The Exeter Times, 1890-8-7, Page 5I-1AREWARE PI?ii4E1TIEs Ly Down in Prin. Common Sense, Red Star, Blue Ribbon Flax, Binding twines. ORDERST4KEN NOW 'epao aeriiteng, secured apractical tinsmith we are now prepared to take work. In eavetroughing,furnace, rooting or repairs. Vow o4 Milk Cans, and Tinware of every description. Daisy - Chnrus, Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed Wires, i`aila, Looks, litnges,'Faints and Ofle. Ur.era clow taken for Chestnut blacksmith and stove coma, for Carly delivery. GROCERIES --Stock com- plete. Produce taken in exchange. W.H. Moncur, Jas. N, Huard, lfatteger, Proprietor. Mr. K. Brooke, son of Mr. D. Brooke, of Branttord, got kris hand caught in the lawn -mower Wednesday whilst try- ng to remove a piece of stick from the blades. One finger was broken and another almost: cut off. The gas well at Kingsville, Essex, still keeps up its deafening roar, and it is reported that the force Is greater than when the vein was first struck, It will be piped immediately to Kingsville and probably to Leamington. The mortality atatiatiea published by the Dominion Department of Agricul. tura show that in twelve months, end- ing Deo. 31 last, there were 480 deatha of illegitimate children in Montreal, against 413 in all the rest of the country. NEWS NOTES. Cbas, Weeks, of Armour tp., while hunting, was killed by the premature discharge of his rifle. It is ex:stetted soft coal from the Dolornhne mines will be laid down in Winnipeg next winter at $5.50 per ton. Dr. Barnardo is in Toronto trying to defend the system of exporting cbil. dren from the British alums to Canada. Little Ella Northcott, of Alossley, who unfortunately got her foot taken off by a mower, is rapidly recovering. A young man named Elvin, of Yar- mouth Center, fell from a tree an Monday and broke Ills ;right shoulder bone Miss Jennie Hartman, of Alertztown, ,Pre,, shot herself dead the other day betause of fears of hydrophobia: Her pet dog had bitten her. Floods caused by the recent overflow of the Pei UUo River, China, isolated Tiensin for sever days, destroying all the roads in the district. A report from the city of Mexico states that the castle of Chapult city, one of the grandest and most impoatng atrcctures in the world, is about to be sold to Jay Gould for $5,000,000 for a winter residence. A t Boston. Sunday afternoon, Chas. McCaffrey, the Canadian bridge jumper, jumped iron the Shears, at the Atlan- tic works, East Boston, into the water, a distance of 150 feet and was killed, !xctcr MilUng Coq, At San Francisco on Thursday the Blythe will case which began July 15, 1889, ended in a decision in favor of Florence, the illegitimate child of Thomas H. Blythe, the deceased mil- lionaire, awarding her the bulk of the estate valued at about $4,000,000, Topeka, Kaki, Aug. I --..'rhe special agent of the State Board of Agriculture brings the gloomy reports of the crop proapects in the northwestern part of the State. tae is preparing a circular urging the farmers to save themselves from total loby planting a second crop of corn, dllitlet or cane. Patrick McGuire, ot con. 9, Bleulhoinr, recently killed, in the viclahty of the "Swamp of Death," a large blowing adder, fully as large as a man's arm, with scales as large .as those of a mod- erate sized fish, This is the third 01 this kind killed in Haat vicinity lately., Jas. Couph, Teeswater, has a singular freak of nature in his possession, con- sisting of a fragment of a chicken hatched from an egg which at the same time'pro.lueed a live chicken. The oddity consists of two well developed legs and feet, and part of the body well covered with feathers, Many estimates have been elven of the loss of life by the great flood at Johnston, Pa„ but all were more or less wide of the mark. Now, fourteen months after the flood, the number is given at 2137, but even these figures cannot be vouched for, over two hun- dred bodies still being uuaccountedfor. That Canada should in any way be consulted in the Behring Sea matter is what appears to gall the American politicians and newspapers, but as Canada includes the better half of the continent, she should carry more weight with the Imperial authorities than New York newspapers which are written for the mob. A special from Santa Fe says that the White Cap organ.aation near Las Vegas, N. M., whose on'rages were re• cently called to the attention of the Secretary of the Interior, has become so bold in its depredations that the Governor has issued a proclamation catling upon it to disband, and declares that if it does not he will order out the militia and even call upon the 11 S. troops. Special despatches from various points in Western Kansas state that hot winds of the past three days have materially reduced the already low condition of Crops in that part of the State. The winds have literally cooked the corn until many fields will not yield n single ear. In the dry spots of the State the winds have also burned up the grass. The Lincoln woollen mills, at Omaha, were burned on Saturday. Loss $70,- 000; insurance $15,000; S. G. Alitchell was struck by a bale of goods, knocked out of a second -storey window and re- ceived serious injury. Estimated public debt reduction in the States $400,000 during the month. Last July there was an increase of $1,000,000, and in August last the in- crease was $6,000,000, all on account of heavy pension payments. In Yokahama, according to advices received at San Francisco, the total number of cholera cases up to July ] 1 had increased to two hundred and thirty-one, and one hundred and four. teen deaths are reported. The tug Seagull has arrived at Bay City, Mich., from Bruce Mines, Canada, witb a raft of 13,223 pieces. This is the largest raft ever brought into the Saginaw Valley and the voyage was made without losing a log. The Santa Fe train from the South was oheld up" Wednesday. night near Trinidad, Col, The engineer and fire- man were wounded but managed to keep control ot the train while the would•be robbers escaped. It is reported that throughout a large portion of South Dakota the crops are in almost as poor a condition as they were last year. The grain is barned, blistered and:withered to the very root. eja North Dakota, is is said; the crop teeituation is almost as Lad. One argument in favor of vegetarian- ism is that nine children out of ten will if offered fruit or meat instantly choose the fruit, proving that this is the na- tural food of our species. A starving child locked up with a young goat would never think of killing and eating the other kid.' A Niagara, Ont:, despatch says two ladies were,One, yesterday in the river at Youngstowe, N. Y. Mrs. Roesor, her sister, Miss Anderson; and Mr. Roesor. were bathing; and the two ladies getting beyond their depth were drowned. Mr. Roesor is a school teacher near Woodstock, Ont. An interesting return, madeup. in. the inland revenue office, shows that there are 79 persons in Great Britain who pay tax on incomes exceeding £50,000 per annum,. The total aggre, gate amount of income thus assessed exceeds £8,000,000. In Ireland there • is only one taxpayer whose inoowe az• needs £50,000. He is returned at the date "et £76,349, and he last year eon- tributed to the Imperial revenue the sure of £1,908. Various names are guessed at as being that. of this dis- tinguished citizen. MARKET REPORTS. Wheat . , 90c. to 95e. per bush. OUR SELLING MUCUS. Flour,. , . $2 CO per 100. do Low. Grade .. 1 50 than . , ,.. ,.. 70c. Altddlings .. .. .. 90c, Screening .90c. Chop , , .,, Sl 15 to 1 2ai5 tt tt st at Delivered to any part of the town. Order left at R. Hicks' Jewellery Store, or by telephone, promptly filled and delivered. Chop stone running every day, irrTERAIS CASH. TILE EXETER, 111ILLING' Coy NARYT RE] tarry. r^xEwelt; lied Wltest «. 99to00 92 Spring Wneet .,, ... 00 00 to 00 92 Barley -„ 45 to 9050 40 to 42 800 to 325 1 50 co 2 00 55 to GO 0 40 to 51 15 to 15 12 to 013 00to516 70 to 0 7¢ 100tolt0 9 Ito 050 006 to 0 07 008 to 10 0 06 to 0 07 025 to 030 453 toru00 400 to525 200 to 250 354 to 390 060 to 20 050 toe% a18to020 600 *07 09 050to0CSi 250to3o0' Clover 83ed Timothy " Peas Corn Eng Butter Flonrperbbl •... kotatoes,per bushel Apples,per Dag PrladApnleepr b Geese per lb, Turkey per lb Pucks per lb Chickensperpr Ro&4.dresaedper1C0 Beef Men of Extraordinary Nerve and Firmness of Ptlrpoee Amongst men who have forced their way to fame and fortune. we may name, as an example to all, worthy of imitation, the fatuous and, justly celebrated Thomas Holloway, better known throughout the "wide, wide world" for hie P'itlaand flint• meut. Of ;hese medicines it is not onr purpose to speak.. we ate not writing puts. but solid plain facts, to show what cau be done by great strength of mind ; and that what two man has done another may do, provided that ho Lai the ability and de- termination to use it with alt his soul ! We+read of the Great Napoleon, wltase ambition was to conquer elle world, but Holloway has done sowetbigg Glee, for, instead of slhudding wane of human blood, he leas cured his tboueands, and spread great joy amoug the peer Sons and daughters of aiilictiou by his wonderful medicines ; and, :although lie aloes not pretend to "raise the dead," yet be bas given streugth to the halt and soundness to the lame ; and if he has not "opened the eyes of the blind," he baa soothed the paiu-Ivorn, and comforted those on the briuk of the grave; and in the four quarters of the globe hie preparations have found their way -suet by the force of the sword, uat meth the aid of legiaaa, but have teen silently borne on the bosom of ole (mean in onr huge merchant fillips to svery earlier of the civilized world where suffering man ie to be found. But to de all this gigantic work, 10 ac- COUIP1uh ao vrouderous a dee.1, required much thought and mace energy, for without thoPe eombined, tbls mighty work could not bate been aceomplisihed. And thus he did it. There is at wino saving, "Dou't spare printer's ink!" and Holloway spared neither "printer's ink," nor vast piles of the erect. ouanietal, gold. He advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized uetions- and whether you go auto France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Donmark, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, $witzortaud-uay, wo might say all the kingdoms of the world- and in a thousand tougaol they talk of "Holloway's Pills1"-in a thousand lenge. ages they utter "Holloway's Ointment !" We are filled with boundlesswonder and astonishment that ono man, one mind, one bead, could plan and devise all this ; and we say that, if one man has realy done so there must be some wonderful curative pro- perties about his Pills and Ointment --Poet Uloao'a Historical Notices. The annual report of the Marine De- partment of Canadian shipping is out. There are 7,153 ships registered, an in- crease of eleven vessels, but a decrease in tonnage of 49,]61. The value of the total tonnage is estimated at $31,213.- 000. Of 10,469 steamships registered in the world, 5,934sai1 under the Brit- ish flag. There are 12,053 British sail. ing vessels out of 37,955 to the world - The total tonnage of the world is 18,- 917,000, of which the British have 8,- 735,000. Of the four principal prov- inces. Nova Scotia has 2,855 vessels and 91 steamers. Quebec, 1,455 and 304, Ontario, 1.355 and 689, and New Brunswick 1.013 and 91 steamers. Ontario politicians must highly prize the honor of a seat in the Provincial Legislature, or they would not go to the expense and worry of so many law- suits to establish a claim to the dis- tinction. The truth appears to be that the best claim a man can make to a shrievalty, registrarsbip, or some other of the numerous county offices under Government in Ontario, is to win a seat in the Legislature till a vacancy occurs. When that event occurs the member can always have it for himself or one of his friends. Hence it appears that the desire to serve the people in the Local Parliament arises leas from patriotic motives than from a cool cal- culation on the certain eventualities of success. Nearly every holder of a fat office served his apprenticeship for it in the assembly. Certainly in Domin- ion affairs, members of Parliament have the inside track in the disposal ot patronage. The bench itself gets some of its ablest recruits from the ministry, both parties being equally partial to the system of rewarding merit within their own ranks. Perhaps this is only natural. At least itmay be said that these appointees rise on the good will ot the people. Thai distention of the stomach which many people feel after eating, may be duo to improper mastication of the food ; but, in most oases, it indicates a we akness of the, digestive organs, the best remedy for which is one of Ayer's Pills, to bo taken situ. dinner. Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, One of these pads will kill more flies every day for a month than can be caught noon a Largo sheet of Pticlty paper. A 100packet of Wilson's Fly Poison Pads will last a whole season, Sold by all druggists. TROUBLE AT MELITA. Mrs. W• H.:grown of Melita, Mau s ares that two of her °hiliren and two ethers belonging to a neighbor, 'were .otrod, of the worst form of sums er Complaint b',v one bottle of Dr. Fowler's' Ofxtractof wild, Strew - berry, nsfure'e'Specific 'for all summer cow= plum te. • HISTORY OF' 15 YEARS. For fifaeon years we have used Dr, r, w- tor's'Extruet of 5aild Strawberry as a family medicine for sumiher mii:plaint:4 end di. arrl.oer,'and we never I�a1 no thing to equal it. We highly . 'e.mtuei d it. Sesame WEBB, Corbett, Ont.. English Spaviu Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bono, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort. and. Swollen Throat, Connie otc. Savo $50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful 131emish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Shan Baby was sick. we gave her Coatorla. When she was a Child. she cried for Castorfa. When sho became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When sho had Children, sho gave them Castor* ADVICE TONATHEas.-Areyon dtatnrmadat nightaud broken of your rest by a silk child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of"S1rs.Winslow'aSoothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrolieve the poor little sufferer im mediately 1ionendupon it, mothers ; there ie L:. mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Boweis,oiires Wind Collo, softens the Gums. reduces lnflammeMon , and gives tone and energy to the whole system. •Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasantto the taste audit; the prescription of one of the oldest and best female pbysiciane and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs WINBLow'8 la"oTHINO, ir.rtuP "and n0 other incl. OW we We we WO we PeM sea W. ea▪ , we fee MI We We we ow gidesrongh, .» .,. dressed We een $beepseins smelt M Calfskin' Wool perib Ray porton - Onionsoerbush' .. Woodporcord ... ST:748aire 8 Fait Wheat ,., 090 097 Spring Wheat .... 0 t51 0 92 Barney „ . 030 0 42 Oats .., . ,,,,... 0 38 z 40 Clover Seed ,.• '1PO3 iii Titnotlty .......•............" .... 2 CO 4 00 Peas 0-53051 'hatter a2 013 "5 Sse Q 55 Potatoes per bag Apples per bush Woolper lb 20 020 liaypertoq. 5 ro 6s I Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts ", "" ,.... 20 00 2400 Ratrneelperbbl...... . .. 0 00 7 00 There is more fun in a sheet of sticky fly paper than in the average negro minstrel. 1'Vatoh the kitten playing with it on the new carpet ; the latter is ruined forever; the kitten goes into a fit and all the women and children rush out of the house in terror. If you want to rid your house of flies buy Wilson's Fly Poison Pads, and use as directed• Nothing else will clear them out thoroughly, Sold at 10c. by all druggists. The total gold exports to Europa this week from New York were 26,475,000 ORIGIN 01' SWEARING. The brother of the fairy Pari Banou was only thirty inches high. His beard was tbirty-two feet long and extended horizon- tally in front of bin as he walked. Re invented swearing to express bis feelings wnen poor biscuits were set on hie table. His wife oonld always make bisenit to please him'by using Imperial Cream Tartar Bak - i ig Powder. The Norwegian barque Lloyd, with four- teen man on board, was lost on a voyage from Cabe to Philadelphia. ' A TRAVELLER'S EXPERIENCE. Mr. Wm. Leavitt, representing Messrs Ames Holden & Co„ Montreal, states :- Nasal Balm is the best preparation on earth for cal arrh, my own case being ot, the worst kind'; 'and after trying every remedy offered wet oat relief, I; was induced to try Nasal Balm, which afforded immediate relief. The x pal manner it relieves stoppage and s o„ ging of the nasal passages, stops tl e droppings .of poisonous secretion from the held into the throat, is truly wonderful, and should be kniown to' every sufferer from catarrah or cold in the head. ' 0, 0 RICHARDS & Co Gents; -1 • have used. your MINAF•D'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe itthe best medicine in the mer- . ket as it does all itis recommended to do. Canaan Forks, N B -DANIEL' KIER°TEA», John Mader, Mahone Bay; informs. us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by using MINARDS LINT• MENT. LONDON, Wheat, 91e to Zi per bus. Oa,"s, 42o to 44eer bus. Peas, 60te to 01c per bus. liar= ler.1ttlting.4s to -*Soper bus. Barley Feed, 3?io tomo per bus Cern. 40e to 4, to Per bushel. TORONTO. • Tin:onto Aug 1;. --Wheat Spring- No 2 ;":e tot•ie per bus; redwinter.Ne ":.i":lotel 04per bus. Manitoba No.1 bard.1 15 to 1 19 +lo ° 1 13 to 1 14 : PEAS C8' to 09c per bus. "OATS 49c tn.51c per bus. FLOUR. extra.84•20 to ""44',:., per blit- straight roller. „ishan- s•rengbakor:,'4,04 to $4.t0. BAIILEI. No .1. ,c tc 58s : No 3 extra. 51e to 5.;0 ; No 3. 43c to1'a. All Men yonw, old, or raiddle•aged, who tInd them selves nervous, weak and eabaasted, who arolaroken down tram eaeess or over+verk, requiting in many of the follnwiugeymptems Mental alepreasina, premature old ag9, lass of vitality. loss of memory, Ida drrama. diwucsa of sight, palpitation of the heart, omissioue, lark at energy, pain in the Lal - mos, laea•laehe, pimple= on the face or batty. itching or reenter sensation about the scrotum. wasting ot the organs, diezinees, ttet•oka before the oyes, twitching of the muscles, Aye lids and elsewhere, baelatul- nese. depetits in the urine, lova of will passer tenderness of tht+ scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness at hearing. loss of s. ice, desire for solitude, excitability of teuhper,sunken eyes surround- ed with leaden circle, oily looking rkin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless oured. The apring or vital force having lost Its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who throitfrh abuso committed in iguoranco may be permanently enred. Send your address for b:eok on all diseases peculiar to man, Address M. V. Lubin, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Out. Books sent tree sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which aro faint spell°, purple lips, numb- ness, palpitation. ekiu beats. bot fiashes, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, ole., can posi- tively be enred. No erre, un pay. Send for book. :Ultima M. V. Luuoi, 50 Frout Street East, Toronto, Out. THE ROOT OF EVIL. Dyspepsia and constipation are the sources of various diseases, but root and branoh may be removed by using Burdock Blood Bitters according to directions. Itis endorsed by the press, the public and the profession, and cannot be excelled for the cure of con- stipation, dyspepsia and all diseases arising therefrom. CONSUMPTIONCURED1 An old physician retired from Practice, hay ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and ail nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases.has felt it his duty to make is known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive aha a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. the reoipo. in German. Fronoh or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sant by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this pa• ter . W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers' Block. RoohY. - !anaI tc:! 0 0 lJ SAY Y You may look at this Wo G ea a is and smile but the Store that has the Sign of the Big �^7Elle-h* Elephant is the place to get'*your done if you want a job that will give you good satisfaetion and at right prif:e. We are showing Something New in This Lin and ary person that has any trou2bin„ to ,lo it will be to their own interest to call on me before placing their order en anything es tide line. I lead -•let these fellow who can. I always carry a fiJI stock of the EST! TINWARE RE in town and all new goads. If to a want a g. n.i Pi,t Si:ltVIM; KETTLE don't pµ;: by before :seeing the One stos:tt. I have on l,an:--all the let .st stelae. THL BEST YET TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- inns at any price ; Pantings at any price Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave yourorders early, for. with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook . of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfac- tion A. 3. ENELL. 0. vinias ;P' LLi t. ; s trf' I. I. 1 U 1 CII 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 t1 Hit 11 11 11 11 t '1 1 L 4 It wilt be to your interest to call on us before buying yaurDuilding .tlardwttro. .belt bardwate, oil, and annealed, galvanized t,uc'ktlloru tarb wire, First.olase tinware. No two and a half years stir fl wore gootals to a. fl;,s. ARTISTS'.. I.I ,��A1.SA BR.JSKES Baby Carriages and Wagons. , iavetroughing a speciality. Agents for the Raymond. Sewing Machines. A call solicited. t BISSETT B ROS, NOTIOE. .d Fresli, and New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A. beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with one lb, Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: tensing elsewhere. G. .A..F3YND MAN. OEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er, the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exetei. C LUTZ. OUE Spring ;; Stock ---IS— C OMPLETE Eyes 1 emoted FREE .c1. S�ZT,RA-5f'i Practical Optician, • Graduate Otic School 11,7 Eyes tested; defective sight restored bythr aid of fine gloss"s. Large assortment of tht ftnestglasscsonband. AoalIeolicited. E! 6. M t7 RRAY , 1.60 London. W.H.TROTT Boob Shoe Mak:r Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones Sewed WorkaSDecialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT.. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY 'Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Sh irtings, Cottenad es and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. WE OFFER THE Soot Value ix). Teas in the country. Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries n d Cheap Sugars Call and see. The prices will astonish you. J. P. ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov. 13,1889. FIRST-CLASS FU R NITURE AT LOWER RATES THAA SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD --- -THEN CALL AT- GIDLEy'S —ONLY FIRST -GLASS - Reliable Good — At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undert i ing in all its. Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C & fl. Willey) ODD FELLOWS' BLOOS:.