The Exeter Times, 1890-8-28, Page 1THE TIMES FROM NOW UNTIL, JAN'Y 1891 30 Cents. AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. XVIII. NO. 2, THE TIMES' TRIAL TRIP OFFER WORTH AGS, PIING "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY_' EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1890 LEGAL. II, 0I,QKSON, Barrister, Soli- • (titer of Supreme Court, Notary Patblio, Conveyancer, Commissioner. fke. Mnr,o Loan. omit Farteon'eBlock. Eaerer. R H. O0LLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, II;XETEB, . ONT, Office Sawweti it I;lo k. .tial.% old o leo, `__.....IOC... ..... EI,LIOT d, ELL , Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries fablic, Conveyancers &c, &c. "liToney to Lou at Lowest Rates of lutareat. °FFW , - UAW • STREET, 'EXETER, It. V. ar.x,rax. ,r. g?+kipT. DENTAL, 1LLINGS, OFFICIE ; Over O'Nei!'s 33aul3 Nitrous Oxide Gas for Paiute es Extraction.. HKINSMA.N,DENTIST.a.i.D, • s. $autwetl's Blue C, Main•st, Exeter. lixaraece Teeth without Pain. cry giviva Vegetable Vapor. bola Filings and All otuerdental work alto boat pnesible, Goes co 7.41111cn On last Thrersa➢ay in mita month. MEDICAL W. BROWNING M. D.. II. 0 t • P. ;3, Graduate Viotoria linlweraity: ofIc4 and reaidenee, Dominion Labora- tory. Exeter. IWNDJAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office. opposite Carling Bros. store, Exeter. a. J.t1..ROI.LL'INS,11..0,2,8. 4. 011ieo, Main St. Exeter. Ont. Residence, h.,uee recently occupied by P. MoPbin3pe, Bag. r E. CUTTEN, M. D., G. M., • tlradnato Trinity University, Tor- onto ;,Fel. Trio. Med. school, ,Toronto ; Grad. Am 1nr;e 'tioloSY; Member N. T. Acad. Anthropete . 3fontber Col. P. S„ Ont.— office, I)ashe�l od. Ont, AUCTIONEERS. );NRY L;Ij,I31 1 Licensed Aae- tionrot for Hay, Stephen, and Me, G1livray 4'ownahilla, Bates conducted at nrodora e.-atos. OIAce, atPoat•0illoe. Cred- iton OJ�l, TOS .LLL, Anotioneer for the t! Townships of Stephen, Hay and Uaborno anathe Village of Exeter. Salve procently attended, and satiafaotion guaranteed. Salo) arranged atthis office. VETERINARY. 177-R. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon. honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, Toronto, wisbos toinform the publio that he is now prepared to do all work in Veterinary line, Calla answered at all hours. Office. Kirkton, 3 mo Ont. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY - SURGEONS Fat 5'TER, ONT. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. OFFICE : One moor South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND per cent, $25,000 Private Funds, Beat Loaning Companies represented. L. H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSUltANCE THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE COMPANY OP CANADA. INSURANCE liLndOnt. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or contents,the most favorable protection in 0ase of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other rospoct- abl000mpany oan afford to write. 42,875 poli: ciestnf"r e 1st Jan , 1890. Assets $378,423.00 in cash; nk. Government depost, Deben- tures ri remium Notes. Jam's GRANT, Preside , D.O.Me DONALD , manager • DAVID JActurs, Agent for Exeter andvioinity, fpHE WATERLOO ITU TIIA L A. FIftE INSIIRAN°ECO. Established in 1863. HE'4D OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This comr.anv has been over Eighteen yeare in successful operation in Western Onario, and continues to insure against loss or flamageby Fire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and all other desorip. Mons of insurable property. Intending ineureias have the optioh of insuring on the Premium Note or cash System. During the past ten years this Com- pany has issued 57,096 Policies. covering propertyto the amount of $40,872,033; and paidin losses alone $709,750,00. Assets, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash inBank, Government Deposit and the nn - assessed Premium Notes on hand and in l, force. J W' ALDuNM..D.Presider t0. M. TAYLOR Secretary. S. Si . aUGHpe, In- spector . n-spector. CHAS; 8NELL, Agent ler Exeter and vicluaty. Paso's' Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by niall,50e. E. T. $aaeltrue, Warren, Pa., U. a. A. • J01114 Wig1TZ dr SONS i'abiisherr• and E'r+opriotore SATURDAY IS BARGAIN = DAY BRIJMP TOK '8 The Moisons Bank iCILUITII I,I It MYPAf b.1;.MF-I.' '.tfi55) tiw^a,ctaplaal ,,. 84,00040 tl"r p: at ... .,, 11,01.49.6 lieatIOttice, Montreal, P. lti OLFEfSTAN THOMAS.Eeq., eizemeeeenteemee e0 br:tneho,",lecsintn„t,orliion. Agenda in the Domirrion.U.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Braxton, Oponevery lawful day, from 1( a.na.to; p.m SAITRDAys,10 a.Ilk, to 3 p.m. 3I*erCont.perannum allower;:armoney on Deposit Receipts E. H. ARCHER i4lanager. Biddulph Council. The Connell met pursuant to adjourn. anent iu the Temperance Hall Greaten, the Reeve and all the members present. The following accounts were ordered to bo paid : —Treasurer Tp, Blanchard bal. on concrete tile, N. 33. div 5, $1. 25 ; D Wessman, grad- ing S.13, div u, nsority, $6 63 ; D. Westmau, cleaning ditch, covering bridge, stripping pit, and lotting off water, S 73 div 5, $5 75 ; Il, Westman, 8 cords gravel oontraot 813, div 5, mority, $6 80 ; Isaao A. Langford, ditch 813 div 5, moraty, $1 ; Webb & Murray, spikes for Awmik ditch, div 5, $l 89 ; Joliet Ryan. on neat of contract to build bridge, con 8 and 9, $184 ; Ed Inayo, grading and culvert, 313 div 1 mority, 814; F G Ryan, 28 cords of gravel, U 8 R diy 3, $91 ; C. Baskett, 10e loads gravel per R Coureey, $6 30 ; 11 MoDonnld, hal of gravel acct, $8 80 ; H Sandburn, bal on work, Awmik, 25c ; James Kelley, bol in full for gravel, $19 15 ; James Kelley, ten days work and damages, $12 ; J J Hayes, gravel soot in full, $l1 55 ; MMoneton10e cords gravel per Thompson, $2 62; Jolla Dixon, 29I cords gravel per Thompson, $7 37 ; James Thompson, overseeing and spreading gravel and rep culvort, div 2, 18 ; I J Lewis, breaking atone and 2 days minding gap, div 3, 81 80 ; J Lewis, spreading gravel, 0 3R, $8 75 ; Wm McGee, overseeing ereo- tion of new bridge and spreading gravel, $12 ; Thomas Ryder, minding gap 2 days, costs ; r` Davie, inspecting timber for bridge, $1 50; G 0 Hodgins, inspecting new bridge, $1 ; F Ryan, gravel °entreat, div 4. con 6 and 7, $47 ; F Davis, damages to property by gravel drawing, $8 ; J M Moore, Tp: engineer, coot in fallre-Guilfoil, $13 ; Haskett and Hodgins, damages to property drawing gravel, in full, $2 50. Moved and seconded that a rate of 2} mills on the dollar be levied on the whole rateable property of this township, for county purposes, producing 113076,48 and 3 mills on the dollar prodneing $3638,53 for township pnrposea, and such sums as may be authorized by eaoh school board; and that the clerk prepare a bylaw to; confirm the same.—Carried. A communication was received from J M Moore, township engineer, under the ditches and watercourses Act, tendering hie resign- ation and asking the counoil to name his successor at an early day. Mr. Moore's reason for resigning was press of business. The Council adjourned to meet in Seller's Hall Clandeboye, on Monday Sept 1st next at 10 a. ni. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. St. Clair Tunnel Opened. At noon, Sunday, connection was euc- ceesfully made between the two ends of the Grand Trunk Railway tunnel under the St. Clair River at Sarnia, A large auger bored out ten feet the remaining dis- tance. This enabled the men working on the Canadian side to talk to their fellow workmen on the American end. By noon Monday the men were able to walk through the tunnel, its entire distanoe from Sarnia to Port Huron. The eight foot drift is completed, and both shields, meCMonday. The interior will then be finished inside the shields with iron plates, the 'same as the rest of the tunnel, the lower one-third of the tunnel lined with brick, and iron ties laid. Three engines will be constructed for use in the tunnel, They will burn poke; having no smoke whatever. The ap- proaches will be completed in two months, and when the tunnel is ready for traffic both freight and passenger trains will run through it. Concoction of the work wad begun from thea West end on . July 29th, 1889, and from the east end five weeks :later, so it took only a little more than a year to exoivate the 6,000 feet, 2,900 feet of which are under water. The whole is lined with oast iron from And to mud, the tnnnpl being 20 feet in diameter. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. .Additional Loofas Personals. Mr. W. E. Gundy left on Wednesday for Toronto, to write on his aecoed intermediate examination in law. He will visit his parents in Esser and also attend the Detroit Exposition before returning. We wish. M. Gundy every success —Rev, Jasper Wilson, wife and family have returned home after a couple of weeks' visit with friends in Court weight,—Al<iss Lizzie Verity, who has been visiting friend$ in Toronto for aorne time, returned home on Friday last... - Mr. Lamas artd daughter, of 1 iannilton, were guests of Mr. r.nd Mra. Fitton and family loci, weal:, Miss Lomas will re- main with Miss Fitton tor a couple of weeks. --Miss Edith Verity, will leave for Alma College fit. Therms, next week, —Mr. and Mrs.11Taroahail, of Heralilton, vent the past couple of weeks, guests trf Mr, and Mrs. Rich. Manuin:—Dara. McAneh, of St. Marys, is visiting Dass, R. Crochet. .-Dies. (Rev.) Ramsay, of Londesbaro, is the guest of her parents Air, and Mrs, Zt . .1L Verity.—Miss Percy, of Toronto, is the guest of her Vnele, Dr. Browning.- A1eserx Henry and John Handcock, who have been visiting friend;] in this vicinity for some time returned to Devil's .Lake, Daketa, on Tuesday...- flies Elliott returned to London yesterday after a week's visit with friends in tills neighborhood. -.-Mr. Snna'1 Slanders, telegraph operator and wawa agent, left for a trap to ;1'Iauitoloe,' last week. -Miss Whop, of Brantford, is the guest of her brother, H. L, Biilini;z3.—Mr. John Ross, will move into his new residence this wcek,*Mre. (Rev,) Down left on Mtanday for Hall. burtott,—Mrs. Ed. Roberts is visiting friends in Port Ilapo,.Mr. J. P. Clarke, wife and son left on Thursday last for Cobourg to visit friends. --Miss Susie Weekes left for Toronto on Tuesday,® ;111', W, D. Weelees has returned from his trip to the Old Country. He reports a pleasant voyage, and is looking much improved,— 31r. J. A. Stewart left for Toronto on Tuesday*, on a purchasing tour. -Ree. Mr. foe and Lady* aro visiting at lilesars Trick and Currelley's. Mr. Doe preached in Exeter to the Methodist denomination some twenty years ago, and is et present living in Toronto,—Mrs. C. Ross is home spend- ing •t few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Eacrett.—Mrs. .et. Walters, son and daughter, left Lest week for London, England. Mr, Wal- ters will also leave in a fow months for the same place, for the purpose of again residing there. Mr. H. M. Cowan and wife, we understand. will shortly leave for Colorado for the benefit of Mrs. Cowan's health.—Mrs. Charles Tom, of Exeter, is visiting friends in London.— Mr. J. J. Pickard, of Seaforth, spent a few days of this week in town.- Mr, II. Harwood returned to Lansing, Mich., on Tuesday.—Dr. Kinsman and family picniced at the lake last week.—Miss Jermyn, of Granton, is visiting friends in town,—Mrs. Wm. Eacrett, of London, is visiting friends in Exeter.—Mr. John Hawkshaw is about to leave the hotel, having leased the premises to his son, T. W. Hawkshaw, who has so success- fully controlled this popular hostlery for the past number of years. We wish T. W. every success.— Mr. Will Gould returned to Oshawa on Monday.—W. H. Hutchins, of Parkhill, was in town on Monday, looking after his interests here.—Mr, Alex Dyer and daughter Edith, who have been visiting Mr. Dan'l Dyer, editor of the Paynesville (Minn.) News, for the past couple of weeks, are expected to return home this week.— Mrs. Lowson and children, are visiting at Mr. John Gillespie's.—Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, formerly of Exeter, who until recently kept a hotel in that village, has leased the Thompson House on King street London, and the new hotel will be opened under his management on September 1.—Mr. S. C. Hersey, traveller for the Carling Brewing Company, spent Sunday with his family in town. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Hersey is quite successful in his new undertaking.—Miss. Lottie Perkins is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Buchanan, at Toronto.— Miss Ferguson, of Hay, is the guest of Mrs. Chas. Snell, jr —F. W. Farncomb is at present actively engaged surveying the Zurich swamp for the big drain. Mr. Rirington of the Molsons Bank, who is holidaying, is assisting in running the lines.—On Sept. 2nd a number of our citizens are anticipating a trip to Manitoba, on the C. P. R. excursion.— Mr. H. Levett left for Parkhill yester- day. He intends taking in "the Detroit exposition."- Mrs. Parkinson will leave in a few days for Trout Creek, to visit her husband who is keeping store there. —Arch. Bishop Esq., M. P. P. is ex- pected home this week, from the Old Country. He sailed from Liverpool on the 20th, via the "Majestic."—Mr. Theo. Sweet will visit friends in Marlett Mich., next week,—The Misses. Bowie and Lochwood, of Chicago, and Miss Bowie, of London, are the guest of Miss Carrie Drew at present.—Mr. Samuel Penhale, who has been spending his vacation in and around Exeter, has re- turned to Toronto.—' -Mr. Fred. Moore left yesterday for Huron College Lon. - don, to pursue his ministerial studies.— Mies L. M. Cracker is spending a few days with frienddss in London.—Mr. Chas. Reed, of Fullerton, spent pent, Sunda in y town. -It is reported that a couple of our bachelor friones in Beketer a,id neighborhood will shortly become benedicts. Children Cm'for Pitchers 0astorlx iONDEN SED NESS Ifron1 Various Sources Through" out the U strict,. The kite rains bare somewhat retarded the harsgating of the oat erop. J. D, Wilson, of Stratford, and Miss E 0. Wood, of Hincardble, have been ehosen English and French teeehers in the Tl inni='. peg Iliglt $ebeol reapeotively, Twenty-one years age. at the birth of hie 8011 Andrew, Tho mea Eeid, of Walkeredle, placed in the ;Wings bank a aura of money to leaveA there until hie *mom of age, The sttna bad move there doubled itself. The Loudon and Stratford districts 011ie Salvetw•ia alrrny are Wiling a morureoth 0441}, meeting at hayfield, Last year they crimped at Woodland Parn, IMAM. The Exeter olllaara are with them. l?;aatner Bre*, of :feiitebelf and elebring. vine have been unable to effect a oerupronliae wit their oreditore, and made an Amign- ment on. Friday to Ifessra, &ribbons 4 Co., of London., Mosso. Wilder it Ilengougb, of HAY, recently thrashed in one day nearly 90i1 haeleela of goad, heavy wheat, en the faun of W. and A, Bengali. of Ray, Means, Wilson .Swenertou and Peter Mum doing she feeding. Air: George Wbite;ey. of Ssafeath, has soldh e. r is tial It steel trottiug mare, Florence G,, to re. O. Coteuaan, of that town. for 82,4110. Moreno* G. watt bred by Mr. Whiteley, from Old Cleat' Grit. 3ira, l ra, Campbell, of Seefarth, died on Saturator erg ,16th inst., at the age of 57 yeare, She had been ailing for some yearn. Her maiden name was Margaret Csuopbell, and was e'en is London township. On Sunday night, Nth inst,, Mias Tree). :11. Kennedy, of Seaforth, passel to the great minority. She had been ill but a short time oflfalarial fever. She was a dangnter of Mr. H. P, Kennedy, mud wan aged 20 years. At picnic of Canada Pacific' ltuilwav employees. held at Rennie, a pleasure resort near Rat Portage, lir. Peter Dallas, formerly of Taekeremitli, distinguished himself 88 an athlete. winning first prizes in normal events, Mr. Dallas hes a good situation at But Portage. Mrs. lfary Ann Mille, of St. Themes, a lady of 101 sommere, le visiting friends in this tonality. 'Tho lady is su aunt of 1111 J. Cathcart, sr., and had her photograph taken at Leary's the other day,alimbiug the stairs enaided.--St. Marys Journal. On Wodnesday evening some person atole from air. G. M. Doe's stables, Huron Road, near Goderioh, his chestnut driving mare, with a e}rr,er.mouated set of llamas and a galkay. Tice thief was captured at Strat- ford, and is now awaiting trial. Tho editor of the Mitobell Advocate is somewhat of a sport, Ho matohed his driving mare against a driver owned by W. G. Ilinrplry, for mile treats, best two in three. Tho race took place on Thursday last, and was won by Mr, Davis' mare, the beat time being 3.3e A young boy named Kemp, of Goderiob tp., got hie leg broken the other day in a rather nnnsnal manner. Ho took a team and water tank to haul water for a thresher and the horses became mired. Taking them by tbe head, be was attempting to lead them, when ono stepped on his leg, break- ing it. Tho other day, while Mr. D. MoTavish, of Stanley, was driving a team bitched to W. Perdue's thresher, the horses became unmanageable, and upset the thresher on its side. Mv. MoTavish had his arm broken, and the machine was slightly dam- aged. Last Friday, while a threshing was in progress at the farm of Mr. W. Ohler, Col- borne, a son of stir. ;Michael Swanze met with a painful accident. Some ono above him had laid down a pitchfork, when is slipped down, the prong oatohing Swanze in the breast, penetrating one lung. He is do- ing as well as oan be expected, At she matches of the Western Rifle Die- triot, held in London last week, Heron riflemen were among the prize winners, as they usually are :—Mr. J. A. Wilson and Major Wilson, of Seaforth, captured several prizes, as did also Messrs. N. Robson and J. Andercou, of Clinton. In one matoh Mr. Robson, took the first prize, valved at 825. Mr, James Jenkin, of Colborne, was one of those onterorising farmers who took a sample of the two rowed barley cent out from the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. He sowed two bushels and forty pounds, and from this threshed out seventy bushels of good, clean grain, in size and color fully equal to the imported Beed. On.Tuesday, of last week, wha$ is known as the Half -way house, on the Stratford and St. Marys road, was destroyed by are. The house was for some time kepi by int. Thos, Lennon, but it has latterly changed hands and was only a few weeks ago transferred to a young man from Tariatook, who was conducting it well. The haulm was a two storey brick and in emery „once a good stand i; There was about $3,800 inauranee on the banding, but none on the oontente. An 'itigrioultural society neat Luoknow neited;a gent'eman of a well-known name in a neighboring town to ant as one of the judges '4n,poultry at its mowing fall show, and received the following amusing reply : "I beg no state that my knowledge of poultry don't amount to muoh. In some anal, I can distinguish a rooster frown a hen, if I happen to catch him crowing ; but se I nave been known to make $ mistake even with that evidence, I think it would be more satisfactory to the exhibitors if yos would gee•some one Glee." Mayor Sol. White, of Windsor, is *Whore ity for i;the statement that a wagon and paeeouge4 tunnel will'. be built under tbe Black 'River. at Port Huron, and fee m a point in Port Huron 10 be determined on M the Oenadiah shore at Sarnia, The prioeipal stockholders will be Mayor Kenny and W. H. Anderson, of Port Enron, and Mayor White, 311Mayor White says : "Next airing will projfahly,see ground broken, as we want to avail ourselves of the material need Ile t y ,the conetienotion of he railway tunnel be- tween Port Simon and Sarnia. Fait Fairs. Exeter; Sept. 29 and 30 Seaforeb, Sept. Sit and Oct. L Godericb, Sept. 15, 16 and 17, Listowel, Sept. 17. 18 and 19, Industrial—At Toronto, Sept. S to 20. Western—At London. Sept. 18 to 27, Mitchell, Sept. 23 end 24. Northern -.-Walkerton, Sept. 30 to °et. 3. Iiderton, Sept. 30, Wroxeter, Sept, 30 and Oct. 1. Zurich, Sent. 15 end 16. IiewioiS--.Corrie, Oct. 4, 13elgrave, Oot. 7 and 8. Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3, Stratford, oat. 2 and 3. Bravais, Oat. 2 and 3. hayfield, Oct: 8 and 9. "(Trenton, Qot, 1 and a, Stals, Qat. 7 and 8: An exvbang° sage a farmer's wife recently: set a novel trap for rate, She took a wash boiler and filled It sheet half fail of water and apriukleil a quantity of oats ever the top. She then placed the trap in the barn and fixed thinga So that the rats could easily get at it, The average rat Imo as much curiosity se a woman it amid to trate. and of course had to have a peep into ;he boiler and then get down an the innoeeut looking oate to waif they were thsordinary. arerr•day kind The result was, 42 drown - rate the first night. 'nowt Orr Fon Turin eest telegram: franc Elmira, Out., ;aye that several well.druaaee. amooth.tongneil rowels ]tare been "laanct' the township of Woolwich ant Peel, anal, Kaye sum del is swindling a good many of any farmers, Their specialty is geld watch's, which they claim they Imre been obliged to take en a bad debt. Their stetrr Rae so well rendered that .many of onr fewness fell victims to their enures, and paid from 510 to S18 for watcher which are worth less than $3 each The local jewelers should lend their nesistaace tonaris getting these scoundrels ander look and key. In March last Ur, Tobias Nash, of Sea - forth, purchased a young boll. eleven and a halt menthe old, from a person in wool stock, in the county of Osfari. The agree- ment was that tare bail should bo delivered at Woodstock the following day for ship - meat to Seaforth. Title was done and the animal Was placed in the railway stook yard. While tbe Grand Trunk authorities were putting tho bull, on tho train he got away from them and ran *sought bit streets of the tnwu, The town policeman shot the bull, fearing that be would do soma damage. Mr, Nash brought action against the Graud Trunk Cerpany for the price of the bail, but the court dceided against him, holding that if any body is responsible for the killing of tbe boll it in the town of Woodstock, as he was shot by the eerrant of the corpora tion. The costs of the suit were ordered to be paid equally by the company and Mr, Nash. Mr. Naeb now intends to bring suit against the town. Dashwood. BRIEFS—Mr. 13. \Vinkenwotter is home on a visit at present.—Mr, F. Snell, who attended the Clinton Collegiate Institute, was auccessful in obtaini.ne a third class certificate at the late examination. -1(r, H. Birk is in Shipka this week.—Master John Greab is attending the Parkhill High School. We wish him success.—Master John Freid is visiting hie old home at present. Ho has grown to be quite a tail boy since he left Dashwood. • Y - • Hensall BRIEFS.—Mr. M. McPherson, eon of Mr. A. McPherson Tailor, who has for seine time past been in Winnipeg arrived home on Monday, and will take charge of the grocery tormedy owned by Mr. J• E. Troyer. —Mr. Davis, of Aylmer, is apeaeliug a few weeks with his sou Mr. W. C. Davis, wooer. —Rev. J. 8. Henderson and wite have re- turned home after his vacation, looking muoh improved in health.—Mr. Haywood and family have moved to Exeter.—A good- ly numbor from here took in the races at Clinton on rnesday.—A good deal of oats are yet ontetanding, the Farmers baying been retarded in the harvesting operations by the repent reins. Zurich. ACCIDENT—What might have been a fatal accident happened at the new town hall on Monday. Willie, the little son of Mr. Casper Weber was helping to carry bricks on the scaffold, when he missed hie footing and fell to the ground, a distanoe of twenty-ffve or thirty feet. He et;uck hie head against an old stump and came nearly being killed outright. As it was he sustained very severe injuries about the head and had one of his arms broken. He was taken home and attended to, and ruder Dr. Buchanan's "are is doing as well as oan be expected. BRIEFS—Mr. E. Ronnie, a student from Naperville, Ill., and who is a resident of this neighborhood, oocupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church here on Sunday evening in the place of the pastor, Mr. Haiet, who has been suffering from a severe attack of throat disease.—The building of the hall is coming along very slowly. The rafters are up, but all of the brick work is not done yet.—Quite a number of our citi- zens attended the Salvation Army camp meeting at Bayfield on Sunday and express themselves as being highly pleased with the manner and enthusiasm with which the services were conducted. • SALE REGISTER. • Tbnrsday, Sept nth—valuable village property in Exeter, (the Mackenzie property Exeter North.) Sale at two o'clock. JAMES O=s, Anot., Taos. Ruesztx, executor. The Blyth Stands;r has entered upon the fourth year of its existence. 1t was established on Amnion 25th, 1887, by Mr. Robert White, of this office, who conducted the paper for over a year when he sold it to a Mr. Watson. Mr. Watson sold it to a Mr. Gumtner; and Mr. Glimmer ..old it to the present proprietor, Mr, Irwin. The Standard has always been a bright and newsy sheet and a decided credit to Blyth. It deserves the undivided patronage of the peopie of that villago,whom we are inclined to believe, are an appreciative class. May success continue to, be Mr. Irwin'% lot, Div'Ision Ooux'ts, CREDITO:C. His Honor Judge Doyle presided at the sitting of the filth Die -felon Court held here on Tuesday, the 10th instant. The following mess were disposed of : Maaxz ve FIAisT—Aetion for $10'minima an sale of file itaahine, and $18 datnagea for conversion of 4 the trueke. Judgment for plaintiff for 328 and caste. Mr. G o1lina( for plaintiff. 1; otaititl4s CLARE—Action for $130 on a promissory note. Judgment Incplsietilf; for full gement of claim. lair, Collins far plaintiiff- Botta':., Wel ]tau d' Co. vat Hzsixz-,.3:c. tion for 530 on an :account. Judgment for plaintiff, =MIL His Honor Judge Doyle diapose,1 of- the following sae's at the left eating of$tbo Division Court here : Ilan vs GIIII NSIApx--Action for a lum- ber account, Judgment for defendant' Mr. Elliot tor platutitl; Mr. Conine for de- fendant, AfcCaar, Bltos, vs BreItart..-Action to recover the balance of an account. Jttdge meat for plaintiffs. Mr, Clollius for pltl'a, Several attachment cases werealjourned until the ueltt sitting of tbfa oourt. The California prune *prop willamouut to 15.0%000 pounds. Railroad communications between the United States and .Patigenta is talked of. Chicago has not yet decided on the location of the World's Fair The use of Washington Park has been twine refused. The thriller earnings of the Canadian Pacific halfway from Aug. 14th to Aug. 21st were 5317,000, being an increase of $12,0011 aver the sante period in 1538. 1'ha rush homewards from Europe has begun in earnest. It is said teat every berth on all the tirat•olasa dorm- ers from Liverpool and Queenstown hes been engaged up to the middle of September. 1Wriiat is supposed to have been an incendiary tiro occurred Monday night at lab'3, concession 3, London township, by which Mr. James Legg lost a barn, and Wllloam Sproule alt this year's crops. Mr. Legg'% loos is partially covered by Insurance. Joseph Klitzman, a Cleveland tailor, became angry with his son Mattin,aged 14 years, and threw a heavy pair of sheave at him. One of the points en. tered the boy's side and he died Satur- day evening, Klitzman tried to com- mit suicide, but is now I11 fail. As the result of avisitof Mr. Walker, of Walkerville,, to Montreal recently the price of whiskey has received another advance of fifteen cents a gal. lon, wtrlch is the second in three mon tbs. Club rye now sells for $3.10 a gallon, and common grades for 52. Fred Middleton has issued a parting addresa to the people of Cana- da, defending himself against the oharge of looting in the Northwest which led to his resignation of the command of the militia. The General now confesses that he agaa in errorwhen he ordered the confiscation of the whole of' Bremner's furs and agreed to the distribution of a portion among *1emberwof his staff, Ottawa, Aug. 25.—(Speeialt)—Deftn- ite information was reoeived by Mon . ilir. Carling today to the effeot that hereafter the Imperial postal author- ities will have a mail bag made up direotly for London. It will be re- membered that a short time age the Minister of Agriculture hal arrange- ments perfected for the carrying of a bag direct from London to Great Britain, and it only remained to hare reciprocal action taken by the British authorities, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 23 .—Killing froete are reported in Kitteon, Mar- shall, Norman and Polk counties of North Dakota, and in Manitoba, west- ward to bfznnedoea, where the tem- perature reached 28 degrees.. In Northern Minnesota, around 8t. Vin- cent, the mercury indicated 30 degrees, and all unmatured crops are said to be killed, Whether wheat in Northern Minnesota whieb has not yet been cut is injured is a question which it takes two or three days to decide. The frost was so severe that it froze grain that was still soft- The line extends south- ward over Moorehead in this distriot, and thence westward to Huron, S. D,, but the light, or what is known as "white frost," and not fatal to vegeta- tion. There was no frost from St. Paul southward, the temperature averaging 46 degrees. A warm wave is now re- ported in Montana. Cheap, trashy Baking Powder must ger. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is pure and reliaole. it is made of beat Crystal Orearn Tartar and English Stria. LII groom sell it, THE QUEEN PAYS ALL EXPENSES Tho Queen's last "Free trip to Europe" hav- ing excited such universal interest, the pub- lishers of that popular magazine offer ano5hsr and 6200 extra for expenses, to the pereoa sending them the largest list sf English words constructed from letters contained in the three m words "British North AeriOft, " Additiunel prizes consisting of Silver Tea Sets; Chico Dinner Sots, 0 old Watches .French Music Boxes Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses. Mantel Cloaks, and many other useful and valuable artieler. will eelso be awarded in order of merit. A special prize of a Seal Skin'Jasket to the lads. and a handsome Shetland Poop to girl or boy (delivered free in Canada or United States) sending the largest lista. Everyone sending a list of not less than twenty words wiltreceive e present• Send four 3o stamtre for complete rules, illustyratoii catalogue of prizes: and ware- p1' number of The Queen. A&Irev' Tier CANA" DUN QuxaN,,7oronto, Canada