The Exeter Times, 1890-8-28, Page 6INSURANCE
PANof Toronto also for the PliCONIK
England, the ROYAL CANADIAN, of Men-
treal, and the ONTARIO ML: rUAL LIFE
ASSURANCE, OO'Y of Waterloo established
k&„d, Assurac1,esioforee,$13:12,a';1Qt1, Bonuses
every year after 3rd year.
— Heavy rains general,
----Ro:ids from Crediton and Centralia
to our "Useful Counters"- re -gravelled,
Any High or Public School text
book marled free. •
--Choirs, Glee Clubs and Public
Schools should get the International
Glee Book. Sample, 75c.
—Embowered in trees, self-contained
end planed only by the near presence
of tt, railway is the pretty little village of
Grant an.
—Why is some advertising like a de-
fective punop .Be-zetese the sneker won't
draw'. Copy right-
- —Deetriwoe d is now connected with
our "Useful Counters" by stage. Cus-
fia.Gtt;a re. thong the litre can spend the day
in t+at5 n--bu- tci .div intage at our "'Use
fill Counters and return at nigle.
An Attractive Stock
of New SpringTweeds
Worsteds and
lugs. new being shown
;" rag rF aUPT STORE
:Early Fall Goods coming
in and being marled off,
beauties. Those job lilies
that we are ruilm]1hg at 10c.
while our ziew Wilding is be-
ing completed are the best
values W e have ever offered,
The balance of our stock
of Parasols will go at just
half regular price.
Boots and Shoes are being
siaaunllto ed. some gnu see
the b:g values.
We claim to give you tlio
best value in Groceries in
WF stern Ontario. Best pick-
ling Vinegar only 23c, per
gallon—beat it if you can.
Matches only Oc. per box;
We lead every time. Look
out for the opening of our
new Grocery and Boot and
Shoe departments.
Bankrupt Stock Dealer. Exeter
THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, :890.
Council Proceedings.
All present. Minutes read and con-
firmed. Orders were granted for the
following sums : J. Kydd, $6 13, labor;
John Moreshead, $7 50, do. ; George
Cudmore, $3 75, do. ; Geo. Hodgins,
$10 03, du. ; Walter Westcott, $9 38,
do. ; S. Handford, $25 50, do. ; A
Bissett, $4 50, do. ; Thomas Horn,
$13 13, do. ; S. Buckingham, $3 90,
Blacksmithing ; John Welsh, 50cts,
tile ; Sanders & Co., $35 75, printing ;
Jas. Weekes, $2 00, rep. engine ; Jas.
Creech, $4, charity to H. A1cIntosh ;
do., $2, Mrs. Piper ; do., $1 50, Mrs.
Orns ; and Geo. Edworthy, $2 rent of
room at election of M. P. P.—Carried.
Bissett—Oke—that Mr. Creech be in-
structed to collect all the Band instru-
ments and clothing belonging to the
corporation.— Carried. Bissett—Spack-
man- -that this council adjourn for one
M. EACRETT, Clerk.
Mr. Robert Lang has gone to Windsor
to buy fruit..
Mr. A MeDonell is home from Manitoba
for another car load of horses.
Robt. N. Rowe has beenappointed agent
for the Doherty Organ.
We make no special drives. but offer
bargains, in all departments. J. P. Ross.
Croquet occupies considerable time of
the"men at leisure" in Exeter these days.
The chines for the Trivia Memorial
church are expected to arrive next month.
Frost has Been reported from different
sections, but no damage has been done,
. Jos. Senior received on Monday, by
express from the East. a beautiful St.
Bernard dog.
Mr. Welsh and fancily, who recently left
Exeter for town in Mich., will return to
Exeter to live.
Highest prices paid -either easlr or trade
for all kinds of farm produce. J. P. Ross
At Brandon (Man ). men are demanding
per month for work in the harvest
field, and in many eases are obtaining it,
.A meeting of the Board of Trade was
held last evg. There was a fair attendance
and seg eral importaut questions were dis
Dr. neweetsent his greyhound to Toronto
yesterday, for the _rupee of exhibiting it
at the dog show in eouneetion with the
Ittdluetria] pair.
Onr atalf return thaohs to Chief Gill for
several large samples of his superior quality
spines. Mr, mill has always a kindly re•
meutbra nee for the printer.
Chicken thieves are again at work h
Exeter, On Saturday.. evening, the hen
house of Mr. Thomas klartuoll was visited
and some well-bred fowl, stolen.
There is reufa,rl.ably little• pieltness in
Exeter this year. It is said that a summer
remarkable for eleetr'ieal storms is equally
noteworthy for its bealthfuluess.
A number of 'members of the Exeter S.
0. E. B. fiociete visited the Henssll lodge
on :Monday evrl. They report hospitable
:re:atment et the banns of the liensall
A meeting of the naemnbersef Main street
Methodist ehurch, will lilt lr:'ld in the base
intent this Thursday erg-, for the election
of ofilaern of the different, sreieties in con•
uce,tien witio the t hurela.
On Sattardday lust 16 eents was the ruling
urine far Muter iso 1 eter, while eggs and
other praduce were equally hi^gh.4'There
were naanaereus !ewers, bat sellers slight
have leen n.a'rd• aro;etttiia►I,
Mr. Isere ilauddford has exehaageal laic
lirf'a - : on the :meth latmelary of Exeter,
tor ow -4 Mr l itton's residences on Huron
street, giving.; a difference of Stio0. Mr.
11'. is nemrvtri; into the same.
A f athia,nehle weaning: will take place
to day at a farm ieseleure situated but In
miles north of Exeter. The contracting
parties will he a gentleman of Toronto and
a daughter el Mr Jeckell.
Zusuianoe Meeting.
The Directors of the Hay Township
Farmers' "Mutual Fire Insurance Co. met
at Hawksnaw's hotel on Monday last,
The Company has done the largest
amount of business during the last month
that has been done since its organization,
having accepted policies to the amount
of $394,200,00 for that period. The
Company is in a very flourishing con-
dition; it has a large reserve with which
to pay any losses which may arise, with-
out the aid of an assessment. The
claims of Thos. Hueston for barn and
Weseley Hueston, for contents c'estroy-
ed by lightning on July 24th, were paid
to the satisfaction of the claimants, whe
in return thanked the directors of the
Company for their promptness in the
matter. So far this year the Company
has been fortunate, and unless the losses
during the balance of the Tearbe larger
than they have been for any two years
of the experience of the Company, there
will be no assessment, this year.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman friend. , Tinges, London, Eng.
A smart boy to learn the printing,
15 years of age. Apply at this office.
Kew Fall Wheats.
We notice that The Steele Bros Co'.,
Seedsmen, Toronto, are offering the follow-
- ing new varieties ; Canadian Velvet Chaff,
Golden Cross, Early Red Clawson, Jones
Winter Fyfe, and American Bronze. Send
for a copy of their citeular, it will pay you.
FALL. Begs should be selected and planted
during September and October to produce
those handsome bees of Tulips. Hyacinths,
Crocuses, nee., that delight tbe eye somueh
in spring, Send for a copy of The Steele
Bros. Co„ Toronto, Autumn Catalog,
Wheat, heat, Wheat.
Our roller twill is now in full and
thorough running order, and with a
capacity of 600 bushels per day, we re-
quire a
e-quire.a large quantity of good wheat and
can always pay the highestniarketprice.
Bran and shorts alwayson band and
farmers from a distance can depend on
getting a load home with thein, If we
acre not en the market farmers would do
well to drive their wheat to the mill.
Grists exchanged without delayand satis-
faction guaranteed in every ease.
Tire Taxsrnit 31tL .Ii O CO.
The t, oderrd h `star criticised Hon A. M.
Rosa as a public etileiel, and the latter sent
a'ong an order to ""atop my paper." If
Noss is that small it was time he was out
of the Ont a io Mr any other) Cabinet.
Subscriptions to the fund for the pur-
chase of a new pipe organ for the Main -at
Methodist church, aro being sent in very.
freely. The cost of the instrument will be
$1,5"111, ;,bout 1000 of which has been sub-
Mr. and MiGs Lomas, of Hamilton, who
were ;nests of Mr Fitton this week, as-
sisted the jai -es -et Methodist church ebolr
on Sunday evening last, Mr. Lomas taking
lead with a cornet, while Miss Lomas took
tenor, ou a baritone.
Mr. Frederic Archer, the celebrated
organist, gave an organ recital an Friday,
at the special request of His Highness the
Crown Prince of Austria, who afterwards
expressed to the accomplished artist his
great satisfaction at the display of his
talent.—Morning Post, London.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company
will make an exhibit of the products of the
North-west, for the Manitoba government,
at the Exeter fall show- This will afford
tbe people of this vicinity a mos: excellent
opportunity of viewing the beat products
of the great Northwest, and will be quite
an additional attraction to the show.
On Monday afternoon, as Isaac Carling,
Esq., was taking his usual, drive in the
country, and being driven by Ills daugh-
ter ;hiss Flora, an accident occurred
which alight have resulted seriously to
the occupants of the rig, especially to
Mr. Carling who is almost helpless.
They were driving along the London
Road north, when they met a steam
thresher ; and upon corning up with the
machine, the horse took fright, backing
into the ditch, upsetting the buggy, and
throwing Air. and Miss Carting into the
ditch. Fortunately Messrs Holland and
Barton, who were close at hand, caught
the horse and prevented its running
away. Mr. Carling was put into Mr.
Barton's buggy and driven home, Mr
C'arling's bugy having been broken,
The Cosgrave Concert,
The Cusgrove Concert Co., of St.
Marys, gave an entertainment in, Exeter
on Wednesday evening last, under the
auspices of the Sons of England Society.
There was a large attendance of speet-
ators, many of whom apparently appre-
ciated the entertainment. The perform-
ances of the Ross's and master Cosgrove
and the singing of Miss Cosgrove were
vo;y good and deserved the plaudation
given ; but as for the music there was a
superfluity and half the number of
selections would have been more credit-
able to the company, The music for
tate most part was very good, but being
so monotonous became more boring
than entertaining. The proceeds amount-
ed to sone $60, seventy-five per cent. of
which went to the Cosgrove ,[Family.
.t Correction.
An item appeared in the Teems last
week, referring to thesalt combine which
had existed in this county for the past
two years. AIr. D. Mills informs us
that, instead of the members of the com-
bine being dissatisfied and calling the
managers, Messrs Coleman and Right-
nryer together, the latter summoned the
manufacturers. Messrs. Coleman and
Rikhtmyer have boon controlling the
talo of salt, but owing to the scheme
being an unprofitable one to them, in
consequence of having to share the profits
with wells which did no shipping, they
decided to resign their position. A new
association, however. was formed on a
similar basis with Mr. Rightnlyor as
The Clinton New Era referring to Dr.
Amos' coming to Exeter says : "The un-
married ladies of Exeter will, no doubt,
get "struck" on so good-looking Bachelor
as Dr. Amos, but they may save their
smiles, for he has already made arrange-
ments to take a very popular Toronto lady
into partnership with him, and will com-
plete theft= ere long.
Mr. Fred W. Farncombe, our genial
civil engineer, delighted the congregation
of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday
evening last. During the offertory he
played a flute solo—"Sweet Thoughts"
with ad lib organ accompaniment—exqui-
sitely, and with the feeling and expres-
sion of a true musician. Those •who were
fortunate enough to be present speak in
the highest terms of praise of his ability as
a flutist.
The Guleph council is about to pass a
by-law, whereby, after the present year
the School Board will collect their own
taxes. The object of this change is to
arouse a more general inrere-t in the busi-
ness and expenditure of the board, it being
thought that if the peoplepaid their school
taxes separately, and were thus made
plainly aware of the amount asked for the
purpose they would become more alive to
the importance of educational matters and
their management.
On Monday, the 18th inst., beingthe 3rd
Monday in August, the ruralpublic schools
were re -opened. The vacation in collegiate
institutes and in public schools in incor-
porated villages, towns and cities continues
until the last Monday in the month. The
Exeter school did not open, however, owing
to the repairs of the school not having been
completed. Next year, owing to there
being fiye Mondays in the month, there will
he a difference of two weeks between the
vacation in the rural schools and those in
the cities, towns and villages.
The Royal Templars of Temperance, in
a body, attended divine service in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday morning
last. The rev, Mr. Martin preached a
special sermon, dealing with temperance,
iu which were contained many strong and
convincing arguments; from the 1st verse
of the 20th chapter of Proverbs : "Wine is
a mocker, strong drink is raging; and
whosoever deceived thereby is not wise."
After returning to the hall, the lodge.
passed a vote of thanks to the rev. gentle-
man for his able discourse. The excellent
choir furnished appropriate music.
Mr. Frederic Archer's magnificent per-
formances on the gigantic organ at the
Alexandra Palace constitute one of the
most attractive features at that establish-
ment. He is, indeed, a representative
artist of the highest possible type.—The
A Moan Act.
One evening last week some evil mind-
ed youths entered Mr. Rd. Manning's
premises and carried off a new and
handsome lawn magnet) or tent. It
was dragged for several squares and left
in the ditch, very much torn and broken.
There was nothing clever in the per-
formance of the trick, and in fact a
person who would do the like has not a
vestige of pride in his make up, and is
capable of committing one of the most
heinous crimes. It is a shame that
people are thus prevented from beautify-
ing their premises, and if the persons
addicted to destroying everything of
beauty that meets their eye, would stop
to consider that a considerable loss of
money is entailed, and that they them-
selves would not care for a similar treat-
ment, they might overcome their devil-
ish disposition.
We Are Now Offering
The Following Lines at GREAT REDUCTIONS.
e foods mist be cleared
Dress Goods,
Curtains, Tweeds,
Gloves,' Hosiesy,
Millinery, etc.
A New -Apple Borer.
A new species of worm has made its
appearance in this section this suminer,
and is destroying fruit trees to a far
greater extent than any of its associates.
It not only attacks the apple, but eats
the leaves; and after it has stripped a
limb, it constructs a large web in which
it breeds a hord for next season's work.
If this destroyer is allowed to continue
its work for a couple of seasons, fruit
trees will be made scarce ; and in order
to exterminate the vermin, every owner
of an orchard or any number of fruit
trees should examine the trees carefully
and destroy all webs found thereon.
The carelessness exhibited by Canadians
in allowing their f rt trees too to ruin g
is a shame, and it is nothing but lack of
attention in the matters of properly
caring for the trees, that accounts for
the shortage in the fruit yield each year.
In some parts of the U. S. the County
Board of Supervisors appoint fruit tree
inspectors, whose duty ibis to visit every
orchard twice a year, examine the limes
leave remedies, and see that the owner
gives proper attention to any destroying
element. Iii this way the fruit trees
rarely die, and there is invariably a
good yield.
eEept ��le
Of (*old Watches has been a
most gratifying success and
we return thanks to our
Exeter customers for their
liberal patronage.
We have just received a
large consignment of atue
presentation goods in the
shape of gold and silver head-
ed Canes and Umbrellas.
Send for prices.
Cor. Richmond and Dudes Sts.,
London, Ont.
Acquitted Of Ine111tlsy;,
On the 28th of July last, at Centralis,
James Sando attacked Mr. Qu'►rry ,with
a hand grain rake and dealt him several
severe and telling blows. Sande was
arrested and bound over to keep the
peace. Failing to procure good and
sufficient securities, he was sent to the
County Jail. in the meantime, Mr.
Quarry, who considers the man danger-
ous to the safety of the public preferred
a charge on the ground of insanity.
Sande was released from the County
Jail on Monday by Itis Honor Judge
Toms, when he was brought to Exeter
and arraingod before Magistrate Snell.
Several witnesses from Centlnlia were
examined, the testimony for the most
part gning to show that if left entirely
alone, he was harmless ; although Mr,
Sando's brother testified that at tinios
]ie was dangerous and it was necessary
to lock all the doors of the house at
night. The magistrate released the
prisoner upon Richard Sando promising
to remove him from the neighborhood.
Additional locals on 1st page. They are
all interesting.
Our stook is very complete. Goods sold
at close figures. J. P. Ross.
Duck shooting opens Monday. A large
contingent of the Exeter sportsmen will
visit Lake Smith.
Mitchell trotting races, Sept 1st. Our
thanks are due the management for nice
`guest badge. We should delight to be
there ,'a wearin' of the green."
The Independent Order of Foresters will
give an entertainment in Drew's Opera
House on the evening of the last day of
fair. It promises to eclipse anything given
in Exeter for some time.
People who think newspapers canbe run
on sympathy, complimentary tickets and
such truck need to be told that the London
Times paid $30,000 the other day for its
cable news from the Argentine Republic.
The Stratford Board of Health have
taken steps to have all milk vendors take
out licenses and have an inspector appoint-
ed. This is a step in the right direction
and should be imitated by other towns and
Messrs. Verity & Sons on Tuesday re-
ceived by wire, a very large order for their
celebrated plows, from their Winnipeg
agency. This is a substantiation of the
recent reports as to the absence of frost in
Manitoba and the Northwest.
Rev. Mr. Russell, of James street Meth.
church,on Sunday evg. commenced a series
of sermonslon `Entire Sanctification.' His
discourse on Sunday evening last was very
interesting, but that of next Sunday evg.
promises to be moreso, as the rev. gentle-
man will go more fully into proving his
"Look after your votes," is the sensible
advice of the politica] organisers. The
lists for this year are new to be seen in the
postoffices, schoolhouses, and other public
places. Every pian should see that his
name is properly entered. None can tell
when they may have occasion to exercise
their franchise.
We received a sample of several' Wash
ington PLUMBS from Councillor Plummer
A caller at 'this office mistook them for
melons at first sight. ' They are not, how-
ever, so large as the ordinary mush: melon,
but tbe smallest of the lot measured 6/by
en inches We were afraid to measure the
largest lest in recording its size we might
be aecused of telling a rather "fishy" yarn.'
-Clinton News -Record." Exeter pro
duces larger plums than those of Mr.
Pluntener,and are considered nothing extra'
Mr. Will, Carling, on Monday showed us
a plum which measured in circumference
lin inches one way and 7 inches another.'
It was as large as an ordinary peach.
For a first-class organ call on R. N.
Rowe, agent, Exeter.
Bicycle for sale—in first-class condition,..
52 in. Apply to W. E. Gundy. im. •
Farmers Excursion to Manitoba and the
North West on August 12th, 19th, and
Sept. 2nd, 'Call and secure your tickets
from Capt. George Kemp; Town Ticket
Agent, Grand Trunk R'y., Exeterso s
Children Cry for �Pitct,er's CastoriP
the best of things is sound philosophy and sound business
policy. We make h,e bast of things. in
Clothing of all hinds ; the best of
coats, the best of vests, the best
of pantaloons.
The Best lifiaterial,
'The Best Work,
'The Best Pit,
goes with every article we make. Nothing can be better
than our goods as nothing can be better than the best
of our success lies in the increasing patronage of those
who are the best dressed in the community. 1:f
you want the best you can get it of us as
cheaply as you can get the not best
elsewhere, and we would advise
those who are in need of a ready—
made or made to order suit to inspect our
large and varied stock before going elsewhere.
In the matter of GROCERIES we do the very best.
In Sugar—For Quantity, Quality, and
Price we have no equal.
Minuet's Liniment relieves neuralgia.
P. S.'—We have the best 25c. JAPAN TEA in town.
Sample free. C. B,
G1-0 TO—
Goldsmith Hall!
—FOR Y0 —'--'
4tirPersonalattention given to repairing of
watches, clocks and j ewolry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
Cash For
E17T sed EGGS
A. Q. BOBIER, having leased Drew's
Block, will be pleased to pay
at all times for butter and eggs.
,. Q. 230EIE11,
May ist,'90: Drew's Block; Exeter.
Great Bargains
Cheap CASH Store,
Agents Wanted.
If you want to make MONEY, take hold
and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is tho
time, write us at once for teams.
Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y.
The undersigned will sell Dry Goods,
Groceries, Shoes, wa
Crockery, Glassman, etc.,
at a great reduction, for Uash, or Butter
and Eggs. As he expects there will be a
change in the business on September 1st,
all accounts must be settled before that
Also a first-class farm for sale, contain-
ing 90 acres, with a first.clsss brick -yard
For further particularsapply to
June 19-3m. CRrrn oN,
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
-xNEER, mTQ.
Office, Upstairs. Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ont
arber Sho
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hair nutting in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to gutting
Ladies unto Chil dren's Bair.
YOU - � �\
Always buy Cheap at Doupe's
Good Cotton 4c. per yard up.
Shirtings 7c. " "
Dress Goods 5c.
Good Teas 25c. per pound.
Choice Japan 35c. "
Best English Breakfast 50c.
First-class Boots for Men, Women
and Children, cheap.
Lots of new . goods for early fall
trade, cheaper than ever.
Highest price for Butter and Eggs.
DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton,