelu•dinR elm half. Hero of land to bo rented 11 the house is. or the shoe. house. and uuequarter of an aore of land to he roil. also a quantity of oak and other Idiots of lumber an,i waren ma Nen: st..ek mot 1wife, and eeeral cuinnies of bet F to be +iiapoied of. Particulars will be turni,lted'by the execut- ors on a]+Plication, T1101naB ,�W't Executors. ].1Una1�i 1.•irk S elm eromarty, P. 0. Wilson's Wi Id Cherry has been prepared by :ir,•ielete Wil'eu,5 CO , i} uolet.alo Druggists,. of lineal ton, for nearly twenty years, for the euro of Coughs. Vol is, Croup, ere. It has no equal, Cake no substitute but get the genuipo svith white wrappers. STRAW:D -LLilu or about the 20th of .August last, from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, (Joueession 4,Stepiien, 1 ram, 1 wether, 3 ewes and 1 lnmb,mark ed with the ]otter "T" in red across the hips. Any person giving information which will lean to their recovery will be anitably rewarded ; and any person or persons found unlawfully harboring thein will be proceeded against according to law. CHAS. 13ox, Sept 22, 1890 Exeter P.O. Frank Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamilton. says: "I used several medicines and found no relief until I tried Wilson's Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry." Less than one bottle cured him of a long standing and bainfut cough, with tightness of chest and seort breath, Sold by all druggista. TIM OLD Rxrsantg-In these days of humbug it is a relief to hear of something that can be been tested ao a remedy- for) the Cherry u a rof all diseases of the throat, Chest and Lungs, for nearly twenty years, with suoh success as to earn foritself the titie of the Old Reliable Duro for coughs. colds, croup, Asthma, Bronobitis and other affections of the respiratory system. See that you get the genuine, in white wrappers. Sold by all druggists, THE QUEEN PAYS ALL EXPENSES The Queen's last "Free trip to Europe" hav- ing excited such universal interest, the pub- lishers of that popular magazine offer another and a200 extra for expenses, to the person sending them the largest list of English words constructed from lettere contained in the three words "British North America." Additional prizes consisting of Silver Tea Sots, China Dinner Sots , Gold Watches .French Music Boxes Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks, and many other useful and valuable artioles will also beawarded in order of merit. A. special prize of a Seal Skin Jacket to the lady, and a handsome Shetland Pony to girl or boy (delivered free in Canada or United States) sending the largest lists. Everyone sending a list of not less than twenty words willreeeive e present Send four '8o stamps for complete rules, illustrated catalogue of prizes, and sam- ple number of The Queen. Address Ten CANA- DIAN Qnxins Toronto, Canada. N OT'IOE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of William Sinpsoa and James Simpso ndoing business together in partnership, as farmers in the Town- ship of Stephenin the County of Huron, Insolvents. Notice is hereby given that the :above named William Simpson and James Simspon have made an assignment to me of all their Estate and Effects pursuant to It. S. 0.. 1887, Cap., 124. A meeting of creditors will be held at my of- fice Main Street. in the town of Parkhill, in the County of Middlesex on Saturday, 4th Oc- tober, 1890, at 2 o'olobk p in, for the appoint- ment of Inspootors and the giving of directions for the disposal of the. Estate. Creditors are, required to .filetheir claims against the said Estate with me duly verified, on or before the day of such meeting. After the 4th day of Sepembor,1890, I shall Droned to distribute the said Estate Lavin re- gard only to such claims of which I shall have notice and I shall not bo responsible for the assets of said Estate or any part thereof to any person whose claim shall not be filed. T. L. ROGERS, Assignee. IIrN.ts+ra GoonitANfo, Solicitor r Assignee, 1891, ,Dated atParkhill, this 17th day, of September -S4' 'URE,' FOR THE BEST GQUG' COLD 8I DAt1331wT3 dam'. CtNB, SAL ! S,M�#t WANT. -141). Roving done business in Commie ratite past 30 stare.our renatatrou and respanylbllitr is wed known, We paysalary wad erpeuscafroto, the :tart, if everything le satistsetory, No oto :aur experience rci wired. 11 rite us for tonna. which aro very liberal. before engaging with any other first. ]tefereners--Rrsd•treet's or Dun Wuwui ,t Co'x Commercial lagone ee. well known to buineee leen; or Standard Beak. Colboriae. Grit. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, NrusiggvmEN, CQ1.l,t RNE. ONT. EMOVED DAVIDSON BROS.,1)ut:dera and Con tree erelieve removedu SwallowSe lid stand. eels. nerMainand(:idle}street,and are prepared 1 l4. 1• A t troll Nero, a h an, Mamie ' . 1 I iD, nl:ti :i3 DP Y i' td D ebeapar than mayother firth in town, Build. ingsooutracted for, Phase eveit nt'tie D,.eard Eetienutes:furniebed It required. Ail work dove with neat neee end der et:el, and eat iefae- ion Riven. SeasencdLumber alwaFrun hand D ',vicloos, . arcs., W t!. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON Mail Contract. PEALi:D TEVDEItfi, nddressed to the Poste. master General, will be received at ()mina until noon, on Friar, 17 Cot., 1htld, for tiro conveyance of tier \tniests's flails, on, a pro. posed Contract for four Sears, 24 times Por week cacti way, between Exeter and Railway Station from the 1stJrutuary next. Printed notices centaiiring further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forme of Tender may he obtained at the Post Oiliecs of Exeter and at this office. Pose Oppsesleerrorons Osrtcg, London, 5th Sont..1890. 15. W.IIARRER, Poet Oflic ,Inspector. AUCTION SALE OF 'VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The following properties situate in the Thriving Village of Exeter Belonging to the Estate of JAMES PICBARD, an insolvent, will be sold by Public Auction, at the CENTRAL HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE 0)1 EXETER. ON J Coo. One Door Soutb of Post Offtee -HE HSS NJ W ANP 0511,14ET .-- _STOCK OF .. Boots • & Shoes. Sewed work a spe)caiality, op*iying promptly attended to. GJO, MANSON, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA, Tito direst route between than est and al. statute on the Lower St. t,awrence and halo dee t'halenr.P mince cf t:uehec; ansa for Cealetnieufleiptrolitand 000nalnetnel St. Pierre. Express Iraineleavo ArontrealWOd Halifax; letceee$eo�ilatr4g0wihuhestbwen tiouot,u3 bonne. The through ezprese Melts. train cars of e La. torcolonlal Railway are IarilIlantlsl•ghted locomotive thus gr boated ii i *team g thio cern 104 endemicity of travolierx. Now and eleeent buffet (sleeping and day taverna on through 0xpreestrainx. Canadian -European Mail and Pagae :ger Route. isso1D es i I' grit for Orem Aritaine filo conti- nent lenv ir Montt eel oik rfl a mn a nw➢11 thin outward ia➢l,,tctnlur at Halifax pntiq tDlrtla'. The attention of phi, ,para Is directed d to superior facilities (Motel by the rontotor the tor et tour and gcnproyiiaerchan- disp intended ter the Eisenern Provincee and ittrelloftioniod citehdonpeani %et. orrdt�teiCttietgeautheae;aoro bdeaoeir steams application to Y•1V]i, rlit:itIl?,)\. WestoruFroightd;Panaonge ..goat 031tnselnlfouse[Dock ,l'ork 61;4N D POTTXNGrft. CbiofsuperintendentJ rallwav ofilco.lkroneee,n, v 'S.?. Sprinq Good In order to make space forSpring Goode We will elm the Balance Our iNnter stock AT COST PRICE FOR CAS= oa+TL' INCLUDIl G Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and (cents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muff's, Persian Lamb and Astraohen Caps,' .A nice stook of Fur trimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined laid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth el Ladies' Fur Capes 52 W e cannot be undersold in Teas c& Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON Tuesday, Oct. 7th,1890 ' ' AT ONE O'CLOCK , IN TI3P. AFTERNOON 0l�1 0� aatyo r PARCEL I I'a m Lot No.18 n a Co 1 .U.borno oontainin 65 sores more or less. HEADQUARTERS PARCELII-Farm Lot, No. 19, Con. 1, Uus- borne, containing 80actee,moreorless, There v is a splendid two storey brick house, large FOR barn, and young [orchard on this lot. and is wollwatorL Ied. PARCEII-Partof lot. No. 20, Con. 1, Us- Pure Drugs;Patent Medi - borne, d borne, embracing vil]age lots 62 to 73 inolu- sive, on Andrew Street, containing 20 sores, Cines Dye-stuffs,more Or less. PARCEL IV -2 brick stores, 3 storey, well Perfumery and T011a fitted for general trade, with tight of way over lane offJames Street. Articles. PARCEL V -Village lots 4 ,4s 5, Main street, with aplendid two storey brick, house thereon, is rooms, well finished and heated with bot School BO01? >3 and StatlOnary,. at PARCEL, VI -Village lots 1, 2, 8, and 4, Photo Frames, Albums Main Street, corner of Mill Road, about four Purses, etc. fifths of an acre. PARCEL VII -Village lots, A. and 10,rAn- Cigars Pipes and Tobacco drew Street, corner of i, PARCEL VIII -Village lots, 78, 70 Ss 80, RuronStreet,.threefifthsofanacre. Also a large assortment PARCEL IX -lot on Ldwara Street, being' : ii theunoonvoyed ,portion oafs. lot 10, about one acro. of.-Toitet.an.d-Ba�h:..� PARCEL X -Lot 89, Amelia Street. Exeter North ,one fifth aore. Sponges always PARCELXI-18 shares in the Exeter Salt on hand Works Co. Also Two _E'ay'm.s in Fraser` ' lotions carefull Manitoba,pared from ole the purest As' follows Bein eat 'a a half of W. 19e Dru township 2, range ii, �'d0acres, and S. W. ode s. fourth 2 t g of lot 3, township 3, range 3,160 sores. -- Remember the place, Sign, TERMS ; For Bea1 Estate 10 prd rpnt dews GOLDEN MOR and sufficient to make one third purohaso TA.R money in 30 days. Balance n Mortgage . •x and one half per cent, ' For Salt , six Main St. All the above properties must be sold to elOae r BroWninE IT W. estate., Further particulars on application to JOHN GILL, GEORGE Se1,mwnr,L, Au,,tioneer. Assignee, Exeter, Sept. 10. 4t A