The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-28, Page 4SAGE FOUR
Plenty Of Action
to Minor Leagues
Itn Monday night's minor hockey
gram at Goderich ' letravrial Whipping Listowel 6-3 here ey, Ron Feagan, Ross Pennington,
asroArena, Ainslies tripped Mills 4-2 Tuesday night, Goderich Sailors !Bruce Scott, Jim Scout, Barry
Stewart, Larry Jeffrey' and L?on
While Sheaffers and ICDA played to clinched the WOAA midget champ- Jetirey.
a 2-2 tie in Bantam Town League iursh p tui the seventh time in First Period
action. Dodges defeated Rouse 5-1 nine years. Sheriff Nelson Bill, Goderich, Garrick (Feagan(, 11.23
d Fords edged Studebakers 3.2 president of the W(AAA, presented .,
Goderich, ick( Garrick (Feagan,
in the Pee Wee Motor Leaguema
the Harley Crawford Trophy to •Peaches), 14.
Dave Leeson, captain of t
gtames,the Gods Second Period
rich team, at the conclusion of the Hymers (Parrish), 4.39
Barry Srrtangeottr, with two 3. Listowel, H
goals, led .Ainslies to their victory. tame. 4. Listowel, Hartman, 14.12
y Jeffrey collected one goal Qnd The Sailors will now proceed 5 Goderich, Gallow (Leeson, Pen-
into the OMtIIA play-offs to defend
onassist, and Dave Wilkinson ac the crown they won last year in ningbon), 14.58
(Wanted for another goal. Two
provincial midget "B" competition. Third Period
6'. Goderich, -Peachey (L. Jeffrey),
7. Goderich, Gallorw (Israels, Fritz -
ley), 16.22
8. Listowel, Hymers (Hartman,
Parrish), 16.31
9. Goderich, Feagan (J. Scott), 16.37
•Goderich-Bruce Scott, Leeson,
Stewart, Garrick, Fritzley, Stewart.
Listowel --- Newbigging, Hymers,
Sailors... Whip Listowel
T Retain WOAA Title
assists were credited to Ray Cook.
Per Mills, Bud Robinson scored
Datil goals, with Bruce Vincent
ssontributing one assist.
Ernie Pinder and Bob Scott tal-
lied for Sheaffers, with assists in two straight games. In Lis
kited to Fid. ]Laithwaite, Pete towel Saturday afternoon, they
elver and Finder. For IGA, Billvwampc;ti their challengers 11.3.
ettger and Roger Drew hit the Tuesday night's clincher, wit -
mark, and Jim Stephens clicked
nesse(' by about 250 fans, was late
for an assist., in finishing due to an injury to
Firing three goals, Jeff Reid led Listowel's goalie, Dick Inglis. With
die Dodges attack. Ken Crawford lei than seven minutes of play . o_
and Ray • lack counted one goal left, he was cut above the eye
apiece. Assists were credited to when the puck hit him in a g
Jilin Willis (2) and Dave Smith. mouth scramble.
ne Rumig was the lone scorer Taken To Hospital
deur the Rouse squad. He left the ice with blood stream -
Ron Homuth was a two -goal man in 1 from the cut and was replaced
for lords, and Gary Doak was 15minuteslater by George John Four district farms have changed
John -
.good for another. Assist, were
ston. Inglis wa-s treated by Dr. hands recently, it is announced by
etofleoted by Dennis Williamson (2) J.R Leitch at AlexandraMarine
Doug HarrisonJohn Bosveld, Goderich real estate
arttl and General Hospital, then allowed ,broker.
George Laithnvaite and Don Yeo
tallied for Studebakers. to leave. The 280 -acre farm formerly oc-
This was nut one of the Sailors' copied by F. J. Morris, of the fifth
better tames, but perhaps they concession of Ashfield Township
would have showed oft to better has been purchased by Harold
advantage against tougher opposi- Glenn.
tion. Play was often ragged, but 'rhe 150 -acre farm of Reg. John -
the action speeded up in the lay, ,t
un on the Rayfield road has been
period- .-old to J. ()skeins).
Bill Gallow and Percy Garrick Wier.;ma Bros. have disposed of
each scored two goals for the their 70 -acre farm on the Bayfield ;
Sailors. Ron Feagan collected orle sued to Otto, Fangrad.
goal and two assists, and Art The 100 -acre farm of John
Peaches had one of each. Other Shanahan in Hallett Township, has
Col -lyric -la assists were credited to been purchased by Albert and John
Dave Leeson, Ross Pennington, Haverkamp.
Larry Jeffrey. Fred leraels. Bill
Fritzley and Jim Scott. PERSONAL 1 MENTION '
Sailors jumped into a 2-0 lead
in the first period, but Listowel ,Mr. Thos. Mose, of Milverton,
came back to' tie it up by the spent a few days with his sister
14.12 mark in the middle stanza. and 'brother-in-law, Mrs. Carl Hous
Seconds later, Gallow put Goderich - ton and Mr. Houston, Cambria
ahead to stay: road.
Three Rapid Goals :Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ridley, of
°Just after the Listowel netmind- Taber, Alta., visited with Mr. Thos.
er was replaced in the last period, Silliib for several days last week.
three goals were scored in rapid Miss Dorothy Mallett, daughter
succession. Gallow's tally for of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mallett,
Goderich at. 16.32 was followed by of Detroit, and a niece of Bob
Hymers' reply for Listowel at 16.31. Henry, of Goderich, has won a
Mem, lu ,six. egeendee, later, Fee- four year scholarship,at the Mil-.
.gen scored for Goderich a s versi y atitriffi •ttln Arbour,
.._-- .•-•. In- l7- s tee tliis season, the. _Where she is a student,__ She has
• Mrs. Max Cutt gave a report on WOAA champions • boast a record been a visitor in Goderich on
idle National Film Board Library of 15 wins, one tie and one loss. numerous occasions.
meeting. • Before meeting the Sailors, Lis- o o o , , ,
It was decided to hold an inter- towel had eliminated Walkerton, SEES SNOWDROPS
club dinner meeting in June, hav- Following is a summary of the A long row of snowdrops near
ing the Southampton Jaycettes as Tuesday night title game: the Rectory was reported seen
guests. Goderich line-up: goal, Ron Wil- Wednesday morning by Rev. Dr.
Jaycee 'president, Max Cutt, ex- liamson; Bill Fritzley, Bill Queen, K. E. Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor
plained the second phase of par- Dave Leeson, Fred Israels, Bill just recently returned from holi-
lgainentary procedure. Callow, Percy Garrick, Art Peach- days in the Caribbean.
Coach Ted Williams says he has
not received any word yet as to
the Sailors' next opponents.
The Sailors won the best -of -
three series for the WOAA title
Four Area Farms
Now In New Hands
riayCe ttes Plan
t ��
n$eT �� eet
rGtaderich Jaycettes held a dinner
meeting at the Club Grill on Wed-
nesday of last week with 14 mem-
bers present. The president, Mrs.
Peter MacE)wan, presided.
The care and treatment of Cere-
bral Palsy children at Woodeden
Hospital in Landon, was the topic
of an interesting address given by
yrs. J. Murison, guest speaker of
the evening.
Installation of two members was
conducted by the vice-president,
Mrs. Gus Chisholm. The new mem-
bers are Mrs. John Graf and Mrs.
Colin McMillan.
Plans for the annual St. Pat-
ridk's draftee, to be held at the
Arena were completed. Proceeds
from this dance are to be used to
cputx(liase a,hetced_.'I?l:w.11...
'maternity ward of the new hospital
FM the flxer...his
full name is Far
Improvement Loan.
Give him a chance
to help fix up your
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nomical, convenient,
versatile. He can do
almost anything in
making your farm a
hotter farm.
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Go -Ahead Farmer
Fain] Machines: -
Cream Separator
Forage Harvester
Hay Baler
Manure Spreadee
Milking Machine
Movable Granary
Mowing Machine
Sprayiteg Apparatus
Truck •
Farm Tools
Pasteurization Plant
House for Farm Help
Ice -house
Machine Shed
Milk House •-
Repair and Renovation
of Farm Buildings
Poultry House
Tourist Cabins
Land Improvement:.
Farm Ponc,
Pumping and Diking
Purchase and Planting of
Fruit Trees
Reclamation and
Soil Conservation
Sewage Disposal Systeub
Well -sinking
Homo Appliances:pi
Deep-freeze Unit
Sewing Machine
Washing Machine
light, Heat and
Water Systems: -
uilt-in Sinks or Tub
Installation of Lighting.,
Heating or Water
Oil : urner
Repair or Moderniz atdon
of Present System
Water Heater
'MO Check your needs. then talk to "My Bank". Your nearest
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work en your farm. Follow the example of thousands
of other Canadian farmers. Increase your profits with a
I of M Farm Improvement Loan.
9 Waaet .
LOCAL BRANCH: Bruce Armstrong, Manager
WITH CAtIAIDIAtni Ql` enVE8y WALK OV I.Bpc SUiCe 11(81?
THURSDAY, FEB. $81h, 15057
Members of Goderich Louzon Flyers, 194647
Oetario Junior "C" champions, will be re -united
for° an exhibition game here on Saturday, March
9. The players are pictured above as they
appeared when they won provincial honors
soy defeating Stouffville in the 1946-47 finals.
In back row, left to right, are Ed. Ervine, train-
er; Walt Westbrook, coach; Jim Bisset, "Tick"
Mero, Don Ainslie, George Westlake, Ken Doig,
Ivan Louzon, secretary -treasurer, and Arn Doak,
manager. In front row, left to right, are:
"Blondie Bruce" MacDonald, Jim Hayter, Gerry
Ginn, "Skipper Bruce" MacDonald and Bob
Allen. Absent when the picture was taken were
Jack Stoddart, Arn, Fisher, Bill Newcombe,
Harold Warren and Don Warren.
B.C. Writer Enthuses Over Benefits
To Boys Paying In Goderich Tourney I,
All the way from Penticton, B.C.,
there comes a healthy pat on the
back for Goderich's nationally i
famous Young Canada Week pee
wee hockey tournament.
The laudatory comments, which
brought smiles ' to the faces of
tournament officials here, were
contained - in a featured sports
article in a recent issue of the
Penticton Herald.
"Nip" Whetstone, chairman of
Young Canada Week, considers
the article one of the best ever
written concerning the aims of the
In the article, the B.C. writer
"We in Penticton are honored
that our boys have received an
invitaia n �
where they (would Meet ''Whir"'hors
of. their .o vn....age:.. clorn_,Ste John's
west. The educational value of
such an event cannot be calculated
in coin of the realm.
"There is no yard stick with
which we can measure the effect
upon a boy when he learns the
vastness ,of Canada and the kin-
ship of her peoples.
Famous Slogan
"The slogan of this event, 'W,hep-
the one great scorer comes to
write your name, it's not of what
you won but, how you played the
game,' shouid'han•g in every arena.
It should be impressed upon the
minds of oiiCr youth so the errors
of officials and coaches can be ac-
cepted in the spirit of true sports-
manship and the value of the as-
sociation in the game be of greater
importance than 'Did we -win'?"
While Penticton probably won't
h: ve a team in the 1957 tourney at
Goderich, the B.C. t:.,wn is making
definite plans to send a team east !
next year.
The article in the B.C. newspaper I
contains some other interesting
observations concerning the Gode-1
rich tournament and minor hockey
in general.
The writer asks, "Why is there
such a lack of interest shown -by
the citizens and in particular the
parents of the boys in minor
hockey ages, when Canadian hoc-
key is recognized as the maker
of true sportsmen and good
"These teams serve up as fine
a game of hockey as any played
in the,vallsy. Surely at .least the
Parents ca'ttr find time to give sup -
pert. and encouragement to their
sons in a game designated to help: -
ing our boys to develop physically
and in character to become good
and respected citizens."
Great Benefits
He contends that the attendance
of parents at these games will
have "great and lasting benefits
through developing a more intim-
ate association 'beteween. Dad and
his Lad. The little word of praise
will (be returned not one hundred
"fold but ten hundred fold and will
grow into the strongest deterrent
to delinquency of man and boy."
He 'continues, "I would like to
enlarge .a little upon the work of
fhb Goderich Lions Club in its
celebration of Young Canada
Week. The pee wee hockey tourna-
ment is rated as the biggest little
hockey tournament in the world,
more than thirteen hundred taking
part in this annual event.
"After the grand championship
has been determined, there is play-
ed an East-West challenge game
which was between Winnipeg Mus-
tangs and Goderich Lions. It was
won by the West last year.
"`More than 1,500 paid admis-
sions are realized at these games.
Last year a sum of over $3,000 was
spent to feed the players, and the
.bcys were billeted in the homes
in Goderich."
12 NOON TO 6 P.M.
0•4••••••••••••••••••••••• r
The Legion Squirts had a busy
week -end. On Thursday night, the
Ground Crew played against a
group of all-stars. The Ground
Crew had the pick of three players'
to add to their strength, but still
came' out second best in a real
game of hockey. The All -Stars
triumphed 3-2. f•
On Friday night, a pinked team
played Seaforth Squirts in that
torwp and won by a 2-0 score.
Then again Saturday morning,
commencing at 8 a.m., they. play-
ed their regular games. In the
first game, the Infantry and Cruis-
ers battled to a 2-2 tie. In the
second tilt, the Ground Crew and
Artillery ended in a scoreless tie.
In the third game, the Air Crew
won over the Corvettes 4-0.
There are two games left for
each team in the regular schedule,
and then the play-offs will start.
BANANAS 2 lbs. 250
Cello CARROTS 2 bunches 250
NEW CABBAGE 2 lbs. 160
FLORIDA ORANGES 252'a 29c dozen
ORANGES 144'o 390 dozen
Phone 1571 Free Delivery Kingston St.
'Pop' Concert On Ice
Has Youthful Accent
The accent was on youth when
Goderich Figure Skating Club pre-
sented its colorful "pop" concert
ibelore a crowd of nearly 600 at
the arena Saturday night.
The majority of theenformers
were of pre -high school age and
some of the tiniest of them almost
stole the show as they demon-
strated their mastery of the flash-
ing blades,
But: there was never any doubt
that the star was Wanda Beasley
MadDonald, former Canadian jun-
ior champion and 1955 gold medal-
,ist. She gave a graceful and
breath -'taking exhibition of the
skating skills 'w'hich erarried her
to national pro•thinence.
The show was organized by the
club pro, Dennis Silverthorn, as-
sisted by hardworking club mem-
bers. Appropriate recorded music
formed the background for most of
the .numbers on the program.
Harold Brennan, club president,
announced the opening number,
which had a mardi gras theme.
Following a dutch waltz by the
skaters, the crowd was entertained
Eby a duet featuring Diane Hamil-
ton and Dennis Duckworth.
Tim Sale appeared as soloist
after completion of the spoon race
which was won by Donna Munroe.
Diane Hamilton and • Dennis Duck-
worth were declared winners of
the amusing three-legged race.
In the first half of the free
skating competition, the following
contestants performed: Donna
Champions f Past
To Appear Again
In Exhibition Here
All but one member of the Gode-
rich Louzon Flyers, who won the
1946-47 Ontario Junior "C" cham-
pionship, are expected to be back
Maybe Goderich should copy -in uniform for an exhibition game
" here Saturday, March 9.
g g Though some of the boys have
,been out of active competition for
,a while, they are all game and have
Afhtter".aperatin,YourgCanaLheda WeekYaun.g Can-but
i held several' practices. They ex-
ada Week pee wee hockey tourna- pect to be in good shape when they
menu for seven years for the bene-1hit the ice. for the exhibition tilt
fit of teamsfrom Winnipeg to St..lagainst Clinton Lions Juveniles,
n h to al 1941-42 'Ontario champion-
.Poh...' ewfauxidl.. d e e..
me r
Q f the
,. II member oampion
_ �..� _ t- .. YC
a lI .
- � ; o -se
pbawers tlitat be guru, y Flyers who won't be able to attend
might,._ that _the __big event was is Bob Allen, who is -in California:
nationally known.j Proceeds of the game - will help
'to equip Goderich's entry in the -
You can imagine their surprise farthcgming Young Canada Week
when someone jumped in recently
pee wee hockey tournament. If
with another "Young Canada the exhibition game attracts any -
Week." That someone was none where near the number of fans
other than Gordon Juckes, of Mel- who used to cheer the two teams
ville, Sask., chairrf the CAHA
,the affair fon when they were at their peak,
rniror hacker. +commamintrt£t
o • s•.ould be ,a roaring suc-
Mr. Juckes 'proclaimed the week Other attractions on the program
of February 4-11 as Young Canada ,will include performances by Wan -
Hockey Week and; -he asked that it da Beasley MacDonald, of Goderich,
beo(bserv„�. 7; ferywl ere, including former P Canadian junior figure
in Croderi. The idea, he said, skating champion, and Walter
was to focus attention on minor Thomas, o.f Stratford Figure Skat-
hockey activities. ing Club. Goderich Pipe Band
will be in attendance.
To the observer, it almost looked The hockey game will be refer -
as if Mr. Juckes was attempting •eed by Gordon {Rooster) Muir, of
to steal a Goderich institution Seaforth, and M. L. (Tory) Gregg,
without so much as a "do you of London. Starting time is 8.30
mind?" p.m. Two local squirt hockey
,teams will play an exhibition game
Was such light regard to be earlier, starting at 7 p.m.
shown to the men who built the
original Young Canada Week from
small beginnings into a major
sports attraction recagnired in al-
most every Canadian centre, ex-
cept perhaps Melville, Sask.?
Cons,idering Mr. Juckes' position
as CAHA minor hockey chief, one
would think he would have known
better. Local officials had a right
to complain.
Fortunately, it looks as if the
mistake may be rectified another
year. In fact, the Juckes-inspired
"Young Canada Week" *as chang-
ed to "Minor Hockey Week" in
Ontario out orf respect to the Gode-
rich tournament.
.The change was made after
'Nip" Whetstone, chairman of the
original week, called Jack Christie,
of Toronto, president of Ontario
Minor Hockey Association. Mr.
Christie Immediately ately recognized
the confusion that could result
from having another Young Can-
ada Week.
It is understood here that Mr.
Juckes has now acknowledged his
oversight, if "jou want to call At
that, and local officials expect to
receive a letter to this effect from
him soon.
"Nip" points out that no one
here is objecting to the CAHA
setting aside a special week to pro-
rmote minor hookey, but it would
be a lot less confusing for every-
one if Mr. Juckes and company
would go to the trouble of digging
up a more original name for their
Getting back to the 1957 edition
of the original Young Canada
Week, "Nip" Says that entries are
still coming in, but they cannot
be accepted. The limit of 78
teams, including one from port
.Huron, Mich., was reached several
days ago.
If each team brings the limit of
18 players (15 regular and three
spare), that would mean 1,3' 1 boys
to be fed and sheltered here dur-
ing the tourney. " Of course, many
teams will not require overnight
ac onnmodntion.
Tournament officials are now
try oheeking, , player§' registrra-
tio►;s, and the Work is Just start-
ing. On the Young Carnia Weelc
,Cominittee, besides "Nip," le Bruce
l;r::.kine, Guy Emerson, Bill Leeson
and Sheriff Nelson Hill, president
of the WOAA. Bruce is the now
secretary, gadually assuming the
Catherine Anderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Anderson, has
been informed that she attained
honors in Royal Conservatory of
Music examinations which she
tried at Stratford. The high marks
were awarded on the basis of her
work in grade 3 harmony. Her
teacher is W. Trucker.
heavy load which Guy carried so
well in past tournaments.
Aberhart, Judy Patterson, Carol
Stoddart, Carolyn Watters and
Nancy Watters.
Candle Race
Following another dance num-
ber, in which several skating
couples took part, a candle race
was held,' The winner was Helen
Next on the program was Sylvia
Bullen, one of the most accomplish-
ed club members, in a solo number.
The balloon race was won by Tim
Sale, followed by Dennis • Duck-
worth and Robert Baechler in the
next two positions.
Judy Witmer managed to out-
last all others in the musical chairs
number, which was one of the
most amusing items on the pro-
The members of thle victorious
team in the obstacle race were
Betty 'McConnell, Cdrol Stoddart,
Vivienne Hugill and Joan Everett.
In the second half of the free
skating competition, the following
girls participated: Jennifer Par -
sails, Vivienne Hugill, Diane Ham-
ilton and Susan Sale. The winners
were Diane Hamilton, Vivienne
Hugill and Susan Sale.
Following e solo number by
Paul Wilson, there was a formation
Hlighrlight orf the evening was the
appearance of Wanda Beasley Mac-
I)onald, whose dazzling perform-
ance was greeted with heavy ap-
Following a • broom bell game
and a format*, 10 -step number,
the program closed.-
losed:Door Prizes
Draws were made for several
door prizes, donated by Goderich
merchants. The naives of the
donors and winners are as follows:
Lodge Furniture, tamp, Jack
Freeman; Filsinger's Jewelry, tray,
Mr.s. Maud Jamieson; Malcolm
blathers, Tamp, Mrs. Siernan; an-
onymous, tray, Miss Lottie Robin-
son; Reg. Bell, cream and sugar
set, Joy Hutchins; Music Shop, gift
certificate, Mrs. J. Anstay; P. F.
Carey, coasters, Nelson Hill; an-
onymous, cup and saucer, Jack
Freeman; TRexall Drug Store,
candy, Lundy McKay; I.G.A., groc-
ery hamper, Mrs. Helen Durnin;
Ormandy Jewellery, dish, Shirley
Masse; Anonymous, set of glasses,
Jack Videan; Emerson's" Drug
Store, perfume,' -'earl - 'Stoddart;
P.U.C., hot plate, E. Poth, Bayfield;
F. E. Hibbert & Son, blanket,
Martin Bosveld; R. H. Cornish,
clothes. basketp>sMm-ear„ Ainslie;
.E, Breckenridge, .:sh5 g".basiket,
Bill Bettger.
From Winnipeg comes word that
Vince Leah, Winnipeg Tribune
sports writer and coach, of e,
Mustangs, has named a squad or
the 1957 tournament in Goderich.
The Mustangs will defend their
East-West Trophy, the Newfound-
land Trophy and the Oakwood
tournament trophy. The Western
pee wees participated in the Oak-
wood, tournament on their way to
Goderich last year.
Learn tto Skate 1.30-3 p.m.
Pee Wee and ktansam •Games;
FRIDAY, MAR. 1 ---
School Skating 3.30-5 p.m.
(Grades 5, 6, 7, 8,)
Midget Hockey Practice 6.30 p.m.
Kin ‘Broomball Practice 8 p.m.
Int. Hockey Practice 9 p.m.
Squirt Hockey 8-10.30 p.m.
Pee Wee Hockey 10.30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Public Skating 2-4 p.m.
Figure Skating 5 p.m.
Children's Skating 2-4 p.m.
(12 years and under)
Adult Skating p.m.
(Adults and Teen Agers)
1.30-3 p.m.
4.6 p.m.
Learn to skate
Hockey Practice
Broomball Game
CKNX Wingham vs. Goderich
Kinsmen Club 8.30 p.m.
Learn to skate 1.30-3 p.m.
Figure Skating 4-9 p.m.
Curling a 2 p.m.
1-2 LB. TIN
16 OZ. JAR
28 OZ. TIN
10e OFF
48,0Z. TIN
PKG. 60
2 LBS.