The Exeter Times, 1890-8-28, Page 22Io Woiider
they find how rapidly health.
Y v is restored by taking flyer's Sare
s,sPalrilla. The reasou is that this
preparation contains only tho purest
and most powerful alteratives and
*pules. To thousauds yearly it proves a.•
veritable elixir of life.
Mrs, Jos. Lake. Breekwwy :Centre,
Mich., writes : "Liver complaint and made my life a burden
and elute ;tear ending ray existence.
Per more toot reur years I suffered nu-
told ter ny. eves reduced almost to
a :tone." ax. :hardly had streugth to
brag myself ;stout. AU hinds co food
elistrt s .e d nee anti only the most deli-
cate t•oultl be digested at ail. Within
the time L,entiotxed several pil;•tlieians
t elated 1 t v iritort giving relief. Nothe
« r
3 th.. e
a tat ire t
,serif d ado un
ne t
ttt 1 m. .
m 1 began the L
I u eO
av is Sa ," lt.aill ,' wit eh has pro
tltetx= wnntlttinl results. :Semi atter
coisolieu::n;; to min: the a„T:aparilia; 2
egoist eve an •
;in my contdi* r'n, my apt elite bean to
return mid wish n c ; i;u time ability to
clige t esei ,ire feed taken, my strength
Zanprow.ti E;zsls (lay, ;out ealter a few..
mouths of i:zitlifni attention to your
i troetions, I found myself «s well
nos.00n, asks, to attend to all household
tiutlese Tire mein -sire has given 7.110 a
ezew lease o lie, and I canuet thank
,you too Lite ls: '
"We, the undersigned, citizens of
• 'Brockway Centre, Minh„ hereby terrify
that the ,above statement, mode by
Mrs: Lai;n, 15 true in every parthenlar
and entitled to full +redenee, --p, P,
Ciiausbeel lu, G. W. Waring, C. A.
Veils, Druggist.
"My brother, in England. was, for a
long tame, unable to attend to leis oceu.
Mahon. by reason of sores on his out.
I stilt Lint lyer's Alrnaac anti the ter
nireonials it vont Ai seil tndneed nun to
xrs '.verSarsaparilla. After using it
n 1 ttie n t le, she was cured, and is now
a wTt ll mal,, worleing in a o -n, ar twill
nt Brisbane. Queensland, a.ust"' .,„."••-
A,; ii.,V.:vlt, Sliertnt Lake, 0:14: g,
•A yees Sarwarma,
r n rAa.rzl.a n' r
Dr. 4. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Zri eet; n:.% L,at;es,45. rah £e a settle.
f Severing• Iacltit,n "Z
To at dare eetableeh
trade lu s1l tens. by
+asiag our eteettInte
A Jl
end whew the Intel* esu ate
ahem, ,ro wtBend � y * sy
SO ear
psraoa la each letelay.Lhtvr
hest se,rtag-eutehine wed* Le.
rite worldorit.t en the eleerh,a:
ere wtlleteo land th-e tte ew,p1pla
e et otr svolly and + lsoade so;
Igo/. return wu n
w whet to .endXe nurse eh*
way te.l to }•tart heelv,and new to
wmtnu all ssta31 beton. Fear own
,r,p r Ltd rind ntsetSse 'U
at.,.3c a ver"f d #a• teaa,
whltl, lave run gni: F.Mru iwtthe
rutsshrne t
with the
,seasYmeatt and naw It US tar
ono.htat alga .se.s.tcarese-
Qt1�itgyeps (' ratmastttae m" the %mat. Amt is
, Rletls g ., i:o acpttst se„alrtd, ?lata..
' f x^ vo '' ,�wh tvri o t s ra am, Si.
brier lc a t+iset-.i ;Hon. i e t tho 0 And Hoare tree the oras tar,ta roversho ea the nand, trod else
ntteathwot+rorkeothoah a:raerabern 1aGothe: in Amrt£ote.
TitU aC1 O., atto= "44O, 1's.Xtffetst,e, =aloe -
Bowel Colxiplainte, Diarrhoea
--AND A:.1.-
teseee ..
Sore Eyes
Scalds A�
Piles poi
Wounds EAT' A
Sore Feet
li Fi.> MaP ndATIONS
1 ° rmor(i la's g�w
MS5 Solid Gold watch:
Sold for 8100. until lately.
Bost OS watch en the world.
Perfect tlmokeoper. War-,
d- Heavr
olid cold
Hunting Cam. Both Judie,'
,utd gents' sizes, with. works
and cases of equal value.
One Person to emit' lo.
<le ty can secure ono free.
together with our largeanaval.
noble Tins of household
Samples. These sample', de
wall as the watch, we send
Mem In Free, and after you have kept
your hems for 2 month' and chows them to those
ivho may have eallel, they biome your one pr ort L. Those
wbe write at one. can be sure of receiving the litratelt
end Samples, wig, par an ozpresa, 4elyl:t,ot. Addrees
1-4htn coat Lo. ,ttosr GUIs,,A'eastl::tsello85a1ae.
—T- OR.
Sin is ugly, but she knows flow to fix The Estate or worusop Just Sold by tlae
herself, slum or Nerwastte to a twot,:suat cr,
Isn't it nether rough to call a grocer who weasel,Manor, famous in Englisll his -
simply sends his sugar an adulterer . tory, has been sold by the Duke of New -
Wilco angels are entertained unawares
the entertainment is nothing to brag of,
"I understand you own a baby." "Ytlu're
mistaken, I'm only its father."
Marriage b a lottery in which we all
lora something -usually a baby carriage.
Unless a man has a character that won't
show shirt he had better keep out of politics..
Wilco Jay Gould wills away his various
lines of railroads to his family, it will be
"hopiug that these few lilies will fold you
well; ate.
"Now," said the tramp who hatT been
laboring at the wood -pile, "I'll go around
to the kitchen and see if I can't rash a few
of tIzes. chips,"
A learned writer (declares that butter was
unknown to the nue/tuts. This :rakes it
harderthat ever to account for the titvor of
some we have tasted.
castle to Mr. John Robinson, a bookmaker
of Nottingham. When the Duke of New.
eastlo bought it in 1840 he gave R375,000 or
$1,57.5,000; in 1500 it brmgn 1;.au,000 or
A line old collection of memories relating
to the aristocracy of several centuries goes
with the estate. Mr. Robinsou, if lie is a
man of imagination, may rind much enjoy-
ment in strolling over his historic acres,
holding converse evith the noble Oasts of
long ago. The chronicles of the middle ages
show that Bing Stephen, whose reign was
distinguished far its misery and its castles,
was a guest at the manor in 1161. John
Harrison, who made asurvey of the estate
in speaks - as a s 't �iou park
of it, 4 s e
p p
beingseven n'les and .t lalze, and halfe a
quarter in compass, and eontayneth by mea-
sure, according to the statute, 2,303 aeres,
two roods, and 31 4-5 perches, About the
midst thereof stantdeth a very'stately house,
Every man should have an aim in life, casks. one -Amen and built of freestone,.
but he shouldn't epend too much time am,- being very ftieasautly situated upon a hill,
with gardens correspondent to the same.
This pante is well adorned with timber, and
not meanly furnished with fallow demo ;
his customer °s cheek) --"floes it pui1 r the number of theta at this present is about
Customer (with his teeth firmly sett- •"10 eight hundred. There is a little river run-
-it don't pull—it excavates" Wing thr n 1t this pall;e very profitable, not
"I wish 1 was au angel," saki Wl illie, only in reg;utle of tho tronte told ether tish
""Why?" "It most be bully this weather therein contained, but especially in regard
to be nothin' but a head with a pair of of the water mill, well built of stone, stand
feather fans behind your ears," - ing uponthe said river, neare unto the parka
To tine Point—He (falling, .on his laces)•-- `zu,l the towzze Q# W(416°1)".
"Oh, Mary. may I address you on the sub- dr. Robert White, thehistorian of Work,
jeet of marriage?" She—"You may if you sop, says that the manor was tormerl} the
can dress ale after marriage. seat oft zeancientLorclsofWorkshop, Itdes•
Blobson says that lie never had but one
early flange and that one has made Min keep
old times in remembrance ever since by
kindling the kitchen tire at six o'clock.
"'SU" exclaimed Tommy, listening at
the door. "There's company ,n the radon "
" How do you know r Inquired 11'illie.
" ;.Itmzna s Balling papa 'my love.'"
ing. The quick sliot gets the clay pi4eon
when rite trap is sprung.
Barber (executing an artistic swipe down
"It was a pretty piggish thing in live to
eat the apple when she bad cvervtl;iui else
elle wanted." ""Oh, well, what �e(mid you
expect" She was wily a sparerib, any -I
""How comes it, niam'eelle, that sen are
so eager to accept the attentions of Leiden -
ant Brown ? 1thought yort were both en-
gaged," ""o we aro, but not to earl other,"
The youth may be of high renown,
:NIay flirt in fashiou's whirl,
But when his collar's melted down
;Viler is he with Ms girl?
"Your d:anghteris making rapid progress
in Tape ,c Co.'s store, I hear." "Olt : yes.
She went in as `cash,' then she became a
'bundle girl' and now size's a "saleslady:"'
"Marriage is a lottery," so 'tis said ;
So ministers, who loving couple wed,
Are guilty, it is very plain to eee,
Of showing favor to a lottery.
slitter—•'"girls, We mustn't worry your
father about going away thirStumm
finances are extremely low, I kItOW. I
looked in his check book yesterday and saw
he only had one cheek left."
Fogg—"I don't believe in the beneficial
results of ocean bathing• 1 had a friend
who was seriously injured by salt water
once." Fenderly-"How did it affect hinz't'
Fogg—"It drowned him."
"What's the difference between ice and
water?" "Ice is frozen water ; that is elI
tended by marriage to the Duke of Norfolk
remauing tin that family until ISO, when
the entail was cut off and the estate was
sold to the then Duke of Newcastle. The
manor house stands in a finely t5mbered park
fo 2(K acres. .ir. Robinson paid £3U,000
for theestate and £ J,000additional for the
C'adinal Wolsey visited the famous estate
wizen ou his wav to Cawood, in Yorkshire,
in 1330, Mary, Q'aeeu of Scots, wrote a letter
Irma Workshop iu September, 1343, while
she was there as the zexth Marl of yh eviwee
bury's prisoner, King James V I of Scot-
land, wlzo was namett as the successor of
Queen Elizabeth atter her death, arrived at
1Vo•keep from Edinburgh on April 10, 10tt3,
after a journey of fifteen dans, Ile could
make thettip in six hours Ube Wein alive
11 • •l
today, but he wouldn't have s,zX, z a fine
chance to enjo3`�the scenery and get acquaints
ed with his subjects, His visit to 'Worksop
is thus quaintly set down by a reporter of
the time.
"Mr. Askoth, the High Sherif% of Not-
tinghamshire' received his Majesty, being
gallantly appointed Both with latae am
man; and so he conducted his Majesty on,
till bo came within a mile of Blyth, Where
hisHighne' slighted,and sat down on a banke
sits, to este and drinke. After bis Majesty's
short repast, to Worstop his Majesty rives
fa i •ut •hat .the vvti • 'n t t Park he
rv, 1 by1 i ie1 1
eves somewhat stayed, for there appeared a
lumber of huntsmen, all in green°, the chief
of. which, with a woodman's speech, • dill
welcome him, offering his Majestie to shore
him some game, which he gladly can•
descended to see : and with a train set,
he hunted agood space, very much delight
ed. At last ho went into the house,
where he WaS so nobly received, with super-
,,. ,; fluitie of all things, that still every enter -
There is a greater difference than that. tainment seemed to exceed other. In this'
"What is it ?" "Water always finds its level, place, besides theabundance of all provision
but lee is constantly going up." end delicaeie, there was most excelleut soup
Benevolent Party—"My man, don't you ravishing musique, wherewith his Righu, ss
was not a little delighted. At 11'orstop lee
rested an Wednesday night, and in the
morning stayed b,eakfast, which cadet',
there was much store of provision left, o
fowle, fieh, and almost everything, beside
think fishing is a cruel sport t" i'isherielan
—"Cruel 2 Well, I should say so. I have
sat here six- hours, have not had a bite lied
am nearly eaten up by mosquitoes."
Mr, 'TreeaNizder—"Can you tell me,
dearest, flow those wares eksely resalable tread, beere, and wines, that it was left open
myself ?" Dearest—"XO, Artienr. stow ole to any man that would come , nd take."
they ?" Mr. If reespender—"W el', b th the
wave- a•t 1 I go broke as soon as WA reach
the 1 each "
C nsty —"Beauty: Bah :Don't hunt for
L auty when you're looking for a mar -
r ageabke girl, my boy. Beauty wears her
1 eart uenerher sleeves, you know." Young-
blood—•'indeed 1 Then when does she wear
it at dress receptions 2"
"Iieel," said the youngman to her father,
"that existence without your daughter would
be only a dreary task, whose completion
could lot come too soon." "Very well,"
salt, t .e old gentleman, "take her, and
presently you'll feel the same way, only
more so."
Hints for the Household.
Sixty drops of liquid make one teaspoon-
Coffee cake should be wrapped in a nap-
kin while warm and there remain till cut.
Powdered rice sprinkled upon lint and ap-
plied to fresh wounds will stop bleeding,
Great improvement will be found in tea
and coffee if they are kept in glass jars in-
s needed tin boxes.
Old cotton or merino stocking tops are
better than cloth for patching merino under-
wear, as they yield with it.
An effectual remedy for slimy and greasy
drain pipes is copperas dissolved and left to
work gradually through the pipe.
Many women go upstairs with the body
bent forward and the chest contracted—a
practice very injurious to the heart and
Two quarts of water with two ounces
of glycerine scented With rose, as a dressing
in the bath, will impart freshness and deli-
cacy to the skin.
If soot be dropped upon the carpet
throw upon it an equal quantity of salt and
sweep all up together. There will be scarce-
ly a trace of soot left.
A simple means of changing the air
of a sick room is to open a window at the
top, and opening the door, move it back and
forward rapidly, so as to insure a current of
fresh air from the window.
Fatal Accident.
QUEBEC, Arica. 27.—A fatal accident oc-
curred on the line of the Quebec and Lake
5t. John railway about 11 o'clock on Sas
turday morning, resulting in the death of
Conductor Napoleon Wright. It appears
that Wright had charge of a light train,
which he was backing at Lake Edward
Station. Leaning outside of the car, and
holding on with one hand, he signalled the
driver to stop. At this moment, losing his
hold, he fell : in an open culvert, being in-
stantly killed. Deceased was 41 years of
age and had only been married four months.
His wife lives at Lake Edward. Coroner
Belleau held an inquest on the remains,
which were brought to town'an.dplaced in the
morgue. A verdict of accidental death was
returned. The remains of the -unfortunate
conductor were taken to Aylmer by the
C. P. R.
' Few persons live to -day, but all are pre-
paring to do so to -morrow.
Kings James's Queen and tLe r,,ya1 011" d -
ren visited the manor in the same year, . rd
Toby Matthew, Bishop of Durham, of er-
ward Archbishop of York, 'preached be ore
them. When Charles I. called at Wor' sop
on his way to Scotland to convene a P. rlia-
ment and he crowned, a guinea was ex- end-
ed in bell riming by the church w. rden.
The forest of Sherwood, where Robin Hood
and his merry highwaymen lay in vv cit for
the nobility, according to tradition, is a
short drive from Worksop.
Worksop Manor has had some eve nderful
beeches and oaks. A beech blown down in
1803 covered 1,000 square yards nd con-
tained forty tons of wood. Aur her tree,
so an ancient historian declares, measured
180 feet between the extreme enc, of the op-
posite boughs, shading 8,827 squat e yards,
under which 942 horses might stand. J. IA:
original mansion was pulled down by th(
Duke of Norfolk, who built a new house,
which, had it been completed, would have
been one of the finest and largest building it
the kingdom. It contained 500 rooms.It
was destroyed by fire in October, 1761. The
loss was estimated at £200,000. The present
manor house is not so pretentious.
The Bachelor.
Eccentric bachelors, if you want to bt.
cured of your oddities and become polished
Christians, marry 1 You, sir, with the
slouching gait, the pocketed hands, the i11 -
tailored frame, just pair off with a neat,
smart little damsel, who has an eye for
the picturesque, and before the honeymoon
is over she wil so transfigure you that you
will scarcely know yourself in the looking
"Beauty and the Beast," is -no table,
Many a "monster" has been transformed
into a gentleman by the necromantic in.
fluence of a pretty woman. You, Sir Nim-
rod, whose talk is of double -barrels and
setters, of deer shooting on the Adiron•
dacka, or moose -hunting in the Canada
wilds, do you wish to be civilized' and
socialized ? Doubtless you clo. Then
marry a true gentlewoman, and site will soon
make you as gentle and gallant a cavalier
as ever shawled a lady at ball or opera.
Even the miser inay be won from his golden
pegod by a generous wife, though it must
be confessed that of all eccentricities, the
treed of riches is the most difficult to eradi-
The fact is that every eccentric bachelor
is like a helmless ship that has yawed more
or less out of her proper course. A goocl
wife's advice is the tiller that he needs to
bring his head round and steer him safely
and happily over the sea of life.
She adjusted his tie.
And he? Why, he kissed her.
There was no one else by,
And she wasn't his"sister.
She adjusted his tie,
Who wouldn't have kissed her.
Nothing is more terrible than ignorance
with spurs on.
A Peculiarly Feminine Task.
Every one who hens attempted the task
knows that if requires a particularly deft
toueh to meud a rent itt a glove successfully.
In the picture of Hilcla, the heroine of the
Marble Faun, engaged, in mending her gloves,
Hawthorne draws attention to the grace of
this peculiarly feminine task. The best
«love intenders hit the world, unfortunately
for this sentiment, are men, "professional
glove -sewers," who handle the kid and
needle with methodical dexterity. A rip is a
simple matter with theta ; it is in mending a
tear in the kid that they show their skill.
The color of the glove is carefully mvatchec
in silk taffeta or any silk goods of firm,
light quality, and in sewing silk. A piece of
the silk is run on the inside carefully under
the rent so as to bring the edges together,
but not so as to show on the outside of the
glove, and the edges of the kid are then
drawn together by Almost invisible stitches,
as a cloth mender mends cloth. Properly
rubbed with the finger,
o renthardly
t is not : _ -u
a place wlncre the stitch-
es are stretched when the glove is worn,
Even this the silk boneethtends to prevent.
After alittle erseveranceany onecan cateh
up this art of gloveznextdingaud learn to do
the work with something of the skill of an
expert. A rip in the stitching even may be
"stayed" with a bit of sill;,, where it is caus-
ed by a special strain, and may be kept in
this way from breaking out again.
The Summer Costume.
Now the teacher, the preacher,
Most every made creature ;
The doctor, the lawyer, the dude and t1e
The butoher, the baker,
The candlestick maker,
Are each of them wearing the negligc shirt.
But laundrymen hate it
And fiercely berate it,
For naught else their business so vitally
They'd make scores of dollars
On stat•ehed cuffs and collars
If'tweren't for those terriblenegligc shirts.
Enthusiasm is always connected with tile
In rho laughter of folly wisdom hears half
its applause,
`�Art Y i AN tt
Wlso i. Weak, Nervous, Debilitated,
ekofnhla Folly and ignozanco baa Tri-
Ned away isle Visor of Body, Wiled anal
Manhood, cauauzg exhausting drelue npoa
uze Fountalna of Life. Headache,
4aokaohe, Dreadful Dreams, Weakno;ae
t Memm7i Bashfuiness b Soctatyt
tlrnples upon the Pasoan/tem tha Effects
maths to Earl71 Decay, Corteurnptlon'
IrInaanit tiifl and iu aur epoodio Ivo, 23 tz
ktoitiva urge xb lrapttrta Youthful
jior restores rho Vi tat Pa elR" m old and.
rung. Strengthens fond invigorates the I"sraln
s'sd /dory.. builds up the muscular system
4444 arouses lilt* action the whole pbyalcal
energy of tho human frame, With our emelt°
Na s3 the most obstinate Casa ons bo cured in
three months, and recent ones in less Clan t lits
iso s. Each package contains two vteel s treat-
to89. Cares Guarentereel f ,.r apee-
lAa No, i'.titi an infalllbla Cure for all Prlvato
Diseases nomatterot lhow lone; tataancl-
tat Sold under P� written Cuarantoe to
Oo., Toronetto re,u _ s as% TSirouto Istodtc#fzss
Far superior to Ergot, Tansy. Pennyroyal or
D ide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies
who nse them MONTHLY. Never tail. Relieve
rin, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and
fectual. Price, $2, Toronto Medicine Co,
ronto, Ont.
)R. \T. H. GRAHAM,
198 King Street West,
TO1'Q11to, Onto
attention to Slit,.: DIS1ASES, as Pimples, Ulcers, etc.
PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Private
Nature, Its Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, ltervous Des
bility, ete„ (,Ilse result of yontbful folly an excess,) Gleet
and Stricture of long standing.
D1S1 &SES OF WOMEN—Painful, Profuse or Sup,
eseose en nee •Apressed d Men trnation. Ulceration, Leueorrhoes, and, 1
(nue Hours --C a.m. to s p.m, Displacements of the Womb,
Sundays,I p.m. to 3p.m,
xeter Lumbor Yar
The Ualarsigtted wishes to infortnhepit Win iu generel that he keeps
—constantly in stock- •
A large stook of hemlock always on hand at mill prlees, Flooring, Siding
dr•ssea inch, inch -and -a -.starter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors,
Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, e.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY<--e.tnzpetition challenged.. The best and the
largest stook, and at lowest privies, Shingles A 1,
ed. A casll will
to iv, z 4 tt,y t t4, . za t I,.z 1 re t ly for use. No shriedca
assur will bear out the above.
]inuuf.,ctared on`t by Thwoe . f ra ttl a 1Li.usi. , w Oxf;ml Street,
'Pa:ehasere should look to the Lobo: on the Be= and Pots.
If tho aiciroas :s not 533, Oxford Street, Lindon, they are szzunious.
/��t Np�TgE�!D� 0 t.:1'EEtIE Vd Et) 9B • . ormanentpoe
r1ltg pMa/ttons guaranteed. Salary and Expenses road. i'ecu
liar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, with te.steselling specialties.
OTJTI'IT FREE. We oudranics what avo aduertiss, write IIROI
IiiUOTll'EIt3, Nurserymen. Toronto, Ont, tThlls house to tells
Indian Pole Ale and XXX Brown Stout
Highest awaras ana aletdals for Purity and Excel
lance at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia,
1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877; and
Paris, France, 1878.
Prof. H H Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says :—"t find it
to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter-
ations, and can stronglyrecommend it as perfectly pure and
a very superior malt liquor,
John E Edwards, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says:
"I find them to bo remarkably sound ales. brewed from
pure malt and hops.
Rev. P: J. Ed. Page .Professor of Chemistry Laval lin ver
sity, Quebec, says :—"I have analyzed the Indian Pale 'Ale
manufactured byJohaLabatt,London, Ontario, and have
found it a Iightalo, containing but little alcohol, of a deli-
cious flavor, and of a very agreeable taste and superior
quality and compares with the best imported ales. I have
also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery,
which is of emellent quality; its flavor is very agreeable ;
it is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is a
little richer in alcohol, and can be compared advantage-
ously with any imported satiate.
..,,asst• , e�;t•.,.
a r.
Gra: d, S uare 2 Upright
The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion..
Seven Thousand Pianos Now in. Use.
The Heintzmlan Pianos are noted for
Their Fails, Rich, Pure Singing Tone,
Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch,
Their Perfectly .Even Well Balanced Seal*.
The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workmanahip
Send For Illustrated Catalogue.
Factory: -West Throllto onotion11, omrtsas,.fita
„t averomand Offices