The Exeter Times, 1890-8-7, Page 8Il; SURAIN CE
F,z RN L ST hd,LIQ 1',AGENT FO11
PANY. of Toronto; also for the PiId:Nig
BER.: INSURANCE. C0111,t.cir, or London:
England. the ROYAL CANADIAN. of Mon-
treal, and, the trlTAl tO X11' I AL LIPP
ASSL'ft#NCI.CO'Yof Waterloo established
374. Assurartiesinforce, :13.1,17.109, Bonuses
very year after 3rd year.
- -Crops good.
—Business outlook better.
--Had no idea you kept such a variety
.of goods in this department. Will
call again,"
--" I like your useful counters and will
tell my neighbors about theta."
—Griggs "useful counters' have been
enlarged this week with an excellent
variety of new goods. :111 Thuds
readers should look over them.
We venture the opinion that no one.
will leave without seeing goods they
Art Attractive Stock
of New Spriu.g T weeds
Worsteds and Trous.
lugs, new beirtg shown
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Frederic. Archer, the great Organist is.
Gossip and news are both very scarce
this weak.
Preparatious nre being *rade for a good
seasons threshing.
I Couldn't Da Without It.
An appreciative subscriber in. remit-
ting his subscription writes as follows
I note your remarks lately as to sub-
scribers paying their arrears, Aa I am
one of the guilty ones, I hasten to re-
spond, knowingfull well that newspapers
A regular meeting of the Board of Trade cannot be published without funds. 1
was bete last erg.
Look out for him ! Who' Frederic
The Huron Presbytery will meet. at
Hensel! en Sept. 9th.
The average yield of wheat in Heron
will be 35 bushels to the acre.
The pea crop this year is heavy but the
peas will be bad with bugs.
Mr. W. H. Trott is having his house re -
shingled and otherwise improved,
For a first-class organ Call on R. N.
Rowe, agent, Exeter.
Bicycle for sale --in first-class condition,
v-"? in. Apply to W. E. Gaudy. lm.
Bear it in mind 1 Frederie Archer is
Rabt. N. Rowe has been appointed agent
for the Doherty Organ.
A coup's of ear lases of lanibs were
shipped from Exeter on Thursday,
All available laborers are engaged at
present in connection with the road work
Rev. Salomon Peter Hale gare one of
his papuler lectures in the town hall on
Thursday erg.
Whilst forking bay on a stack the other
day Mr Geo. Filler fell and divagated
his shoulder.
An apple tree belonging to 1l ,Trevetbiok
was struck by lightning on Sunday anal
eonailerably damaged.
The teaehets and sebolara of the James
St. Methodist Church will picnic in Piek-
aril's grove on Thursday, August 14th.
do not know why I should not pay you
as promptly as others. I fully appreci
ate your paper and would Mies it greatly
if you stopped sending it, as you would
he justified in doing, seeing that I ace
over a year hs arrears. But to make
some little amends, I forward the amount
and something ahead for the future.
Credit me with the enclosed $3, and
oblige" Yours etc„
Civic Holiday.
Friday last was Exeter's civic holi-
day and the town wore an extremely
holiday appearance. Those who did
not accompany the excursion to Port
Stanley visited Grand Bend and *there
spent the day enjoying the balmy
breezes of lake Heron. The excursion
to fore Stanley was conducted by the
Exeter A. F. d A. M. and was very
largely attended, upwards of 400 pas-
sengers going frontExemer atone. The
towns and villages along the London,
Boron & Bruce railway supplied large
contingents, and on the whole there
were eleven ears well idled. Port
Stanley was reached in due time, and
after spending a pleasant day the ex-
cursionists returned home early, the
train reaching Exeter about eleven
o'clock. All seemed to enjoy themselves
Weeding Bells,
The Directors of the Stephen ak 'Morn 9 Au interesting event took place at the
Agricultural Society have largely increased t residence ofAld. John Heenan, London,
the membership during, she past week.
A great many persons have taken advent- on Monday evg., when Miss Jennie S.
age of our trial otter, and become submit,- Pickard, of Exeter, was united in the
ors of the Tiatee. We give all the news. bonds of matrimony to Mr. A. Dickiso.c,
A number of persona of Mitchel, who of Arkona. The ceremony was per -
have leen camping at the Bend for some formed by the Rev. Mr. McIntyre, of
time, p tesed through Exeter on Tuesday 1South London. Messrs. John Steven-
eutoute home, 1 eon and John Redman, ,jr„ supported
The Exeter ruble School and grounds the groolel,and Misses AMY Whalen and
are reeeiviag an overhauling, and will he Ida Gould, of Exeter, lent the light of
is a e lean and healthful condition for the their countenance to the bride. After
sets * are when s:heol opens. the ceremony the company—which wcis
During the storm on Monday evening, cotrpoaed almost exclusively* of relatives
part of the roe+f of Mr. Wit, 11.'agahaw's of the bride—eat down to a simple but
tarn, sullen t,rnnship, was lifted by the choice repast. After the gaud things
win 1 mai carried some distance. had been disposed of the company en -
A eenell hence and two lots, owned by tertained themselves by converaation
Mr 11::1i, o° llamittou, was put uei and music until the "wee sins' hour.B
at tete other day but was not solei, *pint the teed." The TIMES extends its
the reserve bid not having been reached. congratulations to the happy young; con.
It ie laasfnl to sheet the Bellowing birds pie, especially the bride, who is well and
in env season: Crows, l;.in lshers. jays. favorably knowni n Exeter, and who is a
English sparrows, ravens, eagles, falcons, most amiable lady.
hawks, owls; wild pigeons black birds.
do eeltn Toss has moved into his new Crtekst Match.
store, and the vacated will he The Exeter team visited St. Marys on
converted into a bar for the hletropoliten Friday last, .civic Holiday, and played Doss has meet the finest stores
in town. the return match with the tenor of that
For the information of those who will he town, suffering a defeat by 40 runs.
looking for thh examination results in a The Exeter team was laboring under a
few weeks. we wouldsay the Uistrietnnm disadvantage, owing to many of the beat
her of Goderich is 33. Of Cliuton. which players having other engagements, and
we gave a few weeks ago, is 95. unable to play, Following is the score:—
A smart boy to learn the printing,
15 years of age. Apply at this office.
The First of the Season.
Mr. Wm. White, of Stephen, the
other clay marketed in Exeter a load of
this year's wheat, which weighed 63 lbs.
to the bushel. The average weight of
last year's wheat was 58 lbs.
The Fruit Prospects,
In Huron County the prospects est
s for a
good yield of fruit are meagre, especially
in the lower townships. In the northern
part of the county, howeyer, there is a
better outlook. Early apples are plenti-
ful, while late apples will be a fair yield.
Pears and other small fruits in the north-
ern precincts will yield fairly good, while
in the southern part of the county there
will be a shortage. The cause assigned
is the heavy June irosts, which we ex-
perienced this year.
Electric Storms.
One of the worst thunder storms ex-
perieued this season passed over this
locality on Sundaylast, following one of
the warmest days of the season. Dur-
ing the day the mercury went up to 110°
in the shade, the weather being very
oppressive. In the evening the clouds
gathered 'on all sides and in a few
minutes the sky was one sheet of illum-
ination, while the thunder rolled with
reverberating roar, fairly shaking the
earth. The barn of Mr. Robert Coward,
rented by his son Daniel, of the 9th
concession of Usborne, was burned to
the ground, together with 16 acres of
fall Wheat, two waggons (one a new one)
and other implements. The barn was
insured for $1000, and the crops and
implements were partially insured.
Messrs. Cowards' loss will be consider-
able. There was not a very heavy rain.
i:l. `Cr! eitcf,er'b i Astor!
The cattle buying season is opening up
brisk, The prices are reported good and
grazing land have been excellent for fatten-
ing purposes. In every way this is prov-
ing a profitable year for farriers in this
favored section.
Tho greatest living Organist—Frederic
The man Sande, who assaulted Mr,
Qnatry at Centralia the other tray, was
arraigned before one of the Exeter J. P's
and sent to Goderich for trial. It is possi-
ble that he will get a year, as he is deemed
a dangerous individual.
Whilst getting off the excursion train, at
the Exeter station, on Friday night, as it
was about to move, Mrs. Pollard slipped
and fell under one of the car wheels ; and
had not Mr Knight, who was at hand,
pulled her out, the lady would have been
run over and killed.
Along some of the country roads we
notice that noxious weeds are growing
healthy and strong; and they will soon
defy the roadmaster to exterminate them.
It is a shame that such negligence is per-
mitted unpunished. The township of
Hullett is one of the worst in this respect.
There died in Exeter on Monday last,
Mr. John Brock, at the age of 41 years.
Deceased some weeks ago contracted a
fever from which he never recovered. He
was a native of Devonshire, England, and
came to Exeter a few weeks ago from some
of the eastern townships, and followed the
occupation of a laborer.
A meeting of the creditors of John
Mattice was held on Monday, to make are
rangements for the disposal of the estate.
Liabilities to the amount of $500 were de-
clared, while the assets amounted to $100.
The real estate is covered by mortgage.
It is expected that the estate will not pay
one cent on the dollar.
Tell your friends Frederic Archer is
Farmers in this and adjoining counties
pronounce the growth of the'two•rowed
arley seed importedfrom England by the
Dominion Government a grand success:
The beads are well filled with large bright
grain, which will yield very heavily. It
is a trifle slow in ripening however. The
Reform Press will please make a note of
this and give the government its just dues.
In the township of Hullett this year
eremite MoDanell 7 1, IIyndtnan 2
McIn•yre. h McDono'I 11 b llyndman t
:Maxwell. b IlyYnndman =2 b McBonell 3
Marston. b McDenell 0 b McDonell 11
Rice,b Ilyndman 1 b llyndman 3
Gurney. run out 4 b MoDonoll 0
Adams b McDonoll 0 b McUonell
Chambers. b Iivndman 2 b McDonoA 0
Butcher. e Elliot 2 run out 9
Riley b McDouell 5 not out 10
White, not out 6 1 b w 1
Extras 14 Extras 13
Total 74 Total 63
P. Elliot, bChambers 12 oMein tyro 16
H.MyndntanbMcIntyro 3 b Maxwell e
J. Elliot, b McIntyre 0 b Maxwell 2
McDonell, run out 0 b Maxwell 5
J Eyndman. b McIntyre 3 b Maxwell 6
Bissett, a McIntyre 4 not out 6
Remington, b Milntyre. 0 b Chambers e
Farncombe, b McIntyre. 2 o Butoher. 3
Anderson, b Chambers 7 b McIntyre 3
Carling, b Chambers 5 c Maxwell 2
Karam. not out 0 lb McIntyre 1
Extras 3 Extras 12
Total 39 Total 58
We Are No
.'ire to
which it
Sing ; for
ed until
p go
The Following Lines at GREAT REDUCTIONS.
Dress Goods,.
Curtains, Tweeds,
Gloves, Hosiesy,
Millinery, etc,
Mr. Cooper, of Clinton, was in town
for a few days during this and last week.
On Sunday he addressed the Sunday
School of the Main-st Methodist church.
- -Miss Maggie White has returned home
from her visit to Sarnia, Windsor and
other places.—Miss Gibson, of Goderich,
who has been visiting friends in town
for some time, returned home on Mon-
day.—Mrs. P. Frayne, . is visiting her
parents at London. --Mr. John Farmer
has returned from his trip to Dakota.
He reports crops as being good in Man-
itoba, while inDakota there is very little
land producing good crops. He says
that our Canadian Northwest is destined
to become a great country and that
people are now beginning to realize it.—
Mr. Will. Fairley, of Seaforth, is visit-
ing friends in town.—Miss A. L. Crocker,
milliner, of Blyth, is spending her va-
cation with her parents here.—Mr. Jno.
Yule is visiting friends in Whitby.—Miss
Carrie Drew, who has been visiting
friends in. Florence for the past few
weeks, has returned home.—Mr. Robb.
Leathorn, of Exeter, will leave for the
there is very little wheat. Owing to the Old Country shortly with a shipment of
fat cattle.—Mr. John J. White
partial failure of crops for the past few , type•
years the farmers had given their atten-
tion to stock raising and grew very little Central R. R., Detroit, is at present vis-
wheat. At present, since this year's crops itBmghis has reats returned.i toown. Mr. Meas
have turned out so well, they are displeas
ed with themselves for having forsaken the Sarah Halls, of Elimvilie,, who has been
wheat. In all probability there will be a visiting friends in Chicago for some
great area sown this fall, time returned home on Friday. She
A l3ovsis$oLD REMEDY.—In another was accompanied by her sister-in-law,
column will be found the adye?tisement of Mrs. Samuel Halls, of Chicago. -Mr.
Messrs. Davis & Lawrence Co. Perry and Mrs. L H. Spicer arrived in town
Davis' Pain Killer is one of those reliable on Friday and will reside here for some
remedies that have stood the test of time. time: Mrs. S. is in poor health.—Miss
It is known all over the world and no well Mary Grigg ]eft yesterday for Perth,
regulated household can afford to be with- where she will spend a few weeks with
out it. It is especially good in cases of her brother, Rev. Ernest Grigg,—Miss
Canadian choleic and bowel complaints. Fannie Bawden is at preshnt visiting
All dtuggists sell it. friends in;Goderich.—Lawyer Cowan, of
The Ladies' Aid Society of Caven Pres- Sarnia, is the guest of Dr. Lutz,—Mr.
n church a i evet 's en a eav d e o is wee:
We are Showing GREAT A U
Of (*old Watches .has been a
most gratifying success and
we return thanks to our
Exeter customers for their
liber;ll patronage.
We have just received a
large consignment of tine
preseutltion goods in the
shape of gold and silver head-
ed Canes and Umbrellas.
Send for prices.
A. 1IORk'HY aC: (O.,
Cor. Richmnne and Dundas Sts.,
London, Ont,
Wheat, 'Wheat, `Wheat,
Our roller mill is now in frill and
thorough runningorder, and with a
cal�.'tcity of IWO ushels per day, we re-
tluir,sa largo tluantity, of good wheat axed
can always pay the highest marketprice.
Bran and shorty always on hand. and
farmers from a. distance can depend on
getting a load hone with them. Crista
exchanged without delay and entisfactiun
guaranteed in every ease.
bytetia h haveengaged the roller W'll L t p t f d y f th 1
rink for their annual, entertainment, which in Galt. -Miss Ida Gould spent the fore
will be held on Wednesday evening next, part of the week in London, visiting
the 13th August. Tea will be provided. friends. -Mr. A. Andrews, of Philadel-
`The rink will be gorgeously;, illuminated phia, is spending a few days with his
and decorated, and the Italian band are to parents in Usborne —Mr John Mattice
be brought out from London to supply the and family are, residing in Port Huron.
musical part of the festivities. The poem- The Misses Drew, of Florence, are the
lar price should matin- fifulln cents, tea guests. of Miss Carrie Drew.—Messrs. L
included—should-ensure a full house. H. Dickson and Chas. McDowell are vis-
Minard's Liniment cures dandruff: itingMr. Diokaon'sfrienclsinPembrooke.
Now Fall Wheats
I e notice that 'The Steele Bros
Seedsmen, Toronto, are offering the follow-
ing new varieties a Canadian 1 Levet Chaff,
Golden Cross, Early Iced Clawson, Jones.
Winter Fyfo, and American Bronze. Send
for a copy of their citcular, it will nay you.
PALL Biters should be selected and planted
during September and October to produce
those handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacinths,
Crocuses, &c., that delight the aye so much
in spring. Send for a copy of The Steele
Bros. Co., Toronto, Autumn Catalog.
the best of things is sound philosophy and sound business
policy. We ma a the best of takings. Za,.
ClQthix .g of all binds ; the best of
coats, the best of vests, the best
--of pantaloons.
e Best lYlaterial,
Best Work,
The Best Pit,
goes with every article we Inake. Nothing can be better
than our goods as nothing eau be better than the best
THE a -i: IR BEST sem:
Additional locals on 4th page.
Thera are 858 names on the Clinton list
for 1890, of whom 289 are qualified as
jurors. On Goderich township list, 845,
of whom 402 are entitled to serve as jurors.
The employes of the Verity foundry,
after a couple of weeks vacation, are at
work again, and the celebrated plows are
being turned out with usual rapidity.
Farmers' Excursion to Manitoba and the
North West on August 12th, 19th, and
Sept. 2nd, Call and secure your tickets
from Capt. George Kemp, Town Ticket
Agent, Grand Trunk R'y., Exeter.
Mr. T. A. Stewart, of the Big Bankrupt
Store, has desposited with the editor of the
Tures, the sum of $100, the reward offered
in his advertisement It is so long since
we have seen that amount of money,�that
we are thinking of "digging out."
It may have escaped the notice of many
of our readers that we have had two full
moons in July this year, and yet this is of
such rare occurrence that no less than fifty
years have elapsed since the same circum-
stance has happened.
County Master A. M. Todd, of Clinton,
has been presented with the beautiful plush
cover which adorned the horse he rode on
the 12th. Bros. T. C. Doherty and Geo.
Hanley; sr., were the pritne movers in get-
ting up the handsomely trimmed robe.
A meeting 'of the Quarterly Board of the
Main-st Meth. church was held on Monday
evening, and was of a very interesting
character. The Board passed a resolution
memorai'izing the General Conference to
make some change in the manner of raising
the Superannuation fund ; and also to pro-
vide for Quarterly Boards being heard by
the stationing committee. It was recom-
mended that a small raise be made in the
minister's salary.
A musical treat—Frederic .Archers' Re-
See posters and ask G: T. R. agents
about the cheap excursion to Grimsby and
Falls, on Aug. 16th. Tieketsfrom'Exeter
and Clinton, etc. $2, good for four days.
Plenty' of time at Niagara and splendid
program at Grimsby. Tourists from
Exeter and north. can remain for Dr.
Talmage's lecture at 2,30 p. m. on the 19th
and return to London on their excursion
of our success lies in the increasing patronage of talose
who are the best dressed in the community. :if
you want the best you eau get it of us as r
cheaply as you can get the not best
elsewhere, and we would advise
those who are in need of a ready—
made or made to order suit to inspect our
largo and varied stock before going elsewhere. °
:0. r
In the matter of catocEnnos Ivo do the very best.
In Sugar—For Quam.tity, Quality, and
'rioe we Have no equal.
When party politics run high bad feelirg
and bad. blood are often caused, hut all par-
ties agree that when bad blood arises from
ordinary causes the only satisfactory cure is
Burdock Blood Bitters, nature's blood puri.
der. Recommended by the medical pro'
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
P. S. --We have the best 25c. JAPAN TEA in town.
Sample free.
C. 33,
terPersonalattention given to repairing of
watohes,olooks andiewelry:
Opposite Post Office. PARKHILL
Cash For
A. Q. BOBIER, having leased Drew's
Block, will be pleased to pay
Agents Wanted.
If yon want to make MONEY, take hold
and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is the
time, write us at once for terms.
Nurserymen. Rochester. N: Y.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
Q-3:1•1'2ER, ETO.,
Office. Upstairs. Samwell's Block, Exeter. Ont
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hair cutting in the Iate%
style of the art. a`.
Every attention paid to cutting
at all . Q. times fornOS�ERi butter and eggs. LQQilSana (yi hiI w'ren's Hair.
May 1st, '90. • Drew's Block, Eketer. alEATDnivis
Great Bargains
Cheap CASH Store,
The . undersigned will sell Dry Goods,
Groceries,Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc.,
at a great reduction, for Oast:, or Butter
and Eggs. As he expects there will be a
change in the business. on September lst,
all accounts must be settled before that
Also a first-class farm for sale, contain-
ing 90 acres, with a first-class brick -yard
For further particulars apply to
June '19•—'3m. Cees vox.
Prints and
Dress Goods
all marked down to meet the hard times
We Lead in Teas
Pure Spices and Fresh
Cheap Sugars &Gc°
DOUPE & CO, I�ir ton,